35x06 - Driving Head On Into Scooters

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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35x06 - Driving Head On Into Scooters

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on

The Amazing Race

Ten teams

raced to Jaipur, India.

-Let's go.

-Come on, come on,

-come on, come on.

-Go, go, go, Dad.

Corey dropped into last place

at the Roadblock

but made a comeback

with his dad at the Detour

to stay in the race.

You are team number six!

Robbin and Chelsea's silence

Don't say anything.

- Pretend like you don't see 'em.

- This way, this way, guys?

- spoke volumes

to Todd and Ashlie.

- This way?

Ooh, they didn't help.

A dramatic race

to the Pit Stop

-Get around them.

Get around them.

-Fast, fast, fast.

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

Fast, fast.

-Go all the way.



-Come on!

-We have to beat them!

ended in heartbreak

for Joe and Ian.

You have been eliminated

from the race.

It was a rough day for us.

Steve and Anna Leigh

won the leg

and are now getting ready

for their U-Turn vote.

We know we've got

a target on our back.

-We're just gonna keep doing

the best we can do.

-That's right.

Here at the Pit Stop,

teams will cast their mandatory

U-Turn votes to determine

who will have to complete both

Detours on the upcoming leg.

All right.

All right, very cool.

The infamous U-Turn.

Steve and Anna Leigh,

they just finished

first in this last round

and they've been consistently

being really, really good.

Now, Robbin and Chelsea,

they've been performing

pretty well

in the last couple legs.

And I can't see them

as a team that's gonna

be willing to help us

in the future.

- I agree.

- All right.

So, are we feeling

Robbin and Chelsea?

All right,

let's lock it in, bro.

Okay, so I'm thinking

Steve and Anna Leigh,

because if they do come for one

of the top two teams right now,

we'll at least have some

padding of giving them a vote.

Sorry, Steve and Anna Leigh.

Good luck.

It might be

a smart decision to go

for somebody that we know

is behind us right now.

Morgan and Lena

we know are behind us.

-That's a short-term plan.


Thinking a better

long-term plan is somebody

who's gonna

hurt us in the finale.

-I don't even

have a question in my mind

-We'll slow 'em down.

-who it's gonna be.

-I don't have a question either.

Go with our plans. Drop it.

Hasta la vista.

Greg and John.

Steve and Anna Leigh

has also been at the top.

-Rob and Corey.


-Yeah, they're

-They're like the silent ninjas.

Yeah, they're silent ninjas.

Rob and Corey--

they're, like, consistently

always in the front.

-Robbin and Chelsea

have gotten first, too.


Initially I wanted

to U-Turn Greg and John.

-But we like them too much.

-However, they're too likable,

and we don't want

to disappoint their mother.

Todd and Ashlie have

been a consideration for us

just because they're so strong.

We've been with Liam and Yeremi.

We've been

with Robbin and Chelsea.


-We choose to U-Turn

Robbin and Chelsea.

-Robbin and Chelsea.

Teams will start their

next leg of the race

here in the Pink City--

at Gatore Ki Chhatriyan.

"Race by taxi

to Famous Nagra Shoe Store,

"number 32 on Hawa Mahal Road,

"and ask the shop owner

for a clue.

-You have a thousand Indian

rupees for this leg." Let's go.

-Let's go.

-We are in first.

-Leaving in first this morning.

Hopefully we stay there

- for a while.

- There's

a U-Turn coming up.

And we've got to have

a target on our back.

Nagra Shoe Store, number 32,

located opposite Hawa Mahal.

Get all that adrenaline flowing

and here we are, sitting.

Now it's pumping through me.

I feel like I could sprint.

- I know I can.

- Oh, God. Please don't.

- I'm not. Mm.

-I don't want to watch that.

I don't

At this point, we're gonna

take it as it comes

and still do our best.

That's the route marker.

Let's get

this thing rolling today.

-What's across the street?

-I don't know,

but look at numbers.

- Number 32 on Hawa Mahal Road.

- Number 32?


Okay, straight ahead. Go.

-There. Look, look, look!


Nagra Shoe.

Jaipur. I don't see a number.

It's locked.

-Number 32.

That's the one we need.

-Number 32, you go

It's across from Hawa Mahal.

Yes. Hawa Mahal.

Let's go. We got a ways to go.

This is ass.

Why did our taxi drop us off

at the wrong damn place?

"Race by taxi

to Famous Nagra Shoe Store."

-All right. Let's do it.

-Let's do it.

We are thankfully

leaving in second place today,

which is the leg

to leave in second place,

with the U-Turn coming up.

- Hey, hey.

- Namaste.

- Namaste.

Last leg, we spent

time in palaces and forts.

I think today we might

be more in the city center.

We've been loving

the animals we've been seeing.

We've seen cows, elephants,

dogs, cats,

donkeys, birds.

Love to see them.

-We love to see a random camel.


Everything's freakin' shoes.


Thank you, sir.

Get your ass over here.

"Use a telescoping monocular

to search the windows

of the Hawa

for the location."

Hawa Mahal is known

as the crown jewel of Jaipur.

It is among the most

Instagrammed buildings in India.

It was built with 953 windows

so royal ladies could

look out to observe festivals

and everyday life

in the streets.

Teams will now

look into these windows

using a telescoping monocular

to find their next clue.

- Use a monocular.

- Where's a monocular?


We can only use one?

Thank you.

Just search the windows.

We have to stay on this side.

"When you think you've found it,

travel there on foot."

So out of focus.

Twist it if you can, Dad.

I'm twisting, girl.

It was very, very blurry.

It was rudimentary.

It was like something you saw

It was old school, for sure.

Okay, give it to me.

-We're wasting time.

-Try. You can try all you want.

We feel like we're probably not

the biggest target for a U-Turn.

It's possible we got some votes,

but I don't feel like

we got the most votes.

We really do feel like

we fit well in India

with his beautiful beard

and my mustache that is

- like some of the great

mustaches we've seen here.

- Yeah.

Everywhere we go, we see

a man with a beautiful mustache

that gives Smithe

a high five, says,

"Yes, nice mustache."

Fast, fast.

-Just get a different one.

-No, I got this one.

I pulled this whole front out.

Right there.



P-O-L-L number two.

At J-A-L-E.



Do you know?

U-D-A-I. Poll number two.

-Okay. Thank you.


All right, let's go.

Let's go!

Let's go. Come on, let's go.

-Pink City is where it's at.

This is our leg.


We're feeling really good,

well-rested, excited.

Andrea doesn't snore,

so that's good.

I'm getting my sleep.

- We're in our city.

- This is our leg.

Come on, lady. Are you serious?


Oh, my goodness. Is she serious?

This is kind of scary.

-All right. Ready to do it?

-Those look like shoes.


Thank you.

Route Info.

"Use a telescoping monocular."



I'm seeing nothing right now.

I think the hard part is just

gonna be getting it in focus.

- You want to try it?

- Sure.

It was this little pocket lens

that would just extend out.

Oh, yeah. There we go. Hold up,

hold up. We got something.

I think we got something.

All right, go for it.


Uh, U-D-A-I.


"When you think you've

found your next destination,

travel there on foot."

All right, so, now we g

we need to go there.

Thank you so much.

Nama Uh, dhanyavaad.

There it is.

- Excuse us. Sorry.

- Coming through.



"Choose any marked

electric rickshaw

and push it free

from the marked lot."

Almost a quarter

of the eight million rickshaws

in India are electric,

and that number

is rapidly increasing every day.

Most drivers are men. However,

Pink City Rickshaw Company is

on a mission to change all that.

Every one of their drivers

are women,

and they all drive electric.

Teams will get a chance to

ride in one to pick up a clue.

But first,

they have to help their driver

get their rickshaw

out of this parking nightmare.

"Travel on your rickshaw

to the spice shop

to you find your next clue."

Let's go.


You got to find a marked one.

Find somebody fast.

Rickshaw, rickshaw.

Hon, they're all back here,

while we go.

Here's one right here.

This here.

"You must push any rickshaws

blocking your path

out of the way."

Push this one.

Those rickshaws

weren't that heavy.

Let's get her through.

She can come right through here.

-Okay. Get her

-Dad. Get this, Dad.

Get this one out of the way.

Get this one out of the way.

- All right. The guy right here.

- I think I see a way out.

We can cut a Red Sea

through there.

Two more.

We have a U-Turn coming up.

It's got, I think,

everyone on edge, a bit.

Heat tends to make me irritable,

so that's always a plus.

We've been together for so long,

I know how to deal with her.

Um, she knows

how to deal with me.

Um, we make a good team.

Push this one backwards.

- One more.

- Get him out of the way.

All right, let's get her.

Let's get her.

We just cleared the way.

Okay, let's go.

"Travel in your rickshaw

to SD Masala Spice Shop

to find your next clue."

The votes are in.

When teams arrive here,

they'll find out

if they've been U-Turned,

forcing them to perform

both sides of the Detour.

Every second counts,

at this point.

Especially if we get U-Turned.

We're on our sixth leg

of The Amazing Race.

This is incredible.

And we've got that U-Turn coming

up, so that is definitely

gonna shake things up.

Come on, Malaina.

"Use a telescoping monocular."

So Philly's right here.

-This must be it.

-All right.

Let's go.

Turn that bottom knob.

I see something

in the middle, Smithe.

Oh, is it in the middle?

Look at in the middle.

Fifty, 50, 49 is

- There it is,

that's it. Oh, ma'am, ma'am!

- That's 49, right here.

- Forty-nine, spice shop,

right here. U-Turn.

- Let us out. No.

Me and you are on the U-Turn.

- It is?

- Yeah.

Oh, my God.

-So stressful.

-Well, get un-stressful.

-We're fixin' to do a U-Turn.

-I know that.

Okay, well, you fired up

ain't gonna help us.

We knew that we were

gonna be on the U-Turn thing

but I'm stressed and I'm mad.

We choose to U-Turn

Steve and Anna Leigh.

Steve and Anna Leigh.

Sorry, Steve and Anna Leigh.


Steve and Anna Leigh.

-Steve and Anna Leigh.

-Steve and Anna Leigh.


- Right there.

- Okay.

Okay. Detours. "Bundles

and Bricks." We have to do both.

Part of the sensory overload

experienced here in India

is the abundance

of decorative flowers that are

an integral part of the Hindu

religion and on sale

at colorful markets like this.

This Detour requires teams

to bundle up a variety

of Navrang flowers,

just as the locals do.

After packing

their rickshaws to the gills,

they must deliver flowers

to two different temples,

collecting a receipt

at each one.

After returning to the market

and handing their receipts

to the flower vendor,

they'll pick up a clue.

There are good reasons

why bricks

are the number one

building material in Jaipur.

They're durable,

energy efficient

and environmentally sustainable.

This Detour requires teams

to pick up bricks,

sand and gravel.

Then, using a cycling rickshaw,

negotiate the congested

streets of Jaipur

before dropping off

their building supplies

at a construction site.

After returning their delivery

receipt to the supplier,

they'll get their next clue.

Okay, so four bundles

of flowers.

That's what we got to do first.

We're coming. We're gonna get

these two things knocked out

as fast we can

and try and stay in the game.

Okay, here we go.

Say, write this down, Malaina.

Udai Poll at Jalebi number two.

"Once you think you have found

your next destination,

travel there on foot."

Where the heck is it?

Keep your eyes peeled.

I see a clue box.

"Choose any marked

electric rickshaw."

I saw some rickshaws over here.

All right.

All right, it's got

to be marked, Johnny.

Oh, Greg, here's a marked one.

-If we push this guy this way,


then she has a straight shot.

Three, two, one, go.

- Oh, nice, nice.

- Okay, cool.

Push him back.

Clean. Look at that. You can

fit an elephant through here.

- Thank you so much.

- Thank you.

Any luck?

- Are you pushing it in and out?

- Yep.

Thank you so much.

- Is it focusing?

- Yep.

- Read it to me.

- U-D-A-I.


Let's go.

We'll push all the way

to the end.

-Hello. Namaste.

-Hello. Namaste.

SD Masala Spice Shop.

"Any marked electric rickshaw."

Oh, this is it.

-I see it.

-Now we're here.

I need an electric rickshaw.

This guy's a spinner.

Look at him spin.

Clue box.

It's right in front of our face.

"Make your way

to the marked parking lot

-across the street."

-Let's start walking.

It has to be a marked rickshaw.

It's really hard.

- Oh, I got it.

- What is it?


Here, try it now.

- P-O-L-L number two.

- All right.

- Should we ask somebody?

- Yeah, we're gonna

have to ask somebody.

So much of The Amazing Race

is driving head-on

into scooters.

And dogs and cows.

The two of us

are getting along fine.

I feel like when I'm down,

she's able to

pick me up and when

she's down, I'm able to

shut up long enough for her

-to sort her things through.

-For me to work through it.

Saturday in India.

I think that's what day it is,

right-- Saturday?

I don't like to go anywhere

on a Saturday, let alone India.


-This is a marked one.

-This one's marked?

Let's go straight.

- Electric rickshaw.

- You electric?

Oh. That's the Hawa Mahal?

Thank you.

"Use a telescoping monocular."

There we go.

Electric? Okay.

-Lucky lady.

-You are electric?

-I am.

-Come on. Yeah, we got

to push, you got to do it.


Okay, stop. Masala Spice Shop.

-Good? Okay.


Fast, fast.

- Now right, to the right.

No, M-Malaina.

Oh, we got to

- Yes, to the right.

- Come on, Malaina.

- You getting in here already?

- I'm coming.

- Come on.

- Push her out to the exit.

-All right.

-All right.

Let's rock and roll.

Thank you.

- Yeah, that's spicy!

- U-Turn. U-Turn.

-Is that our face?

Whose face is that?

-Right here.

-It's not our face!

-It's not our face!

It's not our face. Yes.

-It's Steve and Anna Leigh!


Let's go!

Sorry, Steve and Anna Leigh.

-Detour, baby.


-We knew that!


"Bundles or Bricks?"

- We're

choosing Bricks, baby.

- Bricks.

At that point,

we knew we were going for first.

We were like, "Okay, well, first

team now has to do two Detours."


-"Time to go."

- Hey, I-I think I see it.

- Go straight, go straight.

It's right here.

It's right here.

Sani Phula Bhandar. Number 79.

Number 79. Flowers,

- flowers.

- All right.

- Number 79. Flowers.

- I thought I saw

-There's flowers over there.

-Okay, let's go.

You got 79?

There it is. 79. I see it.

"When you get there,

bundle up one of each

"of the following flowers.

There's four.

"orange marigolds,

yellow, mixed and roses."

These are the four right here.

There's all these

bundles of flowers

in these little cloth baskets,

and we had to watch

the demonstration of the guys,

how they were folding his.


Crisscross this

in here somewhere.

Cr-- No, give it to me.

Crisscross your two.

-He's handing you this one.

-And then he's crossing more.

Tie it, tie it, tie it.

-That's it.

-Is that all that holds it?

-Yeah, that has to be it.

It has to be it.

-Is that gonna hold it?

Okay. Let's go to the next one.

One of my favorite things

to do in this country

is just look out the window

and watch the daily life go by.

I mean, it's

just crazy interesting.

Yeremi and I are extremely

grateful to be on this race.

This is the longest

we've spent with each other

in close to seven years.

Coming from the past

that we've had with each other,

I mean, we've made

so much growth, and I think

we're completely better off

now than we were before.

Oh, look, there's a store, dude.

-There is one?


Oh, man.

- I see the U-Turn board.

- Steve and Anna Leigh.

Detour. "Bundles or Bricks?"

Why are you even

thinking about this?

We have to cycle it there.

I have been hoping

for a cycling-related challenge.

Cycling's my hobby.

I ride my bike

all over the place.

-So, we're gonna do Bricks.

-We're gonna do Bricks.

- We're in a race.

- We need to go fast.

It was our fault

that we came in last,

so we have

to have a redeeming day.

Morgan and I have been

super supportive of each other.

Our goal is to have fun

and to treat each other

with love and respect.

And I think, so far, it's been

working really well for us.

It is anybody's race.

The underdogs are not out yet.

Over here. Todd!

Ah! Good call, boys.

"Route Info. Choose

any marked electric rickshaw."

All right, let's go.

- You want

to work together, clear a path?

- Absolutely. Let's do it.

-Right here. Get this one.

Get this one.


Which way you pushing? Oh,

you're pushing the wrong way.

Then I think there's a path that

just goes clear out this way.

- Yep.

- So we just need

to move these a smidge, I think.

- You want to try?

- Sure. Oh, my God.

Thank God I don't have

fake eyelashes right now


that would be very difficult.

-Right in the middle there?


Good? Okay.

Now we got

to load 'em on our rickshaw?

- Yeah.

- Can you carry two?

Hell yeah, I can.

Long way, girl.


I was trying to come through

that market with my two bundles,

and people would not move.

I was bouncing those baskets

off of motorcycles,

and I fell on 'em

a few times, I think.

Where is my dad?

I got it.


Get the last bundle.

Mandir on Chaura Rasta Road.

Okay, let's go.

If you can get your butt

in that chair, I can get in.

-Go. Dad, tell her to go.


Go, go, go!

Okay, so it's first temple.

-No shoes, no socks.


We had to deliver marigolds

to one temple

and roses to the other.

Chelsea and Robbin are right

there looking at the building.

Oh, you saw 'em?

Yeah, standing right on the curb

with the telescope.

Number two at Jalebi Chowk.

-First left.



Thank you.

You want to walk us there?

- No.

- No? Okay. Thank you.

Good. Good?

- SD Masala. Number 49.

- 49.

All right. Follow. Follow.

Fast, fast, fast. Chop, chop.




- 49. Yes, here it is.

- Okay.

- They got U-Turned.

- All right.

Steve and Anna Leigh's picture

was on there.

They've been number one.

So people are gunning for you.

You have to expect that.

-We're gonna do Bundles.

-We're doing the bundles.

Open it. Let's go.

"Choose any

marked electric rickshaw."

- All right.

- Okay. Find a marked one.

Right here.




So let's just start

clearing the way

back to where we came in.

I'm guessing that's the way out.


Tarkeshwar. Go.

Shoes off. Right there, Dad. Go.

Oh, Lord.

Right where

those shoes are at the end.

- I'm gonna slip.

- Ooh.

Right in front of you,

Anna Leigh.

- Right in front of you.

- Hello.


- One more.

- Okay. Go get 'em.

-All right, let's go.

-I got it.

I got it. Just let me have it.

- Be careful.

- Slipping on this stuff.

- Don't

just drop 'em. Be careful.

- I'm not.


Thank you, sir.

Thank you.

Get a receipt.

Thank you, sir.

There's the receipt.

-Let's go. Get your shoes.

-Okay. Let's go.

"Masala Spice Shop, number 49."

Fast, fast, fast.

Thank you so much. Thank you.

-"A telescoping monocular."

-All right.

Okay. All right.

Here's your bag. Let's go.

Thank you.

This is wild, bro.

I can't read it,

but here, come right here.

Is this it? Is this it?

- Oh, it's a temple

in the middle of the road.

- In the middle?

-Got it?



Thank you, sir.

Can we have a receipt, please?

- Thank you.

- Thank you, sir.

Okay, so we can go

straight to the next one. Okay.

Vivek Enterprises.

Shiv Marg Road.

We're looking

for a construction area.

Vivek Enterprises, essentially.

She doesn't really seem like

she's knowing where she's going.

It's frustrating

because you can just feel

the time slipping away.

Wait, where where


Dude, Yeremi. I can't

see out of this damn thing.

You want to try it? You try it?

Oh, oh, wait, wait, wait.



- Excuse us.

- Sorry, guys.

Sir, here you go.

Thank you. Okay, let's go.

I got it. "U-D-A-I


Oh, we have to return it.

Thank you.

They got U-Turned,

Anna Leigh and Steve.

We cast our vote to U-Turn

Robbin and Chelsea,

'cause if you're

gonna U-Turn someone,

you want

to knock 'em out of the race.

Yeah. But I will say,

I was pleased to not see our

big ol' faces on that U-Turn.

- Good job, guys.

- You too.

- Detour.

- "Bundles or Bricks?"

Which one do you want to do?

-I don't care. You pick.

-Let's do Bricks.

Uh, we're gonna choose Bricks.

- Right here.

- Right here,

right here.

- You stay here. Thank you.

- Okay. All right.

So this is Janta Market,

- and we need to do number 79.

- 79.

Sani Phula Bhandar.

Oh, this is it.

-These are our bundles.

-Okay, so

Look at the demonstration.

Take one, take the other

And then they just

tie it in a knot.

-All right.

-All right.

Teamwork make

the dream work, baby.

Let's go.

"Choose any marked

electric rickshaw."

Come on, Lee.

Man, they're gonna see us.

"Electric rickshaw."

It's a marked electric rickshaw.

Where could it be?

We need to find the mark.

Oh, my God.

Check the middle,

where all the cluster is.

-Right here.

-Right here. Hi.

-Do you have gas?


- Yes.

- Okay. What do we do?

It's just, like,

a regular marking?


I'm not, I'm seeing it, bro.

The-the rock. The rocks, Morgan.

Let's go.

I think we're good.

Hey, right here, big dog.

-This is it. Yeah, this is it.

-This one? Okay. Sweet.


We just closed

the gap with Yeremi and Liam.

They've kind of already

made a path for us this way.



"SD Masala Spice Shop."

We're in front.

We think our tuktuk driver

knows where she's going.

We're trying to catch

up to Chelsea and Robbin.

All right.

Here we go.

-Slow start,

but we're gonna get there.

-We're gonna get there.

Oh, Anna Leigh and Steve

are right in front of us,


Oh, yeah.


- Did you guys

already do the other one?

- We did.

-Where are y'all going?

-We're going to, uh,

-Bricks. Yeah.

-Bricks? We are, too.

-You are, too?

All right, we'll see you there.


John and Greg

might have passed 'em.

Where were they

in the scheme of things?

Pretty up front.


Oh, it's here, it's here,

it's here,

-it's here, it's here,

-It's here, it's here.

-It says hold on to rickshaw?

Can you wait?


You're gonna wait?

To the right.

Uh, yeah, to the right.

Oh, my God.

All right. We got bricks.

We got a lot of bricks.

We got some shovels,

got some gravel.

All right, well, that's

the finished example.

"Load a cycle rickshaw

with 50 bricks,

"two sacks of gravel

and one sack of sand,

then deliver your supplies

to a nearby construction site."

That makes sense.

Steve and Anna Leigh said

they also don't know

where we're going.

You saw Steve and Anna Leigh,


- Yeah, they're

right in front of us.

- Oh, sh**t.

They finished

the other Detour already.

I knew it.

"Vivek Enterprises."

That's it.

We found it. Hi.

What's up, boys?

We got another team,

just like that.

One, two, three,

four, five, six.

Yeah, we can just put 'em,

like, in blocks of 12.

-I like that. I like that.


One, two. So

- This way, Dad.

- Grab a rickshaw.

Six times eight.

That's 24 times 248.

Then two on top.

- Through here? Go, go.

- Yeah, yeah.

Just remember

when we deliver it.


Read the clue.

I got it right here.

Is this one available?

No one's using it?

"After completing deliveries,

return to the market

and hand the receipts

to the vendor."

So we got to go back

to the other place.

Well, there goes that.

- We completed the task.

- Everything except for

-turning in our receipt.

-All right.

Well, then we're out.

I mean, that's

Yeah, that pretty much did it.

We're out.

- We're out.

- Not necessarily.

They're probably

already done loading up.

We got other teams

to worry about now.

Those teams are ahead of us,

so let's worry about

the other ones coming.

We thought that we didn't

need to get the receipt

for the clue

-because we were gonna

go get another clue

-We're gonna get another

-at the second Detour.

-Right, on the second.

Got to keep moving,

but we got to get here.

Then we got to get back.

I figured that was the k*ller.

I knew we couldn't

make big mistakes like that.

-That was a big one.

That was a big one.

-Especially being U-Turned.

- I mean

That was a big one.

That was a time k*ller.

Not over until

Phil says it's over.

Challenge is just brute force

at this point.

Surprised so many teams

chose this challenge.

-I know, right? This is good.

-You sure?

-Yeah, one more.


-Forty-eight, 50.

-All right, so now we got

Now we need bags.

We had to get 50 bricks,

load 'em up

onto a cycle rickshaw

and then get two bags of gravel

and one bag of sand.

- Oh, you're at 37?

- Yep.

That's 40.


- All right. Ready?

- Yep.

"Load your cycle,

then deliver your supplies

- to construction site at 826."

- Okay.

Ready? I'll steer. You push.

- I can't even lift that up.

- Take that. I'll start on sand.

-We'll ask somebody out here?


-Okay, stop.

-I'm trying, I'm trying,

I'm trying.

Yeah, that should be good. Okay.

Grab a rope and follow me.

- You want to do

a little more? Okay.

- No, that's good.

"826 Balai Colony."

This crossing?

-First left. Okay, thank you.

-Thank you.



Careful, Johnny, of the cars.

Those streets were hectic.

They were so hectic

and it was so hard

to make sure that

you weren't hitting other cars.

Okay. You got it,

you got it. Okay.

- Hot out here.

- I tell you that much.

We're gonna have to return

this crate, by the way.

- See you, boys.

- See you soon.

Let's just get directions.

Okay. Thank you.

We're going straight

and then left.

-You don't have any brakes?

-No, I don't.

Slow down.

There is a stark difference

between my road bike

and that rickshaw bike.

Look out, look out,

look out, look out, look out.

We're right in the middle

of the streets.

We got people

flying on both sides of us.

We're trying to dodge people.

Turn, turn, turn, turn, turn,

turn, turn, turn.

Let's go, let's go,

let's go, let's go, let's go.

This is it.


-All right, we're gonna

do the bundles.


Let's find our girl. Okay.

We got to go find our rickshaw.

Our rickshaw driver

did a great job.

We felt really confident in her.

We had no stress

that we were not

gonna get

to where we were going.

Let's go back there. Back here?

- Over there?

- Yes.

She says she knows

where we're going now,

but seems like

we're kind of driving aimlessly.

I wonder

if she can go any faster.

I'm not sure.

This rickshaw

feels like it's going,

like, two, three miles an hour.

We ought to

just get out and run.

Malaina, let's go.

All right,

we'll see y'all there.

See ya.

Are you riding,

or what's the deal?

We got to go. They're coming.

- Is this us right here, ma'am?

- Okay.

The SD Masala Spice Shop.

- I don't think Yeah.

- This is a food court.

We were not seeing anything

that looked like spices.

-I don't think this

is where we're supposed to be.


-So let's go back

to our rickshaw.

-Oh, great.

Oh, we got, we got a camel.

We're all

fighting for first right now.

Directions and challenges

being done quickly.

The name of the game.

This sucks.

This is really, really hard.

My legs

are starting to cramp up.

I might throw up on this leg.

- Move. Push, push.

- Give me a push.

Seeing the amount of people

just weaving in and out

of traffic all day, every day,

those are not

easy things to ride.

That's not easy work.

- Oh.

- You good?

Hats off to

the rickshaw drivers,

the delivery people,

the cyclists.

You good? He's fine.

This is their day in,

day out life.

Definitely newfound respect

for the people here.




John and Greg

are right ahead of us.

Uh, probably that way.

-Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

-Okay, okay. Go, go, go.

Is this the guy? Hi.

Yep. You're hard to find.

Where? Here?


That one?

It was one, two, three

Uh, like this.

Turn right.

Wait, like this?

One, two

Like, I don't think

that's right.

Where are we?

I got no energy left.

Me neither.

Go, Dad.

Excuse me, sir. Excuse me.


Okay, go, go.

Right here,

right here, right here.

We're right here.


To the bricks. Get in, Dad.

There's blue right next to you.

Seeing Steve and Anna Leigh

meant we were slowly

bringing in this time gap,

'cause even if it took them

an hour to do each Detour,

we still shouldn't

have seen them.

- Follow them exactly.

- Okay.

-I take

You take this, I take

-I take mine.

-Morgan, you take this one!

-You're dr

- Here. Morgan, just hold.

- Lena.

No, hold it. You hold that one

in the right hand.

Hold it in the right hand!

Oh, my God.

Lena, I don't know

what step you're at.

- Can we start at the beginning?

- We're at the first step!

Hold-hold on, Lena.

Lena, let me watch.

Lena was being spicy with me

and refused

to let me watch the thing.

But you were spicy.

This is mine.

- This is yours.

- Okay.

- Twist, twist.

- I think this is good.

Okay. Okay.


This is it, baby.

Come on, come on,

come on, come on.


When we saw Steve

and Anna Leigh's U-Turn photo,

it was a sense of relief

that we weren't there.

We thought that there

was a chance

it could be us 'cause we were

at the bottom of the pack.

We're gonna do Bricks.

Balai Colony.

Nobody knows anything.

I bet we should turn here.

- Think so?

- I don't know. I'm dead.

I am, too.

Up high. Up high.

I think gravel and sand

was on the left?

Yeah, sand and gravel now. Ooh.

Oh, my goodness.

I might puke.

Okay. How does this look?

-Thank you.

Dhanyavaad, dhanyavaad.

-All right, let's go.

-This time we know

where we're going.

-All right, it's go time.

I don't think

it needs to be perfect, babe.

Yeah, it does for this part.

Thank you.

Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry.



-Yay! Thank you so much.

Thank you. All right, here.

I hope she knows a faster way.

This a faster way?

Right. She's slow as hell.

Come on, miss.

Beep your horn or something.

Everybody was beeping but you.

Out-of-towner. Out-of-towner.

Wish we were getting lost

in a more comfy rickshaw.


That's the brothers.

- That's their car!

- Yeah,

that's what I'm saying.

-Let's go straight.

Let's go, let's go.

-Let's go straight.


Let's go! Let's go!

-We got past your team.

-We just passed Yeremi and Liam.

This is Brother,

this is so not the rickshaw

-that we need

to be doing this in.


- Good job.

- Okay.

Good job. Good job. Good job.

Hello, camel.


- Thank you.

- Thank you.

- Thank you.

- Okay.

-All right. "Route Info."

-"Route Info."

India is the largest producer

of cotton in the world,

and textiles are the country's

second largest industry.

Teams must now travel

by rickshaw

to Garg Textile

and Wholesale Fabric Shop

and pick up a bolt of fabric

and a clue from the owner.

-All right.

-All right, let's do it.

-All right.




-All right.


At least it's not us.

-Let's do Bundles.

-We're gonna do Bundles.

-All right. Let's go.

-Let's do it.

- I'm out of energy.

- I am worn out.

I'm tired.


The rickshaw delivery

went so long

and it was so hot, I had

heat exhaustion kicking in.

I hope there's water

wherever we're going, dude.

I'm so thirsty, I am so hot, and

I don't know where I'm going.

We're about to be the last team.

We're about to go home.

- I might puke.

- I'm dying, I feel like,

and we're still not sure

where we're going.

If I don't drink water,

I'm gone.

Bottled water?

As I was unscrewing that lid,

and I felt that cold

bottle of water in my hand,

the psychological effect of that

was nearly magical for me.

It was almost

an immediate relief.

The tunnel vision stopped,

my spirits started lifting.

We could still do this.

Beep, beep, beep.

-Thank you.


-Todd, Todd, Todd.

Right here.

-Oh, yeah.

"Travel to Garg Textile

Wholesale Fabric Shop."

-Thank you so much.

-Thank you.

Across. This is yours.

Didn't grab yours.

That's why I let it go.

- Twist.

- Here. Okay.

Ooh. I think we should have done

one at a time.

These are too heavy.

- It's okay, Morgan.

- It's not that far.

Ooh! Oh, one trip

from the grocery store.

Man, it was heavy. I felt

like the Hulk for a second

-because we had these,

like, two things.

-Oh, Lena was not

-being the Hulk.

-I mean, I went pretty fast

for the first half of it.

Lena, I was carrying them

like dead weights,

like as if

But, Morgan,

you had lighter ones.

Sure, if you say so.

Get in.

- Okay.

- Okay, let's go.

We're headed

to bundles of flowers.

We don't know

if she knows where we're going.

-She says yes.

-Yeah, she says yes

-and then

we get to the wrong area.

-She says yes.

We're headed to the bricks.

Once we get there,

we'll be able to do this quick.

This is a little slice of hell,

though, for sure.

Lena, just grab a marigold.

Come on.

Go, go, go, go, go!

-Vroom, vroom, vroom.

Fast. Fast.

-Vroom, vroom.

Why is the scooter passing you?

Why is everybody passing you?

Namaste. Thank you.


Let's go, let's go, let's go.

Load 'em. Load 'em. Load 'em.

Load 'em, girl.

Twenty-three, 24.

I'm gonna need you

to hold it for me.

Okay. It's right in front of us.

We got to stack 'em

just like that right here.

No teams here.

They've all left already.

They all must have got

better directions.

That's good, I think.

Oh, Lord, that's heavy.

You get the bike out

and I'll ask.

A-26 Balai?

At this point,

we're freaking dead last.

-Good? Yes.

-Thank you.


- Oh, it's right here.

- All right,

stop, stop, stop.



Ooh, it's quiet in here.

Do you have a clue for us?

-Thank you. Thank you.

-Thank you.

Dhanyavaad.This is us? Okay.

Okay. "Route Info.

"Travel by rickshaw

to Jaipur Mahal

Jaipur Boutique Carpet

to find your next clue."

Thank you.


- Yes, yes, yes, yes.

- Here's John and Greg.

Oh, boy, am I happy

to see you guys.


-Garg Textile.

Yes, this is perfect.

Hello. Thank you.

"Route Info."

Thank you.


-You take us.

-Oh, my.

-We need to go here.

-U-Turn. U-Turn.

-You have to help, she's saying.


There you go, sir.


-All right. Thank you.

-Thank you.

Good. Yeah. All right.

Now we're going.

- Hello.

- Yeah. Lift the roses.

-Ah. Namaste.


-Thank you.

-Thank you. All right, let's go.

-Right here. Right here.

-Yeah, right here.

Yeah. Dad,

deliver it just like this.

Look how they laid it.


Pull over, pull over.

- Right where?

- Since the guy was

sitting here

right there in the middle.

At this point,

we're freaking dead last.



- Get the bag.

- That's right.

I counted exactly 50.

All right.

-Thank you.


This is the receipt, right?

Thank you, sir.

Let's go back the way we came.

Is this it? Yes?

Go, go, go. Straight, straight.

straight ahead.

Is that them?

They're getting out.

-Oh, right here?

-All the way over there, sir.

Heavens to Betsy.

- Geez Louise.

- Testing my patience.

-Thank you. Thank you.


-Ah. Thank you.

-Thank you.

- We got to go. Go, go, go.

- See you there.

-Come on, Lena.

-I'm right behind you.

Oh, right there,

right there, right there.

-Thank you.

-Thank you. "Route Info."

So many stops today.

Right here, ma'am.

-Okay, okay.

-Oh, heavens.

Ooh, this is crazy.

Hey, 77's down there.

Yeah, keep going.

- It's 79.

- Ooh, bunch of flowers.

Look. This might be

the demonstration.

Let's try it, man.

You swap like this?

Maybe this one?



I don't think so.

Stopping every 30 seconds

to ask someone else is not

suiting us well.

We're highly frustrated

right now.

Thank you.

Come on, Lena.

Hi. Can I talk

to the salesman?

Thank you so much.


-Dad, come on.

-I'm coming.

Every second counts, Dad.

Thank you.

Hopefully, other people are

having just as many issues

with their transportation

as we are.

Here's perfect. Yes.

- Stop, stop.

- Stop, stop.

-Good, good, good, good.

-Right here is good.


All right.

We're gonna rip.


"Who likes

to play with blocks?"

Block printing is

the earliest, simplest,

and slowest method

of printing on textiles,

but the results

can be spectacular.

This Roadblock requires teams

to print the national bird

of India.

Using four different

colored printing blocks,

they must properly print

nine peacocks to get a clue.

-All right, it's me.

-Greg is gonna do it.

I will do the Roadblock.

My dad's gonna be doing

this Roadblock.

This a workstation?

Can I put it here?

Oh, like, you build it up.

It was just four different

blocks that you needed to have

and four different colors,

and then,

you use the specific blocks

with the specific colors

to layer on top of each other

to create a beautiful peacock.

It was gorgeous-- the peacock.

So you did that

and then you did yellow.

All right. So you got to get it

kind of perfect on there.

Aah! Does not look

Yeah, baby. All right.

Other than Todd and Ashlie,

you guys, Anna Leigh and Steve

and Joel and Garrett are

the only people we've seen.

Like, no one

from behind us has caught up.

And so, hoping

we got some cushion.

Is this here? Is it here?

This has got to be it.

- We have not seen another team.

- Single other team.

There we go. Okay.

-Which has its own

hopeless feel to it. Yeah.


I'm afraid of this camel.

- Just this?

- I'll count

-This is another one. Oh, God.

-This is the example?

- Yes, Yes. Oh, God.

- I'll do the bricks.

- You do those.

- Okay.

We are better

at carrying things

than we are navigating.

Our significant others

didn't choose us

'cause we're arm candy.

They chose us

because we can carry a barbecue

up the stairs, you know?

Twelve, 18.


-And we're back.

Oh, they still there.

They're behind us.

All right. Mm. And tie.

Thank you.

- You're welcome.

- Hey, ladies.

Y'all got a specific way

y'all know how to tie these?

-But you have to follow them.

-Follow them. Crisscross.

- "Route Info."

- All right, let's go.

- Crisscross!

- Let's try it.

There you go. Like that.

-And that makes

your little ear, Yeremi.


- Looks kind of stable.

- Yeah.

- A salesman?

- Yes.

Bolt of fabric and a clue.

-Get your get your bolt.

-Oh, we're gonna take this?

I guess so.

All right.

So then he does red on top.

I'm starting to get how to

do it. I'm lining them up

on one side and then slowly

going over to the other.

The tough part was,

like, if you made a mistake,

you can't go back and erase,

or you start all over.

I got to do three more.

Gonna move on to the last step.

This is fun.

I mean, I've never done art

like this before.

Okay. Okay. Now I'm

Now I'm ready for a check.

If you got it wrong,

it was dramatic.

The judge would come up,

and he would slam an X

on the ones

that weren't good.

Good? All right, Run it back.

One, two, three,

four, five, six.

-I got six, Johnny.

-All right.

- Surprised no one else

has gotten here yet.

- Yeah, I know.

- Help me push this up.

- I don't know.

This might be a more

efficient way than riding it.

Uh, let's do opposite hands

when we're crossing,

like this one.

Then throw this over,

and there we go.

Looks good.

We got some bundles.

Now we've got to move

these bundles to our rickshaw.

I'm ready. Are they heavy?


We carried our bags back

to our rickshaw.

And they were not light.

They had to easily be

maybe around 60 pounds each.

Oh, yeah.

That might be heavy, though.

-How was that? Too heavy?

-It's a bit too much.

-At this point, we should have

just done the bricks.



-Hold on.

Come on. Watch out!

-Watch out cow.

-It's on the right.

-Garg Textile.


"Jaipur Mahal Jaipur

Boutique Carpet."

Thank you.

Let's go.

Let's go, miss.


of what the learning process,


is how much ink to put on.

'Cause if you put on

too much ink,

starts to

starts to blot up a little bit.


Yeah, those are all pretty good.

All right, J,

we got another team coming.

Todd and Ashlie.

-"Who likes"

-"Who likes to play

with blocks?"

-You want to do it?

-No. You.

I'll do it.

-I like playing with blocks.


All right. Can I do a check?

Hey! Huge. Huge. Let's go.

-This is for you.

-Thank you so much. Thank you.

-That's my bro!

-That's my bro!

All right, we'll see you guys

at the next one.

"Race to the Pit Stop."

Recent research determined

that there are no peak hour

traffic times in Indian cities.

It's pretty much like this


Traffic circles like this

are built

to help speed things up.

Today, this one-- Badi Chaupar--

will serve as the Pit Stop

for this leg of the race.

The last team to negotiate

this cacophony of chaos

will be eliminated.

"Last team to check in

will be eliminated."

-All right.

-Will be eliminated.

Badi Chaupar.

We're still

in the position to get first.

Oh, yeah. The big tower.


-God, it's so loud.

Okay, so we just did

what looks like a U-turn.

So I'm thinking we're gonna

stop here on the left somewhere.

Okay. Oh, ma'am, please take us

where we need to be.

-Oh, please.

-I know, right?

Getting to the temple

was the real challenge

of this Detour,

at least for Yeremi and I.

Might be in there. That could

be it up there-- that thing.

I don't know, man.

This way? This way?

It was ridiculous.

It was so difficult.

I'm trying to look

for any signs.

- We should

go up and somebody, no?

- Yeah.

We were getting lost

left and right.


Past this road right there.

But these things were

out of our hands.

Thank you. Thank you.

And the best universal language

is positivity.

-Let's go.

-Quick, quick, quick.

This one's tough.

They're being real strict.

I mean, you can see my dad.

He's already

on his second sheet.

- Oh, really?

- Yeah.

Come on, baby.

"Who likes to play with blocks?"

I'll do it.

All right. It's off.

Oh, way off.

Nice catching up.

We're trying, man.

We're hauling ass.

That one is b*mb

right there, dude.


I was like,

"This might be something

I might be able to do."

In college, we did printmaking,

so I understood that

the order of the colors

is really important.

Red. Match up the ink

at the bottom.

Oh! Okay. Too much.

This one looks

like it was m*rder*d.

Come here, come here. Here.

"Who likes to play with blocks?"

-Dad, it's you.


-Hey, Steve.

-Hi, girl.

Steve I want you to know

we did not U-Turn you.

-Y'all U-Turned us.

-Look, I didn't U-Turn you.

Hey, I didn't U-Turn you.

Like, y'all are kicking ass.

Dude, we had no reason

to U-Turn y'all.

If you're gonna U-Turn

someone, don't U-Turn someone

that's, like,

an hour and a half ahead of you.

Beard brothers.

We did U-Turn you.

We cannot beat you guys

for whatever

no matter what we do,

and this is our chance

to get a first place, and now,

look, we're clear at the back

of the pack anyway.

We were also very confident

you guys weren't gonna

get eliminated.

We just wanted to get rid

of that hour-and-a-half lead.


Wrong decision there, guys,

because all y'all did

was slow us down.

There was no advantage to it,

but they showed their colors.


-Yeah, just a little sneaky.

Hey, well, now

we're coming for y'all. sh**t.

-Oh. These need to be closer.


-Thank you.

-Thank you so much.

- Now we take this back.

- Okay.

- I don't remember

how to get there.

- No clue.

There we are.

-There's yours.

-Ah. Very good.

And then Thank you, sir.

A receipt. Thank you.

-Thank you so much.

Thank you. Thank you.

-Thank you.

- All right.

- Okay.

I am trying

to get my first nine birds.

I got to go back and look.

The red's hard.

Oh, he does yellow first?

Blue, yellow, red, light blue.

Blue, yellow, red.

-All right, let's see.

-Blue, yellow, red.

Can I get a check?

Oh, my God.

This is his second full sheet.

You need to settle up?


Okay. Dhanyavaad.

- Bye!

- Bye! Oh, I see Phil.

I see Phil.



-All right.

Welcome to Jaipur, India.

-Thank you.

-Thank you.

-This is Greg and John.


And they are team number one!

-That's right!

-Come on, let's go!

Let's go!

And I have some

great news for you.

As the winners

of this leg of the race,

you have won

OneKeyCash from Expedia

-for a trip for two


to my home country,

New Zealand.

Let's go!

Expedia experts are gonna

set up some

unique experiences for you,

including a caves-to-coast tour,

a walk among

the nature sanctuary wildlife,

a Marlborough

food and wine tasting,

and the Remutaka Rail Trail

bike ride.

-Let's go, baby! Let's do it.


Coming in first really just

proved to ourselves

that we have the ability

to do this at any point

for the rest of the race.

It's very, very much possible.

Yeah. Check?

He comes with that big red X,

and he was just X-ing

one after the other.

He gets done, and you're like,

"Sweet, he's done."

No, he left to go

re-dip his X

to get more ink on it

to X more.

I'm gonna be seeing this X

in my nightmares.

Oh, you're hurting me!

All right, I got two.

Ooh, that's a ugly peacock.

Can I get a check?

Steve is so quick

with getting checks.


Ah, let's go back

to the blueprint.

Well, I was wrong.

Dark blue, the first one.

-Who's going to do it? Okay.

-I'll do it.

There's Team Philly.

Blue, yellow, red,

light blue last.

- Did y'all vote for us?

- No.

-Y'all didn't U-Turn us?


- I'm like "No! What?

- Oh, my God! No."

-We do not plan on telling

-We don't plan on

Steve and Anna Leigh

that we were one of those votes.


-She'll catch it

when she sees it on TV.

Good job.

As we continued our Detour

and still had not

seen anybody,

we kind of banked

on us being in last.

Okay, go give 'em the receipt.

Thank you.

We still

-were fighting hard.

-Robbin and I

will never give up.

But it's out of our hands now.

All we can do is do our best.

Can I get a check, please?

They don't like

my m*rder-themed one.

One, two, three,

four, five, six.

I had six.

I do not know

how we can find this.

- I don't, either.

- Drive up and down the road?

Yeah, just keep on telling her

to go down, I think.

Yeah. We This

- You want to try this?

- Yeah.

I mean, I saw some flowers

in there, but

Oh, oh, Yeremi, it is!

Oh, my God.

-Ugh. Uh.

-Dude, let's go!

You don't know happy I am

to see you, sir.

Thank you. Namaste to you.

-Yes. Thank you so much.

-Thank you. Thank you, dude.

Okay, check?

See if I can pick up

a couple here.


Second check,

I picked up a couple.

I'll take everything

I can get right now.


He'll make you feel good,

won't he?

Not one.

Let's go, Malaina.

You got this.

Andrea is like

the positive reinforcer

'cause I can go left

real quick.

Just take your time.

During the pandemic, my ex

cheated, and we were

together five years.

Actually, we was

about to get married.

And Andrea was there for me.

Andrea always been there.

She always had my back.

I had to be there.

She's like my sister.

You know I have a twin sister.

She's like my third sister.

See, I can count on her

no matter what.

And I love her for that, dearly.

Let's go, Malaina.


Aw! I only have four?

I need five more.

All right,

chiggity-check me out.

I just need five good ones.

Okay. Is that it? Is that it?

-No. No more. No more.

-That's it.

Okay. One, two, three,

four, five. I'm good.

-Nice job.

-Yes! Yes.

And this is one for you.

-And this is for you.


Thank you, thank you,

thank you so much.

And it looks like

Strasser got our clue.

Hang in there, guys.

- We got to go.

- Okay, let's go, let's go.

Given how crappy today has gone,

I'm feeling okay that there's

about four teams behind us.

How many you need?

-One more?




Thank you.

-Nice job. Nice job.

-Thank you. Thank you.

-See y'all soon.


Garg Textile. Right there.

- Thank you.

- Thank you. Thank you.


-Jaipur Mahal Carpets.

All right.

Thank you.

Route Info.

-Let's go, dude. Yes.

-Okay. All right.


-Thank you.

-Thank you.

-And this is for you.

- Namaste. Thank you.

- Thank you.

- We will see y'all.

-Do you know where it is?


We were literally

last in the pack,

and today, we raced smarter.

We are we're back in it.

Oh, we got a hill the rest

of the way there.

That might be

Oh, boy. This might be

our downfall right here.

At least all of our competition

is also in electric carts.

Yeah, but they don't weigh

as much as us.

We're done, we're done.

Let's go.

- All right.

- Rob and Corey,

you are team number two.


Look at this arrival right here.

Oh! Get in here.


-Okay, grab your bags, Smithe.

- Grab your bags.

- Oh!

-Welcome, boys.

-What a mess.

Joel and Garrett,

how are we doing?

This has been the toughest day

we've had so far.

But we somehow found a way

to push through it.

Check, please.

I got five more made here.

He takes out my ones

I think are good.

I'm gaining two a check.

Come on.

Come on, Malaina.

You got this!

- I got two right.

- Check?

That's good?

-Nice work.

-Thank you. My man.

Thank you, sir. Thank you.

-Good job. Good job. Good job.


All right.

All right. You ready?

Let's do this.

-Oh, he's Phil's over there.

-Phil's right there.

- Phil's right here.

- Oh, please stop.


Morgan and Lena,

I do have good news.

-You are team number four.


-Let's go!

-You said you wouldn't be last.

-We are ecstatic

to be back

in the top half of the pack.

We do have this tendency

to, like,

be like oil and water.

We just have to keep

proving to ourselves

we can get things done.

And this last leg is

so reflective of that.

Oh, that is so damn ugly.


I need three.


-This is for you.

Thank you very much.

-That's it?


The clue box right there.

"Who likes to play with blocks?"


-You got it.

So Robbin and Chelsea just came.

Hey, ladies.

All right, we got a lead

in front

of Liam and Yeremi, right?

-Yup. Yeah. Yeah.

-That's pretty much

where we're at?

-Oh. That's nice.

-Thank you, thank you,

-thank you, thank you.

-And this is for you, okay?

Thank you. Thank you.


-"The last team to check in

-The last team

-will be eliminated."

-to be eliminated.

-Our rickshaw is

over there. Yeah.

-Our rickshaw is out here.

I bet my kids could

come out here

and knock this out of the park.

I do deal with arts and crafts,


being a homeschooling mom,

but doesn't mean

I'm good at them.

My kids are

Little more free-form.

My kids are better

at it than I am.


Tough crowd.

Yeremi and Liam are

behind us, so I'm just

crossing my fingers

and hoping they take

their sweet time to get here.

And I think

that Robbin can nail this.

Garg Textile right here.

- Ah.

- Oh.

-Thank you. Thank you.

-Thank you. Thank you so much.

-Got it. Okay, here we go.

-All right. Sounds good.

I think the hardest part

was getting 'em lined up,

just properly,

pushing 'em down, and then when

you pull 'em up, pulling 'em

straight up, but they kind of

suction to the fabric.

And by the time you got

to the royal blue, it was

the hardest for me

to get lined up just right.



-Jaipur Boutique Carpet.

We're moving now.

I don't know

what I'm doing wrong.

I'm hopeful

that we aren't in last place.

I was kind of

getting frustrated.

I looked over,

I could see Chelsea.

She smiled at me,

and it was kind of like,

"No more screwing around.

Just focus

and get the job done."


I see some X's coming.

More x's.

I got two

out of nine correct that time.

I kind of see what I got right

on those, so I'm hopeful.

Oh, man, we are moving along.

That's the way

that we need to go.

- Yeah, she knows.

- There we go. There we go.

- Good, Good. Good.

- We're on the road.

All right.

Hey, Phil, you need a ride?

You need a ride?

Look at that.

Todd and Ashlie,

you're team number five.

-Wow. Fun.

-This is a trend.

Oh, yeah, always team five.

I like the symbolism

of a peacock.

After I survived

a brain tumor

and the death of my husband,

and lost all my weight,

I got this peacock tattoo

on my arm

to symbolize the beauty

to the world.

It hopefully

gives someone else hope.

-Let's go, let's go.

-Can we push?

Every rickshaw

is cruising past us.

Oh. Oh, there. We're passing

Steve and Anna Leigh.

-They're behind us?

-Their jigsaw's slow. Yeah.

Go, go, go!

Let's go! Let's go!

We got to find Phil.

-There he is!

I see him. I see him.

-Oh, oh, you see, you see?

-Out of town.




-Let's go, let's go!

-Let's go!

Andrea and Malaina,

team number six!

-Let's go, let's go.

I'll take it.

-That's all right, I'll take it.

- I'll take it.

- I'll take it.

- Go, go!

Here comes Steve and Anna Leigh.

-There you go. Bring it on in.

-Bring it on in.

Steve and Anna Leigh.

-Yes, sir.

-Two Detours

- on one leg after your U-Turn.

- Yeah.

Oh, we're hoping

that we're not last.

And after all of that,

you are not last.

-You are team number seven.

-Oh, yeah, girl.

You know you're a threat

to the other teams.

That's why they wanted

to slow you down.

This U-Turn should have been

strategic for other people

and I think a few showed

their colors at the wrong time.

They're just scared

of a little competition.

If they've got

to be scared, then,

we're not gonna stop.

We're gonna keep on coming.

Live to fight another day.

Can I get a check, please?

No more, no more,

no more, no more.


-And this is for you.

Thank you so much.

"The last team to check in

will be eliminated."


-Badi Chaupar.

Let's go.

Here we go. I'm assuming

Liam and Yeremi are behind us.

Who knows where they could be?

I love to play with blocks.

I will be doing this one.


That's a good one.

Luckily, but not luckily,

I mean, there were no

other teams at this Roadblock.

-We knew we were

in last place at this point.

-Oh, yeah.

All right, back to it.

That's my boy.

So I just got to focus

and enjoy the Roadblock, and

-Looked like he was enjoying it.

-It was so much fun, honestly.

It was just a beautiful thing.

Dude, come on. That's what

I'm talking about. Okay.

-Oh, here's the mat. Hi.

-Yes, there's the mat.

Hi. Pleasure seeing you here.

- Thank you. Thank you.

- Thank you so much.

Have a wonderful day.

Robbin and Chelsea,

we meet again.

We're just happy

to have gotten through this leg.

And you should be very happy

that you're not in last.

You are team number eight.

-Oh, my God.

-It does mean that you will be

-at the back of the pack again.

-That's okay.

Oh. Okay, cool. Awesome.

-This is for you.

-Thank you. Thank you so much.


-A lot of fun. Okay, that's it.

- Let's roll.

- Let's go.

- Right to you, baby.

- Hey, Phil.

That's what we needed.

That's the first time

we've been taken

-straight there.

-Oh. Let's do it.

-All right, Phil.

-Okay, Phil.

-Liam and Yeremi.

-Yes, sir.

I am sorry to tell you that

you're the last team to arrive

and you have been eliminated

from the race.



We have been

through so many trials

-and tribulations as brothers.


And it's taken us

a really long time

to get to where we are today.

-And, uh

-We've done everything.

-I love you, man, and, dude

-I love you.

you mean everything to me,

and you always have been,

and I know you

I know you know that.

It'd be an understatement to say

that this was the adventure

of a lifetime.

And being able

to do it together as a team--

that's created a bond between us

that I don't think

will ever be severed

for the rest of our lives.

Next time on

The Amazing Race

In Cologne, Germany, Todd

and Ashlie are off the mark.

- So frustrating.

- Oh, my God!

And the first self-drive

You can't read a map and drive!

- brings out frustration.

- Dad, pay attention.

You're gonna sit your ass

back here in a minute

-and ride a little bit.


You were supposed

to be the navigator.
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