34x11 - How Am I Going to Survive This?

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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34x11 - How Am I Going to Survive This?

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on

The Amazing Race

Five teams continued racing

the Mega Leg in Ronda, Spain.

I have never

put an earring on anybody.

Well, it's time you do it now.

Emily's injury put pressure

on the long-lost twins.

Is your knee hurting?

Aubrey and Claire

faced their greatest fears

at the Roadblock

I don't think I can do it again,

so please

let it be the right clue.

I hate this. I hate this.

I hate it, I hate it, I hate it.

and triumphed over them.

You're amazing.

It was so scary.

Luis and Michelle claimed

their third win of the season.

I'm very pleased to tell you

that you are team number one.

Yes! Yes.

Military brothers Marcus

and Michael built a comeback,

but in the end,

it wasn't enough.

You have been

eliminated from the race.

- Understood.

- Understood. Yeah.

I took $500,000

away from my brother.

All teams

are now flying 2,000 miles,

from the Kingdom of Spain

to the Republic of Iceland--

the land of fire and ice.

One third

of the world's lava flows

in the last 500 years

happened here in Iceland,

creating this dramatic landscape

that is scattered

with volcanic activity.

Throughout the race,

teams have won Expedia points,

good for unique,

expertly-designed trips.

They also used

the Expedia app to book hotels.

Today, teams will go on

an Expedia-inspired adventure,


some of the most amazing

destinations on the Expedia app.

- Ready to go?

- Yes.

The final four teams are

boarding helicopters that will

take them to the starting line

of this penultimate

leg of the race. A spot

in the finale is on the line.

Oh, why won't this go?

Yeah, yeah, yeah!

Let's go!

Wow. Oh, my God. This feels like

a flight simulation

roller coaster.

This helicopter ride

is so gorgeous.

Like, this feels

like something out of a movie.

- I kind of want to drive this.

- Oh, my God.

It literally felt like

I was James Bond,

and I was getting picked up

for a supersecret spy mission.

Nice. I was your

Bond girl, right?

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah.

Oh, my gosh.

I have tears in my eyes.

Words can't even describe how

grateful we are to just be here.

We showed up today,

and David's dream came true.

I'm a helicopter mechanic,

so by nature I love aviation.

I love helicopters.

I love working on them,

wrenching on them.


It's one thing

to fly back home for work,

but when you come here

onThe Amazing Race,

you're in Iceland,

you're on the top four,

it just gives it

so much more meaning.

I just can't stop smiling.

Experience of a lifetime.

Wow. To be here

in the top four

onThe Amazing Race,

it's like we're

in a dream, really.

We'll never get back the

33 years that we missed out on,

but the memories

on the race make up for it.


I'm so happy to make it

this far, but I want more.

We're so close.

That prize feels right there.

- It feels so close.

- A million bucks feels right there.

- That could change our lives completely.

- Yeah.

- Let's do it.

- Top three, baby. Top three.

- No way. Are we landing here?

- Are we landing here?

Oh, my gosh.


on top of ice.

Wow. We made it.

Being in the final four,

it's a dream.

Our goal

is to make it to top three,

but you never know

who's gonna win,

so we're not gonna let our

guard down. We're here to win.

This is amazing.

Let's go!

- "Route Info."

- "Welcome to Iceland."

Ten percent of Iceland

is covered in glaciers--

thick ice that slowly

moves across the landscape,

sculpturing mountains

and carving out

U-shaped valleys like this.

Teams will

begin their adventure

by climbing

the face of this one--

Teams must climb

to the top of the glacier,

one at a time,

to retrieve an Icelandic flag.

Once both flags have been

retrieved, they'll get a clue.

- Let's go! - Let's go, babe!

- All right, Iceland,

let's go!

Look at that.

That's beautiful.

- Look at this, baby.

- Wow.

We're really excited

'cause we're leaving

- in the first group.

- First group, baby.

- We've left in the first group one other a time.

- -One other.

- Gonna climb first?

- Yep.

We're hoping to make

the most out of this leg.

We have to make it

to that top three,

and let's go, baby.

Go, baby. You got this.

Let's go, Aubrey.

- Good job, baby. Patience.

- Don't slip.

Aah! That was not a good one.

I hate heights, so I went first

'cause I could get it over with.

You got this.


He got it up there real quick.

I'm so excited.

You got this, Aubrey.

All right. Ready to go

down. There you go.

- Just throw the ice down here.

- Good job, baby.

Almost there, baby. Come on.

- Good job.

- Yeah!

That was amazing.

Aubrey is doing good.

She's going up at a good pace.

All right, amor.

You got it, baby. Yes.

That's it, baby. You got this.

There you go.

You're there, you're there.

My hands are cold.


Good job, sugar.

- You're almost there.

- Come on, come on.

- Thanks.

- There you go, baby.

- You go. You're going,

you're going. Let's go, baby.

Remember, your flag is a little

bit more to the left, baby.


I did not look down once.

- Let's go, babe.

- Thank you, babe.

You got it.

Use your toe, baby.

There you go, sugar.

Good job.

She got the flag.


There you go.

Good job, David.

This is amazing!



- There you go.

- Good job, babe.

- Here you go.

- There we go.

We got it. Let's go.

All right, lean back

and let her bring you down!

- This side, let's go.

- "Route Info.

to find your next clue."

All right, we're off. Let's go.

- Thank you.

- Let's go.

to find your next clue."

- That was awesome.

- No, you did great.

I think you did it

faster than me.

- Really?

- Hell yeah.

Let's do this!

- Okay.

- "Route Info."

"Welcome to Iceland.

Climb an ice wall."

Gonna climb an ice wall!

For today, the strategy

is to listen to my body.

I'll push through

as much as I can,

but I cannot risk

injuring it any further.

Oh, I think

this is what we're climbing up.

We are leaving

15 minutes behind.

Only four teams,

one team's going home.

And we have

to climb this huge ice wall,

which is a little nerve-racking


I'm very afraid of heights.

Like this?

Oh, this is super cool.

Derek, put your toes in.

I knew I was

doing something wrong

when I saw Molly

start scurrying up above me.

Your legs were going up,

like, parallel.

Like, you were

going up like a frog.

Dang. She scurried up that.

She's a natural.


- How do I come down?

- Just sit back.

Lean back more, Derek.

Oh, gosh.

All right. Go, Emily.

Trust the fronts of your shoes.

- Just go, go, go.

- Yes.

- Yeah. Trust the fronts of your shoes, Claire.

- Okay.

Your flag's to the left, Em.

- Good job, Claire.

- You're almost there. It's okay.

How do I come down?

Just lean back.

Good job.

- Okay. Awesome. Thanks.

- All right.

- Thank you very much.

- Take it. Thank you.

Thank you.

"Route Info."

- Let's go.

- Okay.

All right, let's go.

That was awesome.

That was so fun.

See the cars?

Look to our left.

All right, we got this, baby.

Come on.

- Give me the map. Yeah.

- You want the map? Here.

It's stick.

Ooh, that's gonna be fun.

David, what's

going on with the driving?

I don't know. I don't know why

it's not going into first gear.

Okay, there's

something wrong here.

Oh, that's reverse.

Come on, babe, you can do it.

Are you sure

there's no brake, babe?

No, babe, the brake is off.

Oh, first stall.

Somebody help!

Find it?

All right, I got it.

We're good. We're good.

Let's go, baby.

Wow. I feel so manly right now.


you know how to reverse.


- I'm good.

- You okay?

Just keep on going.

- So now it's hurting?

- Sorry.

It's okay.

It was a little

nerve-racking to see

all three teams

pull really ahead of us.

I think they're

pretty far behind.

At this late in the game,

you can't really wait

for any team,

so we're just gonna keep going.

It's so far.

I'm not feeling great.

I'm already in my head.

This is just

the start of the leg.

How am I gonna survive this?

We're done. We're done.

Oh, God.

It's pretty cool how

there's such less greenery

that grows in the lava.

I know what you're doing.

I'm distracting you.

Distraction technique

is a really great

pain management strategy,


Um, we use it a lot

in clinical practice.

We made wishes in Maine.

Make a wish.

Are you for real right now?

Make a wish.

It takes two.


It takes five.

Last blow.

Can't even do that.

I think

we're past wishes.


Are you holding in the clutch?

- Clutch and brake?

- Yep.

Are you in neutral?

When I saw the car,

I was like, "Oh, this is sick."

It looks like a very nice car.

- That was not a car.

- What was it?

That was, like, a spaceship.


It has a stick,

a stick.

There's four pedals in this car.

Keep turning it

until it, like, clicks over.

All right.

Clearly, I don't know

how to drive this car.

Right now, we are

comfortably in third place,

and I think

that will hold true

as long as

I don't stall out in this car.

I actually feel

pretty confident right now.

It's been a while

since I've navigated.

It's been David

the last two legs,

so time for some redemption.

Can you tell

if that's a car behind us?

- Yeah, they're behind us.

- Okay.

So that's,

I believe Luis and Michelle.

And we have David and Aubrey

in front of us right now.

Do you see this

anywhere, baby? No?

'Cause there was supposed to be

a sign that said it, right?


I think it might be

the other way, Luis.

All right.

Want to turn around?

Yeah, we'll turn around, babe.

- Why are they turning around?

- I don't know.

- We shouldn't take them out of our sight.

- Okay.

- Turn around, babe.

- You sure?

Yeah. They're

really good at directions.

- I think they're turning around.

- Yeah.

There was a small sign

that I was telling you about.

- Did you see it?

- Okay, then maybe that was it.

But it had a locked,

it had a locked gate.

Oh, that's Derek and Claire.

That's Derek and Claire

right there.

Okay, then let's

- Damn.

- Oh, my God.

We just saw David and Aubrey

and Luis and Michelle

driving out of here.

They're also

really good at directions, too.

What are we doing wrong?

Turn around.

All right, let's

- Maybe it is that way.

- Back that way?

I made

a huge Amazing Racemistake.

Okay, let's move forward.

Let's move forward.

What we are doing hopefully

only takes me 15 minutes.

Hopefully, it's just,

like, a clue.

Oh, my God. It's a stick shift.

I don't know what this thing is.

Is this

Molly, I have no idea

how to make this car move.

Did you try

moving it up and down?

Oh, here we go.

Molly, you're so smart.

You should be doing this.

When you reach

the end of the road, turn right.

Follow signs for 1

Oh, my God.

What is going on?

Am I in fifth?

Or am I in third?

I can't even tell.

Whatever gear I'm in,

I'm staying in it.

You might have

to downshift, Derek.

Yeah, but it's working.



Over there, Derek,

to the right.

I see it. Thank you.

- "Roadblock."

- "Roadblock.

Who's Feeling Misty-eyed?"

Derek must

perform this Roadblock.

Teams will abseil 100 feet

into a cave,

where they'll find a clue.

They'll then navigate

the rest of the course,



and sliding back down

to reunite

with their partner.

Let's do it!


Park and run, babe.

Park and run.

Look, baby, the sign.

Okay, make a left.

Come on.


Who's Feeling Misty-eyed?"

I'll do it.

There's two trucks.

There's people already there.

Let's go.

- We got this.

- All right.

- We got this.

- Yeah.

You got it, Derek.

What's a Roadblock?

I don't know

what a Roadblock is.


"Who's Feeling Misty-eyed?"

- I'm doing it.

- Yeah.

Then you have the lights.

David, hurry up.

All right.

- Hey, guys.

- How'd you get here fast?

We thought you guys

had finished and left.

You got this, babe.

All right, babe. Let's do it.

Let's go abseiling.

- Okay. Ready?

- Maybe.


Abseiling is canyoning.

So it's, like,

a natural-made ropes course.

- The clue is in this cave.

- I see it.

The first thing was, like,

rappelling down 100 feet,

and then you need

to find a clue.

I clip it onto myself,

and then the rest of it

is just basically a sprint.

Try to get to the end

as fast as possible.

This is

a perfect challenge for me

because it was, like, physical.

Really didn't require

any mental thinking at all.

It is super fun, honestly.

This is insane!

Just, yeah, just make a right.

And then we're parked

in the marked parking.

I'll come to you.

"Who's Feeling Misty-eyed?"

I am.

You got this, Moll.

Molly's doing this Roadblock.

Um, I'm struggling

a bit this morning.

My legs are just tired.

I mean, if you think back,

I've been running

I've been running

this whole race, basically,

with hurt legs,

and they're just,

they're just done.

I'm just nervous

how it's gonna go

for the rest of the leg,

but hanging in there.

Just got to go for it.

Do what you can.

Let's go, baby. Come on.

Let go?

All right. And then

We're doing this

for a million dollars.

Currently in second place.

Let's do it.

I'm not afraid of heights.

I don't mind

running and walking,

but it was when I saw

that there was water involved

that I was like, "Crap."

I don't swim.

Can I hold onto the rope?

No. You can't

hold onto the rope.

You know, you have to find

the clue in the cave.

And so I decided

to make my way around

to the other end of the cave.

And I was trying to swim,

but my swimming level

is, like, zero.

Let's do it.

I love this!

Oh. What's up, man?


Is that David?

I see David

way over there in a cave,

looking around like this.

I can't, I can't do it, bro!

I look to my left

and I see the clue.

As soon as

he turned his headlamp,

it pointed

directly at the clues.

And, like,

I was just mad at myself

because I was way

on the other side of the cave.

I clip it, I put it on my gear,

and I'm out.

Luis! Bro!

Sorry, David.

I'm a little concerned

about how I'm gonna

get out of this Roadblock.

I'm concerned about how I'm

gonna get out of this Roadblock.

I'm not a good swimmer,

but it's now or never, you know?

But ultimately,

I make my way around it

and finally got my clue.

Just lean back?

Like this?


Usually going

into caves with water

is something I would

just send my husband to do

by himself on vacations.

And I would take pictures

from the boat.

So not really in my wheelhouse.

But this

is the time to catch up.

I really went

as fast as I could.

Oh, Derek!


I'm falling apart right now.

All right, good job, babe.

Good job.

"Drive to the Silfra Fissure

"in Thingvellir National Park

To find your next clue."

We got it, Derek.


Get it, baby!

How was it?


- Good job, guys.

- Thank you.

Good job, baby.

And now we lost the lead.


Thank you so much, baby.

You k*lled it.

Is it deep?

Yeah, it's pretty deep.

- Can I-can I just swing down?

- Go.

Am I gonna go down?

- No.

- No?


What is going on?


It better be you!

You got it.

- You okay?

- Yeah.


Let's go read your clue.

Come on.

- Oh, my God.

- Yeah, Molly!

All right. "Route Info."

All right, let's go.

We're this way. This way,

this way, this way.

- Ready?

- Yeah.

"Route Info."

- Okay.

- All right, let's go.

Follow signs, 1.

And then we're gonna do 35.

- Wasn't that one 1?

- It could be.

I want you to take that one.

Okay, considering

that's Michelle and Luis,

so we really don't like that.

I think I see

Derek and Claire, babe.

We're right behind them again.

Get that first!

Neck and neck.

Battle it out for first.

I wonder what happened to David.

I know.

I know we're on the right 36.

I just don't like that

we haven't seen

any sign that says Silfra.

- And I see, like, no cars.

- Babe, it's okay.

Just stay with me. Relax.

Here's the national park.

See if we can spot it from here.

Yeah, we're on the 36.

We have to keep going.

I'm scared

Babe, babe, stay with me.

- Aubrey, I need you.

- Okay.

I just don't want to mess up.

Babe, just relax.

It's the second to last leg,


This is where I need you.

I didn't give up in that water

for you to give up right now.

- Okay?

- Okay.

So-so get out

of your head and just relax.

You k*lled that Roadblock.

You caught up.

You were seconds behind David.

We have a chance

to overcome with the challenge.

- All right, Derek.

- Let's go.

Oh, my God.

First place. Let's go.

Let's go.

All right.

- Okay.

- Okay. "Route Info."

"It's time

for an Expedia experience."

- Ooh.

- "Swim the Silfra Fissure,

"where the Eurasian

and North American

tectonic plates collide."

This is a very fast way

to get from America to Eurasia.

Diving between

these tectonic plates,

in this frigid cold water,

teams must look out

for the names of 14 volcanoes

and the years they erupted.

Relying only on memory,

they need

to match the names and dates

in front of a volcanologist

to receive a clue.

All right, let's do it.

"Route Info.

It's time

for an Expedia experience."

"Make your way to the vans

"and choose any available diving

instructor who will help you

change into your dry suit."


You look, you look good.

What's up, guys?

Want to come with us?

All right. Let's do it, man.

- Thank you.

- Okay.

Before we even get in the water,

- Derek has to take off his glasses.

- Oh, God.

Blink, blink, blink, blink.

Okay, good.

This is the fastest

I've ever put on contacts.

This actually is insane.

It takes me, like,

15 minutes at home.

Thank you so much, Claire.

I grew up putting in contacts,

and, like, I would

never look in the mirror

- when I did it. Like

- You'd never wash your hands, either.

Yeah, I wouldn't wash my hands.

Yeah, I probably

should have washed them.

We were really doing it a lot.

Okay, we're good. Let's go.

- Uh, Derek, put this back.

- Make a right.

We're going snorkeling, baby.


Okay, park and let's go.

Hurry, babe. Please hurry.

It said lock the car.

Hurry, babe.

I will say that at first it was

a relief seeing two teams.

So we knew we were,

like, right behind them.

So they just got here, baby.

They just got here. Come on.


Oh, there's three cars here.

They just got here. All right.

- All right, let's go.

- Let's go.

Let's go, baby. Let's go.

Here comes the sisters.

We got to really

put our challenge hats on.


We choose you.

- Okay. - Hi. Let's go.

- Let's go. Let's go.

The twins pull up.

So at that point it was

- It was game on.

- The stakes were so high.

- So high.

- Like, stakes were so high.

"Route Info."

- Are we gonna split up the-the volcano?

- Yeah, we'll figure it out.

We have a lead.

- First is in our grasp.

- Mm-hmm.

And we get in the water.

When you put your face

in the water, you're

I could feel

my lips turning blue,

and my mouth hard to move.

It was freezing.

It's gonna be tough.

- We need a dive instructor.

- Right here.

- Who would you like to pick, Emily?

- This guy right here.

I don't like running.

We know this

at this point on the race,

but I grew up, basically,

in the water.

It's cold out here.


I grew up in Virginia Beach.

I am, like,

a lifelong swimmer. I did swim

team all the way growing up.

And so a challenge in the water

is what I have been waiting for.

So I'm, like, thrilled.

Granted, it's gonna be,

like, very cold.

- Yeah.

- This is not like Virginia Beach weather.

We had no idea

how many there was gonna be.

So I looked at Luis right away.

I was like,

"I'm gonna get the first one.

- You get the second one. And

let's keep alternating." Yeah.

At first,

we had good communication.

We did have good communication,

but it's a race.

You want to finish this fast.

You don't want

anybody to pass you.

You want to be top three.

Says the girl

who can memorize things easily.

So I can't memorize things.

So I'm going slow.

I'm looking at my names.

She is way ahead.

So I'm there, and I'm like,

"Michelle, which one's yours?!"

But at that time,

we can't go back.

I have to catch up to her.

She stopped, and that's it.

Like, we can't go back.

I'm a little

concerned about my swimming,

but this is

where you don't give up.

This is where you find a way.

Instinct's gonna kick in,

and you have no other way.

At least that's

the way I'm looking at it.

Swimming time.

It's game time, you know?

So we got to do it

as best as we can.

It's do-or-die.

All the teams are here.

It's gonna be a tight,

uh, tight race.

We're gonna do it

no matter what.

We're going for it.




I've never worn flippers.

I've never worn

anything of this nature.

I'm just gonna follow Aubrey's

lead, and we'll be fine.

My mouth is frozen.

My face is numb.

- It's hard to talk.

- Let's go.

Claire and my strategy is

I'm gonna remember the odd ones.

And she's gonna

remember the even ones.

And then at the end,

we'll put it all together

and pass the test.

I know Claire has basically

a picture perfect memory,

and I am with Claire.

So I feel like

we should get through this

pretty painlessly.

All right.

Derek and Claire

are in front of us.

So are Luis and Michelle.

And here come Molly and Emily.

Knowing that all four teams

were there at the same time,

I was determined to not give up

right then and there.

I said, "I did it once,

I can do it again."

I don't know

how many deep breaths I took

trying to prepare myself,

and then ultimately I got in.

I got in the water, and,

um, I tried my best to swim.

But it was hard.

It was hard for me.

Oh, my


Focus on your breath, relax.




- We did the wrong ones.

And Hekla is here.

One Hekla was there?



Hold on, baby. What was 1104?


I thought Heklas

- I thought I got Heklas.

- Huh?

I didn't get Heklas?

You were every other.

I know, baby,

but you were going too fast.

I tried

to communicate with you.

We have such easily

triggered visual memories,

so seeing the volcano name

next to the correct dates

just flipped a switch.

The dates were

starting from the most recent

and going down to 974.

So if you could remember

the order of the volcanoes,

you could kind of

make a correlation.

Oh, I know.

There's three Heklas.

I remember one Hekla being '66

'cause 666 and hell.

I think it was a smaller

I think I remember seeing that.

- Okay.

- Check.

It's wrong.

You got to try again.

Okay. All right.

I know them all. All mine.

Thank God I did this with Claire

because she

was able to do all of hers.

- And it immediately showed me

all my possible options. Mm-hmm.

And I just had to, like,

basically match A to A.

- Baby, we're very close.

- Okay.

We're only missing part of

the last ones at the very end.

- It's fine.

- We'll get it this time.

Like, we have

to go back in there.

And I was already tired,

and it was cold,

but we could go fast

because we know most of them.


Heck. It's Nurati's birthday.

Surtsey. My dad likes to curtsy.

I was both 18, 23, 16 and 25

when I wanted cats.

And heck instead of hell

to get into heaven. 11.

Can we get a check?

You're good.

I love you.

Okay. Let's drive.

Gullfoss Falls,

known as the Golden Falls,

it is on the must-see list

for anyone visiting Iceland.

It's now the Pit Stop

for this leg of the race.

It's impossible.

I think I probably

could have memorized them all.

Oh, my God. She's so good.

- You okay?

- I have water in my nose,

and I couldn't breathe

at one point.

Hi. You can choose a board.

You have this.

Oh, my God.

I thought this one was

We screwed up our strategy.


God. Hekla. Hekla.

I'm not sure.

- Yeah.

- Check.

You're good.


- Let's go, baby.

- Oh, my God. Good job.

Thank you.

Thank you.


- It's wrong.

- You got to try again.

Check, please.

It's wrong.

- You got to try again.

- Okay.

Do you want to remember

I get Eldfell?

I'll get Hekla and Askja.


So, it wasn't too bad.

Just not panic is the key.

Uh, let's go.


It's now or never. I love you.

We got in there,

and at first I was fine.

I was like, "We can do this."

We start swimming,

and I see David behind me,

taking deep breaths.

I know what that means.

I've known

him for seven years now.

He's having a hard time.

It was a hard test for me.

I kept

taking my goggles off

because they were foggy.

I felt like I wasn't able

to catch my breath.

The water was cold,

and that was the hardest.

Is that Phil?

- Shut up.

- There's Phil!

Oh, my God.

Let's go.

- Welcome to Gullfoss, Iceland.

- Thank you.

- Thank you, thank you.

- It's beautiful.

I just want to let you know

that you are standing

next to a very famous actor

here in Iceland.

- Oh.

And you'll be pleased

to know you are team number one.

- Oh, my God.

- We did it.

As the winners

of this leg of the race,

you have won Expedia points

good for a five-night stay

for two to London.

- Wow!

- Okay. All right. Okay.

Expedia experts will

design a unique local experience

that includes

a British baking class,

a tour of Stonehenge and Bath,

afternoon tea on the Thames

and a private tour

of the National Gallery.


And I am pleased

to tell you that you are

one of the three teams

that will be racing

-to the finish line

-Oh, my God.

for the $1 million prize.

Congratulations to both of you.

We're one third of the way.

You okay?

Shh. Stop talking to me, please.

I'm gonna forget.

We only have to beat one team.

- Yeah.

- They're still in the water.

By the time we got to our board,

Michelle and Luis

had already left,

- so we knew we were the final place.

- Mm-hmm.

I knew immediately the two

that needed to be flopped.

- That was it.

- That was it.

- We're done.

- Check.

- You're good to go.

- Yes!

Gollfoss. Gollfoss.


That was rough.

Oh, my God. We made it.

- We made it.

- We made it.

Oh, my God.

- Phil, we're here!

- Leave the keys?

We're here.

We made it.

Welcome to Gullfoss, Iceland.

- Thank you so much.

- Thank you.

Luis and Michelle,

I am very pleased to tell you

that you are team number two!

And you will be one

of the three teams racing to

the finish line for $1 million.


Luis, a lot of emotion

welling up inside you right now.

What are you thinking?

We started off

as the tenth team,

and I just want to finish it.

I just want to finish the job.

The world was

waiting for you at the start.

Now a million dollars

is waiting for you at the end.

We're ready to take it home.

You okay?

I'm okay, baby. I'm okay.

Wasn't Askja 1940 this one?

I didn't see Askja.

I'm pretty sure

these two are right.

KTLA 1104 is correct.

And Hekla.

Hekla was for sure 1991.

I know 1963 is Surtsey.

What do you want to do?

We have no choice

but to get it checked.

- Can we get it checked?

- Sure.

It's not correct.

I don't want to give up,

but I definitely

don't want to go out there

and freak out again.

It's not worth

putting you in that position.

It's not worth it.

For us to go in the water

and put ourselves

back in that situation,

where I already know

the first time wasn't good.

The second time

was sure not good,

because I wasn't even in it

at that point.

It wasn't worth it

for us to do it again.

I think we're gonna

take the penalty.


It's a two-hour penalty.


I'm just

I'm so happy that we got to

do this journey together, and

At least I can say that I tried.

- Oh, my God.

- Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

Really pleased

to tell you that you are

one of the three teams

Oh, my God.

that will be racing

to the finish line

for $1 million,

against the odds.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my gosh. It's so beautiful.

Aubrey and David,

I'm sorry to tell you

that you are

the last team to arrive.

- It's okay. We figured it out.

- Yeah.

And I'm very sorry to tell you

that you have been

eliminated from the race.

- Bittersweet.

- It's not bitter at all.

At all.

I mean, I can't

You can't put a price

on the experience that we lived.

And honestly, like, Phil,

I've watched you

since I was in,

like, second grade.

It's so cool

to be standing in front of you.

Well, we-we loved

having you on the race.

- Thank you.

- Thank you.

It was an honor

and it was a pleasure.

Thank you so much

for everything.

Thank you.

Now only three teams remain

in thisAmazing Race.

Good job, Claire.

It is such a dream come true

to actually be here.

We have come in, like,

with a purpose, with a focus,

and we try

to enter every single leg,

taking the lessons

that we've learned

on the previous leg

and applying them.

And I think that's really shown

in our performance.

You're team number one.

Yeah! Yeah!

- It's our turn, baby.

- That's right!

Winning for us will

really make our family proud.

Oh, my God! Go, babe!

We want to do this

for our future daughter or son

that we're gonna have.

And this prize money will

make a big impact in our lives.


We have everything it takes

to win the million dollars.

We just have to find

the great parts of everything

that we've done

and just put it together.

Oh, my God.

It's like a fairy tale.

Oh, God.

We're in the final three.

If you think about

the odds of us meeting,

the odds

of us getting separated,

adopted to the same country

and then to just come together.

All right. I got it, Moll.

We are good at challenges,

and that has been

our saving grace.

We may get a little bit

slowed down in getting there.

- Em, I'm so sorry.

- No, it's all right.

- We'll get there.

- But we have the ability

- to make up time.

- We got what it takes.

- We just have to execute.

- We have skills.

You are team number one.

I've never felt more

ready for this in my life.


We have a one-in-three shot

of winning a million dollars.

Oh, my God, Claire.

You're k*lling this.

I can visualize

running onto the mat,

carrying Emily on my back

and getting there first.

To win a million dollars

is gonna be tough.

We got to make

our cleanest leg yet.

We got to be on point.

We're gonna

win The Amazing Race.

We will be the winners of

season 34 of The Amazing Race.

Next time on the season

finale ofThe Amazing Race

All three teams have

a 33% chance

at the million dollars.

The margin for error

is almost zero.

- Right! Take a right!

- Is Broadway this way?

This is a close race.

Everybody's five minutes

within each other.

Excuse us. We're in a race

for a million dollars.
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