34x06 - Step By Step

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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34x06 - Step By Step

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on

The Amazing Race

For the first time ever,

teams raced

to the Kingdom of Jordan.

Is that real

or are we seeing things?

And early injuries

slowed down Emily and Molly.

I've got something

going on with my thigh.

-Oh, no.

-This is not good.

At the Roadblock,

Linton struggled in the sand.

No giving up. No giving up.

It's out here somewhere.

In the ancient city of Petra,

Derek and Claire

and Luis and Michelle

battled for the lead.

-Oh, we got it!

-They got it?

Ending with a victory

for the married couple.

-You are team number one.


Aubrey and David

were puzzled at the Detour.


But in the end,

it was Linton and Sharik

who came up short.

You are the last team to arrive.

You have been eliminated

from the race.

-Thank you.

-Very proud of her.

-Thank you.

-We finished what we started.

This is the capital of Jordan,


First inhabited

about 9,000 years ago,

it's among

the world's oldest cities.

And high atop the white city,

these ancient ruins,

including the Citadel.

This is where teams will begin

their second leg in Jordan.

Morning, everybody.

Good morning, Phil.

Whenever you see Phil

before a leg starts,

that's not good.

Good to see everyone,

but I do have some

important news to share.

You will have noticed

that there's a team

missing this morning.

Abby and Will.

Good morning, Abby and Will.

-Hey, Phil.

-Hey, Phil.

Unfortunately, we have received

a positive COVID test from you.

As you know, safety is

our number-one priority, and

I'm really sorry to say this,

but it does mean

that you are

officially eliminated

from The Amazing Race.

We understand.

We knew it was gonna

be a challenge coming back out

on the race, having to deal

with COVID protocols.

Amazing Raceis kind of

rolling with the punches,

and unfortunately,

this is one of the punches.

So it's definitely


but we've loved

every single minute of it.

It has been

everything I dreamed.

I'm really devastated

by this. I loved Abby and Will.

They are great people,

and they're

really fierce competitors.

- Yeah.

- And so seeing them

be taken out

by something that

is kind of out of their control,

it does break your heart.

I'm gonna be forever grateful

that I had a chance

to run this with Abby.

We had so much fun together,

and just getting to see

all these amazing places

was incredible.

We're gonna miss you guys.

-We love you. Miss you.

-I love you, Will and Abby.

Good luck.

We hope to see y'all,

uh, at the end of the race.

Take care.

That's pretty tough, huh?

But you guys

get to continue racing.

That is the good news.

So I need you

to shift your minds right now.

Just because

of the circumstances

of what's happened here,

we're all gonna be leaving

at the same time,

and you don't have

to worry about an elimination.

We've already eliminated a team.

But I want you to know that

the way you finish in this leg

will determine how you start

in the leg after this one.

You will be leaving in the next

leg of the race in four groups.

Two teams in the first group,

two teams in the second group,

two in the third.

And then one team will be

leaving all on their own

45 minutes

behind the first team.

So give it absolutely

everything you can today.

Everybody ready to race?

All right.

Your first clue

is inside the Citadel.

When I say go, run down,

go inside, grab a clue.

Good luck. Travel safe.


Let's do it.

"Route Info.

"You will be exploring

this historic city

"entirely on foot.

"Race to the Maktabet Khazanet

Al-Jahith Bookstore

to find your next clue."

We got to turn it on

for this race.

Got to find this bookstore.

Let's go.

Let's keep this in our hands

as long as we need it, you know?

We wanted this to be our leg

and finally

get ahead of the pack.

We were seventh place last leg.

So when Phil talked about

the fact that we were all gonna

do another sprint,

we were hopeful,

because it's just what we wanted

and just what we needed.

I'll run

as long as you run, baby.

-You set the pace.

-I'll tell you when to stop.

Anyone know the Maktabet

Khazanet Al-Jahith Bookstore?

-Uh, not really.

-No, so that's probably not it.

Do you have a cell phone?

Hey, let's ask

some of the tourists.

- Yeah, excuse me?

- Did we ask you already?

Let's ask in there.

Come on, baby.

This way? To the left?

Is that the correct one?


You happen to know the address

to the Maktabet

Al-Jahith Bookstore?

Let's go, let's go, let's go!

Let's get out of here.

We see 'em, we see 'em.

We're just

gonna follow the brothers.

They seem like they

know where they're going.


-This is a good plan. Good plan.

The order we finish today

determines the order

and timing of our Pit Starts

for the next leg.

So we knew it's important

to finish as high as possible.


It looks like everyone's

sticking in teams of two.

- Yeah. Let's do it

- You guys want

to do this together?

We got two teams following us.

So unless they're following us,

they're going towards it, too.

All right, guys, let's go.

- Down this hill.

- Getting to the city?



Where are we?

-Now, can you do walking?

-How far of a walk is it?

By walking, 15 minutes.

- 15 minutes walking?

- Okay, 15 minutes.

Babe, it's looking

like we're last. Let's go.

Where can we

find this bookstore?


-You know where it could be?

Straight down?

Oh, oh, to the right.

I don't see

David and Aubrey anymore.

And Derek and Claire.

- Hoppity hop.

- Let's do this, guys.

- This feels right to me.

- Yeah.

Yeah, they're not there anymore.

- They're

right in front of us.

- Oh, got it.

We'll go down the stairs,

and then what?

I don't know. That's the thing.

My body is not

feeling great right now.

We're halfway through the race,

but I think that

I strained

my quad muscle in Italy.

So I was very nervous

coming into this leg.

It was really my goal today

to not be

that last team

into the Pit Stop.

So we're gonna

keep on pushing through.

No panic.

You guys see 'em?

The city was this way.

The last leg we got first,

and I hope

we keep this momentum going.

We're officially going downhill.

We're we still kind of

don't know where we're going.

Next leg,

there's gonna be one team

that leaves last,

45 minutes after the first team.

-That's huge. We did not

want to be that last team.


-Are we running carelessly?

-We got this, baby. Don't worry.

We got this.

- It's looking like

we're last place, babe.

- That's all right.

Nothing is marked in any English

letters. It's all in Arabic.

This is more difficult

than what it looks like.

Uh, anyone speak English

around here? We're really lost.

Can we use your phone?

- This city is crazy.

- This is like New York City.

Don't feel good that

we don't see anyone else.

Found it. Downtown Amman.

- Will you type that

into the Google map?

- Yeah.

The entrance is over there.

Oh, the entrance. Okay.

Around the corner?

I think this is

the same alley, no?

It might lead to it.

This is insane.

This is insane.

-Go back up this way?


Yeah, 15 minutes.

What did they tell you guys?

-He thinks it's up.

-He thinks

it's the opposite way.



We're trying to find Maktabet

Khazanet Al-Jahith Bookstore.

You guys want to see

if we can use the computer?

-That's good idea.

-Hello? You speak English?

Can we use your computer?

Left, then right, okay?

It's up there, okay?


-Okay, thank you so much.


I told you we were going

in the right direction, baby.

Can we see

step-by-step directions?

Yes. Yes.

-Yes, walking. Coming up.

Walking? Walking?

-Uh, walking. Walking.

- Good job. Let's go.

- All right. All right, guys.

All right, let's try to make up

a little bit of time.

We're going through this tunnel.

You do a fast walk, baby.

My wife is a beast!

Good job, baby. Good job.

You're gonna turn right,


-Turn right?

It's over there. Okay.


-Is that it?

-Oh, I see it.


-Oh, okay.

- Look for

a red and yellow.

- Yep.

- Good job, guys.

- Thank you, guys.

-Good job.

-Good job. Good job.


-Aw, snap.

"Step by Step

or Letter by Letter?"

Dance is a universal language

of human expression.

This Jordanian routine,

a flirt dance,

is often performed

as a ritual before weddings.

Teams must get in step with

an instructor, then dress up

and nail a performance of

the dance for their next clue.

The Middle East

is believed to be the place

where written language

was first invented.

Today, the Arabic alphabet

is the second-most

widely used alphabetic

writing system in the world,

made up of 28 letters,

all of them consonants,

read from right to left.

Teams must memorize

all 28 letters

and recite them

out loud for a clue.

Hey, girls, what are you doing?

- Letter by Letter.

- She can't dance right now.


-Yeah, we're doing

Letter by Letter, too.

"Make your way to the Odeon


next to Hashemite Plaza."

-Go, go, go

-Shukran, shukran, shukran.

- Thank you, thank you.

- Nice.

-Get the clue, Aubrey.

-All right, Claire,

get the clue.

We'll check it together.

"Detour. Step by Step

or Letter by Letter?"

We're doing Step by Step.

We're doing Letter by Letter.

You good, Q? You got it?

I didn't see it.

-This way.

-All right.

That was clutch. We needed

that printout. That was smart.

Baby, that looks

like a bookstore right there.

That might be it, but it's

in Arabic. I don't know.

That's it?

Thank you so much.

That's it.

That looks like it's it.

-That's it.

Come on. Hallelujah.

-That was hard.

-It was.

Sorry. Hello.



Let's do Step by Step.

-All right.

-Step by Step.

"Step by Step or Letter

by Letter? Learn to dance."

-Learn to dance.

-Let's go.

We're dancing. We're dancing.

Is it in there?

I-I see,

I see signs that say "theater."

I think maybe inside, over here?


Do I see a door open?

Oh, alphabet.

Pick an instructor.

Ah. Hello. We choose you?

Rahaf? Rahaf.

- Alif.

- Alif.

- Baa.

- Baa.

- Taa.

- Taa.

If you forget the three words,

you say "alphabet."

- Ayn.

- "En."

- Ayn.

- "En"?


-"En. En."

-Ayn. Ayn.

-Raa.Oh, my gosh.


-Ghayn. Ghayn.


-Kha. Kha.



Oh, my gosh.

-We'll come back to that one.


Okay. We need

to find an instructor.

We get to Step by Step,

and we were the only team there.

-So I was like, "Perfect."


- We're ready.

- We're ready.

-This dance

is a flirtatious dance


-Okay. Oh, all right.

-between a man and a woman.

Usually done before a wedding.

Done before weddings.

-All right, all right.

It's a sign.

-It's a sign.

-You're dancers, right?

It's a count of eight.


Typically in the other

dance challenges, I was able

to translate it back into, like,

our bachata salsa language.

Today, absolutely not.

There was nothing

the same as what we do.

-Oh, it's over here. Over here.

-Yeah, I think it's right here.

What's this?





Okay, hi.


-Hi. Claire.

Zaa, siin, shiin, saad.

- Ha. Waaw.

- Ha. Waaw.

- Yaa.

- Yaa.




-This. "Kh."


- Saad. Saad.

- Bravo.

- Through the lips.

- Saad.

-Yeah. Saad.


-It's like learning Korean.


-Well, this is like Hebrew.


We were both

raised in Jewish families.

I grew up learning

Hebrew for my bat mitzvah,

and the letters

and the sounds are very similar.

I also know the Hebrew alphabet.

We got to do it slow

when we do it.

Yeah, we're gonna do it slow.

This is a throaty one.

-Okay. "K-Kh."


And this is haa.

And this is h

-Ha. Ha.

-Yeah. Okay.

-Very good, correct.




-Ra. Ra.




-There's an "R" sound, Marcus.





There were some letters

that were difficult

for me to pronounce.

We have to hurry up

and get through this,

so we can stay in first.

-Hey, so check it out.

Check it out. Check it out.


Do you want

to remember the first half,

and I'll remember

the second half?

-Okay. Let's do that.

-Okay? Okay.

I reread the instructions

and it just said that

it says, as a team,

we have to go through

the entire alphabet.

-So I'm like,

"Let's just divide it up 14-14."

-Let's divide it up.

And I don't have to worry about

saying this letter that

I can't say the correct way.

-Raa. Raa.

-Ra. Ra.

-Raa, raa, raa.

-I'm trying.

If Michael can say it,

I think we can kind of expedite

getting through this challenge.

-Kha. Kha.

-"Raaf. Raaf."

-That looks like a Roman

-That looks

like a Roman theater.

That looks like something.

Let's check over there.


I don't think this is it.

That looks

like a Roman theater, guys.

We're putting

a lot of pressure on ourselves

to get that first place.

There's no entrance there.

This looks

like a Pit Stop, guys.

When we thought

that was the Pit Stop,

- we thought we were last.

- Oh, no.

-Oh, my God.

-Baby, you got to run.

You got to run with me.

Classic Amazing Racemistake.

Run a direction without

knowing where you're going.


Hashemite Plaza.

That way.

All right, babe, it's here.

Let's get this dance going.

-Available dance instructor.


-We choose you.


-Yes. Welcome.

-Let's watch the dance

you're gonna learn.

Five and six and seven, eight.

So you'll be

in front of each other.


-All right.

I'm gonna ask you

to go slower sometimes, okay?

-That's fine. That's fine.

-Thank you.

It may not look like

I'm having fun,

but I'd rather do this

than the alphabet.

Can we try it? You good?

-Let's-let's try. Let's try.

-All right.

- Are you ready?

- Yes.

- He's gonna start.

- Okay.

Alif. Baa. Taa. Thaa.

Jiim. Haa. Kha.

Daal. Thaal. Raa.


Siin. Shiin. Saad.




Ayn. Ghayn.



-No. That was

Okay, try again.

- Ra.

- Raa.

- Ra.

- Raa.

I-I can't curl my Rs,

so this is tough.


- "En. En."

- Ayn. Ayn.

-"En. Eh."


Ayn. Ayn. Ayn.

- All right, we got this.

- We can do this.


-Are you ready?

-Can we go slow?

-Yeah, slow.


Alif. Baa.

Taa. Thaa.

Jiim. Haa.





- No. Not good.

- No? Okay.

I took Spanish

for three years in high school.

I could never roll my Rs.

I mean, I think that's, like,

a genetic disability. Um

We'll see how this goes.

Back again.

We know the order.

Just pronouncing

Alif. Baa. Taa.

Thaa. Jiim.



-Ah. This is the haa?

-This is thaaand thaal.

-Thaa. Thaal.

-Thaa. Thaal.

-Thaa. Thaal.

-Ha. Ha.

-Haa. Haa.






-Ghayn. Ghayn.



- Roman theater?

- This has to be it.

-Oh, my God, yes.



-You come with us?


-Yes. Good.

-Let's go.

I don't think

I did that right.

We got to the dance challenge

in such a good place.

We thought that

we could get it over with

by the time other people

are showing up or-or even

get finished with it

while they're still practicing.

It just so happens that

the three teams that showed up


professional dance teams.

I-I lost it. I lost it.

I've never danced with a sword

before. Let's do this.

One, two, three, four.

We look so good, girl.

Here, we in place.

One and hit. One and three step.

Oh, wait, I cross this way.

Like, I need

specific things, right?

- So, let's

- I'm trying

to get it, too.

-Once I get it, I can tell you.

-I got you. I got you.

Daal. Thaal. Raa.

Zaa. Siin.

Shiin. Saad.

Daad. Taa.

Thaa. Ayn.



Qaaf. Kaaf.


Miim. Nuun.


-Waaw. Yaa.




-Sir. Thank you so much.

-Thank you.

Drink some water.

-Did the boys get it?

-Yeah, they got it.

Oh, man.

-Roadblock. Here it is.

-"Roadblock." This is

-I think it's you, man.

-All right.

"Who's Feeling Broken Carted?"

It doesn't

matter what you call it--

a pushcart, a handcart,

a dolly, a rickshaw--

if you need

to move something from A to B,

then you

need a device like this.

Here in Jordan,

they call this earaba.

In this Roadblock,

teams need to put one together

and roll it to the Pit Stop.

-I guess I'll do.

-Mike is doing it.

-All right, baby,

let's do it. We got it.

-Let's do it, baby. We got this.

This is the first time I've done

any kind of dance like this.

There's so much heart, so much

passion going inside this dance,

and I'm just grateful

to be a part of it.

I lost it.

-And one and

-Ah. I go there first.

You got it.

Let's start again.

So it's a swoop and grab?



- Babe, you look hot.

- Thank you, babe.

-No, really, hot.


- I'm just kidding.

- No, you look hot.

I think the moment that

Luis finishes learning it,

we're gonna do it right away.

We're not even

gonna think about it.


Let''s do it.

One and done, baby.

-We're ready.

- One and done, baby.

- We're ready to dance with you.

We got it.

I don't think so. Not yet.

You're not really

giving it the fluidity.


And you need

a lot more eye contact.



We got to go put on the costume,

'cause we're gonna try out soon.

-I need help coming back,

after that spin.

-You do. You do.

The dancers learned it

a little bit quicker,

but that's okay,

because Luis isn''t a dancer.

So I trust him,

and I'm proud of him.

He's learning it really quick.

My hope is to get it

on the first try, man.

Ah, I messed up there.

It's okay.

- Uh, it's okay, guys.

- I'm-a get it. I'm-a get it

I'm-a get it.

I didn't even know

when to start.

It was my fault, actually.

I had no idea when to start.

And all of a sudden,

we were done.

I just got

to learn when to start.

-All right, we're ready to go.

-Keep your smile, babe.

Let's go.

I feel great. I feel

like we're gonna nail this.

We're gonna have big smiles.

We're gonna have a great time.

I'm-a flirt with my wife.

I mean, any opportunity you have

to flirt with your wife.

Come on.

Oh, my God. That's enough.

Uh, I messed up.

I messed up. I'm sorry, babe.

It's all good. We both did.

So we're looking for the park.

- On Al

- On Hashemi Street.

That is, uh,

where the Roadblock is.

It says a park.

We're going to a park.


What, you think

that's the park right there?


-I don't see

anything over there.


We're gonna find it.

You're gonna knock it out quick.

-We're gonna

get to the Pit Stop.


Faa. Qaaf. Kaaf. Laam.

Miim. Nuun.





- Oh, Thank you.

- Yay!

-Thank you.

-Oh, my God.

So, twins and army brothers

went through that

really quick, actually.

So we're the only ones

here right now.

I'm gonna to let you do it, just

'cause if we're running carts,

I'm not gonna be able

to run carts right now.

- Raa.

- Ra.


I cannot roll my Rs.

I've tried it every single year

on my birthday.

Growing up, I was like,

"Today, this is the year

-I'm gonna roll my Rs."



And of course, what do

I have to do today? Roll an R.


-And this is gonna

be my downfall.

Jiim. Haa. Kha.

Daal. Thaal. R-Ra.

This guy was,

he was pretty hard about it.

He was like,

"I want a perfectly rolled R."


It's, like,

deep in your throat.

It's not

Like, your deep tongue muscle.

Thank God for Claire.

She actually taught me

a technique

that worked pretty well.

How do you gargle water?

-I'll show you.


-Okay. Just do that same thing.



-Well done.



-There you go.

-Thank you. Thank you so much.

-Thank you so much. Thank you.

-Thank you!

-Thank you, everyone! Thank you!

"Feeling Broken Carted?"

You got it, babe.


So what do you think?

-I think we got it.

I think we got it.

-I think that you got it, too.


-Yes! Thank you, guys!

-Oh, my God.

-Thank you. Thank you.

-Thank you so much. Thank you.

I'm doing Broken Carted.

We still got all-all the other

teams on the other side.

You want to ask

this gentleman right here?

-There's a guy here.

He will know.

-Okay. Okay.

- Hi.

- Hi.

Al-Hashemi Park?

Excuse me.

Is this Al-Hashemi Street?

-It is this street.


we're looking for the park.

This way or that way?

-That way? Shukran.

-That way.

-Thank you so much.


Thank you.

-Jog a little? Or are you good?

-Yeah, we can jog.

Just got to get there.

Damn it. So we passed it?

- Let's just get there.

- Let's get there.

We apparently passed the park

we're supposed to go to.

Was it that one

that I pointed at?


It should be here, no?

Look, there's carts there.

"Choose a workstation

with tools and materials."

All right, I'm gonna pick

the one closest to the sample.


This is not a Lego set.

You got this, babe.

Who is that, Luis and Michelle?


-Damn, we blew our lead.

-Hey. How are you?

-How's it going?

So, what I do

is just put this

entire section together,

similar to that.

I have no idea where

to start with this.

I was hoping it was

gonna be like IKEA furniture.

Nice little directions

with little pictures.

No, it's like, "Here's a cart.

Here's some wood."

Here's some nails.

Here's a hammer. Go."

And I'm just like, "Oh, snap."

This is not gonna be that easy.

This is definitely not IKEA.

Is this the park?


-It's right here.

-Oh, my God.

-Are you kidding me?

All right, Molly, you got this.

All right,

so we got Molly and Emily,

and we

got Luis and Michelle here.

I can probably do this.

Maybe not as well as she could,

but I'll get it done.

It doesn't look that hard,

I guess,

but I guess we'll find out.

I hope Emily's not doing this.

- She's not.

- Oh, thank God.

After seeing you in Ducati,

it's pretty intimidating,


I'm just gonna save things

for you to build,

whenever you visit.

-I'd love that. Please.

-We can do it together.

Emily will look at it

and it will just,

like, float into place.

-Baby, focus!


Daal. Thaal. Raa.

Derek finally

learned how to roll his Rs.


That sounds good!



Okay. Let's not get cocky.

Waaw. Yaa.



All day, baby.

-I'm feeling Broken Carted.

-Claire's feeling broken.

Claire's feeling broken.

Less bounce.

-Less bounce.

-Less bounce.

Oh, it's here, Claire.

Go, go. Run, run, run.

Derek and Claire,

they just showed up.

I mean, it just looks like

a bunch of sticks right now.

Broke one piece.

You got Claire building again?

It's a redemption season.

I would just like to do

a little bit better

than I did last time.

Uh, I think this

is gonna be the one.

- We're not out of it,

babe. We're still in it.

- We're not. We're not out of it.

-Come on.

-Just don't want to be last,

but, hey.

-We're still in it, babe.



- Yes!

- Yeah!






-Thank you.


Quinton's gonna

do the Roadblock.

This is already done.

So I'm just trying

to make sure it matches.

I thought it was an

-"attention to detail"-oriented

-MARCUS: They're just


-slapping the wood together.

Instead of just

slapping it together.

So I would go back

and look at the example,

look at how many nails were on

each side of each plank of wood.

So that just takes time.

- Hey, looking good, Michael.

- Looking good.

Right now, I'm not trying

to make it perfect.

Trying the best that I can,

and then go from there.

Aubrey and David got

left before us, and Aubrey

and David aren't here.

I think they're lost.

There's a park

on Al-Hashemi Street.

-Come here.


Okay, make a left.

-Thank you.

-Thank you so much.

Babe, this is all you now.

-Go slow.

-I know. I'm focused.

That's fine.

It definitely

was harder than it looked.

We kind of were back

and forth, hitting and missing.

It's hot.

You got this costume on.

Still bouncing.

Don't jump.

Don't jump at all.

That's all right.

I turned the wrong way.

I didn't turn one time.

-You missed one step.

-Missed a step. I know.

You know, it's a very

nice dance, and it flows.

You know, I looked

like I was doing the robot

in a, in a turban,

and, you know.


We missed a beat.

Let's do it again.

-Let's do it again.

-Ugh, so frustrating.

So frustrating.

We don't have a lot of time.

We're the last ones here.

Babe, let's just relax

and get it right, okay?

You got it, David.

Uh, progress is going all right.

I'm just trying to make sure

everything matches

up with the other side.

I'm glad I got here first,

'cause I got the one

closest to the sample.

So that's gonna be

a huge advantage.

I'm pretty decent

at building things.

- Come on, David.

- I think I can do it.

I have no experience

building anything.

I build software.

You built a Ducati, Claire.


We all know

how building the Ducati went.

I'm a helicopter mechanic,

so I

I work with my hands a lot.

Oh, I should have

started with the sides.

Oh, that was stupid.

-Come on, Mattie.

-Let's go.

Oh, yeah, that feels good.

Time to start

hacking and smacking.

We had to build a pushcart.

They had

one side where the wall

was built, one was not.

And you had to look at the model

and figure it out. And

-it can't be as bad as Ducati.


Let's go.

Is there an order?

As of right now, everyone's here

except the newlyweds.

Glenda and Lumumba

are still not here.

I think we might just have

a clue.

Thank you so much.

Thank you so much.


"Who's Feeling Broken Carted?"

I am.

You're nailing it, Moll.

I'm trying not to hit my finger.

Abby and Will,

I'm thinking about you guys.


What is going on

with these nails?

Good job, honey.

I'm, uh, trying to do my best

to watch and learn

from the reference this time.

Is this as fun as the Ducati?

This is a little bit

more fun than the Ducati.

Ah, this looks beautiful.


Ah, that's how you use pliers.

I think.

Oh, hey!

-Love you, babe. You got it.

-Oh, my God.

Love you, too, babe.

Newlyweds just got here.

Happy for them.

Doesn't change my game.

All teams appear to be here now.

We're all working on this

at the same time.

Trying to come out on the top,

you know?

I don't make stuff at home.

My husband does this.

So I'm definitely completely

out of my element right now.

So far, so good.

Both sides looks the same.

Good job, David.

Let's go, babe.


So, now I'm working on

I think it's called the axle.

I don't even know what

I'm doing, honestly.

But it looks

like I know what I'm doing.

- Babe,

what do you need from me?

- Just encouragement.

Just encouragement?

All right. You got it, babe.

I'm just gonna nail this.

I'm gonna ask for a check,

and that's it.

Really close.

- All right, Michael.

- Let's get it done, man.

-Let's get it done.

-This is so much better.

This is what I always

should have been doing.

Rookie mistake.

Leverage, people.

You need to have

leverage when you're hammering.

You got this, Claire.

Slow and steady.

Let's get something

that's sturdy out of here.

Doesn't have

to look pretty to be sturdy.

Can I get a check?

Good job, baby.

Mwah. Oh.

It's not just

about getting this clue.

It has to be sturdy enough

to carry everything to Phil.

He's been k*lling it today.

I'm so proud of him.


Thank you, sir. Thank you, sir.

-Thank you. You got everything?


- Put this away.

- Yeah, yeah.

Good for them.

I wish that was me.


-"Route Info."

-Oh, my God.

Here we go.

"Race to Roman Nymphaeum."

This is just one of the reasons

why Jordan is on

so many people's bucket list.

This ancient land is scattered

with incredible ruins like this.

Teams will end their Jordanian

journey at Amman's Nymphaeum.

The last team

to check in here

will be

the last team to depart

on the next leg of the race.

"Take proper care of your cart

and use it to bring your items

to Phil on the mat."

Luis and Michelle

just finished the Roadblock.

If Michael can finish this

thing in the next five minutes,

I'll carry that myself,

and we'll run 'em down.

Good job, baby. Let's go.

We got one team out already,

so that puts up the pressure.

Said "sturdy,"

so I'm putting four in there

instead of two.

-Baby, help me with the cart.


A wheel fell off.

Yeah, that was

actually my wheel.

Babe, we got to carry it.

- Okay

-Let's just carry.

I guess we're gonna

walk it to the Pit Stop.

-This came off.

-Oh, no!

-The cart came-came apart.

-Do you have the tools?

Yeah, the tools are here.


- Oh, I feel bad for 'em.

- That's insane.

Are we all gonna be doing this?

-We got to redo it.

-Let's Yeah, let's redo it.

Cart's coming apart,

and we're supposed

to take it to Phil together.

So we have to stop

and build it again.

All right.

We're gonna do this again.


Ah, David, did that quick.

Another person's

getting a check.



It's David. David was

the first one to finish.

Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go.

-They're moving. They're moving.

-They're moving? It's okay.

Let's go, baby. Let's go.

-Try and add a few more.


David, go!

Yeah, it looks

like theirs fell apart.

Slowly. Good, good, good.

English? English?

Watch your step.

Pick it up slowly.

Very slowly.

Do you know where this is?

Roman Nymphaeum.

Can you look, can you

look it up on your phone?

Thank you.

We know exactly

where the Pit Stop is.

We passed it

on the way to the Roman Temple.

We got this, baby.


- Come on, babe, come on.

- Sorry. Sorry.

-Raise it, raise it.


Extra slow here. Extra slow.

-I don't want this

falling apart again.


-Go, go, go.

-Watch this corner.

This way, David.

Oh, yes!

- There you go. Let's go.

- Let's go.


They're very happy.

Welcome to Amman, Jordan.

Thank you so much.

I told you you had to give

it all for this leg of the race.

You did that, and you have

been rewarded with first leg.

Back-to-back wins.

-Back-to-back, baby.



- There's more good news.

- Yes.

As the winners

of this leg of the race,

-you have won

Expedia reward points


good for

a five-night trip for two

to Barcelona.

Oh, Barcelona!

Expedia experts are gonna

design a unique local experience

that includes a Montserrat

private balloon rides,

Palace of Catalan music tour

and kayaking Costa Brava.

Thank you so much.

The other good news is that

you will be in the first group

leaving on

the next leg of the race.

Getting one first place

could have some luck involved.

We might be lucky.


back-to-back first places.

- Uh-uh.

- That's not all luck, baby.

That's some skill. I feel

like we're the team to beat.

This is why

being a dancer is great.

Hate building things.

Look at her. Grease on her face.

She doesn't even need

No one else

has grease on their face.



I think I initially

took too much time on the

on the wheel.

- Yeah. Yeah.

- Yeah!

-Come on, now.

-Let's go, girl.

Looks like another team

is also about to head on out.

Oh, thank you.

Thank you so much.

- Okay.

- Good job.

Oh, my gosh, Claire, good job!

Man, how are,

like, other people

getting here after us

and then leaving before us?

I was getting frustrated.

Maybe it was

too much attention to detail.

- I'm sorry, Marcus.

- It's all good.

Just pick it up. I'll drag it.

Keep it up,

keep it up, keep it up.

Beep, beep.

-Sorry, Derek. Are you good?

-Yeah, I'm fine.

Fast, fast.

- Is that Do we

have to go up the street?

- Hurry.

-Excuse me.

-Watch out.

Watch it. Slow.

Slow, slow, slow.

- You're almost there, baby.

- Come on, come on.

Oh, my goodness.

- Yeah.

- Phil,

every time we see you,

you have this unpleasant look

on your face, because

I have an unpleasant look?

Because we know that

we're probably

the last or second to last.

And today we got here, and

you have a smile on your face.

Your cart is in pieces,

but you have

arrived here intact.

And I'm pleased to tell you

you're the second team

to arrive.


Man, we're still there.

We still got a couple teams.

They're still working.

Last piece, I think. Check.

These aren't fitting properly,

so I'm trying to adjust.

- Thank you so much.

- Okay.

Thank you.


You're doing a great job.

Keep it up, babe.

Thank you.

All right, let's do it.

I see Quinton and Mattie.

- You see them?

- Go!

Oh, my God. It is hot here.

Yeah, I keep hitting my calf.

Yeah, I know.

Yes, dude, we're so close.

You got it, Derek.

Work smarter, not harder.

Okay, just carry it

to the next

Over there. Right over there.

Right or straight?

I don't know.

You got this. You got it.

There you go.

- Congratulations.

- Okay,

I'm gonna roll it

the rest of the way.

Oh, and another team.

Look at that.

You guys are racing

really tight together.

Thank-thank you.

Quinton and Mattie, I'm pleased

to tell you that

you're team number three.

You can probably

count up the carts.

Derek and Claire,

that means that

you are team number four.

Very good news.

You will be leaving

in the second group.

Yeah. Let's go. Come on.

Honestly, I do feel like

I let my husband down today.

-No, baby, baby, we're good.

We are good.

-I wanted to win. I'm sorry.

You're okay, babe.

Take a break. Come here.

Come here.


Listen, listen.

Drink some water, okay?

Don't be discouraged.

You're doing great.

-I'm completely

confident in you.


And I need you to not think

that this is a failure

because you're struggling at it.

All right?

All right,

so relax a little bit,

don't be frustrated,

and then just keep going.


-Keep it going.

Good job, baby.

Let's go, guys.

Let's go.

There you go. Bring it in.

Michael and Marcus

arrived in at fifth place.

Emily and Molly, that would

make you team number six.

-All right.

-On the next leg of the race,

you will be leaving

in the third group together.

- Yes.

- You're not last.

But you're in that group.

Both teams standing in front

of me here have a chance

of winning this Amazing Race,

$1 million

is waiting for one team.

- Yep.

- And there's no reason

why it can't be one of you.

No reason at all.




Okay. Great job.

Well, it's been a while, guys,

-um, but you made it here.

-A while.

-We made it.

-But you have arrived last.

And that's gonna make it

tough for you in the next leg.

I did tell you that you

would be leaving 45 minutes

- Mm-hmm.

- after the first teams

leave on the next leg.



Glenda, I see

tears in your eyes.

Are you just overwhelmed?

I'm happy I got that cart done.

I do feel like

I let my husband down today.

-Oh, no.

-Even though I know

that he doesn't feel that way.

That's just how I feel.

- Yeah. You did it, babe.

- She made me proud, Phil.

Every moment that I look at her

doing something new,

something different, you know,

I just-I just get strength,

and I'm excited for our future.

You should be excited.

Here's the thing about

The Amazing Race.

Even if you arrive last

on one leg,

that doesn't mean you

can't arrive first on the next,

and it doesn't mean that you

can't go on to win this race.

I don't expect

to go home the next leg.

Even though we're starting 45

minutes behind the first team,

we're still here.

Anything can happen.

Stay tuned.

Next time

onThe Amazing Race

"Welcome to France."

I feel like a queen!

Stay cool.

Stay calm.

David, I am trying.

Stay cute and stay collected.

It's okay, I have faith you.

Oh! Oh, no!
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