34x01 - Many Firsts But Don't Be Last

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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34x01 - Many Firsts But Don't Be Last

Post by bunniefuu »

This is Munich, Germany

where 12 new teams

are headed to the Amazing Race

starting line,


Use those long legs, bae.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!

- We are Team Miami in the house.

- Miami.

"Raised on croquetas."

We've been together 13 years,

and we've been married

six of those years.

I am a professional dancer.

I am currently

on tour with Pitbull.

And I am a firefighter.

I've been a firefighter

for 12 years.

We are grateful

for this opportunity,

and we're gonna,

you know, kick some butt.

Hey, hey, hey, hey!

All right,

what's winning so far?

Big Brother or this?

Yeah, yeah. Come on.

Are you kidding me? Fresh air?

Get out of here.

We met on the reality TV show

Big Brother,

and we've been dating

for the past eight months.

Claire is the smartest girl

I've ever met.

I work in software and tech.

I do machine learning.

You're the brains

of the operation.

Yeah. You're the muscle.

It does concern me a little bit

if I'm the muscle.

That is, that is true.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!

Wait, I'm sorry.

Are we going down?

Is there no seat belt?!

Holy crap.

We are doing

The Amazing freaking Race.

Go, go, go, go, go, go, go.

Go, go, go. Go, go, go, go, go.

I would like to officially

welcome you

to the start of your Amazing

Race here in Munich, Germany.

A lot of history here.

This is home

to the largest beer festival

in the world, Oktoberfest.

And you are about to be part

of some Munich history

when you take part in this race.

We have highly

competitive people here.

Rex, Tim,

you guys know about competition?

For those of you who don't know,

I was a head coach

in the National Football League

for eight years

Six with the New York Jets,

two with the Buffalo Bills.

I'm Tim Mann.

I'm a probation officer

for the state of Tennessee.

So I got paired up

with Rex on the golf course.

We golfed together and became

good friends after that.

I truly believe

we can win this race.

Look, I-I thought my team

was gonna win the Super Bowl

with the Jets.

So maybe it ain't gonna happen.

No, I'm just kidding.

But I truly think we can.

We're Team T-Rex.

This dinosaur is gonna

devour the competition.

I'm not used to seeing

you without the headset on.

Are you gonna be

barking out orders to people?

- This guy right here, for sure.

- Just me.

- I'm Abby.

- I'm Will.

I-I see you found it very

difficult to contain yourself.

We've been watching this

since we met.

We've known each other

for 20 years.

We've been dating

for eight of those.

We're high school sweethearts.

It can be hard to get

a word in with Abby, but


It is a dream of ours

to be on the show,

and it's gonna be awesome

to run a race with this girl,

who's so passionate

about everything.


Now, I know you both

have got some dance moves.


Um, my name is Quinton, and

- I'm Mattie.

- And we are both former, um, NFL cheerleaders.

For the Los Angeles Rams, baby.

For the Los Angeles Rams, baby.

I met this lovely girl.

She was my captain.

And we've been

best friends ever since.

- - Awesome.

- All right.

- Let's talk about the sisters.

- An amazing story.

I'm Molly. This is Emily.

And we are

identical twin sisters.

We just met one year ago.

We were adopted from South Korea

and separated at birth.

Molly was adopted to

a Jewish family in Florida,

and I was adopted to

a Jewish family in Pennsylvania.

We grew up not knowing

that one another existed.

And as adults,

discovered one another when

my daughter took a DNA test.

Being on the Race

gives us a unique opportunity

to make up for 36 lost years.

How amazing that you get

this opportunity together?

- Yeah. This is truly a gift.

- Yeah.

My dad and I are immigrants.

Which is, I mean, I don't know

if you can tell

- where we're from

- We're from Jamaica.

but we are from Jamaica.

We've always traveled

- vicariously through Amazing Race.

- Yeah. Yeah.

- Now we're doing it on The Amazing Race.

- On The Amazing Race. Yeah.

- -I love it.

- Yeah.

Looking forward to learning

more about all of you

along the way, but right now

we have a race to get started.

There are a lot of

firsts on this race.

This is the first time ever

that we have started

outside the United States.

The other thing that's new

and different about this race

is that you can

complete the challenges

on this first leg of the race

in any order that you want to.

It's called the Scramble.

The Scramble. That's something

different where I was excited.

-I was like, "Let's do this." Bring it.

-Yeah, I was so excited.

The other thing you should know

is, for the first time

in Amazing Race history, there

are no non-elimination legs.


Okay. We got to be on our A-game

- every single time.

- Every single leg. Yeah.

If you arrive last,

you will be eliminated.

- This is do-or-die, you know?

- Yeah.

Because there is

no other chance.

When I say go,

you can run around the fountain

and go over to your bags.

On top of your bags,

you'll see an envelope.

Inside the envelope

are three addresses

for the challenges

that you need to complete.

You can complete those

challenges in any order you want.

When you do, you will have

the clues you need

to find me at the Pit Stop.

Now, you're gonna be making

your way around Munich

in one of the cars that's

parked in the lot over there.

Is everybody ready to race?

The world is waiting for you.

Good luck.

Travel safe.


Let's go!

Here we go.

I'm ready, let's go.

- My God.

- Go.

- Love and light.

- Route Info.

"Get ready to scramble."

"Use the map in your car

to drive to each challenge

- "in any order you wish"

- Okay.

"to find your clues."

"The challenge locations

are Roll at Luitpoldpark."

"Saw at Biergarten Seehaus."

"Smash at

Augustiner-Keller Biergarten."

This is arguably the tastiest

beverage on the planet.

Ice-cold beer The number

one ingredient at Oktoberfest.


This Scramble

requires teams to complete

three Oktoberfest-inspired


Roll a beer keg

through an obstacle course

in under one minute.

Saw through a log.

And smash

an enormous block of ice.

Once complete,

they'll have the three parts

of a clue they need

to find me at the Pit Stop.

We don't know what

the challenges entail.

It just tells us where it is,

and then we should get

our clues when we get there.

- All right.

- Let's go.

Scramble was mind-blowing.

Now you have to decide what

order you're going to things.

- Go. Go.

- Let's do this, baby.

I am not generally

a patient person.

So when I identified


looking at the map, I'm like,

"Let's just go right now.

"'Cause I can get us there.

We'll get there fast."

All right, let's do it.

Yeah. Let's think about this

before making a decision.

- Can you help us find some locations?

- Yeah, of course.

We're trying to find

these three locations.

If you can help us

mark it on our map,

we would love you forever.

We had a strategy, and it was

asking for all these

extensive directions

to all these

different locations.

German is so fun.

So, Luitpoldpark is right there?

We got directions

to all three of those places,

and then we got

further directions

on how to travel

to those places.

We're Asian kids.

You know, we're overachievers.

Like, all we do is study.

So we're like,

"how do we get

extra credit on this race?"

Okay, so that's the exact place

of number one.

Luitpoldpark, right here.

Right here. Look, look, look.

It's right there.

- This one? Okay.

- Circle that, yeah.

Can you look this up for us?

Our strategy is find out where

these locations are on a map.

We don't want to have to stop

and ask for more directions.

All right, Claire, what's your

stress level right now?

Once we get out,

I'll feel better.

This is crazy!


Any-any-any order

you-you want to go in..

We're on The Amazing Race!

Okay, so we're here.

Phil's always

at a nice scenic spot,

so I figured this one

is closest to the river.

The Pit Stop

might be somewhere nearby,

so let's save that for last.

- We're going to Smash first.

- Smash?

Here we go.

And then we're gonna do, um

Biergarten Seehaus

to Luitpoldpark.

Molly, we're

on The Amazing Race!

So now let's see what we can do.

- All right, - we're going to Roll.

- We picked Roll first

because that was the first one

that we found.

We just were like,

"All right, go for it."

Let me just

figure out where we are.

- I know this is beside the point, but your hair is so cool.

- Yeah.

You're so wonderful.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

We're from Los Angeles.

- Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

- Cool.

Babe, you're gonna make a right.

We got to do them

in different orders.

- Yeah. Definitely.

- Whatever order we choose.

- Definitely.

- Man. That's a game changer.

We don't know how many teams

- are in front of us right now.

- Yeah.

And we're just, we're just

trying to get on the road

- and get going.

- Yeah.

Thank you so much.

- Thank you, thank you

- Of course. Good luck.

Are we the last to leave?

Yes, we are.

But slow and steady wins

the race on The Amazing Race.

Breaking news.

This just in. Scramble.

They give us all three addresses

and we just go

in whatever order we want.

You know, German is such

a fun language, you know?

Like, say, like,

butterfly in Spanish,

it's mariposa. In French,

it's le papillon.

In-in German, you know

what it is? It's Schmetterling.

Nina and I met on a dating app,

and we've been together

for four years.

- We recently got engaged.

- We did.

We're so different. I mean

Aastha is very spiritual.

-She grew up Hindu.

- I've meditated - two hours a day

for the past ten years.

That keeps me focused.

I'm probably gonna

skip over things accidentally,

but Aastha's going

to be able to slow us down,

and then lead

us to the finish line.

We're going to Luitpoldpark.

Luitpoldpark? All right.

We lived here before.

I was stationed here.

Member of

the United States Army.

Michael and I are

both active duty military.

Air Force and Army.

The active duty part,

there's a great deal of family

and personal sacrifice.

We only see each other

once or twice per year.

The ultimate goal

is just to have fun

and just reconnect

with each other.

Park it, right here.

Park it, right here. Right here.

- It's out here.

- It said "Roll."

- Red and yellow, right here, right?

- Look for "Roll."

- Hey, found something.

- I see it. I see it.

"Roll a beer keg

through the slalom course.

"Cross the finish line

before the clock runs out

to receive a piece

of the Pit Stop clue."

Let's go.

I see a sign.

- Hello!

- Hello.


Up, up, up, up.

I got to go run down there.

He's gonna run back.

In less than 55 seconds.

All right.

Come on, Marcus.

Come on, Marcus.

I was just like, "Screw that hay

bale. We're just going over it."

It's not good.

How would you ever think that

that was the right thing to do?

Let me just toss this bad boy.

It's an obstacle course

for a reason.

We'll try it again.

I'm centering myself

on my breath

and focusing on

remembering why I'm here,

who I am,

and my power and my strength.

Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.

Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go.

We have known

each other for eight years,

and we're actually coming up

on our third-year anniversary.

We work together

as motivational speakers.

We go to schools

and we help students realize

that they are important

and that they matter.

And I must say, Dom has a fire

that most people do not have.

It's just this internal flame

that just, ooh, gets really hot.

- And Yes.

- Tends to burn a little bit.

- I-Is this it? "Kleinhesselohe."

- Yep.

- Yep, that's it. Yeah.

- Okay. "Seehaus."

"Biergarten." Come on,

come on, let's do this.

- Okay. Okay.

- Yes.

- God.

- Okay.

- L L

- Love and light.

- Love and light. Okay. Go.

- Here, here, here.

"Saw completely through a log

to the music of Bavaria.

"Then bring the cut end

of your log to the farmer,

who will hand you

a piece of the Pit Stop clue."


- Take the saw. Take the

- Okay. Okay.

- Give me a kiss.

- Thank you. Danke.

Thank you. Danke.

- We're gonna just crush it. Let's do it.

- Okay.

Grab that side.

We're gonna put the saw right

here, and then this, it's all

It's a teamwork motion, okay?

So, look, look.

We're gonna do this.

- Back and forth, back and forth, okay?

- Okay, got it.

Until the whole thing's done.

Teamwork. Pull.

You got to pull. Pull.

We had to saw off

a really thick piece of log.

We don't stop.

This is a workout.

I love a good workout.


We got to go up and down

in 55 seconds.

- Let's go, let's go, let's go!

- Come on.

You've done it! Fantastic!

This is for you, okay?

All right. "To cross

-They'll add up and be a full sentence.

-Yeah. Yeah.


I haven't worked out

in nearly two months,

'cause I was in the field,

sleeping on a t*nk.

We are making an assumption

that the Pit Stop

is gonna be near the park.

We're gonna go to the closest

one, then the farthest one,

then the park where-where we

think the Pit Stop is gonna be.

If we can ever get started going

in the right direction,

we'll be okay.

- Here we go.

- The good teams don't worry about the other teams, Rex.

Yeah, who-who told you that?

- We're gonna roll.

- We're gonna roll.

Okay. Got it.

I hope it's a dance challenge.

I am a dance studio owner

in one of the largest Latin

dance companies in Los Angeles.

We first partnered up

four years ago.

She was the professional,

I was the amateur.

We're ready for the next phase

of our lives, and

what better than to test

each other's communication,

- our love

- Yeah. Everything.

- Than in something like this?

- Yeah.

- This is, like, hard.

- Come on, cars.

- Someone's already here.

- Hell, yeah.

Zirkus Krone-Strasse,

with a "Z."

All right, Abby, you're looking.

- There's the other team.

- Yup.

Okay, let's go.

-Let's go, guys. Let's go!

-Let's go, guys!

- All right. All right.

- It's this.

Yeah. Yellow, red. Okay.

There it is right there.

Zirkus Krone. Right there.

Where we're going

to now is called "Smash."

Go, go, come on, come on,

come on, come on.

Come on, Abby!

You got it back, babe. Come on.

Derek tore through this.

I've never seen

roll a keg faster.

- Hey. Let's go. Go.

- Yeah.

Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.

You got this, Claire. Come on.

- Okay. Vamos.

- Go, go, go, go!

- We have 15 seconds.

- Will, be careful.

Stay in your lane, David.

- Come on! Come on. Right.

- Nice and slow.

Yeah! You've done it!

Come on, babe.

No good. Too slow.

- My bad, Will.

- No, you're good. You're good.

- Go back.

- Think we got

to go again

'cause we ran out of time.

- Can we get our clue?

- For you.

- Good luck, guys.

- Good luck.


English Gardens to do Saw.

- All right.

- Here we are.

Das biergarten.

- Okay, ready? All right.

- Okay.

- Roadblock.

- Roadblock. Okay. Okay.

"Who wants to chill?"

"Smash an ice block

to free a container

with a piece

of the Pit Stop clue."

- I'll chill.

- You need to chill.

I do need to chill.

Look. We're here.

- All right.

- All right, you found the first spot.

All right. "Who wants to chill?"

- Want to do it?

- I'll do it.


Okay. Okay.

- You got this!

- I've never done this before.

So the ice challenge,

we had to basically chisel ice

and find a clue for the puzzle

to get to Phil's Pit Stop.

Yeah, baby!


There you go.

I'm so glad she got this one.


My God.

Go, babe!

That's my husband!

Do I even have the right side?

- Okay. Me?

- You can chill. All right.

All right, I'm gonna do it.

- You think it's beer? Okay.

- I got it. I got it. I got it.

Aah! Come on.

Babe, you went so fast.

All right, let's go.

Yes! Let's go, baby.

Good job!

Go, baby! Go!


All right. Let's go.

So now we're going

to Luitpoldpark.

All right. I'm going

straight, right, Nia?

I cannot confirm or deny.

I have no idea where we are,

and we're not going

in the right direction,

that's for sure.

My wife said, "Listen to Tim.

He's gonna be the navigator."

So I'm doing it.

But if we come last,

I'm kicking his ass.

We're gonna do this,

we'll be in first place.

- First place.

- Yeah.

We got this.

There's a sign right here.

Guten Tag.

Guten Tag.

- The outfits.

- Want to switch?

Yes. Okay.

My God.

- Line it straight, straight, straight.

- That's difficult.

- Okay.

- Line it straight.

Put that muscle into it, baby.

You got those strong arms,

that back.

You know I love your back.

- Let's go.

- Okay.

The secret is rhythm.

Rich and Dom they were putting

their entire body into it,

and they seemed really,

really, really tired.

Come on, Rich.

We're almost there.

We're over halfway.

I never have sawed it

in my life, but I realized

- you don't got to do that.

- Right.

Because a saw is just as sharp

if you do little movements.

- We're actually passing them here.

- Yup.

There you go.

- Shorter?

- Angle, angle, angle, angle.

We were not sawing efficiently.

We were getting

a little bit out of the groove.

Okay. Stop, stop.

It's hard to be positive

because I was frustrated,

I was tired, I was a mess.

This is terribly difficult.

Teamwork together.

Now you pull down.

There we go.

That's exactly how you do it.



Let's go, babe! You got this!

we are so competitive.

Competitive in games,

competitive in grades,

competitive in everything.

David, focus!


Come on, David! Work!


You've done it!

David, focus, focus!


You got it.

- This is for you.

- Thank you. - Awesome.

- I wish you good luck, okay?

- Thank you.

- Congratulations. - Thank you.

- Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you. Let's go.

- Let's go to Saw.

- Okay.

We're going to Saw

at Englischer Garten.

- Let's go.

- Let's go, babe. Come on.

Break that ice, babe! Good job!

- Got it.

- Yes! Let's go!

- Let's go. Okay.

- One down.

- There.

- Yes. There we go,

there we go, parking,

parking, parking.

We got a team

right there with us.

Team right there.

There-There's our girls.

Seeing Team T-Rex parking

with us That really, like,

kind of shook us up

a little bit.

'Cause we're like,

"my God. We need to run."

"Who wants to chill?"

- That's gonna be Nina.

- Okay.

- You're gonna chill.

- All right, I'll chill.

You got it! You got it!

Let's go!


Great job!

We are 40-plus-year-old


We actually met at church.

And I was looking dead at her.

And she was looking

directly over my head.

I definitely thought

he was too short for me.

I'm six foot, two,

he's five foot, seven.

But I got to meet

the person and realize

that we had so much in common.

People say

"When they go low, we go high."

Well, we can go low and high

at the same time.

All right, next one.

- Yeah!

- Yeah! Yeah!

- Good job, Nina!

- Put some damn muscle on it.

That's good.

- Got it. That's it.

- All right.

- Now we go to the other one.

- Yeah.

You got it, baby!

You got it!

We're done, baby. Yay!

Come on, Rich. We're almost

there. We're over halfway.

All right. So close.

Look at it. It's moving.

There it is. Yeah!

Put that muscle.

Shoulders, baby.

Supa, ja? Ist gut?

- Thank you.

- Wunderbar. Wunderbar.

- Thank you. Danke schoen.

- Wunderbar.

- God.

- Let's go.

Yes. Thank you so much.


- Danke. Thank you.

- Let's go.

- Come on, come on, come on.

- Yes, yes, yes.

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

- Lock it. Lock the car, please.

- Yup.

It's right here.

Go, go, go. Quick, quick.

Do you have the?

We're gonna go to Luitpoldpark.

Yes. We're gonna roll it.

Just pull. Don't push.

Pull. Pull.

- Use that big-boy strength.

- Let's go.

Okay. Good job.

You got it.

Good job, Claire.

We are not seeing anyone.

No one is coming running up.

I don't know if this means

that we are going fast

- or if we're going slow.

- DEREK: We're going super slow.

-and teams have - Already come through.

With a Scramble, you just

won't know where you are.

So I guess

let's just keep sawing.

Good job, babe.

Pull it hard, babe. Harder!

Come on.

You got it!


- Good job, you guys.

- Let's go. Awesome!

We're about

to go to Saw. Let's go.

Now we're going.

Go! Go!

No, no, no, no, no, no.

Cut, cut, cut.

Okay, passed.

- All right.

- Danke. Danke.

- Stay tight!

- One-take wonder.

Everything you've got. Let's go.

Pick it up. Pick up speed.

Get it to me, fast.

With my sports background,

you never

look at the clock. You know,

you keep your head down.

You work

until you hear the buzzer.

Yes! Let's go!

- That is for you and for you.

- Danke. Bye. - Danke.

- Hell, yes.

- Okay.

Wait. Where are you?

- You told me I had to turn.

- I'm sorry. I was

- Okay.

- Our twin telepathy is not working.

We don't have that

'cause we didn't live together

for 36 years.

- What are we doing?

- Here.

"Route Info."


It's hard to gauge if teams

are ahead of you or behind you.

'Cause the twins came in

after us, but we had seen them

at Smash,

so there's real

There was really no way to

know, and we just had to hustle.


You got it!

- Clue.

- All right.

Congratulations for you.

- Thank you. Danke.

- Thank you. Danke.

- Yes.

- Yes.

- We are headed to Saw.

- Saw.

Man. Been on the road

for a minute.

I don't like it.

Right where we are,

the streets are really jumbled.

As the road bends left,

we're gonna make the right.


Make Go Come make it.

We have no idea where anyone is,

but we do know that we saw three

teams finish in front of us.

So, it's gonna be interesting.

This doesn't look like

where we need to go.

Saw on top.

Right on top. Right on top.


Right here, baby.

Grab this way. Okay.

Okay. You want

to get inside the groove, okay?

- Why way? Which way? Here?

- Yeah. Pull back.

What's up, guys?

- Hey, guys.

- Hello.-!

Come on.

- There we go, Abby.

- Work these muscles.

Do an update.

- Where we going?

- My bad. We're going straight.

- Go straight.

- My goodness. I hate this.

I've been here multiple

times before in the Army,

but don't know enough about

the city to just move about.

Damn, I don't want

to be on this road.

Michael, we're gonna make

a left. We're gonna make a left.

There are no

- non-elimination legs.

- Yup.

- Make the U-turn.

- Come back. U-turn.

There are no second chances.

Man. I definitely

don't want to be damn

first team eliminated.

- Go back immediately?

- Yeah.

- You got it!

- My God. - My God.

- Danke schoen.

- Danke schoen.

Let's go.

Linton and Sharik

and five other teams

have completed two

of the three challenges.

All other teams

have only completed one.

Ha, ha! We're here!


Go, go.

Keep going fast.

Look how they're going.

We're sawing to the beat, baby.

Will and Abby show up after us,

and I'm think,

"All right, yeah, we're ahead of

them. We're good. We're good."

And they're just sawing without

any effort, and they just

It's like butter.

- That log's infected!

- Go!


Thank you so much.

"Saw completely through a log

to the music of Bavaria.

Choose any"

- Hey, there they are.

- Good luck, guys.

-Thank you guys.

-Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


- Hello!

- Hi.


- Why are you stopping?!

- Want to switch sides?

- Want to switch sides?

- Go.

Our goal is to do it faster

than the music.

We got to go faster

than the music.

- Pull.

- Okay, this is all we have left to do.

Set. Let's go, Mattie.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Come on.

Smile, babe.

You're on The Amazing Race.

I know for a fact.

Aubrey has never held a saw

in her hand.

And she got it.

She picked it up really quick.

David's more impressed

about my sawing skills

- than how I actually got us there.

- Yeah. No, I mean

Which was way harder.

- Here we go, baby.

- You-you see

Yeah, right there.

. Okay, okay, okay.


Everyone's already been here.

- "Who wants to chill?"

- Do you want to take it?

Yeah, yeah, I'll chill.

You got it!

Go, go, go, go!

Go, go, go, go!

- Go, go, go!

- Aah! Come on! Damn it!

- Yay!

- I got it! I got it!

Guten Tag. All right.

Danke! Danke!

All right,

let's just put 'em all down.

- It's wings. It's wings.

- Nice.

So this is what you get

when you finish all three

of the challenges.

- And

- And it's a nice little puzzle.

You piece it together.

- Immediately.

- And we have a beautiful angel!


figured out the clue they need

to find me here at the Pit Stop.

Friedensengal angel of peace.

Keeping watch

high above the city,

teams will find me here

under the wings.

With no non-eliminations

on this race,

the last team to check in

will be eliminated.

"Park in one of the available

marked parking spaces.

The crosswalk is

located underground."

This is the most nervous

I've been on this race.


I'm so proud of you.

Look, everyone's gonna beat us.

- They've been doing

- Come on, baby.


Thank you.

Come on. Let's get to the car.

They're right behind us.

You can

give me all three pieces.

- 22 Widenmayerstrasse and 25.

- We're headed to the


Have no idea

where we are on the pack.

In the worst case, we are

somewhere around, like, eight.

Best case, we could be first.

- Tim?

- Yeah.

Come on, buddy.

Here we go. Here we go.

Here we go.

- Are you ready?

- Yes!

Come on, Tim!

Doing great, buddy! Doing great!

Tim gets ready for marathons.

He's in great shape.

I don't want to be an anchor.

I lost 50 pounds for this race.

Got it.

You know, I know

what the fans are thinking.

That's a deck chair

off the Titanic.

Come on, Rex!

But it was important

for me to get down

and give ourselves a chance.

Go, Rich, go!



- Attaboy, kid.

- Yeah, good.


Congratulations. For you.

- Thank you, sir.

- Thank you.

- So now we have to go to the Biergarten Seehaus.

- Yeah.

We're doing so poorly

getting to this third one.

You know, the Scramble just

makes it hard on this first leg

of keeping track of other teams.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!

- My God!!

When we left the first

challenge in the park,

we hadn't seen any other teams,

so who knows?

Go, go, go, go!

- Yes!

- Yeah!

Hopefully, we're still

in, like, top grouping.

- Yes!

- Yes!

- Okay. What street are we on?

- Um

Come on, girl. Attagirl.

This is physical. Okay.

Like, we cannot mess up.

We have to make sure

we don't finish last.

Go, go, go, go!

You got this, baby!

You got it, baby.

Keep going! Keep going!

Roll it! Just throw it!

Throw it!

Go, Rich! Go!

Don't lose control!

Speed, but focus.

A little tired, but we're gonna

make this happen

because we're gonna fight.

Don't lose control!

Don't lose control!

Don't lose control.

Let's go, baby!

The race is really gonna

challenge us personally,

and also as a couple,

and we know that we need

to support each other

no matter what.

You got it!

- Thank you.

- Congratulations for you.

- Danke. - Good luck.

- Thank you so much.

Doing hard things,

for me, is important,

and showing others

that they can do it, too.

We're meant

to go through the challenges

and through the journeys

to make us realize

our fullest potential.

- Here it is, to the right.

- That took way too long.

Yo. This is hard.

Come on, Marcus.

- "Who wants to chill?"

- "Who wants to chill?"

Okay. Um

Since you're hesitating,

I'll do it.


We're trying to get

to the Pit Stop.

We're trying to find Phil.

Yeah, the Scramble

You just have no idea,

'cause we could be

racing for first right now.

- We're almost to the Pit Stop, babe.

- Yeah, babe.

- We got to keep, keep moving.

- Just Yeah.

I see the angel.

Derek, we might be first!

We got to keep moving.

- You know, run a steady race.

- Yeah.

The crosswalk

is located underground.

We have to go underground.

There, there, there!

- Who?

- Phil!

No, there's no way.

- Claire, there's no way.

- What?

- Claire, it's Phil!

- Aah!

Welcome to Munich, Germany.

Thank you. I like your beard.



are the first team to arrive.

My God! What?! No!

- Come on, Claire!

- Yes!

- Number uno. Let's go!

- Number one in the mat!

And I do have

some great news for you.

You have won $2,500 each.

Come on.

So you can use

that $5,000 collectively

if you want to go on a trip

anywhere you want.

It's really, really wild

that we got first.

Everyone hopes.

- They just don't want to get last.

- Literally.

That's what

we were racing for today.

- Was not last.

- Not get last.

I hope this sets a tone for

us for the rest of the race.

- Right here. Yep.

- You sure?

My pants falling down.

Step on the mat.

My wife has skills

I didn't even know possible.

She can roll a beer keg

like nobody else.

- Dude, are you pushing?

- You got to

I don't know what you're

- When I go, you got to push.

- Are you pushing?

- I thought I was pulling myself.

- As I pull, you got to push.

- Okay.

- I'm pulling now.

All right.

- Hey, boys.

- What's up, gentlemen? Yo.

Right here.

The way we relate as brothers,

there's no competition. Usually,

- it's a family vacation, you know, Christmas.

- Yeah.

And so, this adds

a-a different dynamic

to our relationship.

You got to push,

Marcus, come on!

We have to learn how do we

communicate the best way?

My God.



Challenges the last two

We really crushed them.

Yeah. I think

we're really trying

not to get too confident,


'cause it's absolutely

not over until it's over.

Everyone else is also

equally very good.

- So that's the problem.

- Yeah. It's very competitive.

Too slow.

- Aah!

- It's okay, baby.

- Almost.

- Lumber, lumber, lumber,

lumber, lumber, lumber, lumber!


- Hey, boys.

- Hey.

They look sweaty.

- Yay!

- Yeah!

My God. You got to be

kidding me. Well done.

- Thank you, sir.

- Thank you, sir.

Let's go put the clue together.

Let me read that thing.

- Hello.

- Hey, guys.

Hey, what's up, girl?

Good job, baby.

It's okay. It's okay, babe.

- You got it, baby.

- Go!


- You got it!

- Yeah!

Team Croqueta came by,

literally came in,

- did it one time, and they left.

- Yeah, one. Yeah.

And we were like, "Aah!"

Phil, we're coming!

Let's go.

Welcome. Feel good?

I think as far

as the challenges go,

- we beasted 'em.

- We beast it. Beast it.

This is our dress rehearsal.


Why is that so hard?

- So the bridge is south of us.

- We're close.

Okay. Stay on Widenmayer

'cause that's the street

we want to be on.

It was like, okay, now I got to

do it. I know the technique.

I know the physics.

I got to do it this time.

- Here. Here. Here.

- Run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run.

Run, run, run, run!

Yeah! Yeah!

My God.

We got it! We got it!

We got it.!

"Who wants to chill?"

- You want to chill.

- I want-want to chill.

Go, go, go, go, go.

Go, go!

There you go, babe.

Got it.

Let's go!

We have to go that way.

Thought it said

the crosswalk was underground.

- Yeah.

- Yeah, it's underground.

- Yes, we do see another team.

- That team right there.

Okay, Dad, we can beat them.

-We're going there. We're going there.

-Cross now.

I think Phil's over there.

- Did you see the sisters yet?

- No.

Cross right here.

Nice. Land. Beautiful.

We have another team coming in.

- Hey, guys.

- Hey.

- You guys are breathing.

- This was a tiring day.

This was

this was hard, for sure..

There's no underground thing.

That's not an underground thing.

We got to turn around.

- Yeah.

- Come on, Mike.

So we got to cross on this side?


- All right.

- Phil.

Look at this.

- Bring it in, bring it in.

- Here he comes.

Had a good day?

Dying for beer,

but had a great day.

Here comes another team.

Will, I thought you

guys were gonna pass out

at the start of the race.

I mean, you looked so excited.

And there's another team

right now.

Make some space. Let 'em in.

Crosswalk is

located underground.

Right here, ba-babe. Right here.

- Phil.

- My God.

Luis and Michelle

you are not out of the race.

You are the tenth team

to arrive.

We're running out of time now.

I've never been under

so much pressure in my life.

We have no idea what

what place we're in.

We just hope we're not last.

- It might be coming up.

- This says "O-E-T-T" right here,

- but I can't make a left.

- Okay, you make a left.

- It's only a right.

- My gosh.

- We're almost there, baby.

- Hope so.

Hope I'm not in last.

What a day.

Yeah. Come on.

Aubrey and David, you're nodding

your head like you know.

We figured

the odds are against us.

You knew it was

gonna be competitive

at the starting line, right?

- Right off the bat.

- Right off the bat.

Everybody wants more, I know,

but like I told you,

- no more second chances.

- I know. I know.


Yeah, that's the challenge.

Can you see something?

I told you.

- David!

- I told you. I told you.

- Didn't I tell you?

- I am pleased to tell you

- I told you.

- You are not

- the last team to arrive.

- Aah! - Yeah!

You are team number 11.

You are still in the race.

Aastha and Nina.

Unfortunately, you are

the last team to arrive.

- Yeah.

- And you are eliminated

-from the race.

-That's okay. We-we had fun. We had fun, Phil.

No regrets. We got to

I got to go to Germany

with my best friend.

I was so stressed out, but

I was having a good time,


- She's having such a good time.

- I was having a lot of fun.

And that's how our life

is, you know?

I'm-I'm the person who worries

about every little thing.

And this person

is a light in my life.

And I mean, without her, I-I

wouldn't be in anything, so

I still have my winner with me,

and, we're gonna go home

and laugh about this

every single day of our lives.

My main rule was to have

fun, and I had a blast today.

There's no other place

in the world that I'd rather be,

and there's no other person

I'd rather be with.

This season

on The Amazing Race

- We ain't playing, we ain't playing!

- We ain't playing!

Why is this so hard?

Is that real

or are we seeing things?

My gosh.

This is unbelievable.

I've just been freaking out

'cause he's freaking out.

This is all I wanted!
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