22x08 - My Cheese is Out of Control

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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22x08 - My Cheese is Out of Control

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "the

Amazing race" -- seven teams

Continued racing through


Starting in last place, max and

Katie had a run-in with the


Slow down --

Bates and anthony braved

A crocodile-infested fast


And won the leg.

You are team number one, again.


Chuck and why knowna were

Up a creek in the roadblock.

Babe, I can't help you.

At the detour, winnie

Struggled with brains and


Setting up a memorable finish

Between three teams that sent

The best friends home.

You are the last team to


You have been eliminated from

The race.

That sucks.

Six teams remain.

Who will be elam nated next

Botswana is a land locked

Nation in southern africa.

By the kalahari desert, which

Serves as home to these

Indigenous bushmen.

And located on the southern

Edge of the delta is the royal

Tree lodge.

This is the start of the eighth

Leg in a race around the world.

Bates and anthony won the last

Leg of the race and will depart

First at 5:55 a.m.

Fly to zurich, switzerland.

Teams must fly nearly

Once they touch down in

Switzerland, they must find the

Conductor who will hand them

Their next clue.

It's been awesome.

We never really got to play

Together in hockey too much.

It's been great working as a


You know time travel?

It's been awesome.

I don't want to it stop.

Thanks, man.

Thank you.


We are trying to get to zurich,


Your in at 2:00 p.m.

Is there an earlier one, by

Any chance?



I'm positive.

We'll shake on it.

Looks like all the teams are on

The same flight.

Right now we're heading to

Zurich, switzerland and we're

Getting on the plane with


The whole group is here.

We're back to square one.

We're having fun.

I think finally.

You know, I think we're

Starting to get the hang of

This and we're not on each

Other's nerves so much.

Just stop, chuck.

I'm going the wrong way.

Baby, I can't help you.

Figure it out.

We've definitely come a long


All teams are now making

Their way to zurich,


Go, go, go!

Excuse us.



Conductor up ahead.



Hello, hello, hello.

Travel by train to the town

Of --

Teams must travel to the

Town of grindelwald and wait

For a shepherd to deliver their

Next clue.

Travel by train to the town

Of --

Crap, so we need to find


How do we get to


The fastest way.

Thank you so much.

Same thing they did.

The fastest way?

Track four.

Track four, down.

Everybody is going to get on.

You guys are really being

Patient with us.

Really getting to know us as


Would you like a boyfriend


Or have no teeth?

We really have some winners


We've been joking about

Being boyfriend and girlfriend

So this is our two-week


We haven't gotten anywhere


Not even a kiss.

Oh, any gosh, we're in


Maybe the swiss alps will --

Nothing like cheese to warm

Things up and --

Track five to interlochen.

Where's track five?

Down to the right?


Come on.

We have to find interlochen.

Is it leaving soon?


We need to go a little


I wonder if the other teams

Are here.


There we go.

Is this it?


No no, no, wait!

Oh, my god.

They missed it.

You guys just love that.

Oh, my god.

How did that happen?

Good job, you guys.

How did that happen?

That sucks.

What do we do?

We need to find a different


Oh, my god, did you see

Their faces?

That was so mean.

Unfortunately we missed the

Connection and I'm sure we're

Loving it right now.

I just can't believe that


We have to get to

Grindilwald and we just missed

Our connection.

How will we get there now?

Platform three.

Thank you so much.

Is this it?

It is.

Get on here.

It feels like everyone

Versus us.

Main street.

It's snowing

It's so cool.

Hit her with a snowball.

Where's the church?

Where's the shepherds?

Right here.

The shepherd will come by at

Take that down and throw it

Away now.

I am not excited.

We had an hour lead on youtube

And roller derby but the

Shepherd won't give us our clue

Until tomorrow morning.

That means we're all together


Too cold to sleep outside so

We'll get a motel for the


We are on adventure!

We're headed back to the


It's early in the morning.

Oh, my god!

You can see the top of the


Look at how pretty!

Oh, my god, that is so


Wow, look at that one.

I hope we don't have to climb


Come on.

First team here.


Just run ahead if you think

That's necessary.

Here, let me get your bag.

If you start today I'm

Sitting down.

We're waiting for the

Shepherd to deliver us our


Everybody is here.

Oh, shepherd.



Nice ssled.

That was so cool.

I want to go on one.

Thank you.

Travel by train to kline.

In the swiss alps.

Teams must travel by

Train to the base of the eiger

Where they'll pick up a swiss

Rescue companion outside the

Historic hotel.

Let's go to the train.

I want you to follow.

Go, go, go.

Oh, my gosh.

Come on, catch up.

Keep up.

Come on.

Come on.

Chuck, I'm coming.

You're just making a fool of


They can't be that much


I'm going to be pissed if they

Beat us.

Come on.

Chuck, I'm running.

I don't know what you want me

To do.

It's 9:00.

It's all right, my feet are

Warm now.

And we wore everybody else out,


I'm not believing this.

So we got an hour?

Screw him.

Sit your ass on the floor.

Chuck is mad because I was


I'm last and I can't help it.

He's disappointed constantly.

I can't win.

I'm just a disappointment to


I hate him.

Can we just go right in


Let's go to the middle.

Come on, maybe they have the

Heat on in here.

I get frustrated when we fall

So far back.

I want to egg her on and get

Her going and maybe get more

Hustle out of her.

You would think after 25

Years that that isn't egging me


That's pissing me off.

Look at the trains climbing


This is so neat.

We were awe struck during the

Train ride.

Coming from colorado we have

Mountains and they're


It is nothing like this.

The craggy peaks and the sun

Would come out and illuminate

One side of the peak.

It's breathtaking.


This is so pretty.

All the snow is metallic and

The trees are all frosted.

It's magical.

We're like the three snow

Bunnies with our heads outside

The window.

Oh, my gosh, look it.

Oh, yes!

I freaked out when I saw the


I choose this one.

Travel by train --

To the mountain rescue team.

Teams must now travel by

Train with their new b.f.f. To

Europe's highest railway


Built 11,000 feet above sea


They'll have to deliver their

Rescue dog to a rescue guide

And then search the sphinx for

Their next clue.

Go by train.

We're good to go.

Oh, my gosh!

This is so exciting.

Good girl, good girl!

We have to duoon a train.

Let's go, puppy.

Right here.

Get on here.

Right here.

We have to get on here.

Come on, let's go.

Just get on.

Come on.

Good boy or girl, whatever you


Come on.

She's scared.

All the teams were on the

Train except us.

Cara said no way.

I said it's not up to you.

We're getting on this train.

Come on, cara.

Come on.

Our alliance came in handy

Today because anthony came and

Picked cara up.

Thank you.

We have to take our little

Buddy osco to the top of the

Mountain and bring him to a

Mountain rescue team and then

We'll get our next clue from


Ah, cara is sweet.

Cara was so cute.

We were kissing while we were

On the train.

It did make me miss my dogs.

Hopefully they didn't watch

Cara and get jealous.

I miss my doggie at home so

This fits right in.

He is treating the dog

Better than me.

The dog is going to run


He better enjoy sleeping

With the dog tonight.

To is going around wynona's

Waist up the hill.

I had no problem with the dog.

We have a dog right now.

Got a little water going on the


Good, I like the slobber.

Come on, let's go, baby.

Come on.

Good girl.


Come on.

I'm coming.

Chuck, hang on to me.

Come on.

I feel dizzy.

Come on.

Let me help you.

I can't run, chuck.

I'll help.

Let me pull.

Don't pull her.

Come on, let's go.

Good girl.

Come on, cara.

Good girl.

I don't know how they're


There's no way.

Good job, max.


Oh, my gosh, look at this!


It was like pure whiteness and

I saw heaven.

It was like the fluffiest

Snow in the world.

Come on.

Hi, this is ronya.

Ok, we go back.

We just have to deliver it.

This is the best dog yet.

Thank you.

Ok, cara.

Just the airway back to the

Sphinx and now we're headed up

On the elevator to try to find

The next clue.


There it is.

I'll do it.

Who wants to enjoy the


I'll do it.

This is the eiger.

The north face of this iconic

Mountain has over 6,000 feet of

Vertical rock and falling ice


Roadblock requires teams to

Climb out one of these

Observation windows and join

Their climbing partner, the

Travelocity roaming gnome.

Battling the elements, may must

Keep their nerve as they inch

Their way back across the sheer

Rock wall.

Once they've made it to save

Ground, they'll find their next

Clue on the bottom of their


I'll do it.


Who wants to enjoy the


I do.


I'm still at three and he

Had five and I wanted to catch


I have to do this roadblock.

So we have to get back to

The train.

I feel dizzy.

Take your time.


Come on.

Chuck, up here.

I love the gnome.

I can't wait till he's by my


Jen has a fear of heights.

Knock it out.

I'm going to knock it

Straight in the head.

We're going to traverse the

North face of the eiger.

How many times do you get to

Say you did something like


Through there?

Right there.



Ok, come on.

Max, here.


Katie, you got it, baby.

I'm in line here.

You're going to be all


I'm going to pee in my


Right now I'm the first one

To this line and there's

Another line.

I'm going to take a sneak

Peek out here.

Oh, my god!

I was actually shocked.

I was probably at least 10,000

Feet up.

I had to wait for bates to do

It and then for beth to do it.

I just wanted to get it over


This is me.

All right.


You're outside.

I mean, it is straight down.

Holy crap.

It's kind of high.

I've never done anything like


Definitely not at that height.

The most I do is get on a


That's about as high as I go.

Not looking down yet and not

Planning on it either.

No last words but this is

Freaking cool.

I have to get my gnome.

It's really cool.

It's really high.

I'm looking down.

I'm not scared.

We were literally hanging on

The side of the mountain.

It was far down.

I got it.

So just unhook it.

Got it.

Good job, katie.

I hope she knows she's going

To have to grab that gnome

Right there.

Holy cow.

We're good.

Thank you.

I prayed for him but he went

Pretty quick here.

I didn't even look down.

Who gives us the clue?

I think the gnome does.

Is it on the bottom?


Teams must now travel by

Train to the grund station.

Once there they'll across the

Bridge and follow the sounds of

The swiss horn to find their

Next clue.

Let's go, beth.

You can do this.

I hope my kids are proud of

Me, you guys.

Come on, kids.

You didn't think your mom would

Be doing this.

Grund station.

This train?

No, they're coming.

Track two.

Stand here.

We still have to wait for a

Train so everybody could catch


Hopefully our buddy brings

Us some luck here.

How do I get it past this


Just like this?

Holy cow.

This is absolutely frightening.

Look at all the clouds out


I don't even want to look out.

I love you.

You -- just remember that.

You're mean to me.

I remember that.

In case things go wrong, I

Won't remayor for the first


Is he a jerk!

All right, I see you.

Oh, sweet.

I'm almost there.

I just have to unhook it.

Good job.

She's done.

We had to keep that travelocity

Roaming gnome with us.

He was cool.

He didn't have too much to say

But good guy.

It's kind of scary but it's

Really easy.

You can do it.

Thank you.

I have never done anything

Like this in my life.

Unless you count a rock wall at

The gym.

There's my little gnome.

Hi, little gnome.

I'm not particularly afraid of

Heights but I didn't look down

Because I wasn't sure of what I

Would see.

Good job.

You need the gnome?

Come on.

We have to wait 10 minutes

So maybe the next two teams

Could make this next train.

If they do it fast we probably

Could all be on this train.

Yay, jen!



Am I walking on this board?


Oh, my god.

I never looked down the whole


I didn't even have time to be


I was just wanting to get it

Over with and get out.

Grab the flome.

Good job, jen.

Thank you.

Let's grab our little friend

And get the heck out of here.

Oh, this is not easy.

It was great.

Thank you.


I can't -- I'm having trouble.

Oh, my god.

This is it, right?

All right.

I can't get to it.

Who are we missing?

Chuck and wynona.

And where's joey and meghan?

I can't get it.

I think she's stuck out


Oh, my gosh, we're leaving.

We're missing two teams.

I think we're missing wynona

And cluck and meghan and joey.

I'm losing strength.

I'm losing strength.


I thought if the other girls

Are doing it, I can do this.


This is not easy.

I think she's out.

I never want to do that


Come on.

The next train down.

Half an hour?

Baby, we should have moved.

Oh, disappointed again.

High five.

Good luck, girl.


You're going to k*ll it.

Katie and them did it in a

Freaking two minutes.

I don't care.

It wasn't easy.

I wish you'd say once it was a

Good job.

Good job.

I'm glad you made it.

The kids need a mother.

Super shape.

Good job, girl!

Go, go, go!

That's it.

There it is.

Oh, here we go.

Let's go.

Oh, I hear it.

Come on, jen.




You have a clue for us?




Thank you, that's yours.

Follow the marked path and

Join the local work force.

A 50-pound wheel of

Cheese was part of the most

Memorable "the amazing race"

Challenge ever.

Oh, my god.

This is my body.

Oh, oh!

In this switchback, teams

Must use a traditional

Grindelwald sled to transport

Four wheels of cheese, a total

Of 200 pounds, from this

Outdoor storage she would to a

Barn at the bottom of the hill.

Once they've moved the cheese,

The cheese meister will hand

Them their next clue.

Follow the path.

Join the local work force.

I think this is a switch


As soon as I read the clue

About 200-pound cheese and

Shreds I go oh, no -- sleveds,

I go oh, no, I remember this

One, and it was hard.

The cheese is up there.

Take your pack off.


This hill isn't a hill.

It's like a mountain.

And we're carrying a sled.

There's snow so it's really


Hands are freezing and your

Shoes are wet.

How should we do this?

There was a rope for us to

Hold on to climb up because it

Was so steep.

With --

We got this.

Bates and anthony were way

Ahead of everyone else.

I can't.

Wrap it around your hand.

Yeah, how do you like that?

The cold wasn't the problem.

The problem was trying to get

Up that hill wearing a pair of

Racing slicks on our feet.

My shoes.

That's ok.

We were right behind max and

Katie and poor katie could not

Get up that hill to save her


It's ok.

The good thing was katie was

In front of the whole group and

Nobody could pass us.

Katie, look at how it's

Wrapped around my arm.

There's no -- I don't have

Any slack.

You don't need slack.

It's better if it's tension.

Put it on the front like


You just want to go backwards?

We wanted to each have two

Down the hill.

We didn't pull it down the


We had the cheese push us down

The hill.

It was like don't let it run

You over.

Come on, buddy.

That's fast.

Yes, all right!

Oh, that sucked.

You got it, katie.

This is so hard.

So slippery.






I'll be hungry after this.

This sucks.

Max, come on.

This is terrible.

It took a long time.

All right, that's one other

Team we need to get ahead of.

We can do it.

We got to transport 200


Put it in there?


Hand them to me.

I'll put them over the top.

Look at me.

Like this.


It's ok.

Good job.


Come on, katie.





It's right behind you.

You're good.

The best method was let the

Weight of the cheese push us

Down the hill backwards while

We kind of just skied reversed.



Looks good to me.


Can we get some cheese too?

Thank you.

Make your way to the next pit


Teams must now make their

Way to the bodmi snowboard and

Ski school.

It is renowned for its gentle

Slopes and family-friendly


It is now the pit stop of this

Leg of the race.

The last team to check in here

May be eliminated.

All right, here we go.

You got it.




That's ok.

Put your feet in a wedge.

You're ok.


Oh, my gosh.

Put it back.

Good, good, good.

Our cheese fell off every five


We each took a slab but

Caroline definitely helped me.

I said jen was my damsel


My cheese is out of control.

We go to the bottom of the

Ski school.

I'm pretty sure we're in first

Place right now.

Hopefully we'll see phil and

He's got good news for us.

You got it?


Ok, good for you.

Because I don't know if I can

Carry it.

Oh, god.

Hurry, beth, hurry.

Good job, cara.


I got it.

Come on, beth, let's go.


Now what?



Thank you.

Good job.

Come on, max.

That's ok.

Come on.

The last one.


Lean forward.

Got it.

Make your way to the next

Pit stop.

The ski school.

Let's go.

There are backpacks.

Let's go before I puke.

Oh, thank you.

That was the hardest thing I've

Ever done.

Thank you.

Let's go.

Make your way to the bodmi

Snowboard and ski school.

Take that one in front.

It's loaded.

Do you guys see anything?


Come on, beth.




Is for you.

Thank you so much.

You're welcome.

Oh, a stack of cheese.

All right.

Where sit?

This way.

Come on, babe.

How we doing?

You need a clue.

Thank you, sir.

Follow the marked path and join

The local work force.

Let's go.

Here come meghan and joey.

How was that?

It's really hard.

It's really hard?

It's really hard.

I'm not even lying.

Good luck.

It's hard.

It's hard as hell.

Where are the sleds?

They're right there.

You can't miss it.

As fast as you can.

Thank you, sir.


We're in second or third.

Max and katie are right behind


That was so hard.

It pushed me to my limits.

Ok, ok.


Thank you.

Good job, caroline.

Ok, so 200 pounds.

Make your way to the next pit


The snore board and ski school.

It's this way.

Let's go back.

It's a cheese challenge.


It's hard.

Really hard.

Come on, girl.

Ok, this is good here.

Thank you.

Go this way.


Bring it in.

Music --

Music to my ears.



Welcome to grindelwald,


Thank you very much.

It's great to be here.

Bates and anthony --


You're making it look


It's definitely not.

Favre you are team number one

Once again.

All right.


And itch great news.

As the winners of this leg of

The race you have won a trip

For two from travelocity and

You are going to borha borha.

We were talking about that.

I think you guys like

That place.

You're going to sponed five

Nights at the buenning lue at

The famous pearl beach resort,

Unwind at the spa and start

Each morning with breakfast on

The beach.

After all this we're going

To need nothing more than a few

Massages and some good


We have a hat trick.

Won the last three races.

Three in a row.

Pretty sweet.

Can't be too disappointed in


Are you kidding?

Pick it up.

I'll push you.

Don't trip yourself.

You got it, meghan.

Keep going.

Oh, my god, listen to her.


Use your arm strength too.

I have none.

Going up the hill I was

Literally crawling on my knees

And gap -- grabbing the rope.

My hands with were cold.

My feet were getting wet and I

Just froze.

I can't do both these sleds.


Top of the world.

We're doing good.

You're pulling the rope

Around my arm.

Babe, I don't have it no


Go, right foot.

Rights foot.


Oh, gosh!

Oh, the cheese, the cheese.

Watch out.

I can't stop.

Dig your feet, dig your


Go, get up top.

I'm sliding.

Baby, kick your foot into

The side here.

Put it in my knee.

Please go.

I can't.

Babe, we're almost there.

Please go.

Can you go up and then pull

Me up?

Do not slide down this hill.

Hold that rope, wrap it.

Come on.




Hi, phil.

Mona and beth?


You are team number --

Two maybe?



A perfect time for a cow


Are you serious?


Ooh, meghan!




All right, you got it.

Come on.

I'm so tired.

This was awful.

Catch your breath and get

Some brains back.

You suck on this hill.



Max and katie, you are team

Number three.


It feels good.

Ok, let's go.


Just slide.

Just slide.

I am.

Once you get over this hill

You're going to go.

They're not coming.



You want to just roll em?



Just start bringing them up.




Look at you guys.

You're happy.


Caroline and jennifer,

Are you team number four!


I did it.


Good job.

Thank you so much.

Make your way to the pit stop.

Warning, the last team to check

In may be eliminated.

Where the heck is that?

Ok, let's go.

Please tell me what you're


That was freaking perfect.

I follow that one and you

Get those three.

Go do it.

This is grueling and it's

Very hard.

Ok, babe, you got it.

I thought it would be easier

To roll the cheese.

It's definitely easier.

Keep it up, baby, come on.


That's good.

Keep it going.

All right.

Excuse me.

Where is the ski school?

Go up to the village then

You follow the main road.

Are there taxis?

At the railway station as

You come in on the main road to

The left, should be taxis.


Come on, meghan.

Right here.

Keep it up, babe, come on.

Stack it from there.

Who puts cheese at the top

Of the hill?

I really hope this is the


This weather is so hard.

Your muscles, headquarter hands

Freeze up.

I just don't want to get


It's not easy.


Thank you, sir.

Make your way to the next pit


Let's fly.

I don't see any taxis out.

Meghan, you really have to

Start running.

Joey, I'm trying.

I'm trying my hardest, I



Can you get us there fast?

We're on our way to the bodmi


The taxi guy knows where it is

So maybe it will save us a

Little time.

I'm not sure.

It says bodmiweg.

Should we just keep going?

I guess so.

Come on in chuck and

Wynona, you're the fifth team

To arrive.

However, when you were at

Cheese hill --


The clue stated that you

Must appropriately transport

Your cheese.

You did not do that.

I understand that you were

Actually rolling the cheese

Down the hill.

You must use the proper

Technique to move the cheese.

That's why you were given the


You have a 30-minute penalty

And I'll have to wait that 30

Minutes before we can check you



I was totally shocked, totally


I'm looking for bodmi

Snowboard and ski school.

Just right up there?

Ok, thank you.

Physically we've never been

Matched up with this.

She's used to being house mom.

I'm used to getting out there

And running and doing things.

I've tried to motivate her and

Get her going but it's been

Physically draining and

Grueling on her.

So close.

We're there right now.

Let's get out of here.

Come on.

Joey --

Come on.

I still can't.

We ran and walked this whole


We should've taken a taxi.

It's ok.

It's ok.

This is the final stretch.

We can do this.

Come on.

Joey and meghan?


I'm sorry to tell you

That you are the last team to


We figured.

It's because of me, because

I wasn't quick enough.

It's not your fault.

It is.

We took the hardest way here

And it wasn't quick enough.

That's ok.

It's definitely a sad moment

Coming in last but I've had a


Can chuck and wynona

Incurred a 30-minute penalty

Before you arrived at the mat.

Therefore, you are still in the


You are team number five.

Oh, my goodness.

This race is so


Once you think you're out,

Anything can happen.

This has seriously been the

Last -- best time of my life

And I don't want it to end now.

So I'm glad we're still in it.

Yeah, like he said.

Chuck and wynona,

Unfortunately joey and meghan

Checked in with before your

Therefore you are officially

The last team to arrive and I'm

Sorry to tell you that you have

Been eliminated from the race.


Touch way to go out.

I've done past whathes I


I've never stopped.

I'm proud of her.

My love is still there for her.

As far as the race goes it

Doesn't tear it apart.

We have a lot of life and a lot

Of history behind us.

Just to see the sights in the

World we went.

It's something we wouldn't have

Had money to do on our own so

We're very grateful for that.

Stay tuned for scenes

From our next for scenes from

Our next episode.

Next week on "the amazing

Race" --


Teams take the plunge.


Oh, my got


And are swallowed up in a

Bizarre labyrinth.

Katie and I wouldn't find

Ours here in our worst

Nightmare, I would say.

Oh, my gosh, this is insane.
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