22x07 - Be Safe and Don't Hit a Cow

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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22x07 - Be Safe and Don't Hit a Cow

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "the amazing

Race," seven teams raced from

Hahn hanoi, vietnam, to


Married couple chuck and wynona

Got off to a slow start.

We made it on the third


First time at the roadblock,

Wynona had to step it up.

I am absolutely proud of


While joey freaked out.

Oh, my god.

At the detour, bates and

Anthony made fire and burned the

Competition to win the leg.

Chuck's hunting skills gave his

Team their highest finish yet.

You are team number three.

Max and katie came in last.

This is sickening.

But caught a break.

This is a non-elimination leg

And you are still in the race.

Seven teams remain.

Who will be elam nated next

The delta is known as the

Jewel of botswana.

This fresh water wetland boasts

An extraordinary concentration

Of wildlife, including africa's

Big five.

Oh, my god.

Oh, my god.

That's so cool.

They're coming down to the



This is the coolest thing


Oh, my gosh.



And on the edge of the

River, this safari camp is the

Start of the seventh leg in a

Race around the world.

Bates and anthony won the last

Leg of the race and will depart

First at 5:39 a.m.

Teams must drive themselves to

Boro village, where they'll find

Their next clue.

I think we could go this way

But I'm not positive.

Starting in first place we

Were pretty nervous.

Being in front is new to us and

Having a lead is new to us.

And not following anybody is

New to us.

Pretty good night's sleep last

Night amongst the animals.

I wasn't counting sheep.

I was counting lions.

The thing about this race is

That you have to be smart and

You have to be strong.

Our strong suit is our minds,

Like being smart.

Watch out for all the poo.

Whatever, our goal ask to

Stay away from the pack and keep

Making smart decisions together.

We race the best when we're

Racing alone.

So the show should just be

About us.

Lets us race the show with no

Other teams and we'll will fine.

This is like indiana jones.

Which one is ours?

You're going to wear me out

Before we get started.

Let's go, girl!

This way.

You remember where you parked,


Yeah, it's this way.

Here we go.



Thank you!

Our faith is the most

Important part of who we are.

We have god at the center of

Everything, our relationship,

Our life, the race.

That's why we've been able to

Stay pretty lighthearted

Because we're doing the best we

Can and it's god's will at the

End of the day.

I thanked god last night for

Letting us get this far.

We could have been gone that

First day.

Ok, let's get going.

Go, go.

Where's the cars?

I'm not entirely sure.

We went in last and we hit

The speed bump.

We've been underperforming so


It's just ourselves beating


Ok, where the hell are the cars?


You are stupid.

I know.

You know the station?

Keep going that way?


You need to go with something

Somebody else.

Ok, thank you.

I'm a little nervous right now.

We definitely have to figure

This out on our own.

It's touch with nobody in front

Of us to follow and cheat off


To maun, right.

These don't look like

California happy cows.

Be safe and don't hit a cow.

Only 60 on these dirt roads.

There's a smell about africa.

It smells like a big bowl of


We're becoming a stronger

Team every leg but what screws

Us up the most ask directions.

What was the last thing you


That is the first road.

Our whole generation is used

To g.p.s. So having to use

Directions from people it's like

What do we do?

It's so confusing.

Ah, stressful.

I have no idea what the speed

Limit is

Just be careful.

Caroline, this is a time to

Enjoy and take in the sights.

I know.

It's so cool.

God has really blessed meful --


Oh, no, you have to be

Kidding me.

Are we speeding?

I don't think so.

Your speeding is my concern.

I was going to speed limit.

We're visitors.

She misreeled the thing.

Sir, I won't -- I'm sorry, I

Thought it was 120.

I had talked my way out of a

Ticket before.

I was confident we were going to

Sweet talk ourselves out of it.

I've been going the speed

Limit the whole time.

Are you going to give us a

Ticket anyway?

Hi, sir.

I'm so sorry, I thought it said

I know.

I'm so sorry.

I've been going the speed limit

The whole time.


Another team is going to come by

And they're not watching.

Caroline, what happened?

I don't know.

There's a police officer.

Oh, thank goodness.

Oh, this is another team.


This is 8350 pula.

Go to a population and pay.


I can't believe this.

This really sucks.

We have to go to the population

And pay 820 kula.

Are you kidding?


That's like $100.

Thanks a lot.

Instead of running around

Like an idiot, think about where

You parked it.

I'm thinking, y -- thinking.

I can't believe you.


You can do it from now on if

You think it's that easy.

I do all the extra stuff and

Then it's like wait a minute.

Boro village.

Go left.

This terrain is rough here.

Here's a clue box.



Fast forward or roadblock?

Fast forward.

Have some fun with the waters of

The delta.

Knock it out and go right to

A pit stop.

Ok, right here.

Fast forward.

On water skis?

Water ski together over a

Mile to twin fast forward award.

There was a sign behind us

That said crocodiles, do not


Can you do it?

I don't know.

Can you ski for a mile?

I don't know if I can get it.

-- Up.

For real?

Last time we tried I couldn't

Do it.

Last time we went skiing I

Couldn't get out of the water.

I was really questioning it.

You can do iment.

All right.

Let's do it.

Hey, guys.

That is pretty creepy.

What's the crocodile situation?

A lot of things can happen.

I'll give you a cut time.

In the water then, lads.



Yee, that's cold.

The water was a little murky.

You couldn't see the bottom.

Your legs were dangling and

Thinking there were crocs down


Just thinking of its next

Meal, a couple of italian boys.

They like italian sausage.

Oh, boy.



There we go.


Getting up was rough but once

I got up, I stayed in one

Position, didn't move a muscle.


Gosh, are we there yet?

This is way out in like the

Middle of nowhere.

We are deep in -- for sure.

Here we are.

Ooh, only one other team




This is pretty cool.

I think we're the second team


Fast forward!

They probably did it.


Who wants to go up a creek

Without a paddle?

The mokoro is a

Traditional dugout canoe made

From a single tree this.

Roadblock requires teams to use

The mokoro to transfer two goats


They must then travel back down

The river to receive their next


I'll do it.

Where are the goats?

They're right here.


Oh, my -- my god, they're so


This one is sleepy.

Take the sleepy one.

Hold the goat and I'm going

To get the other one.

Cool -- come here.

There's other goat, pam.

It's better to be careful and

Not fall in.

This is really hard.

And the goat is peeing all

Over my leg.



There's a croc around the

Corner here.

Well done, boys!


Get me out of the water!




I can't believe I did it on the

First try.


Congratulations, you have won

The fast forward.

Your ski boat will take you to a

Safari taxi, which will take you

To the next pit stop on the

Grounds of is royal tree lodge.

I don't know if I'm more

Excited or relieved.

There's a crocodile right


That could have chomping on

My leg right now.

Wow, that is cool.

Coming in after us.

What are we doing to the


Hey, we can say we swam with

Crocodiles now, too.

Only on "the amazing race."

Plus, I got to take my shirt


I'm so frustrated.

Sorry, girl.

Just go pay as fast as we can.

Hi, we need to pay a speeding


Can you take american?

I don't have pula.

Oh, my gosh, we're losing a lot

Of time.

This couldn't be any harder

To find.

Holy cow.

Ok, there's a clue.

Oh, two other cars.

Probably the boys and pam and


They're the cutest things


We're going upstream, right?

Yes, you're going to be

Turning left.

I'm trying too.

This is hard.

So freaking hard.

You think the boys did the

Fast forward?

They probably did so


Let's do it.

I have to get two goats.

I'm nervous as hell.

Come here.

Come on, babe, just grab one.

Come here, stinker.

Uh-uh, turning around.

It keeps turning downstream.


Babe, you got to get him to


I knew that goat wasn't just

Going to walk up to me.

I put it in the boat.

I figured it would just go up

There like a dog.

Thank you.

Spread your legs wide.

Push hard, babe.

Run your hand up the pole.

I'm going to fall, chuck.

Sit down if you have to.

Chuck this is easy for you.

It's not easy for me.


I'll do it.

Dang, this is some poor


Oh, my gosh.

Are we supposed to drive down


I don't see any other cars, I

Don't see anything.

Gosh, kids.

Children, please look out.

Just go back.

Looking at the car like what

Are they doing?

All right, babe, we're doing


I think the correct term is

Doing well.

We're going to catch up.

Sir, can you help us, please?

We can -- we have to go exchange


It's down here.

Can we walk there or do we

Have to drive?


He's going to help me

Exchange pula.

I have to stay.

Can I give you the snun will you

Please come back?

Don't leave me.

Thank you so much.

Ok, this is a big mistake, which

Might cost us the race.

They won't let caroline leave

The population and we can't pay

With u.s. Dollars.

We have to pay with pula, so

This nice man -- hopefully he's


I gave him $100 and I'm hoping

That he's going to come back.

I'm not quite sure.

This is such a nightmare.

The first speeding ticket of

My life cost us the race.

Oh, boy.

We're losing a lot of time and

Hopefully this man is going to

Come back.

Oh, my gosh.

This is such a nightmare.

Donkey and buggy.


Is this crazy or what?


Watch the speed limit.

Slow down, 60.

African speed trap.

Oh, my god.


Your speed is a concern.

I'll slow down.

I apologize.

Down it goes down to 60 and he

Slowed down a little.

He's supposed to be the man.

He can't find the parked car,

Now he gets a speeding ticket.


He's just digging himself his

Own grave.

Thank you.

The good news we have to pay for


The bad news is we could have

Avoided it.

Can we just call this our

Speed bump and be done with it?

Damn it.

We're going to be in last place.


Oh, here he is thank you.

You are so nice.

Thank you so much.

Ok, I got it, I got it.

I think we're ok.

Yeah, let's not panic.

You are so nice.

Thank you.

You're so nice.

Thank you so much.

Oh, my gosh, that guy saved my


Total lifesaver.

First time in the whole race

We're stress-free right now.

Sitting in my underwear.

It's an awesome day, the weather

Is amazing.

Can't get better scenery than

This, and africa looks good too.

Thanks, man.

Thank you.

Fast forward.

Can't wait to go see phil.

We are upriver, right?

There's a free spot.

I'm so happy.

Who want goats?

I know, it sucks.

In you go.

Back to the starting point.

It will be easier going yawn


It's not going the way I want

It to go.

Ok, drift backwards.

I'm not going to tell you again.

What do you want to do, do it

For me?


I'm going the wrong way.

Babe, I can't help you.

Figure it out.

You're telling me the wrong


Figure it out.

This is really hard.

Keep turning out, beth.

We have to figure out how to get

To the middle of the river.

If you want to go to the right,

You pull on the right side.

You're turning it wrong way.

I know!

Please give me a moment to

Figure it out.

Sorry, I didn't mean to with


This is really hard.

If you don't want me to help,

I won't.

Oh, this is so scary.

This is not the leg for you.

Why is this so difficult?

Excuse me.

We're looking for mokoro pulling


Across the bridge.

It's a gravel road.

All right, thank you very


We are just exploring all

Over today.

Oh, my gosh, driving to

Places will be the death of us.

Let's hope other teams are

Having as hard a time.

What is this?


Hi, everyone!

I'll do it if you want me to.

Choose two goats and a


Here are two goats.


Oh, I love goats.

Hi, babies.

Come here.

Oh, come here, little one.

I'm not going to hurt you.

Come here.

Ok, guys.

I want to be your friend.

This way.

Come here.

I know you don't want to play

With me.

I get it.

I wouldn't want to play with me



Do your pushing.

Here you go.

Return to our starting point,

Get our next clue.

Come on.

The young kids make it look

So easy.

Keep going.

I'm trying, chuck.

Good job.

I love you.

I promise I will never hurt you.

I'm sorry.

We should move to venice and

Be a gonled leer.


How cute are those goats?

So cute.

Get it on the left side,


It is on the left side.

Come on, beth.

There's the girls.

Oh, my gosh.



You need to stand up and do

What they're doing.

I know.

Be careful, ok, honey?

Oh, my god, oh, my god.

You're fine.


Center of gravity, low.

Teams must make their way

By water taxi down the river and

Then continue to the royal tree

Lodge game preserve to find

Their next clue.

I feel like I'm in an action


"Crocodile dundee," african


Come to the other side now.

Watch out, please.

Ok -- no -- come on.

Straight back.

We want to go to the right.

I know, but there's a canoe

Next to me.

They didn't want us to bump

Into them and then they kind of

Pushed us off.

It was like ok.

They were playing roller

Derby on the water.



I think the other way,


This is kind of hard.

In my life now I don't feel

Like I do tomboy stuff but I

Grew up hiking and camping.

Jumping off my rife, learning

How to hit and roll in case

There was a fire.

I am living out my childhood on

"The amazing race."

I love all this stuff.

I love hardcore challenges.

Good job, caroline.

I don't think I could do it.

Where do I pay a speeding



This is crazy.

We are so lost.

Excuse me.

Do you know where mokoro apology

-- Poling station is?

Thank you.

I hate driving to places.

Very good.

I'm so tired.

One more and jump out.

Thank you.

That was insane.

Make your way by water taxi.

Come on.

Nice job.

Are they here?


Return for your next clue.

I need to get in the back


No honey, I get in the back


All right, jump in, quick.

Come on.

I need you to do this.


Good job.

I need to go to the right,

Not left.

Cara, I can't even tell you

How proud I am of you.


I'm so glad you did this one.

The side, the side, the side.

I'm going to lose my mind.


I'm doing the best I can,


Caroline and jenn passed us

As we have we were dropping off

The goats.

I'm really not happy about it.

Ooh, man.

Look mean.

Why do they look so angry?

Olook, ostrich.

There's some gazelles over



Welcome to --

Thank you.

It's great to be here.

Bates and anthony, I am

Pleased to tell you that you are

Team number one, again.

And I have some good news for


You have won $7,500 -- each.

Shut up.

A total of $15,000.

That is awesome.

Three first-place


Seven legs of the race.

We're not taking anything for


There are some strong teams out

There and they're coming for us,

I know.

This is the greatest ever.


This is so amazing.

So pretty!

Look at those pretty birds.

It's just pretty.

Those guys in the boat



Catching dinner.

I feel like we're out here in

God's country.

We'd never know about all

This stuff where we live.

This is like sh**ting down a

Sl -- slew by our house.

Royal tree game preserve.

Yay, we're going!

Yay, fast.

Ooh, I'm sure that made the

Hairdo look good.

We are getting a royal treatment


Just get out.

Thank you.

Ok, let's go.

Come on, we're almost there,

This is the homestretch.


I got stuck.

We need to go to the


Thank you so much.

Let's go.

Water taxi?

Let's go.

We have a lot of time to make


That was like mayhem in


It was not a good place to be at


That was a pole.

Oh, dear gold.


Max, you need to calm down.

Ok, let's go.

We have a lot of time to make


That was a pole.

Oh, dear god.

Max, you need to calm down.

Maybe I should drive.

You are more than welcome to

Drive, katie, anytime you want.

It is so stressful driving.

I'm not going to get out to look

At that.

If I looked at it I was going to

Start panicking.

I was like let's get out of


Where are we?

That's a team.

It's a team?


Oh, my gosh!

Let's follow.

When we saw max and katie I

Was so relieved.

I was like hallelujah.

The skies have opened.

Thank you, god.

We're not last.

If I get beat by them then I

Should be headed home anyway.

What is that?

Speed bump.

After arriving last on the

Previous leg, max and katie must

Now complete an extra task

Called a speed bump.

This speed bump requires them to

Finish beading a skirt and then

Take part in a ceremonial

Seduction dance.

Once these dancers feel they

Have made the right moves they

Can continue racing.


Ok, I'll do it.

We have to hurry.

They're doing their speed bump

Right now.

Don't be scared.

This is going to be really


Danger, crocodiles?

That's scary.

I think we're almost there.

There it is.

Oh, yeah, take it off.


Brains or brawn in

This detour requires teams

To work with two of botswana's

Favorite domestic animals.

A horse or a donkey.

Their choice, brains or brawn.

Brains requires teams to go on a

Horseback safari searching for

Using their memory, they must

Then choose the tiles are

Representations of the animals

They've seen and place them in

The order they've appeared.

Once they're in the correct

Order, they'll receive their

Next clufment brawn requires

Teams to stack firewood and

Using a carrot dangling from a

Stick to haul it half a mile to

This camp.

Once they've delivered the wood,

They'll receive their next clue.

Let's just do brawn.

There it is.

Oh, mr. Donkey.

Pick a pile of wood.

This one.

Put the heavy ones on the bottom


We're going brains.

All right, chuck, we can't

Right -- write it down so we're

Going to have to shout it out

And keep repeating it.

Ok, babe, we have a zebra.

Ok, zebra.

What's up here?


What is this?

It's a kudu.

A what?

A kudu.

I'm making a song out of it.

Make all the songs you want.

I don't sing like the country

Girls but I'm singing.

Brains or brawn?

We're going to do brawn.

Brains or brawn?

We're going to do brawn.


It's like spinning us around.

I don't think I'm doing this


She's going to do something

For you.

I think I'm done, right?

We had to go in some little hut

And they put red painted thick

Vaseline on our faces.

It was pretty -- I don't really

Know what was going on in the



All right, let's go.

He's like gross, get that

Dirty carrot out of my face.

Oh, my gosh, they're so


The back ones go.

It's these freaking two asses

In the front.

They would not move.

One shred and one pile of


-- One sled and one pile of


Come on, jenn.


The other teams are here.

This is not looking good,


We get trust inered when we

See other teams just because

It's that pressure of oh, my

Gosh, we have to hurry up.

We haven't prepared for this

But what you can prepare for --

Can't prepare for is that

Feeling of anxiety.

I don't think anyone can ever

Prepare for that should we


Let's switch.

They're going to switch to

The horses.

Come on.

Good job!

Oh, you are so beautiful to


I love you guys.

Hut, hut.

Hut, hut.

Look at this carrot.

It's really nummy.

You want to eat it.


Ladies, shake your tail



The boat keeps spinning around

Because of the current.

Why is this so difficult?



Is it good?



All right, ladies.

That was so fun.


Who wants to go up a creek

Without a paddle?

Probably me.

Yeah, you do it.

I'll do it.

I saw who wants to be up a creek

Without a paddle.

It sounded like a familiar


I've spent some time there.

I think I know that creek really


Go out through the main


Not through the reeds.


Ok, I'm just trying to help


Don't tip it.

I'm not going to tip it.


Hopefully we can get this one


There's a zebra right there.


This is pretty cool.

This is cool.

I'm glad we did this one.

Zebra, buffalo, kudu,


What is this thing?

A groundhog?

Just wall -- call it a


Zebra, buffalo, kudu, giraffe,


I feel like pocahontas.


You're home.

Oh, my god.

At least going downriver

Should be easier.

Is that them right there?


Katie and max right there.

That's ok.

You have to concentrate.

Doing a good job.


Where do I go with the goats,


In there?

We just have to get back.

Meghan and joey aren't too much

Farther ahead of us.

I'm so nervous.

Hut, hut, hut.


Come on.

Uh-oh, cara.

Hold on.

It's stuck on this tree.

Got it?

No it's still stuck.

Oh, my gosh.

Ok, let's go.

Hut, hut, hut.

Come on.

Good donkeys.

Good donkies.

Are all the girls past us?



Ok, that's your first one.

You remember it.

This has always been my

Dream, to come to africa here to


Everything I have in my house is

Nestic u.s.

I'd love to have a kudu or lion

Or something like that.

I didn't even know what a

Kudu was until today.


Ok, you've got snake and


Don't even think about mine.


There's one.


On the left.


So we have four.

What the -- is that?

That's a --


So now we're halfway.

Ok, so you do the next five.

Thank you.

Let's go.

Water taxi time.

Oh, it gets so intense.

We still have maybe a

Five-minute lead on them.

Thank you.

Let's go.

Basically it's going to come

Down to us.

Either we beat meghan and joey

Or we're out.

We have to k*ll them to the

Detour or make it to the pit

Stop first.

If not, we're done.

There's the safari camp


Come on!

Come on, we're getting close.

Hut, hut, hut.

Wait, wait.

We need help.

Oh, my god!

You go get them.


They're tangled.

They're tangled.

Come on.

Hurry, beth.

Last ones.

Well done.

Thank you some.

Make your way to the next pit


Where's the riverbend?

Ok, that's it.


Thank you!

Make your way to the next pit



Last team to check in may be



Welcome to bottoms wana.

Thank you, you're so


Thank you!

Moana and beth --

Oh, god.

You are team number two!

Another strong team coming

In right now.

Caroline and jennifer, are you

Team number three!

You see it?

Right there.

Another one.


Is that 10?

One more.

You just keep yours.

Right there.

Yeah, this looks like the tent.

Let's go.

We have to put the tiles in


Zebra, buffalo, kudu, giraffe,


The last one was a hippo but

It had a -- yeah, there ain't no


If you're wrong we have to go

Back and do the whole thing



Thank you.

Come on.

Let's go.

Do you see phil?


Chuck and way knowna, you

Should be smiling because you

Are team number four.

Oh, look at that.

We're a long way from the


We're good to go.

Don't count us out, now.

This is a really pretty


I don't see any new ones.

You don't?


Me neither.

Ok, just a couple more.

There's another one.

Hippo with a bird on top.

I wonder if that's 10.

Does that count as two?

I think so.

That's two species.

Oh, thank gosh.

Let's do brawn.

Their right there reading

Their next clue.

Come on.

Z, buffalo, antelope.

This like this but --

No it's the hippo and -- they

Were sitting on top of each


I think that's right.

That was incorrect.

Oh, my gosh.

We have to go back to the very


Yeah, I know.

This is not good.

We're going all the way back

To the start.

There's probably some minor


Maybe we missed one?

Who knows.

Come on.

Let's go, let's go!

You want a carrot?

Oh, gosh.

Ok, we're good.

Come on, donkeys.

Hut, hut, hut.

Come on, guys.

This is for a million fricking


Let's go.

They haven't even moved yet.

Doing good.

Oh, there's one.

So the one we picked was right.

That's the one we picked.

Yeah, we got this.

Ride 'em cowboys.

Let's go!

Now they're moving.

Hut, hut, hut.

Let's go, let's go.

They're behind us.

Yaw, yaw!


Where is this campsite?

We can make it.

Oh, gosh.

Oh, my god.


We're almost there.

We definitely did this a lot

Faster the second time around.

That's a hippo and then that

Hunchback bird.

Hut, hut, hut.

Let's go.

Oh, my god, oh, my god.



Meghan, meghan!

Oh, my god.

Hut, hut, hut.


Zebra, buffalo, antelope --

This has to be it, right?

Let me just look over it one

More time.

Katie, we're almost there.

If meghan and joey beat us we

Should go home.

Is the order we saw them in.


I think we did.

That is incorrect.

Oh, my gosh.

Let's just do donkeys.


Come on, winnie.

Come on.

There you go.

Come on.

Come on, meghan.

Thank you.

I can't believe it.

How was that for a finish?

Joey and meghan?


Max and katie.

Just not your day today, huh?

No, not at all.

Well, I'm very sorry to

Tell that you you're going to

Have to muster some more

Strength because you are not the

Last team to arrive.

Joey and meghan you are team

Number five.

We're five?

Favre scommacks katie, are you

Team number six.

You are both still in the race.

Second leg in a row you've cut

This really close.


It doesn't get much closer than


Let's go, let's go.


Hut, hut, hut.

We are definitely proud of


I know we kicked butt up to

This point.

There's not going to be any

Tearful ending for us.

No, crying is for b*tches.

We're definitely not crying.

You are the last team to


I'm sorry to tell you that you

Have been eliminated from the


That sucks.

We started off second --

There is our game changer.

It can't feel bad after doing

This much cool stuff and going

To this many cool places.

Might as well take the

Positive side of things and

Think of all the awesome things

We did get to do.

At least we got to see


Pretty priceless.

Stay tuned for scenes from

Our next episode.

In two weeks on "the

Amazing race," teams travel to

Switzerland's spectacular

Mountains with a classic

Challenge is revisited.

This is terrible.


And wynona goes over the


Oh, I'm in trouble.

I'm losing strength.

Oh, my god.
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