21x09 - Fishy Kiss

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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21x09 - Fishy Kiss

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "The Amazing Race".

Six teams continued racing
through Moscow, Russia.

Josh and Brent couldn't finish
the Detour and paid the price.

The bad news is
you have a four-hour penalty.

But James and Abba had
a even bigger problem to solve.

I presume you have not found
your second passport.

There is some good news.

The race is not over
until you get to a point

where you need to produce your
passport in order to continue racing.

Lexi and James
went back to school.

Bring it on!

This Roadblock is like living
that nightmare of being in school

and there was a test
and you didn't study for it.

While Natalie and Nadiya
ditched class.

Both of us are like "Hell no".

James danced through the pain...

It feels terrible.

Every time I step on it,
it's excruciating.

...to lead the Chippendales
to victory.

Jaymes and James,
you are team number one!

No way!

James and Abba searched...

I had my passport stolen yesterday.

...but came up short.

I'm very sorry to tell you that you,
in fact, the last team to arrive.

And you have both been eliminated
from the race.

Five teams remain.
Who will be eliminated next?

Moscow is Russia's capital,

with a population of
over ten million peoples

and more billionaires
than any other city on Earth.

And on the outskirt of the city,
Sokolniki Park,

the start of the ninth leg
in a race around the world.

Jaymes and James
won the last leg of the race...

No way!

...and will depart first,
at 7:32 p.m.

What we got?
It's a flag.

Oh, look, this is your clue.

Teams must now figure out
that their next destination is

the capital of the Netherlands,

Once they touch down,

they must travel by rail
to the central train station,

where they'll search for
their next clue.

Let's go find a computer.
All right. Let's go.

Whooo! We're coming.

I don't now where we're going,
but we're coming.

This race means a lot to us.

We have people who rely on us,
and people that we need to take care of.

We're going to Holland, dude.

Oh, my God.
We just figured out.

What is the capital of Holland?

My dad is dealing
with cancer.

I don't think you can effectively
fight something like cancer

when you work fifty,
sixty hours a week.

I wanna say, "You don't have
to worry about the bills,

and you just gonna get better".

The millon dollars
is the best oportunity

I can posible see right front of me
to be able to do that.

Hello, sir. To the airport.

We are on our way, man.

Whoo! Make your way
to the capital of this country.

All right. Let's go.

We've spent a lot of time
with Jaymes and James in the last legs.

And it's been great.

It's nice to have another team out there
that you friend with,

that you enjoy compete with.
The same with Natalie and Nadiya.

What country is this, sir?
France, I think.


Oh, my God.
We're going to Paris. Holy cow!

I don't know any french.
The only french I know is "oui".

Thank you. All righty.

Hopefully, the boys are in this one.
There they are. Right there.

Come on, guys!
Hello, kids.

Where you think we are going?


This is Holland.
Oh, somebody told us France.

This is Holland.
The capital is Amsterdam.

Are you sure?
Thanks God you saw us.

Man! People told us
that we were going to France.

Bloody France!
Let's go!

We're hoping for an U-Turn,
so we can u-turn Abbie and Ryan.

We prefer them not to be
in the top three.

Because they're racing for two millions
rather the one.

Oh, ask this guy.

Excuse me, sir. Do you know
which country is this flag?

And they're just annoying.

Netherlands? It's Netherlands.
Oh, my God. What fools we are.

All right. Aeroflot has flights--
Aeroflot is over here.

We need to get to Amsterdam
as quickly as possible.

Do you flight to Amsterdam?
Today, no.

It's too late. No flights tonight.

And for tomorrow morning?

Arrives at 12:15 p.m.
Only three seats.

What is the flight after that?

Cyprus Airlines connects
in Larnaca

and arrives in Amsterdam
at 1:00 p.m.

For Cyprus Airlines,
go to that window.

Yeah, it's right here.

We like to run with Trey and Lexi,

but I think we have
to break off right now.

The point is stay in front.

Thank you, sir.

Hi, ma'am.

We're flying to Amsterdam,
Netherlands, today.

We have your tickets
from Moscow to Rome

and from Rome to Amsterdam.

Arrival time to Amsterdam, 11:30 a.m.

Yes, we want that one.

We can probably do that.
Unfortunately, not.

Short time in Rome.

You would have only one hour.

It's on me to make my flight.

If you book it for me and I miss it,
that's my problem.

Don't worry about it.
Unfortunately, not.

What is the problem?

Thank you very much.

All right. So we leave at 10:45
tomorrow morning,

and we land at 12:30
in Amsterdam.

It's a direct flight; we don't have
that scary 45-minutes layover.

That's terrifying.

You arrive in Amsterdam
at 1:05 p.m.

Okay. Yes, let's do that.

All right.
Thank you very much.

Okay. Thank you.

We had to get on in this flight.

As girls, we're bad ass.

We have always lived our lives telling
everybody that we're the best.

You put me in front of any challange,
and I'm gonna do it, but no giving up.

I can make one hour,
it's not bad.

I can do one hour.

Please, miss.

Miss, please, can you?

Our flight lands at 11:30 a.m.

Italia, here we come.

What is this?
Oh, France.

No, that's not France.

We want to win
two million dollars,

so someone is going down
and it's not us.

We have a few more legs
to catch up.

I'm just hoping the U-Turn is not
on the other side of this flight

because there are two teams
on the other side

that would u-turn us
and one that won't.

But that should be okay because
we have this lead over the Beekmans.

Even though we've spent
the last two legs racing together,

they're four hours behind us.

As long as we keep racing
as we've been racing,

it will be like sending
the sheep to slaughter.

Sure we're not going to France?

It's Amsterdam.
Better be Amsterdam.

France, Amsterdam.

If there is a U-Turn coming up,
we're pretty scared.

If you're at the back,
someone could u-turn you.

Abbie and Ryan definitely.

You know we'll use
the U-Turn no matter what.

Abbie and Ryan
will definitely u-turn us.

They hate us.

We all know the plan, right?

Even if we get split up,
the first one is Abbie and Ryan,

the second one is the one
who u-turns Abbie and Ryan.


The plan is,
if it's a double U-Turn,

the first team
u-turns Abbie and Ryan,

the second team have to u-turn
the first team that passed already.

That means the U-Turn
goes down the drain

and Abbie and Ryan can't use
the U-Turn on somebody else.

I hope you'll not be nice guys
and not u-turn them.

Yeah. You!
No, no.

Yeah, brown James is in charge.

You, blond Jaymes, don't.

You're way too nice.

Good Jaymes, I'm the evil James.

Honestly, I don't want to hurt
nobody's feelings.

That was cute when
there was eleven of us.

Get with the program.

In a perfect world for me,
there would be no U-Turn.

If we're in the front,
we don't have to do anything.

Just be in the front
and keep worrying about ourselves.

I'm completely uncomfortable
u-turning Abbie and Ryan.

Why lose a friend
if you don't have to?

We need internet.

Okay, I'm in Royal Dutch.

Oh, God, Frankfurt.
I'm not doing that again. Are you?

Moscow, D-5!

Come on, guys,
we can make it!

We missed it.

In this point, if we not take that,
we are getting in at six at night.

Should we just book it now?

If we go Moscow to Frankfurt...

Yeah, it gets in at 10:30
and then we can book two.

Can we book two?

We're hopefully
being smarter this time,

and booking multiple
connecting flights.

Once we get into Frankfurt,
we're gold.

Ooh! That's Holland?

We're going to the airport.

We've been always
in the back of the pack.

I think everybody is going to want
to keep us in the race

because they think
we're the weakest team.

We're excited
to still be in the race.

If we get to the final three,
we beat another team, we will take it.

Natalie and Nadiya will be
flying to Amsterdam by Rome,

due to arrive in Amsterdam
at 11:30 a.m.

Jaymes and James have
a direct flight to Amsterdam,

due to arrive at 12:15 p.m.

Trey and Lexi have a connecting
flight through Lanarca,

due to arrive in Amsterdam
at 1:05 p.m.

Abbie and Ryan have
booked two pairs of tickets

connecting through Frankfurt,

arriving at Amsterdam
at 12:45 and 2:05 p.m.


We need to find a ticket to
Amsterdam the fastest way possible.

Connects in Oslo.
Okay, we'll take two tickets.

Come on. Let's go this way.

Where's the train station?
Train, downstairs?


Amsterdam Central.
All right, dude.

we're the first team in Amsterdam.


Now we're on our way to Oslo,
where we connect to get to Holland.

We think we get to Amsterdam at 4:35.

We're probably quite a few hours
behind the other teams,

but at least we're on our way.

Central station.
Will this be considered the the station?

Looks like we're the first team here,
which is awesome balls.

What about down here?
This way.

This is the metro.
Oh, Natalie? Come on!


Hurry up. Oh, my god.
We have to move asap.

Fast Forward
Read, Nadi, Read it.

A Fast Forward gives
teams the opportunity

to skip all tasks and
go directly to the Pit Stop.

To attempt this Fast Forward,

teams must make their way
to the Van Gogh Café

and find this marked bus.

Oh, my God, let's do this.
We're going to do the Fast Forward.

Does anybody know where the
Van Gogh Café is?

Nadiya, it's right there.
It's within walking distance.

Excuse me, are you from here?
Anybody is from Amsterdam?

Hi, can you take us
to Van Gogh Café?


Okay. Thank you.
Quickly. To Van Gogh Café!

Thank you, boss.
We have to go super fast.

Whoo, Amsterdam!

Oh, my God,
it's the opposite direction.

This way.

We need to get
to the central station.

So, we got seven minutes.

Good job.
We made it.

As fast as we could.

Oh, my God,
It was right here.

That's the bus right there.
Nadi, that's the bus!

Thank you!

Welcome aboard.
Thank you, sir.

Sit right in the front.


Quickly, quickly, quickly.

Nadi, push for the Fast Forward.


Transfer is this way?
Transfer to Amsterdam.

Okay, babe.
Yes! Look.

Need one more.

Here, one more.
Check-in is closed.

What? No!
What happened?

We bought tickets today.
Yeah, but it was not checked in.

Because we came off another flight.
We just landed.

I'm begging you.

You can't take the next one?
I can't.

We're on a race around the world
for two million dollars.


Okay, because you had some ticket,
which we cannot see--

So the answer is no?
The answer is no.

They ultimately said
"No, you can't get on".

So we said fine.

It's not the end of the world.
There's a 12:55 flight.

Thanks for nothing.

Let's go get tickets
to the other one now.

Wow, we're in Amsterdam, kids.

This is Amsterdam, baby.

We can't catch a break.
I hate Frankfurt.

I hate frankfurters.
I hate Frankenstein.

Quite frankly we got franked.

That was an hour, right?

I'm about over Frankfurt right now.

Amsterdam. We're going
to Amsterdam, finally.

Ladies and gentlemen,
this is the captain.

I apologize, but the aircraft is
having mechanical difficulties.

It will not be able
to take off as scheduled.

We're investigating the problem
and we'll let you know

as soon as we have
something new to report.

I'm over it right now.
I'm over it.

This is a disaster.

Our plane has technical difficulties,

so we're on the tarmac again
and we're both just over right now.

Ladies and gentlemen,
I have just been informed that

the de-icer cannot be repaired.

We will need to switch planes.
We apologize for the delay.

We're just stuck right now.
It's so frustrating.

We're done. We're done.

I need a pull for Fast Forward.

Whoo, Amsterdam, baby.

Brownie power.

Oh, my God, we're going
in the water? What?

It's a boat bus!
So what are we going to do?

It's a hovercraft.
Oh, my God, it is.

We're going in the water.
Oh, my God.

Oh, my God, that's crazy.

Oh, my God!

To win this Fast Forward,

Natalie and Nadiya
will have seven minutes

to eat five herring each

before the bus returns to shore.

If teams fail to eat all the herring
in the allotted time,

the bus will return to the cafe

and wait 10 minutes
before they can try again.

This is awesome!
Get ready to eat!

Okay. It's fish.
Ladies, bon appétit.

How many do we need to eat each?

These are huge herrings.
And it's in a big soup of fishy oil.

I take a bite
and it's so disgusting.

Nadiya is gagging.

I got the whole fish
caught in my thought

because I didn't try
to chew the first one.

It was like lodged in my throat.

Don't chew it, Nadiya.
It's gross.

Nadiya, swallow.
What are you doing?

Relax, what are you doing?
I'm eating.

Okay, but look
how much I've eaten.

I've finished one.
It's raw.

Shut up. It's so gassy.

Stop it.
You're spitting on me, you fool.

It's a lot of fish. Yuck.

Oh, this is going to be crazy.
Right there!

Dude, I found it it.
Good eye.

Okay. Route Info.
And a Fast Forward.

Or make your way on foot
to the dock at Herenmarket.

Travel by boat to Magere Brug

and look for the poffertjesboot
to receive your next clue.

Do you want to try the Fast Forward?
Let's try it. Let's go for it.

First bite, swallow what you have
in your mouth and then keep going.

Swallow then bite.

Find the marked bus
next to the Van Gogh Café.

Bite first then swallow
and then bite again.

Okay. Shut up.
I'm bitting.

Van Gogh Café.
This road right here?

Thank you very much.

Let's go, cheers. Let's go.

Done. I finished, Naty.

Ooh, I ate the tail.
We're done.

Thank you!

Whoo! Don't touch us.

Thank you!
I'll give you a fishy kiss.

Thank you!
Oh, my God, this is exciting.

It's slippery.

Make your way
to the Pit Stop.

Behind the church in Ransdorp

is the house rumored
to be that of Rembrandt's mistress.

Find it and you found
the next Pit Stop.

Feel good but feel gross
at the same time. And fishy.

We're not even close,
we're going the wrong way.

Yay! Whooo!

Thank you.
Oh, girls beat us.

Did you girls do it?
Yeah. Done, done!

We k*lled it.
Good job.

Bye! Good luck!
Good luck, y'all.

It must be nice.
No kidding, man.

Do you know Herenmarket?

Rembrandt's mistress lived
behind this church?

It's here.
Thank you very much.

Can you take us?
Okay, let's go.

Fish, oh.
Smell your hands.

I'm over it right now.

I was frustrated three legs ago

when we missed
a connection in Frankfurt.

It's almost comical.

If it wasn't two million,
I probably would be laughing.

Central station?
That's where we need to go.


We haven't seen
anybody else.

We don't know other
people's flight schedules.

We're thinking we're not the
last team here, but you never know.


Marked boats.
Right here.

Let's pick one. All right.

This guy looks fun, ready to go.
How you doing today, sir?

How cool is this, dude?
Yes, dude.

We're in Amsterdam.

Moving on the canal
in Amsterdam.

This is a magnificent way
to see Amsterdam.

This is what we wanted to do.
Get on a boat and go down a canal.

We're going to enjoy this.

Enjoy the calm
before the storm.

All right, let's go.

There it is!
Good job, baby.

All right.
Fast Forward.

I think they did it.

Travel by boat to poffertjesboot.

Are you from here?

Okay, thank you very much.
I think we just go.

Come on then.


Welcome to Ransdorp, Holland.
Thank you.

Natalie and Nadiya,

I am pleased to tell you that

you are the winners
of this leg of the race.

What was this?
That's our number one dance.

Well, I do have
some good news for you.

As the winners of
this leg of the race,

you have won $5,000 cash each!

All the clothes we've wanted.


Hey, everybody.
Anybody knows poffertjesboot?

Hey, ducky, do you know
where poffertjesboot is?

What is a poffertjesboot?

There is a boat right here.

Oh, here we are, look.
Hello, you got a clue for us sweetheart?

Oh, look at that.
That looks delicious.

Beautiful. Thank you so much.
Oh, my God, they're so good.

We took advantage of it.
We asked for two. Delicious.

All right,
I'll read, you eat.


This Detour gives teams the chance
to experience two cultural gems

that are treasured by the dutch.

Their choice,

Back in Time or Organ Grind.

This is Rembrandt's world-famous
painting, The Night Watch.

Working with a group of live extras,

teams must recreate this masterpiece
exactly as Rembrandt painted it.

They'll have to dress as
characters in the painting

and then place the
extras with their props

in the same positions as the
characters in the work of art.

When Rembrandt is satisfied
with their recreation,

he'll hand over their next clue.

Organ Grind requires
teams to find

one of three giant
street organs

stationed on three different bridges,

then while one team member
operates the organ

the other must collect tips.

Once they've earned 30 euros,

the organ grinder will
hand them their next clue.

Which one do we want to do?
The organ grinder.

Organ Grind.
Caution, U-Turn ahead

Oh, man!
U-Turn ahead.

We must get
to the U-Turn first to past it.

Okay. U-Turn.
See y'all later.

Right here.
Get in.


Welcome aboard.

Thank you. Trey.

Sir, thank you so much.
Thank you, sir, appreciate it.

Have a wonderful day.

Hello. We're going to play some music.
You want to come tip us?

There's one here.
There's one there.

There's one there.
What's the busiest one?

Look at this.

This one?

This one is busy.

We got to make 30 euros right now,
so you get grinding...


...and I will see what to do
over here. How y'all doing?

You have to do the muscle stuff.

Okay, the muscle stuff.
All right, here we go.

Hey, listen to that guy.


Y'all step right up, come on.
Check out the music.

You got a dollar?

I'm making a spectacle of myself.
Hey, come on over.

Hi, how you doing it?
Would you like to donate a euro today?

Would you like to donate?
Hey, ladies, stem right up.

Thank you so much. Thank you.

You got a five euro
or anything in there?

I haven't got any change.
All right.

Go get some change,
come on back, all right?

We'll be here all day.

Who'd like to make a donation today?


Oh, dude, we're about to get
on this boat?

No, they're going to give us food.

Oh, my gosh, how cool.

Oh, thank you so much.

Oh, my gosh.
That is so good.

Back in Time or Organ Grind?

You want to do the organ?

Yeah, I think we can make

Caution, U-Turn ahead.
Crap, there is a U-Turn ahead.

The Chippendales better to do it.


They will be so dumb not to doing
that to Abbie and Ryan.

I would be so mad at them
if they didn't.

Would you guys like to donate?

That's okay. Money is
the universal language. Money.

You got big bills? Anything big?
It's a good cause.

If you got anything big, will be great.
Thank you so much.

We need more people.

Step right up. It's time
to take evasive action, I think.

It got slow. We got halfway there
and the crowd was not there.

We needed spectacle.

We have to step up this or
we'll not raise the money fast enough.

We have to take all necessary

We had our little chippendales
cuffs and collar.

Tell all your friends,
grandmas and cousins.

Get pull out the big g*ns.

Give us music, maestro.

Why you being shy?
I cannot go over there.

I'll only bite you a little. Come on.
Come on, step right up.

Thank you very much.

God bless you,
thank you very much.

Thank you so much.
Thank you.

I tell you what
it was hilarious.

But we went for it.
We made a spectacle.

Next thing the money
started coming in.

Which was funny because all the
dudes started coming over.

Who wants to make a contribution
to the Amsterdam organ grinders?


Would you like to make a donation
to the organ grinders?

Then we are,
with cuffs and collars

and come up a grandma
with her three grandkids.

The lady was like,
here you go, 10 euros.

I'd been getting like
two cents, five cents,

just like that we had the 30 euro
and it was done.

God bless you, thank you.
We done.

Awesome. Thank you.

All right, Route Info.

Make your way on foot
to the museum Geelvinck.

Once there, search the gardens
for your next clue.

Thank you so much, everyone.
Thank you so much.

Let's go, let's go.

Who are these?
Ryan and Abbie.

You've got to be kidding.

Hi, guys.
How are you?

Because we'd been
behind on so many legs,

we were so grateful to see
our friends, Ryan and Abbie.

They're the only racers we've
seen in the last three or four legs.

We're with you again.
We'll make through.

I'm over it, and she's over it.
Just hang in there.

You still have us behind you.

It's odd thing
that Ryan and Abbie and us,

that we're the last two teams,
we don't compete with each other,

and yet we both know that one of us
is going to have to lose.

You want to go together again?

Let's just do it.

We were going
to run the leg together

because there's
not a threat with them.

They seem resigned to the
facts that they've gone

realistically as far as they can go.

It sucks.
But don't give up, guys.

Here it is. Museum Geelvinck.
Search the gardens.

I've always wanted to go
to the botanical garden.

Well, you're going.

Look up, look down.
There it is.

Here we go, U-Turn.

This is a double U-Turn,

where two teams have the opportunity
to slow down two other teams,

forcing them to perform
both sides of the Detour.

Here it is.

The plan was that whoever gets
there first will u-turn Ryan and Abbie.

We talked about this long and hard.
I don't want to play dirty.

I don't want to play mean.

It sounded like a great idea
when we thought Trey and Lexi

or Sri Lanka were going
to get there first.

We're going to lose
friends if we do this.

We're going to lose two friends.

I was like heart rending.

The moment of truth was there.
What you gonna do?


Do you want to do it?
I feel awful. I feel terrible.

I can't do it.

All right.
What do you want to do?

What means most to me is to
be able to go home after this

and take care of my family.

Sorry, guys.

I feel awful. We don't know
if we can beat y'all for the million

and we need it more than
you guys do. I'm sorry.

Route Info.

Travel by bus to Ransdorp.

Once there, find the marked field
for your next clue.

We have to find a bus to Ransdorp.

Ryan and Abbie are the
strongest team here

and if we're going to bring the
million dollars home to our families,

we can't have Ryan
and Abbie here.

I feel terrible.
It's part of the game, man.

They're going to hate us.
They're going to hate us.

Okay, guys.

All right, guys.
Here we go.

There it is. Up there.

Good eye, Brent.

Travel by boat.

And look for the poffertjesboot
to receive your next clue.

You guys want to travel together?

Let's ask somebody directions.

sh**t! We're getting off.
Holy cow, that was so delicious.

Oh, it's right here.
Yeah, this is it.

It's one of these three, baby.
You pick one.

This one looks good.
Okay, you play.

We decided to do the Organ Grinder

because I can get
people involved and excited.

Who doesn't like a pretty girl?

Peel your eyes
for the marked field.

Look, right there. This is it.

Oh, it's the vaulting thing.
They did that before. I've seen that.

These muddy ditches
are the location of

a classic "The Amazing Race"

where teams went ditch vaulting.

I think I can do it.

That had promise.

Once they've successfully
vaulted across this ditch,

they must pick up
their next Pit Stop location

printed on
a pair of wooden shoes

and then vault back again.


It's me. Let's do it.
Good luck, man.

Hey, guys, lovely day for
some ditch jumping, huh?

All you need is courage.

Oh, man! I'm all nervous.
Dude, you're going to be awesome.

Run, jump.
Oh, boy, here we go.

Come on, you got this.

Yeah! Good job, man.
Good job, buddy.

Whoo! That was scary.

One try. That's how you do it.

Get the shoes.
Look out for them sheep.

There you go, buddy.
Come on, let's go. Hustle.

Pit Stop.
All right, let's go.

Good job, buddy!

One euro?
Do you have one euro?

You do, you do?

Please, I just need one more.

One more euro and then I'm done.
Please? One euro?

One euro? Yay!
I have one.

Yay, we're done!

Make your way on foot
to the museum Geelvinck.

We were lucky enough
to catch up with Ryan and Abbie

and right now
we're working with them.

We are with the Beekman again.

We're with our brother from
another mother.

These guys are life savers
because we've been so down in the dumps.

Yeah. Our spirlts are
a little lifted right now

knowing that
there's another team with us.

Jaymes and James,

I am pleased to tell you
that you are team number two!

Oh, yeah!
Good job.

Today you played the game.
You u-turned Abbie and Ryan.

I do think they're the strongest team.
I just hope we don't lose a friends.

Sign from God.

I already sent my
parents a card that said

we're coming back with
the million dollars

and I sent it
to arrive while we were gone.

So I gotta be a man of my word.

I'm sorry, my parents
are more important to me

than Abbie and Ryan.

I'd be lying if I don't say
I've dreamed with that.

Where I come home and say,

"Here you go, guys.
Just chill, I got you".

The weather just took a change.

Once again our day
has gone bad to worse.

Oh, this is the poffertjesboot ship.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Ooh, powdered sugar.

Back in Time or Organ Grind?

Paint. Paint.

Paint, you're a very good artist.
Let's follow them.

Caution, U-Turn ahead.

Are you serious?

That's not good.

If we do get u-turned,
hopefully if it's a double U-Turn,

the top three teams
are not going to u-turn each other,

so there's going to be
a U-Turn available.

We could use a U-Turn
on the Beekman.

We have to do both probably.

Search the gardens
for your next clue.

We definitely had concerns
that Jaymes and James

would not go through with our plan
of u-turning Ryan and Abbie.

They did it?

We choose to u-turn
the Chippendales.

Jaymes and James
stuck to the plan.

All is good.

Travel by bus
to the village of Ransdorp.

Oh, my Gosh. That makes me so happy
Good job, boys.

The game is on.

Abbie and Ryan will be so pissed.

And that put smiles on our faces.

We need to find a big church.
I think this is it right here.

Be careful. Slippery.

Hi, how are you?
Oh, beautiful.

It's a costume.
Just for you.

So technically is there somebody
that looks exactly like me?

Is that Rembrandt?

No. You're supposed to look like
somebody in the painting.

Yeah, I don't see one.

For our Detour,
we had to recreate a classic painting.

The Night Watch by Rembrandt.

So we had living models
and living props and ourselves.

And we had to create
this sort of tableau vivant.

Find a station.

You guys take that station.
We'll take--

These are the same.

Where's our red sash?
Yes, he's in front.

Would you mind coming with me?

A guy with a sash
and then a guy with a big collar.

Where's the guy with the sash?

You. He's got a red sash on

and then the guy
in the cream colored.

All red with a g*n.
All red with a g*n.

This guy goes here.

Gold helmet?

Stand right there for a second
on the edge.

There's two girls.
The turquoise one goes behind her.

So turquoise girl?
White girl.

And they go back here,
about here.

And what about this guy?
Can you find this guy?

He's got a hat with something
down the back.

Plumage down the back.

Go for it!
What if I fall in the water?

Swing your hips.
All right.

Hurry, I'm cold!


That's just a perfect jump.
I'm so proud of you.

I'm like a pole vaulter
or something.

It's all in the hips.

Yeah, baby!

Oh, that was awesome.

Ransdorp village,
behind the church.

Do we have this guy?
I think it's this guy.

I got it. I got it.

He needs to turn in
so that he's like this.

Okay. I'm going do that.
I think he have to come down.

Okay, you two guys come down

and then angle the flag out
more that way.

Please, Rembrandt,
they want to go home.

Say yes.
Do we look good?

Yeah. Good job.
Yeah! All right.

All right.

Thank you.
Thank you, Rembrandt.

Make your way on foot to
museum Geelvinck.

Got to look good now.


Thank you, guys.
Thank you.

Make your way on foot to
museum Geelvinck.

Thank you, everyone,
we appreciate it.

Thank you.
Sweet painting.

Trey and Lexi?

You are team number three.

This looks like a museum, guys.

Good job.
Search the garden.

I got it. Oh, no.

I don't get it. What?

We got u-turned by
Jaymes and James.

Oh! And Trey and Lexi u-turned
Jaymes and James.

Oh, my God.

We're done.
We're done.

Thanks, Jaymes and James.

It was just like, Oh, my God.
Like really?

If it was Trey and Lexi or the sisters
we would have just been like,

Mmm! Called it.

But these guys?
I was blown away.

We were just going
to have you guys u-turn us.

And then we would do
this thing together.

It's not available.

God must have help them!

Let's go.
All right, guys.

Ryan, we're sorry.
It's not your fault.

Thank you, guys.

Keep holding up the faith.

That is seriously not cool.


So we have to go back and
do the other Detour. Game over.

After 6:00 p.m., you may take a taxi.
Okay. Let's go.

I don't know what to do.
What can we do?

Can we just talk about
what we need to do?

Really, because
this is affecting me.

Josh, we cannot...

What are we going to do,
go and sit there while they go do it?

We can help them do it.

There's no point, right?
There's no point, I agree.

Over it.

Someone is going to have to
step on the mat first.

Do you think they're going to say,
"No, you guys go ahead of us"?

They will not doing that because
they're here to play the game.

There is no one outside, Ryan.
We'll just start grinding.

We have to do the Detour
in the rain.

I wish you'd
run me over right now.

It would be a lot easier.

Do you help us?

Ahh! Please?

I'll dance for you.

Do you know Ransdorp?

I don't like this.

Everybody wants them out of the race
because they want to keep us,

because we're not
the strongest competitors.

Then we should just
prove them wrong.

Can we prove them wrong?

One euro at least for organ play.

Oh, thank you.

Thank you so much.
Thank you!


La, la, la, la!

Would you like to help our cause?
We need your help.

Was that good or one more?

This lady is into dancing.
Whoa. Okay.

I better get a good donation
for this.

What can you do for me?
I'm gonna make it so you're done.


You didn't even know.

Okay. I love you.


And here.

Give her a hug.
That was so nice.

Thank you so much.
Thank you.

You're welcome.

We've had a horrid day.

Thank you.

I'm sorry.

Oh, oh, oh, here.


It's you.
It's your turn.

You got this, Josh.
It's just like when you were a kid.

Are you okay?

No, I hurt my ankle.
Walk it off.


Okay, I'm going to get wet,
I'm sure.

Come on, Josh, you can do it.
Okay, I going get wet.

Here we go.
Go, Josh, go!

Yay! Great job!

You did it.

Good throw.

All right!
Hold on to it. Hold on to it.

Good job!

I'll massage your foot all night.

Thanks, guys.
We can take a taxi now.

It's really crappy that
the Chippendales u-turn us.

I just don't get it.

It speaks volumes about them
and how they

establish relationships and friendships
and then s*ab you in the back.

Come on, Josh.

Josh and Brent,

I can tell you that
you are team number four.

Which means that
you are still in the race.


I can't say you look exactly happy

about the idea of being
team number four.

Today it was emotional
because we really, really hated

leaving Abbie and Ryan behind.

Would you like me to eliminate you...

And leave Abbie and Ryan in the race?

We believe that the person who deserve
to win the race will win the race.

And if it was Ryan and Abbie's
time to go

then that's what happened and we'll
still in it and we're still running.

We're going hard right to the end.

We promise.

Do you promise me?

I promise you.

Hi. Is there a demonstration?

We had a rough three legs.
It's really frustrating.

I feel bad for him.

He's just as frustrated as I am.

From getting to
a flight 30 minutes early

and closing the doors
on us for no reason,

to sitting on a tarmac and a plane
basically breaking down today.

It's like we can't
catch a break.

And then the topper was our
friends u-turning us.

It sucks.

Good job, babe.

Abbie and Ryan,
you are the last team to arrive.

And I'm very sorry to tell you that
you have been eliminated from the race.

Ryan, you got nothing to say?

We just wanted to be good, so--

I don't know what to say,
I really don't.

I'm speechless.
You never get a chance like this.

It's not only once in a life time,
it's probably once in 100 lifetimes.

The Chippendales
cost me two million.

Just thinking about how much
money that really is.

It's life changing.

It sucks. It's a bad feelings.
It was brutal.

I don't feel like we accomplished
what we set out to accomplished.

And it just feels wrong.
It doesn't feel right.

Stay tuned for scenes
from our next episode.

Next week on
"The Amazing Race".

On the stunning island
of Majorca, Spain,

Josh faces match point.

Oh, my gosh.

I just can't push off my ankle.

And Trey and Lexi
get a crash course in bullfighting.

I hurt my finger.
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