21x06 - Get Your Sexy On

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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21x06 - Get Your Sexy On

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "The Amazing Race".

Seven teams continued racing
through Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Come on, twinie!

At the Roadblock, the w*r of words
continued between Ryan and the twins.

Are you going to yell
the whole time?

I have to get my earplugs.

He's kind of rude,
obnoxious. He's a "tool".

While the sweltering heat
took a toll on Brent.

I'm so exhausted.

I feel like I'm really
at my breaking point.

James and Abba won
their second leg in a row.

James and Abba,
you are team number one again.

James and Jaymes made a costly
mistake at the Detour.

Seven. Where's the other three, James?
You didn't put them on?

I counted, dude.
This is not good, James.

But in the end,
Josh and Brent came in last.

I'm sorry to tell you that
you're the last team to arrive.

However, I'm pleased to tell you guys
that this is a non-elimination leg.

Oh, God.

Seven teams remain.

Please, fast.

Who will be eliminated next?

Beekman Boys!

Sync by

Dhaka is a frenetic city
and the capital of Bangladesh.

Its colorful and chaotic streets
have more rickshaws

than any other city in the world.

And just outside of Dhaka,

this former aristocratic home,
built more than 100 years ago,

Lok Shilpa Jadughar,

is now the start of the sixth leg
in a race around the world.

James and Abba won
the last leg of the race.

And will depart first,
at 8:30 A.M.

Fly to Istanbul, Turkey.

Teams will now fly 3,700 miles
to Istanbul, Turkey,

where the Bosphorus Strait
separates Europe and Asia.

Once they touching down
on the European side,

they must make their way
to the Kabatas Ferry Terminal

where they'll find their next clue.

Let's go.

Let's go to this travel agency,
Galaxy Travel.

Oh, my legs!

I ran into some problems
with my knees after last two legs.

I'm in pain in both knees,
but there is no quit, no surrender.

I going to cut it off before
this causes us to stop.

As Sir Barton said:
"I am hurt, but I am not slain".

My God, this race has taken
unbiblical proportions.

Fly to Istanbul, Turkey.

Let's go, Turkey.
Galaxy Travel.

Thanks, Bangladesh,
it's been real.

It's been fun, but not real fun.
It's been real hot and crowded.

I've learned to appreciate
things here.

Yeah. Next time you're at
home and your samsung 52-inch

starts to go fuzzy on you,
don't bitch about it. Go to Dhaka.

Let's go.

We're leaving Bangladesh!

Okay, there is a travel agency.
Let's go there first.


The two teams
in front of us are

the rock brothers,
and Abbie and Ryan.

We love the fact that Abbie and Ryan
are a competitive team,

but Ryan rubs everybody
the wrong way.

I've no animosity,
but they just... two weirdoes.

Yeah, freakazoids.

Get it done, baby.

We have to go to this travel agency.

You want to go here
or to get a newer one?

I don't care,
I'll do whatever you say.

Let's go get a newer car.
Whose car is that right there?

I want that car.
He got a car, man.

People don't know me.

They don't understand that
I use the cockiness and aggressiveness

to make myself overcome any obstacles
that might be put in front of me.

I don't get drive from other people.
I make my own drive.

Very exciting.

We're ready to go,
and see something else.

What time do we get into Istanbul?

Is there only one flight out today?
Only one.

Okay. Cool.
Go ahead and put us on there.

We're all on the same flight.
There's only one flight.

The two most annoying
teams on this race,

the rockers and
the twisted sisters.

Their hair have all the same length.

Just get them off the race already.

I'm tired of them.
I'm tired of them all.

Let's go, baby.

Fly to Istanbul, Turkey.
Let's go.

Right. Fly to Istanbul, Turkey.
Turkey, here we come.

I could go for some turkey.
I'm hungry.

Wait right here. Don't go nowhere.

Bye, guys.

Monster Truck!
Who's next?

Yeah, there's only one flight.
I like a hug.

We want the same tickets.
Hey, Monster Truck, man.

Oh, my God.

Get me out of Bangladesh.

They're all scheming up there.
There's nothing they can do.

You put those six heads together
and you get about three brain cells.

Hi, guys.

Reunited at last!

Fly to Istanbul, Turkey.
You get $100 for this leg of the race.

Let's go.

We're starting hours
behind the other groups

plus we know we have
a Speed Bump coming up,

so we've got a lot of obstacles
in front of us.

But we are not quitters.

When we lost our job and
we had to save our farm,

we buckled down
and saved our farm.

We just don't quit.

I'm ready to say:
"Bye, bye, Bangladesh".

It's a fun country,
and the people has been great,

but we've got to get out
of this heat.

Is this the only computer?
Is there another computer we can use?

I'm done.

Clear history.

I'll look at this map of
Turkey and see...

I didn't even see
the general area.

Okay, somebody
dropped their money.

Which of you is the boss?

I was getting off
the computer and I walked over

and I saw a wad of
american dollar bills.

I picked it up and I said:
"Oh, who's money is this?"

I pulled Natalie to me
and I said "Shut the hell up".

Natalie, we can use it.

What's going on?

Did you guys pick up their money?
Shut up!

You better go give it back to them.

When you find money like that,

a lot of things are
going through your head.

You're wondering
is this a game changer?

Okay, you go online
and then we can go for food.

What are we going to do
with the money?

Shut up.
We'll talk about it later.

I have a good conscience,
but when it comes to stuff like this,

the drive get stronger and stronger
as you come closer to the finish line.

I could tell that Lexi had the same idea
as Nadiya and I: we want the money.

Trey needed a little bit of convincing.

And we were like:
"Shut up, you don't get a vote".

Hey, shall we go?
Bye, guys.


They'll split it with us.

We have major problem here.

Damn. Damn.

I've never lost a
freaking dime in my life.

How much is it?

I have a zipper pocket
where I keep the money in.

So the zipper was open.

All I can think of is that it fell out
while I was in the cab.

Oh, God, man.

It's a pretty tricky situation.

We don't have a way
to move on with the race.

Come on, Abba,
snap out of it, dude.

There's nothing
you can do about it now.

It can't happen like this.

Nothing's happened yet.
We only need $100.

We need enough
to complete the leg.

It sucks.

I know, but it'll continue like this
until we take care of it.

Let's take care of it, all right?

Come on. Let's go.
We have to beg up some money.

What a mess this is going to be.

It's terrible to beg in a place
like this where there's so much poverty.

If we go to a business district,

we'd have people
that may have some money.

Come on, let's split this money.
I feel guilty.

So half the guilt's on you.

We decided to split the money
and, thus, the guilt.

And they're christians
so they'll pray for us.

Whose do you think is it?
It has to be the Rockers.

I wish it was Abbie and Ryan's.

Me too.

Can you help us?

What do you need?
We lost all of our money.

Oh, my God.
Yeah, Oh, my God.

Do you need some money?
I can help.

Can you really?
Yeah. How much?

Whatever you can spare,
it would be wonderful.

We must look pretty disheveled,

because a woman came over
and asked us if she can help.

She wound up giving us
some money.

Oh, my God. You're so lovely.
That's awesome.

Can I have a hug?
Of course.

Thank you very much.
We appreciate it.

More locals came up
and gave us some money.

I appreciate it.
No problem.

This is my country.
You're my guest.

I don't have any words
to express

the gratitude of giving us
that amount of money. It was $100.

We had the exact amount that
we needed to move on with the race.

Very fantastic people here
in Bangladesh.

Bangladesh good, not bad.

Good, not bad.

What a day, man.

We haven't even started this leg.

The other teams didn't know
we were out of money

and I'm not going
to reveal that because

we don't want to let
the other teams ever see weakness.

All teams are now flying
to Istanbul, Turkey.

Come on, legs.

Speak english? Yeah.

What's the best way to go
to Kabatas?

Better than going on metro?

All right. Let's go.

We're in a race,
so we need to go fast.

We're first out of the box again.
Stay there. I like this feeling.

Metro this way? Thank you.

What do you want to do?
We have to find a metro.

Kabatas Ferry Terminal.

Let's go. This is a race.


Quick, quick, fast.
We have to beat that car, sir.

Number one, us.

Our first time on a subway.

The Monster Truck are here.
They're getting on?

They're on that one.
Come on. This one.

Monster Truck got on.
Okay. At least we're not alone.

Go, go, go, go, go!
Fast, fast, fast!

Kabatas Ferry Terminal.
Fast, very fast.

We have to get
to this ferry terminal,

and there are two options
to get there,

you can either take the Metro
or take a taxi.

The cab is faster
if there is no traffic.

We need to take
the fastest way possible

otherwise the Speed Bump
is going to k*ll us.

Will someone gets here right now? No.
We don't know where everybody else is.

It's just us and Monster Truck.

This is where it gets

Is it the ferry? Thank you.

Is that it, dude? Right there.

Welcome to Europe.
Make your way back to Asia.

Istanbul is
the only metropoli in the world

that stands
in two different continents.

Teams must now take a ferry
across the Bosphorus Strait

to the asian side of Turkey

and search the Uskadar Terminal
for their next clue.

There is Uskadar.

Come on, come on, come on.

Nobody else is on this boat.
It's like we charted this thing.

We're rock 'n' rolling again.
We're back on tour.

It's beautiful.
Thank you, boss.

It's hot. It's hot.

Where is it? Where is it?
Right here. Hurry up, hurry up.

Welcome to Europe.
Make your way back to Asia!

Come on.
Go, go, go. Our clue.

Welcome to Europe.
Now make your way to Asia.


Thank you so much, sir.
Josh, hurry.

Welcome to Europe.
Now make your way back to Asia.

Uskadar. This is so cool.

This is so cool.
This is so awesome.

Thank you.

Come on, Josh.

Dude, we got here so quick.
I feel so bad for Chippendales.

Monster Truck and Chippendales
got left behind.

Let's enjoy this ride for
about five minutes.

This is awesome.
This is so cool.

Is metro faster than a taxi?
Taxi is faster.

Is there traffic right now?

No, there's not much traffic
'cause it's morning, early morning.

How long does it take to get
to this ferry?

Well, we make lots of stops,
but it goes fast.

We realize now that
a taxi must be faster,

because apparently, in the morning,
there's not any traffic.

It's all about to get there
as fast as we can.

We need to get
in front of the pack.

You wanna do it?
Fantastic. Let's go.

Thanks, buddy.
We appreciate your help so much.

They just got off?

The Monster Truck must be confused
to see us get off the train.

The Chippendales
just got off the train.

Maybe they know something.
I don't think so.

We decided to get off of the Metro
and jump into a taxi

because we're trying
to get ahead today.

The reason the Chippendales
got off the metro is because

they think they need to group up
with the other people.

They think the other people took
the taxis, I'm sure.

They're followers.
We're not followers.

We gonna go our own way.

We jumped off the metro.

I have no idea
what Monster Truck thought.

I definitely think it was
the right move, right?

For sure.

No way anybody coulda got there
any faster than us, honey.

I feel like we're moving forward

and I feel like the guys that got off
made a big mistake.

This might be the leg that
we might get us a win.

Search for your next clue
at the Uskadar Ferry Terminal.

Right in front of us, dude. See it?
Yes. Our clue.

Come on, knees.
Nice and easy.

Your wrap is coming down,
You look like a mummy.

Make your way by taxi to
Misir Carsisi

and search for the shop Nº 14
and your next clue.

Just tie it up
and do the rest in the taxi.

Head of the crowd, man.

At the Uskadar Ferry Terminal
search for your next clue.

Let's do this, y'all.

Somebody yell it out
if they see it.

Misir Carsisi?

The rockers are here.

The stupid rockers are here.

All right, man. Somebody is here.
The Sri Lankans are here.

Let's make this quick.

I got it! I got it!
Nice, babe!

They found it, Abbie.
Okay. Let's go.

Good job.

Sir, you know?

Nadiya, this guy.

Same place.

We're all together.

Fast, fast, fast, sir!

Clue box, clue box!
Oh! Oh!

There's a bunch gone already.

We're not as fast as
we thought we were. Let's go.

Wouldn't be us
if we didn't somethin' a little off.

All right. Let's roll.

Ride it all the way to the end.
Six more, maybe?

We could have made a wrong move.

We could be very last or it
could be very good.

Search the shop Nº 14.

Thank you.

Come on, Lexi, let's get it.
Spice village?

Spice Bazaar inside.

Yep, here we go.




Speed Bump.

Here's your clue
and some Turkish delights.

Thank you.

Oh, my gosh.

This it for us?
Yeah. Awesome.

All right.

All right. Let's go.

Simit or Scrub It.

This Detour gives
teams a chance to choose

between two ancient
Turkish traditions

that dates back
to the Ottoman Empire.

Their choices: Simit or Scrub It.

In Simit, teams will transport
Turkish bagels known as Simit

to three different addresses.

They must figure out how to stack
their simits on to these trays.

Then wearing a fluff on their head,

they had to balance
their precarious cargo

while walking through
the streets of Istanbul.

Once they have made
their deliveries,

the master baker
will hand them their next clue.

In Scrub It, teams will be
pampered with a Turkish delight

that's been around
for thousands of years.

First they must pick up
their bathing items

and then make their way
to a 16th century bathhouse.

After they choose
an bath attendant,

they'll be led to this marble room

where they would be cleansed
like never before.

When they're squeaky clean,
they'll receive their next clue.

Which one do you want to do?
What are you taking?

Scrub it?
Yes, let's do it.

We can't carrying crap on our head.
You know what I mean?

Come on, guys

Right here, right here.


Thank you.
All right. Let's go.

Thank you.

Number 14. Hurry up!

In here.
Abbie, Abbie, Abbie!

Number 14.


Hi, sir!

Here's your clue
and some Turkish delights.

Thank you.
Here is yours, my friend.

Turkish delights, yummy.

Detour. Let's just get scrubbed.

It'll probably be painful,
but let's do it. You want to do that?

Let's do Scrub, duh!
Scrub it?

Yeah, let's scrub.

Speed Bump, oh, yes!

After arriving last
in the previous leg,

Josh and Brent must now
complete a Speed Bump.

Finding this small vendor,

they must buy two scoops
of Turkish ice cream

and eat this tasty treat
before continuing on the race.

This is going to be a big headache.
Let's go.

What's the name of the ice cream shop?
It doesn't say.

Say: "Ice cream stand
in the New Mosque".

Josh, this is the New Mosque.

Does it say in front or not?
Let's just run around and see.

Oh, right there, right there.

Hello. Two cones.
Two flavors, please.

Oh, Turkish ice cream. I know.
I saw this before.

Another flavor.

Oh, too many.
That's good.

Oh, fantastic.

Oh, thank you.

You are great. Thank...

Okay. Try to eat.

Turkish ice cream is served
with a performance.

There is some juggling
and magic acts.


And there are some lewd
things to be done with the cone.

You know you want it, Josh.
Go for it.

It's good.
This ain't bad.

This is a good Speed Bump.

Go goat.

We're just cut in half.
Europe, Asia. Europe, Asia.

So start looking now
for red and yellow.

Clue, clue, clue.

Oh, James, right here.

Make your way
by taxi to Misir Carsisi.


We ain't got a clue
where we are in the race.

Once again,
we're completely clueless.

Just look at the bottom
of the screen

to know our position
because we ain't got a clue.

Let's go.

Look for the clue.
It's right there.

Oh, lots have been gone.

Let's get our ferry right there.

Hurry, hurry. Ship off.
Let's go.

Almost done.

Come on, Josh.

Ahh, right?

Have something there.

Good? Good?

Sir, good?
Thank you. Bye-bye.

Do you know where we're going?

Okay. Clue?
Yes, please.

You didn't pass the exam.

Well, read the clue.

Find the marked Maras.
It probably wasn't the marked one.


We didn't go to a marked
ice cream vendor.

We just went to any other one.

We have to go back
and find the marked cart.

Abbie, there's someone down there.
That's Lexi.

There they are.

Have you found it yet?
This way.

Come on.
There's the other team.

It's not in this building?
It's right here, right here.

This is it.
This is it. Go in, you idiot.

Oh, my gosh.

This is one of the thousand
things to do before you die.

I better not go to a dude.

Choose a attendant who will direct you
to a changing areas.

All right, let's take this guy.
Okay. After you, my friend.


Soap on a rope.

I feel very bacchanalian right now.

We're in a bathhouse with a couple
of guys getting ready to scrub us down.

And I can't say I've been in this
situation before.

This feels so nice.

They are washing up
these last two legs in Bangladesh.

Oh, this is horrible.

So much t*rture.

Whoa, whoa.
Is this legal?

I haven't had this done
since I was five.

Oh, my God, Natalie.
I'm so glad we did this one.

Look at that.
Abbie won't do that to me.

You've got to give me
your number, dude.

Look for the clue.

I don't see it yet.
Oh, I see it.


Come on. Good girl.

Very fast.
We're in a race.

Oh, boy.

Okay. More ice cream.

Here he is. Hi.

One cone with these two.

And one cone with these two.
Quick, quick.

Ice cream show, yes?

Yes, please.

Please, please, please.

Bon appétit.
Thank you.

Okay. Bye-bye.
Please, please, ice cream.

Thank you. Yes.

I'll tell you, the second cone
is not quite as good as the first.

Ice cream? Yes, please?

That's perfect. Yes.

I'm done.
There you go. All right.

Ice cream? Yes?
I've had enough.

Come on, Josh.

Thank you very much.
Thank you. Go.


Just what we need.

Second, bread.
I bet the more physical, the quicker.

Misir Carsisi.
Oh, man, this is incredible.

Shop Nº 14.

Oh, look.
Thank you very much.

Do you want to do
the deep body scrub?

We need it after Bangladesh.
Come on. Let's find it.

Ooh. Very pretty.

Very good.

Okay, so we've got
to stack it first.

No, you have to really be
careful now.

Would it be better
for one of us to carry it

and the other one asks directions,

because if we drop it,
we have to start over?

After I put it over my head,
I realized that I can do that.

I have a nice, flat head.
Not a lot of brain there.

Okay. Let's go slow.
We have three addresses.

Josh, ask this guy.
Can you help?

Josh, you don't understand
a single thing he's saying.

I don't.
But we go off here and right.

Are these heavy?
They're pretty heavy.

It makes your arm tired
and it's hot.

Here is it. Right here.
Can I get my clue?

You want to stack the bread?
Where's the bakery?

Ah! Okay, okay, okay.

This massage
was kind of deep tissue

where he was hitting our feet,
hitting our thigh.

He pulled my heart out
and showed it me while it was beating.

He said it's going too slow.
Here we go.

Thank you.

That was nice.

Make your way on foot
to Kapali Carsi

and search for the marked fountain
inside the bazaar.

All right. Let's go.

Make your way on foot
to Kapali Carsi

and search for
the marked fountain.

Private twinny massage?

Look at that, dude.
It's amazing.

Come on, Abbie.

Did you guys just finish?
How many are in there?

The girls are still finishing up.
Thank you so much.

I look spectacular.

Oh, it's cold!
Hold up a minute.


That's cold.

Oh, my God.

I'm getting just all of
Bangladesh off of me.

This is living right here.

My neck is hurting.

Josh, you have any clue?
Yeah. He said it was down here so...

You don't know what he said.
I don't speak the language.

So I don't know
what do you want me to do.

Make sure you get
the exact address.


Could I ask them anyway?
Ask. I'm not just going to stand here.

I smell bakery.
Yeah. We're getting there.

That smells good right there.
Right here.

Oh, boy.
In the center.

That's not centered.
That's not quite centered.

Please, let it be here.

Oh, please, please.
Where? Where?

Josh, we cannot do this
the next time.

Okay, Brent. I'm really sorry.
I'm trying to do the best I can.

But you're not thinking.

Josh is running around like
a chicken with its head cut off.

This is frustrating.

Where the hell is this restaurant?

We're not going to walk
around and around.

Ask the perfect person to ask.

English? Great.
Yes. I know a bit.

Any of these three?
This way. First left.

Thank you.

Kapali Carsi?
Right here. Straight.

Kapali Carsi. Up there.

This hurt. Let's just not walk more
than we have to.

Is there a fountain up here?

I'm looking.

It's right there. Come on, babe.

I have it.


Who is ready
to pour their heart out?

This Roadblock requires teams
to serve up Turkish sherbet,

regarded as
the world's first soft drink.

Dressing up as a local vendor,

they must carry a long-spouted
brass teapot called an ibrik

and serve 40 glasses
of this popular refreshment.

Once they have earned 40 lira,
about $20,

the sherbet vendor
will hand them their next clue.

Yeah. I'll do it.

I'll do it.

We're getting cute today, Ryan.
How do you wear this stuff?

Attagirl. Good job, baby.
This is awesome.

One sherbet?
Sherbet, sherbet?

Anyone wants sherbet?

You want one?
Let me sell you each one.

Ohh! Yeah!

That looks delicious.


How are you doing?

One lira will be great.

Thank you.

I want some.
Ha, ha, ha.

I'll do this.

Can you, really?
Yeah. It's easy enough.

Abba-dabby looks fabulous, man.

Oh. Oh, my gosh.

Oh, thanks, sir.

There is some sherbet for you.
Thank you so much.

Sherbet, one lira.

Whoo! Yeah!

You havin a good day?
This is brutal. One lira.

Clearly, that's a no.

Apparently this is the Detour.

Oh, yeah.

My guy was giving me
the business.

I wasn't going to squeal just yet.

It was kind of a battle of wills
at one point.

I just was like: "Mmm".

There was one part,
they did this cold water thing.


You know it's not part of it.
They just think it's funny.

They are laughing, carrying on.
Just cold water.

Cold water. Cold water

But, you know what,
look how fresh we look.

Do we look fresh?
I think we look fresh.

Thank you. All right.
Let's move, let's go.

Is it here?
Yes, it's here.

Can I get through this door?
Duck down.

Hi, there.
Watch out with your head.

Josh, can you help me
to get them off? Got it?

Correctly delivered.
Okay, one second.

He's got to stamp that.
Thank you.

One down, two to go.
Is that good?

Turn right and
then on the left.


Is it right down here to the left?

Kelley, right here.
Right here?

You're going to have to duck.

Good. Okay.
You're good.

If I could do this job
every day, I'd quit.

Thank you.

Water fountain.

Who's ready to pour their heart out?
I am.

Natalie because she's single.
Yes. What?

Get your sexy on, Natalie.
You should put some makeup on me.

I've sold 14.
And I need to sell 40.

Who wants a sherbet?

Being a cheerleader,
you have to be upbeat the whole time.

You have to attract a crowd.

Who wants a sherbet?

You want one sherbet.
Come on, one lira.

I'm just being loud and obnoxious
like I normally am.

One lira.
Please, please, just one.

I give you one lira,
but I don't want anything.

You can give it to somebody.
Just go away, okay?

Sherbet, one lira.

I never sold sherbet.

I don't know what the
sales technique is.

Will you help me sale to your
friends right now?

I'll give you the commission.
Oh, you given me the commission.

Now, I've engaged a broker on a
commission structure to sell my sherbet.

There is one more guy. He is my friend.
He wants the drink, okay?

Oh, yes. Two.

It was genius.
They're selling like hot cakes.

All right.
Can you hand me the cups, please?

I'll give you a clean one, okay?

Natalie, go to all the guys.

Please, I'm in a competition.
One lira, come on, sir. Thank you.

Thank you.

Tat Sofram!
It's right here.

And 40.

Yeah. Perfect.

Thank you.

Now we just have to do
the big delivery, 120 simit.

Sofram? Here?
Yes? Yes.

Help, Kelley, help, grab it.

Thank you very much.

Watch your step now.
Watch your step.

I'm good.

Sherbet is so good!

My last and final cup!


All right. Now we just have
to find our way back.

Perfect. Perfect.
One more. One more.

Can I get you some sherbet?
One lira, please, please.

It's for a good cause.
Come on, help me out.

Hi, sir, you want some? Please.
No, thank you.

Please, come on.
How can you say no?

I'm working my ass off.

Trey, baby, I'm done.
Let's go, babe.

Good job, baby.

Come on, baby!

I'm happy for them.
They need to get number one.

I'd rather texas get it than
Abbie and Ryan.

Make your way by taxi
to the next Pit Stop.

Teams must now make their
way to this park and find Savarona.

This ship was originally bought for
the founder of the Republic of Turkey.

It's now the Pit Stop
of this leg of the race.

The last team to check in here
may be eliminated.

Good job. You k*lled that.
Good job.

That was so awesome.

Look, Kapali Carsi. There it is.

Oh, yeah, she just bought one for you.
I need four and then I'm done.

It's serve this on.
You can do this, James.

Just last one.

Thank you, brother.
I couldn't have done it without you.

Come on, Ryan. We good?

Good job, babe.

The Sri Lankans want
Lexi and Trey to win first.

They don't want us to win.

They're so juvenile.
They could suck it.

Thank you, thank you,
thank you. Whoo!

I have to find my way back
to where I was. I have 40.

One lira?
Okay, yeah.

Thank you, yeah, whoo!

James, we're right in the mix.
Sells those drinks, get the money.

Yeah, you got it.
That is the spirit. Right there.

Make your way
to the next Pit Stop.

You have my stuff, right?

All right. Let's go.

Senkagit Pazari?
Yes, that's it.

Okay, we gotta go up these stairs.

Stay low.
Let him count.


We turn left down here.
Come on, Josh.

You got them all done, guys.
Yes, last one.

Hallelujah. Senkagit Pazari.
Low, low, low.

Right here?

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.
All right. Let's grab our bags.

One, two, three.
How many more?

I only need three more.

Like this?
Yes, yes.

Oh, okay
Thank you, sir.

I don't even know
how to carry this thing.

Right here. Thak you.
Thank you very much.

Thank you.
Peace out!

One more. One more.

Yes, right here.
Yeah. Whoo!

Yeah, I'm done.
Whoo, Natalie!

Whoo! Thank you!

Let's go, James, we've got to go.
We're the only ones left.

Ah, man, they've already sold them.

¡Buy sherbet, buy sherbet!

I just saw Sri Lankans fly by.

We're trying to close the gap,
so I need to sell some of these off.

Welcome to Istanbul, Turkey.

Thank you!
Thank you! Whoo!

Trey and Lexi,
you are team number one!

And I have some great news for you,
as the winners of this leg of the race,

you have won a trip for two
from Travelocity

and you are going to Australia.

Amazing! Oh, my God!

You are going to spend five nights
at the Palazzo Versace

in an exclusive lagoon view room.

You're going to enjoy
your own private cabana,

vip spa treatment,
an exclusive scooter tour

and experience a Yanguwah dinner.

We were due a first place
and we did it. Today was incredible.

We never had been out of the country,
you know, some Texas folk,

but proved
a lot of people wrong, I think.


Abbie and Ryan,
you are team number two.

Yeah. Thank you.
Thank you.

This is probably it.

It's the Beekman Boys!
Come on, James. Come on!

Okay. I'll do it.

I actually have a very strong
history of sales.

Now with our business,
I often am running the mercantile.

So I had no problems going up
and peddling this juice.

Do you like to try some?
One lira.

You have two lira.
Buy one from somebody else.

I may not be a Chippendale,
but I can work a costume.

This is to good salesman. Cheers.

There is a fountain down there.
It's Monster Truck. Crap.

I guess it'll be me.
Better talk sweet to them.

Uh-oh. You see Monster Truck,
you see Beekman Boys,

you know you're at
the back of the pack.

You know you're fighting for last.

Come on, James! Come on!

Drink for a lira. No?

For you.
Thank you very much.

How are we doing, ladys?
Can we get you a nice, cold drink? No?

It's the hat, isn't it?
I have 19 more to sell.

I think I'm doing it pretty good.
I've sold quite a few of my drinks.

Would you like a drink, ladies?
Drink for a lira. No?

Selling juice is a hard racket.

James, sell those drinks!
We've got to go.

What is going on, man?
I keep dropping them.

Oh, thank you, sir.

I'm coming apart at the seams here.
This is really, really bad.

This sucks, dude.

Come on, James! Come on!

I started freaking out a little bit.

I'm seeing Beekman Boy selling.
I'm seeing Kelley over here selling.

You know you're fighting for last.

James, all these ladies would love
to buy a drink from you right now.

Would you like a drink, ladies?
Drink for a lira.

There, there's five.

I've got five here. One here.

Everybody step right on.

Get y'all a Chippendale drink
right here.

One for you.

They're crowding around, James.
You're a pimp, man.

This is great.
The girls are crowding around.

Work it, baby.
This is how you sell those drinks.

A little topped off there for you.
Thank you so much.

Turkish, right?
Yeah. I made it myself.


Oh, my God.
If you made this, I don't drink.

I was lying.

More, more, more.

Okay. There you are.

Thank you so much.

Awesome. You are so awesome.
Thank you very much.

Let's see what the old Chippendale charm
has earned me Today.

There we go. There we go.
You have to hustle.

Good? Yeah!

All right. Let's go. Taxi?

James and Abba,
you are team number three.


With me completely hobbled
and out of money,

this could have been
the end of the race.

But until they throw the dirt on us,
we're still kicking and screaming.

Natalie and Nadiya,

you are team number four.

We have to come number one.
Yeah, no more Mrs. Nice twinies.

No more nice twinies?
Yeah. Yeah.

Brent! Brent!

Good job. Good job.

Yes, yes!

We've got to go.

We're the last team here.
I haven't seen Kelley since she left.

So I don't know.

Would you be interested
to buy the last cup?

Last cup?
Yes, one lira.

Yes. Thank you very much.
Thank you.

Okay. Now we've got
to find our way back.

Please, come on.
Fast, fast, fast.

I don't think our cab
has moved an inch.

Ay, yay, yay, yay.

I sold them all.
Thank you very much.

Let's just get the hell out of here.

We have to go very, very fast.

Every single person?
Everyone was gone.

We were the last.

This is insane.
Okay, Brent, come with me.

Leave the things there and get out!
Come on, we're directing traffic.

Come on. We're going to try
to get traffic moving.

Please wait.
We need to get these cars through.

Come on! Come on!

Now there's a van stopped.

Where's the driver of this van?
You have to move.

We need to get the cars through.

We must win.
Now the traffic is moving.

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

James and Jaymes,
you are team number five.

Yeah, that's right!

We're probably going to be
in a foot race with Rob and Kelley.

At least if we don't beat them,
we gave it all we could.

Let's go. We have to beat
the team in front of us

or we have to go home.

Oh, God. Please, please.

Josh and Brent,

I am pleased to tell you that
you are still in this race.

And you are team number six.

By the skin of my teeth.

And we even took time
to eat ice cream, Phil.

People told us
we couldn't have a farm.

They told us
that our town was dying.

We save our farm and our town.
We don't quit.

Welcome to Istanbul, Turkey.

Thank you very much.

Rob and Kelley,
you're the last team to arrive.

I'm very sorry to tell you that
you have been eliminated from the race.

Rob, I can see you're a man
with deep sensitivity.

I'll tell you what,
without Kelley, I'm nothing.

You might think that
I'm this big strong, bold guy,

but I'm so blessed to have
this woman in my life

and for somebody to love me
the way that she loves me.

Worth more than a million dollars.

Way more than a million dollars.


Stay tuned for scenes
from our next episode.

Next week on "The Amazing Race".

As the race heads to Moscow,
two teams hit some turbulence.

Connecting flights to the right.

We missed it. There is no flight
until tomorrow morning.

And James and Abba
hit the wall.

You know that the cab
can run away.

That's him?

I don't know where he is.
Maybe he took off with our stuff.

We just lost all our stuff.
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