20x06 - This Is Wicked Strange

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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20x06 - This Is Wicked Strange

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously, on the amazing



And teams yodel.

While dating di vorsees sing

Another tune.

This is your jack-ass idea.

A hair-raising detour.

We're done.

Felix, it looks good.

And a roadblock on ice.



The border patrol agents

With their third win in a row.

You are team number one.

Meanwhile, cousins kerri and

Stacy lost their way to the pit


Like when someone is giving

Us -- directions, you listen to


Seven teams remain.

Who will be eliminated next?

[Captioning made possible by cbs

Productions, cbs, inc.

This is baveria.

Ranking as one of the most

Scenic places in all of

Certainly europe.

It is germany's largest state

And the start of the sixth leg

In a race around the world in

The last leg, art and j.j. Came

In first.

You are team number one!

And what a vacation from


Thailand looks like absolute


That would be cool at night to

Have dinner there.

Me and the gnome will be

Kicking it right there.

Just stay on your side of the


Art and j.j. Will depart


Ride to the land of fire.


Teams must ply 21,000

Miles to baku.

Located on the tofpblge caspian

Sea, it's flitch oil and natural

Gas giving it the land of gas

And fire.

And they must make their way to

The temple of fire where they'll

Find their next clue.

Right here.

Right here.

Ok, man, when you start

Winning all the time, you just

Feel like, you know what, we're

Going to win.

But we both know that we're

One roadblock detour away from

Being humbled.

The way we're going stay in

The race is we're not going to

Get those gigantic gambles and

Run hard.

They're finishing better and


They look like they're from

The bad 1980 's movie with some

Wham playing in the background.

There you go.


Get to munich airport.

Second place.

Highest finish, we had two

Third place finishes.

Second place.

We're one of the strongest

Teams left.

Now is going to be the time.

These are first place

Glasses, by the way.

Fly to the land of fire.


Let's go.

The last leg we weren't very

Nice to each other.

Are you serious?

Take it.

You're being stupid.

I'm being stupid?

This is your jack-ass idea.

Today's a new day.

Hopefully we've learned from our


If we just stop screwing up,

We will win something.

We have not been to


But I noit it's fire because

It's the land of fire.

Fly to azerbaijan.


I truly feel that rachel and

Are the team to beat.

Where is it?

It's north of iran.

It's on the caspian sea.

As long as we can remain

Supportive and rely upon one

Another, then rachel and I will

Run a good race.

We're going the exact


Let me drive.

Let me navigate, ok?


You have $167 for this leg of

The race.


Go do you want to go to the

Travel agency?


Go back through town and

There's a travel agent.

We want to book tickets to


Departing munich at 6:20.

That's the earliest?

Let's go ahead and book these

Tickets and go to the airport.

Fly through the land of fire,


Do you think we're going to

The land of africa?

I think it is.

Land of fire.


It sounds like african to me,


Fly to the land of fire.



I see the other teams.

What do you guys do?

And then of course, coming in

Last place, they probably don't

Look at us as a threat.

Having teams not see us as a

Threat was part of our strategy.

That's why we didn't want to put

Our profession out there.

Azerbaijan, here we go.

Parking right there.

All right.

Turkish airlines.

Let's see what question fe

Neighle here.

-- Fanagle here.

I need to go get baku as soon

As possible.

Baku at 4:10.

Is there anything earlier

Like today?

There's no flights.

No flights.

It's just this?



There we go.

Thank you.

There's parking.

There's the boys.


Right behind us.

They caught up quick, huh?

Let's go.

Let's go.

Come on.

Come on, joe.

What's going on, y'all?

You're too serious.

I can't say hello.

I've got to say hello.

I don't want to stay with


All right.

You take it too seriously, bro.

Saying hello isn't going to put

Me behind anybody.


We need to get to azerbaijan.

We need to get to azerbaijan

As quickly as possible.

Want to come with us?




I'm just teasing.

I'm just teasing.

She said no.

Is that the only one?

You're sure 100% it's the



See information anywhere?

There's art and j.j.

Did you purchase tickets?

We've checked everything.

There's nothing else.

It arrives at 4:10 in the


Check in.


Teams are now making their

Way to baku, azerbaijan by

Istanbul, turkey.

Let's go!

All right, joe.

Go, go, go, go!

We're on the road heading to

The temple of fire.

I'm actually excited to see

This temple.

I wish I could see it in the

Daytime man.

Daytime should be here in

Another hour, I would think,


What time is it?


They are behind the wheel.

Grab a cab.

Shoumed be like five minutes


Shouldn't be that far.

Shouldn't be that far.



There it is.

There it is.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Ah, beautiful, man.



What's going on?

What are the clues?

It just says find your next

Clue here.

Where's the clue box?

This way?

What's it say?

Open at sun rice.

Let's look around see what

Else is here.

Do you have our next clue?


This place is like an ancient



Here we go.

Dude, they've got something

Going on in there.

Great, huh?

You have to wait until sun


-- Sunrise.

It's like a hoedown for you,


Get ne there.

-- Get in there.

There we go.

He's opening up.

Let's go.

Come on, baby.

Come on, let's go.

Go in and grab it.

Grab it.

I got one.

I got one.



Hurry up.

Fast forward.

A fast forward is a pass

That allows the team to go

Directly to the pit stop.

In this fast forward, teams make

Their way to this roadside hay

Market where local farmers sell


They must unload 150 bales of

Hay three wide, five high.

The first team to correctly

Stake their high wins the fast


Might as well run to it.

Fast forward.

Fast forward.

Come on.

Let's go.

You want to do fast forward.

No way.

Teams must now make their

Way to occupational training

International and search the

Grounds to find their next clue.

Come on.



Wow, fast forward, dude.

We're doing round marker.

Fast forward.

What do you think?


Fast forward.

Let's go.

Simon bizari.

It's a risk vs. Reward.

We're giving it a shot.

As long as question work as a

Team all should go well.

We're taking a risk, but we

Want to do it.

If we're going to do it, we're

Going to do it today.

If you're not the first one

To complete the fast forward,

You have to go back to the next


The rules are, we can't do

Anywhere one.

Everybody wears black here.

It's the national color here, I


It's a blue jacket.

We're number one.

Number one.

It looks like dave and ray

Clell ahead of us.

We've got to beat them.

We're getting close to sheep

And agriculture.

Could be something to do with

Freaking farming, baby.

Right, right here.

Right here.

The first team to unload 150

Bails of hay get a fast forward.

You want me to go and throw

Them down, you stack them?


They have already started.

Keep going.

You're doing greament

Start tossing them.

Make sure you're checking to

See how we've got to stack them.

It was affs three, by five,

By 10.

So it was a considerable amount

Of bails -- bales of hay to


I can't see that

Remember, a solid base.

Solid base.

How many you got, you know?

I've got it in my head.

We've done everything without

A strategy, it's kind of like

You've got to find something

That you can put together.

I never look at the instruction

Blook let efment

Don't throw it right on top


We're not getting solid base.


You've got it, bro.

We're k*lling, baby.

We need this.

Oh, boy.

Pass them up.


There they go.

This guy is driving like an

Absolute maniac.

I just hope we don't get too

Loose because we're going to

Have ourselves a spewing.

These guys are better than

Nascar, man.

These guys are insane.

Any time my partner is in the

Backseat, there better be a barf

Bag around.

If I just get a little sick,

We better get sick.

Poor mark, he's over there

Hurling in the back.

That's funny.

That poor dude.

You don't have to make it too


Three, by five, by 10.

Dave, you're going to make

Piles all over.

Good job, bro.

You've got this.

Whoa, babe.

k*lling me efment

You know how many you've got?

We need three.

You're k*lling us, babe.

That one's no good.

Seriously, come on.

Dan, we keep this pace up,

We've got this, brother.

We're going to beat us,


Stack them up.

You've got a ton of them.

Stack them up.


Coming down, babe.

I'm getting hay in my eyes,

So I can't see anything.

You've got it.

We're doing good, man.

Hold on, please.

We've got this, man.

Why are you slowing down?

I need a hand.

Coming down.


Dave, dave, nide your help down


For the love of jesus.

I can't do this anymore.

Babe, I need your help down

Here, please.

I can't do this anymore.

Stick with it.

Don't give up.

We've got it.

Work smarter, not heard.

Keep it going.

They're not giving up, we're

Not giving up.

It seems like jersey was

Beating us.

So I was doing everything I

Could to get those hay stacks

Stacked up.

Midwestern work ethic kicked


It was all or nothing for us at

That point.

We're either first or at risk of

Being last.

Occupational training


Wait here.

Another team just past us.

Cut sign, brother.

Cut sign.

It says search the ground.

You have a clue?

Nothing in here.

We've got to find it on the


J.j., Go into the plane.

Right here.

Get it, baby.


What goes down, must come up.

Oil is the number one

Industry in azerbaijan.

To get to the off-shore oil

Rigs, people must go mandatory

Rescue training.

This roadblock requires teams to

Take on their primal fierce by

Taking on a tear fying

Helicopter ditch rescuing


Once they surface they'll swim

To their next clue.

That's you.

All right.

Come on.

Hello, hello?

You guys proceed here.

Oh, there it is.

Good job.

Are you sure?


This could be a running



I'll do it.

I'll do it.

Do you see it.

-- Do you see it?

Come on, brendan.

You do it.

Come on.

Here they rfment -- they are.

Wow want to do it?


Almost there.



You have to get it close to


They're working way faster,

Way hard.

Keep it going.

Keep going!

My bad.

You hit this, it's game over.

Coming up.

We need this baby.

We're doing it.


Forwards the end of the

Challenge, I could ease the

Bales and I was able to stack

Them up really quickly.

And that really got us a big


There's a bunch.

I ain't trying to fall off


Four more.

Push, joe.

Baby, look out.


Good job, buddy, you got


We're going to beat them,


Get down, babe.

Are they done?

What about us?

They ain't done.

It's done?

Thank you, thank you, thank

You, thank you, thank you, thank


We've got to leave.

We've got to leave.


Ah, damn it.

God, you're a freaking


Congratulations you made the

Fast forward.

Make your way to the pit stop.

Baby, you are a freaking


See, when we use teamwork,

We're awe.

So you just have to remember


The freaking girl.


Go, go, go.

We're going to the pool.

Go get them.

No pain.

I know.

No pain.

J.j. And jamie had to get

Into a helicopter simulator,

Like a helicopter had landed in


Is this going to go up and

Spin or something.

It's going spin over.

Well, she's good in the


Bopper's got a bad crush on


Can you tell?


Bopper went over.

I said bopper what are you doing

Over there for?

Well, I just want to put my two

Cents in.

Right here.

You just push the frame right


Push it.

Push it hard.


Let's do it.

Y'all ready?



You have to put your hand on

The window so you know where to

Push out.

When the water got up to my

Neck, all I've got to do is hold

My breath for 10 seconds.

My main thing is stay calm to

Not let your nerves get the best

Of you.

Fully submerged.

Then it rolls 180.

Things just get really

Disoriented because you're

Looking at people upside down.

I couldn't get the window

Open and I started to panic.

I swallowed some water.

And when that drowning feeling

Comes on you, it's really


Oh, jamie's up.

He's got to go to the safety


I got it.

Jamie just got the clue.

Bopper make it to tend?

He's terrible.

Come on, bop.

Good job.


That's a cool challenge.

Go get dressed.

Find the karaba carpet shop.

Teams must make their way

To old town toghru.

Once there, they'll find their

Next clue.

I know!

Good job, dude.

That was awesome.

Carpet shop in old town baku.

Search for your next clue.

Carpet shop.

You know?


Come on, come on.

Carpet shopt.

-- Shop.

How are you feeling?

Thank god I got out of there.

That's not a good feeling.

That's not fun.

Ooh, I think that's it.

I can smell phil's colon.

-- Cologne.

Welcome to azerbaijan.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Congratulation, rachel and

Dave, you are team number one.


Thank you, phil.

And as the winners of this

Leg of the rarkse I have some

Good news for you.

Since you started this leg of

The race with a long drive, ford

Thought you would appreciate an

Innovative drive, ford is giving

Each of you a new 2013 taurus

H.s.r. Which has been totally

Redesigned to look as good as it


Oh, my god, that is awesome.

Now that we're on top, we're

Going to stay on top.

We have strategies based on what

Hasn't worked and I think we're

Going to continue to stay on the


That's awesome.

My life jacket wasn't even



I am so happy that brendon

Took this one.

I don't even want to try to do

Because brendon's a way better


Oh, I don't want to do this.

So what do you do?

You capsize and --

Save your damn self.

Don't die.

Good job, baby.

Little brendon just did an

Obstacle course in the water.


That was awesome!



Thank you.

Go change real quick.

We obviously don't want to

Get beat at the fast forward but

We can't count ourselves out.

We're the comeback boys.

You never know some other team

Could be weak and having a


I have a real strange fear of

Closed in spaces and being under


I just hope I can only do this


I'm so scared.

I'm worried because she's not

Fond of close space or being

Under water and she gets both of

Them here.

You ready?




Oh, got.

Come on, baby.

Damn it.

I don't know what's wrong?

I was so claustrophobic about

Being submerged in water.

It's one of my big fears.

And I had to bust through a

Window and I couldn't get the

Window open.

Come on, baby.

Come on out of there.

I didn't want to be in there


I got out and may happy ass gout

Out really fast.

Good job, babe.

She did it.

She's going to be pretty

Pissed that her hair's wet.


Good job.


Old town baku and search for

Your next clue.

Let's go.

You want to do it?

I'll do it.

Hopefully I can do this real


We'll go to the detour and who

Knows what will happen over


But this is miserable waiting.

We're all just like in a line

Trying to find this carpet shop.

All three cabs are right in

Front of us.

Yeah, right here.


This is it.

This is it.

Come on, brendon.

Let's go art.

Where did you two come from?

Right there!

Open it up and read it.

It's a detour.

Teams will now get a

Chance to choose between two

Things that azerbaijan is used

To stay healthy, apples and oil.

Apples requires teams to

Search a on car that local

Vendors use to transport produce

From the countryside hundreds of

Miles away.

Rummaging through one ton of

Apples, they must find one

Specific apple marked with a

Race flag which they can

Exchange for their next clue.

This is a country with so much

Oil that locals literally soak

In it for its healing


In oil, they make their way to

This center.

Once there, they must clean up a

Client after he is soaked in

This therapeutic treatment.

Using a metal shoe horn, they'll

Have to remove the oil and

Remove any excess oil using

Water and spongs.

Once their bather is oil-free,

The spa attendant will hand them

Their next clue.

Do you want to do oil?

I think show.

We'll do oil.

Let's go.

You want to do the apples?



We're about to scrub a man,

Homey down.

Fruit market.

Scrub somebody.

That's kind of gross.

Oh, god.

Back in the day I've done

Stuff, life guarding.

I use to surf and swim a lot.

I just tried to swim as fast as

I could.

I'm pretty happy I didn't do

This one.

Carpet shop.

We've got to make up for the

Lost time.

We're going inside the


Carpet shop.

There it is.

There it is.

Run in and grab it.

So in the carpets, yeah?

Just be a little bit --


This is it.

This is it.


Very good.

Come on.

Scrub a homey down.

She walks us into this stall

Thing and there's tall, thin,


Oh, my god.

Out of the spict comes oil.

Is this the spa treatment?

Oh, no, no, no, no.

What the heck is going on, art?

We've got to get all the oil


You remember how the romans

Did it.

Like in rome, do it in


And then he stands up and it

Looked like it was a

Nutella-covered man.

We've got to take it off.

Like this, yes.

Just like that.

Let me get him up here.

Art, this is wicked strange.


This is it?


This should be it.


We've got to put these in the


Right here.

Right here.

So we need our boxes.

It goes right there.


So it's all in the back or the


How the hell do we get the

Window down?

I have no idea.

I'm afraid to remove this


Oh, yours is open more.

Peaches love apples.

One apple a day isn't enough so

We decide several thousand


We have an audience.

It's nerve wracking with all

Those people there.

You know, you feel the crowd

Growing and going.

Quick, quick, quick.

They actually told us "quick,

Quick, quick."

You wait for me.


This guy is as hairy as a st.


Clean him good.


Come oranges man.

Art, I'm trying.

He has hair like I've never seen


It would be hard to get me to

That little tub.

Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

Don't hurt him.

They've got too much doggone

Hair on them.

They need to shave.

This is so wrong.

It's so wrong.

We're going to get in the

Somehow we are.

He's ticklish.



This is real oil.

There's a big hairy dude

Sitting in a bathtub of hot oim

And it's just weird.

Like the whole thing is like

From another planet.


There are's nothing colorwise

That matches up?

Are you sure?


Oh, my god.

We are buffoons.

Are you kidding me?

We're going to do the apples.

Oil takes a long time to

Scrape off a person's body.

Both of y'all sound like

You're having too much fun over


What the hell is going on in

My life?

Is the water too hot.

Man, I don't want to burn the

Man up.

It ain't no animal here, you


This looks like a horror move


This is the uncomfortable


Get in his junk, art!

Get in his junk!

How about we focus on what

We're trying to do instead of

Being funny?

I'm in his thighs, art.

What do wow want from me?

-- What do you want from me?

Come on.

We're going too slow.

I don't want to miss the


It's a lot of apples back here.

Apples in boxing and stuff.

Oh, here we go.

Holy canoli.

Raffle and fa vesa just

Showed up.

That's ok.

We decided to come play with

Some more fruit.

I hope this is the first and

Last time I'm in a trunk.

We've got this, girl, come


Yeah, we do.

Get the toes.

Oh, my god.

I don't think he minds that

I'm rubbing him all over.


I think he's done.






Come help us!

Thank you very much.

That was strange but it was


They're open.

Make your way to the next pit


Teams must now find a pit


The last team to check in here

May be eliminated.

Let's giddy up.

We feel kind of violated and

-- But you know what, sometimes

You've got bite the b*llet and

Scrub a man's junk.

You want a million dollars,

Scrub a man's junk.

He's cleaner than a --


I think he's looking good?







The last team to check in may

Be eliminated.

Oh, baby!

Get all his little pigies.

You know where it's at?




Thank you very much.

Last team to check in may be


Good job, babe.

Right there.

Right there.

Right there.


Let's go.

Let's go.

Good job.

Good job.

Art and j.j.?


You are team number two.


We'll deal with that.

We'll deal with that.

We'll take a second place when a

Fast forward in play because

It's actually a win.


Amazing race, right there.

Let's do the apples.

Hopefully we'll get lucky and

Find an apple quickly.

Doesn't look like she's back

Here, nary.

It's ok.

You finding anything, babe?



It's not in the trunk.

Come on, girl.

We'll do this double fast, now.

Yeah, exactly.

He's yelling at us to go

Faster or something about

Vanessa's melons.

I don't even think he can see

My melons.

But I am going commando.

What does it look like,


It's just a big apple.






Oh, come on, apple!

Where the freck are you.

Cheese and crackers.

It's crazy, these apples, the

Farther down you get, seems like

They multiply.


It's just like a needle in a

Hay stack.

Damn it.

It could be.

-- It could be anywhere.

This is amazing.

Did you find anything?


I'm getting apple.

It's way too reminiscent of the

Watermelon avalanche.

I did have thoughts of the

Watermelon avalanche.


Baby, they're heavy.

Good deal.

Right here.

Right here.

Let's go.

Hey, baby!

Never give up on kentucky,


And we're still here!



Bopper and mark, you are

Team number three.

Yes, we're on our way back!

Brendon and rachel that

Would mean that you're team

Number four.

We're from -- we come from

Six, to fifth to fourth.

We're going up.

We're from the big apple.

We will pull this big apple up.


Give us something good, phil.

You are team number five.

Oh, good job.

Cheese and crackers.

Look for it over here.

Got it?



Thank you.

They're good.

Make your way to the next pit



Fast, fast, fast.

All right.

Be a good cab driver.

Right here.

Right here.

Going to be in the middle

Somewhere, right?

Come on, dog.

Where are you going?

What is he doing?

He's asking around to see where

It is.

It's like a needle in the hay


It's an apple.

My grand used to grow apple


Used to have tons of apples like

This and I would have to do this


Angel, I don't know where he


He left.

But where did he go?

Right now, it seems that our

Cab driver doesn't know exactly

Where he's going.

Hurry up.

There we go.

Thank you, sir.

Last team to check in may be


People are going through that


We might still be in this,


We went from 10th place to

Second place.

The race is crazy.

Come on.

There he is.

Cheese and crackers.



Come on, hurry.

Very fast, if you can.

If we get blessed again, you

Know, with not being eliminated

Now, I think we have a good


Please be good to us.

Get lucky this time.

Vanessa and raffle, you

Are still in the race but you

Are team number six.

Whoa, cheese and crackers.

Right in the back of the


Just still being alive, I'm

Really happy and grateful for.

But obviously, there's a lot of

Room for improvement.

Welcome to baku, azerbaijan.

Joey fitness and danny, I

Am sorry to tell you that you

Are the last team to arrive and

I'm sorry to tell you that

You've been eliminated from the


How are you feeling?

Kind of disappointed, man.

I think we could have won this


We just made one mistake.

Any team that's left, we could

Have took them.

It wasn't our day.

We had a good run.

We were starting to get

Better but we made it for six

Legs, a couple of kids from long


Not bad at all.

Everything we did in the

Race, it was new to us.

We've got to be thankful that

We experienced new places.

I've never even seen these

Animals before.

We just see them between two


Walking to the castle right


The castle's crazy.

I'm pretty happy.

I don't think any of our

Friends thought we would pull

Something like this off.

I can't wait to go home because

We're going to tear it up.

Joey fitness and danny h. At

A nightclub nere you.

Stay tuned from scenes

From our next episode.

Coming up in two weeks --


Oh, my god, this is so cool!

Surrounded by africa's


I love it.


Teams mark their


How old are you?

Aren't you like 38?


And somehow I act older than


Get your nose done before you

Get your boobs done.
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