20x03 - Bust Me Right in the Head With It

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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20x03 - Bust Me Right in the Head With It

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "the amazing

Race," 10 teams continued racing

Through argentina.

At the detour, barbara and

Mark's country know how gave

Them an early lead.

Whistle to me, baby.

We could be in first place.

An 18-hour bus ride turned

Disastrous for four teams.

Bang, the window shattered.

We've been delayed about two


We're probably in last place.

At the roadblock, rachel

Teamed up with j.j.

Good job, good job.

To help her and dave win

Their second leg in a row.

You are team number one again.

Meanwhile, dave the clown

Couldn't calculate.

What am I doing wrong?

And he and sherry fell


You have both been eliminated

From the race.

Nine teams remain.

Who will be eliminated?


Get her done!

[Captioning made possible by cbs

Productions, cbs, inc.

Argentina's capital city,

Bay know aires, dates back

Almost 5,000 years.

In this affluent neighborhood,

An enormous 200--year-old rubber


This is the start of the third

Leg in a race around the world.

Rachel and dave won the last leg

Of the race.

You are team number one --


And will depart first at 12:22


Fly to paraguay.

Teams must now fly to


Once there, they'll travel by

Taxi to this equipment supply in

Search for their next clue.

You have $200 for this leg of

The race.

Let's go!


Coming in first place the

First two legs, it could

Potentially be an issue with

Regard to us being a target.

I think the way we've played the

Race, teams realize we're

Playing aggressive and


Cab, cab, cab!

International airport.

Get that baby open.

Fly to paraguay.

Let's do it.

This is great because we're

Going to another

Spanish-speaking country where

We can really dominate.

We're starting behind dave

And rachel.

We think alike.

We both protect america.

We'll stay with dave and rachel

And both just dominate the whole

Season of "amazing race."

The 10:40 pluna flight.

Right there.

Oh yeah.

There's an 8:45 departure


The other, the 10:40 flight.

At the moment, it's very


Is there any way to be placed

On stand by for two seats?

Go to the check-in counters.

We can't be placed on

Stand-by here?



Two stand-by tickets?

We're placed on stand-by in

Hopes we can make it there.

It's an 8:45 departure.

That would place us potentially

Ahead of the other team.

All the other teams came.

We all caught up to each other.

And man, were they buzzing

Around that airport.

We need the same thing.

We need stand-by tickets.

You got the freaking teachers

Waving to the other teams to

Come down here and get this.

This should be a two-team race.

Makes no sense.

They're waving to the other


Teachers are waving to the other

Teams to come down here.

We are federal agents and we

Have told everyone that we're


People look at teachers as nice

And people like teachers, so

We're like hey, maybe they'll

Like us.

We're on stand-by.

There's no way you're going

To get 10, 12, 14 people on


You don't know that.

We're getting to the point

Now where we just really don't

Want to help anybody else.

If we're going to tell you where

To go and basically run the race

For you, that's not going to

Happen anymore.

We need to get on that plane.

Can you switch?

There's no way I can talk you

Into throwing somebody off and

Putting us on?

You don't have to give them


You can pull a quick one without

Them even knowing.

That is not possible, sorry.

I can sell the ticket to you.

Four people only.

Yes, yes, yes!


Thank you!


The bulls eye just got


You know what?

We are strong enough to deal

With it.

We are strong enough as a group.

If you play in the game to

Stay in first place, I'll put a

Target on my back all day long.

Michael jordan wasn't afraid to

Put a target on his back.

He won six championships.

Oh yeah!

You can go to our ticket

Office and buy you a ticket.

No way!

We just made the flight!

So excited.

You have no idea.


It's no longer a two-team

Race, that's four-team race now.

Us and the teachers made the

Same flight.

Team kentucky coming loud and


Coming in loud now, baby.

The first four teams got on


How do you know?

Where else are they?

The flight is closed.

We cannot confirm anyone.

Pluna has a flight from this

Airport at 10:40.

They can guarantee some places

For you.

At that point, all of the

Five teams competing not to get


I'm not calm, brendon.

This is a race and I'm not about

To lose it to some do heads.

Being on second plane and

Being two hours behind, it's

Very frustrating.

I want to be in the top


We really have to be better.

The rug was pulled from under

Us, our hearts dropped to the


I tell you what.

We're still going to play hard.

Both teams are now flying

To asuncion, paraguay.

Taxi, taxi.



Si, si!

We need a taxi, we need a


Make your way to --

We're the first ones out.

We are the team to beat.

We need to follow that other


We're in a race.

We're in a race.

Let's go.

Let's go.

He's good, he's good.

Feels good to be in paraguay.

Stay with them!

Yes, baby, yeah.

Drive it like you stole it,


That's it right there.

Go, go, go.

We got to find the clue in

This mess?

Holy smokes.

We got to go down the slide.

Yeah, right here, art.

Get on that one.

Wee, wee, wee!

Just look all in the grills.

Just start moving.

Holy cow.

Got to be kidding me.

Got it, got it, got it!

Stack up or strung out.

Teams must now make their

Way to paraguay's favorite fruit

Market or work with paraguay's

Favorite musical instrument by

Choosing stacked up or strung


Stacked up requires teams to

Make their way to the largest

Fruit market in paraguay and

Join the work force in the busy

Watermelon season.

Afflalo indicating these trucks,

They must stack watermelons in a

Perfectly formed 10 by 10

Pyramid just as the local

Vendors do.

When the vendor is satisfied

With the mountain of melons,

He'll hand over the next clue.

Strung out requires teams to

Make their way to this

Auditorium and choose a harp,

The national instrument of


Following this ongoing

Demonstration, they must attach

When the harp is ready for

Tuning -- the harp conductor

Will hand them their next clue.

Stacked up, stacked up.

Let's go.

Let's go, arthur.

This is it.



Where do we go?

Right here.

Got it.

Detour, stacked up or strung


Let's go to stacked up.


Come on.

They're here, they're here.

In the back.

Jamie, I got one.

Which one?

Let's do the watermelons.

Let's go stacked up.


Go, go, go.

Taxi is over there.

Follow that taxi, please,


There it is.

We've got to go find the


Shut the front door!

There it is.

We've got to find a marked


I think we're going to have to

Get the watermelons, load them

And take them over there.

It's going to be 10 by 10,

Nine by nine, eight by eight,

All the way to the top.

Let's be methodical.

I'm going to throw them to

You, art.

I'm going to throw them to you.

We catch the bad guys and the

Dopers and the alien smugglers.

We know we can do the manual


We're not afraid of getting

Dirty and sweaty and grimy and

Gutting it out.

We know we can get that done.

Right there, right there.

Go get him, go, go, go.

We're back in it.

Everybody's doing this.

I know.

There's the fruit bar.

Pretty difficult work here.

I'm not going the lie.

I've never stacked

Watermelons before.

First time for everything.

This is a pretty physically

Draining task.

Especially considering the heat

And humidity.

It's hotter than new love,


Pretty sure I won't be able

To have babies after this.

Like this right here.

Up on their butts.

We got to lay them down flat,



One, two, three, four, five,

Six, seven, eight, nine, 10.

You have 10.

We have to tighten these up.

They'll fall.

We got our base done before

Everyone else.

That's it.

So everything's going to go

Up like a pyramid now.

Doing good, art.

Doing good.

Oh, mark!

Come on, man!

You busted me in the head with

You busted me in the head with




We're doing good, right,


We're back.

We're not done.

Hot out here.

It's hot like mississippi mud.

Hopefully we can make up some

Ground here.

Definitely not a good feeling

To be in the back of the pack

Right now.

Come on, baby.

Drink some water.


I don't want any.


I'm good.

I was over in iraq for one year.

Deployments are extremely trying

On a relationship.

Help me out.

Don't stand and supervise.

What do you want me to do, dave?

Rachel, get over here.

You're the least encouraging

Person I've met in my entire


I'm encouraging.

When he comes down on me, it

Doesn't make me want to do


Sit on the cart, relax.

I got it.


You're exhausting me, dave.

Right here.

Si, si, si.

Search the equipment.

Spread out.


I found one.


Stacked up or strung out.

Stacked up.


Let's go.

We're going to do stacked up.

Come on, kerri.

Thank you.


Ok, let's search the equipment.

Come on, joey.

I won't proments you it's in

A grill.

Let's go to the grills.


Come on, come on, come on.

Open it up.

Stacked up or strung up.

Strung out.

We're going to do strung out.

They found one.

Danny, I got it.

I say we do the watermelon.

Stacked up.

We're the last ones.

Are you serious?

Joey, come on.

Right here.

All right, let's go.

Detour, stacked up or strung


We'll go to the market.

Grab a cab, sugar.

It's not over until we hit the



Oh, dear lord.

About three more loads.

What's happening, what's


That one moved.

It's ok.

It's going good, baby.



Right here, art.

Two more, two more.

One more.



Muchas gracias.

Thank you.

Let's get out of here.

Holy mother of god.

Make your way to plaza de la


Stacking watermelons on my

Bucket list, gone.

We did it perfectly.

We got to get this next clue and

Got to get it done.

We've got to finish first today.

There is no excuse for not

Finishing first.

Move that one over there,


You go.

Oh, my gosh.

I love being on the race.

I love it, I love it.

We're going to have to redo.

Start over.

We're going to have to redo

The whole bottom.

We need to take every one of

Them off.

Let's go.

Do you want to?


Watermelons are way too hard.

I say we just use it.


No, no, no.

In winning the first leg of

The race, we have the express

Pass, which is huge.

You're essentially guaranteed to

Finish first.

I don't even see any of those

Teams, dave.

This is your call.

They're switching.

We're switching detours.

We got to go string.

No, we're not.

Let's go.

I cannot believe we were on

The second-to-the last row and

Utter failure.

We're not even close.

Let's go.

We're going to change to do

The other.

This is it.

Where is the taxi at?


Is it hard?

Not real hard.

Just in time.

We'll take a taxi.

Did it take a long time to do


Here pull up the mississippi


She gets out, says how is the


Is it hard, y'all?

I said no.

For real?

Y'all gonna knock it out


I'll use the taxi, too.

They're gonna k*ll us.

Oh, my god.

Some people couldn't finish it.

They just said it took them

Two hours.

I think we need to change.

Damn, and kentucky just took

Our cab.

You finally played the game

Like I told you to.



They stole our cab.

You see this?

You see what this says?

All bets are off.

Right here.

I see the clue, I see the



Who's ready to use their



Teams must now take part

In a paraguayn tradition, the

Bottle dance.

They'll need to go form a

Choreographed routine without

Dropping their bottle.

During the dance, if all the

Provided bottles are broken,

They'll receive a two-out


If they can complete the

Routine, the lead dancer will

Hand them their next clue.

I'll do it.


Art's got a big, fat head.

So this will be good for him.

Holy cow.

These girls are moving out and

Dancing and making it look like

The thing is stapled to their


They're getting down like

That, baby!

And I got to lay down on the

Ground no less.

I'm like this is insane.

Oh, gosh.

You can do it, art!

Come on, man.

Use your head, art.

Keep chunking.

They're laughing at us.

There they are right there.

I'll roll them to you.

No, no, no.

Get right here.

Block them in.

No, no, no.

Come on.

We are not fans of vanessa

And ralph.

I mean, honestly, the whole

Time they were there, they were

Talking smack about us.

Whoa, I can see her -- I can

See her whole --

Hey, mind what we're doing,


I tried to.

I can see rachel's entire --

We're going to have to go.

We're going to have to go.

Cut our losses and go.

We're like oh, my gosh, this is

A million watermelons.

Real quickly and, rachel and

I realized this task was going

To be very, very difficult.

Get our bags.

They're quitting.

Pay attention, rachel.

I am.

Come on, I need you to work.

Baby, shut off.

All of their mouthing off,

That was one of the reasons we

Decided to leave the watermelon


Let them bury themselves.

Brendon and I will cut bait and

Move on.

Vanessa is such a biotch.

I can't stand that girl.

She's like ha ha, I can see

Rachel's whole -- like are you

Kidding me?

Vanessa is one of those girls

Who tries to be all sweet and

Pretty and nice.

Her disgusting smile is

Painted on just like her

Overdone makeup.

Art, you're doing good.

You're doing good.

This is the hardst part.

I'm just getting done.

I can't look.

I can't even look.

Swim it, art, swim it.



That was unbelievable!

Make your way on foot to the

Next pit stop.

Teams must now travel on

Foot to this renowned monument.

The last team to check in here

May be eliminated.

Hey, let's ask the police.

What a freaking day.

Stacking watermelons and

Dancing with water bottles on

Your head.

There it is, there it is.

That's phil.

Are you kidding me?

Let's go, come on.

We're coming, phil.

That's better.

That's my man here.

Welcome to paraguay.

Thank you.

I've got some great news

For you.

You are team number one.


Oh, yeah!

As the winners of this leg

Of the race, you have won a trip

From travelocity and you will be

Going to the bahamas.

All right!

For five nights, you'll

Stay at the world class resort

Atlantis on paradise island

Where you'll experience a swim

With dolphins, our relaxing

Massage, and golf on an

Oceanfront 18-hole golf course.

You like that?

Oh, yeah.

It was a perfect day for us


We smoked everybody.

We really don't think that we

Should be anything but number

One every leg.

We're just going to win.

That's it.

We're just going to win.

What a day, man.

Holy smokes.

Right here, right here.

Yes, sir.

Inside, right?


I mean, these harps, the

Strings were absolutely tied in


You know, and you had to unknot

All this stuff and then start

Lacing the harp.

Let's get it undone.

I don't know how to do this.

Let's just get them untangled.

You do this and I'll unstring


As a musician, I've strung

Guitars and everything like


If it's anything like

Stringing a guitar, I think I'll

Be all right.

This might be a game-changer.

Everybody's here.

We need to use it.

We saw a bunch of the teams.

We better use the express pass

If we wanted to make sure we

Were staying in the race.

We're going to use our

Express pass.

Take your way to plaza dela


Every team caught up with us.

We should have used it right


Brendon and I are feeling

Pretty confident that this is

The detour that we need to be


How can you feel stressed when

This music is so beautiful?

We're in a nice, cool


There's harp music being played

In the background and it's not

As stressful as throwing

Watermelons back and forth.

We knew we'd have a detour

Where our strength would come

Into play.

Oh, stop, stop, stop.

Did they go?


I lost six of them over here.


I ain't quitting, angel.

There, there, there.

We're really good at doing

Intricate stuff like this.

We both played the flute in

The middle school band.

I'm good at this kind of


I believe you.

This first one right here.

Rachel is really good at this


You just have to hit the

Right spot.

I'm all right.

I have to say, once I got the

String in the harp in the

Air-conditioned room, I looked

At mark and I said we should

Have done this a long time ago.

O when I was just a baby

My momma told me son

I always be a good boy

And don't never play with g*ns


There, grab it.

What do you want me to freaking

Do, with tweezers, dude?

Stringing this harp is way

Harder than stringing a guitar.

It goes --

I see it.

I want to untangle this.

Got it.

We don't have a system right


My brother, he's doing one

Thing, I'm doing another.

We're trying to get this -- this

Isn't the easiest thing.

Oh, my gosh.

Shut up, man.

I got it.

Let go.

Just work on the other thing.

There it is.

Right there.


Who's ready to use their head?

Who's ready to use their head?

You are.

I have an odd-shaped head.

Which is not conducive to this.

Dave is extremely frustrated

Right now.

Maybe we'll end up taking a

Two-hour penalty because he

Won't be able to complete this.

But hopefully we'll be ok.

It's not going to work, rh.

It's a two-hour penalty if not.

He's going to go through all

The bottles and we'll end up

Taking a penalty.

He has two bottoms left.

One bottle left.

Warning, last team to check

In may be eliminated.

Every minute counts.

Today was not our day.

Rachel and dave, you're

The second team to arrive.

However, because you smashed all

Your bottles at the roadblock,

You have incurred a two-hour

Penalty and you'll need to wait

That out before I can check you


So go grab a seat.

Today was complete failure on

Us as a team.

We're hopefully still in it.

Where is it?

I know how to do it.

Look at how fast brendon and

Rachel are doing it.

We need to get it approved.


I cannot believe we just did




Two more strings.

I was just lacing that baby.

Old magic finger bopper.

We're ready for I think




Let's go.

You are k*lling us right now.

Absolutely k*lling us.

Let's go.

We're just kind of speeding

It up right now and we might be


It fell on this side, too.

Almost done.

The boys are finishing.

Star on the christmas tree.


Make your way to plaza de la



That's what's up.

We tried, angel.

Baby, you can't quit.

Baby, let's go do the harp.

We can't quit this.

We've been doing this.

Angel, I'm telling you, it's

Just not going to work.

If I take one out, the whole

Thing is going to come down.

It's tight, it's tight.

Start stringing.

There you go.

Now tighten.

I want you to know that a

String has to come this way.

Through here.



Good luck y'all, good luck.

That's why we a good team.

Go get the guy.


Come on!

That's what I'm talking about.

Good job for finishing that.

Elliot, where are you pulling


This string needs to go.

This string.

You got to see the hole


We missed one.

Did we really miss one?

Yeah, all the way back.

Dude, let's just go to the

Other task.

Should have done the

Should have done the

Watermelons in the first place.

That's not reparable.

Let's go.

Come on.

We're going to go?

With what cab?

We've already lost.

Listen to me.

Humor me, please.

Humor me and listen to me.

We have to take apart the whole


Wii not going to quit.

We may as well just go back

And try to finish the harp.

What do you want to do?

That's not reparable.

I'm going back and I'm going

To get it done.

I don't care if it takes me all


Come on, let's sprint at least.

We have to take apart the

Whole thing.

It's all right.

Keep throwing me watermelons.

It's better to start

Something and finish it, you


It is what it is.

But we're going to finish.

Are you going to quit?

You want to do it?

We has a 13-year-old daughter

And it was really important to

Us to set an example of not to


What would that say?

Ralph and vanessa quit, it's

Fine for us.


We were going to finish this

Damn thing, hell or high water,

We're going to finish it.


I'm proud of you.

Let's get it done.

All we were hope for is that

The other teams struggled and

That they'd be delayed.

At this point, it's out of

Our control, so we can only hope

And wait.

Go, go, go.


Who's ready to use their head?

I'll do it.

How you guys doing?

Gracias, gracias.

Who's ready to use their



That would be me.

Let's get it done, mark.


Do you have a broom?

There you go.

Slow, joey.


Who's ready to use their


I can do it.


Right there, right there.

Come on, the girls just got


I'll do it.


Rh, you're doing great.

Keep your cool, keep your


Good job, nary!

Let's go, kerri, you can do




Oh, my gosh, she did it.

You are on fire today!

Let's go, joey!


Come on, kerri!

Make your way --

They got the clue.

Ok, run.

I can't.

They're ahead of us.

They're going to beat us.

Watch out.

I'm sorry.

I'm so embarrassed right now.

Baby, you did amazing.

You just k*lled.

A detour and a roadblock.

Brendon and rachel, you're

The third team to arrive.


However, because another team

Incurred a penalty, you are now

Officially team number two.


Joey fitness and danny, that

Would make you team number two.

Good job, boys!

Thes so disheartening.

All we are hoping for is that

We're staying in the race.

Let's go, mark!

I started doing that -- like


And it never did move.

I was like I got this now.

You can do it!



Come on, you dancing outfit


Make your way on foot to the

Next pit stop.


Thank you!

Make your way on foot to the

Next pit stop.

Ok, let's find out where that


Six blocks.

Six blocks, ok.

We'll jump on the mat


Rachel and dave?

Right there.


Come on, jamie.

Come on.


These girls rocked today!

Make room for this team to

Come over.

Bopper and mark, you are team

Number four.



Nary and jamie, that would

Make you team number five.


Rachel and dave, this is the

First time ever on "the amazing

Race" that a team has not

Completed a challenge on the leg

And stayed in "the amazing


You are now team number six.

You are still in the race.

The leg was a complete and

Utter failure.

And rachel and I can only

Improve from this point forward.

We have been put to the test

To stand in front of you today.

But we're still here, baby!


We'll be here until midnight.

Are you down?

I'm down.

Kerri and stacy, you are

Team number seven.


Pull it through.


Last one.

Just take your time.

We're almost there.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.


I need two more.

Make your way to plaza de la


Why did we choose the hard


That was disheartening.

Completely disheartening.

It's been a long day.

Make your way to the plaza de la



Over here.

Who's ready to use their



I don't think anybody took

Longer to do any of the

Challenges today.

I'm pretty sure we're dead



Get the balance first.

If we're going to finish

Dirty and disgusting and take

Hours to do so, fine, but we're

Going to finish.


Gracias, senor.


He's still doing it.

The twins are still in it!

The twins are still in it!

It's right there.

I'm just like holy cow, we

Are really still in this.

Oh, my gosh!

Ralph, hurry!

He's still doing it!

The twins are still in it!

The twins are still in it!

Ralph and vanessa just


Right there.

It's right there.

Your head's harder than mine.


I'll do it.

Strong and steady, ralph.

Strong and steady.

Slow down, baby.

You got it.

Come on, dude.

Focus, buddy.


You got it, ralph, you got


God dang, dude.

Come on, baby.

There you go!

Down to your knees!


Slowly down.

Oh, my gosh!

Come on, baby.

You got it.

Come on, man.

Oh, my god, ralph.

Oh, my god, he's doing it.

There you go, buddy.

Come on!

That's it, angel.

That's it.



Oh, my god.

I am so proud of you.

Make your way to the pit stop.


So proud of you.

Come on, come on, come on.

All right!


Just go as long as you can.

All right, buddy.

You did it.

The last team to check in may

Be eliminated.

Five blocks, angel.

Come on, dude.

I got you.

I got you.

Come on, come on, come on.

Let's go.

They can outrun us, angel, so

Hurry up.

I know, I'm sorry.

I'm going to throw up.

Come on.

Keep running.

There it is.

There it is.

Come on.

Oh, my god.

Vanessa and ralph, you are

Team number eight.

Just staying in the race.

Elliot and andrew, you are the

Last team to arrive.

Oh no.

Damn it.

I am sorry to tell you

That you have both been

Eliminated from the race.

Good job, bro.

Good job, guys.

Good luck, fellows.


How do you feel?

I would be lying if I didn't

Say I was devastated.

It makes me feel bad.

I feel like I let my brother


No, you didn't.

What do you say to your


We're going to look back at

That and laugh.

And it's always going to be

Something I'll always cherish.

It's been tough, but it's been


I'm very proud of my brother.

I'm proud of ourselves for

Pushing through.

We both like to have our way and

That definitely showed.

Just going to take out this

Whole experience and remember


Not too many people get a chance

To do this.

And it was ours.

Stay tuned for scenes from

Our next episode.

Next week on "the amazing

Race," italy's motor city.

I hate you.

This isn't even worth $1


Drives teams over the


Oh, wow.

Don't look down.

That's all you, you freaking



As soon as you can get done,

I can rinse.

Why don't you help?

It's your favorite thing in the

World to do.

I wanted to go on a trip

Around the world with my best

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