18x09 - We're Good American People

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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18x09 - We're Good American People

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on the
"The Amazing Race."

Six teams raced from
India to Austria.

Jet and Cord began the leg
in last place once again

There's no way there's
anybody behind us.

And once again the
Cowboys found a way out.

We are back in the game.

Kent and Vyxsin argued
from Vienna

Stop whining, I'm hurting too.

All the way to Salzburg.

I cannot deal with your like
fricking psyco behavior!

At the detour Zev and Justin and Gary and
Mallory bit off more than they could chew.

Too much food.

Zev and Justin recovered
to win the leg.

You are team number one.

While last place Gary and
Mallory caught a break.

This is a nonelimination leg.

But now face a speed bump, you're going to
have to work extra hard to stay in this race.

All right.

Six teams remain.
Who'll be eliminated next?

This is Salzberg.

Resting amid the stunning vistas
of the Austrian Alps

This old world city was the setting
for the movie "The Sound of Music"

and one of the cities
great fascinations,

the Villa Trapp.

This historic estate was the eighth
pit stop in a race around the world.

For winning the previous leg,

Zev and Justin each won
a 2012 Ford Focus.

Oh, my god.
That is amazing.


Got a new car, dude.
Me too.

Zev and Justin will
depart first at 3:14 a.m.

Make your way to Liechtenstein.

Teams must travel by train to
Feldkirch, Austria

then cross the border at Schaanwald
in the tiny country of Liechtenstein,

which is only 1/5 the size of
New York City.

Once they cross the border
teams will find their next clue.

Caution a double Uturn will appear
somewhere on this leg of the race


We are going to go to the
train station, my friend.

We have won more legs than anybody,

so I would say our
confidence is sky high.

Justin is carrying more of the weight,
so I need to do more.

Liechtenstein, sounds like a fake Country.

Hey, we need to go
to the train Station.

We have been sharing information
between Gary and Mallory

and Kisha and Jen and
Zev and Justin.

We haven't done much
with the Cowboys.

They're pretty much
independent racers.

They won't make a mistake.
And that's motivatining us to keep going.

Caution, double uturn is ahead.

Can you take us to the train Station?


We've been kind of bickering like
braty little kids.

It's going to fall.

Quit whining.

Don't go in the water.
Are you insane?

This kind of interaction
easily could be fatal for us.

We're going to play it positive and
I think it would be a great day.


Caution, double uturn will appear
somewhere on this leg of the race.

You've got to be kidding me.

I am going to run as hard as I did
if I were feeling 100% healthy.


Shut up.

Caution, double uturn will appear
somewhere on this leg of the race.

I still think we have a
target on our backs.

I don't know if we are an Outcast.

But sure hasn't been anybody
want to buddy up with us.

We know there is a uturn coming up
so if we start slow

like we've done the last couple of
legs, it really could be our last leg.

OK, Come on.
Train station.


As quick as you can, please.

Thank you.
This is the train station?

This is it.

Thank you.

Are we sure this is the Right train?

I may put my foot
up here on Big easy.

No you may not.

He gonna be my little leg rest.

Flight Time and Big Easy
have become great friends or ours.

Big Easy, I like his energy and...
Flight Time is a great looking guy.

I take foot massages too, thank you.

You keep your leg right
there before you lose it.

This part of the world is one of the
most beautiful places I've ever been to.

We have been up for 36 Hours.

Didn't want to lay down to
sleep to miss something.

The little villages that you
go through were immaculate.

They were like postcards. We are
so lucky to be able to do this again.

Let's go.

Come on dad.

Oh, boy, here we go.

The border crossing at Schaanwald.

Whoa, did you see that? We're the
first team to get out of there.

We are going to the border crossing.

Let's go.
Thank you.

Here we go again.

Border crossing.

Fast, fast, OK?

What's your name?

You are t*rrorists.

We are not t*rrorists.
We're in a race.

But don't worry we're
good american people.

Let's go.
Border crossing at Schaanwald.

Quickly, please.
He is using the G.P.S.

instead of just driving.
Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!

We are in a race.

Everybody is passing us.

Can you be aggressive?

We are the first?

We are not the first.
We are behind those guys.

Crazy Tuni.

We are first now.

We are going to lose 10 minutes and
we still have a Speed bump.

Oh, my gosh.

Thanks, Tuni.

Should we get the clue first?

Yeah, we are going to get the clue first.

Let's go.



In this roadblock using
One of these motorized bicycles,

also known as a Solex, a map for guidance,
and an odometer

teams need to measure the entire
length of Liechtenstein.

With a total area of less than

Liechtenstein is one of the smallest
Countries in the world.

Once teams finish their 22
kilometer ride

they must present their guess to sixtime
olympic ski racer, Marco Buchel.

And if their answer is correct he will
direct them to their next destination.

However, if their answer is incorrect
teams must ride back to the starting point

and measure the country again.

Measuring stuff, you can do that.

Who's better at giving a measured response?

I will do it.

I will do it.

Speed bump already.

Speed bump.

That is Gary and Mallory.
Glad it is not us.

There is the bike.
Put this on.

Very nice.

Come on, we got this, Jen.

We got to go that way.

Oh, no... brakes, brakes...

Ok. Ok.

All right, let's do this.

Oh, my God crazy.

Fast. Fast. Fast. Quickly, please.

The other teams have left us.

Very quickly, please.
Fast, fast, fast, please.

I feel like dumb and dumber.

So I say look mom, no hands.
Know you like the way I dance.

I am in Lichtenstein on the
bike following friends.

I don't think it is very easy
to slow down on this thing.

I haven't looked back.

Looking back is a bad idea.

This is crazy.

It's cold out here.

I picked the wrong day
to do the roadblock.

I am just going to keep this hog wound out.

Lord willing, when I get down there, I
will have the right measurement.

Speed bump. This is us.

In this speed bump, Gary and Mallory
must put their mathematical skills

the test by creating the proper mixture
of gas and oil to power this Solex.

Using only the provided tools

They must figure out that they must
pump two litters of to achieve the ratio

of 25 parts gas to one part oil.

If the mechanic approves the mixture
one team member will use that bicycle

to complete the roadblock with
the hope of making up lost time.

This is going to be fun.

So, it is 25 parts of gas to
one part of oil.

So you are going to have to
put 50 parts of gas in that.

.25 parts, it's .25
It is 25 parts gas, 1 part oil.

If that's 10 litters we'll
just do 20 litters of gas

We can't do 20.
We can do 2.5 and then,

I think I got about a 5050
shot of getting this right.

I am not real sure where I am at.
I think I missed a turn somewhere.

I am pretty sure I missed something.

The map is pretty straightforward.
I mean you do have to read it.

I went the wrong way.
Now I am going back to play catch up.

We have to do 1 part oil to 25 parts gas.
We need two litters

This is all we need, OK.
I trust you.

There we go.
Two. We are good.

It is all right.

Good job.
I will do it.

Yeah. You are good at motorcycles,
Dad. You're going to dominate this.

Dad, just do it right the first time, Ok?

My map flew out of my pocket so I trying
to keep a team within distance.

This is bad.
This is real bad.

For some reason this
does not make sense.

Come on. Get up. Come on, baby
come on. Get this right.

Get this right the first time.

I think I missed a turn Somewhere.

I am pretty sure I missed something.

Hey, Jet, what have you got 10.75?

Naw, I am at frickin' 17.5, but I
took a wrong turn in the last town.

We ain't making no mistakes. I am
going to draft off of you,

just like the Tour de France.

Hey. Is it up there?

My map flew out of my hands. Here I can read
a map if you want me to help you read it.

I swear to God.
We go to the right here.

Yes, right there.
All right let's do it.

Yeah, I am thinking everybody
going to have to do this over.

Damn it. I don't understand this map.

I am in a hurry Gary
Good luck, adios.

Damn, he left.

Hello, Marco.

Did you enjoy Lichtenstein?
Very much. It is absolutely beautiful.

So let me see the final numbers.

That is what you are say?
This is the correct answer.

There is the castle.
Thank you sir.

Hey. 22?
Hey there. Yeah.

Yeah, well done.

Vyxsin, have you seen Marco?

This is taking forever. I am really
confused because we are so close.

I caught up with Jet, he
took off without me.

Hey there.
I understand you have a Postcard

here with a, with a number?

That is your final number?

That's my final number.

I am very sorry but this is lncorrect.

I am sorry about that.

That's all right.

So I have to ride back to where
I started from then?


Start all over.


You got to be kidding me.

No frickin way.

No frickin way.


You doing this the second
time or the first time.

First time.

You got to go back?
Yeah. No, I have to go back.

You didn't get it right?

Did you get lost?
I got lost, yeah.

Yeah, so did I.

Good luck.

All right I might be right behind you.
All right. See you.

Holly cow.

Oh, my God.

Great job.

Good job. Good job Jen.

Son of a bitch, did you see that hill?

Teams must now travel by
Bus and train to the ski resort

town of Zermatt, Switzerland

located at the base of the
famous Matterhorn.

When they arrive they will have to search
the train station for their next clue.

Hey Justin, give me some,
give me some.

I see a bus right here.

Here comes Flight Time.
He looks so weird.

What's up baby?

You got lost?

No. Don't go back.

I don't know why we helped
other than they are our friends

and we felt that we were ahead of
enough teams at that point

that we did not think it
would really hurt us.

How are you?

We are trying to go to
Sargans train station.

What would you have done if it was Jet?
If it was me?

It was anybody else
besides Flight Time?

Oh, I wouldn't have told them.


They told me back there.

I was talking to two teams
that already checked in

I don't want you to have to goall the
way back though so I'm telling you.

I told Gary cause there is nothing wrong
with sharing a little information

if there's a team way in the back.

You don't want to run
with the Cowboys.

They are faster, smarter,
they are a great team.

You just put 22 down and you are Good.

Hey there. You are
Flight Time, is that Correct?

I am Flight Time.

Well let me see what you
have on your notes there.

You are good to go.
All right.

Thank you.

That's good.
Thank you so much.

Have fun.
Thank you so much. Thank you.

Don't get lost is going to be my Strategy.

Here goes nothing.

Hey, headed back that way.

Oh, this is the train Station.

Jen, it is this way.
Here we go.

This is the train.
Ready, let's go.

We have to hurry up.

We are one big happy family.

You complete me.
I know.

Another train ride.

Jet had to turn around and go back.

Cross the Alps and make your way to
Zermatt, Switzerland.

Let's go get it, boy.
Let's go.

Good job dad, very good.

Oh, my God, good job.

Cross the Alps.

All right.
Come on.

The Lone Ranger.

Was it fast? Yeah.
What that bike?

Man, I did more
pedaling than anything.

We are going to Zermatt.

You get a hug, you did so great.
Thank you, Baby Cat.

I want to put some
Cowboys on ice today.

We are on the train there are only my
sister and myself and Zev and Justin.

We are still going to run
the race as if we were in last.

We are not feeling
all that comfortable.

Actually makes me more nervous because
I know people are chasing me.

I am just thinking about how much
catching up we will have to do.

When Jet shows up we
are going to have to

go fast.

This is the correct answer. Good luck.

Hi, guys.
Hey, look who it is.

The Cowboys did not make it back, did they?

They are pretty far back.

Zermatt, here we come.

Hey brother man, good to see you.

Man, how did I mess that up so bad.

Everybody is ahead of us

I am not feeling too good but
we will see how it goes.

Come on, Zev.

Ok. Let's go.

Go. Go. Go.

Right here.


Cheese or Wheeze?

Zermatt is a ski town known for
its Swiss hospitality towards visitors.

Who show up with huge amounts of luggage
and huge appetites.

Now teams have to decide which Zermatt
experience they want to explore.

Cheese or Wheeze.

In Cheese teams make their
way to this restaurant,

where they must share a heaping
pot of cheese fondue.

Once they have finished all the cheese,

teams will be handed an empty pot
with their next clue printed inside.

In wheeze teams travel on foot
through out Zermatt

delivering a total of 20 pieces of luggare

from the train station to at least
five different hotels

collecting a tag for
each delivery.

When teams bring 20 correct
tags to the train station

the head porter will give
them the next clue.

I say we do cheese.

This is the same situation as before.

On our last leg we had trouble with
this easy sounding food challenge.

Share a pot of cheese fondue.

I am pretty hungry.

Hopefully this is not a
huge mistake again.

Want to eat some cheese
because I am hungry.

Good work, kid.
Smells great.

Ok. Right here.

Great choice.

We have to eat all of this Cheese.

Zev, I am already telling
you this is crazy.

It's Ok.
It's the same exact thing.

We have been here for 15 seconds.

Sit at the table.


I am not going to be able to
poop for a long time.

Hey, you want to go?
You are shaking your head.

I don't think we can do this.

My stomach hurts.

You want to just switch?

I think we are all right.

Come on. You have to make a decision.
What do you want to do?

Let's do that.

All right, let's finish this.

This is the train station.

Bell hop uniform.

My ears are cold.

Got to go quick.

least five different hotels.

If we deliver four pieces of luggage
to one hotel, ok, got it?

Choose one more valet cart.

All right, then. Let's go,
just grab it.

Let's pick Hotel Astoria.

I don't understand why you
just grabbed all the pieces.

I don't understand what
you are doing.

What are hotels?

Metro spa.

Grand hotel.

Did we pick Astoria?

We have three hotels.

Let's go.

We have to come back here.

Kent and I are on the train
with the Globetrotters and

and Gary and Mallory.
We are all still ahead of the Cowboys.

There is no question in my mind that
the cowboys can make up time.

I don't think anyone feels comfy and
relaxed that we are safe from them.

Zev is powering through it. I am
really impressed with Zev right now.

How are you doing?
I feel pretty good.

Oh man Zev,
i t doesn't taste that good.

That is part of the problem.

At least it is not curdling.

Oh, I shouldn't say that word.

Let's ask somebody where it ls at.

Excuse me, do you know
where hotel Astoria is?

Excuse me, do you know
where this hotel ls?

Thank you.

Our hotels are kind of far.

There it is.
Here we go.

Cheese or wheeze?

I think we should go with the Luggage.
Ok, yeah, let's do it.

Run around with heavy stuff or do
you want to eat a bunch of cheese?

Ok, let's deliver it.

Let's do the luggage.

Grand Hotel, let's go.

Did you put them in order?
They are at the bottom.

Here, there is another Zermatterhof.

Here, we got three.
Thank you

I am not very fondue of this fondue.

This is not getting any easier.

Here take your stuff, honey.

That's mine. That's mine.

Put the heavy ones to the front.

Come on dad, let's move.

We got to stop. We got to stop.
My backpack is not on.

Because my backpack is not on.
Can you stop whining like a Girl?

It just says at least five different
hotels. That is why I am confused.

Which way?

Past the restaurant.

All right.
Good job.

Oh, you hit me. You hit my ankle.

You hit my ankle with the cart.

I need you to get it together.

Really, you are acting like a Baby.

Just walk and hold this.

What is that hotel up there?
Hotel Astoria.

I don't know how
the heck I saw that.

Hi, we have four.
Thank you.

Thank you.

We have done seven to two hotels.
We have four to deliver,

and then we only nine more to go.

We were considering leaving
before we even came and...

now at this point we feel
we have to stick it out.

I am going to k*ll you for this,
you know that, right.

There is no turning back now.
No turning back now.

Do you know where the hotel???? Is?

Ohhh, sorry.
Thank you.

This is it.
Hi. We are delivering suitcases.

Let's hustle back.

Let's go big dog.
I got you.

Hey, how you doing?
We have four pieces of Luggage for you.

I got it come on. Yeah.
You got it?

There it is right there.

Thank you.

We are headed to pick
up our other luggage.

Our three hotels were kind of far,
but now

we know which hotels are close.

It is starting to take its toll.

We can't stop.
It's not even a thought.

I am not thinking it.

Dad, we have to get going.

All right Kisha, we have another
team here. Let's go.

Oh, hello.

Here Jen, come grab this.

Come on. We have to move.

One more.
One more.

Here. Got it.
Got it? Got it. Got it. Got it?

Come on dad, let's move.

All right, let's go. You got it?

Hotel Christian.

One, two, three, four.

Come on, dad.

I can't even look at this.

Then close your eyes.
Come on.

I am trying.

Try harder.

This has stopped being funny.

I need a timeout or
I am going to hurl.

That is getting harder but
it is getting close.

I need a break.

Oh, my God.

I think I need to puke.

How y'all doing?

We are almost there but,
I just puked.

You puked?

I just saw the girls.
Yeah, Jen and Kisha.

You can do it.
Power through.

The uturn is coming up.

You have taken one bite
in the last eleven minutes.

The other teams are finishing up.

They are almost there.

We only need two more.
Right there.

Thank you.
You are welcome.

One more to go, let's go.

Ahh, please, please, please, please.

You are not doing anything.
I am doing what I can right now ok.

Trying not to projectile vomit
all over you.

Go. Go. Go.

Cheese or wheeze?

Want to do wheeze?
Yeah, let's go.

Deliver some luggage.

What's up? It's up here.
Mount Cervir Palace.

I got three.
You grab three.

Thank you very much.

Oh, god.
Can you help me here?

Yes, really.

You just have to push through it.

At least five different Hotels.
That is five.

This should be 20. Ready.

All right, go for it.

Excuse me.

There go the cowboys.

I think we are done.
There is the bottom.

Thank you so much.

We did it.

Come on, we got this Jen.

Here, grab that man.

I don't even want to
look at that anymore.

I feel great.
I pushed my teammate to do this Task.

He pushes me a lot.

So today was my turn to be the leader.

We are going to the fountain at lnderbinen
Brunnen at the Hinterdorf.

Teams are encountering a
double uturn.

This is an opportunity for two
teams to slow down two other teams

by forcing them to complete
the other side of the Detour.

Whoever gets uturned is screwed.

Thank you.

Make your way lnderbinen Brunnen.
Caution, double uturn ahead.

Honey, help me.
This is really hard.

All right, give it here.
Just help me. Just help me.

I need to make sure it is the right place.
Kent! It says the name.

Stop being stupid.

We have luggage to deliver to you.

You want me to push it for a while?

No, you are bad at it.
I like to push it.

No, I am really good if I am
pushing and not pulling.

Here it is.
We have four.

Thank you.

His map is going to be a savior. We have
them all circled. All five of them.

I hope we are not uturned.
I am nervous that the cowboys are here.

Hello, we have a delivery for here.
We have to get a receipt.

Do you have a map of the
town with the hotels?

Thank you.
Your welcome.

We have a chance to make up
Some ground here

I will be feeling
that until Christmas.

This looks like a fountain. Inderbinen
Inderbinen Brunnen.

Inderbinen Brunnen, you know.

Thank you, fast, please.

Excuse me.
Do you know where this is?

You don't know where it is?

Oh, there, look at it is
right behind us.

Look at these goats.

We choose not to uturn anybody.

Except maybe these animals.

If we don't need to uturn somebody
we don't want to uturn somebody.

Since we were in the lead we
did not need to use the uturn.

Travel by electric taxi
to the next pit stop.

Teams must make their way
To the Moos restaurant.

This Swiss chalet at the base of the Alps
is the pit stop for this leg of the race.

The last team to check in here
may be eliminated.

Where do we get and electric taxi?

Are you an electric taxi?

Bird restaurant Moos

I feel bad for whoever gets uturned.

We choose not to use the uturn.

We decided we were in front of the pack
that we wouldn't use the double uturn.

Are you an electric taxi?

Ok, I just have to double check.

You can't take a luggage car up
these stairs, silly come on.

No vyxsin, come back.

Then give me the cart.
We don't have to bring the cart upstairs.

Just sit it on the bridge.

Hello, we would like to get
some luggage tags.

For three pieces.

No, we need out. Go.
You have to go this way.

You can't push it.

If you push it, it gets angry.

Restaurant Moos.

Phil, I am coming for you.

Welcome to Zermatt, Switzerland.

Thank you.
Thank you very much.

Nice to fondue you.

Zev and Justin.
Yes, Phil.

You are team number one.

Good Job.

As the winners of this leg of the
race you have won a trip for two

from Travelocity to the caribbean
beaches of Curacao.

You will spend five nights in a
suite at the Hyatt Regency.

While there you can play a round of golf,
go swimming with playful dolphins,

and tour the intriguing Hato Caves.

Is this your fourth first...
Fourth first place.

We were just in it for the fondue event.

First place baby.

It just feels each leg like things
are clicking in a different Way.

Keep in good spirits
and stay Positive.

Eating a lot of cheese.

You smell awful by the way.
Thank you.

This is it?

You see it?
I see it.

Kisha and Jen. You got it, team
number 2. You are good at picking numbers.

Hello. How are you doing, sweetie?

Got one for you. Thank you, love.
You are so sweet.

Let's go babe.
One more we need to go to.

Albana Real Jet, do we have that?

I thought we do. Jet, hey.
This right here. Four star.

It is four star.

Thank you.

Let's rock and roll bro.

There's another team right there.

Oh, my God, it's the Cowboys.

We just have to hurry.

We need four receipts, please.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

All right. We can fly now Mall.

We have a delivery for you.
Can we get tags?

Awesome. Hold on,
I can't run anymore.

Stop. Stop.
This is the way.

Get in the cart, I will just carry you.

Sit in the cart, I'll carry you.

I got it.
If you fall off I will be Sad.

Hotel Christiania.

We have luggage. We
have three pieces of luggage.

Those two are a different Hotel.
And this is the one.

This luggage I can keep here.
And the other two is different hotel.

Garni. Where's Garni?

How did we make that Mistake?
I don't know.

We added one trip.
Let's go.

Be positive, baby.
I am being positive.

We did it together.

We have four bags for you.

Thank you.
Thank you m'am

Well, hello.

You are fine.
Just hang in there.

Thanks, since my leg is lnjured.
I know. You did great.

Caution, uturn ahead.

Oh, my God. We already
used up our uturn.

Train station.

We have to get back down.

Let's roll.
We have to pick up some speed.

We have five bags for Antares.
Thank you.

If we didn't get uturned we have a
chance to stay in this.

We're already here Mall.


Thank you.
Caution double uturn ahead.

They're gonna be booking Mall.
They're gonna be booking, we got to go.

Are we missing one? Check your pockets.

Check my own pockets. I gave
them all to you as soon as I got them.

Kidding me.
Got to be kidding me.

Got to be kidding me.
Are we missing one? We need two.

You might have two,
check your pockets.

Check my own pockets. I gave them
all to you as soon as I got them.

Let's deliver two. Ambassador.

You got one for Ambassador?
I got twoman, come on. Let's go.

I'm sorry man.

Whatever you call it.
Is it over there?

I brought you some luggage.

All right. Thank you.
Hurry up.

Nobody has been uturned.

We are not going to uturn anybody
because we have already uturned.

Look at these beautiful goats.

Warning the last team to check
in may be elimitated.

Let's get back up the street
to the Main area.

We are going to Restaurant Moos.

We survived theturn.

I wasn't surprised we were not uturned
but I am very surprised nobody else was.

Here it is.
Nobody is on it?

All right.
We choose not to uturn anyone.

Electric taxi.

The uturn is something that nobody
really wants to use unless they have to.

Cowboys and Globetrotters are
battling for the last.

Cowboys were... they were steaming.

The Globetrotters are good athletes
and they can run when they need to.

We hate to see either of them go.

Two. Go back, go back.
Cowboys are behind us.

Two more bags, bro.

Let's talk to the hotel manager.

Kent and Vyxsin, you
are team number three.


You just make me laugh.

You make me laugh, too.

I don't know what it is.
Gary and mallory,

you are team Number four.

That's it. Good job. Let's go.
That's it.

Thank you.

Come on, we have to go.
Caution double uturn ahead.

We got to run dog, they're coming.

Hello, hope you got 20 tickets.

Thank you very much.
Caution, double uturn ahead.

We got to get to the uturn box.
As fast as you can.

Ahhh... I don't know. We're not from here.

That sucks.

Do you know where this fountain is?

Let's go Big Easy. Hinterdorf
I am coming right now, dog.

Down there turn right and then left.

Gotta burn man, let it brun.

Hurry. Hurry. Hurry.
Let's go, baby.

Go. Hurry. Hurry.

All right.

What you want to do?

We choose to uturn the Cowboys.

We don't want to do it but, it
it's either us or them.

Sorry, guys.

Warning the last team
may be eliminated.

It was tough uturning Jet and Cord.

They were actually one of
my favorite teams ever.

It's down to the end and we know it's
either us or them.

We know that they are behind us.
It is all about survival.

What the heck?

We got uturned by the Globetrotters.
You two suckers

We gotta... we just got to go
back and do the other one.

The double uturn and we are
the only ones that got Uturned.

Doesn't say much about
them I don't think but,

maybe thought they were
uturning their strongest competition.

Ain't no way anybody's
behind us, is there?

Well, you ready to eat some cheese?

Me neither.

Flight time and big easy,
You are team number five.

And you know that because you
had to uturn the cowboys. Correct?


We did not know
what was ahead of us.

We had a terrible day today.

We still racing.

Here's to racing.
Here's to racing.

Thank you.
Thank you guys.

See you all next year.
Oh, my gravy.

Jet and Cord

I am sorry to tell you that you
are the last team to arrive.

Yeah, we figured.

And you are out of this Race.
We figured that too

Seen that coming.

So what happened?

Totally my fault, really.

Do you see it that way?

We are a team.

I took off the first step with him and
I am here on the last mat with him. So...

I am his teammate and I will
stick with him to the end.

I know they hit the nail on the head
when they called the race Amazing.

I get to get with my brother, my best friend
so it's memories that I'll never forget.

We went to new places this time.
I got to see it with my brother.

Nobody else I would rather be
traveling around the country with.

Maybe my wife.

I don't blame you.
Take care.

Next week on the
"The Amazing Race."

In the shadow of the Matterhorn,

teams brave the cold.

Down, down, down, as fast as you can.

Ok, stop.

That is not right.

Before the race heats up.

You're throwing down blame.
I am telling the truth. Ain't no blame

I'm talkin'.

We serious is this how it is
going to Happen up here?
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