18x03 - We Had a Lot of Evil Spirits Apparently

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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18x03 - We Had a Lot of Evil Spirits Apparently

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "The Amazing Race"

A shock in the first leg.

You guys are still racing.
Oh no.

And 11 teams continue racing from
Sydney to the Outback of Broken Hill.

Father and son Mel and Mike
got off to a shaky start.

And Ron and Christina returned to their
old bad habits while working together.

What is this?
This is my stuff from my jacket.

Goodness. We have a
freaking market here.

Best friends, Zev and Justin
danced through the detour.

Get into it, Zev.

And hopped to a first-place finish.

You are team number one!

Engaged couple Amanda and Kris couldn't
overcome their a*t*matic u-Turn penalty.

You can't have too much water.

I'm very sorry to tell you you
have been eliminated from the race.

will be eliminated next?

This is the Australian Outback.

Mining has always been the chief
occupation here in Broken Hill.

This was the second pit stop
in a race around the world.

Teams arrived here at
the end of the last leg.

You are team number one.

And immediately embarked on an overnight
train ride through the desert to Sydney.

It's beautiful. And warmer
too with that sun right there.

Zev and Justin will depart at 11:57 a.m.

"Fly to Tokyo, Japan"

Teams must now fly nearly

When they land, they must make
their way to this parking garage,

where they'll find their next clue.

Let's do it.
Let's do it.

We're? Japan again, baby.

Last time I had to
down a wasabi hand roll.

"Fly to Tokyo, Japan"

They're going to remember you in Tokyo.

They thought Godzilla was
walking down the street.

Make your way to... Let's roll out.

We want to go to the airport
and get a flight booked first.

What's up, guys?
Where the girls up?

They catch up with y'all?
Yeah, they're right behind us.

All right, let's go. Airport line.

I hope we get on before they come.
Train, this way.

Where are the girls at?
Come on, we can do it.

Did they make it?
They didn't make it.

Oh sh**t.

Tokyo... Let's find a travel agency.

Over there, over there.

We need to get to Tokyo,
Japan, as soon as possible.


We have $607.

I feel stronger every time we
stay another hour, another day.

It reinforces the idea that I'm old,
but we can make it, we can do it.

Hey, guys.
Same place.

You've got definitely the fastest route?

Well, there's a direct flight
that arrives in Tokyo at 6:15 a.m.

So they're looking for something
that will get in earlier.

Go. Tokyo, Japan. Oh, my God.

Let's get there before anybody else.

Starting out this leg today,
I broke out the cowboy hat.

Wanted to show Jet and Cord they aren't

the only ones that can
rock the cowboy hat.

He's my little urban cowboy.
We're going to check Travelocity.

Fly to Tokyo, Japan. Let's
go. A travel agent. Perfect!

Hi, we have to get to Tokyo with the

fastest flight that's
going to get us there.

Flight to Tokyo, Japan!

The taxi is right here. We're going
to the airport. Please can we hurry?

Let's go.
Daddy, we're going to Tokyo.

I recently was engaged. My
fiancee I met in season 12.

Being able to run the race and see
the world together again with my dad is

extra special, because I
know that once I get married,

we won't have this chance again.

Hopefully this way is
faster than the train.

Right after us was the
cowboys and the Globetrotters.

We need a cool nickname. I guess
the special kids doesn't work.

Thank you... Let's go.
Should we go use a computer?


You can get the one that arrives at 6:00
but it's a connection through Hong Kong.

What airline?
Cathay Pacific.

Is it a tight connection?
No, you've got three hours.

Hey, margie, is it
worth doing a connection?

They have a flight that gets
there 15 minutes earlier.

I think we should do it, you guys.
Not me.

For 15 minutes.

With the connection, that
makes me really nervous.

They said we have three
hours to make the connection.

We're just worried about
a cancellation or a delay.

Let's go, baby.

What you want to do? Want
to check the internet?

There goes Zev and Justin.

What did y'all find?

We found a flight that
gets in 15 minutes earlier,

but it means making a stop somewhere.

What is 15 minutes really in the
long haul when you could end up...

Delayed for hours.

We've already experienced that.

Where are you going?

The earliest arrival
into Tokyo is 6:15 a.m.


Our idea was get the guarantee
straight through flight.

Are you brothers?

Yes, sir, I know it don't look like it.

Let's go. I see a Qantas sign. We
need to fly as soon as possible.

The next available flight is
tonight, and that's a direct flight.

Two tickets, please.

It's 6:15. Ok. The question is is there
another one that's earlier than that.

Here's one.
To Hong Kong...

and that's too dangerous,
when we roll through a connector.


Good job, dad.

Let's just run to an open agent.

Thank you very much.

Sir, can you give us the same booking?

That's yours.

Thank you.
Thank you.

Thank you, sir.
That's the tickets.

Oh, here's one. Cafe pacific.
That arrives 15 minutes earlier.

Let's do this.

I'm seeing the earliest arrival
is 6:00 in the morning to Tokyo.

Do you guys want to book that one?

We're basically rolling the dice that
we'll get then 10, 15 minutes earlier

if things go smooth. I'm
starting to think it's worth it.

Or we could be delayed an hour.
That's not going to happen again.

Let's look at it. Let's
look at it. Let's look at it.

We need every minute.
You want to do the connection?

I think we should get this and get
in at 6:00 a.m. I feel like, why not?

All right, let's do it.
Can we book these?

It makes me nervous taking a connecting
flight, but 15 minutes, you know...

It has a connection, so it's
kind of a calculated risk.

If we can have the extra 15
minutes, it will make a big

difference for us because
we're not the fastest team.

I'm hoping we're not
making a bad mistake.


We're trying to see if
we can connect to Nerita.

There's only two seats left.
How's hong kong not getting delayed?

That time of night,
not usually an issue.

I don't know if this
is a smart thing to do.

The Globetrotters owed us because
we gave them a clue in Manly.

"I'm between the Devil
and the deep blue sea"

So they gave us the seats.

I didn't really like
the connection anyway.

If they're delayed, they're in trouble.

I feel good about this.

Who's coming?
Hey, guys.

Where have y'all been?
How are you doing?

Did you guys find a different one?
We really have reservations.

Ok. See you guys.

They're being really sketchy.
Yeah, it makes me a little nervous.

Gary and Mallory asked us what
we were doing and it felt awkward.

I wanted to tell them, but we've
just got to get ahead of other teams.


It turns out now there's
actually five teams

that will be on this earlier fight.

Kent and Vyxsin, Margie and Luke,
Mel and Mike, and Jaime and Cara.

And hopefully there won't be any snafus.

You never get ahead in this game
unless you take a risk now and then.


We are on the second flight.

We are supposed to arrive
at 6:15 going to Tokyo.

Raise the roof.

We do apologize for this delay.

My dad and I aren't the
fastest team on the field,

so losing time like
this could really be bad.

It means we're scrambling
against four other teams

on against four other
teams on this flight.

We've been sittling here for an hour
and we were supposed to arrive earlier

than the other flight,
but we've been delayed.

That makes two big
unlucky flights so far.

So it looks like it's going to turn
into a challenge between the five of us.

They said over the loud speakers
that we're the number one flight

landing in Tokyo. So that is really
good news. I'm really excited!

Got to keep our lead.
We're the first flight.

Come on Flight.
Let's go.

Over here.
Yep. Let's go.

Let's go to the parking garage.

Out this door here.
Let's go, Cord.

Right there. See it?

Right here.

Teams must now drive themselves
to the city of Kamakura.

They'll have to go to the
Yabasuma and find their next clue.

Ask for a...
For a car.

Garage Lieutenant, can
I have a car, please?

Cool! I've never seen anything
like that my whole life.

Are there chips in there too?

That's our car.

What's the name of the
town we're going to?


Which one is that?

You press this button
and I press my button and

his car rotated back
around and my car was there.

Right here?

I was wondering how our
car came before theirs.

I've been waiting.
Put your bag in.

Is that it?

It's a small one, too,
huh? Too small. We're big.

Look at him. He looks
like Fred Flintstone.

You all right?
Yeah, I'm all right.

Our car is right here.
Let's get out of here.

Oh yeah!

Go, go. Daddy, can
you go a little faster?

You think I'm doing this
Lackadaisicaly? Good grief.

Come on, Zev!

All of us were an hour and a half
late. It was a dog fight to last.

We would like a car.

We're just following you.
That's our car? Ok.

We're going to wait for each other.
Sir, may we have a car, please?

Car? Car?
Kind of crazy.

Mike and Mel, you guys are next.

No, we've been here for 10 minutes.

Where's our car?

They already brought your car down.
You should have already gotten into it.

Come on, put your makeup bag in.

Go, go, go.

Shut that. Shut it.

You're good.

Wrong way.
Don't you dare get in there.

We've got to get behind
Mike. This is ridiculous.

They're pretty pushy, but
it's not a surprise to me.

Come on, Ferrari.

Come on, Porsche.

Oh, look at that.
Thank you.

Which way do I go?
Are we going the wrong way?

What do you think?
I don't have a map.

We're following y'all.

Do we go straight or make a left?
Can you honk?

She said left.

She told us to go here. We might be
screwed because of her ineptitude.

Don't be rude
to her. She helped us.

Yeah, she was helpful. My apologies.

Kisha! We've got to go the other way.

So turn.

Do I have to go down and turn?
I think you go up there.

Excuse me, ma'am.
We guess we're going the right way.

There's the shrine, right there.
Good job. I think it's inside.

Over here.

My gosh, look at that.
It's just beautiful.

We both really enjoy japanese
culture, and this gave

us another window into
how rituals are part of it.


It's a roadblock.

In this roadblock, teams will
face a rigorous training exercise

that will determine whether or
not they are truly aerodynamic.

Team members must dress as samurai
and learn the proper ritual and

techniques for sh**ting a bow and
arrow from atop a wooden horse.

First they'll observe a
demonstration and learn a ritual.

They must then perform the
ritual in front of a muster.

Once they have performed
the ritual correctly,

they'll be spun on a wooden
horse and must hit a target.

When their arrow hits the target,
the next clue will be revealed.

I have faith in you. I think
you can do it. Good luck, daddy.

This requires precision and I
don't have the best eyesight.

My daughter has better eyes than I do.

Right there. We've just got to park.

All right, let's go.
All right, let's run.

Yeah. That's it.

We've got to find our clue.

There it is Mal... All right!

"Who wants to go back a thousand...
Years in time"

I was born a thousand years ago.
Good luck, dad!

Let's give it a shot.

I'm not coordinated.

This way... Right there!
Read it. Read it. Read it.

It's you.

Kisha, right here.

I'll do it.
You got it, dear.

All the garments were very beautiful.
They put this silk robe on me.

Then they put these little then
they put these little shoes on.

I'm ready to try.

Not right.

Do we have to make the noise?

I can't read that other one.
We should be headed south.

We're headed east.
I see that.

Tokyo is the Times Square of Japan.

Look how congested
the driving is, crazy,

you'd be a nut to try to
go at this by yourself.

Now he's going to stop and study.

We need a better city map
to get from here to there,

especially with that caravan.

Mike and Mel and Kent and Vyxsin
are discussing the directions.

We're kind of at a standstill right now.

Everybody is stopped
here looking at maps.

Justin and Zev already went back.

Lord, geez.

I just had a hard time. The
judges were very, very strict.

It was very frustrating.

No, no.

Very pretty, actually.
But very detail-Oriented.

I'll do it. Wish me luck.

They're still here.

I'm feeling pretty good. We're happy
to see that some teams are here.

We thought we were way behind.

Anyone speak english?
Do you speak english?

Stay close to me.

We are the last four people.

Mike and Mel said let's
just get out of this pack.

It's ridiculous all four of us
getting there at the same time.

That's not really going to work.

This is the people we
said we were working with.

They're gone.

We're never going to get there.

We've been driving around and
the signs are in japanese.

So we're just going to continue
to make our way south, looks like.

I'm very good at being
very detail-Oriented.

The order was the stretch...

with the bow and arrow on the floor...

and then get up on the
horse and sh**t the arrow.

Oh no, come on.

"Drive yourself to the..."

Teams must now drive themselves to
look for the Railway Station.

Once there, they must
locate the Kintaro Statue

where they'll find their next clue.

Let's do it.

I knew it was about
paying attention to detail,

so I tried to get in the
head of, ok, what is it...

What does the bow and arrow thing mean.

That way I could think it
through while I was doing it,

as opposed to just memorizing
the mechanics of it.

Thank you very much.

Thank you.

receive your next clue.

Let's do it.
Let's do it.

Good job.

This has got to be it.
It's there, dad.

Grab it.


"Who wants to go back a
thousand years in time?"

I'll take it.

I guess you should.
Ok. I'm doing it.

They yell sometimes, ok?
This outfit feels wonderful.

Judging from the skirt and the
yellow, I think it's promising.

Here we go, baby. Let's do this.

Hey Cord...
Is that it right there?

I'm guessing.

Holy cow, everybody's here but us.

I'll do it.

Feeling like a mouse in a freaking
maze. I've never driven on this side.

You're getting awfully close on
the left side to the other cars.

Oh, my god. I definitely hit something
there and I have to stop for that.

Did I hit your mirror?
Is it ok? I'm sorry.

Can I just give you some
money for your mirror?

He wants to call the police. I
don't know. It's very chaotic here.

And the language barrier is
very difficult to communicate.

We could be here for
hours. We're done.

I'm just frustrated right now.
We can't even have a conversation.

I just keep hearing hm, yes, hm.

We got in a car accident. Jaime
took off a guy's side mirror.

He chose to call the police rather than
just deal with it through insurance.


I think that he made it
a lot more dramatic than

it needed to be when it
was really just a mirror.

Sorry, thank you.

It's a lot harder than it should be.

Excuse me. Do you know how
to get us to the expressway?

Yeah. Route 1.
Thank you.

We were directed to a funeral home.

Sorry, rest in peace.

Look for the Railway Station.

Some tiny little thing.

Justin, there's little
statues right there, look.

There we go.
There it is right there.

I like those kids a lot.


The japanese have included many
colorful rituals in their lives.

Some have religious significance,
others are just for fun.

Now teams must take part
in one of two ceremonies.

Purity or frog of luck.

In purity, teams take part
in a cleansing ritual...

first they must put on
traditional wardrobe and

learn a prayer that is
both vocal and physical.

Then they must stand under
this cascading water fall

coming directly from the
snows of the mountain.

The temperature of this
water is about 45 degrees.

And teams will have to stand under
this cascading water for one minute

to receive their next clue.

In frog of luck, first, teams strip
down and enter this enormous mud pit.

As onlookers pelt them with
mud, teams search for a frog,

which is a symbol of luck in Japan.

When they find one, they must
present it to the grand master,

who will give them their next clue.

Let's do frog of luck.

Which one are y'all going to do?
I think we're going to do frog of luck

The Globetrotters.

Purity. It might be quicker.

They are so cute.
Let's do prayer of purify.

I agree.
That's it.

Let's do frog of luck.
Frog of luck.

Oh, my God.

Good luck. I am shocked
that we are still in this.

I'm sorry if I smell.

We get there and there's still
teams here, it's exciting.

I don't have the best
aim. I'll be honest.

You know, I'm from Oklahoma. I sh**t
a bow and arrow. I feel right at home.

Damn it.

There's a red flag.
Oh, beautiful.

Right there.

Changing rooms here.
Oh boy, this is going to be fun.

What is this?
Come on, dad.

I'm with you.
Are we about to get super dirty?

Whatever that diaper...

It was like we were really
skinny sumo wrestlers.

Let's find this frog for good luck.

I'm going in. Wish me luck.

Oh, my goodness.

I am so dirty.

The mud throwing was
definitely a surprise.

Get me out of this place.
Where are my goggles?

Oh man. It's Miss America all
over again only 50 pounds heavier.

This is a mud pit.
Oh, my God.

It's so gross.
Get on your knees, Zev!

I'm gonna die!

We're going to perform a
japanese purification prayer

and fully cleanse our
souls, souls, so hopefully

that will bring us a lot of
peace that is much-needed.

Is it here?

We've got to go change.

Thank you. Let's go.

Mom, mom!
A clue box.

I think we found it.

Detour. Which one?

Frog of luck.
I'm sure it's not easy.

I'm just a little anxious.

I'm sure she is doing a great job.

I just hope she's not
har borg frustrations.

I haven't found the frog yet. It's
not my first time in a pit of mud.

Keep going.

I got it!

Thank you very much.

Teams must now drive
to find this monument

the landing of
Commodore Matthew C. Perry.

This is the pit stop
for the leg of this race.

The last team to check
in here may be eliminated.

You look like a frog.

I got it.

No way! Good job!

Thank you!

You're going to have two
redheads coming through and

they'll look pretty good
in this outfit. Don't worry.

I was starting to feel like we
might have a shot at first place.

I was not ready to
stop and put on pants.

I wanted to just get out of there.

I'm not wearing any underwear.

Right now?

That's hot.

It's freezing!

It's freezing. I don't do bikinis.

It was 30 degrees outside
and I was in a diaper.

I really can't believe we
are doing this right now.

Here's a clue box, it's
sitting right there.

This is going to be fun. Frog of
luck. We're going frog of luck.

Let's do frog of luck.

I think it would be somehow
satisfying to beat Jaime and Cara.


Hopefully a comeback in the making.

The water was absolutely
freezing. It was terrible.

It was cold. We're
definitely used to dunking.

And we definitely got dunked.

Come on, let's go.

The temperature was cold enough, but...

having the intensity of the water fall
is like people throwing rocks at you.

Let's go. We had a lot of
evil spirits, apparently.

My bag? It was right on
this rock. Someone took it.

Did you leave the fanny pack in there?

I would never leave it by my side.

That would not be good
to grab the wrong bag.

It was right on this rock.

It was right on this rock. It
was right there. Someone took it.

I went to look for my fanny
pack and realized it was missing.

This doesn't make any sense.
I know. I saw it physically up there.

We just have to go. It's not
here. So they must have taken it.

Why would they make such
a stupid mistake like that?

I got dirt in places dirt
should not be right now.

I can't see anything.

You got it? Let me see it.

Oh, my god.

He needs to be mudded.

Go to the next pit stop. Let's go.

Why would they do such a stupid thing?

What actually happened was the
Globetrotters picked up our fanny pack

and brought it down to
the men's changing room

and they did not bring
it back up for us.

You just caused a consternation.
Daddy, let's just go.

It hurts me.

If I guy gets out of his
car in his underwear and asks

you for direction in the
states, you run the other way.

They don't even bat an eye.

Ok, thanks. I don't think I've talked
to strangers in my underwear before.

Just go straight.

I am going to take the charge
right now. I saw the sign.

We're not going to waste time.
You think somebody can help?

Please keep going.

Let's go.
Oh, my goodness.

Sporting those japanese
loin cloths, do what we can.

I'm so freezing cold,
I can't feel my body.

Let's go.

I kept listening for...

Just try to keep your head down.
Live frogs jump at any time.

So you want to stay quiet, stay down.

I got it.
Damn it!

The frogs weren't
alive. Did you know that?

This is ridiculous.

Come on.
Oh, my God this is crazy.

Just mud.

Come on, dad.

Watch it.

They're so cute

We're doing frog of luck.

Let's be first.
Let's be first.

There he is.
You got the fanny pack?

Here we come, Phil!

Come on, baby.

Welcome to Japan.

Zev and Justin?
Yes, Phil?

You are team number one.

I did just hug you.

I have some good news for you guys.

As the winners of this leg of
the race, you have won a trip

You can unwind with a soothing
massage, and while you are there,

your adventures will include cave
tubing and rain forest zip lining.

We're in it to win it this time.
Because we're a team.

Don't touch me.

I'm searching.

Oh, my God, there's so much mud.

Tell me if you see it.

Stop it.
It's right there. I see it.

Thank you.

Frog of luck it is. And clearly
luck has not been on our side today,

so funny that it would be a luck task.

Sounds like this is going to be dirty.

We're not prancing around.

There's two teams
behind us for sure.

It was cold. Were you cold?

No, because I was working really hard.

The longer you're in, the
colder it got. It was freezing.

Are you ok, dad?

My muscles will be sore
for years, but I'm fine.

Oh, my gosh.

You are team number two.
That's ok!

Come on, Big Easy.

Flight Time and Big Easy,
you are team number three.

Way to go, baby.

We've never been this
close to the bottom ever.

And just the thought feels dire. We
just really wanted this day to end.

Just got really miserable
out there. And it got colder.

At some point it just felt
like it was a lost cause.

We've got to stop.
No, let's push it...

Dad, I'm serious. I'm afraid for you.

I'd rather die here with you
than at home in bed. I'm sorry.

You're team number four.

Christina, you don't look so happy.

After the detour, the fanny
pack was no longer there.

The Globetrotters just took it.
If it was an innocent mistake,

they should have at the
very least brought it back up

to the mountain because that
delayed us significantly.

I think what you've just described,

I can totally understand
why you're feeling upset.

So I'm going to give the
Globetrotters a 30 minute penalty

and that puts you in third place.

We like to play the game honestly
and if the tables were turned,

I'm sure you would do the same thing.

Been a rough day?

Better get the strength to keep going
because you guys are team number four.

It looks like it's right
here. I see the arrow.

I can't, dad. I'm done.

I'm freezing. It's hard to
see your dad like that.

Jet and Cord, you guys
are team number six.

Good stuff.

Dad, stop.
Ok, Mike.

This has been the
toughest day of my life.

Let's go search for a lucky frog.

Dad, get in the car. We can warm up.

I am over the cold.

Is this good for our skin?

Oh, my god, I'm still cold.

Kent and Vyxsin, you
are team number seven.

Oh, my god! Oh, my god!

We are freezing.

This sucks.

Margie and Luke, I'm not going
to leave you standering here,

you are team number eight.

It's freezing.
It's cold.

Jaime and Cara found it.

All right, let's go.
That was utterly miserable.

We were driving convinced
that we were eliminated,

and it's a weird feeling for us. We've
never been in that position before.

Jaime and Cara...

"We are the last team to arrive
and we have been eliminated"

You are incorrect. You are still in
the race. And you are team number nine.

You guys are still in the race.

We're calling this a big,
giant lump of panda poo.

When a bird poops on you,
they call it good luck.

It worked out for us,
because we are still running.

Mel and Mike, after a
valiant effort today,

I'm sorry to tell you you
are the last team to arrive...

and that you've both been
eliminated from the race.

After being able to run it
twice, I've realized it's really

about this experience I've had
with my dad. I'm proud of him.

I'm grateful for the experience.

I think we were drawn closer
together than we've ever been.

That's a pretty big gift, too.

He knew he was going to lose the
race by calling me to get out.

He said get out.

He cared more about me than
he cared about the race.

And it felt good.

My dad, he will never give up.

And that's why sometimes
you have to give up for him.

At 80, I'll be back on my walker.
You got it.

Stay tuned for scenes
from our next episode.

Next week on "The Amazing Race"

Zev gets hung up in China.

Zev, move your feet, buddy.
I can't find him.

Do not give up.

Ron comes unglued.

We're supposed to be going there!

Stop! Please! Stop!

And Kent and Vyxsin

We've been going the
wrong way this entire time.

Vyxsin, we can't give up.

Bye-Bye, "Amazing Race"
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