13x11 - You Look Like Peter Pan

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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13x11 - You Look Like Peter Pan

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on The Amazing Race.

Los Angeles, California...

in a race of almost

five continents.

You are beautiful.

Along the way the
teams had stops,

Don't look up,
don't look down.

Wow, this is crazy.


I lost the money and the passport.
I left him in a taxi.

We have nothing.


- Christy!
- God! It hit me hard.

It's k*lling me.

Eight teams fell
by the wayside.

Anita and Arthur,

I am sorry to tell you that you have been
eliminated from the race.

Kiss Me.
I have a great son.

The estranged couple, Ken and Tina,
came on the run...

hoping to
fix their marriage.

You do it very perfect.

It is very big. Every time
you cut it like that, we lose time.

Throughout the race
they rediscovered themselves...

Good job, honey.
You do amazing.

and got among
the three finalists.

In the race, brothers Nick and
Starr were a model of consistency.

- They are the number one team.
- Yes!

Yes! You sound like a broken record, Phil.

Is it that way?

But when the pressure
got to Starr,

He doesn't know where he's going.

Nick's calming influence
propelled them to the finals.

Once again, they
are the number one team.

this is amazing!

Frat brothers
Andrew and Dan

They beat the odds
as they stumbled,

Okay, check this out.

they danced...

and marched their
way to the final.

I know it's funny,
I know.

Depending a lot
on his brutal tenacity.

The tortoise defeats the hare.
We have been the tortoise in the race.

And in a bit of luck.

They lost all their money and
they won't be able to do anything without it.

The final episode of the season...

one of these teams
will win the million dollars and...

A translation of:
Derek, marijose and

This is Moscow, Russia.

On the map for nearly

it is still recognized as the
epicenter of Soviet power.

And in the middle of this
impressive city...

the Vndkh park.

Built as a
display center for socialist achievements,

This was the tenth stop of
a race around the world.

The teams arrived here
for a mandatory break.

Nick and Starr, who were
the first to arrive.

- Love you.
- I love you too.

Fly to your final destination, the city
of Portland, Oregon. oh my god

Teams must travel
more than 8000Km...

to its final destination,
Portland, Oregon.

Once here, they must go to
this adventure camp...

where they will find their
next clue.

- We're going home.
- To Oregon.

- Okay, let's go.
- Let's find a taxi.

oh my god

Nick and I haven't slept
much. We are tired.

It has been a long run.

But I think the adrenaline
will take us in the last race.

It's the last stage,
it's for a million dollars.

- I can't believe this is the end.
- We are still far from the end.

Thank you very much.

Let's go inside and see if we can
find an Internet site.

- Let's do it.
- Lufthansa's 7:05 flight.

he is the best.
We transfer in Frankfurt.

Let's go buy the tickets. Hello.

We want to buy tickets for
the 7:50 Lufthansa flight.

Thank you very much.

Fly to your final destination,
the city of Portland, Oregon.

- Portland.
- Ok.

Let's go to the airport.

Andrew and I deserve
to be in the final.

We have not recovered from
many difficult situations.

For people who thought we would be
chicken food,

like Nick and Starr and Ken and Tina,
they'll see that they were wrong.

I don't want to run for second
place. He is the first or nothing.

America, baby.
I think the 7:05 flight.

- It would be Munich or Frankfurt.
- I want to go to Barcelona.

No. It is a small airport.

don't laugh
I didn't know.

Fly to your final destination,
the city of Portland, Oregon.

- Here we go, Portland.
- I love Portland.

Cab. Let's go to the airport.

It's amazing,
let's go Northwest.

There is no doubt,
we came to win.

That has been our
goal from the beginning.

We have never wavered.
We never wanted to give up.

We have believed it
throughout the game.

We don't care who we compete with.
We came to take the prize.

We need tickets to Portland.

- Thank you, ma'am.
- Thank you.

I think we should search the Internet,
let's find out things.

Hey, maybe we can find
out where we're going.

Ropes, cables, beams, you and I
will enjoy something like that.

Ken and Tina are here,
going to Lufthansa.

Well, they have a good
connection via Frankfurt.

I need two tickets
for that flight, please.

- I'm going crazy.
- I know you're very tired.

And you've done great.
You are a good girl.

I do think I can
trust Ken.

I see it in his eyes.
Is different. Has changed.

- Love you.
- Me too.

Nick and I are very confident
and ready to win.

Let's master this stage.
We will do whatever it takes.

We will help no one else
but ourselves.

This is all. The Moscow miracle
brought us here.

This is the Stanley Cup,
the World Series...

and the Super Bowl
all rolled into one.

All teams now travel,
via Frankfurt, Germany,

to its final destination:
Portland, Oregon.

Run, run, run!

We can catch them, Starr.

Okay, let's go.
One million dollars.

Over here, over here.

Taxis are this way.

We want to go as fast
as possible.

Very well.
We leave before anyone else.

We're going to Newberg.
Come on, come on!

We have to catch up with
that taxi and beat them.

- We have to get out and fast.
- Let's go to Newberg.

It's very important.

Right now we are the first,
after leaving the airport.

Tina and Kenny, and Dan and Andrew
are behind us.

And we have a great taxi driver,
so we feel good.

- Nick and Starr flew.
- I'm telling you, Nick and Starr...

They have a rocket
in the butt.

- What city is it?

He doesn't even know
what city it is.

It's great.

It could be a big mistake
to have taken this taxi.

Totally ridiculous.

The main street
is right here.

It's so frustrating.
We had to cross to the right.

We must return to the main street
and cross to the left.

We must do
it as quickly as possible.

- Tilikum. Yes. It is here.
- Perfect. Good work.

We're the first, honey.

- Good work.
- Come on, let's go.

All right, detour.
High and Dry or Low and Wet.

In this diversion,
teams must choose...

between two activities used
to improve balance...

and mitigate the fear
of the people who work...

in the most dangerous business
in Oregon, logging.

The options:
High and Dry or Low and Wet.

In Alto y Seco, teams
must climb 10m on a tree,

cross a 12m log
and then jump into the air...

to retrieve one half
of your next track.

If any team member
falls down without taking their share,

they must start
from the beginning.

In Low and Wet,
teams will choose one of these...

floating log bridges
and walk 260m...

along the water, to
the track that awaits them on the shore.

First to arrive,
first to be served.

We chose Alto y Seco because
we thought it was easier.

We knew there was
the factor of fear of height...

and that it would be a little scary,
but it was going to be quicker.

It's fine. Here we go.
On the left.

We are not the first.
There is another taxi.

High and Dry or Low and Wet.

- High and Dry?
- Yes.

Very well, Alto y Seco
is on the left.

Newberg is over there.

We shouldn't have taken this cab
in the first place.

The clues are up there.
They climb that tree,

and cross the trunk.
From the trunk, they take the track.

One track is for you
and the other for you.

- How do you reach the trapeze?
- You jump.

Kenny, I'm terrified of heights.
oh my god

- We will.
- Damn.

Don't let them pass us.
Hurry up, honey.

And, and, and.

- Who will go first?
- I will.

Can I use your phone, sir?
Do you mind if I use it?

I'm calling the place
where we tried to go.

Good job, honey.
Go on, go on, go on.

Come on, Nick,
you can do it.

Go on, go on, go on.

Come on, Nick. We will.

Good work.
Just follow.

- Do I take the track or the...?
- You can take the trapeze.

My God, this is crazy.

Nick, did you see it? You jump,
take the trapeze and then the track.

- Just let go.
- Shall I let go?

- Well done.
- Thanks, honey. You will do great.

I don't know.
It seems like a very long jump.

- I'm trying to find Tilikum.
- Turn right onto Bell Road.

- Will I see her on the right? Thanks.
- Goodbye.

Very well. I'll just grab her, Starr.
I'm not going to take the trapeze.

- I got it.
- My helmet came off.

Come on, honey.
Do not worry about it.

- Well done, Nick
- Just do it like a monkey.

Just go fast. Use your
arms to climb the tree.

It's done. It's done.

They are after you.

I have it. She doesn't have to look.
I know where it is. It's fine.


- Just make a U-turn.
- This way?

Where I can.

Don't worry about the helmet.
Come on, just keep going.

Kenny, shut up, okay?
Keep quiet and I'll be fine.

Ken and Tina are even
with us right now.

Starr, you got it. Take it
easy going through that thing.

Is well.

Bell? To the left,
to the left.

Very well.

Don't worry about the helmet.
Let's go.

It's drowning me.
That's why I put it back on.

- It's costing you time.
- Well, it's costing me time.

Let's go ahead.
Very well. Very well.

- Very well. This is how it scales.
- God.

Just shut up.
I got it, yes?

You are doing good.
Just breathe. Well done.

- Can I drop it?
- Yes.

- I can't get it out.
- Come on, Tina. Just...

Don't look up or down.
You're doing great, you're doing great.

If we win today,
it would be the most incredible victory...

en la historia de
The Amazing Race.

- Here we go.
- Newberg.

You got it, little cheerleader.

- Yes.
- Very well. Take the hint.

- I got it.
- Incredible.

That was incredibly

Very well.

Look at the end of the trunk,
don't look down.

Oh my god. I'm shaking.

Go Go. Bring the track.

Don't look down, baby.
Look forward.

- Look towards the end of the trunk.
- I'm shaking.

Take a taxi to the
Bridge of the Gods.

Teams must now travel
by taxi to the Bridge of the Gods.

Once there, they should
take this zip line...

to receive your next clue.

- Finished?
- They're done.

- You did it well.
- You too.

Look forward.
Look towards the end of the trunk.

This thing is drowning me.

Just jump up and grab it.

Oh my god. Should I try
to grab that and go down?

- Just grab the bar.
- My God.

Just go for it. Dont wait.
Waiting won't help. Just do it.

- Tina, please.
- You're scaring me.

You know I'm afraid
of heights.

- Just jump up and grab her.
- Oh my god.

- You did it well.
- You too.

- Finished?
- They're done.

oh my god

Tina, grab the bar,
grab the bar.

It's fine. I'll do better
if I stay calm, okay?

Good. You finished.
It's already. Good work.

Take a taxi to the
Bridge of the Gods.

- You can't yell at me all the time.
- I didn't.

- Do you know the bridge of the Gods?
- Yeah, it's on 84.

I'm so proud of you, Starr.
You kicked Tina's ass.

The Bridge of the Gods.
We follow Nick and Starr.

They are in the taxi ahead.
It looks like a race between two.

Tilikum. Tilikum.

There's the clue box.

- Detour. How is your balance?
- Good.

Let's do High and Dry.

over here
One million dollars.

Ken and Tina are right
behind us in their taxi.

We follow Nick and Starr
in the taxi ahead.

We must find how to overcome them
and overcome them in some of the challenges.

Several times Ken and Tina and
we have met...

in a blockade or a diversion
and we have started first.

- I just hope that continues.
- Don't bring us bad luck.

We are competing
for a million dollars...

and I don't want to lose them.

Well done.

You got it.

Take your time.

I have it.

Keep that step.
Carry on as you go.

Turn right.

Why do I feel like we went
the wrong way?

The Bridge of the Gods.

Is that the bridge?

- Turn around, please.
- Here it is.

That is the bridge of the Gods.
We go to the boys.

I think that was his taxi.

Thank you very much.
Kenny, this way.

Well done.
Like a professional.

Just don't hesitate on this.

I am scared of heights.

- Honey, it's for a million dollars.
- Honey, my heart is racing.

- You will go down a zip line.
- My God.

All right, girl.
Come on, have fun.

- This was what you expected.
- Gosh, it's creepy.

- Well done.
- It's a long jump.

Wow! Well done.

Take a taxi to the
Bridge of the Gods.

- Very well.
- Let's go.

- The Bridge of the Gods.
- We've got a lot of time.

We quickly made the detour.

I don't see any marks, Starr,
but we're going to the bridge.

You have to let go.
They're coming this way, honey.

Very well. Here I go.

- I'm ready.
- Let's go.

This is amazing, Kenny.

oh my god This is great.

- That was fun.
- Incredible.

here they come Let's go.
Are you ready?

A million dollars, a million.
Let's go. We are fine.

We caught up with Kenny and Tina.

Oh. This is beautiful.

Check it out. Oh.

Back in the Northwest.

- Right, honey?
- Well done, Ken.

No. Hell. I knew they
were on our heels.

Route information. They have come
a long way. How much do you remember?

Teams will now use the power
of memory to answer...

one question from each of
the first 10 stages of the race.

Working together, the teams
will choose one of these...

game boards
containing ten pieces...

representing each
of the stages of the race.

Then, working
in numerical order...

teams will pull out one of the pieces
that will reveal a hidden symbol.

The symbol could be
a route information,

a block, a diversion
or a stop.

Then the teams
will enter this field...

containing 150
track boxes from The Amazing Race...

and they must find the photo
that corresponds to the symbol.

Once the teams
have found...

the ten correct photographs,
will receive their next clue.

Let's go. Start by removing
the numbered piece from the board.

They should start with the first.
This will correspond to stage one.

We will.

Look. There are all things,
behind us.

oh my god There are 150 of those.

Let's think about the first stage.

- We can only open one at a time.
- Very well. Here is a photograph.

That's not it.
We have to do it together.

No, it's not.
Don't take it out if it isn't.

- It is not.
- This way, one at a time.

- That could have been Brazil.
- This is it.

It's fine. Let's go.

If your answer is correct,
the green light will turn on and...

you can go to
the next question.

Take it off. It is not correct.
We must remember where they are.

It's like Memory.
Let's think about stage one.

Go to that right there.

We're looking for the cable car
or the sandwich shop.

Come on Nick.
Try to see what Tina does.

I love you.
You look like Peter Pan.

It's amazing.

Very well!

oh my god

This is crazy.

This is going to take

It's fine.
They are still searching.

You will not be able to leave the island until
all 10 green lights turn on.

At that time they can
search for their next clue.

It is not. It's a painting.
This is a submarine.

But it's not us.

It's fine. No matter.
It doesn't have to be us.

- Number one.
- What do we do?

- Stage one question.
- Are we looking for the route information?

oh my god
We'll do this whole row, okay?

- Come and see, what is this?
- The Maori.

- Here we go.
- Two. let her fall

All right, that's a detour.

- What a heavy thing.
- Come on!

- Second stage.
- The detour. What was it?

Stage two. We spend the night,
get up the next day.

- We went to the boats.
- Move.

Let's work together
and not go crazy.

- Where did we go?
- Salvador, Brazil.

This is not.

- I haven't seen the boats, have you?
- No.

Is well.

- It's the flowers.
- Jalapenos.

This is it.
Good work.

It's fine. Let's stop. What was
the routing information for this leg?

- Savior.
- The King of Ham.

That's what we are looking for.

- Here we go.
- Now it's a lockdown.

In agreement. Stage three.

- Now we are in Bolivia.
- Dance with the Cholitas. I saw it.

It's around here somewhere.

- Church.
- Climb the stairs.

It's the first.
Let's go. Let's go.

Put it. Put it.

It's going like 70 mph
in the left lane.

Instead of 50 Mph,
like at 70 Mph.

- Left lane, 70 Mph.
- Oh come on.

- How are you?
- Horrible.

- Let's do it.
- Let's go further if necessary.

There are more boxes.

Fast forward.
oh my god

- Come on, calm down.
- It's fine.

Here we go. I got it.
The route information. Let's go.

Starr, there's a lot
of room to make up time here.

- Shall we go through here?
- Yes.

This is it.
Go Go.

- There it is. Very well.
- Detour.

- Detour, stage two. What was it?
- I know the right one.

- S!
- Is fine.

Stage four. This is like
a route marker.

- Welcome to New Zealand.
- Thank you.

In New Zealand we went
to the port first.

We went to untangle
the Gordian knot.

- I haven't seen it.
- The ships. That's what we're looking for.

- No. That's a stop.
- This is not.

- Kenny, I have to see it.
- It's fine. We must move.

They are moving twice
as fast as we are.

- I got it. that's it, right?
- Yes.

Let's go. come here

- Let's move a little faster.
- Do not speak.

- You're telling me what they do.
- I do not do it. Heavens!

Can you see what number they're on?

They are still at the bottom.

- The lock was...
- The superman cape.

Fight with the Cholitas, yes.

Good work.
Come on, be the right one.

- No?
- What? Shit.

- We need to find out where the stop is.
- I know I saw it around here.

Here it is, got it.
Come on, run, come on.

The stop in New Zealand.
Sheep, sheep, sheep.

Do you remember seeing any sheep?
We must find her.

- Here.
- Sheep.

Let's try this one.
They were at the stop.

- I do not remember.
- Come on, make it right.

- Here.
- We made up some distance.

Let's play our game.
Forget about them.

Just forget about them.

Green light. Green light.

Let's go. We must beat them.
Let's do it faster.

- Give to me.
- Ask nicely.

Oregon Visitor Center.
Hello, I need information.

Can you check the directions
for the Bridge of the Gods?

Okay, what's the way out?

Exit 44, sure?
Perfect. Thank you very much.

- Come on, Nick.
- Good. Sixth route information.

Hello. Thank you very much.

- What are we looking for?
- The Ambassador Hotel.

- That was the route information.
- Ok.

- I don't remember which one it was.
-Ambassador Hotel.

No, it's not that.
There are no hotels here.

Let's try this one.

A quick one. Good.
Four more and we're done.

This is ridiculous. They are opening
them all senseless.

- Is well.
- Water, water.

- Is this it?
- No. This is where the Indian guy...

I was standing outside.
But we can try.

Bridge of the Gods,
this way.

We will bungee jump.

- We have three left.
- Which one is it?

Route stop.

- Welcome to Kazakhstan.
- Thank you.

- Ok.
- Where did we see that?

Stop number one in Russia.

- Go Go.
- It's fine.

- Is that--
- Kazakhstan. The guy with the hat.

This one doesn't work.
It's the stop, right?

- Nerd. It's not Russia yet.
- Kazakhstan.

This has to be a joke.

There were two of them,
one next to the other.

over here

Right here. Was it this?

- It's the Kazakhstan stop.
- It's the green man.

- Well, we saw him on the left.
- Yes.

Come on, honey, we've got two left.

- Yes.
- Ok.

Route marker.

Thank you very much.

- Let's go.
- Well, we need the Chapel.

It is one of these.
Let's try here.

- S. We will.
- C'mon C'mon. Let's go.

Now we go to Russia one.

- Route information.
- The chapel. It's on.

It is dark at night and is golden.

I don't even know what it's like. I don't think
I've seen her yet.

- There.
- It's here. I got it.

Yes? In agreement.
Good work.

In agreement. One more.

- Blockade in the 10th, yesterday.
- The last one. Moscow.

- No.
- Come on.

- We're short on two, Starr.
- Here it is.

We can reach them.
Run, Star. Run with me.

One million dollars.
Let's go.

I have no idea how well
Ken and Tina are doing.

- We tried here.
- Spend my energy running around.

Come with me.

Take the next one.

The last one we did.

Don't close them so fast,
I have to see them.

We're looking for the one with
the giant face, you know?

They are still searching.

- We have to move.
- I don't care what they do,

I'm not paying
any attention to them.

We must go faster.

- This is crazy.
- Come on, a million dollars.

- Give me your hand. a million
- We're going too far.

Kenny, not everyone will be
in the easiest place to get to.

Do not turn on Do not turn on

Yes it is. Yes it is.

Race to the parking lot
for your next clue.

- Are you done yet?
- Yes.


Race to the parking lot
for your next clue.

- Are you done yet?
- Yes.

- Devils.
- Here it is, come on.

Come on Starr.

Take a taxi to
downtown Portland.

The teams
must now travel by taxi...

al centro hasta
el edificio Portland.

Once there, they will search
the area for this green dinosaur,

located across
the street at the Standard Plaza,

where they will find
their next clue.

Very well. Clue box.

I know you're sore.
Go Go.

We must go very fast.
Do you know the Portland Building?

Please, as fast
as possible.

I think they're done.
Yes, they did.

Near the Portland building there is
a green dinosaur, find it.

- My God, that was hard.
- Just breathe. breathe

It's the Portland Building,

And we need to go
to the green dinosaur,

so call someone to find
the fastest way, could you do it?

I'll take you there. Do not worry.

Do you have a phone to
call information?

Is well.

The answer to each question
will be found in the 150 clue boxes.

It's fine.
I guess I take the first.

It is obvious that they are in a certain way,
you don't have to be a genius to know it.

No. Close, but it's not.

They're all done.

The Portland Building?

Do you know anything about
the Portland building?

Is it a Federal building?
He is going to call. It has a headset.

- Are you calling?
- Yes.

Are you sure there's
nothing in the Portland building?

A green dinosaur,

A statue or something.

It's fine. Thanks.

- Did you find something?
- No.

But the other taxi
is right here.

- Good job, brother.
- Put it on.

- Good work.
- It was unsuccessful.

God, come on.

I just want to overtake
the damn taxi.

- Good heavens!
- We're on the hunt.

That's all we wanted.
We can still beat them.

Put them on. Ahead.
Get in that car.

Please, sir,
as fast as you can.

Keep accelerating to see
if they will catch up with us now.

Green Dinosaur,
downtown Portland.

Let's go.

Devils. Dammit.

- We have it.
- They're right behind us.

- Ken and Tina are--
- Right behind us.

We have to beat them.

Kenny, Nick and Starr
took that path.

Damn, they're not after
us anymore.

- Sir, do you know where you're going?
- Portland Building. Fifth Southwest.

- All right, to the Portland building.
- Hell, where did they go?

We lost them.

- Are we close?
- One block.

This traffic is horrible.

- What's the address?
- Quinta southwest, number 1120.

Fifth southwest.

- Standard was saying something
- It's okay. here?

- Standard square.
- Here is fine. Trunk.

- Hurry up, Nick.
- Go Go.

green dinosaur. We have to go
to the Portland building.

It has to be a symbol of something.

Entry. Starr, Starr,
come with me, come on.

Over here, over here.
We have to get out the window.

Walk to the
food carts on Alder Street...

and find the country of your
last route stop.

The teams must now
walk to Alder Street and...

search among the
food carts, one from Russia.

Once there,
they will receive their next clue.

Alder street food carts.

He said he was on
fifth southwest.

- That's the main southwest and...
- That's the fifth southwest.

"That's the Portland Building,
right there."

Ready, let's go.

Don't let them see us
leaving here.

where did you see it?
What is the Portland Building?

It's right here. Look.
Read it. Portland building.

over here
Don't let them see us.

This is the building.
Let's take a walk.

- The cars on Alder Street?
- Go down the fifth.

- You'll see them on Alder Street.
- Thank you.

C'mon C'mon.

The country of the last stop on the route.
How is the flag of Russia?

I don't know.

I don't think he's inside
the building. She says close.

- Nick.
- Tell me if you need me to go slowly.

I'm telling you.

- Shall we cross the street?
- Yes.

- Honey, isn't this?
- Mayor's office.

Can you help me, near the
Portland building there is a green dinosaur.

- In the Standard building?
- Over there and is it green?

It's fine. Thanks.
That's it.

- The Standard building is one further.
- It's there.

Did he say if it was to the right or
to the left of the street?

- Stop.
- I don't know how to tell you.

- Take.
- Go Go.

- It's here. Standard Plaza.
- Look around.

There is a green dinosaur.
It is that.

- At the window, come on.
- Come on, Ken, come on.

Walk to the
cart stalls on Alder Street.

Then find the country
of your last stop.

- Russia.
- Over here.

- Here is Alder Street.
- What does the clue say?

Walk to the
cart stalls on Alder Street.

Do you know where the
Alder Street cart stands are?

- Alder Street is that way.
- Yeah, down here.

- How many blocks?
- Three or four blocks.

Thank you very much.

This is Alder Street.

Excuse me, do you know where the alder
street food carts are?

Over here are all
the different cars.

Hey, slow down.

Kenny, it will be a lot of carts
and stalls selling things.

- This is Alder Street.
- Look to the left and...

Look to the right
for a cart stand.

Let's ask.

Do you know where the
Alder Street cart stand is?

- Between the ninth and the tenth.
- Thank you very much.

Nick, there's a flag here.
It's a red, green, and white flag.

- That's Russia.
- It's the Italian flag, Starr.

Come with me, Star.
Go Go. With me.

I'll ask here if we don't
find it, okay.

- Here it is.
- Russia.

- Hello.
- Thank you.

Walk to the place where
the magic is in the hole.

The teams must figure out that their
clue sends them here, to the Voodoo Donut.

Once they get here on foot,
they will receive their next clue.

Do you know where the magic
is in the hole?

- I don't know, use the phone book.
- Thanks, that's a good idea.

Does anyone know where the
magic is in the hole?

Does anyone know where the
magic is in the hole?

How do we get there?

Go to the main street
and if you follow it down...

on the right side,
you will arrive at a cinema.

Next to the cinema,
there is the donut shop.

In agreement. Come on,
come on, come on.

Just tell me if you need me
to slow down.

Go slower.

Come on, Ken, come on.
Let's go.

- Here it may be.
- Okay, let's take a walk.

- Burritos, Thai.
- That's Peruvian. bosnian.

- Kenny, slo hallmoslo.
- Russia, here it is.

- Thank you very much.
- Thank you very much.

Walk to the place where
the magic is in the hole.

- This must be Burnside.
- I don't know.

- Do you see the notice?
- I do not see it.

Thank God
that boy likes donuts.

All right, let's go slowly.
If not, you won't make it.

Ken, let's ask.
Here is a person.

- The magic is in the hole.
- Do you know him?

- Yes.
- Has anyone been here?

- Yes.
- No. Where is it?

but go this way.
They took the long way.

- Okay, let's go.
- Incredible that they go ahead.

That annoys me.

- Slow down!
- Give everything you have.

- I'm going as fast as I can.
- That's what I ask.

Watch out for the traffic.
A car! A car!

I see. You try to stop me
let me continue

Where is the cinema
you spoke of?

I don't know.

- It must be around here.
- Nick, slow down!

- To the 2nd and to the left?
- Yes.

- This is the second.
- Very well.

- Who looks to the right?
- Me.

Will that be over there?

- You're fast on the way down.
- No. I don't know.

- We will.
- Let's go.

Take a taxi to the Pittock Mansion
and follow the path to the finish.

- Go Go go.
- Come on, Nick.

- Taxi!
- God.

- Keep your eyes open.
- Just keep going.

- Kenny, let's go!
- Oh yeah.

Follow the path to the goal.
That's it. Come on, come on, come on.

- Taxi!
- We will. We will.

Do you think we should
go down that street?

This is the
busiest street I see.

I don't want to see Ken and Tina.

- Taxi!
- We need a taxi.

- Please, sir.
- This is ridiculous.

It's the stop
and we can't get a taxi.

We are wasting
so much time.

This is the game.

We are wasting so much time.

Please taxi.

Do you want to go somewhere else?

This is the main street.

- Taxi!
- Ah here is one. Taxi!

I'll pay you $50 if you get off
and he gives us the taxi.

- It's a customer!
- I'll give you $ 50--

This is ridiculous.

C'mon C'mon.

Blow your d*ck.

- I don't want to see Kenny and Tina.
- Please, taxi.

Come on, cab.

Yes, you are ours.

Here comes one.

- Where?
- Cab. Right there. Come.

Thanks. Thanks.
Let's go.

- Thank you.
- Come get us.

- This is it. Go Go.
- Taxi!

Very well, sir.
We must go very fast.

Let's go to the Pittock Mansion.

I'll pay you $75 bucks
if you take us real quick.

Let's go to the Pittock Mansion.
Do you know how to get...

as fast as possible?
It's very important.

Please please.

- My God, my God.
- Are you okay?

- We're fine, just in a hurry.
- We have to get there,

It's life or death,
it's a life or death thing.

Lord, we put ourselves
in your hands.

We are very grateful for letting us
get here. Amen.

Come on guys.

Let's not stop
at this light.

I just want to get there.
I hope we are the first.

Let's run one more time. I hope
this is the last time in my life.

C'mon C'mon.

I just want to get there.
I just want to get there.


It's here, come on, come on.

This is crazy!

- Parking on the left.
- On the left.

this way.

- Is it here?
- Yes. later.

five continents,

almost 65000 kilometers,

you are the official winners
of The Amazing Race.

They won the million dollars!

- You said he liked to win--
- We're competitive.

- They are competitive.
- We are, but I'll tell you this...

each of the teams
here are competitive.

And you guys, you made
our race hell.

What do they mean about each other?

- That he is my best friend.
- Yes, we are.

I am proud of my sister as
a person, contestant and competitor.

She did amazing in the race,
and more than a million dollars,

and more than being the winners
of The Amazing Race...

I love the experience I
had with my sister...

and I loved seeing her

It was a pleasure competing.

- Ken y Tina,
- Seor.

they are officially the number two team.
Congratulations. It was a great race.

I know they came to this
race to reconcile...

and also to win
The Amazing Race.

They didn't win, but I hope they
were able to reconcile.

You know we had a lot of ups and downs
during the race and...

She is the best.

I have been wearing this
ring for quite some time.

We have been apart.

I ask you to start
all over again.

- I want to do it right this time.
- Yes!

Okay, now I'll kiss her.

People change.
Lots of people today...

they destroy their marriage
so quickly...

without actually
working hard to maintain it.

I tried to hold on to the fact
that Kenny is a great person...

and that it has so many
amazing qualities.

And I think he showed me in the
race that he cares about me,

that marriage matters.

It has not been an easy relationship,
it was never calm...

we are getting married,
and it will be a great marriage.

We'll make it worth your while.
Maybe it's amazing.

We will make it

We've had enough of the bad times,
now it's time for the good times.

Andrew y Dan,

they are officially the
number three team. Congratulations.

Did you think you would be one of the
three teams to reach the finish line?

No. What more appropriate than finishing
the race as we started,

with an incredible
amount of errors.

But we finished the race,
they never eliminated us.

- They never
could-- - We competed against...

Yes, with two much superior teams .

They are.

When we started
this race...

we thought we had no chance
to be in the top three.

and before we knew it,
we were in the final.

We were the ambassadors of the
frat brothers.

I think any brother would be
proud of our performance.

Not many can say
they did this right.

idiot brewers like us.

Nick and I have
a wonderful dynamic...

each other and
we work so well together.

We have a bond
that is unbreakable.

So no matter what
happened in this race...

we will always be together
and we will always be positive.

And we ended up with a
much better relationship than...

with which we came.
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