13x06 - Please Hold While I Singe My Skull

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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13x06 - Please Hold While I Singe My Skull

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on The Amazing Race.

Seven teams came out of
Tauranga, New Zealand...

to Siem Reap, Cambodia.

There has to be a trick to this.

Andrew and Dan got
off to a slow start.

We didn't get anything.
How do they get it to come out like this?

Andrew looked
puzzled as always,

I don't think I can find out.

As are
recent boyfriends Terence and Sarah.

- What happened?
- My God.

Our boat crashes.

At lockout, Nick found the
clue and lied to the other teams.

- Did you find something?
- No.

Leaving Tina wandering.

I don't know. I'm confused.
I don't know what it is I don't get.

In the end, Nick and Starr
claimed victory.

They are the number one team.

And the long-distance couple,
Aja and Ty, came in last.

They have been eliminated from the race.

Six teams remain.

Who will be eliminated

A translation of:
Derek, mrpingu.

A translation of:
TwiNe and .

This is Siem Reap, Cambodia.

Once a small town, survived
the horrors of w*r...

and today it is the
fastest developing city in Cambodia.

In the middle of the nearby jungle,
the Bayon temple.

Built over

this great buddhist temple
was the fifth stop...

in a race around
the world.

The teams arrived here
for a mandatory break.

The six teams here have no
idea what awaits them.

Will Terence and Sarah be able to recover
from the time penalty?

And will Andrew and Dan be able to step up
and get out of last place?

Nick and Starr, who arrived
first at 11:22am...

They are the number one team.

Fly to Delhi, India.

The teams must now fly
more than 3,200 km...

to the city of Delhi, India.

When they land, they must travel by
taxi to the Zamrudpur area...

and find Moonlight Motors, where
they will be delivered their next clue.

They have $110 for
this leg of the race.

- That's right.
- Okay, let's go.

You have to buy the tickets
at Tourex travel agency...

- ...before going to the airport.
- Ready to go fast?

- Yes.
- Okay, we're ready.

Almost all the time in the race...

I think I can't believe I
'm doing this with my little sister.

There was a time when we
fought a lot.

But honestly, our relationship
has grown stronger and deeper.

I think we're both
very proud of each other.

I think India will be as
horrible as Cambodia.

I expect crowds,
heat and disorder.

We are the first.

Fly to Delhi, India.

- Tourex travel agency?
- I know her.

Good. We have to
catch up with Nick and Starr.

My mom really likes
Nick and Starr.

And you know there's a flirtation
between me and Starr,

but it's awkward talking to Starr,
with Nick and my mom around.

We'll have to wait
and see what happens next.

India, here we come.

- When would you like to fly?
- Today.

- As soon as possible.
- Yes.

You can fly from here
and arrive in Delhi at 4:15pm.

- It's fine.
- Thank you.

- Hi, long time no see.
- We want the same as them.

Is there somewhere we can
go to use the internet?

Yes, you can use it.

- Here?
- Can we connect here?

Incredible. So we can
research about India here.

Fly to Delhi, India.
India, here we come!

- Walking.
- Thank you very much.

We've had problems, but
we both want this to work.

We could put everything aside
and concentrate on the goal,

and think of us
when we can.

We've had our moments,
but to make this last...

we must start moving forward,
and do so quickly.

Fly to Delhi, India.
Okay let's go.

I've had more fun traveling with
Kelly than with my ex-husband.

Much more than with any
person in this world.

If she was still married it would have been
impossible to be with her in the race.

I love that things
happen for a reason.

We have never been to India.
We have a lot to learn.

We will learn fast.
We are sponges. We will absorb it.

India is big.

Can you double
check their names?

It's fine. They are right.

- Thank you.
- There's someone here.

- Hi guys.
- Hello Hello hello.

Research those places
while I buy the tickets.

In agreement.

Fly to Delhi, India.

Irsrpido? Is well.

We realized
with the fine that...

we are very vulnerable
to small mistakes.

We must run as
intelligently as possible...

no matter the difficulties
between us and how...

we will attack the situations
we face.

- Do you know where we're going?
- I know everything.

"I know everything"?
I like a taxi driver...

who tells you that he knows everything.

Hello. Is everyone
waiting to be served?

- It's fine.
- Yeah, it's here.

- Thank you.
- Good work.

- Hi guys.
- Hello everyone.

- Do you already have your tickets?
- Not yet.

Fly to Delhi, India.

What we need
to do differently is...

not be so carefree
throughout the stage.

We have our backs against the wall.
If we can't get ahead,

then we'll be
out quickly.

- My passport?
- Yes, I need it.

Hey, Star.
There's an open bar here.

We go back and make
some drunk calls to these places.

Starr is a cool girl.
But finding some time alone...

to have fun, talk
and get to know each other is difficult.

Especially for my mom.
It is the worst support you could have.

There is an innocent flirtation.
That's why I hope to continue in the race.

I hope Nick and Starr
continue in the race...

to get to know her
a little better.

Dallas and I have
a great friendship.

The one that will probably continue
after the race.

There is an attraction.
Or at least I think so.

What are you doing over there,
Captain America?

Holy God. Kenny,
this is the address.

come over here
I want to surf the internet.

Sit over here and eat,
or whatever. Sit there.

Tina is so strong that...

sometimes you tend to
hang back and watch her work.

I tend to do it,
and sometimes I feel incapable.

- And we arrived.
- That's right.

- Okay, we're here.

We need the first
flight to Delhi.

- Is this the first?
- Yes.

We will all leave at the same time.
I guarantee you. I guarantee it.

- Bangkok Airways, all right.
- Thank you.

- Bye.
- Let's go to the airport.

We'll get to Moonlight Motors
and leave everyone behind.

Come on Kenny.
Let's go.

Thank you, my friend.

We're going to the airport.
We are all on the same flight.

We are glad of that.
The ball is in our court.

Either we take advantage or we don't.
Everything depends on us.

We are ready.

All teams
head to Delhi, India.

Here we go.

- Let's go.
- Come on, Ken, hurry up.

- It has to be around here.
- Over here, over here.

- How do we get out of here?
- Come on, come on, come on.

- Cab.
- There's a taxi there. Moonlight Motors.

- 16 DAA, right there.
- We must go very fast.

- We left the airport first.
- I know, it feels good.

- Yes.
- Are you sure? Very fast, fast.

And the taxis?
over there.

Do you know where it is?

does he know?

He didn't know where it was,
but someone else came...

and told him how to go, so hopefully we
can get to the right place.

- Thank you.
- Zamrudpur Auto Complex?

Very fast.

Seriously, I think Kelly and Christy
are going to fall apart.

Did you see them? It would bother me
to be dressed like they are.

They seemed to be unconscious.
I told them to put on pants.

They saw me like a crazy person,
telling me: "it's going to be hot".

I told them, "okay", then I saw
how they looked at you on the plane.

We are in a huge hurry.
Very fast.

The traffic is crazy.
Everyone honking the horn.

Everyone driving cars, compared
to Cambodia where everyone is on motorcycles.

- Look at a cow in the middle of the road.
- My God.

I thought India would be
very different from this.

Is that, is that a cow?
I'm surprised.

This is brutal.
It's very hot.

Cambodia was child's play
compared to this.

- My God.
- Cows are sacred in India.

That's right, I guess that's why
they don't worry about crashing.

Well, go quickly, please.

Good God, this is crazy.

It's crazy trying to get
to the center of New Delhi.

That's Toni and Dallas.
Roll down your window.

- Does your boy know where they're going?
- I think not.

- And yours?
- No.

Come on, let's go on.

- He knows where we're going.
- We are fine.

- 16, Moonlight Motors.
- It looks lost.

It's on this street.
It should be going down here.

- At the first traffic light on the left.
- Follow this street.

It's on this street, Kenny.
Following this street.

When it comes to the journey, Tina feels like
she's always right.

At least 99.9% of the time
he feels he is right.

We have to know how
to give and receive.

You have to trust me when I think
I have a good feeling.

Thanks. All this when I
knew it was down the street.

Let's ask this man. Excuse me,
do you know where Moonlight Motors is?

Come out, come out.
Come on, walk.

-Nick and Starr.
- Let's go.

- Moonlight Motors is here.
- The track must be inside.

Blocking. Who has
an artistic vein? Me.

A lockout is a task that
one person can do.

In this lockdown,
that person will help...

India's taxi industry
to literally go green.

To point out that these
yellow and black "auto rickshaws"...

now they use natural gas, they will
have to paint the black part green.

But before they can paint,
they will have to cover...

the yellow parts of the exterior
and interior with newspapers.

your "auto rickshaw" is properly painted,

the store owner
will give them their next clue.

Put on the mask.

- I'm nervous. Shaking.
- Just relax.

Who has an artistic vein?
That's you, Andrew.

Have some water.
We are making progress.

Good job Andrew.

- Calmly. Do it right, okay?
- It's fine.

Dude, come see this.
Should they paint the entire interior?

It seems.
Everything must be painted.

It feels good to be
on par with these guys.

They are just people.
They don't intimidate us.

You won't need that
until you start painting, man.

Now we are on a completely different street .

Now this-- This is our
block, to the left.

Do you see any clue boxes?

Do you know where we're going now?

Quick, quick, please.

Christy, Kelly!
Did you find something?

No. We are asking.

All right, at least
we caught up with one team.

Everything you did in front,
you must do back.

- Place a complete.
- It's fine.

Andrew, good job.
Very good work.

Right now
we compete healthy.

It feels good. And it is a good way
to start the stage of India.

It will get more intense when
the others start arriving.

- Thank you. Come on, mom.
- I'm coming.

Who has an artistic vein?
That's you.

- Choose one. Do you like this one?
- Come on, Dallas, it's easy.

- Do not worry about them.
- I am sorry.

I think the budding romance
between Dallas and Starr...

It's kind of cute because
she's my little sister.

Cover everything yellow,
because you will paint the gray.

- The driving school.
- I know. We already passed here.

- This is where we start.
- Right!

No, no, this way.
Go that way.

oh my god Is it here?
Are we there?

- Very well. Thanks.
- Kelly, the bags, the bags.

Moonlight Motors?
Here it is. Let's go.

Who has artistic
veins? T.

- A complete madness.
- oonMoonlight Motors?

- How crazy.
- Go, go that way.

- Follow that path.
- Yes.

I would rate the communication
with the taxi driver with a regular.

Don't you know?

- Go Go.
- Can we go?

- Go.
- Yes, with you. driving.

How do we get there?
What is the way?

Look at the name of the street.
Auto Complex. What does it say?

Come on, nobody knows.
Search for Moonlight Motors.

- Come, come, honey.
- We found it.

I don't see any sites with cars.

- What are you doing?
- He's lost.

oh my god

- We have a lot to recover.
- We should ask someone.

What are we doing?

We must get there fast.

By that way? It's fine.
Come on, Ken, hurry up.

- How am I doing, Nick?
- They're reaching you.

Good job Andrew.
You got it.

Come on man.

This is crazy.

- Is it there?
- Right there, all right.

We are here. Wait for us.

Hurry up, Kenny.
Everyone is there except us.

- Who has an artistic vein?
- I will.

- Which one?
- This one here.

- Where are the newspapers?
- Over there.

Everyone is here except us.
It's incredible.

Starr, once you're done
with that, I think it's done.

Cover this side
and we're done.

- Very well. finished.
- Well well.

- Yes? He has said he is fine.
- Well?

Okay, put on the mask.

Do it without
caring about the paper, okay?

- Done.
- It's fine.

- Are you okay?
- Yes. He looks for the painting.

- They're not very far ahead.
- Good job, Andrew.

My mom does very
well right now.

You will start with the
painting process.

So apparently we're
the third party right now and...

hopefully it will finish quickly.

I need you to do
this quickly.

I know you need it,
I know, honey.

Okay, do it.

I really can't understand
your frustration with me.

I am not frustrated. This is what you
said you were capable of.

Terence is very controlling.

The pide perfected it Sarah.

If you want to be so controlling,
why didn't you block?

What is your wife doing
painting a vehicle?

It doesn't matter,
let's not talk about it.

Honey, you have to cover
this whole part down here.

Just take a big chunk
and cover up that back window.

You make it too perfect.
Don't worry.

Don't make it so big,
it won't work.

Every time you start it like this,
it takes longer.

You take a long time
ripping it up. Just be it.

- Good.
- Ken, look here too.

Can you turn around for a moment and look?

- You have to cover down there.
- Good.

We said after this
race we were going to take a...

decision either for or
against this relationship.

And it's not going well right now.

But to achieve this, things
have to change and...

change now, I don't want to spend my
life fighting to be in a relationship.

After you finish all
that, go inside, okay?

Good man.
You look good in that painting.

Andrew is Da Vinci,

David, all of them in one.
He is crazy about painting.

You are incredible.
You are doing so well.

If you move away you will have a
greater angle.

Oh you got it.
Good work.

Dallas did a great job
helping me block.

I mean, he's really
good at advising me...

until you get
the task done faster.

Oh you go
Keep up the good work.

You do amazing.

I think you're done.
ready, ready.

Good work.

- They're ahead of us.
- I know.

Come on, honey. Let's go.
I need you to cover all of that.

- Do I cover up?
- Yes, but not so high.

- I cover the window.
- I tell you what you want...

- ...know and you don't listen to me.
- Honey, don't get frustrated with me.

Let me ask you a question. I swear if
you keep talking to me like that, it will be worse.

Don't talk to me like that.

- Don't look at him like that, honey.
- Just support me, honey.

In the block I felt how Terence
was beginning to be critical of me.

I felt somewhat fragile and I felt
that it was weighing me down.

Whatever I'm doing right now
, just support me, okay?

- Good. You do a good job.
- Thank you.

Are you okay? It's fine.
You can paint.

Get your glasses and
the protective mask.

Kenny and Tina passed us,
this is not good.

Almost done, man.

- Almost ready.
- Okay, okay, lower.

- Well well.
- Almost. You are so close.

I need more paint, Nick.
Find the boy.

I am a mess.

It's great, man.

Come on, come on!
Let's get out of here.

Yes, our best position!

Good job!

We were second to start
the block, and the first to leave.

I don't want to be the last today.

Well, let's read it.
Right here.

Route information.
Go to the Ambassador Hotel.

The teams must now
head through the populated...

streets of Delhi
at the Ambassador Hotel.

Once here, they will have to search
the garden for this Indian goalkeeper.

When they find it,
it will give them their next clue.

- Taxi!
- To the right?

- Let's go this way.
- Over here?

Yes. There's a
main road coming out.

Come on man.
We are in the lead.

There you have.
Perfect, we're done.

- Thanks!
- Good, good.

Route information.
Go to the Ambassador Hotel.

- Very well.
- My God, I'm disgusting.

- To the left?
- Yes.

We have to find a taxi
and we'll be ready to go.

Sit down and you've got this
entire front end.

- Put on the mask.
- It's fine.

Try to come and go.
Honey, look at me for a second.

You can't flip it.
Keep it straight.

Quick, honey,
as quick as possible.

We should go back to the
street we were on.

- There's nothing here.
- We should go back.

It's stopping.

-Ambassador Hotel.
- Great, we'll go with you.

Ending the blockade
took us a long time.

We headed
to the Ambassador Hotel.

Mom, come here.
Right here.

Painter, painter!

Are you okay?
In agreement.

Go to the Ambassador Hotel.
I'll take your backpack.

Is well.

Does anyone speak English?

Cab, cab, cab. Goes up.

We're almost there
at the Ambassador Hotel.

We have to catch someone,
or try not to come last.

Hurry, I think Kenny
is flying past us.

- Painter!
- Kenny, stop.

- Thank you.
- Good job!

Go to the Ambassador Hotel.

- Taxi, taxi, taxi!
- Where is he?

Yes, there are two teams left.

How did you do it?

Our taxi driver did a
great job waiting for us.

Yes, that's right, blessed be.

- Quick, quick, please.
- Come on, we have to go, brother.

- It's stopping.
- Come on, come on, come on.

Go on, you're almost done.
You're doing great, Kelly.

You need to paint all
of that green, fast.

You're k*lling me,
seriously, you are.

You're doing great right now.
are you done?

- Quick, baby.
- I'm going as fast as I can.

- Do it as fast as you can.
- No!

- What happened?
- I need more paint.

painting! We need more
paint! Paint please.

- I can not believe it.
- More paint.

- I need more paint.
- We're screwed.

- Revised.
- S, is fine.

Kelly and Christy may
be over, honey.

So I need you to
keep up.

Good job.
My God! You kicked their ass!

- Go to the Ambassador Hotel.
- Let's go. Good job.

Good job.

All the teams left except
us. We are the last team.

Are we so far behind?
are you kidding?

No no no.
Not so high.

I think we are the only ones here.
We are going to be eliminated.

All the teams left except
us. We are the last team.

How did they end so
quickly? I'm really sorry.

Paint the pedal. Paint the pedal.
Quick, baby.

- Very well. It has to be here, Starr.
- Perfect. Right here.

You were fabulous, sir.
Do you see the entrance?

Hello. Thank you very much.

Detour. Launder Money or Wash Clothes.

In this detour the teams have
to choose between two tasks...

based on the traditional way
of doing things in India.

The options:

Launder Money or Wash Clothes.

In Money Laundering, the teams
will go to this banquet room...

and create a wedding necklace decorated
with Indian money called a rupee.

The necklace must have exactly
ten rupee bills...

equal to the exact sum
of 780, and the teams...

They must find a way
to exchange their money...

for the correct combination
of rupee bills.

When their necklace is
complete they must find...

one of these boyfriends and
exchange it for the next clue.

In Wash Clothes, the teams
will go to this laundromat.

They will choose one of these
ironing stations...

and they will use a traditional iron...

heated with coal to
iron 20 garments.

When the laundress thinks the clothes
have been ironed correctly...

will deliver your next clue.

- I don't know.
- Come on, mom.

Launder Money or Wash Clothes.

Finding the money will be difficult.

What you believe. You choose.

- Boards.
- Boards.

You like to iron, Dallas.
I think he's calling you.

Vamos al Dhobi Ghat en
Devi Prasad Sadan, Hailey Lane.

- Dallas and Toni caught up with us quickly.
- Yes.

This doesn't look good.
Today we are not doing well.

This is ridiculous.

We should take another taxi.

- We have to get off.
- Dan! over here

Launder Money or Wash Clothes.

We can beat Dandrew.

- I don't want to confuse myself with money.
- Yes, I think the same.

- Wash, let's go.
- It's fine.

- Let's do the clothes thing.
- Ok.

Do you know where this Dhobi Ghat is?
Very well, you know him.

We saw Dandrew and apparently they will do
the same thing as us, wash clothes.

They have had the best strokes
of luck that I have seen in the race.

For two
almost attractive women...

- ...they've had a lot of help.
- "Almost attractive."

That was good.

S? S? S!
"Is well, is well!"

Thank you very much.
Open it, you deserve it.

The Ambassador Hotel.
Find the goalkeeper.

Thank you very much.

Do you know where the Ambassador hotel falls

- Do you know the Ambassador Hotel?
- Yes, I know him.

Very quickly, please.

You made me angry
and I was upset.

Do not talk about it.
I do not want to talk about that.

It's fine. We had never
been in the last place.

Now we're in last place
unless we get there fast.

Please, quickly.

- Here it is?
- Here it is.

Come on, come on, come on. There
's the demo. Let's look.

Starr, this is very hot.
Let's get gloves out of the backpacks.

We have to make 20 garments.

- Let's do it light.
- Maybe we have to do them all.

No? Please. so?
- Yes.

Very well. here, here. Very well.

- Is it okay?
- S.

It's already. We have a garment ready.

Take us to another taxi. Taxi!

Do you know where the Ambassador hotel falls

- Yes.
- God, you're k*lling me.

How much? How much do I have to give him?

Maybe you just cost me
a million, you know that?

- Thank you. Detour.
- Good.

No, honey. It's great.
We want to do more things.

- I think Money Laundering is the best.
- Launder money.

Is this the same taxi driver
we had before?

Let us hope and pray.

Stop, stop, stop.
Kenny, come on.

Hello. Do you have a clue for me?

Detour. Let's go.
We are going to launder money.

We have to keep going
and see if we can catch up with them.

Devi Prasad Sadan,
Hailey Lane.

I'm not really sure,
maybe I'm lost.

Okay, maybe you can
ask someone who knows.

This is not right.

Our taxi driver
is a bit lost.

Stay tuned.
Come on, come on, sir.

When we got to the turnoff
and saw Nick and Starr...

Of course we wanted to make up for
lost time and overcome them.

There is tension between us.

When we get past Nick and Starr,
I'll be so excited.

Damn, it's hot.

This is the proof.

Yes. Stretch and then iron.

Can you give us gloves?

They can't even touch it.
How good.

That idea is very good.

Let's be careful not to
burn each other.

- Come on, mom.
- I'm coming, honey.

Damn. Kelly and Christy
got there before us.

Be careful.
It's very hot.

Dallas, I don't know.
I can't even slide it.

- Is it hot?
- Yeah, it doesn't slide.

Where did they get
the gloves, Starr?

- They are ours.
- Cool.

- How many garments do we have?
- Six.

My mom is going to be surprised.

I don't think we ironed
once when we were kids.

Doesn't this make you feel
like a wife again?

oh my god

Please wait while I burn
my head on this hot iron.

Those jeans look good, friend.
How many do we have?

One two Three.

- Let's go friend.
- Look what they do with the pants.

They fold them in half.

Right now it's just
Kelly and Christy, and Dallas and Toni.

But we know the
boys are out there somewhere.

It must be there. Let's go.
We are very far behind.

How do you hold this?

- Do we need gloves?
- They're our gloves.

My God!
You must be kidding.

Listen to Dandrew.

Let's read everything, please.

Once in Prakash
Banquet Hall use rupees...

to create a traditional wedding collar .

We have to have ten bills...

that when added equal
exactly 780.

I didn't understand you at all.

- We have 300.
- We have a lot of hundred bills.

We will change them.

- It's fine.
- We have to get there.

Sir, are you waiting for us?
Are you waiting for us here? It's fine.

Come on, honey.

Where do we get
the money, honey?

All right, we need change.

That's just a sample.
This is how you staple it.

We have to get change.
Let's go down to those people.

I don't think we should go back
through that crowd.

Let's go outside.
We can go to the street.

Right here. Right here.

We need small bills
, small bills.

I need to change money.

- I need ten.
- Little ones, okay?

Just five, five, five.

Do you have change for a hundred?

- Do you have change for a hundred?
- Change for a hundred?


I have never ironed in my life.
That's my mom's specialty.

He never irons in the fraternity,
in any of the world.

I also bend terribly.

- Is it okay?
- S.

Yes. The track? Thanks.

- Maldician.
- Is fine.

- Go Go.
- Come on, stop, stop.

Go to the stop.

Now the teams must
travel through the confusing...

streets of delhi and
find this place...

Built in the 1930s,
it is the main headquarters...

of the Baha'i Faith and the stop
for this stage of the race.

The last team to arrive here...

could be deleted.

Baha'i House. Warning, the last
team can be eliminated.

-Canning Road?
- Do you know her?

- Good.
- As quickly as possible, please.

We headed to the stop
at the Baha'i House.

- Is it very far?
- We almost arrive.

I hope the other detour
option wasn't fast.

Friends, do you have change for a hundred?

- No.
- Do you have small bills?

- Do you have change?
- For 500.

- Do you want to change it for that--?
- Yes.

- Do they need to change?
- Yes, please.

We need 50, 20, 10.

One two three four.

Love you.
I love you, okay?

- Walking. We all love each other.
- A kiss?

No kiss. We have
the right amount of money...

- ...to make the necklace.
- Go Go.

This will be amazing.

- Is it here? It is here.
- It's here, Baha'i House.

Is that correct?

- Welcome to India.
- Thank you very much.


- Well.
- S.

For winning this stage of the race
they each won an electric car.

- Yes!
- My God. fantastic.

They are good for the environment, as
are the "Tuk Tuk" they painted.

They are in India. The wind
is blowing, it's hot.

They are the number one team.

- I don't know what to say, Phil.
- It's been an amazing day.

I'm excited to
start the next stage...

with Nick as a
strong and united team.

I think we balance the two.

He really is my best friend,
and I consider myself...

Blessed to have
someone like him in my life.

This is better than anything we
've worn in the last 3 weeks.

Seven eight nine.

We have enough left.

That won't come out.
I tried twice.

Frat boys never
iron, not the ones I know.

I mean, see the options, iron clothes
or put flowers on a necklace.

It's like, pick the least bad.

Go to the next stop.
Baha'i House.

- Taxi, taxi.
- Baha'i.

- Baha'i House, do you know it?
- Okay, come on.

- Is it far?
- A couple of minutes.

- Good work.
- Yes.

Make a
traditional wedding necklace.

Four at the end.

They must use exactly

which add up to exactly
the amount of 780 rupees.

He said no.
He told me no.

He's got plenty of change, honey.

Can you change this for me?

Are all heads up?
In agreement.


- Good. Thanks.
- Thank you very much.

they are team number two.

Thanks god.

Honey, I got it.

I think we should go downstairs
and find the bride and groom.

We look
for one of the bride and groom at the party.

- Come on, come on, walking.
- We will.

Kenny, I got it, I got it.

- He's got a clue for us.
- God.

Go to the next stop.
Okay, come on, quick.

too bad We were the first
to end the lockdown.

Let's keep going.

- Where is the guy?
- This is crazy.

This is too crowded.

- Good work.
- Go and find the boyfriend.

- Kenny, get in there.
- Let's go.

Go Go go.

I know, I know, I'm not done yet.
I have not finished.

Come on, we're almost done. Come on,
we're still at this, we're almost done.

That's not bad.
Not so bad.

- Can you see anyone?
- No, honey.

- Are you the boyfriend? Boyfriend?
- No.

This is not going to come out.

How do you iron this?

- Just keep going. you do great
- No, it's not like that.

- Where is the groom?
- This is crazy.

- Kenny!
- Are you the boyfriend?

This is amazing!

Yes, wind, knock down my clothes!

- The wind knocked them down.
- Just fold them back.

- It's the easiest part.
- I was like six or seven...

garments made, and
the wind comes and knocks them down.

It sucks, man.

It's right there.

Baha'i House. Let's go.

Perfect. Thanks.

- How many are left?
- Eight.

- Seven eight.
- All right, we're almost done.

We are further along
than you thought.

All right, let's look
for the same guy.

Our taxi driver waited for us.
Baha'i House?

- Drive fast. Quick!
- It's fine.

Warning: the last team
to arrive could be eliminated.

- Where will we find a taxi?
- Down here, by the track.

- Let's go this way.
- Taxi!

Do you know where there is a taxi?

- Run, mom, run!
- Here I come!

Good job, mom!

You have fire in your head.
It's crazy.

Toni and Dallas
are team number three.

Taxi! Where is there a taxi?

- Do you know where there is a taxi?
- Taxi!

- Look at the sleeves.
- The sleeves are fine.

- The sleeves, the neck.
- No.

- No?
- The neck.

I did it, I did it.

- Do you know where there is one?
- Damn!

We will only get tired.

They are the number four team.

You have to smooth it out
as much as you can.

Cab. It's fine.

Do you know how to get to
Baha'i House?

Do you know? Yes?
All right, let's go.

Let us only pray that we are not
the last. We never have been.

- They are all.
- Thank you.

Go to your next stop.

Warning: the last team
to arrive could be eliminated.

- Come on, man.
- Taxi!

- He's lost.
- It's stopping.

How come it takes

I don't understand.

You never know, man.
you never know

Do you know? Hey, Tina, he knows.
Okay, let's go.

You take my bag.
Take it out to take it in my hands.

- I do not can. Just know you.
- No, I can't get on.

Move your foot.
Kenny, get out.

Please don't let
us be the last.

Ken and Tina, and Terence and Sarah
find ways to win.

Go Go go.

Hopefully we'll have
a chance.

Don't get in our way.

- Yes, this way.
- It's here.

Here we go, here we go.

Looks like that's
where the lights are.

Andrew y Dan,

they are team number five.

I can't believe it!

How is it possible? Yes!

- Come on!
- I'm here.

Ken y Tina,

they are the last team to arrive.

The good news is that this
is a non-elimination stage,

they are still in the race.

- Thank you.
- They were close.

- My God.
- Thank you.

As you know, there is bad news.

Somewhere in the next
stage you will find...

and obstculo.

An obstacle is a task that
only you must do.

And they must complete it to
be able to return to the race.

That means they can be
left behind, and...

they will have to fight harder
to continue competing.

If we don't overcome the obstacle
and stay ahead of...

another team tomorrow,
we will be eliminated.

They all love
to come from behind.

We are not talking about
a football game,

We're not just talking about
The Amazing Race,

We talked about
a whole situation that is...

Are you okay?

We want this race.
We want to win it.

We want it to work
for us.

If not, we would not have gone
through this ordeal.

Sometimes you have to go down
in order to go up.
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