12x09 - I Just Hope He Doesn't Croak on Us

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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12x09 - I Just Hope He Doesn't Croak on Us

Post by bunniefuu »

on The Amazing Race.

and flew to Mumbai, India.

TK and Rachel continued
their calm and collected demeanor.

Orange, yellow and red.

Which kept him
ahead of the pack.

I take them,
you string them.

But the stress drove other
teams to despair.

I don't, you started it.
I only ask you not. What couples.

And Ron reverted to
his old ways.

You wanted me to stop at this.
I am sorry.

Now you gave me a
bad headache.

I am sorry.
For being greedy

Don't be stingy with glue.
It's okay.

And on the return, Kynt and Vyxsin
made a big mistake...

We return to Nicholas and Don.

Which made them mourn.

We should have gone back to Jen's team,
the other one might be ahead.

And a showdown
broke out between Jen and Kynt.

You need to close the door upstairs.

Close the door upstairs, please.

He left the doors
open on purpose.

In the end TK and Rachel
came first...

They are the number 1 team
. Yes!

And the gothic couple
arrived last.

I am sorry to tell you that you have been
eliminated from the race.

Four teams remain...

who will be eliminated

The Amazing RaceSeason 12 Episode 9
"I hope it doesn't die on us."

This is Mumbai, India.

One of the largest and most
populous city in the world.

And on the western shore of the city...

Bandra Fort.

Built 500 years ago
by the Portuguese...

to protect the port
from pirates.

This once
mighty strong...

it was the eighth stop in a
race around the world.

The teams arrived here
at the end of the last stage...

for a
mandatory rest period.

The four waiting teams
have no idea what awaits them.

Will TK and Rachel's ability
to stay calm under pressure...

keep them ahead of the pack?

And will retired Don be able to keep
up with the young competitors?

TK and Rachel, who
came first...

they will leave at 1:25 p.m.

Fly to Osaka, Japan.

The teams must fly nearly

When they land, they will travel by taxi
to Kishiwada Castle...

and search the
gardens for their next clue.

let's do it.

Trusting myself is
definitely a problem for me.

It is almost impossible to trust yourself,
your emotions...

but with TK I'm really
not afraid.

Let's check in this hotel,
if they have internet that we can use.

So during the race...

I definitely feel able
to trust myself more.

We need to go to Osaka, Japan.

By the fastest way possible.

They have $414 for this leg
of the race. Sounds good.

It is a great responsibility,
being the leader of a team in the race.

This goes backwards, right?

It's okay. Let's keep going.
They are very nervous there.

I think I did well but it's
hard to keep up with Nick.

I'm pushing myself as hard as
I can, and it's hard.

I think we should go to the airport.
Okay, let's do it.

You can't run all the time.
He is not 23...

but he continues to push himself and
I think he does a good job.

When I was in the army,
I wanted to go to Japan, so...

this seems like a dream come
true for me, 50 years later.

When you land, take a taxi to
Kishiwada Castle. Ok, let's go.

Osaka, Japan,
the land of sushi.

Do you want to go to a travel agency?

When I opened the track I was
happy to go to Japan...

because I spent half a year in
Japan learning Japanese.

Daddy, here's the taxi.
I don't think it's our taxi.

I tend to be very expl*sive in
situations and I admit that is not good.

Travel agency?
Yes, close.

It's okay.
I need to change.

I need to continue
this journey of change...

and in this I do not want to fail.

Have a nice day.

Airline offices.

It's here?
This is where you wanted.

Go Go.
Let's keep going. Hello.

We need to buy
tickets to Osaka, Japan.

We have to arrive
as early as possible.

You have access to all the different
flights, right? Wonderful.

Good luck.

Yes! Fly to Osaka, Japan.

How good.

Taxis are there.
We only have dollars, think about it.

Nate and I always say
let's stop arguing...

So the biggest hurdle
we have to overcome is...

do what we say
we're going to do.

Right now Jen and I need to
come together as a team because...

we have not yet arrived first,
and it will be painful not to do so.

I was fantasizing
the other night...

that we were running to the finish line and
someone was ahead of us...

So I threw the bag at her legs
hoping she would fall...

and we pass them.

So we want one that
leaves us as early as possible in Osaka.

Is it a fact that they travel light?

No baggage.

I think the 6:55 flight, is that
okay with you?

Only if he leaves us as
early as possible in Japan.

I need to buy tickets
to Osaka, Japan.

Tonight, 8:30.
Can I buy them?

Are you sure
this is the good one?

Is he the good one?
It is the earliest available.

We'll be leaving
tonight at 6:55.

It's a good flight.

Unless there is something
that is not on the internet...

I think we'll be fine.

Air India leaves at 8:25?
Stopover in Hong Kong.

I think it's very good.
I think it is the best.

Do you want that one?

Here you go.
Very stately.

The 6:55 p.m. flight from Mumbai.

Stop here

Let's go in.
What time are you leaving tonight?

At 8:30 p.m.
Well, that's the good one.

We want two of those tickets.

Is this a direct flight
from Mumbai to Hong Kong?

It's not direct, it's scaleless.

Direct, it means that it
could make 5 different stops.

Make sure it's non-stop.
Leave me alone, okay?

In agreement.

C'mon darling.
The registration desk.

Have you seen other people like
us pass through here?

Indian water.

Okay, let's go.
Lets go dad.

Is this the entrance?
Do not pass, says: "do not pass".

This way, let's go.
Why do we get off here?

It's... you know, it's over here.

I paid him well,
just to walk more?

We had a great taxi driver
who didn't know where--

If you lose your temper on this...
Okay, fine.

...will hurt our game.
Okay, shut up, shut up.

I am an old man who
explodes in emotions.

I'll take a car.
You said Air India.

I paid him well and I--

If you keep complaining--
I'm not complaining.

If these!

I would like to be a father who
changes overnight...

but it is not easy in the
intensity of this race.

When we get to Japan,
I must change...

because it is very important for
my relationship with Christina.

Nick and Don are here.
Hi guys.

Boarding passes.

We just saw Ron and Chris
and Nick and Don check in...

on this flight, so we
assume this is the best.

Where will TK and Rachel be?
Resting or researching?

I do not know.
Don't always assume the best.

They could be doing something
stupid right now.

We have no idea what
happens with the other teams...

but we got on our flight
trying to think positively.

TK and Rachel travel to Osaka, Japan
through two cities...

New Delhi and Beijing.

Goodbye, India.

Still no sign
of TK and Rachel.

So we don't know
where they are, but we assume...

that they will arrive there at the same
time as us.

And Nate and Jen travel to
Osaka, Japan...

through a single city,
Hong Kong.

There is something that doesn't
feel right about this.

Let's see if there are other teams.
I have not seen anybody.

We really have no idea
where the other teams are.

We could be way ahead.
We could be well behind.

We will never know.

We are finally on the
last leg to Osaka.

We really have no idea
where the other teams are.

We could be way ahead.
We could be well behind.

We will never know.

We will!

This way, let's go.
Faster Faster.

Nick is pretty strong.
He carries my backpack.

He is like a bitch to me.
I mean, he's perfect.

The taxi is here, honey.

Do you know where this is?
Kishiwada Castle.

I know where it is.
He knows? Okay let's go.

Fast fast fast.

We are very happy to be the
first to leave the airport.

It was definitely time to
kick these teams' butts.

Taxis are straight.
Kishiwada Castle!

It is important to arrive quickly.
I'll take the highway.

Nate and Jen think they can beat
my dad and me and Grandpa...

but they know very little.

Kishiwada Castle?
Sure, I know him.

Don, get on.

I always wanted to come to Japan...

It looks like a very clean
and wonderful country from what I see.

Osaka, Japan is
very wide and spacious.

It is very beautiful here.

Towards Kishiwada Castle.

The king of the castle,
The king of the castle.

The important thing is,
where are TK and Rachel?

Will they be up front?
I assume that would be the worst.

But my instincts tell me that they are,
in fact, behind.

We are in third place behind
the other teams.

And TK and Rachel still haven't shown up.
Maybe they went to Osaka, India.

Everything is possible in the race.

It's so cliche.

Kishiwada Castle.

It is there.
Can you wait here?

It's okay. Clever?

Here we go!

Is it inside?
He says search the gardens.

Let's go this way.
This is beautiful.

Do you think it will be there?
Come on Nate. Let's keep going.

Let's search the gardens.

What the hell. It must be
around here somewhere.

Kishiwada Castle?

Nathan, come on.
Is that it? Yes it is.

Go Go go.

C'mon C'mon.

Take a taxi to
JR Kanjosan Noda Station.

Teams must now travel by taxi
to JR Kanjosan Noda Station.

Once here, they will look for the cleaner
who will give them their next clue.

Ask him for his next clue.
Okay let's go.

Come on Nate. Let's hurry.
There's Jen and Nate.

Let's go to Noda station.
Ron and Chris arrived.

It must be around here.
Go Go.

Come on let's go.
Let's go.

I'm glad we got out
before they saw us...

you know, where we came from.

It must be obvious.
It will not be hidden.

Should we go upstairs and go inside?

We should also
look below.

I wonder if Ron and Chris
speak Japanese.

Yes, I would not doubt that they can
speak Japanese.

She goes to a very pretentious
university and all that...

Yes, Pricenton, mate.

Hello, excuse us.
She says search the gardens...

not in the museum.

The competition
gets stronger.

Let's see from here.
It's down there!

It's down there.
Okay, fine.

We know where it is.

Stay here. It's okay.
We run?

Go Go go.

Hurry, let's go.

Let's go.
Let's go back this way.

We will. We moved.

Estación JR Kanjosan Noda.

All right, let's go.
Good work.

Please faster.

I think I'm pretty strong,
but sometimes I can't...

follow the strong rhythm
that Nick leads.

But I will keep running.

Let's go. Maybe we can
see more from up here.

Node station.
Yes I know where is it.

You found it?!

It's right there.
Run if you can.

Go on, a little more.
Just a little more.

Kanjosan Node Station.
Run if you can. Let's go.

We want to go to
Kanjosan Noda station. Fast.

In agreement.

No, I need water.

We'll look at the station.
It's okay.

There are no English notices here.

That's why we don't drive, honey.

It's difficult with
one-way roads.

Yes, it depends only on your GPS.

I never drove in Japan.

Node station.
We'll get off.

Let's go.
Cleaner, where are you?

It's that one. There he is he.

I see a lock.

Who is the driver
in the back seat?

Oh no. I am it.
Jen will.

Become a taxi driver.

A lockout is a task that
only one person can do.

In this lockdown, that person
will find out firsthand...

what it takes to navigate the
congested streets of Osaka...

a taxi driver.

The team member
must put on gloves...

and hat like
the local taxi drivers do...

and transport a Japanese couple
for 8Km in the confusing...

and often one-way roads
to this direction.

They can't ask the locals
to guide them or get in the car...

and the couple cannot help them.

Arriving at the correct address,
the pair will give you your next clue.

However, the driver must
travel back to his partner...

before you can read
what's inside.

Good luck darling.

All right, kick some
butt. I know you'll do it.

In agreement. My hat.

And my gloves.

Very well thanks.

Does not give. Okay, here it is.
Okay, let's go.

I see another team!

See, there's Jen.
Go Go.

I wonder what I look like in
this cabbie hat.

Come on, the station
is this way.

Do you have a clue for me?

Blocking. Who is the driver
in the back seat?

Maybe you are better because
you can speak the language.

I don't speak the language.
Okay, I'll do the lockdown.

Who is the driver
in the back seat?

Become a taxi driver.


When we read the lockdown, our
hearts stopped.

Christina is not very good at driving.
She doesn't have a good sense of direction.

Pray for me.

Well, that's it.
It depends on the ladies.

It's okay.

Is this where you would like to go?

Hello. Osaka...
Says Osaka Central Post Office.

This is not going to be easy.

I have no idea
how to do this.

Wait a minute,
I'm going to ask, okay?

Ma'am, do you speak English?

No no no.



Does not know?

They try to understand it.

Post office.
Is it a post office?

Go straight this way
and then...

It takes 10 minutes by car.

That's fine thanks.

I'm sorry for the wait.

Here we go. First of all,
I don't have a car.

I use public transport.

So it's ridiculous that he's
doing this.

This is definitely
not like home...

because first of all,
I drive on the right side of the car...

and everything is in Japanese.

I'm going to stop and
ask for directions.

The key.

Okay, wait
I'll be back.

Just here. Are you the cleaner?

Blocking. Who is the driver
in the back seat?

Are you tired? I do not.
Yes, I am tired.

I'm the
backseat driver.

Lead a Japanese couple to the
given address to get the clue.

I have some water.

How I look?

Hello. Do you have the address?

Magnificent. I have to drive
to this address...

and I don't know how to read it.

Speak English?


I'm so lost right now,
I don't know what to do.

How did this happen?

God, I hope this doesn't
get crazy.

I am looking for this.
Is it this way?

That's fine thanks.

I know I'm close.
This can be good.

That's where I want to go.

I am sorry. I don't think the
Japanese help much.

Driving skills help more.

That boy told me it was in this
direction. I'm going to drive a bit.

Luckily I drove in Ireland so
it doesn't affect me driving on this side.

They are hot? Heat?


I have to keep
customers happy.

Let's finish that.
Chocolate chip

Can I?
Yes, no problem.

Hi, I need to find this.

Is that? In agreement.
Can I turn around?

I don't know if I can do this.

It's right there.
How can I get there?

I turn left and go straight.
It's okay.

What is this?
You can help?

It's the post office. All tracks are
one way at this point.

I have to go all
the way to get back.

I go to the left.

It's a post office truck.

I will follow him.

Guys, I'm taking you to the post office.

Yes I found it!


I'm so excited.

Are here.

I'm so excited.

Thank you very much

Okay, now I need to
find my way back.

I'm going to try to turn around
and get back on the main road.

Here we go.

Now I'm going back
to my father.

The key is
to go back that way.

Post office?

Post office?


I think I remember how to get back to
the station where my grandfather is.

I hope
the other teams continue there.

I think I saw it, I think I saw it.

Here it is,
my God.

JR My God. How am I
supposed to get there?

It is there, it is there.

Okay dad,
I'm here.

Nate is still there.

I heard a daddy.

I think it's over here.

I need to continue please.

How will I get back?


I am the first?
Yes Yes.

Are you kidding?


Take a taxi to
Kita-mido Temple.

Teams must travel by
taxi to Kita-mido Temple.

A 16th century Buddhist temple.

In this place they will find
their next clue.

Good job, Jenny.

You are so good. You are the first one.
By the way no one speaks English here.

No way.
No matter.

Kitamido Temple.

Okay, look at me.
We are... look...

we are in a race.

We could be the
first today. Yes darling.

I'm fine?

Excuse me.

I go.

Travel to the Kita-mido Temple and
search for your next clue.

Man, this is hard.

Let's get a real taxi.

Do you know the Kita-mido?

Please, quick.

I'm lost.

I had to turn around.

I should have gone back the same
way but I didn't.

It is definitely easier to land
a plane than it is to drive in Osaka.

Not well.

Only Nick is out there,
that's the best I can tell.

I know the other teams
are certainly ahead.

I can go?

I'm waiting
for Nick to come in.

This could cost us.

Holy God.

JR Station Kanjosan Node.

Here? That's fine thanks.
I don't know where I'm going.

Taxis over here.

We need to go here.

I feel like we're definitely
back in the race...

no matter if we are
behind or ahead...

it feels good to be here.

We take a taxi that will
take us to the castle.

I guess that's the
most important thing right now.

Right here? Do I cross to the right?
Right on this one.

Okay, right here,
right, left.

The streets are very confusing...

and there was this little corner of the
street where the station was.

I'm sorry I can't, it's hard to
pay attention to you when he's driving, I'm sorry.

I'm listening
to everything you say.

It's hard--
you know what I'm talking about.

No, I do not know.

In agreement.

He is okay?
It will be OK?

Do you have a heart attack?
Yes, it seems to be unhealthy.

I hope we don't die.

It's here?


Let's check.


Detour. Sense of touch or
sense of smell?

In this detour, teams must
choose between two skills...

that they have since
the day they were born.

The options:

sense of touch...

or sense of smell.

In sense of touch, the teams must
walk to the Shimojima building...

once here, they must use
these miniature robots...

controlled by cell phones to play
soccer against 2 defending robots.

Once each
team member scores a goal...

the referee will hand you
your next clue.

At first, playing with
robots will seem fun...

but accurately handling these
creatures can be frustrating.

And computers without a delicate
sense of touch...

they could kick themselves
instead of scoring.

In sense of smell,
teams should go to...

the Saera store, where only
artificial flowers are sold.

Once here, they must use their
noses and only their noses to...

to identify a real flower
in thousands of artificial ones...

in this two-story store.

When they find
the real flower...

the shop owner will
deliver your next clue.

The task of finding the flowers in
this store might seem impossible...

but only the true flower has a scent.

And the teams that put
all their sense of smell...

they might catch
themselves smelling victory.

This is what we must do.
We should go to the street and...

and ask where is this and
if we are close.

Okay, let's go.
Do you speak English, sir?


This is a flower shop
and this robot shop.

Which one is the closest?

I just saw Nate and Jen.
He is right there.

Is it heading in that direction?

Can you take us?
Come on, join us.

Both are ten minutes away.

We decided to use
the sense of smell...

because I have the nose
of a bloodhound.

I am not a technological person.
Maybe flowers is better...

if you have a good
sense of smell.

I got it.
All right, let's go to the flowers.

Okay, let's ask.
Excuse me...

can you tell me
how to get to this place?

In this direction.
Are you heading there?

Can you show us?
Thank you very much.

I see her!

Has everyone already left?
About ten minutes ago.

These things are sticky.

Take a taxi to
Kita-mido Temple.

Where are the backpacks?

Kitamido Temple.

Are we going straight?

Very well. We must run.
It's okay.

Thank you!
Let's go.

Come on, run.
Go Go.

It's okay.

Thank you very much.

Go Go.
Faster Faster.

Come on Nate.
We must run.

We are head to head
with Ron and Chris.

Let's not let them defeat us.

Come on, move. Let's go.

We need to ask.
To them, go no further.

Wait, let's ask
this florist, Nate.

It's this, it's this!

It is?
Yes! It is this.

My God!
Oh my God!

It's a giant flower shop.
I didn't think it was like that.

Use your nose to
identify the real flower.

Hands behind.
You open your nasal cavities.

I can't identify a real flower.

Do I think the touch one is better?
It's okay.

All right, we need to
find this place.

Edificio Eimi...

Eimi Building...
Ask this clerk.

Saera... Saera...

Thank you very much.

Oh my God.
Don't start without me.

Dad, take.
Blow your nose.

God, will we ever
walk away from these people?

Check it out.
Do we start on the 2nd floor?

We start on the 2nd floor...

because we saw Jen and Nate
do it in the first...

so we decided
not to follow in his footsteps.

Dad, let
's start here and turn around, okay?

Come on, come on, come on.
Do you go faster if I carry your backpack?

Let me load it.

One of the things I fear
is letting Nick down.

I am afraid of disappointing myself.

And I would feel like I do
if I don't help my grandfather.

Keep going.

Here is the flag.


Everyone take control
robot soccer player...

and as a team score two goals
against the defending robots.

Each must score a goal.
They will teach us how.

No, I don't think so.

Press the buttons to advance.
Step to the left.

Let me understand it.
Walk forward.

Cross left,
right, stop.

I didn't really like this one
because I don't play video games.


My 6 year old grandson can
beat me at those games.

It's hard.
Oh hell.

Did you do all of those?
That's how it is. They are not real.

We are smelling, smelling and smelling.
This is not easy at all.

It's giving me
a slight headache.

I looked up
and saw all these flowers...

and I thought I was hallucinating like in
a Pink Floyd video or something.

Oh my God.

It starts there that I it here.

We meet in the middle.

That's the way to do it.
Well thought.

Now the enthusiasm more
so that you don't feel...

demoralized by an old man
who oppresses her.

Nate, you need
to-- Jen, don't talk and smell.

All I do is listen to you talk.

Press the buttons
to make it stop.

Stop, zero.

Check it out.

Walk forward.

Okay, I think I get it.

How do I turn left?

All right, here I go.


Come on, little friend.

Adelantate is the edge.

Left leg.

You got to be kidding.

Get up off the ground.

We will.

Move quickly.


We have no idea...

if we're completely behind,
like by half a day...

or if we are in the front.
We have no idea.

We haven't seen another team since
we left the stop.

Nate, I think we should
go up and try, or what?

Holy God.


This was a mistake.
We should have done the other one.

We have to go, Jen.

Now up to here.

This one looks so real.

God, where's the hound?

I'll help you.
Go right.

You are perfect right now.

Not yet.

I'm from the low-tech class
and Nick is high-tech.

I don't have a computer.

Press one.


I smelled something around here.

Jen, we have to go.

We are battling
for first place.

Smell that.


We have to get out here.
Stay here, that's good.


Thank you very much.

Travel to your next stop.
Tempozan Park.

The teams must travel by taxi through
the congested streets of Osaka...

and find Tempozan Park.

Previously called Mount Tempo,
the smallest mountain in Japan.

It is the stop at this
stage of the race.

The last team to arrive here...

could be removed.

Oh my God,
come on.

We're going to finish first.
I hope so.

We want so much
to finish first...

To prove to ourselves that
we can do it.

Check that one.

Yeah, this is it--
Shut up.


Yeah come on.

Do you know where
Tempozan Park is?

I do not know.


Jen, wait.

Take a taxi to your next stop.
Let's go find a taxi.

You are amazing, daddy.

Do you know where Tempozan Park is?

Do you know where Tempozan Park is?


Not well.
We'll get another taxi.

Please, by the fastest way.


On the fast track.
Yes, for the fast life.

Nate and Jen weren't there, they either found
the flower or changed their detour.

I am not sure. We could be
racing to the stop right now.

Stop the taxi, Nate.
Detain Damn it!

Nate, this is not good.

We need to find a taxi.
May I help you?

Tempozan Park.

We have to find this
place, Tempozan Park.

We are in a race.
It's very important.

I'll tell the driver.
Thank you very much, it's lovely.

We have to run, you know, hurry.
Correct, yes.

My friends need to go
to Tempozan quickly.

Come on, Jen, come on in.


...I can't believe you pushed me.
I didn't push you.

Good morning, you haven't yelled at me.
I try to change.

Let's make it official that at this stage,
we haven't lost our temper.

I didn't even touch you.

Pressing your back into
the car was all I did.

Don't push you.

This can cost us.
No, it won't.

Stop being so negative, please.

Cross to the right.

Left foot, kick.

Good, good.

Walk there. Law.

That one over there, kick.

Good job, Don.

Travel to the next stop.
Let's go.

Nick is a
smart and headstrong man.

I don't think I could have done
this with another partner.

It's stopping for us.

Tempozan Park, okay?

This is not going to be another great day
in the race if we don't survive.

This is far. Are you sure
we are in the right place?

He knows what he is doing.

We are close.

I'll stop to ask for directions.

What's going on? Damn.

Where is Tempozan Park?

Oh my God.

Go to the next street
and turn right.

I understand, thank you.
Come on, come on, come on.

I hope it's around here.

Please let it be this way.
See there, that big park?

Welcome to Osaka, Japan.

Ron and Chris.

They are the number 1 team!

It feels good?
It's exhilarating.

Guys, I have good news for you.

As winners of this stage...

each won
an electric vehicle.

An electric vehicle?
It has 4 seats.

It is safe for the environment.

Perfect for walking.
It's great. Ecological.

Your dad is here with you.
That's how it is.

You must give him some credit.
He didn't lose his temper...

Not once at this stage.
Not one time.

Do you think it has improved?
My God, a world.

I had such a good time today
because we didn't argue.

The fact that my dad and I got
along today helped us...

to arrive first without
any doubt.

It is a critical hour, we definitely
want to be a coupled team.

And finish the race
as the first.

They are team number 2.

Close. Very close.

We wanted it so much.

They are sad, aren't they?

After finishing second,
now it's time to start.

Today, we had the first
place in our hands...

but we were
arguing, so...

We must learn our lesson,
and we will do it the hard way.

The best team will finish
last and it will be Jen and me.

Finish last?
I mean, in the last stage early.

Yes, yes, yes.
Dad, dad, dad.

Let me carry your backpack.

They are the number 3 team.
Very good.

Do you think you still have
the guts to win this?

Yes Yes. However,
today I am tired.

Yes, I ran so much.

Nick loaded your backpack.
Yes, I should have left it.

Look to you.
I'll be 69 in a few weeks.

I am 45 years older
than anyone in the race.

And I'm still here fighting.

I will do anything. I can be
physically aggressive enough...

to make us win
the million dollars.

Start looking everywhere.
I think it's closed.

Imagine if we were to go inside.
I do not like this.

It became obvious that we were the
last because we didn't see anyone.

Where we were going was very desolate.

I didn't sign up for the race
to have a bad time at any point...

So I won't let myself
get upset over anything.

We have experienced
all these amazing things.

We have already been
to 9 stages of the race.

With caution, darling.

Before I met
TK a year ago...

I had a lot of
negativity around me.

Good job Rachel!

TK was really a beam of light
that came to save me.

Flowers. There are flowers here.
Yes it's here.

Rachel and I focused
on being ourselves...

And the fact that we're still together,
as strong as we are...

I think it proves
that we were destined.

Go ahead, honey.
You found the flower.

He took the rose out of a bouquet
and they all looked the same to me...

"please, this is it".

He took it out like it was nothing.

I couldn't be happier
than being with Rachel.

I could not.

Let's get this over with.

Welcome to Osaka, Japan.

Thanks. Thank you very much.

TK and Rachel.

They are the last team to arrive.

The good news is that it is
a non-elimination stage...

...and they're still in the running.

But they know there is bad news.

They are almost 3 hours behind
the other teams...

and somewhere in the
next stage of the race...

They will find an obstacle.

An obstacle is a task
that only you will do...

while the others
continue running.

And as a result of that...

they could lose time,
so they will have to work more...

to reach them.

Knowing that there are teams ahead
and that we are almost eliminated...

we will definitely do our
best to catch up and beat them.

Below are scenes
from the next chapter.

In the next chapter of
The Amazing Race.

It's a race now.

You have to start sweating.
It's the time for the truth.

It's all about being the finalists
in the last race for $1 million...

and it will no longer be pleasant.

I have hate in my blood
right now.

I want to rip
the heads off those dreadlocks.

We will be aggressive,
no competitor will be left on top.

They are a bunch of cowards.

If there is another request,
tell him that it is complete.

You can't hear them.
Don't listen to them.

Are you sure you
didn't tell them anything?
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