12x05 - We Really Burned Bridges, For Sure

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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12x05 - We Really Burned Bridges, For Sure

Post by bunniefuu »

Bingo village in Burkina Faso...

to the nation's capital

The gothic couple Kynt and Vyxsin
received a warm welcome...

of the African people.

It seems that the crowd
is happy.

Here in Africa, I mean...

to them we look like aliens
that fell from the sky or something.

And yet they have been so warm,
smiling and kind.

Nate and Jen battled
Azaria and Hendekea...

in a race
for first place.

Oh God. We must hurry.

Open the door!
Open the door! Salt!

But a photo finish
on the carpet...

Azaria and Hendekea,
are the number 1 team.


It was a very
difficult thing for Jen to accept.

Very frustrating.

I just feel like everyone
should get their chance...

and they've already had it twice,
twice before this one.

A new element in the race
caused tension between Shana and Jennifer.

I do not want to do this.

That's wrong.
Jen, it's a game.

It's not about being nice.
Do you want to get out of the game for being it?

And the angry
Lorena and Jason...

I can't believe
they brought us back.

I'm angry.

They sealed their fate.

Both have been
eliminated from the race.

You did very well, honey.
Yes, you too.

Seven teams remain...

who will be eliminated


The Amazing RaceSeason 12 Episode

This is Ouagadougou.

Capital of the African nation
Burkina Faso.

And in the middle of what
was once a tribal kingdom...

This City Hall,
home to the Mayor's office...

it was the fourth stop in a
race around the world.

The teams arrived here for a
mandatory rest period.

Could the disagreement between Shana and Jen
over using return drive them further apart?

Azaria and Hendekea...

who arrived
first at 6:45 p.m...

They will depart at 6:45 a.m.

Fly to Vilnius, Lithuania.

The teams must now travel more
than 4,800 km to Vilnius, Lithuania.

When they land they will have to find
the marked cars and drive to...

St. Annes Church, where they
will find their next clue.

Let's go. Lithuania!

Cab! Cab!
Hendeka, wait!

Most of the time I don't think I
have a great temper.

Get off the road!

But with my sister,
I tell her exactly what I think.

If you don't want me to do anything.

They're just passing by.

Here we go!

Fly to Vilnius, Lithuania.

Walking. We are fine.
Let's do it

We have come so close
to first place.

We want it so much.

Our eyes
are full of energy.

So we will use all that
energy within us...

to advance furiously.

There's one there, honey.

Thank you very much.

To the airport!

Fly to Vilnius, Lithuania.

To book your tickets you must
use an airline office.


Let it begin.
What time will they open?

Here are the exits, honey.
There is only one quick sale office.

Burkina Faso has a
very small airport.

Is closed.
Are they closed? God.

There is no other counter here.
Let's search the Internet.

No. We are not allowed to
book online.

But we can search.
In agreement. Yes.

Here is the Internet.

Is there another Air France office?

In the city.
We'll take a taxi there.

What time do they open?
I think they open at 9:00 a.m.

We'll stay here
until it's 9:00 a.m.

I'm going to check
with Air France, guys.

Vilnius, Lithuania.
We return to Europe. Ok, let's begin.

My dad and I work
to communicate better.

That cab.


Good job, dad.
Love you.

So I constantly say
"I love you" to my dad.

I know my dad is uncomfortable
but I still do it.

And I love you very much.

Lithuanians make great
pasta, so I understand.

Fly to Vilnius, Lithuania.
Let's go.

At least by traveling with family we can
rebuild that for our families.

There's a cab over there, Nick.

They are busy.
They are busy.

My grandfather can't remember where
he put two hats in two days...

less will remember what
we did in the race.

They are all busy.
Let's wait here.

Fly to Vilnius, Lithuania.
Ok, let's go.

Taxi, I have one.
It's not busy.

There are two taxis there.

This guy, this guy.

Airport. It's okay?


Good work.

I am a
very controlled person.

I've always wanted to go to Romania or
Transylvania, anywhere...

with lots of
spooky architecture.

That is so silly.

I wouldn't say I control Vyxsin, I'm
just trying to guide her.

I smell a first place, Vyxsin.

Yes, it is empty.
Let's go.


Have a good trip.

Come on, before
Nick and Don see us.

Hi guys.

Let's try the Internet.
It's over there.

Don, check out an Internet Cafe over there.

We were right, here is
a buffet with Internet.


Air France, hello. What is your
earliest flight to Lithuania?

From Burkina Faso to Paris.
Like 10:45 tonight.


There are many seats.

We'll all be on
the same flight to Paris.

What about Lithuania?

Fly to Vilnius.
Yeah come on.

Cab, cab.
To Burkina Faso Airport.

It is not Burkina Faso Airport.
It's Ouagadougou, will you tell him?

It is Burkina Faso Airport.

Shana and I need to be a
united team to win this race.

Ouagadougou Airport.

I feel very guilty about
bringing Jason and Lorena back.

I can't intentionally hurt anyone
or do something I don't support 100%.

Fly to Vilnius.
Let's do it

We have just discovered this position,
for the first time we are in the last.


The competition is tough. So we must
change our game accordingly.

All right, get out.
There is another team.

C'mon C'mon.

I can't believe the flight
leaves at 10:45 tonight.

Come on, we're wasting time.
What do you want to do?

Let's go to the Air France office.
Okay, let's do that.

Maybe it's open.
Who knows?

Yeah come on. Come on, daddy.
Let's go this way.

Let him think that.

Are you safe?
¿Air France workshop? Please.

Come on, let's get
a little out of the ordinary.

In agreement.
There is only one computer.

Let's find other places with the Internet.

It's open.
Good work.

They were wrong. Thanks.

Speak English?

A little.
No problem.

We need to catch the earliest
flight to Vilnius, Lithuania.

The fastest.

It's okay, daddy.

Paris-Prague then
Prague-Vilnius, tomorrow.

Morning? It means that
we arrived at night...

next at 9:30,
that's very late.

Well, in Paris, we can ask
about earlier flights.

Do you want to wait until you are in
Paris to change at the last minute?

Why that?

We've got a lot of time and you want to wait--
Okay, let's do it now.

That's what I'm saying.

Christina is somewhat insecure.

I basically want to teach my daughter how
to deal with various kinds of people.

I don't want to wait until Paris.

I understand you.
Okay, fine.

We are on the same team.
It's okay, I know.

This is unacceptable.

We don't need to use Air France.
She offers you her options.

Try to expand the options
beyond those of this airline.

You have to ask these questions.
It's okay, I'm...

It's okay.

Excuse me, search
with other airlines.

The earliest flight to Lithuania
arrives at 1:25 p.m. in Lithuania.

We have to get this flight.

Yes, there is a better flight.
Good, good.

I say...

Is it the earliest flight?

It is the earliest.
It's okay.

Arriving in Vilnius at 2:10 p.m.

It arrives in Lithuania at 1:25 p.m.

Okay, let's go Azaria.
Let's fly.

Do you know where we're going?
Yes, yes, I know.

We'll take a taxi to the
Air France offices.

In agreement.
Jen, we can follow them.

Let's go.
In agreement.

Vyxsin, we will stay here.

Let's use the Internet.
Let's find the fastest flights.

Don, look.
There's Air France.

Have a good trip.

Ron and Chris,
don't help them.

Dad, Nick and Don.

Hi guys.

Let's go rest.

We don't want
others to know about this...

great flight we have which
arrives in Lithuania at 2:10.

There is a flight leaving Paris
and arriving in Lithuania at 1:25.

Can I book on this flight?

Look who's here, Azaria.

Look, who arrived.

give the others flights later.

Do they know we can hear them?

We have been behind
you all along.

They try to be dishonest.

It's a game.
Yes Yes.

Air France. Thanks.

Ok, let's go.

What flight are you on?
To Lithuania?

What time do they arrive in Vilnius?

I don't want to say it.

Very dishonest.
She won't tell. It's okay.

In the end we are all
enemies, right?

Speak English?

Very good.

Speak English? Spanish?

It's frustrating.
She doesn't understand us.

Paris to Amsterdam...

Amsterdam and Vilnius.

At 1:25 p.m. Morning.


Thank you so much Mrs.

This flight from Paris to
Amsterdam, there is no place.

There is no place. I am sorry.

There are no seats.
There are no seats.

Because maybe
they bought it?

I book other flights.
In agreement.

Can you do that?

Prague and Vilna...

...arrives at 5:35 p.m.

Five hours after
Azaria and Hendekea.

we want earlier.

She doesn't understand

can we book in that one?

Okay, let's go.

We are now heading to the airport.
We did not achieve anything good.

Karma, friend.
That was karma.

It went bad for us.
She couldn't understand...

what I wanted and
that was very frustrating.

Nick, you did a great job.

That's how it is.
In case you wanted to know.

We have the
flight number here.

From Paris we want this flight
and from Amsterdam this one.

Two passages.
We want that one.

C'mon C'mon.

We have our tickets.
We will arrive in Lithuania...

...at 1:25.

No problem. Bye.

We need the same as them.

No. It's full.

We arrived in Lithuania at 1:25.

Thank you very much. Now
let's go back to the airport.

Don, look.
An Air France office.

Speak English?

Cool. We wish to reach
Lithuania as soon as possible.

Frankfurt a Vilna.

And we arrived at 1:35.

Let's go.
Let's go back to the airport.

Hey guys.
What flight are you on?

Paris, Amsterdam
and then to Lithuania.

Do you have seats in the one in
Amsterdam after us?

It must be a joke.

He said he had no seats.
She must have been wrong.

That lady made me
so mad.


I have a flight from Frankfurt
to Vilnius arriving at 1:35.


Jen, we need seats
closer to the front of the plane.

Just stand against
the door, Jen,

We need seats
closer to the front of the plane.

Jen, don't let them in.

Hendekea, would you mind if
we stayed in here alone?

They don't want us to know
what seats they're in.


I think this is the
turning point of the game.

You can see the real
face of people.

Now if we are
seriously closing the doors.

They are upset because
we asked them to leave.

They had done the same.
We don't want them to return us.

If we hadn't returned it,
Jason and Lorena would be here now.

We are here, they are not.
I don't know why you think...

that we did not play well.

Someone used the return and we
are no longer a happy bunch of campers.

Teams are stressed and...

they waste energy trying
to keep others from coming.

I'm upset about
what happened back there.

I see. I see.
I am very upset.

If you want me to stop talking to you
for a while, that's fine...

because it is clear, no matter what
I say you will still be upset.

You should think about it a little better.
I do.

You shouldn't
argue with me.

I am more methodical than you.
You really flatter yourself.

If you want me to stop talking to you
for a while, that's fine.

Because no matter what I say,
you're upset.

When someone upsets me,
of course I will say something to defend myself.

I am very feisty.

What time do they arrive in Vilnius?
At 1:25.

Let's go to Prague.

The flight through Amsterdam may
have a very close connection.

I think we'll stick with this one.
Yeah, hey guys, thanks a lot.

We are approaching.
We will.

All teams
travel to Paris, France.

Three connecting flights depart from Paris.

Through Amsterdam go
Azaria and Hendekea, Nate and Jen...

Flying through Frankfurt
are Kynt and Vyxsin...

And flying through Prague,
Ron and Christina.

Marked cars.

Okay, let's go.
Jen, calm down.

You can't run away.

There is a parking lot over there.
Let's go.

We need to find out where
our car is parked.

There they are. There they are.
Here we go.

We look for St. Annes Church.

I love you, don't stress. Take it easy.
It's okay.

Okay, look at the map, Jen.
Right or left?

I guess left.

Do I need to go left?

Cars are crossing the street.
Over there.

Kynt and Vyxsin
ran through here.

Let's go ask.
Do we want to go to St. Annes Church?

Maybe I can't show them
on a map, please.

Do you see a notice?
Yes, there is a parking lot there.


I have the map.
It's okay.

I see nothing.
It is marked?

In agreement.
Let's go.

There's another team
running over there.

Who are they?

I don't want to be running

They are the blondes.
Let's go.

We caught up with the first flight.

On our own again, honey.

Get in.
How did we not see it?

I can't believe it
took us this long.

I'm sweating
like no other.

Okay, let's go.
Just amount.

This could be around here.

I can go straight, right?

No. Why is this happening?
We can't go this way.

I do not know.

Cross to the right. We have a
good idea where we're going.

Cross to the left here.
We don't know if we're doing well.

I have a map here.
Cross to the left.

I don't know if we are on the
right path.

Directions are going to be very
important here because it's very confusing.

Right or left?
We should go to the right.

Where do I cross?
On the right.


We are the last team.
We can catch up to them, okay?

Let's ask the taxi,
we don't want to make any mistakes.

Ask this one.
St Annes Church.

We don't know how to go, do you guide us?
It's okay.

Thanks thanks.

Great idea I never thought
of a taxi. Congratulations.

This is the craziest place
I've ever been in my life.


There is a hint box.
See you there, Nick.

Blocking. Who is a good listener?
That's you.

A lockout is a task that
can only be performed by one person.

In this lockdown, that person will
become a Lithuanian courier.

First, you will need to choose one
of these working women.

She will give you the package and
tell you where to take it.

Then walking through the
confusing streets of this old neighborhood...

You will need to find and deliver the
package to the right person.

That person will deliver
a second package...

and one of the four
final destinations...

where you will receive your next clue.

Ma'am, do you have a package?
Find Weinius.

"The courtyard of the University of Vilnius".

It's okay. I take that
to the Vilna Courtyard. Thanks.

Is it right here?

We go for a walk.

We almost arrive. It is there.
There, we arrived.

There is someone else.
It's always Azaria.

Okay, let's go.
I see Kynt and Vyxsin.

There is. Right ahead.

Look, it's over there,
Azaria. We passed it.

Open it. Break it.

Who is a good listener?
I am it.

In agreement.
Who is a good listener?


University yard?

Inside there?
Are you Weinius?

Weinius? That's your name?

Yes, it's me.
Go to Sidabrynas beauty salon...

...and give it to Olga.
Sidabryns. Olga.

And I give this to you. Thanks.
Good luck.

Find Egle.
Courtyard of the University of Vilnius.


Find Tomak.

Courtyard of the University of Vilnius.

We'll run, Jen.
It does not matter what you say.

¡Espera, Here!

Come on Nate. I'm being nice.
Come on, girl.

We look for the Church of St. Annes.

How far is it?

Maybe about 20 minutes.

This is so bad.

If you continue straight
it will be directly next to it.

Thank you very much.

Do I take this route?
I don't know, Jen.

You are driving
and I am looking at the map.

I'll be back because I have no
idea where we are.

Oh my God! Speed ​​up!
I try!


Just relax.
OMG. A bus almost k*lled me.

I'm sorry, I should relax.

Who is a good listener?

I must do it.
Yes, you must.

I am a very good
listener and he is not.

He is a great talker.
She was nervous.

I try to stabilize the pain.

I think my hernia
is under control now.

Do you have a clue for me?

Find Milda.

It's okay. Thanks.

Do you know where the
Sidabrynas beauty salon is?

I'm not sorry.


I'm here. Egle?

Are you Egle?
Yes I am.

Take it to Oritas at the Gabi Café.
Oritas at the Gabi Café.

Enjoy your fruit and bread.

Go to the living room...

Sidabrynas and finds Olga.

Excuse me, does anyone know where
the Sidabrynas beauty salon is?

Nathan, come on. Let's go.

You're stressed
from the start.

You blame me for everything.

I'm just saying it's easier when
people aren't stressed.

This is all a joke.

Once again,
just like an idiot.

I can't believe what kind
of person you've become.

You are the worst thing
I have ever seen in my life.

Same with you, Nate.

On the right?

Thanks. Thanks.
Thank you.

Do you know where
a beauty salon is?

No sir.

Gabby Cafe!

Dear Oritas,
I have a package for you.

Do you have a clue for me?


Drive to...

Lithuanian Folk
Household Museum.

The teams must now drive
to the town of Rumsiskes...

y encontrar el Lithuanian
Folk Household Museum.

An open -air Lithuanian ethnographic museum ...

where they will find
their next clue.

To the car
Let's ask these people.

This is that.
The street.

There's the clue box.
I see her!

Who is a good listener?
I think my mind...

she's already confused from
looking at the maps.

I'll do the blocking.
I don't know if this way is correct.

I don't think it's wrong to ask.
Yes it is because it is time consuming.

We don't know where we're going.

I don't know why you don't like
asking people.

There is!
Oh my God.

Who is a good listener?
You are.

Okay honey.
You can.

I have no idea, I've asked
a lot of people.

I don't know if I'm doing it wrong,
and I can't find the beauty salon.

I don't know what to do.

Do you know where the courtyard
of Vilnius University is?

Yeah come on.
Yes friend. You save my life

I am looking for the courtyard
of Vilnius University.

To the corner
and then to the right.

Do you have something for me?

In agreement. Thanks.
You know where it is?

I know.
Let's go.

Courtyard of the
University of Vilnius.

Go straight and
turn right at the second block.


Saint-German Restaurant.

They speak English?!
Church of St Annes.

Can you take us?

You can do it.
The other teams are here.

Do not push me!

Silence please!

Do I cross to the right?
Yes. It's fine, thanks.

You finished?!
That's how it is!

Oh my God.
Drive to...

Lithuanian People's...

Take the main road.
The main one gets us out of here.

This is your book.
Here you go sir.

Thank you very much.
Yes bye.

You are amazing, dad.

We will. We read it.

Te amo tanto.
Lithuanian People's...

I don't want to make
my hernia worse. I must walk.

It's okay.
Good work.

I need to find the yard.


Go to Gabi Cafe.
Good luck.

I look for the Gabi Café.

I know where it is.
I follow it.

Sorry no.

I'm having a bad time.

I can't find this place.


Here you go.

Have you heard of
Sidabrynas beauty salon?

Can you take me please?
It's okay.

Very well. Thanks.

Lietuvos Liaudies...
I'm so proud of you.

We have to get back to the car.
Let's go.

This is for you?

That's right, girl!

Lead Lietuvos Liaudies ...

Good work!

There are the blondes.
They caught up with us.

Who is a good listener?
I am it. I think I am.

You misunderstand things.
Do you want to do it?

It's fine. Leave away.

We were the first here,
and Nicolas the first to leave.

I have been in circle and I am
in the same place where I started.

Every team has passed.

I see very likely that
we could be eliminated today.

I have been in circle and I am
in the same place where I started.

I've been waiting
for Nick for a few hours.

The blondes arrived
and he still hasn't shown up.

We are very bad and I guess
we will be eliminated.

Any room?
Sorry no.

That's fine thanks. I can't
find the beauty salon.

Is working?
Find Donaldos.

Thanks. The courtyard of the
University of Vilnius.

I am looking
for Sidabrynas beauty salon.

Can i show you.
Yes. Good job. There we go.

There is Dzukija Village.

Gnomes, gnomes

Lithuania is the land
of the gnomes.

Teams must search
this village for a Travelocity gnome...

like the one shown in the
picture to find your clue.

A confusing task,
since it is hidden...

among hundreds of his
closest Lithuanian friends.

The teams must help him
return home...

bringing it to the stop.

Let's start and
be systematic.

Look, there are gnomes everywhere,
but they're not from Travelocity.

Ours is like this.
All right, let's search.

Here it is. Are you Donaldos?

You must go to the Shakespeare
Hotel and find Rasa.

Do you know where the
Shakespeare Hotel is?

Yes, I know. I know it by heart.

Is it Olga?

Are you Rasa?

Very well. Thanks.
I'm looking for St. Annes Church.

I'll show you.
Thank you very much.

Good job, Shana!

We must find
where it is, must we not?

Show him the clue.
We have to drive here.

Am I the last?!

Do blondes have the clue?

They finished just when I did.
We can beat them.

I want the million dollars

Please, God,
let us stay in the game.

It's that one. I think it is.
Is he. Yes.

Take it.
We found our gnome.

Follow the marked path, next to the
church you will find the clue box.

It is much easier to
care for than a chicken.

This is the church.


In this detour, the teams will choose
between 2 activities carried out...

during traditional
Lithuanian summer festivals.

Count or Balance.

In Contar, the teams will cross
the festival to this fence.

Once here they will have to count
each stick that makes up the fence...

and reveal your calculation
to this villager.

If correct, they will receive
their next clue.

In Balance, teams must
walk the stilts to a goal.

If a person falls
before reaching the end...

you will have to go back and
start over.

When they reach the goal,
they will receive their next clue.

What do you want to do? If we fail
counted, we will repeat it 4 or 5 times.

Well, let's go to the stilts.

Search the village for the
gnome from Travelocity.

Gnomes, gnomes everywhere.
Honey, come on.

Hey daddy. Watch this.
It's green.

No, he must have a blue coat.

Look over there.
I bet we're going there.

Honey, I can't.
Let's go.

This is great.
It's beautiful.

My God, it's crazy.

Where is my costume?
I want to join this.

My favorite moment
from "The Amazing Race" so far.

It was the arrival at this festival.

Vyxsin and I
love to dress up.

And we were surrounded
by familiar souls.

That made us feel "normal".

Look at this.

Stilts, please.

Like they do.

Let's try it again.
It's more difficult than you thought.

There are gnomes everywhere, darling.
Let's search the village.

What about this one?
This is it, come on.

Let's follow the marked path
to the church.

I see. It's that one, right?

Faster Faster.
Don't force yourself, okay?

Where is the goal?
Oh, it's over there.

We almost made it,
why you stop?

I fell!

Come on, diversion.

I feel safe on stilts.
Okay, we'll do that.

The church, it's right there.

I am very good at swinging.

It's ok. I believe
we will balance it.

Search the village. This is
fun looks like a hunt.

There it is, I see it.

No, it's not him.

Look in the village
for the Travelocity gnome.

Is he?
Is he.

I see Azaria and Hendekea.
There are gnomes everywhere.

He is not sitting.
Take your time.

Some of these towns
are pronounced differently.

But I'm sure we're doing fine.
It's okay.

Just stay positive,
have a positive mind please.

Go on, I'll try again.

C'mon darling.
We can beat them.


Please no.

Wow, it's amazing.
I can do that.

We would like to do it.

Honey, I say we should
try the other one.

I don't think we can do it.

Let's count.
Let's go.

just focus.

It's okay, practice
makes perfect.

I don't want the
hernia to bother me.

Honey, you got it.

Come back, you got it.

The bill for fences should not
include posts or gates.

Let's start counting now.

One two Three...

Stilts, Nate?
We are not going to use stilts.

We should count.
Let's go.

Here we go.

Good work.

There is.
I can do this very quickly.

Just please
let me do it.


It's okay.
Let's keep going.


I counted up to here 400.

Let's start again.
In agreement.

Stilts will be fun.

We'll do the stilts.
It's okay.

It's okay?
Thanks thanks.

I finished. You can do it.

Yes darling!

Walk to
your next stop.

The teams must now
walk to this location...

el molino de viento de Arctic

Built in 1884,
this windmill...

is a testament
to Lithuania's agricultural past...

and the stop for this
stage of the race.

The last team to arrive here
may be eliminated.

All right, we need to
find the windmill.

TK and Rachel broke up.

Let's write it down.

We are looking for the mill.

Walk to
your next stop.



Rachel. C'mon darling.

There is. Let's go.
Someone is running.

It's stupid
TK and Rachel.

It's down there, honey!

Let's reach them.
It's okay.

Welcome to Lithuania.

Thanks. Thank you very much.

TK and Rachel, did you bring the gnome?
We have the gnome.

All right, now that
I see the gnome...

TK and Rachel,
they are the number 1 team.

I have good news
for you.

As winners of this stage...

they won an amazing 10-
day trip courtesy of Travelocity to Japan.

I can't believe we won.

You will see the world
famous cherry trees.

They will travel to the
top of Mount Fuji.

They will explore the exclusivity
of the Imperial Palace.

They will experience an
exciting ride on rapids.

And they will sink into the
hot springs of Hakone.

We were alone all day.
We thought we were the last.

This shows you that you never
know what happens in this race.

Kynt and Vyxsin, they
are team number 2.

Good job, honey.

How much have we got? 500?

Lets go dad.

Oh god Azaria.
Let's change.

Let's count.


Calmly, calmly.

Lets go dad.
Good work, keep it up.

Lets go dad.

Slow and easy.
Come on, slow and easy.


It's okay. It's okay.
You were almost there.

My hernia
Lets go dad.

Slow and easy.
One more time.

You can do it.
Just one more time.

Let's count again.

I will count by your side.
Do it mentally.

No hurry!

Slow and easy, okay?

Let's count separately.

Slow and easy.

Slow, slow, slow.

Thanks thanks.
Walk to the next stop.

All right, let's go back over there.
Good job, you're phenomenal.

Do you know this village?

Go straight on.

We hope we are still
in the race.

Look in the village
for the Travelocity gnome.

God, it's full of gnomes.

Does he have arms?
No, his hands are in his pockets.

What about this one?
It's possible.

Yes it's him.

Let's go.
Don, we must run.

Gnomes, gnomes everywhere.
We need to search the perimeter.

Here it is.
We have to make sure--

Got it, it's him.
Trust me.

Don't let anyone distract you.

Are you counting for yourself?

I beg you to count for yourself.

Wait there so you
can count out loud.

Let's do it

Thank you very much.

Azaria and Hendekea
passed us.

We love the numbers.

Aukstaitija windmill.
Good work.

Ron and Chris are team number 3.

I'm so proud of my dad...

he 's my super man, because he has a
hernia and has been running in pain.

He has changed and improved his
personality for me and for the race.

Nathan, can you count in
your head, please? Stop.

I will not stop.

The stilts?

Okay, let's count.

I counted 744.
I didn't.

You are going to count sticks.
Yes, I'm good at counting.

We will.

Can I count ahead of you?

What are you doing?

Is seriously?

Why do you tell me not to talk
and ask me a question?

This will be forever. Let's go to
the stilts, I'm not going to tell more.

I can't believe you're
calling me that.

You can't understand that
I have to count out loud.

Azaria and Hendekea are
team number 4.

In agreement.

There is a team there.
Let's go fast.

Let's go. You have to hurry, honey.
Grandpa and grandson, it's amazing.


There are the blondes.

Come on, finish!

Yes darling!
Thank you very much.

Walk to the next stop.

I see her, I see her.

Does the door count?

All these...
Not the doors, not the doors.

You must not count poles
or doors.

Okay, I think I counted them.
I counted them all.

Nate and Jen,
they're team number 5.

I can not believe it.
Oh my God.

I will come back to tell them.

We shouldn't do it like that.

We should each take a side
and then compare the bill.

Jen, you're taking over the team,
this is ridiculous. It really bothers me.

I already counted those.
I didn't count you are.

I counted up to here 470.
I didn't count. Let's start over.

I believe i know it.
Let's go.

If it keeps counting, it
's all up to you.


Walk to your next stop.

We run?

It's okay, Judge.
I hope it is right.

There is the mill.
It's that one. We beat the blondes.

Nick and Don,
they're team number 6.

They continue in the race.

It could be a
non-elimination stage.

It's okay.

Shana and Jennifer are the
last team to arrive.

I am very sorry to tell you that you
are eliminated from the race.

Also us.

Did it mean
a lot to you to continue here?

It breaks my heart.

This race meant
a lot to me.

I am so disappointed and
hurt that we were eliminated.

We are both sad.

We are used to life with
manicures, pedicures, facials and...

we come here and
all that doesn't count.

It's amazing what we achieved.

I know we have a difference about
what is good and what is bad.

But I don't care, because Shana
and I will always be friends.

We will never forget this experience, we will
always remember it.

Below are scenes
from the next chapter.

In the next chapter of
"The Amazing Race".

Azaria loses patience
with her sister.

I don't like your attitude,

Do you understand?

Nate and Jen reach the
boiling point.

Why don't you row?
Every time I row--

Why are you yelling at me?

Why are you screaming?

Can you go on please.

I hate you I hate you.

I hate you passionately.
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