02x11 - Follow That Plane!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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02x11 - Follow That Plane!

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "The Amazing Race":

Come on!

Eleven teams departed
from the Nevada desert...

... And competed for more
than 66,000 kilometers...

... Across several continents
to Auckland, New Zealand.

Along the way, alliances
were formed...

We are scratching the back of Wil and
Tara, and we hope they scratch ours.

... And unmade.

Tara was yelling "Wait, wait!",
And he leaves us behind.

What the f*ck go. I think I'm
going to stay with his girl.

Some exceeded their
greatest fears...

- We did an incredible takeoff!
- You did, you did!

I definitely feel stronger
now than I was at first.

Doyin Brian Richards, whatever
you do, do not look down.

... While others suffered
devastating confusion.

Again it is the wrong
temple, Blake.

Oh, my God! You ruined the whole test.
We have to do it all again!

Eight teams ended up
being eliminated...

Deidre and Hillary, Hope and Norm...

Peggy and Claire, Shola and Doyin...

Cindy and Russell, Mary and
Peach, Gary and Dave...

Oswald and Danny, you are
the last team to arrive.

They have been eliminated from the race.

Friends Chris and Alex persevered
through language difficulties...

We enloqueceremos soon.

... Transport problems

It took us 45 minutes to get another taxi.
We are lost, man.

... And distractions Stops...

We're just doing strategy.

... To stay in the
race until the end.

That was talking about.

The separate, Tara and Wil,
couple had their differences.

- Damn, I'm not a miner!
- I know you do, you're an idiot!

I am now deciding
it's time to move on.

But his travel experience made them
a force against which to fight.

I know how to win in this city!

If we can get along, I think
we can win this race.

The Blake and Paige brothers, the
youngest team in the race...

... They survived a
scare at the beginning.

I do not have my wallet.
Should return home.

And they joined together to deserve
to be among the three finalists.

Oh, my God! She reached the green!
This perhaps saved our career.

In the final episode of
season two hours tonight...

... One of these three teams
will win "The Amazing Race."

This is the Ardmore airfield
in Auckland, New Zealand.

The eleventh stop in a
race around the world.

The teams arrived here at
the end of the last stage.

You have no idea what awaits them.

They will have to discover how to reach the
next marker amarrillo and Red Route...

... You find solving clues
in sealed envelopes.

After his mandatory
rest period...

... Teams depart in the last
two stages of the race.

No more eliminations, so this next
stage will be all about winning...

... The best position in the
race to the finish line.

Will Wil continue to work
effectively with Tara...

... Now you've decided that your
marriage is officially over?

Will Blake and Paige, the
team that has less traveled,

... Able to keep pace against the
more experienced competition?

And after two consecutive
arrivals third...

Will Chris and Alex assert themselves
in the ultimate challenge,

... Or are destined
to finish last?


Tara and Wil, who were the
first to arrive at 1:03 PM...

... Depart at 1:03 PM.

'Sir John Logan Campbell is known
as the father of Auckland.'

'Find him and find
their next clue.'

Teams must discover who need
to get to this monument

... The tomb of Sir John Logan Campbell, a
philanthropist known as the father of Auckland.

- $ 50.
- I do not even know where to start with this.

Hello. Do you know who
Sir John Logan Campbell?

It is a monument at the
top of One Tree Hill.

- Let us go.
- Well, we're there.

Tara and I have really had a roller
coaster right at the beginning.

I hope we will be able to at least
get along and can work together...

... And cross the finish
line being first.

'They have $ 50 for this
stage of the race.'

- Very good.
- Well, come on.

Okay, let's do it.

Our strategy is to stay calm,
relaxed and entrepreneurs.

I think Chris and Alex are the
strongest competition, insurance.

Yes, I think Wil is a volcano when
it erupts, and it may never recover.

So the main thing is to concentrate
on defeating Alex and Chris...

... And Wil probably you
are defeated himself.

If we can go as fast as
possible, that sería--

- I have an appointment with Sir John.
- If.

- You see?
- If.

- Is a miniature Washington Monument.
- It's here.

And only three lonely envelopes.

C'mon, c'mon, c'mon...

Information Route: "It's time to jump to the
islands. Please contact to the island of Maui. '

Teams must now travel more than

When they land, they will have to
follow a map entering itself...

... To pastures nearby sugar
and find this abandoned place.

The ruins of an old sugar mill.

So we're definitely
making the way bending...

... Returning to the
finish line, my friends.

Spectacular would be if we
could get a flight tonight.

'They have $ 50 for this
stage of the race.'

- Great, yes.
- These are our $ 50.

Ready, go.

Starting this race we thought
we had a very dynamic team...

... And then suddenly ended up in
last place, almost eliminated.

- That was a lot of humility.
- How are you?

- Do you know Sir John Logan Campbell?
- If.

Now is the time to again
be presumptuous again.

Just continue with ours, and once
we get ahead we will stay there...

... And take this thing
all by surprise.

Time is essential
for us right now.

Here we go, there are $ 1.50 and
have the rest in my pocket.

The offices are open?

- Everything here is closed.
- Everything is closed?

I'm trusting my life here.

This is the fastest way to get
to Hawaii on any airline?

Let me talk to the guy.

- Let me talk to him.
- Wil, I'm doing a good job.

I know, but I can
handle it better.

Of course you can, because you
can achieve everything better.

Well, I know this guy tell.

My partner wants to talk to
you, if that's okay. Thank you.

- I know, you're so good at everything you do.
- Hello how are you?

- Is it here?
- If.


- Hawaii, baby! Come on!
- Beautiful.

- Amazing, I never went to Hawaii.
- Hawaii, here we go.

Hawaii is ideal for us because we
have to speak a foreign language.

Yes, now we have to find the
damn first flight out of town.

We will go with Polynesian Airlines,
landing at 7:15 a.m. Tonga at 9:55 PM.

And then we land on the same day in Hawaii.
So we save a day.

Is it here?

- Maui, Hawaii. Come on brother.
- Hawaii, baby!

Back in the United States.
Oh yeah!

We can probably reach them all
at the airport like this.

- That's good.
- Thank you very much!

- Thanks.
- Well goodbye.

There forward.
Wil and Tara are there on.

- We have a problem. What is the problem?
- No, this I like.

It's all sold!
He can not set aside.

What is the first
flight to Honolulu?

- You can go to Sydney and then Sydney-Honolulu.
- It is faster?

But there will have to ask at
the desk about availability.

Come to Hawaii now.
I never went to Maui.

I always wanted to go there.
Hey, let me save it, man!

- I always have on hand.
- Okay, but if you lose it it is your fault.

- As if he had a photographic memory...
- Yes, I hope so.

... And can remember where we're going.

We are in a race here, so I
need you to check these.

They have this flight, only the
second part was all reserved.

And I just wanted to pay now
and speed things up somehow.

And also try not to say aloud these
places, they are our competitors.

- Stop looking at our papers!
- Partner, what are you doing?

You reserve yours,
and I reserve mine.

We need to go to
Maui via Honolulu.

And we need to go to Sydney flight, and
then Sydney to Honolulu on Air Canada.

So the second half
is not available?

Do whatever you need
to do to achieve it.

Well, you can go Auckland to
Sydney, Sydney to Honolulu.

That's all we wanted, we
would be ready with this.

We'll take it.

Are you with us on
the first flight?

That was the one they
now booked, I've seen.

Wow, look at the row now!
Guys, look at the row now.

Have a nice day.

I just saw Chris.

- Chris is right there.
- Yes

Do not let them get ahead in line.

We are very late, and
this is a great race.

Notes, is trying
to sneak in line.

Is there any way let me
go so I can be here?

- Ask everyone behind me.
- Is there any way I can go on?

- It's very, very important.
- No.

- Right?
- The they ridiculed.

We did so well here, now can
not achieve this flight.

Yes, it is. It is for a million dollars
and she is embracing these people.

I'm not here to make friends, I never was.
I'm here to make money.

Wil be telling, you're
fraternizing with the enemy.

He already told me what he told me
"Do not talk to the little worms."

- Good luck, guys.
- Good.

I'm tired.

It's just, is a big
ball of stress.

You let it be.

What do you mean, "let it be"...
What do you mean, "let it be"?

- You let it be, you let it affect you.
- So I have to how to be? Like you?

So, I put my arms
around Alex and Chris.

I will make that all is well.
I will tell our flight.

- I did not tell them our flight.
- Bullshit!

I did not tell them anything
and they did not ask me.

I'll tell you now...

... You are not, your
head is not in the game.

You can not get to these people and
try to be friendly with them...

... This is something ruthless, it is
a game for a million dollars, Tara.

- That's the way you play, then.
- No, this is how it is played.

Definitely this book Hawaii.

Thank you.

All passengers, this
is your last call.

- The best is going on back there.
- For we are lovers.

- There you have it, they want it.
- Lovers!

There were so many times I was
the one who saved this team.

- Fully I have saved.
- What?

As it is always so.
And as I recall, Tara itself, Wil no.

And I'm not halagándome, this is the truth.
Or is not the truth?

- I gave you information when tapeworm.
- Tara just saying yes, Wil no.

So the true personality
of Wil appeared.

I'll make Wil aside one of these
days, anyway is inevitable.

- Maui! Maui, Maui!
- I do not know if Hawaii is ready for us.

I feel good to be back
on American soil.

- Happy to be back.
- Smells different, you know?

- Smells like North America out here.
- It is true.

Hey, where do you get taxis?
Do you know where there taxis?

I do not see any taxi.
You want to do?

We're going to find the ruins
of the old sugar mill.

- Do you happen to know where he is?
- If I know the old mill ruins?

Come on, quick! The ruins
of the old sugar mill.

You have to go fast, you have to
drive fast. As fast as possible.

- Route Holomuia.
- I've never seen this.

Should be a street
in the right hand.

Perfect! Holomuia.

- Yes, Holomuia is right here.
- Well, let us take.

- Who are they?
- They are Wil and Tara, friend.

Do you see a flag?

Well, I think we have
to follow below.

- Is the output.
- Yes, great.

- Could this be?
- Go slow.

Where are they?

Well, but they saw something.

Okay, come on. You see?
There are some ruins there.

It has to be here.

Come on.


Do you see anything?


Let the car!

Information Route: 'Choose a vehicle
and drive to the water tower...

... Along the edge of Pauwela
pineapples and pineapple field. '

Teams must now discover how this
drive to nearby water tower...

... In Pauwela pineapples
and pineapple field.

- I'll drive.
- Good.

- Come on, brother.
- Come on.

's Ask where it is.

Where is the Pauwela pineapples
and pineapple field?

Well, you have to go right along
the main road and go straight.

- Returns to the same highway you came.
- All right.

That way, some 16 kilometers.

Can I see the track, please?
So I know where we're going. Thank you.

- You're talking very condescending, Wil.
- Sorry.

We are in America, what
side I have to drive?

What side of the road
I have to drive?

- Have a good day, thank you.
- You too.

So just drive for about 16 Km, it
is what our taxi driver told us.

Look at all these pineapples.
Ananas, pineapple...

See how is the way, Tara.
This can get muddy.

's Crazy.

Oh my God, we have a Montan Bike!
I stink on bicycles!

- "Forward."
- Detour.

A "Diversion" a choice between two tasks,
each with its advantages and difficulties.

This "Diversion" teams have to choose
between "Bicycle" or "Walking."

In both cases they will be looking
for colored pineapples...

... Hidden somewhere in
this vast pineapple field.

In "Bicycle", teams will be able
to search the area on bicycles.

The bikes will give you speed...

... But they will have to find the only
red pineapple hidden in the field.

In "Walking" teams have to
search the countryside on foot.

This option will not be as fast, but there
are four yellow pineapples in this field...

... And they only
need to find one.

In any case, once they have
found the correct pineapple...

... They will be able to open
them, and pick up a clue.

Let yellow. They are four,
you have more possibilities.

- Come on.
- Good.

- Do not get to them.
- Yes, we yellow.

Let's walk, friend.
Are four yellow.

- Come this way.
- Where do you want to go?

- Four yellow? It's okay.
- Yeah come on.

You go that way, I see this.

- Are we looking for what color?
- Amarillo.

Yellow, yellow.
We look yellow.

Come this way.

- You could try to get up.
- Well, go up to my shoulders.

Do you think we should go
back and review one of these?

This is a very good way.
If you can follow that's great.

I climbed on the shoulders of Wil...

... And immediately sighted
in about 40 seconds.

See? It's right here. Come here.

- Find it, yes!
- If!

And then when we were running,
Chris and Alex ran for her too.

There it is! I see Chris, come on.

're Right behind
us with the track.

- Do they have it?
- Yes

"Drive to the Cape McGregor. When you arrive
follow the arrows on the edge of the river."

The teams now have to drive

Then they sail 8 km by boat
to this Route Marker...

... Floating alongside the remains of
an extinct volcano known as Molokini.

- Here it is.
- Come on!

Excuse me, excuse me.

Well, thank you! This way?

It's here!

- Do you have it?
- Yes

In this way, out there.

Then Wil and Tara are maybe 5
or 6 minutes ahead of us...

... And Alex and Chris would be 3
minutes in front of us as much.

There it is, right there.
On the left, Route Marker.

Can you take us to the
marker at the Molokini?

Molokini Island? Come on man.

Marker, you see the Marker there?

Come on.

Searching one of those boats.
Call boats here.

Grab this, perhaps you need.

I'm a surfer!

Now we are on the Route Marker.

Put that up.

- There is a flag there.
- Good.

Hello! We need a boat.

- Good.
- Great!

This looks like one very fast.

Let's do it, baby.

We're still in this.
We need to reach that boat.

Red and yellow, right there.

Can you reach it?

- It's right here. Forward.
- It's a Route Marker.

- Come on! Let's go there.
- I have it, let before they see us.

Here come...

Oh, Route Marker is the buoy.
The buoy, bring it within the buoy.

Lock: 'Immerse or swim?'

A "lock" is a task that only
one person can perform.

This "lock" that person should be placed a
snorkeling equipment and dive beneath the waves.

Then they must choose one of these
yellow boxes suspended underwater...

... And discover how to
retrieve a track sealed inside.

- You Want to swim? You can swim.
- I can swim.

- '¿Soaking or swim?'
- Come on, quick.

- Do you see it?
- Not from here.

Well, keep looking!
Do not stop.

Come on.

I dove underwater but this box
was tied in all possible ways.

So I started to pull the
strings from left to right.

Wil was doing a search in
circles about 100 meters away.

Wil... try to go that way.

And suddenly he followed
Alex until he got there.

Wil! Right there, next to the buoy!
Go to the buoy!

I could not hold my
breath underwater.

I do not know if anxiety, but could not
stay under water more than 10 seconds.

- Come on, baby!
- Come on, Wil! You can do it, dive!

Alex lived in the Caribbean for a while,
so it's obviously an expert in this.

He expire at the f*g Wil.

- Tara, I can not get her out.
- What? Why?

What is the problem with that?
Keep trying. Keep trying, Wil!

Oh, it's right there!

- "Lock." Well, I will.
- If.

Blake is a very strong swimmer, so I
know I will kick your ass at all.

What is the problem, pal?

It was pressing water that remained solid.
You had to pull very hard.

You got it, Blake. Keep it up.


- Good job, Blake!
- Ok, how he got Blake and Wil can not?

- Idiot. Come on, Wil! Blake got it.
- As it did?!

Blake got it, pluck!

Tara was screaming "Quick, quick!"
And I saw that Wil was in serious trouble.

Finally I tore that thing
and get my track there.

- Yes, well.
- Wil, all have it except you!

That's what it was talking about!

- Fast Wil, all have it except you!
- Shut up! Enough!

He's crazy, he's crazy!

- I try the best I can.
- But it's not enough, again.

You were amazing!

Good work there, man.

Les kick your ass all!

- 'Tell the captain of the boat to take them...'
- '... Kihei Boat Ramp.'

'And lead to the next stop,
the Huialoha Church.'

The teams have to bring
their boats to the dock...

... Choose one of these cars, and follow
a map to this little known access road.

After will have to drive far.

The Huialoha Church, this traditional
Hawaiian place of worship...

... Built in the remotest corner of Maui
is the stop for this leg of the race.

- I can not!
- Well, get in there and do it! Do it!

Aguántatelas and do not give again!
You always give up. Put yourself there and do it!

The other boats are gone!
How come you can not?

Everyone else did.
You were the first there.

That I did, but do not want to open.

Pluck it out, Wil!
All I ripped, tear it out!

Low there and tear it out.

- You do not want to leave.
- It's right there! Moron.

Everyone did it like in two minutes,
but you did it take 10 or 15 minutes.

- It was difficult, so down.
- Whatever.

We want to go to the
Kihei Boat Ramp.

Let's reach.
Can we go to the maximum, man?

Let's open it.


- Hold these to not fly.
- What?

Can you hold them so they do not fly?
Do not lose that.

- Are you ready?
- Yes, I am ready.

Ready to fight.

- Good.
- Good job.

Blake and Paige are there.

Come on!

- Thanks.
- Just here.

There they go them, so we are not
far behind. One minute behind.

Turn left at the next
street and we live there.

Where are we now?

What is this bay, Maalaea Bay?

He says you take right here.
Follow the right.

Well, keep on this road.

- I want you to apologize.
- No.

For a month before this trip told me
you'd do swimming because I stink.

- I tried my best.
- You were doing the best, I know.

- I tried the best I could and I'd scream!
- I saw you leave half.

It was not, it was not because
he could not figure out how.

I did the best I could, so if it
was not enough for you, sorry.

- Blake, this is scaring me now.
- I know, but here it is.

There it is, okay? Then we go
down here, and is on the left.

If we get to this road we went too
far, then it is right behind.

- Good.
- You see?

Just turn around,
back to the road.

- Here, here...
- Is it right or left?

We should pasar--
No, there is behind.

Take your time, do not worry.

Go straight.

- They went right.
- But this is the main road through here.

I think we're on the
road we need to be now.

Let me ask these guys.

- All are old Hawaiians have to know.
- Yes, go there and ask.

Try to reach this way,
you know where that is?

Go here, turn here.
Follow here...

I'm on this side or this?
I do not know which way you're pointing.

- Well, then what should I do?
- Keep going forward...

... And will be a 4x4 road on your left.

- Ah, go down this road. Go here.
- Well, I go back here or there?

- Go down this path bending.
- Is it better this way?

- Yes
-. Better than the right?

- When you reach Makina 4x4 driving.
- Good.

So you need to go left.

- How far? How far is it?
- Oh, a bit far.

- A little far?
- Yes

- How much is a "little way"? A two miles?
- I do not know how many miles.

How much it is "a bit far", Chris?

A mile and a half,
going on right here?

Everything is half mile. Everything
is a mile and a half in this country.

- Here, here... this is a Route Marker.
- Good perfect. Good job.

And the dirt track looks great.

- Here I see.
- This has to be here.

I just found a marker
arrow on the road.

Completely I'll take the credit
for having found randomly.

- It was a small, Tara arrow.
- I know.

- You can easily pasártela.
- I know.

And Chris and Alex went right, they
were not even on the way we were.

That seems to be a

- We are about half a mile up and down.
- It has to be here.

Do not let anyone see us
coming here, it has to be.

Perhaps even we come first
if we waste no time.

Friend, should we go back?

Should we go back? Alex?

Just follow there.

Seriously, are you seeing where we are
traveling? We are driving through volcanoes.

How did we get here?
It's crazy.

Tara, do you see? There are so many ways
to get ahead and behind in this race.

So do not worry about it, okay?

- Come on, go, go!
- I do not want to break the car.

Hell! What were we thinking?

We will find this
way no matter what.

- Damn, we blew it, brother.
- If.

We have not made a true throughout
this trip to just here.

A million dollars is at stake
and we blew out of the blue.

With arrows and all.
I can not believe it.

- Who is behind us, Wily?
- Blake and Paige.

Yes, they are Tara and Wil.

Just we get there as fast as we can,
registrémonos and see what happens.

Well, let's run Wil.

It's a foot race.

Kakiakha Aloha, and welcome
to the island of Maui.

- Thanks.
- We Surround the spirit of Aloha.

Blake and Paige...

- They are the number one team.
- Very good!

- Good work.
- Good job, Paige.

- And I have good news for you.
- If?

As the winners of the twelfth
stage of the race...

... A vacation to
London and Paris won.

Courtesy of American Airlines Vacations,
and may enjoy after the race.

- We'll let these guys go.
- Fine thanks.

- Hello!
- Hello.

- We Surround the spirit of Aloha.
- Thank you!

Tara and Wil, you are
team number two.

Yes! Very good.

Every second of this race is crazy
because of the higher high...

... To the lowest low. Right now
Chris and I are down below.

At least this did not happen to us tomorrow.
Tomorrow is a decisive day.

At least we did not make
this error tomorrow.

What do you say, man?

Chris and Alex...

... You are the last team to
arrive, are the team number three.

- But they are still in the race.
- Oh, elimínanos. Elimínanos!

- Do not deserve to be in the race!
- Only elimínanos. Thank you!

- I'm sorry, I'm so upset now.
- Okay, guys.

Why not seek their bags and are
recorded at Stop and rest a little?

Because minimal difficulty
of production...

... That it caused the minute
late for Tara and Wil.

They also were rewarded with the
prize trip to London and Paris...

... Courtesy of American Airlines Vacations,
and have been given credit for a minute.

Okay. If!

All are between an hour and
an hour and a half away now.

Any team can take it.

I hope you will decide with
a physical competition.

I hope it ends in a foot race where
Chris and I can take the victory.

I doubt that happen, but we'll see.

After a mandatory rest period...

... Blake and Paige, and Tara and Wil
will leave at the same time 11:30 PM.

'Drive into the dock
at the Hana Bay...

... And follow the way to the
birthplace of the Queen Kaahumanu. '

Teams must now drive
to the Hana Bay...

... And pointed find this place,
the birthplace of Kaahumanu.

The queen who helped unify the Hawaiian Islands
into one kingdom almost 200 years ago.

- 'You have $ 1 dollar for the stage race.'
- One dollar!

Make sure you have the maps.

- Well, then the Hana Bay.
- I know where it is.

Paige, actually we got here, huh?
The final lap.

- Here it is, right here.
- Yeah, yeah...

There it is, right here.

- Where you saw her?
- In this way, come here.

'You can borrow a flashlight.'

So this place ourselves.

- Careful, it's slippery.
- Wait, wait...

- Well, you got me?
- If.

- There's the box.
- Good.

'Fly to Anchorage, Alaska.'

'After landing in Anchorage
go to Rust's Flying Service.'

Teams must now travel 4,500
kilometers to Anchorage, Alaska.

They will head to Lake Hood Airport
and find Rust's Flying Service.

Oh, my God.

- There it is.
- And read.

- Alaska.
- How good!

- God, I never thought we'd go there.
- This was a surprise.

Come quickly.

She says Hana Airport has
flights per reservation.

It is probably all
closed anyway.

I wonder if we should go to a hotel and
get them to book everything for us.

- Well, what do you think?
- I want you to make the decision.

Well, I say we go to the hotel. We
can not leave here tonight anyway.

Our strategy will be
to reach an airport...

... And when the airport opens
in the morning can book flights.

- If we could call some airlines.
- We are in a race.

- 'You have $ 1 dollar for the stage race.'
- Thanks, it's great.

Come on.

Right now Chris and I
have to play dirty.

Everything is at stake now
is the time to do it.

It is worse to be in the background, so we
will fight even more so to reach the top.

- Hana Beach...
- The Hana Bay. Yes, right here.

Oh, I see the flag. Over there.

- It will be very cold.
- Alaska, man! Disbelieve.

- Okay, come on.
- What madness!

- So this is United, please confirm.
- Well, we have it. Confirmed.

- Let's move forward, we must come.
- We need to get the first flight.

There's the terminal.

It is a beautiful morning in Hawaii.

Here we are again, in
another closed airport.

- What you want to go?
- Let us go to the next parking lot.

Okay, we need to book a travel agency.
Let's make some calls here.

Les'm calling from Hawaii
and nothing is open here.

And that is why I try to
book a flight this morning.

# A remind all passengers that each
article will be loaded first revised #

I'll put my things in line.

- What do they say?
- They just get here?

Yes, we just got here.

Is that the fastest route possible?

We have to get rid of these
maps, but not the track.

- Get rid of the maps.
- Well, give me those numbers.

We need to get to Anchorage, Alaska,
by the fastest route possible.

Hello. We have a connecting
flight at 7:20 in Honolulu.

We need to get on the first flight.

Chris and I were booked
flight from Honolulu...

... To San Francisco, San Francisco
to Seattle, Seattle to Anchorage.

We're going to play it safe, but
the other teams are in counters...

... And try to get this flight will leave 15
minutes earlier, but everything is booked.

Then you are on the waiting list.
Chris and I went to the safe bet.

The flight at 6:30 PM.
Are 15 minutes apart,

... And we guaranteed that we
are definitely on this flight.

Is the critical time, this point of the race
must be bloody. The pressure is immense.

Ben is helping us get
flight Hawaii Air Flight.

Thank you. We have
to check in now.

Do you have a track, right?

I do not have it.

- Did you find it?
- No, I do not have it.

She lost track.
I hope she can find it.

Me ?! Why do you
keep blaming me?

- You were holding the.
- Because you have the track, Tara.

- How do you lose a clue?
- I did not do it! You went.

- We never had.
- I was in the book...

... And I asked you to hold the book, and you
were holding the book all the time, Wil.

Well, Chris and Alex get.
Do not worry.

Where? They are no longer there, Tara.

And we're hopping on a plane
and we'll be finished.

- Then I'll ask Paige and Blake.
- No me give me.

And who would up
with that attitude?

- And thou hast driven me blame me.
- You're the idiot who lost it.

- No, I did not.
- You were the one who opened it.

- Do you remember the name of the place?
- It was in Anchorage and is called... I do not know.

- What's it called?
- I have no idea.

We are going to Alaska without
having any idea where we're going.

Thank you. Well,
we have to hurry.

Can I ask you something?

We are here talking by phone
and misplace our track.

- What do you mean your track?
- Our track where we are going.

- Can we write it down?
- Wait, let me make this reservation.

- We have no place on the first flight yet.
- Well, I mean... I can just--

Just let me do this first, Wil.

Let's go find Chris and Alex.

I guess Wil and Tara lost
their track or something.

I mean, they chose
the wrong people...

... To be rude throughout the
trip if they wanted our help.

If they do not give you our track.
It's crazy.

- I have to ask you a question.
- If?

We lost our track.

- What track? Does your track track?
- The track of the track.

We'd give us the clue?
Otherwise, we will leave.

- Are you going to resign?
- Well, we do not know where to go.

- Let me just talk to him and see.
- Good.


I go home, I will not be traveling to
Alaska for not knowing where to go.

Do you want to give the track?

- I say no.
- Do not.

Hey... would you at
least let us copy?

You would not give us the clue if
we lose at this point of the race.

You would not, would not give us.
There is no way you would.

- You know what I mean?
- I would do it.

I know you would, but there
is no way that Wil would.

- I would give them.
- I do not think you would, man.

I know you would not, I know.

- And I do not think he'd leave Tara give it to us.
- Well, then what do we do?

We can not compete... let's go.

Your friends assumed that
should help, and did not.

- Wil, not for me. I would help.
- Would not, because they are not helping.

Let's give up this race because
we will not know where to go.

But that is-- just think, if we
lose we committed the mistake of...

... You would not be saying
"Yes, here it is."

You would not, and that decision was
talking to Chris. If I think you--

- But I would, I would.
- I do not think you did.

- It is easy to say that right now.
- I would, I would.

Seriously, it's so easy to be here
with a lost track and say you give us.

- I would, I would give them yes!
- We could be a idiot, think about it.

- We've helped along the way.
- Yes, and so do we.

- And we help them more than you.
- It has been on both sides.

- Is that what you think? Do you want to play it?
- Yes I think so.

Well, thank you.
I hope you feel good.

Yes it is. If you play
well, yes I feel good.

Well, your friends again...

-... Just like you said you helped.
- They're my friends, Wil.

- They're not your friends! Only you use.
- No, you used, Wil. You used it to you, not me.

Lose your temper f*cking with everyone,
and why no one will give you the clue.

- Whatever, Tara.
- Because you're rude!

- You're an idiot for leaving it in the book.
- Oh my God!

So now we travel all the way
to Alaska and sit there.

You know what else was there? Our
confirmations for flights, everything.

- Just left it lying there.
- Why? Why was the book?

Why would not I be? Shut up, stop
screaming. You are in a public place.

We have to get to Seattle
first, then Anchorage.

And I know that Wil and Tara are exactly
on the same itinerary, it said.

I have no idea what flight
are Alex and Chris.

I can not sit here and be the
idiot who let them win the race.

It really was a very easy decision.

You said, "I will never help you."

You never helped me. You said, "I will
never help you." Why would you track?

I just have to follow,
I have more options.

The three teams are going Anchorage,
Alaska, via San Francisco and Seattle.

Once in Alaska must find
Rust's Flying Service...

... And an instructor pilot who
will take up the Riachuelo Mop...

... Where you will find the
following Route Marker.

Having lost its last track, Tara and Wil
are traveling without this information.

Will they be able to get their next clue
and even get reach the other teams?

Or Chris and Alex, and Blake and Paige
finish in a race of only two teams?

I mean, I'm thinking about it and will be very
difficult to continue in this game without a clue.

I'm not leaving yet.
I'll try.

I'll get a book of Alaska, you
could discover on that side.

I'm looking for any name
that seems familiar to me.

I felt something wrong because Wil
lost its "Route Information"...

... So I made him a "new
route information."

Information Route: 'Fly to Siberia and
find the most desolate place possible.'

For some reason I think this "rusty"
[Rust's] place sounds familiar.

Let's call this guy and ask.

Hello? Hi, I was wondering...

... If you are looking for three
teams that are coming and--

Is that you? Good. Great, great...
Well, thank you! Bye.


- Wil.
- If?

- Do you have it? How do you do?
- I was there.

- Rust's? And did you talk to them?
- Yes

- Oh, God! Come here, come here.
- No. Let's check our flight.

- Do not touch me, Wil. No no!
- Come on... Oh, she's very good!

But it is not all done, they said we
had to tell our driver where to go.

We need to find where
we were going.

Well, then just say that you
follow the other aircraft.


- We have it.
- If?

I have it, it's done.
We're back in the race.

You were so rude to everyone, and then
you approach yelling "Back in the race."

- You're a jerk.
- I do not understand why?

- A jerk. You're a jerk.
- But why?

This guy is a fool.

Friend, they still
try to follow.

And we got off the plane, and
Blake and I went on one side.

Chris and Alex, and Wil and
Tara were on the other.

And we came to check on
our flight to Alaska.

It seems that your flight will depart at

- Hello.
- How are you?

- Well, how are you?
- All right.

We need to go to...
the Rust's Flying Service.

Do you know where
Rust's Flying Service?

Well, can you get us there? Try your
best to get away from that other taxi.

- Do you know where it is, right?
- Yes

Well, okay.

- Is this.
- Just here.

- Thank you!
- Thank you, and good luck.

- Thank you! Thank you.
- Enjoy Alaska.

Hey, what's good?

Wil and Tara are ahead of us.

"Ruth's" is right there.

Yes, it's out there!

Hello, where are we going?

You got it!

- Where are we going?
- Follow that plane.

We are heading to Trapper
Creek right now.

I hope Wil and Tara do not know.

It was like a movie when you say
"Follow that cab," except that...

... We are following the plane because
Chris and Alex had gone up to his plane.

Let's get this bird in the air.

"Ruth's", there it is.
Well thank you very much.

Lord, can lead to
Trapper Creek, please?

- Sure.
- Great!

# NB0994 to control
tower, clear to land. #

We're here now.

We have to find the flags and
the flags have to follow.

Thank you, brother.

- Hello, how are you?
- Thanks man.

- Welcome to Alaska.
- Thank you. Hi.


All three teams have to spend
the night in one of the igloos.

And then in the morning, put on
a pair of these shoes for snow.

Follow a trail through the
forest to the next track.

Oh, there are igloos!

- Great.
- Watch them.

Hello, welcome to Alaska.
There have your track.

It feels great to have
this in our hands again.

So we're here.

Now we track.
We are not without track.

No, some of us still have
no idea, but we have clues.

- Who you talking about?
- No.

Oh, God! You're a jerk.
You're so stupid!

- Do I have to push back now?
- If.

You have no social skills. You have
the social skills of a carpet!

You treat people like crap all the time
and expect them to treat you kindly.

I've been telling you this
since the day I met you.

- You're a kind person, Tara?
- Yes, I'm a friendly person.

Are you a kind person with me?

I've been kind to you for four
years while you've been a jerk.

- I do not want you to have a penny.
- Of what?

Either could win money.
Prefer not earn money...

... So that you can not make money
just because you're an idiot.

You tried like garbage all
throughout the trip. It is shameful.

- How I treat them like crap?
- Only you do, Wil.

How is that? What do I do?
What you hice--

- If you do not know then.
- What did I do?

To this day I thought
we got along well.

These guys are of relaxation!

- Hello.
- Welcome to Alaska.

- Thank you!
- Welcome to Alaska.

- Hello.
- How good! Welcome, welcome.

Take you here, Wil. Take you
to each stop along the way.

- You did not.
- Shit yes I did.

Tomorrow is another day.

Teams must get on one of these
vehicles called "Snow Cat"...

... And drive across the
frozen lake to the next track.

- I'm ready.
- Well, come on!

- It's as fast as you can go.
- And we.

That I do!

Trying her to go a little faster.
Was driving very slow as a grandmother.

Chris and Alex were upgraded.

And so they did Blake and Paige.

Just drive, shit!

Come on!

I have my foot on the accelerator.

- Whatever, Tara. I'm tired of you.
- And was treading thoroughly.

Your little friends, raising pigs
were as clumsy and small overweight.

And now they have an
advantage 10 minutes.

And we would be us 15 minutes
ahead now if it were not stupid.

This is your fault that
we are in last place.

'Follow the flags to the parking
lot and choose a vehicle.'

'Lead to Homesteader's in Big Lake for
their next clue and tools of their task.'

Teams must board a 4x4 vehicle and
drive almost 24 kilometers...

... To the Store "Homesteader's
Hardware" in Big Lake...

... Where you can pick up these
tools and their next clue.

Come on.

Well, now we run like
a gazelle with snow.

If something most people know Boston
is snow. I'm telling you now.

'Lead to Homesteader's in Big
Lake for their next clue.'

That stink!

Come on!

Wil, you drive.

In Big Lake. "Homesteader's"
is Big Lake.

Tara, what road?

- I guess I should follow them.
- Yes

There is a flag, a flag.

- Do you see it? Down there.
- Yes

- Keys, do you have the key?
- Yes

'Leads through the ravine by
the Parks Highway Hurricane...

... To reach your
next Route Marker. '

The teams now have to
take the tool bag...

Propane t*nk... and they have been
provided and drive through...

... Barranco Hurricane in the Parks
Highway to reach the next Route Marker.


How I can reach the
Parks Highway?

It said that about 160
kilometers above.

- 160km?
- Yes

Hey, Tara. Sorry I yelled at you today.
Was trying to show you how.

I not know it feels so good, does not it?
It is not like this?

Great, tools.
I am a builder of homes.

- Right here.
- Oh, my God!

A blowtorch.

Can you tell me
where the gorge is?

- I can tell you is north of here.
- Thank you.

I do not see any team. Come on.

- Why here?
- Looking for a clue?

- Yes
-. Of course.

Load them and let us go.


A "lock" is a test that only
one person can perform.

This "lock" this person
should get a clue...

... That has been frozen
into a solid ice globe.

To do this you can use any or all of the
tools collected from the hardware store.

'That person must be able
to pierce the challenge.'

- I have it, man.
- Take it, take it!

Take it, just take it!

'They are heading to the final city
where the finish line awaits.'

'Find your next track in front of the reference
point # 97, near Broadway and Jones.'

The teams must now fly to
Oakland, California...

... And go to the final
city, San Francisco.

Find their next Route Marker
benchmark against number 97...

... The Atkinson-Escher House, one of the
oldest residential buildings in the city...

... Near the intersection
of Broadway and Jones.

We will go to Fairbanks.
Fairbanks is near.

Hopefully many teams will
come down to Anchorage...

... All the way to Anchorage.
That's a couple hundred miles.

Then we go to San Francisco where the
finish line is, man! The finish line!

- Right here.
- Yes

There is some ice.

- Take it out.
- I think you have everything you need.

- Here it is.
- Do not you put your glasses?

Wil, you have to wear goggles
and protective mask.

- Where are the glasses?
- Over there.

- Where?
- Just there.

- Good.
- And the protective mask.

- Where is the protective mask?
- There, that big thing there.

- Where?
- Right there, Wil!


Shut up! Well, I'll sit here.

- Do it, come on!
- Not until you shut the f*ck up!

But Wil, you--

I think Wil attitude when he
responds and yells at people...

... And starts to hurt him, and hurt moral
definitivamentela on your computer.

I not really know Tara. I see screaming
at him the same way that yells at her.

I really do not think
she is better than Wil.

Grab the lighter.

There you go, baby.

Oh, great! Great!

Move that aléjalo propane and
fire on the ground, Wil.

Turn it off, you're on fire.
Burn pointing down.

Use the drill.

I can not see shit with this.

And here we go.

Yes, we will.

Stay in one place.

- You already made a hole in that part.
- Shut up!

Oh, baby! This will be fun.

With this.

Do you see how it is being cut?
You're wasting time.

Oh, yes! Blake, you're almost there.
You're almost there.

That was everything--
No, you were so close.

You have to do right here.
I see, you're so close.

Right there, right there. The hole
is right there and we can remove it.

Why do not you use the chisel
and break the pieces out?

- No.
- Yes, I tell you!

And there you have it, you see? A
large chunks out with the chisel.

I do not know why you never listen to me.

There, I see.
We can draw.

- Can you reach it?
- No.

- Come on, baby!
- Yes brilliant.

- Over here.
- Come on!

You got it, you got it. Chuck it.

- You got it.
- Come on!

- Good.
- Yeah come on.

- Come on!
- San Francisco, baby!

San Francisco! We were waiting
for this moment for so long.

I was born and raised as a fourth generation.
I want to tell you, this is my city.

And my heart is there and my family is there.
And Tara's dad moved there.

So we both have strong roots
in the city of San Francisco.

There you have the airport.

I'll get my map.

- Do you think Anchorage will be faster?
- Yes, it is the fastest way.

- Fairbanks may be faster.
- No, Anchorage.

Do you think Chris and Alex were on
the other side and went to Fairbanks?

No, it would be folly to go that route.
Definitely you have to go to Anchorage.

- Fairbanks is definitely close, right?
- All depends on where we were.

Honestly, we are right in the
middle, that's where we were.

Fairbanks is about 225 kilometers.

This was a very crucial decision, man.
I hope you make the right decision.

Anchorage is a larger airport, but I
think Fairbanks is a little closer.

Now that we go with this.

That was a very crucial decision, man.
This can make us or eliminate us now.

It's time to find out, man.
If it is the right decision or not.

We were at the same distance from
Fairbanks to what we were in Anchorage.

So we decided as Fairbanks is
an international airport...

... And possibly had a chance we could
get a direct flight to Oakland.

Or we blew it big
or we did well.

Fairbanks International Airport.

It does not appear that
there is much movement.

Can you review all airlines
from the computer?

- It Depends on what you want to review.
- I'll tell you what happens.

I need to get to Oakland, California. I know
there's a flight leaving at one o'clock.

Is there any other airline
that we omit before that?

Well, let's see...
No other than that.

So no one in Alaska that could
reach Oakland before us?

Well, they still have Anchorage.
Is there anyone in Anchorage?

Possibly, it is most likely.

Anchorage, then go to the right.

Blake and Paige are
in the car behind us.

Come on, small.

We are now just behind Wil
and Tara just 10 meters...

... And continue all the
way to the airport.

And are you ready? Ready to fight?

- Alaska.
- Let us go.

- Come on.
- I'm going.

Come on!

Hello, I try to go as fast as
you can to Oakland, California.

- There is a row, friend.
- Do you use both?

- Yes
. - You use it to her and to her?

Anchorage to Portland, Portland to
Oakland to get there at 9:02 PM.

- It is the fastest.
- The fastest is where we will go up?

- Anchorage to Portland, Portland-Oakland.
- I think so too.

- Both need those passages.
- I think it's fine.

Were going to take a flight
from Fairbanks to Seattle.

But the ladies checked twice
for us at the last second...

... And they told us that if we were to
Anchorage would climb to a flight to Portland.

Then I go to Oakland and leave us
there like 30 or 40 minutes earlier.

We were checking our
bags here so we could...

... Not carry them in San
Francisco and just run.

So far only Blake and Paige at the airport.
So it will be between two teams...

... And I have a 50% chance
of winning this money.

We think that now we
will meet with all.

A couple of them think that
we got on a different flight.

Be interesting to see
what will happen now.

Let's see where everyone is, let's see what
they are doing everyone. We will see now.

- Son Paige and Blake.
- Dammit.

There they are.

And you expect Alex and Chris
did not appear at the airport.

And when they appeared we were
not happy to see him at all.


- What bills?
- What happened?

We tried a couple of things.
Make all piensen--

- What happened to you?
- Let everyone keep asking.

- No, what happened?
- That we tried, intentamos--

- You're a liar.
- What is happening?

I'm your partner and feel that she
should at least have the decency...

... Trying to be a team with me.
Every time she runs do these things,

... I feel separated
from our team.

I turn on the car and say, "I want you
to know I suck at this game, you stink!"

I would not mind if in
other circumstances...

... But we are so near the end of the race.
I think it's better if she...

... Is keep focused on
what we need to do.

's Been a lot on this trip,
we think differently.

This is our final flight, brother.
Let's do it.

I think that at this point the whole
race is in the hands of fate.

I do not know what will happen, I know nothing of this city.
Tara and Wil know the city very well.

But we will give our
best and go for it.

No one will be better in San
Francisco than I, this is my city.

If there is someone who will do
well in San Francisco, will be us.

- Taxi.
- Cab!!

- Taxi! Cab!
- Yeah come on.

Come, let us go.

I need a taxi. Please, it's a race.
I'll give you a good tip.

You need to ask him
if well take my taxi.

Please, we are in a race!

Can you call one for us, please?

This is the only way to do
it, calling here? Good.

As fast as you can, please.
We are in a hurry.

Where are the taxis?
They are coming?

's Get a cab, get taxi.

- Shall we go to San Francisco.
- Please! Please sir!

- Please!
- Let me get into this taxi, please.

- We have a row of taxis...
- But there is one right here!

- There are many taxis there.
- I know, but we'll have to run...

... All the way up there.
There's one here, please!

It has already
been sent forward.

- Damn, thank you!
- I know, but we are here!

That's all, Blake.
We are here, we are the first.

- Our taxi, come on.
- It's coming here. Is our taxi, right?

Yes. Is our cab, right?

We need to go to San Francisco
as quickly as possible.

Come on. I'll tell you exactly
the street when we get there.

Here comes one, here come one...

Let this guy. Come on!

There are Chris and Alex.

Stop, stop! Hears!

- What the hell happened?
- Dammit!

# Theirs will be the next #

Well, we beat the others
out of the airport.

Not we panic, we went
straight to the row of taxis.

Wil and Tara, and Chris and Alex are
still there waiting for a taxi.

- Come on, there's a taxi!
- Go there.

- Come on, man.
- Confirming, 191.

- We're doing it on purpose.
- I know.

- This sucks!
- I'm not making anything on purpose.

- We are in the race for a million dollars.
- I do not care.

- Well, that--
- I'm not involved.

Come on, come on!

Do you know San Francisco well?
Well, Broadway and Jones.

That's all, the last stage.
That's it. Every minute matters now.

- No taxis here.
- I know!

There is a cab down there.

We were here, but the type of taxis decided
to send the taxi for your journey.

- So...
- Well, here.

We wasted about five
or six minutes.

- Add.
- Hello!

We are with the biggest
rush in the whole world.

We need to fly to San Francisco.
He knows the way.

When we get to San Francisco I will
tell you exactly where to go, okay?

It will also pay for using
your phone as well.

When we cross the bridge continue going
straight for a while until the 3rd Avenue.

We are now going to the Bay Bridge. This
subject leads us as quickly as possible.

We are behind Paige and Blake now,
and Wil and Tara are behind us.

Friends, this guy is stepping thoroughly.
You do it very good.

No, it faster. We have to get
there, we must make up time.

Here we go well, Fremont.

We will go to Market, and
continue to the right on Market.

At the intersection of Broadway and Jones.

We are down Fremont Street.

Now go straight!
Take this turn, turn.

Are we going to California
and took a left turn...

-... And Kearny turning right?
- Kearny, yes. So is.

And cut them step, it is.
You know how to do it.

- You're doing a very good job.
- I know the city, cut so long.

- We are expecting there to be a flag.
- To the left here.

Well, keep right and then left.

- No, we're one block.
- It is one hand. Do not get off, Paige.

Well, then if you could just
stop right here for a second.

- I do not see, Paige. Let's keep going.
- Come on.

Come on, come on! Please.

We stopped because we thought
it was a reference point.

Just we wanted to make sure
before we go all right here.

There it is, is right up there!
Law all the way to the top.

Back soon to the car.

Come, let us go.

To get their next clue, teams
now have to leave their taxis.

Running through the steep streets of the
city and find the municipal boardwalk...

... Among many located in
the port of San Francisco.

- Come on! Let's go over here, come on.
- Over here, man. Here.

Out of here!
Municipal Malecon.

Right here, yes. Go to
Broadway and that's it.

Wait right here.

- Do not go back soon.
- Oh, it's here!


Yes, it's there!

'Travels walk from here to the marker
somewhere in the municipal pier.'

Well, come on! Get your money out.

- Lord, where is the municipal boardwalk?
- Which one?

- Is there just one?
- No, there are 15 of them.

- Fifteen seawalls?
- Do you know where the municipal boardwalk is?

Municipal Malecon?

- Do you know where that is?
- Yes

- Yes?
- We have to go to Vanes.

- Are you sure?
- If!

Come on, Alex! Come on.
Keep running, man.

Let us go down. Let's go down in Polk.

All you have a million dollars.

Right on Polk.

The municipal boardwalk
is down here?

- What?
- The municipal pier.

Apologize, sorry.

It is up here on the left.

- Municipal Malecon?
- Right there.

We still about 400 meters.

Is this the municipal boardwalk?

- Municipal Malecon?
- You saw a flag and others?

There it is! I see her!

Information Route: 'please contact
to the base of Murray Circle...

... In East Fort Baker to the
flags of the finish line. '

- Do you know where Fort Baker is?
- I do not know.

Fort Baker?

Baker Beach? I know where that is.
We have to go by taxi, mate.

Here comes Chris and Alex, are going.

Come on, we gotta get outta
here before they see us.

Hey, do not tell
them these others.

Over there, at the bottom of the sea wall.

We have to get a taxi.

- No one could find a cab down here.
- We have to do it.

'Please contact to the base of
Murray Circle in East Fort Baker.'

'Once there, follow the flags of
the race to the finish line.'

Shit! Ok, let's go.
Finish this, leave your purse.

Taxi, please.
's What we need right now.

- Taxi!
- Cab!

Taxi! Cab!

- Where is Fort Baker This?
- Crossing the bridge.

- Crossing bridge what?
- The Golden Gate Bridge.

What is the best way
to get a cab there?

- A Route Marker, I think.
- You see?

Come on Paige! We
can do it, we can.

- Are we the first to run around?
- No, third.

It is what we hear.

Well, go there.
Let the Circle Murray, a taxi.

- We should have gone to Fisherman's Worf.
- But we did it, come on!

Tara, are making a
wrong decision!

- Are making a bad decision.
- Then we go to Fisherman's Weapons.

Down this corner is not going
to go down to The Venetian.

Well, taxi!

- I'll give you $ 50, please.
- I'll give you $ 50 if I can take your taxi.

- Please!
- You can not come here.

- Come on, please! $ 50.
- $ 50 dollars, please!

- Park, $ 50.
- $ 50 dollars!

Wait! It's very important.

Can you take another taxi?
This is very important!

- Please take another taxi.
- It will not, either.

There is no taxi.

- We can do it.
- Really.

Paige, just a little more.
We can do it.

Come on... Come on!

Okay, come on.

- Wil?
- A yellow taxi.

- They got a taxi.
- How do you know?

- Exactly where you stopped what they found.
- Where?

Right there.

- Thank you! Thank you very much.
- Nice to see you.

Hey, buddy. I need to go here.

- They got it, Wil! You're an Idiot!
- Cab? Come here. Tara, Tara!

Let's go.

They have one too, have one too
so this subject must step on.

We will go to the Murray
Circle in East Fort Baker.

Izquierda-- Turn right onto Fort Baker.

- Quick, quick!
- Do you know where is Fort Baker?

You have to cut them step
all passes red light.

In East Fort Baker?

- Fort Baker This, here.
- Can you take us?

I can not take.
I have a passenger.

Go straight for Bahia.

- Good.
- All right. Go Go!

No, that's your taxi is there.
We are ahead of them.

Stay right behind
them, right behind...

Come on, come on! Turn right, right!
Follow them, follow them!

- Do not miss, do not miss.
- Do not lose, man.

They're following us.

Of course they are.

- We can not beat them in a foot race.
- No. You need to beat that taxi back!

I say at least 200 meters.

Stay right on his tail, man.

Do not miss, do not miss!

All I have in this man.
All! It is all or nothing.


- Taxi! Cab!
- Cab!

We need to go to Murray
Circle in East Fort Baker.

Have us to get there now. I think
it's that way, I know it's out there.

You see? There are, it is all. Above them.
Do not miss, do not miss...

They are behind us.

- We never win them in a foot race.
- Why are you surrendering?

Because I'm mad at you because we
constantly make bad decisions.

- How can you blame me for that, Tara?
- You did not say that--

- Why is my decision ?!
- Because you know this city! And you said--

I do not know where the f*ck
are taxis at all times!

- I know you do not know.
- They could be anywhere!

Now we travel about 8 kilometers.
This is the end, my friend.

No passes, stay
right behind them.

Why do you not feel
some confidence?

- You know we will win in a footrace!
- Instead of blaming me for everything.

I do not give a shit. Run with all runs
with all your heart. It means everything.

That's all. You do not sit here and--
Okay, then do not run.

- Who is giving up now?
- Shit, I'm not giving up.

- Just go! Follow, follow!
- I have asthma, and you know it.

- They beat us in a foot race.
- No they will not.

There is no way that they could be
more than 10 minutes ahead of us.

Even saw go back, that is...
have to be very front of us.

But you know, we never give up.
That's a fact.

- Right?
- So is.

Go for Golden Gate!
Right, turn right!

Have the advantage
with them, go right.

- He is going.
- Take it.

Follow them, man. Follow them.

- In this curve?
- f*ck, follow us!

Stay behind them, man.

Now turn left here.
Just trying to get rid of them.

- But-- What are you-- What are you doing?
- Because they're following us.

Well, go left here.
They think that this is strong now.

Pull over. And let them run,
let them run ahead of us...

... And we return to our vehicle
and go to where it is actually.

Really we should go back.
I would be behind them.

No, no... We have a foot race right here.
Follow, follow.

Well, then stop right here.

- Is it here?
- Follow, stop, man.

- This is Murray Circle.
- Stop and park, man.

- Here we go, here we go.
- No wait. He's not getting off.

Stay here! We will run
as if we were to leave.

Well, we'll go running to the right.
You need to step back and turn them.

- Returns to the bridge, back to the bridge.
- Yes, but they are falling.

- Come on.
- Where is the Murray Circle?

- Says Murray Circle? Is Murray Circle?
- No, it's a joke.

Come on!

- Too late. Come on, get in the car!
- Go Go!

It is the other side.
It is around the corner.

Wait! SCULLY: Stop, stop!

- Ask someone.
- Is this Murray Circle?

- Is this East Fort Baker?
- No, Fort Baker is on the other side.

This is Fort Point,
you seek Fort Baker.

- Well, come on. Let's Go!
- We'll go over the hill.

Is on the other side,
we get this way.

There were no flags here, and
that seemed suspicious. Come on!

Murray Circle in East Fort Baker,
do you know where that is?

Okay, come on.


- Well, let us go to the taxi. Come on.
- Wil, you're an idiot!

- You're an idiot, Wil!
- Shut up!

- Yes, stop here. Here.
- Can you park here?

Stop, stop...

Sir? Lord, Lord!

Do you know where is East Fort Baker?
Is there?

Yes, East Fort Baker is
going down that path.

- Down the right?
- Yes

Tara, please. Just leave me
alone, I try the best I can.

That really was a shrewd move?
Will you tell me it was a smart move?

- He is trying sacármelos, and you--
-!? Sacártelos in a dead end ?!

- You know? I tried the best I could.
- But you're stupid. You really are.

- I hate to say it, Wil. But why haces--
- Stop it, leave it behind.

Why you took us down a dead end?

Paige, whatever happens.
Whether you come first or last...

... You did amazing and were with me
step by step. You're amazing, okay?

- Thanks, Blake.
- Whatever happens, we had an amazing trip.

- We saw everyone.
- We did it.

Come on. Quick, quick...

- Alexander Avenue, fast.
- Do not!

Come on, come on.

We are still in the race,
we are still in the race.

- God! Follow the yellow taxi!
- Dammit!

Just pass them, they are right there.
Come, go down this street. Get down!

Damn, Tara and Wil again appear in
the picture. So we are back again.

East Fort Baker, right.
Come on! Right, right there.

Quick, do not let that taxi away!
Come on, pass it! Pass it on!

- They're still behind us.
- Perfect.

But they are holding back a bit.
You go faster, faster.

Give me 200 meters and maybe I can
do it if it is not a long distance.

- Go ahead. Yes Yes!
- Go ahead, go ahead.

We have a lot of time on them. It is
all, make sure all doors are uninsured.

Are far behind us, almost 800 meters.
So they have 800 meters.

- Please keep it that way.
- Well, keep going fast.

Go to the left.
Ah, the flag is there.

- It is everything.
- It's here. Get out, out!

- Stop, stop.
- Here you go. Go Go!

Come on! Come on...

On the right, turn right...
Come on, come on! Here!

- Is the flag.
- To the left, yes.

Yes! Get out, out, out!

Let's go.
Come on, come on, come on!

I can not get that far.

- I can not.
- Come on, Tara!

That attempt !

Come Tara!

- Come on, we are reaching!
- I can not beat them.

Come on, Paige. We can
do it, we can do...

- I can not, Wil.
- Come on!

- I can not do, Wil. They just happen to me.
- Tara!

Standing, guys. Standing, here.

Five continents, eight countries...

the official winners of "The Amazing Race."

You have officially won...

-... The million dollars.
- Oh my God!

I can not believe I did it!
I can not believe I did.

I did the best I could. This is not my
fault, sir, "let's go down the wrong way."

And we passed again, why are you trying to
blame everything that goes wrong in the race?

We could have had 10
minutes over them.

I want to tell you something. These people
were the most competitive people...

... That in my life I had to face.
You without incredible.

Tara and Wil, you are the second team
to arrive in "The Amazing Race."

- Congratulations.
- Tara...

You suck!

I think the experience
is very good at the end.

I do not feel disappointed.
I feel that we could see everyone.

We made every stage, we
enjoyed every experience.

We could do everything
winners did.

I'm not disappointed
at all, it was great.

Paige and I are so close
that always love my sister.

But she was so strong, and
never complained even once.

I think the thing that brought me here more than
anything is a tremendous respect for Paige.

Not just as my sister
is an amazing person.

I guess the second
is not so bad.


Di all of me, you know?

There is nothing I can
do now, it's over.

I wish I could make a
different decision.

I just feel now that the race is over,
our relationship together has changed...

... And I have to do
things different in a way.

Was clinging to the hope that maybe
we could get back together...

... And now I see that we are
completely different people,

... And it's probably better
to remain as friends.

And so I can be happy
for her in life.

Actually I'm not
disappointed at all.

I do not feel embarrassed by the
way I competed in the race.

Maybe I feel bad for some names which
call Wil. That does not feel good.

But with regard to compete in the race I
do not think I could have done better.

Any, any of those
teams could have won.

It was a twist of fate when a twist
of fate when they were removed.

It's emotional, it's physical. It is a dementia.
A decade of travel in a month.

And Alex and I are a good team,
we work well together...

... But in this game we were
the favorites of Boston.

It's amazing, it is the
only word to describe it.

You rotates, it changes you. The
highest high to the lowest low.

You can not handle it, sometimes
you want to tear your hair.

Hitting your head against the wall. And
in the next clap and all it is well.

There is no other word to
describe this more than amazing.
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