01x08 - Competition to the Fullest

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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01x08 - Competition to the Fullest

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "The Amazing Race":

We're gonna lose! We will lose...

Just tell him do not let go!

O mierd -

Six teams departed from this
picturesque town in northern Italy

... to the chaotic world of India

Come come on!

Hey, next!

Lenny, wait! No, Lenny...

Frank and Margaret found the "Fast Forward"

first which led to India .

Agra, here we go!

Lawyers and
"Team Guido" were the next to depart from Italy

But when their flights converged in Copenhagen

... Find themselves at odds with
other tie

- I'm happy to see them.
- I'm very happy to see them, too.

The strange locations in India
puzzled and confused teams.

All I can see is that
will be removed.

We're stealing!

Come on, come on, come on...

- Can you speak in English?
- No.

- English?
- Paying for? For letting us lost.

- Lied to us!
- Basta! Come on...

we The impact of this culture was especially difficult for
Nancy and Emily

And where is it?
Where is this place?

These people are crazy.

- Son of a movie?
- Out of the way!

But managed to overcome , and to his surprise they managed to
stay in the game

Oh, my God!

The end,
were Lenny and Karyn who were eliminated,

... But also questioned its relationship

'm disappointed us as team...

For all I am
he is the exact opposite.

At this point... I guess she's right,
guess we're complete opposites.

Still love him, but...

... do not think this can work out.

Now there are only five teams

Who will last

The most challenging competition ever imagined that

Eleven teams of two people united by friendship, love or family
, n will compete around the world.

have no idea where you depart No, they will face dangers
, or this trip will affect their lives

Most teams will eliminated, but the team
first come to the finish line

... win a cash prize
million dollars

This is a career as
no other in history...

This is "The Amazing Race"

A translation . BladeGun

Taj Mahal, the monument's most famous

Palace 350 years old, built in
tribute to his beloved princess

This is the seventh "save"
in a race around the world

teams arrived here at the end of the last stage

five teams waiting here have no idea what awaits them

they shall find same as
get to the next Route Marker Yellow and white,

... solve clues to find in sealed envelopes

following track
send teams to the sacred land of the Taj Mahal.

His only instructions :
"Find this box."

It is located on the outside, but find
may not be as easy

[i. ] The Taj Mahal is made up
extensive grounds of about 42 acres

... and teams should look carefully if they want to find

Frank and Margaret, who were the first to arrive
at 8:01 am

... depart at 8.01 pm tonight,
almost eleven hours before the other .

Good luck.


"A Route Marker is located somewhere in the grounds of
Taj Mahal, find him."

". Taj Mahal Hours: 6 am to 6 pm
Absolutely no running inside the Taj Mahal."

So in the end we are left
a lead of about 45 minutes...

- Okay.
- Thanks.

Yes, but... no money there?

No. ..

That's a problem.

Let's walk around the Taj Mahal, honey.

but we can also take a bus or something!

We have a lot of time, because we do not have

- This just down the street.
- Are we walking?

- This is the entrance to enter?
- Yes, but not inward.

How do I login?

- Hello, is this the Taj Mahal?
- Yeah, yeah.

- Now is closed?
- Si.

- Well... then, what time do they open?
- At 6 o'clock.

- Thanks.
- Morning.

So... now we have to think
where we spend the night.

True! As we think anyway
no sleep, which will be...

... We'll go to a nice hotel this

The first part of this trip was that...

not entirely comfortable with the way
among ourselves that relacionábamos

... and was .
little excited about everything that was going on

Now that
felt very connected to each other,

... very affective with each other. If if I can, now
will focus on what is the race because

... I feel I'm more in love
him that it was.

- Oh, we can sleep next to the pool...
- That's what I was thinking.

This is so nice .

will be where we will plan our strategy.

'll Plan our attack.

This trip definitely change my whole perspective on Margarita [/ ​​i]

She really is showing me that has a lot of guts

.. . much courage, the
not know what she had

Good night!

's A great mother, she is a great friend...

And I really love what she has become,
have grown together.

Thank you.

Now, exactly where are

We are in the eastern part.

"A marker is located on Route
somewhere in the grounds of the Taj Mahal."

Frank, I can do this?

- Can you only follow me for a second?
- Come on, if you'd rather go that route...

- We only come this way.
- I do not think it's so obvious, Marge.

Thank you!

- Good morning.
- Thanks.

There is much left to chance in this game,
never stay isolated.

're In the real world every day, and in real world circumstances
always prevent us win

- This is where the karma acts.
- If...

- Marge, do not think it's in an obvious place.
- I agree with you, but I would not do that.

- Why are you not walked the perimeter?
- Always start at the beginning, not the end.

could not see all the way to the end.

This is where you have to trust.

- What?
- I have to trust that I'll have to trust.

"A Route Marker is located somewhere in the grounds of
Taj Mahal, find him."

No money for this stage?

- No money.
- Okay...

think we're in a precarious situation right now

're third of five teams,
but we have used our "Fast Forward.. "

So, you think you have more
the ability to reach the final stage,

... if I had to guess right now would
do not think we get to the final.

They should have been gone about 15 minutes ago.

Where the hell is the supervisor?

- Yes, please...
- Come on!

So you think you should walk to the door?

- I think so, we will go crazy here.
- Then come on!

- Where the hell are you going?
- They're going the wrong way.

Are we not going in the direction opposite to the
Taj Mahal?

He must know how to get there.

Is here.

Great, here we go!

"Search for the next Route Marker
in a window of the Palace of Winds in Jaipur

Then, to find their next instructions

... Please contact in and climb up the flag
Hours: 9 am to 6 pm. "

I know where it is.

That if it was a woman for a man
build something for her, right?

- You'd do that for me, honey?
- "You'd do that for me, honey?"

I have some boxes with LEGO, with that
could build something very nice for you, honey.

- Do you agree to trust me?
- Yes, definitely.

- Now, you said you knew where it was.
- Are six hours from here.

Towards Jaipur...

Teams must discover how to get from the Taj Mahal

... to the Palace of Winds in Jaipur city .,

Teams may travel by two different means:

taxi or bus [/. i]

Taxis are fast but expensive,
buses are slow but cheap .

Yes, but...
should ask how long it takes by bus.

The Taj Mahal.

Let's see if we can get with this group.
Just start walking...

Just try to get you through the middle...

Come on...


Sorry, sorry...

not pay tickets,
may come to claim us.

We have to re-purchase tickets.

How much is a ticket? What?

How much are the tickets?
We thought it was free.

Can we pay now?

Loud and clear to us that we should listen to the Taj Mahal
why he turned back here?

It's absolutely ridiculous!

Are you going to take now? Well...

Thank you.

When we left the Taj Mahal had a small advantage over
Bill and Joe

... because his taxi could not start. But then our term
cab taking us

back to the taxi station to change

Towards the Taj Mahal, please.

So probably wasted a good half hour with this

But hey... we're going to do!

Well, wanted to visit it, we're here.

Oh, my God! Can you see that?

Then we started walking around the area of ​​the Taj Mahal

Billy insisted that we should go to the right hand
and started lifting good hands

I thought, "It's here, it's right there."

- We discovered very quickly. .!.
- So we trust our vibrations

trust what we electrically collected,
for whatever reason, but that was all

need to cross that side.

And if another team comes to
here we come out from there.

- Come on! Why not delay us.
- Well...

Do not know
when Rob and Brennan arrived here.

Is this the door
get faster to the Taj Mahal?

And then they have to go straight.

How about if I pay for it
take us up there right now

... and stay with us and we
bring back to here?

- Should not we wait for it...?
- Wait until we finish.

- Once you meet with your work we will pay.
- Right! Fair enough.

It's beautiful!

Yeah, I guess we can continue watching
while searching for the yellow flags.

- How much money is left?
- I do not know.

- I did not expect to pay 200 rupees to enter here.
- I know...

Here is where it becomes difficult game.

There are buses every hour,
and then every half hour.

Come on!

Did not expect the "Fast Forward"
give us much front

try to keep my expectations modest.

Thus not finish...
not end up disappointed.

somehow think this will equalize

"A Route Marker is located somewhere in the grounds of
Taj Mahal, find him."

I think every team that
is now a threat

Are very intelligent, very competitive people
the remaining race

I if you do not end up sh**ting themselves in the foot

... this could be a close race between the five
to the first.

Oh, God! We will hit...
out of the way!

? 200 rupees? No, Rs100.

Are you okay? Rs.100, 200 in total.

- Come on!
- No, Rs100.

Well, find another.

- Okay, good.
- Well, well!

Well ! Come on, he says it's okay.

- That was a lot of money.
- Maybe there's a - yes!

God! You are another 100 rupees,
they had hardly anything.

Here, hold this.
Let me go counting money.

- We're just!
- We're just.

Two tickets, please.

- Yes?
- 160 rupees.

How to enter!

Do you think we should go around the side or
through it?

- I do not know...
- No taxis to Jaipur?

- Yes?
- To the Palace of Winds.

You're not going to Jaipur?

- Yeah, no problem. Suban.
- Is it okay? Well, well! Thank you.

- That bus?
- That's the bus going to Jaipur?

Is going to Jaipur?
Oh, good!

- The 7.30am bus is already gone?
- It was...

Is he gone? Oh, okay...

Just missed it.

Good luck.

- Thanks.
- Thanks!

Honestly did not think we'd get this far

But just the fact that we are still in this,
and were surprised ourselves

... so, why not surprise everyone else
a little more?

What where tickets are taken? Okay...

Kev, they're not visible to the naked eye.

I believe this inside.

Everything we've done
had to go inside the monument,

... In the Coliseum,
inside the Eiffel Tower.

- But -
- It would be stupid if I did not!

- But those were tourist attractions.
- Does not matter! This is a tourist attraction as well.

The people we walk over here, come on!

Emily, will you go for
this side or this side?

Well... I do not know.

- And where are you going?
- We're wasting time on the way here.

This will not be hidden in an open area.

Do you see any yellow flag?

Come on, run while no one is looking

No, do not run!

No, I think it will be located in a place
out of this place, I think.

- There are Nancy and Emily, right there.
- Damn!

This is ridiculous...

've been here for half an hour.

A yellow shirt.
No, that's a yellow shirt.

's Right here! I can not believe...

Come on!

There are Nancy and Emily.

Do not tell them where it is,
can not.

- We can...
- Good.

's There, there.

There is, come on!

Come on, come on, come...

We are the last.

- "... Palace of the Winds."
- Just need to go there.

- Find where it is later.
- That'll be... Yeah, I guess it's a city.

Take Route Marker outside.

You got it.

- I do not have the Route Marker.
- Come on, Drew... We just take your time.

Not have it!

In this
if we had the opportunity to really see it.

A little more than I wanted!

Do you know where "The Wind of the Palace" is?

No, is the Palace of the Winds.

- Check your pockets right!
- No. .. I do not have!

- Absolutely do not. I do not have!
- Drew...

I have the Route Marker.

're On our way now.

This being another fun and unusual
walk along the streets of India.


We are now heading for Jaipur,
to the Palace of Winds.

We will see what will happen.

What remains are only about 306

Now we have to take the bus because
wasted 200 rupees entering the Taj Mahal .

- And in an hour...
- And just to get this piece of paper,

... and see that go to Jaipur

- Well!
- There it is, thanks.

I have not the Route Marker.

Come on, Drew! Take your time...

not have it!

Is why we should not allow
save anything.

Damn stupid!
Was in the back pocket, you're an idiot!

- Come, let us go up to the car.
- You're so stupid...

Get in the car!

Gimme that again before
lose again, please.

Shut up! I tired....

- You will get tired? Almost missed the Marker...
- I put it there, wanted to hide Emily and Nancy.


Palace of Winds, that's the name.

- So how much time would be said to Jaipur?
- Six hours...

's like stench that never ends, Here...

- is a plague that penetrates you, it's worse...
- This must be worse than smoking 20 cigarettes time.


's time to use the heavy a*tillery here.

These scarves smell good, right?

Yes, but... I hope nobody thinks that
going to rob a bank or something like those here.

That happened to us too close!

For God's sake...

Of course we have hit a driver...

... which he could not get his hand

Imagine all be locked up in the cab of a subject
honking about 29 times per minute .

If there is a cow in the road, or if he spent a little
on a bicycle, I understand completely!

Sounds the horn... but no one on the road!

Y was honking like...

Perhaps it was as a state, a feeling or something.
"Hey, look at me! I have a horn!"

Do you know? I have no idea, but...

It was completely irritating!

Until we were expecting from

... Bill and Joe listen through the wall
said they have no competition in this race.

We are the only team that keeps...

We are always on the podium,
throughout the game.

All we are now competing
have been very behind in the game

... and now got their way again
up to the first two.

We have always been first,
seconds, or quarters.

What beautiful country you have!

Is no surprise that our nation is
still getting more of them in North America.

Beware, beware!

Oh, I almost got run over!

We're looking for the
Palace of Winds in Jaipur.

- We're here.
- Well...

Can you see it?
It's right up there, inside.

- There he is!
- If...

We want to go fast.

I think we have to climb a little higher.

Well, it's "Detour."

This "She shifted", teams must pick
a track from one of two priests

A priest is in the Amber Fort.

To get there, teams must climb this way inclined
on elephant back.

The other priest awaits Jai Mahal, the Water Palace

The palace is located in the middle of Lake Mansagar,

... and
teams must use a rowboat to get there.

Is an elephant ride to seek the wise,
or hop on a boat on the lake to find the sage.

You know, reading it right, as we came towards the Amber Fort and
are very close to him,

-... so we go for the safe option.
- We decided to go with the elephants.

Can you wait for us?
Well... back!, Thanks.

Thank you!
So here is?

- This is where we get off?
- Yes!

- Good luck!
- Thanks...

Thank you!

Is a floor, what do you know?

I have it!

"She shifted."

Do you think we should go
Water Palace or traveling by elephant at Amber Fort?

Why do not we ask our driver
Which is closer?

- Does it take long to climb up the elephant?
- If it takes a long time.

Good! We will go to the Water Palace.

- Are you sure you want to do?
- Si.

You know, we have to keep winning

Do you know? Because people do not know which is the input
, this can be difficult.

- Yes, but probably did!
- Oh, well...

underestimate do not think these "HDP" at all.

Here !

"She shifted."

We want to go to Jai Mahal, the Water Palace

Well, they have to take a bus.

Why bus?
Can you join us?

- Good.
- Yes, I will continue. Do we accompany?

We need to get too, Joe,

- Stop!
- Good, good...

- Well...
- Wait, wait!

Yellowfin There's the flag!
Right up there, I can see it.

Here, Kev! I got it!

Take the boat.

- You and I will row faster, right?
- Yes, yes!

Smells like Indian food around here...

go for it.

I found it, Mom!

Is the last.

- "He looked away."
- Good.

One of the things that Emily and I really wanted to do was climb
an elephant

And we thought. "Hey, the hell are
last place by far I go! to get on that elephant! "

A walk through elephant takes a long time, man.

The boat will be faster.

Bet those elephants
smell like elephants.

By Amber Fort, here we go!

- Thanks!
- Thanks...

're riding an elephant.

Yes, yes!

This is very slow compared to the boat,
I can assure you!

Hello! How are they?

- Need a boat?
- Need a boat. Yes, sir!

Need a boat...

- Oh, go to row for us!
- It's not important.

Let to the sage.

Well... is just ahead.

Thank you!

Is there a wise man who
we can find here?

Do you?

Do not know...



Can I take one?

Thank you!

's Look by the wise.




- Thanks!
- Thank you...

"India is a place of diversity of religions

See firsthand the feast
within the Karni Mata Temple in Deshnoke.."

Teams must now go to the city of

visit this temple dedicated to devotion by rats .

To get there, take a
must first train trip of 200 miles [*]

... to the city of Bikaner

There are only two trains per day
to this deserted location,

... and any team that did not get to take the first train
have to wait 6 hours for the next

'll have to take the train...

... from Jaipur to Bikaner.

So we go to the train station.

Well, we have to go!

- Hurry!
- Right!

Beware! Beware the traffic,
out for traffic!

Go to where the boats are.

I'm doing!

If there is something white...
is a white and yellow flag there.

- Oh, yeah! It is here, here we go!
- Turn right, right...

Do you know where this going?

- Yeah, you could go by this corner?
- Over here... closer to the stairs.


- Go to this close, next.
- Yeah, well...

- Well!
- Good to do is balance your weight, Joe.

- When you leave a boat, do not try and stop you -
- If, if, if...

I'll tell another time
when we are in such a hurry!

We All right, come on!

He is not above...

- There is another ladder here.
- It's here!

- Thanks!
- Very well, thank you.

- How much?
- How much?

- Rs.100.
- Good.

Their Dale Rs.100.

Did you know that driving standard
ferry is cheaper to travel on this boat?

We beat them here for a...

- How was it wise?
- There is a wise man over there, I guess.

- If there's a wise man.
- Yeah, yeah...

We compensate time on them.

're Right behind them.

- Well... this is the story of our lives.
- I know!

're Always in front of these people,
but never far away.

Right here.

Well... here we go!

I'm so glad we chose the elephant.

Now we have to find the sage.

- I wonder how this will look wise.
- Well, let's find out.

We have to go to the train station!

- At the train station!
- To the train station!

- Oh, hello!
- Greetings, wise...

Thank you!

- Thanks, wise...
- Thanks!

Come on! Returning to the boat,
we open in the pot.

He is wise by
was here all the time that have been here.

Yeah, he's like...

... a few days older than
all together, that guy.

Towards station... train?

Oh, okay...

I bet this guy drives better than
who was driving Miss Daisy.

The "Guidos" just starting to
about 5 minutes ahead of us...

About 10 minutes ahead of us, so with this
compensate some...

- 15 minutes.
- Les 15 minutes we took advantage.

Is it better to take another bus to the train station
or at one of these gigs, which is faster?

- The bus is faster?
- Si.

The bus is faster, okay.
By bus is faster...

Who is it?
Who will be those who are there?

Oh, here they come...
Do not look, do not look...

We are going through right now.

Right there...

- My friend, you drive it well!
- Right! Very well.

- Over there...
- If...

I do not know who the hell is going on.

If I have to guess, I think Emily and her mom
I would be back a little more for us.

Are you ?

- Yes!
- Yes!

- Thanks!
- Oh, thank you...

Here, let me hold it.

- What?
- A train to Bikaner.

- Bikaner?
- Yes, Bikaner. What time?

- At 3 o'clock.
- At 3 pm?

I have a lot of flies flying around
, man.

There you go...

Be well, my friend.


Come on, we have to follow.

Come on, Marge, keep walking.

- It's hard...
- Say: "Excuse me"

Thank you!

The train 3 pm,
wagon number four.

're Walking down the train to see if other teams managed
catch the train between 3 pm .

in situations like this is that we feel so nervous

... because being in a foreign country do not know the routes
Train .

at least there's a little relief
when you see another computer on the train

... because you know you made the right decision or
you have another team here support your decision

But when you're on your own, and these only in
the train is good because maybe you are in the front

... but maybe it's bad because you were wrong and you are in
the wrong train.

I'm so sorry...

- We have nothing.
- Drew, come on!

I wish I could help but we have nothing.

- Try this.
- Son Rob and Brennan.

- It can not be!
- If...

- What's up?
- Hey, hello!

Knew there was no way we left without
one else here.

Hey guys...
Did you see anyone else here?

- No.
- No?

I think so, I think in the end we took off
Bill and Joe.

We have to go in a carriage,
this is not as fast now.

Let's go down...

- Sorry!
- Went down!

Come on down... Oh, thank you!

- Well, we have to go to the train station.
- To the train station!

- What?
- A train station towards Bikaner.


Well, how much?

- A station.
- Well, well...

Yes, we will!

Thank you.

How much, how much?

- Towards the train station.
- They are 130 rupees.

Well, we...

- Hurry!
- We have to catch a train.

Thank you!

Does this, the train is leaving?

Go, go, go!

We were about 30 seconds to lose them.
Did you see where Bill and Joe will walk?

I need to take a train to Bikaner.

- I need two tickets.
- At 3 pm.

It's 3:00 now!

Well, is there any possibility that this
train still on the platform, or has already left?

- Did he just leave?
- Just missed it...

just lose it.

Well, they were about 15 minutes ahead of us,
so guess who came to climb

In the worst case I think there will be
two teams ahead of us.

Well, then the train

- Well, we have to buy it.
- That's all Bill...

Well, two tickets.

Now teams are en route to
train station in the city of Bikaner

There must find transportation to
Holy Temple of Rats in Deshnoke City

Listen, guys... just when
think we have seen everything.

"Karni Mata Temple, the famous sky

Then ask them what the rats have to do?
And then the boy sitting next to me says:

There are many rats you can not pick up the pace when you walk
. You must slide while walking.

I will not go! I'm not going...

- I will not do it.
- I just thought to share with you, because, I mean...

- I really do not like rats.
- Just you?

And this other guy told me that there are hundreds and thousands

Once I worked
the South of France

... and when I leave the car
tread on an old tire.

Rats went out everywhere from the tires!

- Those were not sacred rats.
- Is that these were not sacred and religious rats.

What is the difference?!
A rat is a rat like a rat!

will be making the "lock" anyway.


- And Joe and Bill? What do you think will?
- Oh, right! Joe and Bill!

You can do it,
that's my wife! How thoughtful!

Hey, Drew... do not you love being in India
or what?

- No, we have nothing...
- No, no...

We have no more money! I wish I could give you, we have
more money.

'm Completely out of focus here

I mean, I never dreamed or thought
would travel much

Seems that, for speak,
'm out of my balance


Tickets to...

- Bikaner?
- If first class.

- I do not know, come here...
- Excuse me, what?

Could you repeat that?

Men here do not sell them tickets to women

Oh, we have to buy there...
do not know why.

Do not understand why we have to do here.

No women
not selling tickets at the train station

Can you help? We need...

He thinks help, so stop it!

- Excuse me?
- Wait!

It took half an hour to buy our tickets


We push and trample all are very rude.
But okay... because we have tickets!

train station was really nasty.

We expected the train thinking
other five teams had reached the train 3 pm

... and suddenly the
"Team Guido" walked into the station.


- Hello! I'm happy to see them!
- It's good to see people we know.

- We are so happy!
- Why did...

- What a pleasure to see them!
- I'm so happy to see a familiar face.

- This is a nightmare for women.
- Yeah, I know.

I only see a familiar face
was actually a relief

... but I think we were much happier
see them

... they see us to us.

Not think they were happy to see us nothing

We have not seen anyone all day.
You are the first we've seen.

The Ace and Queen
worth the same on the Blackjack.

Only two things will win this,
if you have them...

- couple.
- Yes, he won.

- Jack win this hand.
- Yes!

This experience in my life is taking

... See the world in a way that
may otherwise never see

having to dive into these cultures
where you're not a tourist sitting in a hotel

... instead you have to interact with the cultures, and I feel so
. grateful for this experience

'm going to Bikaner.
Do you go to Bikaner?

You guys are going to Bikaner?

- Come to Deshnoke.
- Deshnoke?

until Deshnoke.

- Towards Deshnoke?
- Si.

I have a very good!

I do not think I have improved.

Look what I have.

Have only two pairs, I win.

Do you win?



- Well...
- Good.

- Goodnight.
- Good night!

Where is the platform one? Anden? 1?

Where will this train?

Does this train? This train goes to Bikaner.

Does this here?


Okay, so here we go.

Oh, how nice!

- I am looking for number 13 beds to 16
- Oh, here are the 20-something...

They keep going, almost there.
It's here!

This is the number 16, the number 17.

We'll have to sleep in these...

- Oh, well...
- I guess...

Oh, this dirty!

Oh, that nasty!

Well, you do not expect it to be so rude...

I think someone threw up above.

This is the first class...

I cheated.
Do not enrolled to finish sleeping well.

How the hell did we end up this way?

Hello! Excuse me, do you know English?

Deshnoke want to go.

Do you go to Deshnoke?
No bus to Deshnoke?

Need... Two jeep like that.

A taxi to Deshnoke?

Oh, watch out for the cow!

Hey, buddy... what's the rush?

're Having a good time, honey.

Is the big race against cows!

We're a little late . We are
Deshnoke path from Bikaner.

Well, let's review the place!

Can we come in? Can we go?...

Oh, that funny...

- is a "lock"?
- Yes, a "lock."

"Lock" is a task that only one team member
can do

.. "Anyone wishing to perform this task
may want to get a few extra socks"

This team member should find this basket

... somewhere between
the maze of this temple,

. what .. the rat is completely filled,
considered sacred by these people

"Take your shoes off and walk through the temple
Find your new instructions.."

- Come on!
- Then you do it.

- Then I will.
- Get ready for this, have a good time.

Go get him, Brennan!

The "lock" is walking in...

... your respects by
they consider sacred animals

And apparently these animals are rats

When you looked down
always had hundreds of rats around everywhere

New York try to get rid of them and these people are devout

And then I felt really bad
because you want to be respectful

... because they are not afraid
and are very happy to be here .

And then you start talking like a fool because you feel
terrified .

Looked like an idiot, lucias disrespectful, so a
try to stay calm

Why where should I go?

Was hoping
stop at the top of the stairs, could not do it

And then this guy helped me down

. And then they had to go to a sand pit to grab
Marker Road

and Kevin Brennan
then got behind me

- Oh, look...
- There he is!

"They have won a much-deserved break

... so come to 'save'
at Hotel Laxmi Niwas in Bikaner."

That was the "freezing" of all the locks.

'm Proud of you, how you feel?

You could not even take a step!

How'd ?
Have you climbed up?

- Only in the end.
- Oh, my God!

- How was it?
- There was food all over the floor

... and many "waste" rat.

The first arrival
we will first go!

- Is this one here.
- And where is the driver?

- I was sleeping inside.
- Is there?

Here! Now, now...

Come, we will pay more.
Come on, hurry, hurry...!

If, at Laxmi Niwas.

- Come, come!
- There, there...

That white car, follow them.
Yes, follow them...

Rob and Brennan are having all kinds of problems
with taxi drivers.

That guy
could not find him anywhere.

- Hey, are you ready?
- Are you ready? There it is...

Hiring a taxi is a nightmare.

Apparently our driver
can not stay awake and go have tea.

- So...
- He's wide awake now!

Us smiling as this away from us.

Well, we're ready.

Oh, man! Look how beautiful is that!
Oh, God...

Nice place to rest.

I think any of the competitors
perhaps we considered...

... scruffy and pathetic film,
what they can not do anything right.

Let them think that we are not competitive, but we all know
deep within our hearts

... And in our minds that we
force must compete against


Welcome to Bikaner,
you are number one team.

Thank you! Thank you, thank you...

Thank you! Thank you!


are definitely the strength they face

Go straight! Pass the gate and
get to the door.

Back in a moment.
Well, come on!

Now, now...

- I love this we...
- Welcome to Bikaner

- You are team number two.
- Thanks.

- Hello!
- Welcome to Bikaner

You are team number three.

When we arrived just felt defeated and angry

The game ends up finish you, when you think you see

... slamming
and there is nothing you can do about it.

Never gave me that being dirty

... affects your feelings.
It makes you feel bad

Be cool makes us feel good

We just want to feel that all
day is like the first day of the Race



A jeep or taxi, a jeep!

Joe, Joe! Over here!

Oh, I see...

- Let's go to this one here!
- Well! As long as it's something good.

Well, come on!


- You want some water?
- Yes, I could use a little...

- Deshnoke?
- If you know where it is?

Good! As fast as you can without passing
the speed limit.

Where are we going
is the Karni Mata Temple.

- Joe, Joe! Come on!
- Where is the entrance?

- "Lock."
- Want to do it or should I?

- I will.
- Well, do it.

- Do not be scared of anything.
- Well...

I'll do...

Come on!

Hurry, hurry, hurry...

We have to go to that other car.

As fast as possible...

Very fast, sir. Very fast...

- Do you know it?
- Laxmi Niwas.

Lord knows where this hotel is?

The Laxmi... Yeah, you know where it is?

This nearby.


Alto, right here! Stop.

- Whoa, whoa...
- Wait, wait here!

Wait here...


Welcome to Bikaner.
You are team number four.

Quarter Are we?
Oh, great!

- Welcome to Bikaner.
- Greetings!

Thank you!

Nancy and Emily,
you are the last team to arrive.

- If...
- I thought.

The good news is that this point is not

... but the next step
end with a deletion.

- Are still in the race.
- If...

still have the opportunity to win this race.

We are very proud of how far we have come and
... I hope to go further.

All depends on what these guys here also
will plan strategy.

- If...
- We won a lot of ground behind them!

Because they were from
seconds, I think.

And only once wanted to beat them! But okay...

not know if she is ready to be

as aggressive as I am prepared to be.

And I hate to stoop to that but...

behave well or end removed...

Oh, what decision should I take?!
Is that... seriously.

I think she will, you may take more time getting used to but

... In that case I'll ask him to step aside and
let me do the dirty work

... because I think this will become a bit more aggressive
, that I think.

scenes of the next chapter...

In the next episode of
"The Amazing Race":

While Nancy and Emily face
against "Team Guido" by the "Fast Forward"...

This is k*ll or be k*lled, or found the
"Fast Forward" or we'll be out of the game.

Other face against a pit full of tigers

This subject will be eaten by a tiger.

A series of errors leads to an unexpected end .

- Back to back!
- Not return back.

Could be in last place,
who knows where the other teams are?
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