01x05 - Desert Storm

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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01x05 - Desert Storm

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "The Amazing Race":

'll have to go by boat...

Eight teams departed from this quaint
castle in the South of France

... and wandered through the Mediterranean Sea

... toward populous nation in North Africa, the Republic of Tunisia

. = = In the fervor of the competition, a team
betray another

Now that's sabotage! And on top say no
call one for us, that if it is very negligible.

The only alliance came to an end

- Just want to know. That is -
- If you do things well, okay.

It just felt a bit betrayed
for them, that's all .

The tension between Amy and Paul
continually surfaced

Well, then do not say
more we should leave!

- I did not say that we should abandon.
- Yes, you did!

What are you saying every day!

Relationship problems between Lenny and Karyn

That situation...

"Give me things, I do not go out there... Give me the bag
in hand! "

... While the link between new friends is strengthened

Very good work, guys!

- Oh, my God...
- Well done!

But being old Coliseum tunnel and its parent
serious depths in the most difficult puzzles

... that teams should solve .

Sure you're not going
down the wrong path?

Shut up, please!
're Not helping me.

I'm Not Going clockwise,
was going in counterclockwise!


In the end, Lenny and Karyn
slipped to seventh place

... And Dave and Margaretta were removed

We did our best effort.
And I wish you all good luck!

Seven teams still in the race,
Who will be the next to be removed

The Amazing Race Season 1 - Episode 5
"Desert Storm"

The most challenging competition ever imagined that

Eleven teams of two people united by friendship, love or family
compete around the world

have no idea where they depart, they will face dangers
, or this trip will affect their lives

Most teams will be eliminated, but the
first team to reach the finish line

... win a cash prize
million dollars

This is a race like no
other in history...

This is "The Amazing Race"

A translation of:

This Coliseum
more than 2,000 years old in El Jem, Tunisia,

... was once the scenario is
bloody battles between gladiators and lions

is now the fourth "save"
a race around the world

Teams arrived here at the end of the last stage .

Each team must stay here for a period of 12 hours,

... and during that time can eat,
sleep, and socialize with the other teams

seven teams waiting here have no idea what awaits them

shall discover themselves and get to the next
'Route Marker' yellow and white,

... To solve clues found in about

The next track is a photo of a monument and the strange word

What the teams do not know is that this monument
is 300 miles [480 km] away,

... the edge of the Sahara Desert

Once your
mandatory rest period is over,

... teams depart in the same order in which

Do those on the front
may maintain their lead,

... or those behind
can maneuver your way to the front?

Joe and Bill, who were the first to arrive at 4.02 pm
will have to leave at 4:02 a.m. .

Dice "Tatao..."
No, I can not pronounce this...

"Tataounie" I see... "Tataounie."

YES! Oh, thank God!

Towards Tataounie...

- Do you know this place?
- Yeah, yeah...

Good! That's where we'll go.


- Says: "Tataounie."
- So here we go, first to Tataounie.

starting right behind us are Kevin Drew and

If they can surprise you from time to time,
are cunning, very clever and all Moreover,

... but in the end I think we
are significantly better than them.

Tataounie, is a city in "Star Wars."

- Well...
- "Tataounie."

Behind Kevin Drew and
are Nancy and Emily and...

... adore them, but they are not very fast.

- Oh, God! Emily...
- What happened, what happened?

Oh, is that just bumping...
'm fine.

- Are you okay?
- Si.

Emily, can you read me back on track?

Says, "Make your way to 'Tataounie'..."

Emily and I are opposite

- We are of opposite character..
- Completely!

I think we is going great.

Oh, My!
We will need up to another taxi.

God! I'm about to -

We have to go now!

- Do you come with us?
- Yeah, yeah...

- Now!
- Now.

Get in the car, Mom!

- They're just teasing us.
- Oh, they can go to hell!

Is that we have put
bras here, honey.

The end of the last stage
Paul and Amy were recorded in fifth place

But because they were delayed by difficulties
by the production beyond control,

... they received a time bonus for, the
which has risen to fourth place

"Make your way to...

= = Apparently we will have to ask someone

infuriating when salts and
not sure where the journey will take then so...

causes you pain to in the stomach!

Try pass food, you know?
One tries to keep calm and find out what we do next.

Be sure to travel with care.

- Well.
- Good!

Have been separated for almost eleven months old now

We highlight the...

discussion about our relationship last night.

I who always want to start talking about things
on the relationship.

- And Frank feels...
- I'm thinking about strategy!

- Well, he is thinking more about the race.
- And that is what we will do tomorrow.

- And that's how we are in this race...
- Tataounie!

Tataounie need to go.

And that's so frustrating from time to time, because I want to sit
talk about our relationship...

... but right now we do not know yet which is
. what will happen long term

Ah... was stuck!

We are starting in the Sixth, which clearly
at this point I mean to be the last seconds

Lenny and Karyn were behind us but

're a little nervous if
there will be no flight or train travel

... or whatever where there is a factor balancer,
as has happened before

- As in other stages!
-... In other stages, where we were ahead

... and they managed to catch up.
Find out what will happen when we get Tataounie.

I do not apologize for
the kind of person I am

Yes, I'm bossy. I like things done so
, preferably my way

When I first started getting out,
his mother and I sat down to talk.

- You better not tell either...
- And she said:

"You have much work ahead of you,
will not be easy."

"Do not be easy..."

're going to win a million dollars!

I hope so!

And we in this world the difference...

- If...
- And much more.

Ready to get married?

It will be just like you dreamed!

She wants a specific wedding,
she wants to marry at sunset by the beach,

... And hopefully be able to give us
afford to have the wedding she wants both.

And I hope it is a big wedding,
we invite everyone, and really...

But in the end
need that million dollars, so...

There is nothing better for
me to win that million dollars!

I tell you,
in Las Vegas would not be so bad...

Shut up!

Are you going to be watching
for this thing, or what?

What noticing that I have both?
It's a balloon!

There will be a banner at the top... or maybe
someone sitting there with a route marker.

- Do you know? I see... So here we are.
- Well, here we go...

- You can see this in front of the hills.
- Is it there? Yes, there is.

So this right in front of us -

- There he is!
- Oh, there it is!

Follow all right. All right...

There are the "Guidos", go straight!
Continue straight!

- Quick, follow!
- Go straight, straight!

- Go, go, go!
- Continue straight!

- Stay straight!
- Plus, a little more!

- The "Guidos" are right here.
- Beautiful! Come on!

- Do not let them see us you do not let them see us.
- Park here!

- Right here, right here!
- Yes, here! Over here!

- Right here right...
- Well!

- God! Here are also "The Chubs."
- For Christ's sake!

We have to get into one of these trucks!

There is a "She shifted."

- Well, will you drive or do you want me to drive?
- No, I want to drive.

Come on! Come on, come on!

- Come on!
- No, I will not go so fast.


"She shifted" is a choice between two tasks, each with
and their advantages and difficulties

Teams can choose the task they
think they can complete faster

are required to solve a simple puzzle equipment here

Ksar Ouled ... Soltane, the
which is hard to find.

"Listening" requires
participating teams a tough game with walky-talkies here

... Ksar Hadada, which was on a film set
from the movie "Star Wars" and is very easy to find

teams must travel in one of these cars
and choose if they will spend the sum of $ 50

... to hire a driver, or
save this money and drive themselves

drivers may not give directions

The teams must find their own way using only

- "They could hire a driver for 50 dinars per day."
- And stop leading!

Where the hell will finish so if I drive places!
'll Finish Lost...

Are you okay?


- Kev, where we have...
- "Drive yourself..." Wait!

All calm down just a second!

That is, is there...

Oh, yeah! Yes, yes...

So also Paul and Amy
were in front of us.

- Which of the two do you want? Pick one.
- This one here.

- So you want to use walky-talkies?
- Yes!

- Here! Come here...
- Wait!

Go here, we have a "She shifted."

Detour: In "Listening"...

We have a "She shifted"
can do a puzzle or do a task listening

I'm thinking it is better. " Listening. "

Here are Amy and Paul, and Emily...

And Emily and Nancy .

She would like to do the puzzle but can not find

Well, then do... We can not find
, do "Listening."

- Okay, this side...
- We follow.

Here, baby! This is your forte!

No, this way. This way!

No, we will bend! Get double
right here, Mom.

So, you have a walky-talkie?

Do you have a walky-talkie?

Does this subject
should not talk to us, or what?

I do not think I will
speak at all.

Come on!

Which way shall we go?

And you're lost...

Well, just follow this road to Ksar Hadada

- Well, at Ksar Hadada.
- You know how they say, no? Hadada

- It's more like a word -
- Yes, I'm looking, I'm looking for...

- Yes, there is!
- There it is...

Testing, testing

What that said to enter the cave!?

"There is a walky-talkie hidden somewhere inside
vaults that are ahead of you."

Adelante! "Use one of these
walky-talkies to find the other."

In this task the "Detour"
teams must search for a hidden somewhere head

... Hundreds of small domes

= = find this track, the teams will use
equipment walky-talkies.

One of the walky-talkies
is hidden inside that vault with head

Another walky-talkie is in the

[ i]
Teams can talk by walky-talkie that they have...

Testing, testing

... and follow the sound
your voice to the track that awaits inside

Testing, testing

Testing... Testing...

Drew is a cop, so he thinks that as
is an expert in walky-talkies,

... so he thought we could finish this very fast

- Hello!
- Testing, testing...

When we pulled up Ksar Hadada,
apparently were the first to get there

We were opening every door and trying to find
other walky-talkie

... as we speak for the other that we had

Alto! Do it again.

Testing, testing...

Wait, stay here and keep doing it.

Kevin thought he heard the other
walky-talkie while I was still on it

So he
advance and kept blowing.

Not go too far, Kevin

I heard

Drew, come to me!
Come to me, come to me...!

- I also can hear.
- Come to me

And then when you hear the interference

'm coming, I heard

Being so.! accustomed to using the walky-talkies,
I know that when you are very close to each other

... always have that interference
while you're getting close

- Kevin, this right here!
- Right! Well, well...



A walky-talkie?

Do you hear, do you hear?

Could you hear?
Come over here, over here...

- Well, over here!
- Here's the thing...

"When you withdraw must leave the other
walky-talkie inside the vault..."

Heard that those were chatting out there, outside the door

... so we climbed to the roofs
to make you think that the walky-talkie

... maybe this
somewhere near one of the roofs

- Do not let them see you!
- Is that I want them to see me!

And how is that go down from here?

- Well...
- Hello?

Do not?

So maybe let's try this...


Only then could tell they did
time to see us out the door, and when saliéramos

... they would know just which side would have to go, so
that... Good luck guys

you able to see which side were they?

You know... ?

When "chubby" found his,
they were up here somewhere, I think.

Keep looking!

Keep looking... Where are you, Joe?

Yeah, I'm behind you!

I hope that all those who believe

Be when they start to climb roofs
just behind!

So what do you think?
Did you believe?

They were up on the roof.

Keep looking, keep looking...

- Did you find anything?
- No.

Keep looking, keep looking...

Over here, hold my foot.
I think they're down here...

'll end cayéndote, Joe...

- Well...
- I can not hold you.

Okay, well...
Step aside, step aside! Let me jump.

Well, good job!

- Okay...
- Well, keep looking.

Keep looking, keep looking...

Sing "Happy Birthday" or something!

I do not care what you have to eat,
far to drive, walk far,

... are now in first place and not
we abandon

is a surprisingly difficult game to play

It is about taking the next task
out the best you can, as in any other jurisdiction.

Do whatever it takes to finish

We're in a hurry!


Does he know we're in a race?

- Can you go faster?
- Faster...

- Faster.
- Hurry, hurry!


Come on!
Can not you go faster?



is time to prepare for the next stage of the race,

... you are so focused on the problems that
we have between us as a team

... and sometimes it's hard to concentrate on what is
in front of you

And to be honest, this is what
happens most of the time

Where are you?

Here walky-talkie, got it!

Where was I?

Here's the thing.
There is the walky-talkie, you take it.

"About a mile north will Germasa signaling

pointing towards your next destination, Ksar Ghilane."

Teams must now find this as
Marker Road, somewhere in the Sahara Desert

path will be done through a confusing series paths .

Its unique navigation tools
be a compass, a map,

these yellow stones along the path

bad turn and the teams may be lost in these cruel
desolate lands

stones are yellow...

- I see no yellow stone.
- I did not see any yellow stone.

- Still, we'll be fine.
- Everything is yellow here!

Is sand! It is a desert...

- Are you okay, baby?
- If...

You sure you're okay?

Just keep driving.

Which way will,
which direction we are going?

Emily, I do not know... let's right.

- Come on!
- Wait here, stop!

- Wanna go ask him?
- Yeah, yeah...

Why are we stopping?

- She's coming here to ask.
- Oh, God! No. ..

Do you want to go left or right?

What was the name of the address?
I have not got a map.

Well, just say:
"Come to this city...

... Find the walky-talkie's inside

- So we have to find other flag
- Look for a yellow flag

... Good

Amy throwing up!.

God bless...

Drew and Kevin are at the front, with
"Team Guido" very close to them

teams medium are Nancy and Emily,
Paul and Amy, and Frank and Margarita [/ ​​i]

teams are behind
Rob and Brennan, and Lenny and Karyn

We have two vans .


- Over here
No - Right here...

- Over here
- Right here, right here...

- Lenny and Karyn are already here, friend
-. I know, do not understand how they arrived.

- Well, what does it say?
- A "She shifted."

Is a "She shifted."

Let him drive so we can talk and
so pay attention.

Which do you want?

Do you think you can decipher the puzzle

I do not know...

Well, this is the main way to Germasa

In Ksar Hadada...

Oh! Is that one of the...?

- If there... more
- There is a flag, there is a flag!

Well, here we go...

Yes, here are the flags.

- Let...
- Well!

"There is a walky-talkie
hidden in one of the vaults

... use one of these walky-talkies
to find another.

achieve their following instructions are loud and clear "

Do not think this as close to the entrance, just keep walking

Okay, just take this


- Hello, hello
- Hi guys

Amy, Amy...

must be prepared to fight, drink

We are all one
after another again

Amy, Amy...


Hello, hello .. .

Let's try this

Can you hear me OK

- I'm sounding like an echo
there - Well, I do not know... just start talking.!?.

- Ask a conversation
- OK

..? - How are
- not me!

We are now trying to reach Ksar Ghilane.

Forget seatbelt.

- Damn! is driving too fast.
- Drew, forget it.

-... And I have a seat belt.
- Drew, just forget it!

It will not engage!

It will not fit...

This will not fit.


- I have it!
- Oh, my God! It was incredible.

Where are you? Any luck?

Keep talking!

Here's the thing...

Well, we gotta go.

Come on! Now, now...

Amy, got it!

Well, lead me in that direction over there.

Good. Oh, my God, will we have
go another way?

Why we have to go north?

Were so animated that we could get out and hurry
that just started driving

Do you want to use the compass?

- I would not be much help.
- Well, if you need to go north...

Yes, but if you see these
driving north.


Finally got it!

Hey guys...

How is everything?

- How are you?
- Are they good?

Do not you supposed to be using the
walky-talkie, Lenny?

Hello, hello...

You're supposed to use the
walky-talkie to find it!

- Here, here you go!
- Do it, come on!

's All good,
'm happy to be second.

- Oh, yeah! We think is going very well.
- The funny thing is...

What has happened with Brennan and Rob?

Here! There, there...

Right here, right here.

"Should leave the walky-talkie
hidden in the vault."

Hidden Vault, vault hidden...

- Lenny!
- Hidden Vault...

Hello, hello...?
Walk before me.

Keep talking Lenny!

Hidden Vault, vault hidden...

Hello, hello...

This closed.

This here!

There is the sound around this -

Here, I got it!

- Got it?
- Yes!


Come on, baby! Now, now...

- Yeah, yeah...
- Come on!

Look it says...

Tell me all the words that
tells on the information, Mom.

"Follow the yellow stones -

- No, not that information
- Emily

- No, you are looking for that around here...
- No, you got it !

- Well, I'm looking for the stones
- Well... We have


- Is a Coffee
- If coffee

Wait Stop, stop...

- Stop, stop...
- High...

- See any
Route Marker - No, not I see

Let me check

How are you, my friend

There is nothing here -.!?

Oh, God! Look at the size of these spiders!
By God!


Kev, I see nothing very great...
except large spiders.

- Large chandeliers!
- Well, then let's go.

That's the sign that we have to leave here

Good! You look at the map, Frank.

- Tataounie here, Germasa here.
- And then what?

Franky, look at me! Just relax.

Tataounie here is where we come from.
Here Germasa.

This race is not about one person, it's about two people
cooperating together in every way

Franky, just turn right.
Listen, just turn left.

This very clear to me that we have been learning to appreciate to
each other,

... and learning how to be team mates
instead of rivals.

Because it is very easy to become
rivals within a relationship.

The point is that if you keep driving
very fast, and I told you ten times already.

Please be careful.
Do not want to ruin the car.

This is our only means of transportation.

- Slowly, very slowly.
- Just shut up!

Stop you tell me to slow down,
right? Just do me that favor.

No, I keep saying that
go slowly when you think you do not drive safe.

God, Drama Queen!

I'm sorry, Joe.

- I just wanted to help...
- I know, Bill!

But when I say I have to go slowly when
I -

- You're doing a beautiful job!
- Tell me I'm not going to care when you do not be careful.

Because slow down and you do not feel safe
are two totally different things.

- Well, it's a beautiful journey through the desert.
- Thanks!


When we arrived at the place and before
were about 40 minutes behind everyone else.

We were the last team to arrive,
and we took too long to do it!

Were running around
other like a couple idiots

Being walked out in seventh place

Back to Germasa.

- No luck in the latter stages, so...
- If...

But someone always
touches have bad luck.

What is that?
Seems that there is something out there later.

Hang on! Stop, stop...

- So you think that arrow means?
- What arrow? I do not know, I have to pee.

- So I do better here next Route Marker.
- Means that we go right, stupid.

- Okay, just relax. Do not worry.
- Means that Drew is stupid.

This is an arrow that says
we should go that way!

- I told you do not do this shit.
- Just take care that no one sees us here.

Reviews There's the flag, you idiot!

- Where?
- On down there.

- But I have to pee!
- Come on, come on!

Ah, it's still the same thing!

Is another arrow,
will need the truck.

- That was the last yellow stone.
- That was the last?

That was the last we saw.
Turn, please.

Just hold the compass.

- Did you see where the red needle pointing?
- I understand that part.

- Well, now according to position yourself where noted.
- Well...

which way should we go?

Regarding that red needle...

I have to hold the red needle to the tip
this, I understood that part.

But then how is that
indicates where we need to go? I do not understand this.

- Frank...
- Stop!

This is Frank.

Looks like those are Lenny and Karyn.

- Yes, it is.
- Were they?

I think so.

They had come from that direction.

What the hell is happening?

There was a long period where we had thought

... if indeed we were going in the right direction or not
. And it was quite worrying.

Did you see any yellow flag?

- No, I did not see.
- I do not think I have.

Do you see any yellow flag
around here?

No, keep looking.

So you can hold the map or not?

I mean, can you be fijándote
in bar or you can not?

Iguala red needle with the edge means

Is that difficult? I mean, can you figure out how to do
or want to explain it more clearly?

We have not seen any yellow stone
in miles and miles.

So we're starting to get very anxious about it

From time to look forward here a reflection

... and think it is the
reflection of someone else's vehicle.

So who is behind us? These would...

- Emily and Nancy?
- Did you see a car behind?

That is a yellow marker...?

Yes, a Route Marker!
Here below, this near here.

- Carefully...
- Careful!

This guy is rocking us from side to side.
Yes, go on, baby!

Yes, keep it up!

- There's the basket, right there.
- Good.

- Stop.
- High, high, high...!

Drew, just once...
He ​​can hear you.

Come on, come on!

We only get her out of there, go!


"Lock" is a task that only one team member
can do

Must choose which one will perform the task
before discovering exactly what it is.

"Track: Who wants to go for a walk?"

Look at that! I do not know...

- any difference?
- Do not you want to?

I will.

Okay, if you do not want to.

If you have no problem with

"Go upstairs and follow the Camel
compass direction of 240 degrees

... To the flag waving in the distance"

Oh, My!

"Postscript: The player must not
walk up the side of the camel."

Well, we chose... I do not feel like walking
with scorpions.

- It seems that if you are walking!
- Let me first tie this to my face.

This is going to be brutal!

In this task, teams must run a camel into the dunes
ruthless Sahara Desert

Coordinates only a compass to guide

... must discover how to get into this
Route Marker in the middle of nowhere

designated team member must ride the camel,

... And with temperatures reaching very high temperatures
the other team member must walk

The equivalent of $ 50 the
teams can hire a camel breeder

... to help control the camels

This does not seem like a very fluid group
in English...

And they are what I
I will say as they get on a camel.


- Hello! How is everyone?
- We are here to find a camel.

- Yeah, yeah...
- A camel.

Well, well!

You know what you have to do?

Well, actually... no.

He is not happy.
Not a happy camel.

- Kev, he will go to the side that doubles!
- There's the flag, Drew.

- I see the flag.
- Oh, can you see it!

Yes, it is.

Oh, it's right up there!
I can also see it.

- Can you see it?
- If...

- But he will not go over there, Drew.
- He anger, just kick him! He will follow us.

This going, but
is walking in the wrong direction.

No, you have to handle it!
Hold it tight!

Give me this thing...

're an idiot!
Never before you rode a horse?

? Riding a horse? You see!
Sure will let you do it now, right?


For which direction you want to go?


Did you realize that Frank
never return, right?

- We saw Frank again?
- Frank did not see happen again.

But that's just the way we came

But they were upgraded earlier.

Lenny, that's the way we came and we had
order the driver to turn around!

Now're telling me -
Would you go back again?

Then come on! He wants to go left,
we go to the left.

Let us just the way we came.

My concern is that we keep a positive mindset

Communicate, and if something goes wrong we can probably fix

But she sees things that way

Let's stop here...

's ask this guy out there.



What was the name of the place?

? Ksar Ghilane?

- Can you speak French?
- Yeah, yeah... no problem.

I can not believe these are
subject here in the middle of nowhere.

Must be crazy!

I must be crazy! I'm here in the middle of the desert
driving in circles,

Why that direction?


- Towards the East from here?
- Si.

Is this here?

- If...
- Si.

Is eastward from here.

Y then north.

- Northwest.
- This is the South!

Very south.

- Far to the south is here?
- Oh, yeah...

Show him the map.

A map will not help much, Frank.

If you duped this, no?

Oh, what if I cheated!
Always end embaucándome!

I was carrying a torch, burn me

Walking with a camel
while you just sit on top of it.

Do you know? What I want to know is how the hell do I
get off here.

Oh, God...!

Drew, hurry!
I'm cooking up here.

Going to k*ll you when you get off of this thing.

"Now please contact the compass direction

... until they get to the flag waving atop
camp in the oasis."

With this new set of coordinates

... Teams must now find a small oasis called
Ksar Ghilane

This is the "save"
for this stage of the race .

The last team to check in will be eliminated

Oh, here we go!


- Do not worry about anything, give me my water.
- Here's your stupid water!

I shovel here...

- I'm trying to hold on to the camel.
- Oh, God!

Drew, come on!
Look what you're doing!

What look what I'm doing?
You threw the water!

I see no flag anywhere.

Well, everything will issue
reaching towards Ksar Ghilane.

Knew we were in last place
and we knew we were in trouble

Finally we said. "Well, this
compass in the car for a reason,

... let's look at this,
generally know the direction we need to go "

At this point, we have to make time
or we will k*ll, so... We have to go!

Just take a nap, go to sleep.


Is that as
not want to read the map, you do not want -

Nothing to read on the map!
Look at that map!

Tell me see if you can read that map!
Give it a try!

Well, but at least try to help with compass

I'm trying, darling!
Do not know which way we should go.

Stayed to the north, we were in the South, went
the East, went to the West,

... where do mierd - you want to go!

- It's here!
- Okay...

I see a yellow marker, is here!

- Bill!
- I'm taking my bag.

I have your bag!

Come on!

I'm tired of all
the world right now...

Everything we do is wrong.

I have to go to the bathroom soon,
I can barely walk...

Oh, I have sand in my eyes again!
I can not see anything.

Oh, God! Oh, God...
Oh, yeah!

Basta! Will you shut up there?

Even though this is by looking
yellow stones?

Yes, I am! Yes!

Just wanted to make sure that every time I look in the rearview mirror
your head down -

Well, I'm holding the bag in hand
if you go to vomit.

Keep right.

I'm trying, man!
I'm trying...

're doing dances for us...

're singing, they're dancing... and I'll
hit in the eye with branches above but -

- Drew , crouch.
-? Duck!

You're an idiot!

So I'm an idiot? I managed to
I arrived here but I'm an idiot.

Did we got here...

Well, boy!
Well done, John T.!

Good job, John T camel!

Here is our signal, friend!

You are the number one team.

Thank you!

- It's the second time...
- how nice!

- This is our second time.
- In the first place, brother! Yes!

No one can stop this race, no one will stop us...

Yes, I get it! For God's sake, just a yellow rock!
All we need is a yellow rock.

Is, we are lost...
but what the hell?


It's a disaster!

Have we been driving since?
Three hours?

Maybe more...

not even had breakfast.

We turned often mistakenly...

- We're lost in the desert.
- We know we lost the yellow stones.

Now we're just praying that someone else
has been lost

... because another
so far arrived.

Here we go!

What should I do?
Just follow?

Yes, yes! You have to walk next to me.

You're doing a great job!

Good job.

"Who wants to go for a walk?"

- You want to go or do you want me to go?
- No, I will.

Is this right?
Unless you want to...

- No, you do it.
- Are you sure?

- Yes, you can do it! You can do it.
- You want it? You who want to do it!

- Do it!
- Are you sure?


Give me the map.

This is always
ended up in last place,

... when it has something to do with
and driving directions. We are two Ret*rded.

There are only seven teams,
are the first we got here.

"The fat" they ended up losing.

Seems if...

Starts one of those things and open it.

- Oh, for God's sake!
- Okay...

- What does it say?
- We have to walk more.

- This Has It...
- Good.

Stop, stop!


". Before continuing
one of you should do the job then

Select first fully open the door:
Who wants to go for a walk?"

- Would you do it?
- I will!


These things
are not designed for human anatomy.

The Family Jewels
are not going well.

Do you still feel sick?

Is that I can not keep listening
in sick, sorry...

I do not care more this game.

Where is the other?
Come here, come here!

Come here! Come on, come on!


Jump, jump!

You are team number two.

- Yes!
- Number Two?

Good work, good!

Thank you!

You are team number three.

- Great!
- Three?

- We are the third again.
- Three Great!

I'm so happy for you girls.

- Well done!
- I knew it!

- We knew you were coming!
- Heard that another team came

... and I said, "Sure the girls are"
I knew it!

Look at Nancy! She already knows how to manage a camel

What does it say?


Stop, stop...

- So is it here?
- If...

Lenny, take your coat.
Come on, Lenny!

- Good?
- Do not you forgetting something?

- Come on, honey!
- You give me a rush.

Here! Come on, we are right behind us
, Lenny!

Wait! Wait, wait...


"Before one of you must continue the task

Select fully open before the track:
Who wants to go for a walk "

Do you want me to do it

I will

- Well, Lenny Guide him towards there?!. bebe
- I'm doing...

Come camel

'm coming, do not worry about it

I am behind you

Welcome to Ghilane

!.! -
Thank you - Thank you

You are team number four,

thoughtful - Well...

- That return
- Thank God!

We were so behind everyone else
we thought we were finished

Thanks - Thanks...

Come on, baby

"About 270 degrees...

= =... to the camp in the oasis. "

The oasis, can you see?

Must be in some place that address.

Hurry up, baby!

One is an envelope there.

No, there are two on there.

- Safe?
- If you are on the right.

Are you sure it's on this side?

Grab this!

With his left hand...

How much longer are we going to have to be
with this thing?

I see the flag.


- I thought it was right here.
- No, look! This out there.

Oh, yeah! There are 270 degrees,
're right. Let law.

There's a flag!
On the left, go left.

- Fast! I can see it.
- Where?

No, no... right now, right!

- What people around?
- The "Guidos", you did not see them the same outfit?

- Why are you only concerned for others?
- I'm not!

I'm worried about us and
get to that yellow flag.

I see smoke, which is a good sign.

And if we beat the
get there we'll be fine.

We are definitely ahead of them now.

You are team number five.

Are you going to let me down?

Come on, come on!

- How are you?
- Welcome to Ghilane!

You are team number six.

Thank you, thank you...

Good job!

And Amy and Paul? I thought I would be here,
were not behind them

Yes, that's right... they were about
half an hour before us.

- And where will they be?
- They're lost in the desert.

Oh, God!
I bet Paul is desperate!

Paul? No, Amy must be desperate.
That girl if that loud!

Enough with Amy!
I really like that way of being... he's a fighter.

Amy, how do you feel?

I want to play this game...

- What?
- I will not give up!

Nobody said anything about surrender,
is that these very sick!

- I really do not care anymore.
- Do not say that, do not say you're last.

- Is that we are already the past.
- No, we are not!

- So we're not?
- No!


'm seeing a truck, or I think...

- If...
- I see one.

And it seems that there are many more, but -

'll go there.

- Did you see them?
- Si.

What the...?

If... There!



Guys, are you okay?

- If...
- Are we the last?

- Lost ended...
- Are we the last?

If... Are you all right, Amy?
I heard you were a little sick.

- Are you okay?
- Yes, I'm fine!

We were very...

- Well, actually we were all very worried.
- What do you say, eh? How are you?

- Yeah, well...
- How's it going?

- We were all very worried.
- How are you, right?

God, we did not think we'd get!

- How do you feel now?
- That said, my friend?

- Drink water all day, all I did.
- Oh, if I'm stressed!

I was you driving from top to bottom
these mountains, not think!

And where you end up?
How about 100 miles the other way?

I went through all possible paths
where we could go.


Well, you are here now.

- Yes, it is.
- That is what matters.

We are pleased
that are already here.

Okay, honey...

No, I'm fine.
Are you for it...

- I just started to feel sick and...
- This was his game, you know?

Depressing, every time we hear that there is another team

... like when Paul and Amy
were lost in the desert, we were all depressed.

Nobody wants to lose, and it's hard...

But still this is a game
and unfortunately someone has to lose .

Well ! Paul and Amy...

-'re here.
- Finally!

Regret to say that you are
the last team to arrive.

- I know.
- I knew...

As you know, this means that
have been eliminated from the race.

- Right!
- It was fun while it lasted...

I feel bad that we have to leave...

We were the last
because before we had not traveled so much, and that was the fun part.

But... is the way the rules are.

There is nothing we can do now!

No, but we had good times.

- Good luck to the teams of "The underrated"
- We made good friends.

... And they go ahead and win.

She really feels it's his fault for
we went out

Are now out of the race because she was sick

= = But we are a team, and teamwork.
And this is not your fault, it's...

... Both lost.
Not your fault, baby

Not worry about it,
always prevail on more

scenes of the next chapter...

the next episode of "The Amazing Race":

While a strike at airports
teams stops in its tracks,

- What about Marseille?
- This all booked.

... The strategy of "Team Guido"

Here they come!

Cause a disaster...

- What the hell are doing.!
- Over there, over there!

And this infuriates all other teams

There is no reason for them
sabotage the efforts of other teams.

- They need to apologize.
- They are outcasts!
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