01x04 - Colossal Showdown

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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01x04 - Colossal Showdown

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "The Amazing Race":

Ah, stupid!

- God, again!
- Yes!

Is not this illegal?

- Relax!
- They're all stupid!

Nine teams departed from the Arc de Triomphe, in Paris,

... and traveling all the way to the castle
in the South of France

task of having to cross the city
I think a lot of tension between Lenny and Karyn

Lenny, come on! Help me!

'm Really disappointed, very disappointed...

'm not trying to thr*aten...
or ruin our relationship.

"Team Guido" who lived long
in Paris

Used all this information to gain the trust of the other

Let's help...

Let's give them a hand, guys!
You better remember it later!

- Where are we going?
- On this side, this side...

then turned things to his advantage

- For this side!
- Hey!


Well, forget it!
No, no, no...

Do not know where you were!

That was close!

Robert Brennan and maintained an alliance with
Frank and Margarita [/ ​​i]

- Yeah, baby!
- We got it!

And that is why
share information.

But with only minutes to close missing
a Route Marker, Rob and Brennan fled .

Frank and Margaret managed to reach the

Let's get out of here!

... But his confidence in Robert and Brennan

I mean, never was as if they were being
concern for us.

Pat and Brenda started this
stage in the first place...

- Fast, fast, fast!
- Look, look!

... But after a bad decision,

- I have no idea where that is.
- There's a pendulum.

Fell to last place and were eliminated

- We have no food...
- Go, go, go!

- We have no water...
- Watch out, Bill!

We're all ready!

Now there are only eight teams...

Who will be the next out

S the most challenging competition ham
s have imagined

Eleven teams of two people united by friendship, love or family
compete around the . the world

have no idea where to depart, they will face dangers
, or this trip will affect their lives

Most teams will eliminated, but the team
first come to the finish line

... win a cash prize
million dollars .

This is a race like no other in
whole story...

This is "The Amazing Race"

This is Les Baux de Provence,

... a city on top of this hill
which was inhabited since 2,000 BC

This is also the third "save"
in a race around the world

eight teams waiting here have no idea that is what awaits you

shall discover themselves and get to the next
'Route Marker' yellow and white,

... to solve clues found in about

From this remote castle in the South of France
teams must find this man

The trick is that he is waiting for them elsewhere, and computers do not
were told which country

Their only clues are
this photograph, this flag,

... and instructions that should take a
boat from Marseille

Each team must stay here in the "save"
by a mandatory 12-hour period,

... and divide in
same order in which they arrived

Kevin and Drew, who were the first to arrive
at 3.53 pm

be able to leave... at 3:53 a.m..

Drew and Kevin, here's all the information they need
to the next stage of the race.

Can go now.

Good! We're...

now we think we feel a little elated by
come first

No better place to be than right here, in
top of this castle,

all other teams looking at you from below

- We left on time.
- Beautiful!

- Perfect! ?
- Beautiful...

While we were waiting at the top,
lawyers were still wondering:

"What do we, how do we
strategy ? "

"Can you read the 'Route Information'
in front of us?"

"Can you read it out loud to know what's going
So would a few more minutes preparation. "

You know? They were still trying to be very friendly

Ready to Go!

We did not, so quiet and silently
go down the road

The track said we should go to Marseilles
, right?


What have we here?

That may be... China, is not it?

"I have seen the Arc de Triomphe in Paris,
now find a small version of it

... Leaving from a port of France,
in the country represented by this flag "

When you get there find this man and say. Asalama "

As apparently need. of a taxi, before
call a taxi and it was perfect


Are you a taxi

- If
- Taxi

.?. - Yeah, you can...
- Bonjour

Oh, no

Devils Come ensure that our taxi with no

- I have a reservation -
- If Probably! . for us

need to see their passports

Here it is - If...

- If...
- Robert

-'m Rob, Robert
- Good.

Wait, can you call a taxi
for us, please? Merci!

Brennan Y was located on the other side and said,
"Do not call anyone else, blah, blah... Do not talk to them."

And we are in a competition,
and we had not we call if you -

I hope you're not saying do not call
another taxi.

Now that's sabotage! And on top say no
call one for us, that if it is very negligible.

- Just want to know. That is -
- If you do things well, okay.

If you want us to do so, fine.
If you want me to do...

No! This was never about not
wanted to work together, it was never so.

- In fifteen minutes.
- Thank you, sir.

- Thanks...
- Ok, merci!

During these two "Stops"
we hope after reading the information,

... and today really was no hurry.
Were we just seven minutes left.

- They are liars! I told you so...
- Frank!

- But the thing is...
- Lawyers are liars.

- No, but it depressed me that -
- What are they working? Were lawyers or liars?

If they were talking about working together,

... why not talk to us last night to have
book two taxis?

Is, when we put our word
a guild we hold.

Always share information with them,
we waited in the "save" when we arrived,

... Greet with hugs and smiles, but it seems that
is not something that is reciprocal.

- Thanks!
- Well...

- What is this here?
- We have a red flag or something.

I think it is Morocco, Morocco
is that?

- No. ..
- We'll have to find out.

This has become fiercely competitive now

This definitely turning into something more bloodthirsty

's Just about winning now, is about
to win and not let anyone else win.

- I think we should call first.
- Yes, well.

- This is the porch of our building.
- If...

I need a taxi to Marseille.

- Bonjour!
- Bonjour.

- Towards Marseille?
- Si.



- Here, hold this part.
- I have it.

"Warning: You will have to travel from Marseille
water and ships are few and far between."

This seems Turkey Flag...
or so it seems to me, could be wrong.

I hope they accept American money.

David and I have been married for 40 years.
We are doing our every day

There is nothing on this trip that could make us separate

Marseille's go first.

- Hi Drew...
- And where they think they should go?

I know exactly where you just
talking to a girl and this was their flag.

This girl I talk about is Nigeria,
she told us that this is their flag.

Did you see the star in the center
half of the moon?

- If...
- Three countries have the same symbol.

- Turkey is the same flag, but reversed.
- But this reversed.

This is Tunisian Republic.
You can ask anybody around here.

- You can ask all...
- And we even had direct indications,

-... when we arrived at the port.
- Either with a guide.

Talk to them in French as much as I could,
were very excited about all this.

- We can not stay here...
- Do you travel by boat to Tunisia?

- We will be on a boat to Tunisia.
- And you know what? All will be.

- We will all be in the same boat...
- I know.

Passenger ships are few and far between,

... But a smart team could make reservations to travel all
on a ship

Hold this... Oh God!

- Do you know where you're going?
- Si.

Well, to begin that day we knew we had to book a taxi
out of here, the Châteu

Call last night, and we confirmed
twice .

So now assume that is an
cab waiting at the base of Châteu when we go down

I think after our fight in France
I decided that we need to talk.

We talked about what was important to him,
and what is important to me,

... and we need to find a common point
to solve this.

Ultimately, I think this will
strengthen our relationship

lucky I am,

... because I can strengthen
better my relationship with my daughter to be traveling around the world.

We really never have been so close,
but we are getting along so well

While going down the roads seemed to be widened, zigzagged,

... no longer wise for what we had to lose

I think it's this way.

Hope my instinct also say the same...

Well, obviously
cab but that is looking for someone!

- I hate France!
- Yes!


is carrying the people to Marseille?

- Yeah, you are -
- Yeah, yeah... It's us.

So back up...

went back up again and then
then Nancy and Emily were there,

... and they had a taxi.
And I thought: What the hell is happening

He just came here to say that two people
search at this time!.

We call by one
and they also called for one.

What you mean by that?

Three times they confirmed for 6.45 am.

- For two people...?
- No, for four.

Mierd -
I'm tired!

I do not understand how it is that...

Can call another taxi?
Can you come one here?

enough stand this shit -

What we did is crap.

Okay, let's go.

I get mad so much! And she was so angry
every one of these days.

Was for her, this was his decision. She wanted to,
I do not even want to do this race.

But she wanted to do and I'm doing it for her.

She is crying every day,
all this infuriates me!

This becomes very difficult when people start
say nasty things

The language I'm hearing, and I do not like

The backstabbing...


I do not like, and I can not escape
and all this.

Emily became very depressed by
everything we were screaming, I just tried not to mourn

I think I'm handling it all very well

You're doing extremely well.

Were brilliant last night, honey. To think
would need a taxi waiting for us here.

Absolutely brilliant!

No, it is you who are getting tired of this game.
These constantly crying.

- Is enough, this is where I start to get angry.
- I'm just saying...

- So shut your mouth...
- Do not misunderstand.

Well, then do not say
more you should give up!

- I did not say that we should abandon.
- Yes, you did!

What are you saying every day!

But when she gets so mad,
affects me.

She is usually not.
Between one million dollars and she choose her any day.

Amy, do you want me negative?

- I'll stop right here, I do not go anywhere.
- See?! Here we go again!

- No, that would be If no, did you see me stop me?
- Yes!

No, just hear me...
speaking his mind.

- This flag is Turkey?
- No, is Tunisian.


- Goodbye...
- Thanks!

- Au revoir!
- Thanks...

- We're going to Tunisia.
- If, Tunisia.

I did not know that this was not Turkey.
Tunisia Turkey is not.

Then I ran out ideas,
no boats to go to Turkey.

Where... where is Turkey?

- Is Tunisian.
- Okay... yeah, right.

- So this is the flag of Tunisia?
- Si.

- Yes, saluting us this...
- Hello!

How do we climb up there?

We are extremely happy to be with Kevin and Drew,

... these two guys are just lovely.
They are so good to us.

Plenty of time, much time.

Nancy and Emily are like part of the family at this point. We have been with them from the beginning.

Drew and I have adopted
like our mother and little sister

Yes, we have a reason to help them.

Rather have Nancy and Emily in the end cap
compete against lawyers and "Guidos",

... They are a very strong competition [/ i ]

There were a couple of those calls "partnerships" that have shaped
, and these have crumbled.

I think
can not trust anyone now.

This is like a football game, and we'll hit four fours
onto the floor

People should understand that this is a game, and is a
rough game that must be played

port in Marseille, I think it was the first
Once all the teams have been together

the same place since the beginning of the race

lost about 6 to 7 hours
clear at all these stages,

... And now we can not get on a boat or a plane.
It's like we're a useless best team

We were very upset because we strive for both
finally reach the first place

Were somewhat frustrated, but...
Hey, this is game

We're here to play,
we're here to win

Have people here
They are reacting by stress

usually are wonderful people who do not behave in this way

... but they are starting to leave affected by this,
and get even this close to any of them

Okay, give me that!
Give it to me, please!

I said "please"!

That situation...

"I will not go there..."

"Give me the bag in hand That's very abrupt
That's very slow Give me my backpack.!"

A million dollars is a lot of money to some people

... But do not think it should cost us our relationship

Never before I've been out of the United States
and wanted to have an opportunity to see the sights.

I can not just stop and enjoy as Lenny

Trying to find more data,
wanna go travel agencies

Want more information,
've always been very competitive

[ i] We got our taxi to take us to the terminal
, arrived the pier,

... And could see there was a lot of hostility in that room

's Right here...

Bill and Joe came in and went directly to the counter

No one was still there, they stayed there until he
subject opened the window

Bill made the decision that can speak as
in French so it would all reservations,

... but nobody asked

I did not care, I just wanted to make sure that we would have
fourth . private

... so we could better plan strategy,
have more rest as needed

The travel agent said, "Well, if you are a group I can
them a group discount. "

- Let's have a group discount.
- Yes!

That's great!

Bill became the martyr
and decided he would do all the arrangements

Mean, he could make all the arrangements but
started talking about how serious this . discounted group

- But if he could buy only two tickets...
- And I had done

... and run to the boat,
he would run to the boat

And when it came time to deliver the passages I turned
tickets were numbered wrong,

... and Margarita
started yelling for his fare and then hell began.

- I know you will -
- do not know why they do this!

- Why do you want to make it so complicated? Why?
- Wait, wait a minute!

- Please listen to me! I'll say it again.
- Is that what you want? But you just said -

were some competitors who started
come and say:

"Where are our tickets, where are our tickets
Where are our tickets... "

mean, if I had wanted I could if any
halved and throw them all away.

You said you had a better method,
so I'll listen.

Do not these! Because if there is a better way to reserve

Temperaments will explode,
bad words will be said,

... And everyone will be angry with someone
sooner or later

Things happening regarding Bill and Joe,

I feel like... you're all enemies
Bill and Joe, enemies of "Los Guidos."

Controlled the game.
We control this game, period.

This game is played in our own way.
The "Guido" group under all the passages here.

No one can leave without this ticket.

Control group, intimidate the entire group.
Speak French for two hours with people who were there

Also leave doubts in their minds of what
was doing the other competitors.

We're playing like a violin, you know?

This is what I had signed up!

Forget back to jumping off a cliff!

And we sailed...

- And here give me a kiss?
- Oh, yeah!

Terms along better,

... regarding our friendship
I think we are building links that were not there

Trying to rebuild a family relationship
and take ages

What I like is that we we go through this experience and
rebuild our relationship

.. . together and go home with our daughter and
be a family again, and to finally be in a happy relationship

- You do not have here...
- Thanks!

"Team Guido" unfortunately
is the team to beat .

What amuses all this is that when all this started
told someone

... they wanted to show America
gays are honorable and honest people.

would cut off their heads and wring the heart!

- They are liars...
- Yes, they are negligible.

- They are playing the game.
- Are slippery, treacherous...

They are your best friends in front of you, and your back
they do whatever it takes to s*ab.

've Been chatting and other equipment
also think they do not play like gentlemen,

... but are playing to win

Bon Boyage!

If Boyage Bon!
Bon Boyage!

's Been 18 hours since the
teams sailed across the Mediterranean Sea

At this point in the race all
teams are positioned in the first place,

... but what better
seize this opportunity?

Do any of them really be ready to
the strange and unusual things to find

... in North Africa?

Well, what causes this stress level is
the game gets progressively more difficult

The tracks become more difficult,
locations become more difficult.

I was measuring all these people

Are very frightened.

I can see it in his eyes,
are scared.

Is now every man for himself .

When teams arrive
have to discover how to find this man

... In a place that looks like a small
replica of the Arc de Triomphe [/ i ]

should approach him with a traditional greeting

? Taxi?

Go, go, go!

I'm so nervous...

- Quick, come on! Come on!
- Go, go, go!

Hurry, hurry!

Well... a French door.

This is the guy...

Here he is.

- Is there a white taxi for our right?
- See if you can stand in front of them.

- Right!
- Come on, come on!

- Oh, my God!
- Okay...

Wait, wait! Wait...

Wait ! Do not run over people.
Please, please...


- Yes!
- Good job!

There is, Joe.

Is that out there?

Here! Wait, wait...
Where, where...?

How many francs are? How much?

Could alcanzármelo, please?


I'm running... again!

- And how much is it in dollars?
- Sorry, sorry!

- Because I want to beat the other hand.
- Oh, God!

There are Margaret and Frank, around back.
Come on, we still running!

Come on! Come on, come on...!


Sorry, sorry, sorry...

- There is Drew...
- Where?

There is, David...

Come on, Mom!

- There he is!
- I see...

- Asalama...
- Asalama!

- Asalama, asalama!
- Asalama...

information this
Route Marker presented as a "Detour" in the race

It requires teams to make a decision.
to be directed where to complete a simple task

Whatever they choose,

... both paths lead to the teams in this deep
Old Market in Tunis

... where you will find the clue to their next destination

track "Option A" is called
'Brew Length' ,.

Teams must be oriented in a maze of small passages

... In order to find this
Local Coffee

[ i] The trick is that this
photography is your only clue

track "Option B" is called
'Full Body Massage'

. = = place they're looking
marked on this map, so it should be easy to find,

... but teams who choose this option will have
to lie for a massage . than 20 minutes

'll have to do the "Brew Length"
or "Full Body Massage."

Which of the two will do?

- Asalama...
- Asalama!


- Read it!
- Here!

- Baby, it is a "Detour."
- Oh, my God!

I could really use a massage right now.

- There it is, is there...!
- Well, bingo!

- Oh, my God!
- Well, we're here in the ark.

Are three envelopes?

Instead of waiting for a massage

... we better go to the Café.

Not want to go to 20-minute massage,
take long.

- Asalama!
- Asalama...

- Asalama...
- Asalama!

- Thanks.
- Thank you!

I have it, I got it...
I have it!

... Any idea where you left here?
Is here in Medina.

- Is here.
- You know where it is?

Want get us there?

- So we are on the "Brew"?
- Si.

Do you know where is this?

Do not know where that is?

We were lucky because we had eight or ten
teenagers, I think I thought it was very cute

... and they were all
time around it [/. i]

- Well, if we can get ahead of them all...
- Merci, merci!

They are we going that way, we go that way?
Does anyone can take there?

Got the picture?

- If...
- Come on guys! Come on!

Ended up convincing
guided us to where was this Local .

- Among all drove us there!
- And they took us right there

- Come...
- Yeah, yeah... Are you coming with us.?

- Do you want to go?
- Sure! If...

Well, come...

'll go to the "Brew Length."

If... Kevin and those guys are usually
in front of others, we must not lose sight!

Hurry, hurry! Over here!

We'll have to ask someone

English?, English??

Well, a decision that -

- Why not take your decision!
- I already did three times!

- Wait! We have to find him.
- Calm down a bit! Frank...

- But you're not helping.
- Frank, just wait a minute...

Café, in Medina,
Do you know where?

's Inside!

Do you know this area?

Do the Turkish baths?

- Is this side?
- Si.

- Can you take us there?
- Well...

Let's have a massage!

Got a boy from
here running these streets

Fortunately we could speak in English

Yes, yes!

How much longer?

Come on... Come on, come on!

Excuse me, sir.

Sorry, sorry...

'm very competitive and with me is:
"Come, come, come!"

And when the two of us is:
"Get out of our way!"

Excuse me!

- Mom!
- I'm here.

Sorry, sorry...

Sorry... Merci!

Run! They're moving away,
are moving away...


... You're k*lling me.

- Is a Coffee?
- Yes, it is a Café.

If, if, if...

- Is not here then?
- Frank!

It is on this side!
Frank, come on!

These are the kinds of things that were wrong
if we're finished.

Drew, come on!

- Come on, baby.
- Come on, come on!

Okay, thank you!

Okay girls, thank...

- To the left!
- Climb up here and left.

- Should be here...
- Over here!

Rob and Brennan followed us up inside
Local Coffee

As they reached the counter
before I did, I have no idea [/! i]

- Kevin!
- Two coffees, please...

They took over their coffees and when turned
were gone


and Lenny. Karyn, the
also saw them at Local Coffee

Paul and Amy, they disappeared

- One, two, three... that should be door.
- That's what I was saying.

There is, baby!

- Come on!
- Here?

Do we have to get naked?

And they gave you a small towel to
you wear because you had to undress

You wore the towel, you slept
and they began to massage your .

... She's lying there all relaxed,
seemed she was getting a very decent massage

This is very relaxing...

quebrándome were neck and tearing hair

- treading on me.
- I was folding in half

was horrible
and she was like,

And I was like:

.! And even used oil

Mom! Mom, the flag!

Go, go, go!

... We have to ask this.

Medina ! Here it is!

- Once we got to the café in Medina...
- Margaret and David were ready to go

Yes, they were preparing to leave
[.. / i]

What we got was a cigarette lighter to
saying he had to go to El Jem

- Where is that boy?
- Look, look here!

And on the other side there is a picture of a coliseum
or something

Nancy and Emily were buying your coffee just
before me, I was standing right behind . them

Lenny and Karyn were also prepared.
They were probably very fast

We gotta get out of here!

- Kevin, will you take yours?
- No.

- It's good energy!
- Yes, it's good energy.

- A lighter.
- It's a lighter.

- Well...
- Okay.

Using this lighter as their only clue
teams must discover

... they need to reach the ancient Roman colosseum in El Jem
, which is 200 miles [ *]

There are two ways to get
Coliseum in El Jem, by taxi or by train

A taxi is faster but costs more
. Money

The train goes directly to
El Jem and costs less, but takes longer

Okay! Towards El Jem, Tunisia
, here we go.

Can you take us there? Yeah?

- Come with me.
- Good.

We got track, and they drove us back to our taxi

The guys were extremely helpful.

How will we find out what is the fastest way
get there, is it by train?

The train station...
and then have to go by train.

- Can they accompany us to the train station?
- If...

Please go.

Bill, I'm up here!

Excuse me, here is the Café?


By train...

- Train?
- Si.

? Where I can go to get on the train?

Y then travel to El Jem,
need a taxi.

How much? How far?

Keep right, are about fifteen minutes.

I do not know where we need to go!

- Emily...
- Yes?

Could you give them a tip or something?

Can be divided among all this?

- If we go to El Jem now!
- Okay...

- Let's go to El Jem now.
- She's talking to the kids...

- It's a gift for helping.
- Wait!

Go, go, go!
He ​​said we can go.

Go through the side, do not listen.

Do not listen, just go ahead!

- Can you wait a minute?
- The road is clear, just go!

Drive, drive, drive!

Is for all of you, for everyone.

- Thanks!
- Merci.

- Very friendly.
- Merci!

- They are very nice guys.
- Thank you, thank you!

Thank you ! They are very nice guys,
their mothers will be very proud.

- Thanks! Merci!
- Goodbye!

- Bon Voyage!
- Merci, my friend!

- Thanks.
- You're the best!

Bonjour, bonjour!

We went to this place, it seems...

What does it say on the back?
Says "Go here."

- Oh, good!
- El Jem...

I thought that said "Go home."

El Jem, that seems to me to be a hotel.

- Or perhaps a famous...
- seems like a coliseum.

Here is where we're going.

- And it says in the back, "Go here."
- And they even gave us a map.

And we also have a map and...

- Anything that is in English?
- Do not say anything here.

Says, "Go here."

I'm trying to find a taxi.

This is no.

- Where?
- Well, where is it?

Fair we have a very friendly
boy about 22 years

... and took us right up to the
cars that go to El Jem .

My Friend!

David, can you pass me the lighter
for a moment?

Okay, okay...

So, we need to go there.

- Good.
- Right?

Just as we were doing,

... we promised ourselves that we would not do that
would run and run in circles .

Fortunately, if we've been in front of that market
without stopping to buy anything

... and I think that was a great achievement
, right?

I just do not wanna be the last to arrive, I do not aspire to be the first
but I will not be the last, right?

That is correct.

Now David and Margaretta
are in the middle group with Frank and Margarita [/ ​​i]

Teams at the front are Kevin and Drew, Joe and Bill
, and . Nancy and Emily

teams are behind Lenny and Karyn,
Rob and Brennan, and Paul and Amy

- Here, Here...
- Where?

Says, "Go here."

And even some oil
used in this massage! I ripped the skin!

Mine was pretty good,

're doing a great job, Margarita.

Come on! Keep your head up, stay strong.
Remember, stay strong.

Now we realized that going by taxi is
faster than the train. We'll be fine, okay?

Until we get just resting.

We have a daughter, we have a baby
has almost 17 months now

When you get to that moment when I had a minute to
gather my thoughts

... I began to miss her terribly.
I'm in the middle of the race and...

... not to forget me but I was thinking about it for a couple of
hours and I feel bad about it [. / i]

But part of me feels selfish
do this because I am his mother and should is there,

... but I chose to do this because
is a unique opportunity life

miss every second but at the same time
is my motivation to keep,

... make her proud, make money
for their future, so she is definitely

... a great factor that motivates us to always

All other probably took a taxi.

What do you think?
Are we going by taxi or train?

- Taxi, going by taxi.
- Taxi!

Long as you do not remain out
today is all that matters.

They decided to go to the hammam,
is all his fault.

- Well, I hope you have enjoyed.
- It's all your fault.

- Dress like it was in "Midnight Express."
- Right! Steaming....

What station we get off?

- El Jem.
- Towards El Jem, yes!

Falling there, this is a season.

- Well...
- and good luck!

- Oh, thank you very much for everything!
- Thanks.

And how far is,
is how far?

- Good luck, guys!
- Goodbye!

- We wanted a car to El Jem.
- If...

I was assuming we'd go directly from Tunisia to
El Jem

Obviously the way they handle things is derived
us to another driver..

Oh, find someone! Where is


I think he is negotiating
for us, honey.

Will pay... - What?

- What dollars?
- I have dinar, dollars only.

Tunisian money.

No, I have no money to Tunisia.
They said you would accept American money.

Not want to accept American money, never had a chance to change
our money on Dinar

Serian 1.6 dinar per dollar.

- No, no, no...
- No, those are 16 dinars, so I'm told!

Really did not know what the situation
we could not change money on the street .

Here are a bank, right here.
Let's change.

- Okay...
- We'll go to the bank.

If we go to the bank and change money, then
and will pay our driver.

I need to change some money.

- Is closed now.
- We're closed.

- Where I can change money?
- And where we can exchange money?

Walked in and told us that the bank had closed
not change money for you

So we lost about 20 to 25 minutes...

The bank is closed, is closed.

We can not use it.

- This will work...
- So will be.

Do not know how, but this will work.

Try to go faster, please.

Thank you.

Hurry up, please.

Quick, quick...!

Do you think someone is not traveling by train?

You see, baby? They're going to take a taxi and go
us win coming.

- I think if I travel by taxi...
- arrive faster, yes.

And we travel on the train tracks.

This teaches us that we must take a taxi,
pay more and take a taxi.

Oh, camels!

Camel is the first I've seen in my life.

- Just pay me six dinars.
- 6 dinars...

- David!
- What?

I do not have dinars,
how much does he want?

$ 6.

David, do not show all the money.
This is terrible!

Do you have dinars?

Started asking people if they could move
, one of them gave us money

Finally a boy,
a very nice guy gave her dinars [/. i]

- There are nine...
- No. ..

- Six, six...
- Voilà!


Thank you, thank you...

When I gave him six dinars
ripped the car and on our way

David is the eternal optimist.
He ​​does not have one bit of pessimism in his whole being

David always believed that whatever
has started he will do,

complete... and he will do just fine and


If this is our last step will be our
last stage, just relax and enjoy it.

Is a day like they used to,
and we were there and

When teams come to the Coliseum in more than 2,000 years
find a "lock. "

In a" lock "a member of the team must perform a specific task
before the team can move forward

take this task to one of
them inside the dark tunnels beneath these ancient ruins

Based only on a small track
will have to decide which of them will do,

... just after that decision the precise
detallse this task will be revealed.

Come on!

- There is a flag right there!
- Do not fall, do not fall!

- We are the first.
- It's a "lock."

"Not for someone who is afraid of the dark."
I do not care!

- Do it!
- Well... I will.

The task is to light a torch,

... and walk clockwise until you reach the stairs
to guide them to the sand

... where gladiators in ancient
waiting to do battle

should find these swords hanging from ropes in the pit of death

should unleash some of the swords,
find the way out of the dungeon tunnels,

... and climb to reach this table

Finally, should keep his sword in one of these pods
to complete "Lock."

The last team to do so will be removed

Please get to the center of the lower level."


- How much I owe?
- Oh, I see! Emily, I see...



"... Be afraid of the dark."
Would you do it?

- I'll do it, you want me to do it?
- Do not bother me.

- Tell me! So we decided...
- do we want to?

- I will, yes! Just let me do it...
- Thanks!

Search for a flag, a flag by looking

Well, come on!

Billy path on that side, that is

- Emily Walk clockwise until you get -
- Beware! Let her bear.

Come on, you can do it!

I do not see anywhere, Nancy.

Oh, my God!

- Billy!
- What?

first circle within the center circle.


- Emily here...
- Looking inside the box, fast!

Is there a way to climb this?

Oh, my God...!

Oh, My!


The Lighter! Give me the lighter!
The before, saying the El Jem!

It was for this that we got a lighter

I do not know where I'm going.


Kev, placed the lighter there!

- Well... clockwise, right?
- Clockwise.

Part was near the edge,
in the lower level beneath the sand.

She's lost... but will make it, she can do




Where are you?

I'm down here!

Drew, where are you?

How low there?

- There's like a small ladder.
- Okay...

I think I hear...
you can not fail with that big mouth.


- Emily!
- Yes!

I'll jump to
down because I can not find the stairs!

- Is that safe?
- I do not know where else to go...

Emily, Drew!
Work together!

- Drew, did you find it?
- What!

Here we are!

- The "Team Guido" reporting for duty!
- I thought this was important.

Welcome to the Colosseum of El Jem.

You are the number one team.

- Oh, my God!
- Yes!

I found it, Kev!

Found it!

... Said it was clockwise, but
clockwise from where?

Have to remember which is the way back.

- Can you hear my voice?
- Ask Emily like these swords!

The flag!

Can you stop there? Thank you...

- Is it? There is something that is down.
- If something is hanging there...

Oh, there they are!

Oh, God!

- Can not seem to get.
- Is that what those spears were there!

Go get one, go get one...


- Here is a...
- Drew!

If we find them, Kev!
We find!

- Hold this.
- Well...

Okay, okay... almost got it.

- We're up here!
- Can do it!

Got it!

- Is there any reason why these running?
- Because... I feel like it.


- Good luck, honey!
- Thanks.

Oh, there it is! There he is!

- Where...? Genial!
- Come on, come on...!

Go, go, go!
Here we go, here we go!

Come on this side!

Take the elevator to the floor of the Colosseum!

Come on, it's here!

Here we go!

Very well done, great job!

Welcome to the Colosseum of El Jem.

- You are team number two.
- She was carrying swords...

- I was carrying the fire.
- You are team number three.

- I do not care as long as we are still here!
- We can not believe we have done so well.

- Good job!
- God, if I am very proud!

Great job, guys.

- Oh, my God...
- Well done!


The pit of death, go here!

Are we the last?


Just open it, I do not care!

"Not for someone who is afraid of the dark."
I will!

- Are you sure?
- Yes!


- I have to go to the bathroom, but I will!
- You can do it in the dark.


- God!
- Sorry, sorry...

It's like the Olympic torch, guys!

God! She said he still did not find

This thing if it has much kerosene.

Come on, baby!
I know you can do it!

- How will Amy?
- Not good, baby.

You sure you're not going
down the wrong path?

Shut up, please!
're Not helping me.

Well, here we go...
Let's do this.

You are team number four.


'll look for all the places you can


Thank you.

- Well, brother! They find it fast!
- OK.

Good luck!

Are you afraid of the dark?

- No, I have no fear.
- Well, come on!

- We have to say that what you do before opening.
- Okay...

- Are you sure?
- Si.

- Beware!
- Good.

Keep it away from you!

Come on, Amy! Can you hear me?

Here I come, baby!
I'm trying.

- Did you find anything?
- Yet.

There they are!

How do I get to grab them?

I think I have to
treparte on this thing.

Oh, yeah? Look at me!

Beware, beware...

Amy, are you okay?

I have to remember how to climb to the top!

- Paul!
- Where are you?

- Paul!
- Yeah, yeah...

- Where are you? Where am I going?
- Back to back.

I think you have to go back.

- Hey, Brennan!
- What?

I was sure that we would win coming here...

You are team number five.

We keep going!

- Got it?
- Yeah, yeah...

You are team number six.

Thank you!

Lenny, you have to go down to the bars!


Come on, Lenny!

end is coming here?

Yes, I'm here!

Wait, look!

- There was a flag back there, yes!
- A flag!


No, do not go to burn the track!

"Walk in the direction of sense
times when you can not even see

... Until you find the old bars

This at a level below!

- This is where this sword?
- If, down...

A level below!

Yes, there's the sword.

I will not go clockwise
better go in counterclockwise!

- Where are you Lenny?
- I'm on the fence!

Come on, Lenny!

There is a long rod that can be used to achieve


Lenny, tell me!

Come to Daddy, baby!
Come to Daddy...

're So close, I just wanted to come here fast

's Been a long day and wanted to continue.
I do not want to be deleted here.

If that is tied very tight!


- Welcome to the Colosseum of El Jem.
- Well!

You are team number seven.

I claim this sword!

Okay, okay...

David, just follow my voice!


Only Be guided by my voice! This forward!
Come on, it's where you had we come!

Not yet found the damn
stairs to go down!

I have to find them and go down to the pit,
not yet found a way to get down there.

This is not good...

It worked for me!

Here honey... you do it.

Well, come baby,
right up here!

You can see this right here!

- Right there!
- Here is the sword.

Welcome to the Colosseum of El Jem.

- Thank you, thank you!
- You are team number eight.

- We are the last to arrive...
- Thanks!

- Okay...
- Well, we tried.

We tried...

- Dave and Margaretta...
- Oh, we did a good job, honey!

- You are the last team to arrive at this stage.
- Well...

- Well...
- Y have been eliminated, so sorry to tell you this.

I also very sorry to hear it, but I'll tell you

... this is a very strong group with which
be competing.

And so I think...
no shame losing to them.

All are great people.
We did our best.

And I wish you all good luck.

I have a lot of respect,
I always said!

Very well done, very well done!

We will do our best...

- Let's do more!
- That's right!

Good luck, guys!
I'm going to visit them.

And I hope you continue with
theirs for another 40 years.

- Be well.
- We will miss much...

Then scenes of the next chapter...

the next episode of "The Amazing Race":

An encounter with the desert
looming problems for many teams

But that's just the way we came!
Did you ask the driver to turn around?

? Drive into
arrive until the end means go north?

I'm trying, darling!
Do not know which way we should go.

Stayed to the north, we were in the South, went
the East, went to the West,

... where do you want to go more!

While those who formerly were leading begin to fear the worst

At this point, we must return
time or we will k*ll

Hello. ..?
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