01x02 - Divide and Conquer

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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01x02 - Divide and Conquer

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "The Amazing Race":

Eleven teams departed from the city of New York
in a race around the world

. .. for a million dollars

Each team consists of
two people with a special relationship

can do it, baby!


There's a taxi, right there!

Fraternity brothers...

get in the car... Get in the car!

Childhood friends...

- Yes!
- Yes!

Of course!

Mother and daughter...

- Mom, hurry!
- Emily!

No time mum...

Emily! Emily!

Couples in love ...

Oh, baby...

Well done, honey!
Very well done!


... and husbands and separate, hoping to be reconciled

- Wait -
- Come on, come on!


Is that I have very high expectations...

His first destination was Africa

Raging waters of Victoria
Cataras surprised the New Yorkers and Kevin Drew .

Oh, God!

This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!

Cliff edge, put
stress test the relationship of Frank and Margarita [/ ​​i]


Come on!

This is a joke...

But trust ...

You can do it, baby!

Strengthened its relationship ...

Great, baby... Good job...

trek frustrated Amy and Paul [/. i]

Oh, my God!

... Who feared being eliminated,

We're finished!
We are completely finished.

... But in the end were Matt and Anna who were eliminated

You have come in last place à º.

Was an adventure.

Now there are only ten teams...

Who will be the next to be removed

is proud to present...

The most challenging competition ever imagined that

Eleven teams of two people united by friendship, love or family
compete around the world [/. i]

have no idea where to depart, they will face dangers
, or this trip will affect their lives

Most teams will be eliminated, but
the first team to reach the finish line

... win a cash prize
a million dollars

This is a career
no other in history...

This is "The Amazing Race"

A translation . BladeGun

Songwe This is a remote village
African nation of Zambia

This was the first "save"
in a race around the world

The ten teams are waiting here
no idea that is what awaits you

They must discover themselves and get to the next
'Route Marker' yellow and white,

... to solve clues found in about

At this stage the first track is very simple,
but misleading

Teams must figure out how to find the Museum

... a small building
only about 90 meters away.

A simple walk. Not required to go by car, but here is
misleading part

There is no signage and no one outside of this
people know about the museum

Of course may ask any of the
region, since everyone knows where it is

Each team must stay in the "save"
furlough for a period of 12 hours

Now depart in the same order they arrived

and Robert Brennan, who arrived at

is the first step, friend!
We are in the lead!

... Depart tonight at 11.23 pm,
in darkness .

"They've been familiar with the people of Songwe.
Now please contact Songwe to the Museum."

'll Have to wait to be a marker map,

... no matter what the time
when we get to the museum.

- Good to see you!
- Let's wait here awhile tonight

... because
go to ensure better with two other teams.

Two other groups and
will be three cars that look together.

The strategy is to team
Margaret and Frank, and Bill and Joe.

- What's wrong here?
- Good to see you.

- We'll steadily, guys.
- Here we go!

- Let's stay together, steadily.
- The three together, all to the end!

- All up to the end, baby!
- How nice!

Competition will end!

- Well, let's go...
- Come, come...

Then Margaret remembered that she thinks she saw
signaling Songwe Museum.

- Yeah, yeah...
- I think she's right.

We have no intention to
be deceiving you.

- That's my word!
- My word is trust.

You are the man!

So remember well where that
Songwe Museum?

You guys go ahead.

Come on!

I feel very comfortable with the partnership in the three parts,
in this group that we put together here.

I think we are the strongest of all.
Both physically and perhaps mentally.

Decided last night that we'd better
if we unite with the other two teams,

... the
which were first and second.

We thought if we kept as a group
we still would maintain the lead.

- Thanks again!
- Again, thank you very much.

- I hope the pass very well, enjoy!
- Well, goodbye!

I relationship is going well

... I'm just fascinated
only be here with my girlfriend,

... get to Africa and experience these things with

At the end of day and always stay together...

We will have many stories to tell our children

... because when we win
money he will have to marry me.

The other teams... No,
the latest equipment that will at about 6.00 am.

"... Now please contact Songwe to the Museum."

Hey, Bren! On this side...

We will give our best.

Pat was the one who introduced me to my husband

Then we had our two older daughters
with only two months apart.

Started planning a weekend trip, and then there

... and then started traveling as backpackers
and that is our favorite activity [. / i]

were doing these things...
I do not know, going almost 15 years.

Ah... are 3:44 a.m..

And walked out!

Then Johnny, do you know where this museum is

Do not? Still do not know?

Drivers are not from this area

They have no idea where this museum is
as no signage located on the road

Still We are in the caravan. We have...

Frank and Margaret are now before us because
Margarita said she thought she knew

... where was the Museum of Songwe
because she said she thought she saw a marking.

Everyone is depending on you, woman.

I'm counting on seeing a signal,
What about that?

- I do not know... you said you knew where it was.
- I said I thought I saw... signaling.

No, no... You said
wise where it was.

I wonder if
signaling that he had seen in passing said...

Have a suggestion?

Do you know where
is the Museum of Songwe?

- The Museum?
- Si.

- I do not know where that place you left.
- Well, thank you.

Do you know where is the Museum of Songwe?

- What?
- Hello!

're Looking Songwe Museum.

'm Looking Songwe Museum...

- I do not remember seeing any museum...
- But we do not want to go to the village of Songwe.

- Come, we must go...
- Demons...


As would hit you in the head,
because you said you had seen the signs.

Yes, apparently had not seen so... and so is
did not tell them to others we had to follow.

-'re Lying.
- Whatever...

You told everyone that you saw
signaling where the museum was.

What I said was that I thought I'd seen

Thanks for your support, Frank, by the way...

- Yeah, tell me...
- The main concern is that when I read this...

- If...
- "They've been familiar with the people of Songwe."

May mean... like this right there under our noses
and we did not see.

- That can be important...
- may be true...

- If...
- Come on.

Oh, my God!
We lost two hours...

- we're right.
- Damn!

- Can not stay here.
- Okay.

Well, then screwed us!

We have to, we have to go.

Well, then give you a
U-turn and return.

But we do not want to go to the village Songwe.

- We go to the museum.
- We want to go to the museum.

- If the museum!
- Yes, yes!

- Is also a museum.
- Yeah, yeah...

- Is there a museum there too?
- Si.

Bother us a bit as we left
chasing a ghost because it was right there.

Should be out there,
that I get for not being curious...

This way there is only trash and used cans.

This is just the way we came,
seek for some flag.

... Here

found Songwe Museum, which was the
as an isolated building,

... Saw a couple of spoons, dishes, and other things

What is that?

Then leaving there was a small
path was lit by lanterns

Teams have come up "She shifted"
within the career path [/. i]

now must make a decision

must decide which direction to follow
below to complete a simple task

is photographing African wildlife,

... but must choose between going to
to a nearby nature reserve

... where should take pictures
three difficult for animals to find,

... Or travel to a remote nature reserve where
is very easy to photograph a single elephant

"Travel to Botswana National Park..."

- This is for the "Far."
- That is the "Away"?

This is for the "Far", we have to do...
I think we need to do the "Close."

Let "Close"!

We all want to stay together and complete "Close"?

- Of course.
- Without a doubt!

- We know where it is.
- We do this, right?

- Yeah, we're good!
- Sure!

- Come on!
- Let well as we are!

- Great, let's go!
- Well!


Maybe if we... and we go through here.
We're here!

Perhaps here is another.

No. ..

No one in this house.

How can you be here
and can not find anything?


But... if we can not find the museum...

Then you better go
pass the "Fast Forward."

- For now what worries me is not to try.
- We have to go, if...

only pass in the "Fast Forward"
but allows the team to find him

advance directly...
to the next "Stop" to skip all tasks

... such as searching by
Songwe Museum

But going for him is risky. At this stage I
is hidden on the banks of the Zambezi River,

... Through a series of challenging rapids

all teams have been given
its location in the form of a track .

"If you know what you have to do,
then here's a name for you:

- 'Bandu'
- No, Bundu


"... here have a name for you: Bundu "

- Bundu, that sounds so familiar
- I know I know...

If we can find this place we find
!" Fast Forward "

. Okay

all wish them the best of luck for this next stage

Thank you - Thank you, Gabriel

!.! "They've been familiar with the people of Songwe.
Now we please contact to the Museum of Songwe "

Okay - Well... go!

She is the leader of the group.

She's the competitive side.

- The competitive side in me...
- Yeah, I know...

... makes dreaming about beat others.
I'm ready to kick some ass.

Come on!

"Now please contact Songwe to the Museum."

Oh, my God...
Well, come on!

're Keeping the relationship, but it's hard...
... We had fights, arguments

'm Always on top of my stress level
all Days

- And how we get there.!
- Shut the hell up!

"... Songwe to the Museum."

- Well...
- To the Museum Songwe.

Go ask someone.

- There must be some ladies here.
- Oh, please!


Please could you tell me where is
Songwe Museum?

Will be about ten minutes walk.

ten minutes walking on that side?

From where parked cars.

My previous experience is basically being a fighter pilot
. I flew about 107 missions in Vietnam

Fighter pilots usually are
very positive about what they can do


This is the right path.

- Well...
- Trust me.

Trust you, okay.

Oh, God!

"Now please contact Songwe to the Museum."

We love being in Songwe.

See you guys later!

It's like he was my brother, you know

Never say I care
something more or do something for him

Still, I do not let
come over to my apartment,

... because sometimes let
my friends come to my apartment but they come,

... shoes are not removed,
walk everywhere, make a mess

Songwe are already in, so I hope the museum can
no more problems.

Good luck, guys!

They were in the car, should have done that

How can we forget that?

No, just let us go! Just go...

Is we say, we are the last group, only
do this! Come on!

I have the best job and he's
important work around the world

I am a full time mother!

I do laundry, and clean the kitchen...
Sometimes I go out to eat.

I was a little worried that maybe she
delay me a bit, but she was always there.

Always at every step of the way
right behind me.

If... is this the Museum Songwe?

- What the...?
- Is it?

Yes, this is the museum.



Okay, well...

What the hell is going on here?

- "Near" or "Far"
- Close!


Should we seek some village ganillas,
chicken or museum? Does that count for something...?

Oh, God...

Forward? Left?

Test for the right for about five minutes.


Sir, do you know where the museum is...
village... Songwe? Well...

Why are back to the beginning?

We asked some of the region
and were told it is there near the village.

I can not believe it!

I'm telling you, talk with the girls...
she said they were about 5 minutes from there.

- Do you know where it is?
- Do you?

Yes, we were told that we left on this
road, then take the left path.

There he is!

What the...? Why are we running?

Is this a museum?

- Mom, come on!
- Yes!

That can not be a museum!

Sure, there is a yellow flag here

"Drive yourself..."
Oh, my God! Drive yourself!

- "Drive yourself 20 kilometers...
-... and photographed wild animals."

Oh, my God!

- Let's go "Near" or "Far"?
- The question is...

Can you find the three pictures before
to find a single elephant over there?

Is a journey of 110 kilometers,
we're talking about a difference of 90 kilometers.

Oh, God! No!

Then we should take that says "Close."

- Everyone grabbed a camera?
- Remember to bring a camera...

Here we go!

- Here, here...!
- There it is, here we are!

still remaining to grab something out there!

- What is this crap?
- Son pictures...

have is a "She shifted."
Oh, God... Oh, God!

- Okay, but we're here.
- "Close" or "Off."

"Bring all these three photographs
Mukini Chief in the Village Mukini."

Mukini Village!

- The very Mukini Village!
- Was that what he was talking about?

Is there one subject that was said!

- Which of these cameras are on?
- I do not know... that does not make any difference, right?

Now we have a camera, go!

- And what this elephant?
- What Elephant?!

- This small statue here!
- It's probably just...

- It's just to illustrate!
-... Should we take her?

No! Come on!

What is that?

Zebras! For there are many zebras!

Come on, Bill went outside!
So not much going on!

Around here there are lots of zebras,
this will be very easy.

- If...
- Are not those some buffalo?

- I think it's a buffalo.
- There's a wildebeest ["Wilderbeast"]!

- I have it!
- God, that if it is an amazing animal!

... Look at that thing!

Begin to save...

- That should do it...
- That should do it!

're Done, get out of here.

We are what we have actually taken the initiative
of this alliance.

Now it is as if we were delaying them

Robert and Brennan
were really very focused this morning...

But for some reason began to tire of this,
got tired of it!

But we really have to begin to control them,
have to take the bull by the horns.

And perhaps we should keep up the alliance with
and Robert Brennan...

Not so much so with Frank and... Margarita,
because if it is uncontrollable.

- Now what?
- I do not know!

I do not know...

Just move on.

Look, look! Look at that sign!

Bundu is, yes!
We are here!

- Bundu!
- We did it!

Bundu for you too, baby!

Bundu is the name of a model
a raft rafting,

... and is the key to find the "Fast Forward"
that is hidden down the river,

... beyond fast

Get the "Fast Forward"
gives a team a big advantage,

because it allows them to get ahead...
all other teams

... and head straight into the next

But teams can use the "Fast Forward"
only once throughout the race

found the flag, baby!

Congratulations You have found the 'Fast Forward'

... Please contact directly to the next 'stop',
the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, France."

- Paris!
- If...


Now Pat and Brenda
begin your journey 6,000 miles [9,600 km]

... directly to Paris and skipping all the tasks to complete
at this stage . race

All other teams must complete the task
photographing wild animals

- So we have to tell the driver -
- Oh my God!

- That's an Impala ["Hart of Africa"]?
- Yes, yes! Take a picture!

- Take a picture!
- It's not, it's a goat.

Give me this thing, give it to me!

- Can I go up on the zebra?
- I'm not sure that...

Go there, I think there's a hyena
out there too.

What I say about... a hyena?

- You're going to take a picture of the window, you idiot!
- Do not worry about it.

Do not look directly.

And you think that this is the
take photos of wild animals? Idiot!

Oh, my God! This on the go!
This on the way...

is a rhino is a rhino.

Pro is hitting its feet back like
to charge, so if you would go to the car.

Already got, I got...

Do not leave the car, Mom.

Mom! Sign the damn car!

Oh, my God...!

- Oh, God!
- Mom, stop!

- Not Working.
- So get in the damn car!

- Emily! But I have to take a photo.
- But if the camera is not working!

In the car!


Just fix it!

Dress her up!

Well, here I go...

I have it!

The next destination of the equipment is a secret, known only
by the Chief of the tribe

... Mukini Village

Hello... is this the way to the Village

- If...
- This is the way.

Well, is it all right?

There it is there!
For there is a yellow flag.


Teams must exchange their photographs
for the next track you need

But first, the Chief be greeted with a traditional ceremony
Tribe .

Thank you, sir.

Towards Paris?

- How nice...
- Thanks!

So far all is well.

Well, Frank...

- We did good, right?
- Yeah, baby!

- Do you remember where you left the Village Mukini?
- They do not remember having seen...

But I know... Oh, here are Lenny and Karen!

We have them! Catch up with them only!

Are you mad at me?

I know you're angry!

Come on, Maxwell!
Come on, we have the! You have them!

- Turn left.
- Okay, now turn left.

- Have the photos, right?
- Si.

- It's here! Let me out, let me out!
- Well, it's just there...

... Let me out!

- Open the door!
- Just let us go! Come on, come on!

- Let's go!
- Stop, stop!...

- Head Mukini?
- Chief Mukini!

Head Mukini! Here is!

Honey, I can not run!

Head... this is...

Is rhino.

This is the buffalo head.

- Come on, Amy!
- "Does this, do that."

And these are the zebras, Chief.


I just want to move on.
Let's get out first!

We're... we're going to Paris, friend!

- Now... there were four other teams.
- True...

Now we know we're in fifth or sixth place because there were four teams
behind us.

- Right!
- That if the girls in Texas are still behind us.

- I have a contempt for Paris!
- I know... Who wants to go to Paris?

Not want to go to Paris, I hate Paris!

- Do you have money?
- What!

I asked you if you have money!

YES! Why are you yelling at me!

Teams receive a small sum of cash
at the beginning of each stage,

... and that money should cover all expenses
except airfare.

The real challenge is getting these passages .

Find seating for a trip of over 9000 miles
from Africa to Paris

Without notice... it's a nightmare

'll have to make a connection.

Teams away in the front now
must fight to not fall behind

How many seats are available?
How many seats?

He confirmed
seats and gave us a price.

You promised, you promised

May not travel by Air France,
is not yet possible.

- Okay...
- He told me a price, he said he had seats.

Then suddenly change your mind.

Towards Paris, France...
I do not care how many airports spend!

- Do not have time!
- Well, then...

Well, then I'll come back to chat with my new friend

Do not go easy for us.

Resists there, friends!

We did it this morning, did not you?

And we pass from the overall success
to total disaster, on the same day.

Hello! Do you have any for
flight to Paris tonight?

'm At w*r, I do not care anymore!

Come on!

Do you have any flight to London?
Any flight to Amsterdam, a flight to Brussels?

Please! Can I bribe her with
raise money for us on the fly?

- I'll give you $ 50!
- No, sorry. I can not address them.

I need to get a flight to Paris.

Guess I'll be in the waiting list!
I do not know what else it can be done.

- So where are we going now?
- I do not know... I guess I get in line.

Can we...? I mean, what is this?
This is the airline that we choose?

I guess if...

Also waiting list from here to New York
, what about this one?

Could you please do me a big favor?
I will pay!

Please read what they have! Please
you have... Please have it... please...

- How many seats are looking to book?
- I'm looking for four seats, and she is not with me.

- Okay...
- Good.

Not have time to be begging...

"And I'm not you!"

Excuse me?

This is so stupid!


"And I'm not with her."

- Do you know...?
- You should kick his ass!

- Will my foot in his ass in minutes.
- Kick his ass!

They are not on the flight,
have nothing!

Go ask someone...

can not be closer to them.

Because if I do... I'm sure I'll tell you something, I open my mouth

I will not let someone who is not worth
spend my breath,

-... no I'm going to let it affect me.
- Solo'll be sure to let him hit and bleeding nose.

She will have more than that!

'll Throw it that cliff and this time

What ! I do not understand how or when
is that they were angry with us.

What did we?

I'm really starting to hate them.

- It is so!
- Why sound like...?

- Why are they like this?
- This is a race...

- We are in a race against everyone else.
- And this is all we have baggage.

're In a hurry, so...

Okay, relax!


- No need to be angry.
- Thanks!

- Thanks...
- Well, thank you!

She's a nice lady.

But she does not understand that
is a race through!

- Here are your tickets.
- Oh, thank God!

Let's see what we have here...

Your hands are shaking!

Here are your tickets, seat 149...

I guess there's no point asking
a seat next to the window.

- Here! There are numbers of seats.
- Thank you for your patience, Graciela.

Stayed here for over three hours and
others... we are both addressing lingering,

... and we're about to take off.
Our flight leaves in 11 minutes!

- We have not yet cleared customs.
- Thank you, thank you!

And we are in last place in line.

At last we found a solution and now we basically screwed...

Many thanks for everything!

So... this is all very frustrating
... you know?

Nothing we can do about it.

And Robert Brennan, I just found
who have never been outside the United States,

... so that was officially the end of the
" alliance "so my concerns

How the hell could help us?

We live in Paris for three years!

So... I thought that until I got there. .
No friends here

The best thing to do is to act amicably

- Yeah, yeah... is here!
- Yes!

Yes, we are on the elevator!

-'s Ask here.
- Where are we?

's Ask...

Excuse me, where is the train?

- You have to take the elevator...
- Here is another elevator.

There! Over there, over there...!

Thank you!

It was expected that the
boys continue on their way, you know...

I would say would be angry if
worry enough for them, so I do not care...

have the advantage in France for
lived here for a couple of years,

... and they decided to move on.

I would say they broke their word... but it would happen eventually
so... whatever!

Y. .. here we go!

Okay, come on!
By the Eiffel Tower!

I was wondering,
I said we can go by train.


's Ask then enter
first find seats, the rest does not matter.

We left the airport first. Practically
let all back there.

"Team Guido" might just achieve to become
first now.

- Nice!
- Si.

Come on!

Come on, come on, guys!
Come on, are we going!

After a journey of more than 9000 kilometers from Africa
the first teams are now in Paris

... and desperately looking for transport

. = = Is there an hour before?

Who do not know is that this is the next

... the Arc de Triomphe, one of the most famous places in Paris not only
but also in the world.

The last team to reach
here will be eliminated from the race

Only Pat and Brenda are released from any other task
because they found the "Fast Forward."

It's all a matter of patience
in a situation like this.

- Are we there yet?
- We...

Is this the place?

- Clear!
- This is the place!


- Bonjour France!
- Come to the goal!

Hi, welcome to Paris!
You are the first to arrive.

First arrived!


Before other teams can register
must first go to the Eiffel Tower

How long the Eiffel Tower?

- Be five minutes.
- Five minutes?

, the Eiffel Tower.
When we pass these buildings we can see it right there.

- There's the tower.
- Yes!

Great, the Eiffel Tower!

- Joe, there's a flag!
- Yeah, I know!

I'm walking toward it.

- You have to open it.
- If...

- I won?
- We are the first to arrive at the Eiffel Tower.


Right! A "Block"!

Is a "lock."

"Lock" is a task that must be completed before
equipment operation

Now the challenge is that only one team member
can perform this task,

.. and teams must choose which of the members accept
do it

... before finding out that it is exactly.

"This task requires strong legs
and a keen eye." I suggest you do.

- Yes!
- Well...

The task is quite simple.
A member of the team must go up stairs

... to the second level of the Eiffel Tower,
use coins of 10 francs to operate a telescope,

= = ... and find a well-known monument in Paris, the Arc de Triomphe

At the top they will see the 'Route Marker'
White and yellow indicating that the Arc is the "Stop",

... but instead track
receiving equipment is a bit more enigmatic

. = = "... up to the second balcony level notes
and a telescopic sight

... What is known here as monumental "
Remember well that, monumental

So you have to search for any
monuments from up there

Well... we .!

Demons Oh... Bill and Joe have just arrived here

- should be just up the stairs
- Well...

- It's all what you mean
-. I'll do it

- You are the 'master' with stairs
- Okay...

!.. - There is a yellow flag, a yellow flag
- Where

? Just right there

"To find the next clue
up to the balcony on the second level

... and look for a telescopic sight
what is known here as monumental."

- Let ! do I know that there are, let
- Come on, Frank!

But you have to run to
the top of this damn tower?

Yes, what else
requires sharp eyes and strong legs!?

I want to go!

Come on, baby!

We're right behind them!

- "This task requires strong legs and sharp eyes."
- Go you!

Hey, will you take this?

- Run, baby!
- Kev!

'd Need a little more oxygen...

Frank! Come here!


Tell me something!

Now I'm coming!

"This task requires keen eyesight...
strong legs and a keen eye."

Well, we have the strong legs. Apparently
eyesight it might not.

This obviously talking about a monument, but I know
the monuments of Paris.

Seems that perhaps there is a yellow flag out there...

About Arco,
I think I see a yellow flag.

I'm down!

- Joe Brennan and Robert... are already here.
- I know!

Out of here!

We right, get going...

- Come on!
- Good.

I believe this in the Arc...

Look, there is a yellow and white flag...

Top of... whatever that thing big!

There are some red or maybe black letters there too,
I do not know what to say black lettering.

Monumental! That's what it says!
Come on!

- Wait, what does it say?
- Says "monumental."

Oh, for God's sake!

How far does this thing?


He does not have as good a view, do not know if
was able to find that thing fast enough or not.

Nothing to what one would call as "magnificent."

The Arc's right there...


Over here, over here!



- Come on! !
- Good

Get a taxi

Try to get a taxi!

Two taxis, two taxis...

- found the monument.
- Must go!

- I get it...
- Where are the taxis?

- Frank!
- Woman, we gotta go!

Go with your team!
Now, now we going!

Over there taxis!

Come on!

Frank, come on!

Yes, yes... we are there.

Kevin, I do not say anything!

How are you, brother?
Are you okay there?

'm Holding here

Do your legs hurt you?

I'm an idiot! I'm a f*cking idiot

That's my boy!
Always keeping your sense of humor!

- Come on!
- You know where it is?

Do they turned all telescopes?
Do you you turned the well could not find it?

- Yes!
- You did very well, brother!

Because they were there for long,
you did great!


- You found it?
- I can not do it...

- I could not see any flag.
- You could not see any flag?

- So you do not you find it?
- I had not head up there, you had to look...

But you had to be looking...

Look, I was looking!
I was looking in the distance and I could not see anything.

Lenny, everyone else could find.

You have to climb again!

You can not be thinking of giving up now,
you have to climb again!

Come on!
I can not believe you came back down!

Why you came down here?

- Would you go?
- I can not go!

- You decided you would!
- Okay, then shut up!

Not tell me to shut up, just do it!
This up there!

What monument is the one right there,
that church? What's his name?

Right there, those same towers...

- Is Notre Dame, right?
- Si.

- And you say that's something "monumental"?
- Oh, yeah!

Cathédrale Notre Dame, and it's something monumental...
is seen by the telescope.

Notre Dame...

- Where?
- Notre Dame...

looked when you went out the first time, is not it?

- Did not even look, so you could not find -
- Want to go to Notre Dame, or not!


Can we walk skipping the row of taxis,
allowed to do that?

No, I think not...

Well, come on!
Here's a taxi!

No! There is a row!
You have to get in line!

- Please could you help?
- You have to wait in line!

Please, please!

- Please, sir!
- There is a row...

row... We must make these taxis
must wait in line.

- This is to take me.
- She's not with us!

Please could you take my offer
and ask that you please leave?

- And that no line! A taxi was waiting in lines...
- There's a line, sir!

Well, yes... was somewhat tricky.
I did some trap! Come on!

We were inside the taxi and she jumped
front seat and began to bribe

Are you going to Eiffel?

- Yes, to the Eiffel Tower!
- Yeah, yeah...

She was like negotiating with him: "Take us
to us, take us to us not to them, not them!"

? Please could take my offer
and ask that you please leave?

Yeah, okay.
Well, well...

Good! Come on, he said okay!

- Right!
- Ask them to leave.

Hey, now you can enter!

Paul... - What?

Just go there and get another taxi!

You a f*cking bitch!

She started yelling at me...
as if you were talking to her boyfriend!

Come on!

- But there was a row!
- Come on!


Good job, friend!

You have to play the game!
Whether you play by the rules or play against the rules.

- I'll give you all my money, please take me there!
- Come on!

- Oh, my God! I can not believe this!
- That crap they are!

How come you got into our taxi and we took
there? And that is a row, first of all...

against all behind her were cast...

If New York, the
had them kicked out!

I do not think I can now
get along with them.

- I think from last night that we fell not do well.
- I know that does not mean...

's why I said, let's go home!
And now you're crying the whole day for this.

- This is not worth it!
- You stop!

- No, I will!
- Basta!

- Like much feel that way?
- It is enough!

Because the more I listen to you I feel worse!
So enough!

All I was saying is that if you are not already happy,
not going to win the million dollars...

Just let's go home.

I will not give up!
I'm not giving up...

But you can not carry this alone without me
so if this gets worse this will be.

- Because I'm going on my own...
- Thanks...

There is that monument...

Come on!

We beat cheaters girls, yeah!

Where is that thing?

Come on Paul!

Paul, tell me when you get up there!

Do you have change?

A coin... to... look...

Well, Paul! Come on!

And I was running out of patience!

Come on!


I tired! Leaving this race,
I'm serious!

Where the hell are those yellow flags?

Where are they?
What are you doing?

Who cares!
I'm tired of them both!

- Up to the top...
- To the top, please.

She was right, this is faster.

- I do not know...
- No, that was the second. Is there a third floor?

I do not know, is there a third floor?

Anyone see any
yellow and white flag here?

Sorry, sorry, sorry...

Anyone see here some
yellow and white flag?

Has anyone seen a yellow and white flag

Nobody saw some yellow and white flag
? No one?

- I'm stupid?
- I do not know...

Great, this goal!

- This our goal!
- Oh, my God! We're here!

Go, go, go!


That was not good...

- Hello! Welcome to Paris.
- Thanks!

- You are in second place.
- Well!

- How, where do we cross over there?
- How do we get there?

We walk in traffic?

Welcome to Paris, you
are in third place.

Hi, welcome to Paris!
You are the quarters to come.

- Thank you!
- Merci!

- I can not believe we did not get first!
- How beautiful it is Paris!

- I think we have to go in, right?
- If...

Are you sure that this is it?

What was up there that made you look
in this direction?

- For when you were going up the stairs...
- If...?

First telescope that could see
was pointing in this direction.

But how do you know that there was someone before
facing here?

Why you -
do not understand why... do you know what I mean?

Well, then... we have
back up and try again.

You should not have gone down there if you were not completely sure

Even if you were to ask
more than twenty people up there before going down...

Do you think I did not?

Honestly do not know that's what you did.
So I do not know what else to say.

I just do not have the money to pay
taxis to and again.

Come on, Lenny...

You must love her!
You have to love her...

I'm really disappointed, very disappointed...

- What!
- Very disappointed...

- Say what?
- I'm disappointed!

Well, that's not new...

is not new...

You're always disappointed
yourself whenever you do not get what you want.

- I feel for you...
- This is not about having what I want.

's About using common sense.


The Arc de Triomphe...

... how long before that?

Okay, well...
us doing well.

- See? Look!
- Where?

- See? This on top of the Arc de Triomphe...
- Where is the Arc!

Can not you see it?
It's right in front of you.

- You can not see that there is a large structure right here.
- Oh, is that thing!

- Did you see that yellow flag? You had to see it in the distance.
- If it is something small...

This is the man who
had to climb all the way up there!

- You are team number five.
- We need to provide it with beer!

- Is white...
- "White."

- Blanca?
- Yellow and white...

Did you see her?

How do you say "We"?

- If you do not know...
- Could you show us? Yeah?

- We have to go back down...
- How come we did not see anyone else up there?

How does
went so stupid all this time?

Is there a yellow flag
and white down here?

- Could it be that?
- Oh, is there! This trip!

"Should be selected before opening this
on completely... This task requires."

That's you!

- Okay?
- Yeah, well...


Oh, no!

I do not have more change...

- Hey, American girl...
- Can you give me 10 francs?


Well... okay...

You can do it! Yeah?


What does it mean, what does it mean?

Do not understand why it is taking so long...

I see! Do not know if it's that...

- Any hints?
- No, I do not know! I...

Do not know... do not even know
I'm looking for!

The only monuments I know
is the Arch... whatever!

Oh, Lenny! Lenny, Lenny!
This Has It...

This on top of that thing. I think I can see,
is a thin yellow and white flag.

- This trip! It's a flag!
- I know, I just see it!

Many thanks for everything!

Paul! Where are we going?

- Which one of all?
- In that you showed me, Arc!

- The Arc de Triomphe!
- I could not read it!

- Is a very small flag.
- Try out there!

I was going crazy up there, could not find

Do you?

Sorry, we're having!

- Kim, could you find it!
- If...

Does not matter, go with the taxis that are here.
We must continue.

- Are you sure, David?
- Yes, I found the flag, honey!

- Did you see it?
- Yes!

Do not know where I will be that crazy
couples who hate us to death...

But if there is a race and you have to run!

But just get up there
start the run!


David, I got one! David!

- Karyn, where are you going?
- Taxi!

Towards the Arc de Triomphe The Arc...
! I need to go to the Arc!

- The Arc de Triomphe?
- Yes!

I wonder if I will have to go
to the top of the Arc.

Welcome to Paris!

- You are team number six.
- Yes!

- We are an underground passage here...
- Come on!

Come on!

Need to go to the Arc de Triomphe...

- Why we did not see that there was the flag?
- I do not know, Kim!

Because we are a stupid, stupid, stupid!

You are team number seven.

But you know what?
Our stupidity is improving a bit...

Yes, because
yesterday were lost for about three hours...

today only took about 2 hours and 55 minutes.

- Come to the Arc de Triomphe, right?
- That's...

- Right there!
- There is a tunnel there too, here you go!

Are $ 40... plus 27 francs?

Now, come on!

Just park somewhere, out there!

Come on!

Quick! Hurry!

Welcome to Paris,
you are team number eight.

- If...
- Yes!

No, that's ridiculous! Wait a minute!
What is your name?

- I need your name.
- We'll go to the police.


Come here!

Come here!

You know what I'm about to say?
We are the stupidest people throughout North America.

Because these are public bathrooms...

And where is...?

That's a stupid tunnel! Because people are very stupid...

Come on, baby!

Hello, you are team number nine!

You will not... you will not even give me a hand!

We are not eliminated,
are not you going to give me a hand?

Good job!

Good job, honey...

We're not out...

we is all that matters now.

- You want me to go up all the way to the top?
- Oh, wait!

Is not that the yellow and white flag?

Oh, please... we are!

- Hello, welcome...
- Please do not tell me that we are the last to arrive!

- No, please!
- Please just tell us once...

- Please...
- I regret to say that they have come in last place.

Both have been eliminated.

- Okay... we tried!
- That's right!

I think our biggest mistake was perhaps
team and do not make us friends with...

With other people and we could have eliminated
other teams, but... you know.

- Wanted to do it on our own.
- It's a game!

- Emily!
- It was a pleasure to meet you.

- To you too!
- See you soon, okay?

Of course I do!

I wish you all the best of luck.

- Thanks...
- Good?

Especially the "underrated"

- Do not give up!
- Goodbye!

Sync and made by
.. :: BladeGun Group :: ..

Then scenes of the next chapter...

In the next episode of "The Amazing Race":

Pat and Brenda have the advantage,

- Quick, quick!
- Go, go, go!

... But knowing Joe and Bill
on Paris might give them every advantage

Make others are disoriented, and screw them!

Frank and Margaret
have new doubts about his alliance with Robert and Brennan

're All great liars,
all betray you in the back!

I will not join forces with anybody else.

A train ride from Paris
may mean defeat for someone

I think someone
I fail to board this train.
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