04x10 - Serve and Protect

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Top Chef". Aired: March 8, 2006 – present.*
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Show features chefs competing against each other in culinary challenges.
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04x10 - Serve and Protect

Post by bunniefuu »

previously on top chef...

it's done.



I never want to be
on dale's team.

Half the people in the house
don't want to work with him.

Restaurant wars

Is going to become
wedding wars.

I have a culinary boner
right now

Knowing that I'm going to be
working all night.

everyone's on edge.

We haven't slept
in over a day.

I'm exhausted.

all the hot food I'm cooking
by myself.

I have no support
inside that kitchen.

The pasta's a little
too sweet.

the tortellini is also
not very good.

I banged it out today.

I feel like I pushed harder
than you.


Dale, you're such
a little bitch, bro, seriously.

nikki, the tortellini
that you made

Was dry--the filling
was like dessert.

we feel that you had
the most experience

With italian food,
but didn't assert yourself.

Nikki, please
pack your knives and go.

at stake for the winner,

A feature in food & wine

A showcase at the annual food
and wine classic in aspen...

A gourmet dream vacation
in the french alps,

Provided by evian
natural spring water...

$100,000 To help turn
their culinary dreams

Into reality,

Furnished by the makers
of the glad family of products.

And the title of top chef.

[Rock music]

♪ ♪

It's really sad to see nikki
go down in flames in that way.

You know, the stakes are high,

And at this point,
the chefs left

Are really high--level,

And the competition's gonna get
harder and harder.

And everybody's sort of
just accepting the fact again

That it's just the way
it's gonna go.

We were up for over 40 hours

And now we're back up
a few hours later

Going into a quickfire.

It's really, really tough.
I'm fatigued, for sure.

Dale is a little bitch,

And his "I'm not here
to make friends" routine...

Why would you want to be
the outcast

And act like an ass[bleep]?

It's gonna follow you,
and it's gonna haunt you

At some point, dale,
in your career.

everyone in this house,

They're acting like I'm being
a total ass[bleep].

It's very dramatic.
It's so emotional.

So much tension
going on in there.

But I'm just, like,
whatever, man.

I'm gonna focus
on the task at hand,

As opposed to anybody else.

The atmosphere in the house
is everybody's beat down.

Except for me,
who's still all crazy.

I woke up today with
a [bleep]in' fire

Inside my stomach.

Like either I'm gonna
s*ab somebody,

Or I'm gonna make
some amazing food.

buenos dias, puercos.

Let's roll.
[Snorts like a pig]

Hello, chefs.
[All respond]

I'm sure you all

The gentleman
to my right.

Season two finalist,

and our guest judge
for this round,

Sam talbot.
Hey, guys.

Sam is from season two.

I was, like,
oh, my god!

Tall, dark, and handsome,
and he can cook.

Sign me up.

Today we're going
to challenge you

to bring back a dish

that's fallen on
some hard times.

I'm talking about salad.

Making salads is just as hard
as roasting a filet

Or making a great sauce.

It's finesse, it's vision.

This is a chance
to sort of recreate

And put a little sexy
back into the salads.

I think salads are, you know,
if they're done well,

It could be
a very strong component.

I mean, if I just put some
[bleep]ing vegetables on a plate

And say "this is me,"
it's garbage.

You've gotta put thought
and creativity to it.

And if you do,
you have something amazing.

we want you to create

this millennium's caesar
or cobb or waldorf salad.

And you have 45 minutes
to bring salad sexy back.

You have access to
everything here on the table

as well as your
top chef pantry.

your time starts now.

Good luck.

Quickfire really isn't
my forte.

I feel like it's time
to step up and show people

What I'm all about.

I'm planning to make something
that's going to just scream,

"Let's have sex
after we eat this salad."

It's a pretty loose word--

You know, "salad."
It could be anything.

I'm kind of planning on
just, like, ceviche of sorts--

Of different vegetables
and fruits.

To make salad.

But I'm looking around

At other people's dishes,
seeing what they're doing.

I definitely saw some salads
that looked very simple,

Very basic.

Obviously there's people here

Who don't deserve to be here.

They're not that great
a chefs,

And their personalities
suck ass.

I've got artichokes,
mushrooms, pears.

I'm just gonna go
for fall flavors.

Pressure's on.

Only three more people
to give the boot to,

And I really don't want
to be one of them.

I love fatty salads.

Like, whenever I go
to a steak house,

I always have, like,
some kind of

Poached egg spinach salad
with bacon.

That's totally what
I'm gonna do today.

I glance over at lisa,

And she just has a lot of
very high-quality ingredients.

Early in the competition,

I wasn't really concerned
with her.

But now I realize
lisa's doing really well.

And she's strong
female competition.

Seven minutes!


time's up! Utensils down.


I didn't get everything
on the plate.

In the end, I forget
to put my artichoke chip

On the plate.

I'm not super happy
with my performance,

But I know, at least,
that the flavors are nice,

So we'll see what happens.

Hello, andrew.

How are you?
Nice to see you.
My pleasure.

So this is a thai fruit salad.

Mangoes, strawberries,

It's dressed with a little bit
of siracha,

Sugar, lime juice--
please enjoy.

The siracha gives it
a good flavor.

thank you, guys.

This is called
the sensual beef salad.

It's got pineapple, radish,
cucumber, skirt steak.

It's nice to see the contrast
in profiles used.

Thank you, spike.
Thank you.

Hello, lisa.

I did grilled squid
and grilled lobster tail.

Some bananas, a grapefruit yuzu.

A vinaigrette with a little bit
of heat into it.

Actually, I don't taste
a lot of spice at all.

What I taste is banana.

I did a little fall duet.

There is
a pear vinaigrette

As well as some poached pear,

Marinated artichokes
on the bottom.

Artichoke chips were supposed
to be on top.

Thank you.
thank you.

So I did a salad
that I love:

Poached egg wild mushroom salad.

Wild mushroom saute
with sunchokes,

A warm bacon vinaigrette,
and mashed squash blossoms.

it's got great flavor.


Sam, how are you?
hey, how are you?

Nice to see you.
A pleasure.

Uh, we're just calling it
fresh and clean.

A kind of, like, ceviche
of fruits and vegetables.

Thank you.

appreciate it.

I did a poached chicken salad
with nori paste,

Mirin and sake,
and some rice wine vinegar.

I think it gives it
that fifth flavor component.

Poached chicken
can dry out,

but that's actually
really moist.
thank you.

All right, so
who were the chefs

You were maybe a little
less thrilled with?

First off, I would have
to say richard.

When you said ceviche,
I was thinking

A little bit more
like acidic-packed,

And it just wasn't there.

Second, I would have
to say stephanie.

The pear vinaigrette,
it was sort of lacking.

The artichoke chips didn't
make it to the plate.

And, you know,
45 minutes is a lot of time

to compose a salad.

Lisa, I liked the idea of using
the squid and the lobster,

But really, all I could taste
was the banana.

It just seemed like
a hodgepodge

A little bit more than
more of a composed salad.

On to happier things.
Who did you like?

Spike--a really
well-balanced salad.

I liked that the beef
was made really well.

The sweetness of the pineapple

really brought the dish
thank you.

just a great salad.

You know,
there's nothing sexier

When, like, you're
breaking into a yoke.

it was a really good salad.
thank you.

And your last favorite?
my last favorite
would have to go to dale.

Really unique,
taking the nori

And pureeing it
how you did.

you nailed it.

who is the winner?

I would have to say spike.

Thank you.

I win the quickfire.
It's my first win.

At first I'm like,
am I on punk'd ?

But you know, it's nice.

So congratulations, spike.

but as you know,

There's no longer
any immunity

for quickfire winners.

But you will get
a significant advantage.

Sam and padma bring a tray
of a bunch of nasty,

Greasy fast food items

That, personally,
at the moment,

I'm kinda like,
ooh, that looks good.

I don't mind
a greasy cheeseburger

Every once in a while.

But at this point
I'm thinking,

What are we gonna do
with all the stuff?

We all know that
one of the biggest problems

Facing americans today

Is the spread of obesity
and diabetes.

I'm, you know,
a diabetic myself,

And it's really hard
to find

flavorful food that's low
in carbohydrates,

Low in sugar--you know, really
packs a punch in the flavor.

this is a typical lunch order

for the officers and cadets

of the chicago police academy.

Your elimination challenge

Is to make gourmet
boxed lunches.

you must use
at least one ingredient

from the following
food groups:

whole grains,
lean proteins,

and vegetables.

in other words,
protect their health,

and serve them
something tasty.

Spike, because you won
the quickfire,

You'll get a ten-minute
head start on your shopping.

you'll also get to choose

One ingredient
from each food group

That only you can use.

I'm gonna have a little bit
of an advantage.

So I'm gonna
start showing people

The tricks I have
up my sleeve.

Because everything's
a strategy

At this point.

I think spike is
the worst person

To get the advantage

Because he can sort of
[bleep] us all over.

Which I'm sure
he's very excited about.

Good luck.
We'll see you tomorrow

at the police academy.

I don't give a [bleep]
what spike picks,

Because I have a background
in nutrition

And working with raw foods.

So I think I can do
some fancy [bleep]

That people are gonna be,
like, "wow, that's awesome."

[Blender whirring]

Who turned my burner
up to high?

Damn it!

Somebody has cranked my rice
all the way to high.

And he's off.

Spike, as the winner
of the quickfire,

He gets ten extra minutes
in the store

To pick out his lean protein,
his vegetable, his fruit,

And his whole grain.

Once he picks them,
we are not able

To use them at all.

And now it's time
to piss everybody off.

This is way better
than immunity.

He's gonna grab
only his favorite things.

Where is he?

Hi, everybody.

My personal strategy is
just to choose ingredients

That will just make it
very difficult

For the competition.

Ten chicken breasts,

I'm going to go with
a chicken salad,

Because everybody loves
to try to do chicken,

And let them fight
over the meat.

I'm also going to
take tomatoes away from them.

I'm gonna take bread
away from them.

I'm gonna take lettuce
away from them.

So they're gonna have
a really good time

Trying to figure out
what to do today.

if he doesn't use
those tomatoes tomorrow,

He's going straight to hell.

That's just plain mean.

That fact that
he's actually thinking

How he can screw
the rest of us up

Leads me to believe
that he hasn't really

Put that much thought
into his own dish.

all right,
what'd you pick?

chicken, bread,

And tomatoes.

And this is nothing personal.

This is a dish
I want to make.

Have fun making a lunch box
with no bread, no salad,

No tomato, and no chicken.

he basically picked the four
most dumbed-down components

On purpose,

Realizing that most of
the people that we're with

In this house, you know,
are stupid.

So wah to them!

They're not creative enough
to create something.

But they are gonna have to now.

[Fast-tempo music]

♪ ♪

Are these leaner over here?
The beef tenderloin?

I think spike's advantage
is cool for him,

But it does actually mess up
my original plan.

I was thinking of doing
something with chicken

And smoked tomatoes.

But obviously,
I'm not gonna use

Tomatoes or chicken now.

no, I can't get the chicken.
never mind.

Uh, just make it, like,
eight pounds of ground turkey.

The first thing I think
about making

Is very basic soup
and a sandwich.

I officially have to scratch
that entire thought process.

So the next thing
my mind goes to

Is a stir fry.

These are way bigger
than those, though, aren't they?

Ultimately, I decided
to grab some shrimp.

And shrimp are very good
for you.

All right, thank you.

I'm kinda formulating
as I go here.

I know.
Me too.

I don't know if it's
to screw other people up,

And to get 'em off
their game,

But spike took chicken
and lettuce.

So, you know,
if I'm gonna do a burrito,

I'm gonna use bok choy
and tuna.

Exactly--that's exactly
what I'm looking for.

You know, a dish is kinda
coming together.

I'm happy about that.

Ooh, maybe a little bit
of you,

'Cause you're healthy.

I studied nutrition
for two years.

Immediately, versus all
the other chefs

Who run around like crazy,

I actually just walk around

Like a dart on point
with what I want to buy.

Spike's advantage
is not gonna affect

In any way, shape, or form
what I'm making.

Because I think beyond
what most people think of

When it comes to food.

What is it?
What does it look like, huh?

It looks like success.
Smell it.
I just wanted to touch it.

Smell it.
Smell the success.

Look at that.
Success, success.

Take off one more.

So in order to make
this well-balanced meal,

We have to have a whole grain,
a lean protein,

A vegetable, and a fruit.

When we get there,

We're gonna hand it
to the police officers

With instructions,

And they're gonna have
to microwave it themselves.

[Pans clatter]

We have two hours
in the top chef kitchen

To cook our meal,
pack it up,

And have it in our coolers
ready to go.

My dish is curried beef
with jasmine and brown rice

With a fresh berry
fruit salad.

It's healthy cooking again.

And I did really well

On the last healthy
cooking challenge.

I cook really well at home,
like, for my family.

Whole grains, vegetables,

So I think it's gonna be

I'm doing a, uh, sushi roll

That instead of using rice,

I puree a bit of parsnip
and pine nuts together

And use that
as my sushi "rice."

And then on the inside,
lots of veggies

And, like, a little
salmon-like tartare.

So it'll be, like, a completely
raw experience for them.

It would be absolutely

If I could win
this next challenge

Because it would be
really nice

To once again
show these people

Who is the man.

Andrew's rolling sushi,

Which sort of surprises me.

It just doesn't seem
like a very hearty,

Filling lunch.

I know for me there's no way
in the world

That that's gonna
fill me up for lunch.

My plan is to do, um,
lettuce cups

Out of napa cabbage so they're,
like, cabbage cups

With marinated bison.

And then very vietnamese-style,
um, herbs.

Peanuts, mint,

Bison, it's very similar
to beef,

But it has 50% less cholesterol
and fat that beef has.

Dale only cooks asian food.
I'm totally convinced.

There's never a well-rounded
from somewhere else.

It's all asian.

And he's gonna totally
go down for it.

My dish is going to be
a lot of vegetables

With a little bit of shrimp,

Making like a vegetable
and pineapple soy sauce.

First thing I'm doing
is some brown rice

With a little bit
of herbs in it,

Giving myself ample time
to cook brown rice

'Cause it takes
a long time.

Andrew points out to me
that the shrimp

May have too much

This challenge says
a healthy meal,

But it also specifically says
low in carbs, uh,

Low in sugar,
and low in fat.

So I rolled
with the shrimp.

Just a couple shrimp
is not a lot of cholesterol.

It really sucks when you're up
on the chopping block

And you have a dish
that the judges can't say

A single negative thing about,

But because you didn't

Specifically follow the rules
to a "t,"

You're on the chopping block.

So I want to make sure
that I'm clear

On what needs to be done.

Hey, stephanie.
Hey, chef.
How's it going?

So what are you making
for the, uh,

For chicago's finest?

I'm doing a mushroom
leek soup

With some meatballs in it.

It's a nice, cold day.

And, um, as long as it all
tastes good--

And I think it's gonna
fill them up pretty well, so...

It should be good.
Awesome. Okay.

Well, good luck.

Hey, lisa.
How's it goin', chef?

Good. How are you?
Pretty good.
Pretty good.

So what are you cooking up
for the cops today?

I am gonna be making
a, uh, veggie edamame

And just a little bit
of shrimp, uh, stir-fry.

I've made some homemade
hot sauce--

If you dare.

I don't know if you want
to try it or not.

They can kind of add
as much heat as they want to.

It's intense.

It's gonna mellow out
once it sits a little bit.

Told you if you dare.

Um, gonna do
some brown rice.

It's a good thing

We're not cookin'
for the firemen,

'Cause that's
a seven-alarm fire.

Well, the fine chicagoans

really like spicy so...

All right.

Sorry about your mouth.

That's all right.

It's cooling down finally.
All right.

Hey, spike.

How's it goin'?
Good. How's it goin'?

Okay. So--so you--
you sort of blocked

The rest of the team
by taking tomatoes

And lettuce and bread.

That--that's kinda...

I think it was a pretty,
uh, intelligent, uh, pick.

Are you using these?

Just that i--

I-i was not gonna use them

And just gonna put them
on display

So everybody else
can look at them.

But I'm gonna slice them

On top of a nice piece
of, uh, lettuce

Then put the chicken salad
on top.

So they are going to use.

Okay. All right.
I'll let you get back to it.

Thank you chef.
Good luck.

Hey, richard.
Hey, chef.

How are you?

Do you like burritos?
Do you like burritos?

Depends if it's
a good burrito or not.

Well, I think cops might
like burritos.

I don't know.

kinda--just kinda doin'
a little play

on--on a traditional

I have some lentils,
a little bit of rice.

Some quinoa is gonna
go into this.

Some tuna. It's just
been grilled real quick.

I'm very nervous--
I don't want to go home

Over a box lunch, chef.

I don't blame you.

all right.

I'll see you later.
All right.

okay, chefs,
you have a little over

A half an hour left,

Start boxing stuff up

And, uh, I'll see you
at the police academy.

Good luck.

We're sort of focusing
on healthy eating.

You know,
diabetic friendly.

But, uh, you know, the chefs
seem okay with it.

Um, there's seven chefs left.

This is definitely the--
the cream of the crop here.

And, uh, they're really
thinkin' their way

Around problems.

I don't think any of them
want to go home

Over making a box lunch.

So I really think
they're all focused

And I think we're gonna see
some really great dishes.

So everything's going
really good.

I'm checking my rice
every, like, 8 to 10 minutes.

I'm right next to it.
I have a timer on behind me.

Who turned my burner
up to high?

Damn it.

Somebody has cranked
my rice all the way to high.

My rice is basically burned
on the outside

And still not cooked
all the way in the center.

And with brown rice,
it takes a long time.

So I can't just throw
another batch on.

So I'm [bleep]ed.

I can't believe that somebody
has sabotaged me

On, like, the most important,
time-sensitive part of my dish.

This is not
a complicated dish.

This should've been
a cakewalk from the start.

And now I'm so screwed.

I don't think

There's any sabotage
going on.

I think people make
a mistake

Or let a mistake happen,

And they just feel like
blaming it on somebody else.

You know, that kind of [bleep]
happens in kitchens

All the time.

When you're turning things
on and off like that,

It's, like, a lot of times
it gets mixed up.

And whatever.
I think it's bull[bleep].

You know, I think people
talkin' about sabotage

Is just their way of tryin'
to cover their own ass.

The best thing that I can do

Is put some
of the cooking liquid

Over it and hope
that it steams a little bit

And that when they put it
in the microwave,

That it's gonna work.

Ten minutes!


[Bleep] yes.

Three more lids.
Three more lids.


You got a--
i--i got it, blais.


Question of the day.
Do you like burritos?

Do you like burritos?
Do you like burritos?

Like, oh my god.
I can't take it.

He's leaving two on the table,
hiding the rest,

And telling everybody,
these are goin' quick.

You guys gotta grab 'em.

one, two, three.


one, two, three.


one, two, three.


one, two, three.

The elimination challenge,
uh, for today

Is to construct, uh,
a lunchbox meal

For the police.

Something that's low carbs,
low sugar.

Something healthy.

[Officers shouting]

We get to the cafeteria

And we have a few minutes
to make some labels

With, you know,
a description of the food

And instructions on how
to reheat.

I'm still [bleep]ing a brick
about the rice.

But I'm hoping that with
my microwaving directions

That I'm gonna put
on the container

Saying, you know,
cook for a minute and a half

To two and a half minutes,

That everything will be cooked

Hi, how's it goin'?


I am serving a--

It's a meatball
and mushroom soup.

hey. How are you?

I made a little
lemongrass bison today.

It's like, uh,
it's like beef.

My maki,
this would be raw?

It is. It is of raw salmon.
Yes, it is.

So the officers roll in,
and they're kinda, like,

Takin' their time
picking what they want to eat.

They'll actually come to us
and, like, be like,

"Oh, what do you got today?"

Um, today, I did
a little lemongrass--

lettuce wraps.

Um, there's also, like,
carrot, celery, onion...

The officers are, you know,

They're really nice.

I mean,
they're regular people.

You know, I don't have any
outstanding parking tickets

In chicago, so I'm not
really worried.

Hey. How are you?

Question of the day:
do you like burritos?

I chose a burrito

Because I knew that most
people would say, "ooh,

A burrito--i know
what that is."

Even though it's healthy.

Do you like burritos?
Yes, love 'em.

Do you like tuna?

hey, how are you?

do you like burritos?

awesome. So this is kind
of a healthy version

Of a burrito.

I see richard,
and he was just so cheesy.

He's, like, the question
of the day is,

Do you like burritos?

And I was, like, dude,
you're, like--

Oh, my god.
I can't take it.

Cilantro, mint.
A little bit of, uh, basil.

Some homemade pineapple
hot sauce.

If you like spicy,
this is definitely a good one.

I want to say
it's divine.

Please enjoy, my friend.

Very good.
Thank you.

Thank you very much.

You're very welcome.

And the microwaves
are right there.

Excellent. Thank you.

Filet mignon,
cauliflower, swiss chard.

There we go.
Sir, how about you?

I'll think we'll try
the tuna.

Tuna burrito.
Thank you.

Well, come back, then.

Spike is, uh, doing a good
little marketing technique.

He's leaving two on the table,
hiding the rest,

And telling everybody,
these are going quick.

You guys gotta grab 'em.

And then as soon as they
take them and walk away,

Two more appear.

I'm, like, you son
of a bitch.

But, I'm, like, you know,
this is pointless.

It's not about how quickly
the dish sells.

It's--it's really about
what the judges think.

Gotta make the table look empty,
you know what I mean?

hi, stephanie.
hi, padma.

I have a nice, hearty
meal today.

It's a, um,

Mushroom and meatball soup.

And then on the side,
it's a root veggie puree.

It's butternut squash,
um, celery root and apple.

Heat that up and then just
have it with some chive yogurt.

Thank you.
You're welcome.

That's very good.

better than mcdonald's.

Well, it comes together
very well

With the onions
and mushroom in there.

It's got a little kick to it.

This is a pretty
hearty soup.

There's a lot in here.

It is good.
It's seasoned well.

Hello, padma.
How's it goin'?

Pretty well.
How you doin', spike?

It's an open-faced
chicken salad.

Uh, you have the option
of eating it with the bread

Or can just eat it
as a salad.

It's got grapes, some jicama,
some olives.

Uh, it has no mayo

And then a little bit
of crudites.

Just, you know,
some raw vegetables.

All right. I'm gonna take
both these off your hands.

Thank you.

Tastes like mayo,

But it's not supposed to be made
with any kind of mayo.

That's real good though.

it's a very pedestrian

Chicken salad to me.

These are--
these are the three--

These are the three things---
aside from the chicken--

These are the three things
that he chose

To keep the cooks from--

If you have two hours
and all you have to do

Is make chicken salad,

You've got enough time

That you could've done
something with the tomato.

You could've done something
with the bread.

Dale. Lillian.

Um, it's lemongrass bison.

Uh, I do a little
brown rice with that.

I did some vietnamese-style

It's kinda
like a lettuce wrap.

So, uh, microwave
for about 25 seconds.

And then...
I'll try it.


It's good.

Is that what it actually is?
Try it.

it's pretty good.
it's real soft.

Not bad.

I expected it to be tough
for some reason.

Did you put
the vinaigrette on there?

got good flavor.

it could use some heat.
it could use some chili.

But it's got--it's got
great color,

It has a lot of texture.

The bison is nice--
nice and flavorful.

hi. How are you ladies?

um, so I have

Curry beef
with filet mignon.

Um, some brown jasmine rice
with cilantro and scallion.

And, uh, some fresh berries
and figs

With a concord
grape syrup.

Great. Thank you.

Filet. It's pretty good.

It's really tender.

And the sauce,
whatever it is,

Is really good.

Beef is nicely cooked.

not overdone.
I think the flavors

Are delicious.

I think the meat
is nice and tender.

I agree 100%.

What do you have
for us today?

My take on a, um,

A salmon maki roll.

Uh, let me just say
that, uh,

I take nutrition

in a very serious sense.

so basically what I served you
was a completely raw dish.

Um, instead
of using sushi rice,

I used pine nuts and parsnips
ground together.

The salmon kind
of tartare style.

Pickled ginger.

There's a little bit
of wasabi,

Which helps with, uh,
tooth decay

If you didn't know
that already.

I didn't know that.

Thanks. I look forward
to it.

Thank you.

I like the wasabi in there.
Give it a little kick.

That wasabi's too much
for me, man.

It's--no, this is good.
Just messy.


It's very strange.

The--the flavor's
not right.

he didn't use
the whole grain.

[dramatic percussion]

Richard, what's up, man?
What's goin' on?
How are you?

How you doin'?
Nice to see you.
Good to see you.

So question of the day
I have to ask you.

I've asked
all the officers.

Do you like burritos?
I do.

Awesome. Cool.
I'm a burrito guy.

So this is kinda of a play
on burritos.

So we're using rice paper
instead of a tortilla.

And then, uh, using lentils
instead of the beans.

And then using some quinoa

And a little bit of, uh,
fresh lime and hot sauce.


It tastes better
than it looks, fortunately.

Actually, it tastes good.

Tuna steak, yeah?

oh, wow.

This would be a nice treat
for a summer--

Like a nice summer day.

very good.

Not bad.

How's it goin', chef?
I'm good.

How are you?
Pretty good.

Got a stir-fry
with a little bit of shrimp,

Some edamame,
some pineapple hot sauce,

Brown rice,
and some fresh berries.

A little bit
of greek yogurt.

Thank you.

I'm a little bit nervous
about my rice.

But I'm really trying
to not let it show.

Yeah, that's spicy.


I mean, I like it.
I don't mind it.

But you gotta
be careful with it.

The rice is undercooked.


Oh, wow, that is spicy.

It's good though.

You get the spice,

But it's not overpowering,
you know?

It's all about
what the judges think.

I have no idea
how I've done.

Um, everything has been
so up and down

That I can't even
speculate anymore.

It's just gonna
drive me insane.

It was very good.

Thank you so much.
Good luck.

Thank you.

That tartare was was good.

thank you.

I feel pretty good
about my dish.

Again, like, I set out to do
something a little bit different

And I think it was
really well received.

And I'm hoping
that the judges

Will be able
to respect that.

Then we pack up our stuff,
head to stew room.

I'm nervous.
I'm genuinely nervous.

For the first time
it's hard to say

A clear-cut
loser and winner.

Sometimes you can point
'em out.

And this time,
I don't think you can.

So, sam, what did you
think about these lunches?

'Cause you come
from a family of cops.

I do. I come from a family
of policemen.

And I thought, you know,
there were some--

Some winners
and some not so much.

We're--we're tryin'
to get people to eat healthy.

The only way to get 'em
to eat healthy

Is to give them something
that's really delicious.

It--it just happens
to be healthy,

But it tastes great.

I think we know
our favorites

and our least favorites.

So let's go back to judges'
table and call them out.

Andrew, in all fairness,
I had no idea--

Hey, it's all good.
You called me out. Moving on.

You would've done
the same thing to me.

You know, I wouldn't have.
That's the difference.

what's up with your rice?

Did it burn?

somebody turned it
all the way up.

I was so mad.

You didn't need
to have a grain.

you had to have
all four.

I don't think so.

are you sure?
no, you didn't.

participants must use
at least

one ingredient from each
of the following categories.


What was your grain?

There was no grain.

can we please see dale
and stephanie?

thank you.


You were our top two chefs

in this challenge.

Thank you very much.

What do you think
a chicago police officer

Typically has for lunch?

And how did that inform
what you decided to do?

I felt like I had to give
these guys something

that would satisfy them.

Bison is 50% less fatty
than beef.

And yet, when you eat it,
you get the sensation

Of eating beef, and so I think
that was a flavor and a texture

That obviously everybody was
very familiar with.

I think you did a great job
with that.


The biggest challenge for me
was using the whole grain.

I've never really used barley
in anything.

I just don't use a lot of grains
in my menu,

But, um, I thought it tasted
really good

When it left the kitchen.

many of your competitors
had seasoning problems.

And I think many of us felt

That your soup was
very well-seasoned.

Well, sam,
as the guest judge,

it falls to you.

I think that the winner, they
really embodied the challenge.

I think that your dish was
a little bit more substantial,

a little bit
more unique,

And at the end of the day...

the winner is



congratulations, dale.

And dale, as the winner
of our challenge,

You get this beautiful bottle

of rutherford hill
2002 merlot.

you'll also receive two tickets
to visit

The rutherford hill winery
in napa valley.

Thank you so much.

I don't wanna brag,

But five for 20 wins.

I think in this arena,

It's a pretty good percentage
of wins.

So I feel pretty confident.

And now, I'm afraid
I have to ask you

to send back
some of your colleagues.

It's dale.


They want to see spike,

lisa, and andrew.

You were the judges'
least favorite

In this challenge.

and one of you
will be going home tonight.

Let's start with you,

did you think your dish

Was substantial enough
for a hearty lunch?

yes, I did.

Being one who studied nutrition
for several years,

I think it brought something
to the table

that most people
did not expect.

Everything inside that dish
was meant to, basically,

Make you stronger or make you
feel a little more energized.

I want to leave 'em
wanting more,

and if you, again,
study nutrition,

every three hours,
fist-sized meals

Is something that is considered
beneficial to your health.

Three hours later they're
hungry, what are they going for?

Another raw roll?

no, they're probably gonna grab
a candy bar or something.

well, one of the--
aspect of the challenge

that was explained
to you

Was that the food needed
to be satisfying.

Yeah, was that in the rule sheet
that I got?

Yeah, something hearty,
nutritious, and delicious.

Thinking about your audience.

You know, making chicago cops

happy with the lunch
they were gonna have.


Did you not think about
the stuff

That they were
typically eating

In a way to kind of
make a bridge

From hamburgers
to something healthy?

Uh, versus selling them

that is--is
reminiscent of a burger

Or a [bleep]ing sausage,
I'd rather

serve 'em something
that gives 'em something new

And opens their eyes
to a new technique.

I come from a family of cops,
and I know

that they would not take
the turn to stay

On the nutritional side
of the table,

Which is what the challenge was,
you know what I mean?

maybe that's my mistake then,

That I took the little--
uh, a little too literal.

When you want healthy,
I'm gonna give you

The most healthiest dish
you can possibly find.

I wanna show you guys
what it is to eat healthy.

How about serving
something that's good?

Was it not good?

It didn't taste good at all,


That's funny,
I had two people go back for it.

Well, they went back for it
because it wasn't enough,

And they, they had to eat more.


Why the choice
to do chicken salad?

I like chicken salad,
and I figured it's something

That wouldn't scare

the policemen, it's something
that can be hearty,

and I give a good portion.

Spike, when you won
the quickfire,

you had the option
to pick any four ingredients,

and the use of the tomato,
the lettuce, and the bread,

I thought it was just there
to be there

Because you felt that,
"well, I picked them,

Now I have to use them."

What was so wrong about the way
I used my ingredients?

Were you using it to your
advantage or were you using it

to the detriment
of your fellow competitors?

I was using it
to my advantage.

I mean, I'm not, I'm not trying
to sabotage everybody.

it was--there was none of that
going on.

It's legitimate,
you want to win.

but use them.

I mean this was my first,

quickfire win, though.

maybe I fell short
on executing

My advantage
on this elimination.

big problem that most of us had
was the combination

Of olives and grapes
and the chicken.

It was just, again,
a strange combination.

Salty and sweet, I mean,
what don't you understand

about salty and sweet?

I think an olive's
a little bit more than salt.

There's a flavor
to an olive

And the flavor didn't work well
with grapes.

I'm very surprised
hearing this

Because, and I mean you guys
have great, educated palettes,

But, you know,
for the common person,

They thought it was amazing.

If you want to take their word
over mine, that's fine.

It's a lunchbox,
for god's sakes.

there are seven chefs.

Four dishes were better.

In your opinion.

Unfortunately for you,
my opinion's what matters.


how did this challenge
go for you?

why do you think
you're here?

I mean, you guys decided

To have me here,
you tell me.

You promise us a stir-fry,
and it really

wasn't too much
of a stir-fry.

And there was so many things
that weren't cooked properly

On the dish.

the long beans were
pretty raw.

The shrimp was pretty raw,

even after it was
in the microwave and came out.

And the brown rice
wasn't cooked at all.

Somebody [bleep]ed
with my rice.

What did they do?

They turned the burner
all the way up so the outside

Of the rice
was completely burnt.

you're sure

That somebody else cranked up
the heat on your rice

And that you didn't--
it's not something that you did?

I didn't touch the burner.

I got my water boiling
and put my rice in.

I stirred it up, and then
I turned it down to low,

I turned it up a tiny bit more
so it was just

basically at the word, "low,"
and I set a timer on it.

How much time did you have left
when this happened?

10 minutes, 12 minutes.

brown rice takes a while,

all that aside,
the shrimp was not cooked.

That was the basic problem
with the dish.

Do you have anything else
to add

before the judges deliberate?

this is coming down

To a competition
where it's, you know,

Every, every person
for themselves--

and everybody else can,
you know,

fall on the floor,
and I'm gonna kick you

while you're down,

And there were specific rules
to this challenge

Of you needed to use
one component

from a whole grain,
a protein,

a fruit,
and a vegetable.

And not all three people

Standing up here
right now did that.

and I don't want
to be pointing fingers,

But I mean,
if you don't follow the rules,

That's what you guys
have sent people home for.

We were aware of it,

we're aware of it.

Whatever, you know, I'm saying
if we're gonna go like that,

Whatever, I've always been
"against the grain."

Why didn't you use
the whole grain?

I wanted to show you
something different.

And I wanted to use
rice in parentheses,

As something that would bind

and the element of that.

So you understood
the challenge,

You understood
you had to use a grain?

Actually, I lost
my rule sheet early.

and I conceptualized my dish
without the rule sheet,

so, sorry.

Andrew, in all fairness,
I had no idea that you--

It's all good,
you called me out.

Moving on.
Please. Thank you.

You would have done
the same thing to me.

You know, I wouldn't have,
that's the difference.

If I say anymore, I'm scared
I'm gonna get punched.

Okay, thank you all.

We have some things
to discuss.

Well, boy,
did lisa have a lot to say.

That was interesting.

andrew, you're totally freaking
me out right now.

why are you freaked out?

because he's just--
you're in the middle.

I'm saying he's freaking me out
right now

Because he's staring at lisa
like that.

It's just funny
that the person

That I actually mentioned
to that the shrimp would be

An actual cholesterol issue,

is the same person
that threw me under the bus,

so thank you.

Thank you for that.

I didn't say anything
about the shrimp,

And I'm not saying that I don't
appreciate your input,

But I mean...

it just shows me who you are.
it's cool.

I appreciate that.

That has nothing to do
with who I am.

It has to do with
when you're in a competition,

you're in a competition.

there's no honor in that.
that's cool.

let's talk about lisa's food.

If there's a, you know,
an issue of people sabotaging

People in the kitchen,
I mean, the chef,

Clearly, you take
ownership of it

And need to really start
paying attention and watching.

We're not gonna accept that
as an excuse.

I might get sent home
for a rice that somebody else

Changed the [bleep]ing
temperature on.


I don't even need to factor
in the possibility

That lisa was sabotaged

Because there are enough
other factors in that dish

That were really bad.

I don't think lisa addressed
the issue

Of the shrimp well enough
at all.

I mean, the shrimp were nasty.

There was no explanation
for that,

And it's not hard
to cook shrimp.

it had some flavor
and it had about four

Really, you know,
severe mistakes in cooking--

Sure, well that's why
she's here.

So what did you think
of spike's chicken salad?

I just can't get over the fact
that those

Are the four ingredients
that he chose

That no one else could use,

And that's
how he used them.

So much that you can do,

And he was just a failure
of imagination.

But I think he also spent
so much time on his chicken

That wasn't very good, that
he just kind of ran out of time

And just threw stuff

so let's talk about andrew.

You know, he didn't use
a whole grain.


the challenge was
to deliver a whole grain,

Not to approximate

a whole grain,
so by taking parsnip

And cutting it the size
of rice

And binding it
with some pine nuts,

that's a stretch.

even if he had put
a whole grain in that roll,

I thought andrew's response
to our questions

Was really arrogant,
that he was really just talking

About doing exactly
what he wanted to do,

And he wasn't thinking at all
about the challenge.

He wasn't making a dish
that any of those people

Were gonna want.

There's absolutely no way
I would go back to that


You wanna stay pissed at me,
dude, stay pissed at me.

I just want you to look
at me in the eyes,

And tell me what you did
you think was right.

Is that top chef?

Are you a [bleep]ing top chef
for calling me out

under the bus?

"Someone burned my rice,"

You know what I'm saying, it
could have [bleep]ing been you.

You made that dish,
you [bleep]ing

live up to responsibility.

And I manned up
to every single part of my dish.

They called me out on my dish,
guess what, I'm sorry.

It didn't come out,
it was a little bland, okay.

I didn't say, well, well, lisa's
[bleep]ing long beans sucked.

I didn't say that.

I [bleep]ing took responsibility
for my dish.

Not only do
we have a decision,

But it's
a unanimous decision.

Let's get them back
out here.

thank you.
I don't know
what you want me to say.

Don't say [bleep].

Just [bleep]ing live
with your decisions,

And I hope
you're [bleep]ing happy.

and I hope that people
get to see this.

It's not an easy challenge

Because there are so many
different things

That you have to keep
in mind--

Whether you're cooking healthy
food, who you're cooking for,

what the police officers
in chicago--

what they're used to eating
and how to break those habits.

Also, you have the food police
up here to deal with.

andrew, you hit the mark
on nutrition.

And I believe
you're very sincere,

And this is something
that you're passionate about.

However, when trying
to get someone

to replace
that unhealthy habit,

you need to give him something
that has substance

And something
that is really delicious,

And I think you missed the mark
on those two points.


your biggest problem
was just taking a crudite

That was very unimaginative
and just kind of putting--

almost as an afterthought.

plus, I think
the weird combination

Of olives and grapes.

lisa, if you feel people
are sabotaging you,

you need to keep an eye
on that stove.

the shrimp was a little
on the raw side.

Also, I think the big problem
was that you sold us

a stir-fry, and it really
wasn't a stir-fry.

I think you would have been
better off

"steamed vegetable dish."

Unfortunately, um, someone is
going home for a boxed lunch.

Andrew, please pack you knives
and go.

Thank you.
No security necessary.

I will bow out of this
competition with honor

and respect,
so thank you very much

For this opportunity--
if I may shake your hands.


thank you very much.

Pleasure to meet you.

Nice job.

Thank you very much.

I look forward
to eating your food again.

you will.

it was a pleasure meeting you.
good luck to you.

I felt like I presented myself
properly on this program.

No bad feelings
against these people.

I'm never going to talk
to them again for the most part.

Except for spike.
Spike's mad cool.

You're the man.

I just wanted to say that
on record.

apparently, lisa felt
that her neck was on the line,

And I see people
for what they are.

And, obviously,
people are weak.

Thank you, guys,
so much.

it sucks,

But if I followed the rules
and he hasn't,

I should not be the one
going home.

[Fake sobs]

No, I'm just kidding.
It's me. I'm out.

a lot of these people had
more experience than i.

From the beginning, it felt
like david versus goliath.

I came on to prove myself,
and I think I did just that.

You're the [bleep], bro.

I've got no more buddies
in the house.

He came here and he completely
showed who he was

As a person--
it's all out on the table.

There's no hidden messages
with andrew.

Andrew and I
are gonna be boys forever.

I'm 100% sure of that.


I've never been one
to stick to the rules.

Again, I'm always
"against the grain."

No pun intended.

But, kind of pun intended.

I play with honor.

I play with [bleep]ing respect
and loyalty.

And that's how I play.

Captioning by[font color="#00ff00"] captionmax[/font]

next, on top chef...

ladies and gentlemen,

This is what they call
"the hole."

this is the challenge
of humiliation.

what the [bleep] language
are you speaking?

I feel like I'm definitely in
a vulnerable position right now.

you're gonna hate
that you came here

And you're never gonna cook

Ah, [bleep].

Restaurant wars is back.


this is like, what I've been
[bleep]ing waiting for.

There's no way anything's gonna
go wrong.

Did you taste this?

I might need help with getting
the pasta rolled out.

the rice is not done, buddy.

Chill out.

send out these tables?

blender's going,
time's running out.

Everyone's hungry,
everyone's thirsty.

That's the restaurant business.

Tell 'em it's the judges.
I need the first course.

restaurant wars is on,
big time.

It's not joking around here
on top chef.

Two trout,
two lamb.

let's go, let's go, let's go,
let's go.

get the food out!

for more about the recipes
seen tonight,
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