01x05 - Blind Confusion

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Top Chef". Aired: March 8, 2006 – present.*
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Show features chefs competing against each other in culinary challenges.
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01x05 - Blind Confusion

Post by bunniefuu »

on Top Chef: Just Desserts...

Just try and relax for me,
all right, bud?

I ended up having what
they call an anxiety attack.

Well, Seth's no longer
gonna be with us.

So we've decided
to bring someone back.

You figure out your dish.

I feel like Zac
doesn't like me.

Such a spoiled brat. You're
letting your teammates down.

She needs to suck it up.

Please announcer
the winner.


I won.

You're welcome, Morgan.

Pretty much, Morgan was
a selfish jerk,

and as a result, he won.


Chef, before we go on,

I would like to ask
to be eliminated today.

Are you sure this is
what you want to do?

It's the right thing
for me,

and that's what's
important right now.

Now, eight pastry Chefs remain
to compete for

a feature
in Food & Wine magazine,

a showcase at the annual Pebble
Beach Food & Wine Festival,

A German engineered, sport-injected

and $100,000
furnished by Godiva Chocolatier.

Who has the creativity,

the skill, and the drive

to win Top Chef:
Just Desserts?

"Zac, please pack your whisks
and go." Whatever.


That's your catchphrase.


"Clique" is such
an awful word,

but there's definitely
groups of people

who have gravitated
towards one another.

Heather, Zac, and I,
we've become team Go Diva.

Go, diva.

You're my diva.

Oh, my God.

Diva. Go, diva.

I think people are
a little bit threatened

by the three of us being
such talented pastry Chefs

and good friends,
but tough .

Okay, guys, let's go.

Chefs, please say hello to our
guest judge for this challenge.

She is
the executive pastry Chef

of Wolfgang Puck's
iconic empire,

a James Beard Award winner,

and one of the industry's
brightest stars,

Sherry Yard.

I'm a little nervous
to cook for Sherry Yard.

I'm from L.A.,

and she's the most famous
pastry Chef in Los Angeles,

so it's
a little intimidating.

For this
quickfire challenge,

we'll be testing
all of your skills

in one infamous dessert.

It's notoriously delicate.

A souffle.

All right, okay.

So the myth of a souffle
is that you have to whisper

when you walk by the oven,
or you can't jump up and down.

A souffle should go out
barely standing, wavering,

but it can fall over,
it can break,

it can just suck.

You'll have
one hour to cook

and full access to the
Top Chef: Just Desserts pantry.

Your time starts now.

Go, diva!

The thing
about souffles is,

they're really based
on egg white and height.

If you don't get that,
it's not really a souffle.

Souffle's are
all about timing.

Timing is so important.

It has to be right on.

Otherwise, your souffle
will just collapse.

Beat your sweets.
Oh, my God.

Coming through.

I personally
don't like souffle.

It's too light.
It's too airy.

I like to be hit in the head
with flavor.

I decide to make souffle glace,
which is a frozen souffle.

You're waiting for yours
in the oven,

and I'm waiting for mine
in the blast freezer.

Looking around, I see a lot
of chocolate souffles.

I mean, that's just
pretty traditional

and pretty boring.


Yigit, how are you doing?
I'm rockin'.

The word "souffle"
means "breath" or "to blow."

Seven minutes!

A souffle is risen
by hot air, simply.

I've taught souffles
in school.

I'm not arrogant enough to claim
that I'm the best,

but I'm certainly
a contender.

Two minutes!

Behind you.

Come on, babies.

You need to rise on up.

The last few minutes
are the most important.

You have to pull it
out of the oven

at the right time
for it to be perfect.

Chefs, time's up.
Tools down.

Go, diva!

Here I come.

Tell us
what you made for us.

I made a lemon
and lavender souffle,

and at the bottom, there's a
blueberry compote with ginger.

And I did honey
and creme fraiche ice cream.

It looks like it rose.

Hi, Zac. Wow.

I did a souffle glace,
'cause it said,

the perfect souffle,

which in french
would translate to souffle,


Zac could sell ice
to an Eskimo.

There's a lot of bad souffle
going around,

um, and I don't really
want to contribute to it.

They way he talks,
you would think

he just invented pastry.

So we're kind of
deconstructing again.

So it's a grand marnier
and vanilla Bean frozen souffle,

sauteed apples
with a little browned butter,

and then toasted oat streusel
with fennel pollen.

Do you make many souffles?

I--you know what?
I don't.

Hi, ladies, how are you?

As Chef Sherry makes
a little hole into my souffle,

I know for a fact that
I'm not happy with my product.

It should be kind of
very airy,

but mine could have used
another 30 seconds in the oven.

So I made
a lemon-basil souffle

with a white chocolate
raspberry sauce.

It's nice and light,
with just a hint of basil.

Thank you so much,

Heather H.,
what did you make us today?

Um, I made a chocolate
raspberry souffle,

and there's a little bit
of grand marnier

into the chocolate.

And then I made a little
raspberry coulis

and a little cremon glaze

and a little Godiva cream
to go with it.

You know, Heather, I say
that the perfect souffle

is like a Unicorn,
and I've yet to see it.

Hello, ladies.

So I wanted to stick
to the classics,

so I made a beautiful
chocolate souffle

and, um, took care of
that with,

I made a passion fruit
and vanilla Bean ice cream,

popping candy on top,

and then a little chocolate
garnish to add a little texture.

I make souffles quite often,
even at home,

because my boyfriend
and my friends,

this is, like, something
that they ask of me,

like, relentlessly.

If I had a boyfriend
who made souffles,

I'd be asking a lot too.

Well, Gail, if we played
on the same team,

I'd be hitting on you.

Maybe one day.

A girl can dream, Yigit.

Morgan, tell us
what you made for us.

This is a gianduja souffle

a burnt sugar ice cream.

There's a bit of
a raspberry coulis

and then
a praline made powder.

It's a big bottle,
small amount of sauce.

There you go.

So, Sherry, who made
your least favorite souffles?

Erika, it just was
too sweet and a little heavy.

Zac, a souffle
needs to have air,

and yours didn't
have the air.

While the flavors were great,
it was very dense.

Heather H., while it had
incredible height,

it just lacked the flavor.

Two-thirds of team diva
were in the bottom three,

which I thought was funny,
'cause they're so, like,

lame and, like, elitist
and, you know,

"oh, we're not gonna talk
to anyone else

'cause we think
we're the best."

It's just like, whatever.

And who made
your favorite souffles?

yours had great height

and it had
wonderful flavor too.

Thank you, Chef.

Yigit, you had your height,
you had acid, you had sugar.

A perfect balance of flavors.
Thank you, Chef.

Danielle, I loved
the layering of the flavors

of lemon and the berries.

Well done.

Who is our winner?

I loved them all.
They were really wonderful.

But the winner is...




Thank you.

I am the winner.

I feel like this is
what should have been happening

from the beginning,
so I'm finally glad

that I'm in the rhythm
of the competition,

and hopefully, this is
the first of many to come.

To pump you up, we're
bringing in a little help.




Fashion week in L.A.
is just around the corner,

and we want to throw
our own fashion event.

Oh, my God.

You guys are making
edible fashion.



When I started
the competition,

I was hoping that this would be
one of the challenges.

Every year, I do a dress

for the International
Chocolate Show in New York,

and I know I'm the one to watch
in this challenge.

And to pump you up, we're
bringing in a little help.




Oh, my God.

Team diva
Ing lost it,

because we all have an obsession
with Gail Simmons' shoes.

Are they signed
by Gail Simmons?

This is not
my personal collection.

Every morning,
we make her show us

what shoes she's wearing,

so the fact that they bring out
a table of shoes

makes us really excited.

For your edible fashion,

we're starting
from the shoes up.

I'm not a diva like the rest
of these kids in here,

but I love shoes--
especially women's shoes,

and there are some pretty hot
shoes up on that cart.


You're gonna each
pull a cookie

to determine which order
you will select your shoes.










All right, it's time
to pick your shoes.

Erika, go ahead.


Couldn't pass it.


Really? You're gonna
take the orange shoes?

Good luck with that.


Obviously, Danielle
is not really up

with haute couture fashion.

I grab these really tall
red and black shoes.

Those will look good
on you.

They will.

And the sheer sexiness
of them,

I think will help me
to create my dress.



The two pairs of shoes left,
one was, like, peach

and kind of frilly,

and the other is like
this dominatrix pair.

Only because
I can't take yours.

I think it's pretty obvious
which pair I'm gonna choose.

You each need to design
an edible outfit

that will match your shoes.

But that's not all.

You must also create
two couture petit fours,

to go along with your look,
and they will be sampled

by 60 of L.A.'s
top fashionistas.

You'll have 30 minutes
and $200

to shop at Albertsons,
eight hours to prep here

in the Top Chef:
Just Desserts kitchen,

and then two hours on-site
tomorrow in the dining room

before the fashion event.

Good luck.

♪ ♪

Spicy red shoes.

I've got a red hot,
sexy pair of shoes.

So I want to get some spices
to make my petit fours hot.


Let's get some
chili powder.

Excuse me.

Oh, sorry.

Was I in your way, lady?

With my S&M, bondage,
showgirl, hooker shoes--

whatever they are--

um, I decide I want to do
some kind of whip theme

on the dress.

We're going full-on S&M.

I also grab two plungers.

This is gonna be
some kind of, um,

top for the corset.

You know, they have this
nice kind of breast shape,

so I'm hoping to use those
as a chocolate mold.

I've got stuff up my sleeve
for this one.


I think the type of woman
that would wear

this type of shoe
that I picked

would be very feminine.

And I kind of envision her
going to a garden party.

I get some radishes
and some lettuce

and I picked some pink gum,
'cause I felt like

I wanted to have that pink color
in the shoes in the dress.

Hey, girl.
Hey, girl, hey.

Hey, girl, hey.

I noticed Heather C. buying
dried pinto beans

and fruit rollups
and gummy bears

and marshmallows
and tortillas,

and I don't know
what to make of it.

I don't think this is, you know,
a kindergarten process

where you make a Christmas tree
out of cheerios.

This has to be
something elegant.

♪ ♪

Hey, girl.

Okay, women's lingerie.
Something I know nothing about.

This is a slight disadvantage
for Zac and I.

Oh, I don't know
about Zac.

This is probably
my fifth chocolate outfit

that I've done.

I've done
edible dresses before,

and it's taken weeks,

so to condense
all of this down

to eight hours,
plus the two petit fours,

is absolutely bananas.

I do not consider myself

nor am I interested
in fashion at all.

I mean, I know how I want
the dress to look,

but because I've never really
designed a dress before,

I don't know until
I actually touch the form

and--and work with it.

I just sense disaster.

For the dress, I really
want to incorporate

that square pattern
that's on the shoe,

so I'm gonna do,
like, a cookie dress

for a domestic,
trashy housewife

who's going out
on the town.

I think you'd have to be
pretty hot

to wear the shoes
that I've got.

They're -Me pumps.

Ha! I mean, they're
totally -Me pumps.

So I want to do
a sexy dress

that doesn't
take away from the shoes

but really
accentuates them.

I decided to do a sequined
little black dress,

so I've got to
make thousands

of little chocolate sequins
really fast.

♪ ♪

My concept for the outfit
is a retro lady,

but it's modern in being,
you know, eco-friendly.

I'm using, um,
beets to dye her slip,

and then reusing the beet greens
as a shawl.

I'm threading grapes, so I'm
gonna make a belt out of that,

wrap it around
a couple times.

My dress is inspired
by the shoes because, really,

the only chocolate medium
you can work with

with blue is, uh, white,

so immediately,
when I saw that,

I actually just saw Bjork
walking down the Oscars.

So I kind of want to make, like,
almost like an army of me,

like, feeling
just like this woman

walking down the streets
of New York City,

just about to kick ass.

One hour
and 34 minutes, guys.

This challenge really
reminds me of my mother.

My mom sews, and I used to sew
when I was very, very young.

I was born in Seoul, Korea,

and I was adopted when I
was eight by a single mother.

It takes a strong woman
to adopt an older child

from another country.

I think she influenced me
from probably the moment

that I saw her.

My life would definitely
be different

if I were not in these shoes
right now,

so I'm very blessed
by having her in my life.

I think the plungers

are one of my greatest ideas
I've ever had.

I am really confident,
starting this.

I have these zippers
on the shoes,

which really
kind of remind me of--

of a classic strip tease,

so my concept is
a burlesque showgirl/warrior.

Do we get to wear our outfits
when we're done with this?

Hey, Chefs, stop what
you're doing. Tools down.

This challenge was about
making edible fashion.

Well, there's more.

I'm already feeling
overwhelmed by this challenge,

and whenever there's a twist
or something, I panic

and I start to not believe
in myself,

so I'm pretty much screwed.

I mean,
I know I'm screwed.

The winner
of this elimination challenge

will receive $20,000.

Oh, my God.

That's awesome!

I kind of creamed
my pants.

This could pay a lot for me
when I go back home.

I'm thinking if I can get
everything in order

and pump it out,
there's a good chance

that homeboy can walk away
with 20 grand.

That's a good feeling.

I hope that gives you
even more incentive to win this.

All right, Chefs.
See you tomorrow.


This dress is hot.

I'm gonna take it home
with me tonight.

Morgan, are you
getting turned on?


You're looking
at Morgan's?

Look how skin-tight
it is.

Morgan's technique
is easy.

Just sticking a bunch of
chocolate, round plaques on.

Did he just schmear a holding
paste onto the whole thing

and that's it?

I could have
easily done that

and be finished
in two hours.

I mean, draping
is a lot harder.

It's just gonna be me
and my mannequin tonight.

As a person, I find Morgan
to be kind of trashy.

You know,
he degrades women.

Damn, you's a sexy bitch.

You know, he calls us "babes"
or "honey" in the kitchen.

I'm right behind you,

I find that
very disrespectful.

They're so versatile.

Fashion is not really
my thing.

I was the athlete
in high school,

and I was basically
a tomboy,

so I'm a little scared
for this type of challenge.

My shoes have
little ruffles on them,

which kind of reminded me
of the curve of a lettuce leaf.

I'm planning on blanching
and shocking the turnips

and sewing them
on the bottom of the dress.

I'm just hoping they don't wilt
in the kitchen overnight.

I think this is the first day
I'm not sweating.

I love just being done

and watching other people
in a panic.

I got my little black dress

I think Morgan
likes to show off

that he finishes early,
you know?

And he makes a big scene
out of it.

Is Morgan just painting
chocolate onto that dress form?

I noticed team Go Diva
looking at my dress.

I think they're
a little jealous.

I'm obviously not
a fashion expert.

I'm a heterosexual male.

I am not supposed to be
good at fashion.

I know how to work
with chocolate.

But my dress
is Hot.

The sequins are shiny.

I wish I could put it on.

And I'm gonna have to
wear the shoes too.

Thank you so much.

So the pair of shoes
that I have

is for a lady
that is rather classy.

Has a 9:00 to 5:00 job,
but after 5:00,

there's a little vixen
in her.

So I'm making a, um,
vixen chocolate dress.

Oh, my God.

At the end of prep,
what's going wrong

is just about everything.

I was really hoping that the
whole dress could be cookies,

but it just doesn't--
they're not, like,

forming the shape
of this dress form.

I mean, it's--
it's ridiculous.

My fear for tomorrow is that
everything just looks like crap

and I end up going home.

Come on!

God, I just can't do it.

Here is
for white chocolate.

Thank you, babe.
I got the white chocolate.

Our challenge is to design
an edible couture dress

based around the shoes
we've picked,

and also to design
two couture petit fours

to go with our edible dresses
for Los Angeles Fashion Week.


I see my dress,
and the turnips on the bottom

have definitely dried up,
and I don't like how it looks.


In the two hours
that I have left,

I need to essentially revamp
almost the entire dress,

and I'm definitely nervous.

Zac, I need some of that
modeling chocolate.

Right here.
On the floor.

Oh, Heather C.


She had some radish dress

that she was sewing
for three hours yesterday.

I'm sorry. Like,
what are her accessories?

My plan today,
for the dress,

is to mold chocolate
onto the top.

No! Come on!

Stay up!

I couldn't get the molding
chocolate onto the form.

It wouldn't stick.
I couldn't figure it out.

Oh, God,
I just can't do it.

On top of that,
the cookies aren't working.

They're not
sticking together.

They're cracked.

I mean, it's trash.

I don't even know
what I'm doing.

All I want to do is
kind of just destroy it.

♪ ♪

I see a lot of petit fours
being made around the kitchen

which, I don't know how they're
going to mimic accessories.

I think people might be
missing the mark.

What can I do to make this
look like something?

My dress and my petit fours
were all done yesterday.

I've got time to do
an extra accessory,

and, uh, I want to make
a clutch for my dress.

I'd like to
mimic the design exactly

from the shoes to really
tie the whole thing together.

Five minutes!

Come on, lady,
let's do this.

Sparkly sparkles.

You're right there.
You're right next to me.

The room looks gorgeous.

We have a little pedestal
that we put the mannequins on,

and we have our names.

And it--it--it really
looks like a fashion show.

Oh, God.

The service
is about to start,

and I'm
definitely panicking.

I didn't realize it was
gonna be such a big to-do

and that my name would be up
there so big with the dress.

And it's just hideous.

Two minutes!

Oh, God, I've t to
put that Belt on.

As time is running down,
it's just a matter

of getting everything
onto the model.

Hey, Morgan, do you have
a second to help me?

And I don't think
that I'm gonna make it.

Can't you tie it on somehow?

Heather C. asked me to help
with her friggin' belt.

I've got some wire.
Why don't we just wrap it?


I'll help
anybody do anything,

as long as it doesn't
hurt me to do it.

Let's go,
right in the middle there.

And trust me, Heather's
definitely not a threat to me

and my sexy
little black dress.

That's mine.


How are you today?

She's a burlesque warrior.

Oh, I love her.

She--she goes into the jungle
and kicks ass.

Service begins,
and it's a great crowd.

It's a plunger.
Oh, really?

It's a good idea.

I mean, there were some, like,
serious fashion reporters.

Not just, like, bloggers.

like real fashionistas.

I'm looking around
at everyone's petit fours,

and they're not petit fours.

Petit fours
should be one bite.

I mean, people are serving
massive desserts.

The dress is beautiful.
Thank you.

Thank you.
I-I was a little nervous.

This is my first time ever
making a dress

or anything like this.

Hi, Erika.
Hi, how are you?

My dress is influenced
by my shoes.

She's a business woman
during the day,

and then after 5:00,
she takes the jacket off

and this is what you have.

So we start from the bottom,
which is popcorn

dusted in cocoa
and raspberry powder.

I used chocolate plastique
for the skirt,

and then I made
chocolate feathers

and brushed it with
a little bit of gold leaf,

and then the necklace is, like,
kind of fierce, you know?


And then we have
her earrings.

Um, they're flavored
with raspberry jelly

and a little bit
of pistachio mousse.

And then,
for her little clutch purse,

we have three layers
of bisque jacon

lemon milk chocolate ganache,

and apricot jam
in between.

Thank you, Erika.

How do you think
that tastes?

Um, probably not as good
as this.

Erika got
a little bit sassy on us.

My favorite part
of Erika's dress

was the chocolate and raspberry
powdered popcorn at the bottom.

A really smart use
of texture there.

Well, let's see
how it all tastes.

The problem
we start off with is,

is that this
isn't bite-sized.

This isn't a petit four.

Maybe Erika thought
the business lady

had to
take her laptop out.

But that's, like, totally me
right there, you know?

It's time for margaritas,
and I'll pull that jacket off

and be like, "hey, baby.
How you doin'?"

Hi, Zac. Wow.

This is
my burlesque warrior.

I was inspired by
the strappiness of the shoes.

And her bra is actually
made from plungers,

which I found
at albertsons.

And this one
is actually wearable.

I could take it
off the form

and have it on you
in ten minutes.

We'll save that
for later, Zac.


And then,
every burlesque performer

needs her
passion fruit pasties

with lemongrass
and a white chocolate swirl.

And then,
you never know

when you're gonna
need to touch up your makeup,

so these are coconut-black tea
makeup-kit bonbons

with pineapple gelee.

Thank you, Zac.
You're welcome.

It almost reminds me
of something medieval.

Ah, medieval, yeah?


I tell you,
this was Zac's challenge.

This was the one.

And the fact that his
can be taken off

and put on a model,
that shows a lot of skill.

The crust on the cookie is
wonderfully thin and crispy.

The issue I do have with
Zac's petit four is the fact

is I--I let the ganache
just melt on my tongue,

and I'm left with
a sandy texture.

I totally offered
to put Gail in my dress.

Oh, gosh.

Hi, Eric.
Hi, Gail.

So my theme for this
is kind of flirty homemaker.

Basically what I've done
is created a whole skirt

out of cookies with, um,
some chocolate plastique top

to match the shoes,

and, uh, what we have here
is a cherry cheesecake pendant,

and on the other side
is a chocolate cake

with flambeed bananas

It's a little clutch.
It's like a makeup bag.


Thanks, Eric.

There was a lot going on
with Eric's dress,

and I'm not sure
I like any of it.

There was a lot
of cracked cookies,

and I just think it was
really poorly ex*cuted.

Well, let's taste this
cherry cheesecake pendant.

It's sort of a lame excuse
for a pendant.

That said, I think Eric's
cheesecake is pretty damn good.

It's just amazing.

Yeah, yeah.

Hi, Heather.
Hi, how are you?

These are the shoes
I ended up with,

and the ruffle on the shoe

immediately reminded me
of a lettuce leaf,

so it's lettuce,
pink peppercorns for the belt,

leeks, and lemon thyme.

And for the petit fours,

we have a chocolate
caramel clutch

with a little maldon
sea salt

and a Fleur de lys hair pin.

Thank you.

Thank you so much,

Thank you.

I'm not quite sure what
the deal with the vegetables...

Heather made royal icing

and just schmeared it
on a cummerbund.

And that was the only pastry
technique in that whole dress.

I mean, I think she got
great texture on the caramel.

It could use
a little more salt,

but I think she really did
a great job on this caramel.

This competition
has been tough,

so I feel like I've become
this warrior,

so I wanted to make kind of
an ice princess warrior

in honor of
Alexander McQueen.


Her pants?
Ice Queens don't need pants.

Hello, Gail.

When I saw my shoes,

I automatically thought
of white chocolate,

and I love Bjork,
so I thought of her swan dress.

So my theme was kind of
an ice warrior princess.

The top is glazed
with blue cocoa butter,

and then also
some luster dust.

And since she is
an ice warrior princess,

I made icicle pops.

It's kind of a hair pin

made with raspberry
and pinot noir ice cream.

And I wanted to represent
a softer side of her,

so this is an olive oil
and citrus cake brooch.

Thanks, Yigit.
Thank you. Enjoy.

Yigit's dress
is right off the runway.

The layering
and all of that chocolate work

that went into it,
just very, very meticulous.

I'm starting with my pop.

Well, it looked beautiful.
The flavor's a little flat.

Yigit's dress was my favorite,
though, by far.

I want that dress
to be real.

They all thought that
I would be very challenged

in this challenge, but I think,
as a discerning male,

I know what I think
is sexy.

Hi, Morgan.
Hi, Gail. How are you?

I think it's necessary
to start at the shoes,

because that was
the inspiration.

I think it's necessary
to start at the shoes,

and I felt like they needed
just a little black dress.

And then, I think,
if you were out on the town

in this dress,
you'd need a little clutch.

And so I wanted to tie that in
to the shoes as well.

I also made spiced raspberry
milk chocolate ganache bonbon

in the shape
of a Ruby ring,

and there's also a red hot
cinnamon macaroon earring.

It is hot 'cause, well,
those shoes are.

He took a sexy,
sassy pair of red pumps

and he made a sexy dress.

What about the macaroon?
That's hot.

This is like if a red hot
and a macaroon had a baby,

you'd have
a red hot macaroon.

I am all for that baby.

You can certainly
eat her if you want.


You can wear her
and then eat her.

Hi, Heather.

I was inspired by
this mustard-colored,

really sexy pair of shoes,

and I wanted to do a dress
that she could go out to dinner

and then go to a club

I work with modeling chocolate
on a normal basis,

but it was really,
really hard to actually do it

on--on the mannequin.

The belt is also
modeling chocolate,

and then I added
some ruffles of pasta.

My petit fours today,
I did a french macaroon

with lemon curd, and it has,
uh, strawberry, some pineapple,

and it's supposed to look
like a little purse.

And then a raspberry cream
that has a layer of almond cake

and a little bit of
passion fruit caviar.

Thank you, Heather.

The draping
that Heather H. achieved--

fashion designers have trouble
doing that with cloth,

and she did it with
a giant piece of chocolate.

I'm in awe.

for Heather H.,

we have Morgan's macaroon
to compare to,

and she definitely didn't do
as good of a job

with her macaroon.

You'd like one? Sure.

Sure, absolutely.

I'm not much of a shoe girl.

I only wear flip-flops.

But those are classic,
and I really like

retro yet modern.

I think mine's more
interesting than fruit

and vegetables.

And vegetables? Yeah.

From what I've seen so far
of Danielle

in this competition,

I'm not quite sure
why she's here.

She needs to go home.

Her dress, it's not really
a lot of technique.

I mean, you can string
a bunch of carrots

and make a necklace.

I think my six-year-old nephew
can do that.

Hi, Danielle.
Hi, Gail.

I picked the classic pumps.

I roasted beets
and I cut celery in half

and I used that as a stamp to
make the pattern of her top,

and then I used leeks
as her skirt.

Every woman needs a purse.

I did a red velvet
whoopie pie,

and then the ice cream bonbon
is a roasted banana,

and there's a little layer
of hazelnut

and chocolate on the bottom

and her little
golden watch on top.

Thanks so much, Danielle.
Thank you so much.

Thank you.

This is the second Chef
that we've seen

that's applied vegetables

rather than pastry products
to their dress.

I mean, it's
Top Chef: Just Desserts,

not Top Chef: Vegetables.

That is exactly

what the lady wearing that dress
would be carrying.

Danielle's flavors tend to be
on the sweeter side.

It would have been nice
to have some acid.

Oh, my God,
her legs are amazing.

I want to get her number.

Morgan, you can't do that,
you know?

Why not?

We have $20,000
to give away,

so I think we should head back
to the judges' table.

We've got a lot
to talk about.

Big decision.

You know, Eric, I mean,
your flavors are really good.

No, I know they're good.

I know they're good.

I just want to be better.

There's no doubt that
I'm gonna be in the bottom.

I mean, I can look and see
everybody else's dresses

and, I mean,
it's obvious mine sucks.

I just panicked at the end.

At this point, I'm--
I'm just emotional,

because I still
don't understand

where I fit into this

You don't look so happy.

Are you
Ing kidding me?


I love to joke around
with people.

I love to give them

Heather H. Is--
we call her "Iron Chef."

She's shhrrhh.

She's my Korean princess.

And Eric is like
the Zen Master.

Eric is--is Switzerland.

He is like
my compassionate Buddha.

Everyone likes Eric.

Danielle reminds me
of a cartoon character.

Yeah, whatever.



It might be
an L.A. thing.

Uh, Morganza is Morgan.

And he doesn't like it,
so it just makes it funnier.

The first person
outside this show

that calls me Morganza is
having their teeth knocked out.

I wonder what they're
gonna do with our dresses.

They're eating them.

You and Danielle's
comes with dressing in the shoe.

Hi, Gail.


Can we please see Yigit,

Zac, and Morgan.


It sucks.

Oh, my God.

Chefs, you three delivered
the highest couture tonight.


Thank you.

The winner
of this challenge

will receive $20,000.

let's start with you.

Yigit, it was exciting
and it was beautiful

and elegant and chic.

You definitely showed your
delicate touch with chocolate.

Thank you, Chef.

I think as an ensemble,
it was fantastic.

All the detail work.

It was just really
spectacular to see.

Thank you, Chef.


The dress you made
was something

that would make a woman
stay up all night dancing.

It was hot.

The ring was gorgeous.

What was your muse?

My imagination

and, uh, the last

That will do it.

Zac, you astounded us tonight
with a burlesque warrior.

I thought that
he is a warrior.

I thought your flavors on
your pasties were phenomenal.


Shake it, baby.

Zac, you're a silly
little bastard.

But I did love your dress,

and I thought that was
really well done.


So now it is time for us to
announce the winner,

who of course will receive

So Sherry,
as our guest judge,

please announce
our winner.

Tonight's winner
has showed us

the most amazing combination
of creativity,

technique, and flavor.

And that person is...



Thank you.
Thank you very much.

Holy !

Two elimination challenges
in a row.

It feels awesome.

All right,
straight boy.

The more you win,
the more people realize

how much of a threat
you pose,

and that's fine with me.


Thank you very much.

You just won $20,000

furnished by
Dawn Hand Renewal.

Thank you, Dawn.

It feels pretty good
to win 20 grand too,

but I came here
for 100 grand.

I'm trying to make it
to the end.

Now I need to ask you

to bring back
some of your fellow Chefs.


Good job, Morgan.

Just blurt it out, bro.

They'd like to see
Heather C.,

Eric, and Danielle.

Good luck, guys.
Good luck, guys.

Good luck.

The straight man from Texas
kicks my ass.

Are you
Ing kidding me?


It feels good.
Double You.

You are so afraid of me,
it's ridiculous.

your edible fashions

were our
least favorite tonight.

Eric, how did it go
for you?

It was incredibly
difficult for me.

I mean, I--I won't lie.

The thought of a dress
just sent panic through me,

and I just couldn't
brush it off.

I would understand that,

as far as the construction
of the dress,

but I felt,
the cookies themselves,

they were all, like,

and the cookies
is what you do every day.

You're completely right,

but, I mean, I couldn't
remember the recipe

'cause I was panicked.

I wanted it so bad, and--
and yet, you know,

I lost confidence
in myself.

That dress didn't look
like a sassy housewife.

It looked like
she had a rough day.

She had a rough day,

Heather C.

I knew that there was
gonna be a lot of people

doing chocolate
on their dresses,

and I thought instead,

I could bring some color
to the dress.

Don't you feel
that the dress was lacking

a little bit of
pastry technique?

I know that there wasn't
any chocolate on there.

Or anything sweet
for that matter.

You are a pastry Chef.

You're not a gourmet je Chef.

I also think, Heather,
I didn't see anything

about that garden party
in your petit four.

With the petit fours,

I kind of wanted to
push myself a little bit.

I don't usually work
with a lot of chocolate.

But I think
you could have incorporated

more of that freshness
that you used in the dress

to jazz them up.

you don't look so happy.

Did you like your dress?

I liked it.
I was happy with it.

I wanted to show textures
and--and shapes and color,

and I felt like I couldn't
really get that from chocolate.

You feel that you couldn't
do it with chocolate

or you feel like
you technically

couldn't do that
with chocolate?

Yeah, maybe me

I liked the thought
of--of using the beets

and the technique
of--of stamping the pattern.

But I don't think
any of the other Chefs

used as much
inedible product.


Your watch, the petit four,
wasn't small.

Two bites. And I couldn't tell
that it was a watch.

Danielle, you took
red devil cake

and turned it into
your whoopie pie.

It showed your training,
your--your background.

If only you had applied
that detail

all the way through
your project.

Unfortunately, one of you
will go home tonight.

You can return
to the stew room

and we'll call you back
when we have a decision.

How'd it go?

It was pretty harsh.
Oh, my God.

That was nauseating.

I have to say
that I'm actually disappointed

in Danielle as a pastry Chef
for not applying

more of her pastry-set skills
into the dress.

A non-edible top
and a skirt made out of leeks

that, to me, looked like
it took 15 minutes to make.

Danielle's watch
was too small.

The bonbon was too big.

They just, like,
don't, like, get what I do.

So then,
how does Danielle's dress

compare with Heather C's?

Heather C's dress

was like a drunken
sorority girl made it.

I think she did
take a chance.

I am happy
to see that Heather

came out of her Shell
a little bit.

She nailed the caramel.
I thought that was delicious.

But her chocolate
wasn't so perfect.

It was too thick.

She gambled,
and it came up short.

Let's talk about Eric in terms
of his dress tonight.

The cookies
weren't perfect.

He was obviously stressed,
and he--

and he lost composure.

Let's be honest.

We all looked at that dress

and thought it looked
like a disaster.

Can you imagine
someone wearing that?

Perhaps a cave woman
after the hunt.

Maybe he should have had
a club for an accessory.

I really think where he shined
was in the petit fours.

While again, they weren't
the proper size,

the flavors
were outstanding.

I just gotta believe
in myself, that's all.

So I believe we've come
to our decision?

I think so.

All right,
let's bring them out.

♪ ♪

Chefs, we asked you
to make edible fashion.

We wanted to see
visual creativity

as well as your skills
as pastry Chefs.

Eric, it was
a visual challenge.

Your fashion and your food
looked a mess.

Heather, you chose the easiest
materials to work with,

and when we tasted
your accessories,

it was clear they just
didn't go with the dress.

Danielle, you also
took the easy route

and you just didn't show
enough pastry techniques.

You didn't take any risks.

Heather, your dessert
just didn't measure up.

Please pack your tools
and go.

I liked what I did.

I thought that the dress
did reflect me.

Friends forever.

I'm proud
that I pushed myself

and stepped outside
of my comfort zone.

It's definitely a little tough
leaving for a second time.

So this time
it's for really real.

Come on.

Top Chef: Just Desserts has
been such a great experience.

I love you.

I love you too.

Every single person,

they're just so dedicated
to what they do.

This is gonna
make me cry now.

Okay, bye.


It's just been
such an honor, competing.

It's made me
a stronger person as well.

Next time on
Top Chef: Just Desserts...

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa!

Morgan is just
very aggressive,

and he elbows me.

Look at my lip.
Oh, Jesus.


When Shaq knocks you
on your ass,

uh, you learn not to go
to the post with Shaq.

Thanks to Morgan.

I find him disgusting,

Just disgusting.

Why would it be on here
and then it's gone?

Team Go Diva,

they're backstabbing,
two-faced liars.

That's bull.

And I don't trust them
as far as I can throw 'em.

Hi, guys.

I could still throw 'em
pretty far.

For more about the recipes
you've seen tonight,
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