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05x06 - Episode 6

Posted: 04/29/24 19:35
by bunniefuu
[narrator] Previously...

on Love Island.

Love triangles...

I'm pissed.

Why the f*ck did he let you kiss him?

How could you do that?

[narrator] ...tore the villa apart.

The physical touch was there.

I wanna get to know you so much.

I feel like there's a knife
in my f*cking back.

You are gorgeous.

I'm finna get in trouble, bro, like...

-[narrator] And a masked new stud...
-That's a whole lot of man.

...steamed things up.

That's too much.

He just wanted to kiss her.

I feel like shit right now.

[narrator] Tonight...

You are not the only one
taking a risk here.

That kiss was so sexy.

-Gotta mark my territory.

[narrator] ...a recoupling...

So, the girl...

That I would like to couple up with...

[narrator] ...looms.


It took a toll, it took a toll.

[narrator] Welcome to Love Island USA.

Everybody loves getting a big hand,
except when it's shoving their face away

when they're trying to kiss someone.

So, after the challenge,
Keenan wants some answers from Kassy.

-[Kassy] Are you mad?
-[Keenan] Yeah.

Okay, I see you're mad.

-I'm guessing, obviously, the challenge.

[Kassy] Go ahead, why are you mad?

How do you think that kiss was?

Even though it wasn't long,
I didn't expect it to be long.

How do you think that kiss was?

Keenan, the reason why
I didn't make it long

was because, f*cking Kay Kay,

when we were looking at each other,

I would look to his side and this was her,

staring into my f*cking soul.

And I know you might be upset
because I pushed,

and maybe you thought...
It was the respect. Out of respect.

You made me look stupid
by being the only person to push back.

You made it look like
it was f*cking disgusting kissing me.

If anything, that was the most
appropriate time to do it, in a game.

That was the safest option.

I did want to kiss you,
but I didn't want our first kiss

to be like that.

You know we could have had
a real first kiss.

That was you backing up
what you're saying.

That was you backing up your actions.

What do you want me to do?

-What do you want me to do?
-I don't know.

That kinda threw me for a f*ckin' loop.

I'm just f*ckin' confused right now,

because I feel like
you're telling the truth,

but that kiss didn't back up
anything you're saying.

So, I'm stuck between
a f*ckin' crossroad right now.

I don't f*ckin' know
what's going on right here.

I thought I was coming to close the door.
I don't know what I'm doing yet

because I understand
where you're coming from.

I understand how your thought process was.

Even if I don't agree with it,
I understand it.

So, I feel like because I understand it,

it deserves some consideration.

I don't want to make
a rash f*cking decision.

And I was... I was coming over
to tell you to stop talking to me...

I mean, just the way you sound
is making me feel

like you just wanna back up.

-You wanna back up?
-No! And I...

I'm saying I don't know, Kass.
I don't know.

I'm sorry. I'm just...

I don't want you to...

Don't cry, girl.

I'm sorry. I guess I keep doing so much.

I keep doing everything wrong, I guess.

I'm sorry.

I just feel like, either way,
I went in the challenge.

If I went full-on kiss...

If I went full-on in on the kiss,
and then me pushing back,

I thought I was showing respect

towards the whole thing.

But I wasn't thinking
about Keenan's feelings

and how he was putting himself
on a limb there.

I feel like everything I'm doing
is just wrong.

I know.


You are not the only one
taking a risk here.

You gotta understand that.

Detective Anna had Leo under surveillance,

and she's taken him in for questioning.

She could hold him for 24 hours,

but she'll settle for a quick cuddle.

I thought it was a fun challenge.


I do wish I'd kissed you, though.

How are you feeling?

-I'm feeling pretty damn good.

I wasn't stressing
when the new guy came through.

-I was almost like, "Yo, what's up, bro?"

You guys were totally like that. Usually...

You guys need to sweat a little bit more.

-No, I'm just kidding.
-I was like... I was like...

I could be sweating.

He's definitely
an out-there type of person.

I really like what we have right now.

I feel we need a real kiss
outside of a challenge.


But we shall see what happens.

So, come here.


I don't see why not.


I'm trying to fall over, like that.

I know,
it's always f*cking a weird-ass position.

Yeah. Like...

I don't know,
I have the urge to kiss you all the time

-throughout the day.
-Yeah, I know. Yeah, I know.

But I was like, I don't know
what I'm waiting for at this point.

You taste like pineapple.
Did you eat any pineapples?

-I know, I did eat... Not pineapple.
-No, tropical juice.

Oh shit.

After kissing Kassy rather than Kay Kay,

Keenan's got a guilty conscience.

He's got an apology to make,
and he's got hemorrhoids.

Wait, can I do that?


[Keenan] I feel like shit, bro.

I feel like I disrespected you,

and I know that's your big thing.

You don't want to feel
like you've been made a fool,

-made a clown or disrespected.

It's just like, I don't know,
I just feel like I embarrassed you, bro.

I'm not embarrassed, to be honest.

-I feel like you should be embarrassed...
-I know.

...because you kissed her
and she rejected you.

My decision to get to know Kassy

didn't diminish or confuse
any of my feelings for Kay Kay.

I'm beating myself up about it because
I know she won't beat me up about it.

And it's just...

It's frustrating, bro. I feel like shit.

How do you feel?

I feel like you're putting me
in a super-hard...

Like, between a rock and a hard place.

-And you're...
-I explained it.

I don't know which way to go,
I don't what to do.

I don't know how to feel.
I don't know what you want from me.

So, I can only feel how I feel.

That's fair.

What do you know for sure?

That not a feeling has changed

from the moment you skedaddled
across to my heart.

Not a moment has changed.

You have always been that for me.

-And... I don't know, bro, um...

Who the f*ck knows, bro?

For once,
I can't articulate what the f*ck I feel

and what I think.
That's the only thing I can get out.

So, my feelings for you are supreme.

My feelings for you
haven't changed either.

You sure?


-Pinky promise?

Karma is a bad bitch.
And I feel like he's just feeling that.

He's beating himself up so bad about it

in some type of form.

He's getting... He's getting that back.

The karma is karmaing.

I'm sorry, boo.

It's okay.

[Kassy] It's just going to be awkward.

Kassy, he is in the strongest couple here.

[Kassy] Yeah, I know.

-I love you.
-I love you.

It's Harrison's first night in the villa.

We're all delighted Harrison's here

'cause he's handsome,

he's charming,

and 'cause he's Australian,

it cost bugger all to fly him to Fiji.

So, Keenan has nothing
to be worried about right now.

I don't think so.

I'm missing something, bro.

-I'm gonna stay out of it.
-[Bergie] Oh, you're missing something.

Oh yeah,
you got a lot to be filled in with.


You enjoy your night.

Let me settle in.
I'm gonna put my shit in my little...

in my f*ckin' five by four.

I'm in love, if anybody wonders.

I am in absolute f*ckin' love.

[Anna] I know you are.

[Jasmine] I want to couple up now.

Aw. Yeah.

[Jasmine] I do, I wanna kiss him now.

I'm glad you like him,
and you had a better day today.

[Jasmine] I like him so much.

[Kay Kay] He expected me to be real upset,

but I'm not gonna be that upset.

Did he hurt my f*ckin' feelings? Yes.


-You're so comfy.

[Carmen] Good night.


[Kassy] Hey.

[crickets chirping]

[narrator] Don't forget, you can join in
on the Love Island fun,

and even control the action
by voting for your favorite couples.

Choose who you'd like to see go on dates,

and much more.

Welcome back to Love Island USA.

It's morning and it looks like Harrison
has no problem exercising

when the lights are out.
I guess he can see in the dark

'cause, as a gold dealer,

he has 24 carats every day.

You're welcome.

[Kay Kay] Good morning. Good Morning.

Harrison, first night in the villa.

I had to sleep diagonal.
Just the feet dangling off the edge.

But, no, I slept fine. Let's do it.

[Jasmine] Yay. Go team.

I need to explain to Victor where I'm at.

The thing that's bothering me
is I feel suffocated.

I prefer a slow burn.

It makes me more comfortable.

I don't want the pacing to be the reason
I end things with him.

[Bergie] Good.

[Jasmine] He is so sexy.

That sexual attraction
was there like immediately.

That's your person. That's your...

He didn't even need to talk
to anybody else.

-He already knew.
-Oh, my gosh. Yeah.

I felt bad
because I stole him from everyone.

[Anna] You should.

And that kiss was so sexy.

I gotta mark my territory.

[Victor] That's good.

-Now, we have the lost Hemsworth brother.
-[all laughing]

Aquaman for Aquaman.

I love that.

So, how are you feeling now about...

You already passed one day.

How does it feel to wake up here, dude?

[Harrison] Waking up was fun.

It'll take me a couple of days
to settle in.

What are you trying to get
from the experience?

I think, today,
I just want to try and talk with everyone.

-Yeah, just to catch up?
-Yeah, get to know...

See if anyone takes my interest, you know?

Do you have already someone
that caught your eye?

Like, visually-wise, I don't have a type.

So, at the moment,
just keeping my eyes out.

Jasmine looks cool,
Anna looks cool, Destiny looks cool.

I'm just... And then, we'll just see
how the conversation goes, but like...

'Cause I'm looking for long-term.
I'm looking long-term all the time, right?

So, it's like...


I want to get to know someone
because you fall in love with a person,

not the...

Someone that you can have a feel
and you can build up.


It's a little difficult, me coming in
and not knowing the situations

between the people. I don't want to
come in and piss someone off

by straight-up going for their girl,

I prefer, at the moment,
to just get to know people.

So far, I know I've got my eyes
on a couple that I like the look of,

find out what situation they're in,

and then start
pushing the boundary a little bit,

then letting them know that I'm interested
and we go from there.

He looks so damn good,
but I don't want to, like, stare too hard.

[narrator] After Kassy shunned Keenan,

Bergie's making his move.

That's fine, Bergie.

But don't slow her down.

She was on her way to deliver my urine
sample to Nurse Jasmine.

Do you like my swimsuit?

-I do like your swimsuit.
-Yeah? Okay.

-Yeah. Do you like mine?
-[Kassy] Yes, yes.

-Okay, let's go in the shade.

Sorry, my hair is all over the place.

All freaking good.

It matches my teeth too.
Do you think my teeth are white?

-Yeah, they're white. Mine are not.
-Aw, yes.

No, you're fine.


-Give me a second...
-No, you're all good.

Set this down. I'm gonna hide it in
a corner so it doesn't fly away.

I need to stay in the shade
because otherwise, I'm gonna burn.

Do I look a little bit darker?
Nah, not really?

-Nothing new. Nothing different.
-Nothing too different yet,

but, like, I probably don't look
too different yet either.

I have so many swimsuits you would like.

If a girl can pull off yellow...

Dude, I have this one yellow one
that's floral.

-It's so cute.

-It has flowers on it.
-Let's go.

Yellow is my favorite color too,

-so, like...
-Why is yours yellow?

It was my mom's favorite color
before she passed away.

Aw, that's so nice

-that your favorite color is yellow.

Do you still live with your dad?

-Your family?
-No. I was living in South Dakota

-where I went to school.
-So, when you go back home...

Depends what happens here.

But maybe I move somewhere closer

to the girl that I'm potentially dating.

It's kind of... If I find the right person,
I'm moving for them.

How many relationships have you had?

Zero. I've never had a girlfriend.


-That's all right.

I feel everything happens for a reason.

-You know?

And I'm a lover girl.

I wanna be in a relationship.

Me too. I've wanted to be in
a serious relationship since I was 19.

That's what I want.
I don't really like being single.

[narrator] Jasmine's chatting
to gold dealer Harrison.

Looking at Harrison,

I'm guessing his two biggest customers

are his neck

and his wrist.

-[Harrison] Do you want some orange?
-[Jasmine] Thank you.


Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

-That works?

Oh, my word.

[Jasmine] Harrison is definitely my type.

His smile is amazing,
his eyes are so beautiful.

I'm extremely drawn to him.
He's very easy on the eyes.

I get crazy, baby.

I do like to get crazy.

-But I don't wanna get tied.
-I like your personality too.

But a little crazy is fun.

Be honest.

I hear you talking about
that you work a lot,

and someone that's crazy,
you can't work like that.


I work 36, 48-hour weeks.

Yeah, so it's almost like you oversell
the crazy part.

-And undersell your hard-working part.

But maybe it's because most people
don't get the chance to.


-because I didn't feel like opening up.

I feel like my chats with Harrison
always go super-smooth.

Sometimes, I see a little bit of flirting,

so I feel like he's definitely
interested in me.

[Jasmine] Yeah, girl.

[narrator] Hannah reckons Bergie
should take a chance on Carmen.

I agree.

Opera is not everybody's cup of tea,

but once you've seen it a few times,
it's actually not that bad.


[Bergie] What's up, Hannah?

[Hannah] Come to me!

The water feels great.

-Is this your first time in the pool?

-Let's go.
-Yeah, no we need to talk.

[Hannah] Okay, she thinks that...

Don't tell nobody this, obviously.

Just me and you, because if somebody
else heard this it would be f*cked up

and we know that it came from me.

-[Hannah] She told me

he's kinda clingy.

-[Bergie] And she doesn't like that?

[Bergie] I'm so glad I have you.

Um, okay, so there's that aspect.

Yeah. Have you talked to her
ever since that?

-Have I or should you?

-No. Have you heard?

You had a conversation with her and stuff?
What's her mindset right now?

That she still is open.

Gosh, stuff keeps opening up
and closing, and then opening up again.

So I really don't know

where I'm going right now.

Obviously, I'm still very much attractive
to Carmen physically,

and I thought this door was gonna
just close on me, but it was cracked,

and now it's like a little bit
more cracked.

So, we'll just have to see

if it's gonna close again
or just leave it alone.

-You're my go-to girl.

I love the brother-sister vibe we got.

[narrator] Victor, look out, mate.

Harrison's about to grab Carmen.

He's not after her.

He wants her gold earrings.

He reckons he can flip those babies
at 50% markup.

-Hola. Hola.

Sorry to steal you away, Carmen.

-You all right if I take you...
-For a quick chat?

For a chat. Is it all right?
Sorry, brother.

-We'll talk in a little bit.

-Sorry to interrupt.
-No, you're good.

[Carmen] Where should we go?

Uh, thataway, I believe.

-[Carmen] Should we sit in the big bed?
-[Harrison] Yeah.

[Carmen] Okay. How are you?

[Harrison] I'm doing pretty well.
Pretty well.

-Pretty well?

Yeah, nice and relaxed.

I'm enjoying the freedom.

I feel like it's villa life
and we're out just relaxing now.

-You know what I mean?
-[Carmen] 100%.

Just really taking it in
and just relaxing, you know?

-How old are you?
-I'm 26.

Yeah, so, I'm just a little bit younger
than you. So I was just like...

-You said 22, right? 22, yeah.
-Twenty-two, yeah.

-When's your birthday?
-January 15th.

Okay, um...

I have no clue what sign that is.

It's Capricorn. But I don't really know.

All my ex-boyfriends are Capricorns.

-And that's not a good thing.

She's an attractive girl,
she holds herself well.

And I can tell
she's a little bit outgoing too,

which is nice.
I like that the confidence comes through.

When's your birthday?

April. So, I just turned 22,

but I'm like a 75-year-old.

The hangovers.

Usually takes me until five in
the afternoon to leave my bed.

-That's never happened in my life.
-It's not good. You're built different.

-We get it. You're special.
-I got lucky.

I got lucky. Thank you.

You're so welcome.

Welcome back to Love Island USA.

Hannah told Bergie
that Victor's a bit clingy.

Judging by that, she's got a point.

But with Victor distracted,
it's Dairy Queen manager Bergie's chance

to move in
and use his favorite k*ller line,

"Will that be to eat in or to go?"

My number one goal coming in here
was to find someone that I could...

-Be with? Yeah.
-Be with.

And leave the villa with.

-I know what my value is.

I'm gonna be a great husband one day.

-Amazing father. Just, you know.
-A hundred percent. Yeah.

-Bergie, yes, you do.
-I'm gonna all for it.

If I'm gonna couple up with someone,
I want someone who genuinely

-wants to pursue a relationship, for sure.

I guess my biggest question is...
You can be completely blunt.

Do you see friendship vibes
or relationship vibes?

I feel like if we got to talk every day,

it could build more and more.

But I also feel like all my chats
with everyone are friendship right now.

Because I feel like...

mine and Victor's chats
aren't romantic yet either.

-They're very friendship,

-but he's very into physical touch.

And I feel like it's making everyone think
that it's more romantic than it is.

I'm obviously attracted to you and stuff.
And, I see you with Victor,

I'm like "God, dang it."

Victor is moving
a little bit too quick for me.

-And I was like,

"I prefer the pace I'm moving at
with Bergie."


-I'm a slow burner.
-So am I.

I wanna be swept off my feet
and romanticized and won over.

-You know what I mean?

-I just want to make that clear.

No one's ahead of anyone romance-wise.

Physical touch is not my love language.
I don't like...

Mine is words of affirmation.
How about you?

Mine is maybe like acts of service,

or like... I love coffee.

-Oh really?
-If someone brings me a coffee...

Guess what you're getting
tomorrow morning.

-Thanks, Bergie.
-I don't know how to make coffee, though.

One of the boys will teach you.
Be like, "I need help."

Yeah. Hey, guys,

-I'm gonna make my first cup of coffee.
-I do feel bad.

I don't want to waste anyone's time,
but like...

I do... It's important
that it's with the right person.

And see, I'm the same way,
because I look around,

-Marco and Hannah already are cuddling.
-[Carmen] Yeah.

[Bergie] I'm like, "Oh, my goodness,
they're taking pictures."

And they're physical, and I'm like...

-And I'm not... I don't know.

This feels like a race,
and I gotta remember it's like a marathon.

Like, we're trying to fall in love.
We're trying to find the right person.

It's not about what other people...
how fast other people are moving.

-It's about where we're at.

Wow, bullion boy Harrison is getting

to know all the girls in just one day.

I believe in Harrison's business,

this is known as a "gold rush."

[laughs] Jewelry jokes.

So, obviously, you're a microbiologist.

-That I am.
-How long do you need to study for that?

'Cause I was looking
in the surgeon direction.


-I can see that.
-When I went to school.

Surgeons are usually attractive.

-That's why I said, "I can see that."

I can see that. So, yes.

So, tell me about you, though.

I'm heavy on communication.

If you were to say,
"What's the most important thing... a relationship?"
-Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Apart from the innate, "Oh, I can really
see myself loving this person."


Communication. No, I 100% agree.

It's so funny, because,
let's say you find someone,

what would you want afterwards?
"Are you ready to have kids right now?"

I'm like,
"Honestly, I would want for us to enjoy

-each other first."
-One hundred percent.

-We all want a family

-later on down the track, right?
-Right, right.

But if thinking about having a kid
without even having a partner?

-Yes. What?

Why would you do that?

I wanna do the love part and the...

-Yes. part...

-Exactly. Go for that.
-...before having a life.

-The kids part, you know?

But no, I'm very much, like,
"Hey, let's travel together.

Let's love together."

-Same. Yes.
-Let's live together first. Yeah.

I'm about to mess up this body?

This? This natural body I got?
Wait, give me a second.

Yeah. No, I agree.

You've definitely got a body on you.
That's for sure.

-Mmm. Okay.
-And you're a pretty girl too.

-You're a pretty girl too. I like it.
-Thank you.

-Thank you.
-Triple threat,

-as far as I'm concerned. Yeah.
-Triple threat? That way? I like that.

I like that you work hard and study.
I like that you did that.

We're definitely
on the same page there for sure.

Oh really? That's reassuring.

-For sure. For sure.
-That's reassuring.

If you could feel my heart rate,
I'm pretty sure it's giving tachycardia.


Like... That's, like,

fast heart.

With Harrison,
it's just all catching me by surprise.

In that moment, it felt great.

So now, I'm like,

I need to go for someone who I see

can complement me in the growth area,
you know?

-What are we growing towards?

-I feel like we're on the same page.

-Hell of a lot. I like it.

[narrator] Carmen's talking to Victor.

Apparently, she doesn't like
public displays of affection.

It's a condition that's afflicted
my family for generations.

The medical term is being Scottish.

I just want to check in and explain

where I was coming from
and such last night.

But, I feel like...

-I'm not a PDA person.

It's just not how
I express myself normally.

So, I'm just not used to it.

You know?
I'm very private and stuff like that.

I think we just have different levels
of physical touch.

I think that's one of his ways
that he shows attraction.

So, it was just me
kind of setting a boundary

and letting him know
we just have different levels

and we need to find a good medium.

It's all about trust and feeling safe.

Between us, is gonna be a safe space,

where you are gonna be able
to be yourself,

express all your emotions,
everything that is in your head,

and all that stuff without being judged,

or without thinking that
that is gonna harm my feelings.

A hundred percent.

Okay. I feel better.

-I'm glad we got to talk.

And then,
I did just want to give you a heads-up,

I did have a really good talk
with Bergie this morning.


[Carmen] And just, like...

I want you to know
that you are my priority

and our relationship is miles ahead
of my relationship with him.

But him and I do have stuff in common,

so I can't close the door
because we're at mile five,

and him and I are at a quarter mile.

[Victor] I don't know what reaction
she was expecting from me,

but after that conversation
that pushed us into, I guess,

into the right path.

Like, now,

she understands that she can feel,

that she can talk to me about whatever.
If she needs space, if she needs...

whatever she needs.

Like, I'm not gonna take that as...

something that has to be related with me

you maybe need some time

and that doesn't mean
that you don't like me anymore, you know?

No, that's so true.


[Jasmine] It's good vibes.

I like the sun in the background.

[phone chimes]

Wait, what?

-[Jasmine] You got a text.
-Oh, shit. Oh, shit.

Whoa! I got a text, you guys.

-I got a text.
-[all cheering]

What's it say? What's it say?

Oh, shit.

What's happening?

[Hannah] All right.

"Islanders, tonight,
there will be a recoupling."

[Leonardo] Bueno.

"The boys will choose
who they want to couple up with,

and the girl not picked to be in a couple

will be dumped from the island.

#CrunchTime. #YouGoGirl.


-Sending that ass home.

Jeez, Louise.


-[Hannah] #YouGoGirl.
-[Anna] Yikes.

It's gonna be really hard to see
one of the girls go,

considering, like,
we're all from one little family.

That is gonna be hard to see
that empty spot in the bed tonight.

[Marco] It's a big night for you, bro.

[Harrison] Well, I mean,
it's a big night for all of us.

[Kay Kay] Of course the man gets to pick.

This is the first time they get to pick.

At least we're all gonna know
where their cards are now.

They're gonna have to f*ckin' show them.

Welcome back to Love Island USA.

Over on the sofa,

Marco is trying to sell
Jasmine to Harrison.

He's a gold dealer, mate.

He's not interested in flowers.

Making the decision will be difficult

because I kinda...
I clicked with Jasmine, Destiny.

Carmen, a fair bit too.

-Yeah. I know.

I love them all equal.

But I feel like
Jasmine brings something that...

nobody else brings here.

One hundred percent.

I completely agree with you on that one,
because I see that other side

where you're working hard, you're a nurse.

-I see the other side...
-You're an ER emergency room nurse.

Yeah, but she gets misunderstood because

she got the crazy girl, kind of...

-Labeled on.
-[Harrison] Labeled on.

[Harrison] Jasmine's been forward.
After talking with her,

and you could see her come through,

and I like that.
I like the confidence there.

But I had multiple conversations
with three nice women,

and there's a lot to wrap my head around.

So it'll be a difficult choice.

You just got here.

It's your time to make decisions.

-Hi, Harrison, can we talk?
-[Harrison] How you doing?

-Yeah, of course.
-Yeah. I'm gonna let you guys go.

-Yeah, of course.
-Thank you for opening up.

[Harrison] Of course, man. All part of it.

-I'll give this to Anna.
-[Harrison] You want to go here?

-Yeah, of course.
-[Harrison] Look at that.

Should I leave my hair like this tonight?

I kind of don't have much of a choice
unless I wash.

[Jasmine] I am.

[Anna] Should I? Is it wack now?

[narrator] Hello.

Either Marco is trying to get Carmen
and Jasmine's attention,

or he's doing an impression of me
on a Friday night

ordering a couple more piƱa coladas.

[Jasmine] Look, he wants to have
a conversation with me.

I'm like, "What does that mean, Harrison?"

[Anna] What is he saying?

[Jasmine] I need to go down there.

[Anna] Oh, wait.
Can I come with you, though?

[Jasmine] Yeah, run.

[Anna] Wait. Am I allowed
to be in the conversation or no?

[Jasmine] Yeah. Come on.

[Anna] Are you sure?
It's not gonna be private?

-[both laughing]
-[Jasmine] I don't care.

[Anna] What's it gonna be? vag*na?

-[Jasmine] What does that mean?
-[Anna] Penis means private.

vag*na means open.

Is it penis or vag*na?

[Jasmine] It's vag*na.


[Anna] Hurry.

Track star.

[Jasmine] What was the thumbs?
What was the thumbs?

The thumbs.

Go. Get it out.

Get it out right now, as we're running.

Go, go, go.

I went over there,
I talked to him and I was like,

I was like, "I got an option on three.

"Jasmine, Carmen, and Destiny."

I went into a spiel and I said,

"I feel like there's one girl in this
villa that stands out from the rest,

and that are vulnerable."

And he was like,
"Okay, what's that based off of?"

And I said,
"I feel like it's a misunderstanding.

I feel like this girl brings a lot more."

And he was like, "Absolutely."

Was Jasmine involved? f*cking answer.

-Yeah, yeah. Jasmine, yeah.

[Marco] I didn't get a clear answer,
but it's definitely like she's there.

I f*ckin' love you, Marco.

I literally just wanna scream, finally.

That is the type of connection
that I was looking for on Love Island.

So I definitely hope
that Harrison picks me tonight.


The first recoupling is looming.

After all the boys are coupled up,

one poor girl will be heading
out of the villa forever.

But what's Bergie's take
on this tragic situation?

Not sleeping alone tonight.

That's a fact, bro.

-Let's go. Finally.

[Victor] It's gonna be something

to feel that the experience for someone
is gonna end tonight.

Just awful, you know?

[Carmen] Destiny, how are you feeling?

[Destiny] Um...

You know, I'm feeling.



-Carmen and I had a spark right away.
-[Keenan] Yeah.

Kassy, I didn't have that.

That spark could come, but you don't know.

[Keenan] I hear what you're saying.
It's a possibility.

We just gotta keep hitting rocks
and see if there's a spark, you know?

I did all I did.

It's up to them now, you know?

It's up to the boys at the end of the day.

We're all here to find love,
and not all of us are going to.


Here's to a crazy whirlwind 24 hours.

But to making the rest of our experiences
easy and breezy as can be, all right?

-Cheers to everyone.
-[all cheering]

[Harrison] Cheers. Cheers. Cheers.

[narrator] It's the last chance for
the girls to make a good impression.

If I were them,

I'd go for Marge Simpson
or Kim Kardashian,

because they're both quite easy
impressions to do.

[Marco] We got a big night, though.

I know.

A lot is gonna happen.

A lot is about to go down.

Oh, my goodness.

Are you able to narrow down your...


I mean, I liked today,
how you started to just kind of calm...

calmly and approach me in that sort of...

-I didn't wanna be too bold, you know?
-No, I like that.

No, I like it.

-This is natural and...
-Comfy, right?

Yeah. It's always comfy with you.

Yeah. Thank you.

Tonight, going into the ceremony,
I have no idea what's gonna happen. None.

I mean, Harrison, there's no telling
on what he's gonna choose.

[Harrison] It's a big decision.

I'm not completely confident

that I'm making the right choice.

I'm making the right... Just because
it's been such a short time frame.

-[Keenan] What's up, girl?

What y'all doing?

Just chatting. Just talking.
What do you want?

-Can I come talk to you?
-Yes, you can talk to me.

I just... I want more time to talk to you.

I obviously still want to get to know you.

I mean, honestly, that's why I'm taking
this risk talking to you.

That's why I'm taking this risk getting to

-know you because I feel there's a spark.
-Yeah, but me too.

For sure. For sure.

You can only be so respectful.
You gotta go after what you want.

-And I feel like...

I feel like now you're kind
of showing me a little bit more.

That you are going after what you want.

f*ck, Kassy.

After talking to Keenan tonight, I...

I am not sure where his head is at.

It sucks to be in this position.

So if you had to pick
which one you think is gonna go,

who do you think is gonna go?

I think it's between Destiny and Jasmine.

-[Marco] For Harry?
-[Hannah] Yeah.

Well, let's see what happens tonight.

Bergie's kind of a wild card.

No one knows
if he's gonna pick me or Kassy.

[Bergie] Huge decision tonight.

The two frontrunners tonight
are definitely

Carmen and Kassy, for sure.

Carmen, I really like her.

I feel like we have a lot of the same
personal values that we share.

With Kassy,
we're still getting to know each other,

and I feel like
we could potentially have something

the more we get to know each other.

I don't wanna be the one
to lead anyone on.

-I said it to you, you know.

[Harrison] That's not in my nature.

-[Destiny] That's not in my nature at all.
-[Harrison] I don't like doing that.

So then, there's no leading on,
there's no hurting anyone.

-That sort of stuff.

If Harrison chooses Jasmine,

it would definitely hurt for sure.

Because I know that the natural flow
of things was there.

However, I will be proud of myself

knowing that I gave it my all.

[phone chimes]

Oh. I got a text.

[all cheering]

First text for the guy, right?

-[Marco] What's it say?
-All right.

"Will all Islanders please gather
at the fire pit."

-Oh, shit.
-[Jasmine] All right.

-I love you.
-Let's kick it.

Welcome back to Love Island USA.

It's the first recoupling,
and tonight, it's the boy's choice.

Marco's gonna kick things off.

He was coupled up with Destiny,
but was stolen by Hannah.

I would like to couple up with this girl

because ever since
she walked in the villa,

she was wearing my favorite color,
electric blue.

I feel like electricity is just something
that defines our relationship.

She's gorgeous from head to toe.

I think the future is bright for us.

I think we see a lot in common.

I think we relate unbelievably.

So the girl I would like
to couple up with is...


You okay?

[narrator] Next to pick is Leonardo.

Right now, he's in a couple with Kassy,

but he's been showing interest in Anna.

I would like to couple up with this girl

ever since I first met her,

I knew there was much more to her
than just the surface.

f*ck, yeah.

Just beyond how beautiful she looks...

I've got to see
how goofy your personality is,

and just how perfectly she matches me.

This is my little mamacita in the villa.

You know, I try to tease you
and teach you a little bit of Spanish.

Even though she says stupid shit
like "buenas nachos."

That's mean, guys.

How can I not like this diablona?

Does that mean devil?

Buenas Nachos.


So, the girl I'd like
to couple up with is...


[narrator] It's Keenan's turn to choose.

At the moment,
he's coupled up with Kay Kay,

but he was getting to know Kassy.

I would like to couple up
with this girl because...

not only is she gorgeous...

I felt, like, since we started
to get to know each other,

it's been an instant connection.

I look forward to each conversation
I have with her.

I look forward to just looking at her
from across the room.

I honestly can't imagine the days
I've had in here without her.

I'm crazy attracted to her mind.

Her body,

her spirit.

I for sure can see a future with her
outside the villa.


the girl that I would like
to couple up with is...

my little Kay Kay.


That was sweet.

That was really sweet.

Made me a little wet.

[narrator] Victor was with Jasmine,
but was stolen by Carmen.

I would like to get coupled up
with this girl because...

since the moment I met her,

I was surprised by how mature she is

and that we value the same things
in our relationship.

Every day since I wake up, I look forward
to spend more time with her,

and seeing her smile
makes me really happy.

I'm gonna hug you.

So the girl I would like
to couple up with is...


[all clapping]

-[Carmen] You did good.

[narrator] It's Bergie's turn to pick.

Right now, he's single.

I would like to couple up
with this girl because...

from our first conversation,

she opened up way more
than I thought she ever would

and that allowed me
to open up about myself.

I like how this girl makes me feel safe
and open to speak about anything.

This girl is very fun and jittery,

and I just can't wait
to couple up with her, I guess.

So the girl I'd like to couple up with is...


Oh, shit.

Yeah, Iceberg.

-Very nice. Very nice.

Last to go is Bombshell Harrison.

He has to choose
between Jasmine and Destiny.

The girl he doesn't pick
will be dumped from the villa.

-I hate this.
-Me too.

[Bergie] It's serious. It's serious.

I just want to say something first.

It's been such a short period of time.

And I'm just sorry
that I have to be the one to do this.

I just want to say sorry.

It's the first time I've been nervous
in a long minute.

-I tell you.
-Yeah, I hear you.

Yeah, bro. Me too.

I know...

I would like to couple up
with this girl because...

Welcome back to Love Island USA.

Harrison's about to reveal
which girl he's chosen.

It's been such a short period of time,

and I'm just sorry, that, like,

that I have to be the one to do this.

I just want to say sorry.

It's the first time I've been nervous
in a long minute.

-I tell you.
-Yeah, I hear you.

Yeah, bro. Me too.

I know...

I would like to couple up with this girl

because she caught my eye straight away.

She's obviously gorgeous.

There was eye contact. I like that.

Conversations seem to flow
pretty naturally,

and, for me, that's a big thing.

I know it's such early days,
but I'm looking forward to seeing

what could come from all this.

The girl I would like
to couple up with is...


I really am sorry, Jas.

It's been a pleasure
getting to know all of you.

I love each and every one of you.

And, you know, I'm just so happy
you guys are all on this journey together

to finding love.

And I hope I see you guys out of here.

It was so good getting to know you.

[Harrison] Jasmine will be missed.

There was the flare of uninterrupted
and unfiltered personality

and to be like the executioner...

I don't like hurting people.

So, yeah, it took a toll, it took a toll.

-[Leonardo] Group hug on Jasmine.
-[Hannah] Yeah.

-[Leonardo] Come on.

We love you, Jas.

-[Anna] We love you.
-[Jasmine] Love you guys.

[Jasmine] I'll miss you guys.


I mean,
I think we all have mixed emotions.

I feel sad for Jasmine.

She was always fun to be around with.

Her leaving makes all of us sad.

[Hannah] I'm so proud of you.

[all] One, two, three, four
I am the baddest ho

Five, six, seven, eight
How much d*ck can you take?

[Jasmine] I love you.

Anna, I'm so grateful I met you.

And I'm gonna be rooting for you.

I know.

I won't be the same person.
Nobody's like her, you know?

Jasmine is like the goofball of the group.

Like, she just lightens up
every single situation.


[Jasmine] Hell, yeah.

You guys all gotta come to Nashville.

It's gonna be different without her.

It's definitely gonna be different
without her.

Can't you stay?

I'm gonna miss you.

You're going! You're going.

I met amazing friends
while I was in the villa.

I cannot wait
to have them all in Nashville.

But one in particular was Anna.
I feel like it wasn't a best friendship

that we developed, it was a sisterhood.

I have no regrets in the villa.
I feel like I was unapologetically me.

I thought coming in here and finding love
would be easy and it is not.

So, holler at me, boys, when I get home.

[sighs] I'm gonna miss everyone,
but I'm extremely excited for all of them

to continue their love journey.