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04x19 - Episode 19

Posted: 04/29/24 19:27
by bunniefuu
[narrator] Previously, on Love Island USA…

[boys cheering]

[narrator] Casa Amor meant new girls…

[girls] Hey.

Casa Amor is like
a m*therf*cking wonderland.

[narrator] New boys…

[Deb] There's just abs everywhere,
hair everywhere,

there's probably
some wieners flopping everywhere.

[narrator] …and new opportunities.

Sydney, you're, like,
safe and comfortable,

but I don't really know if, you know,
she's the right girl. [chuckles]

So you think, like, Isaiah's being good,

do you think
he's cracking on with other girls?

Well, if you ever wanna come visit,
there's always a place for you to stay.

Another f*cking redhead. Um… [laughs]

[ominous instrumental playing]

[narrator] Tonight…


-Timmy, I gotta share a bed, is that okay?
-[Timmy] All right, pull up, pull up.

[narrator] …are tested.

I just think that
what Sydney's doing is suffocating.

I just, like, know I'm better.

You know, Isaiah kinda seems like
he wanted to kiss me.

[Islanders cheering]

Is anybody feeling Deb or no?

Who could keep their paws off her?

Can I get another smooch?

[narrator] Welcome to Love Island USA.

In Casa Amor, six new girls
have joined the boys,

while over at the villa,
six boys have joined our girls.

Single Courtney's chatting to Jordan,

the only man in America
who sells short shorts.

I actually bought some
of his sock socks and hat hats.

They are great, great.

[Jordan] How's your head with Bryce
leaving and everything, 'cause I know

you guys had a good connection, right?

Yeah, I was a little bit relieved, though,

because like at night he wouldn't,
like, kiss me or anything like that.

I see that too, honestly, like.

And I was like, that's when I wanna
f*cking, like, be all over you.

[Jordan] You said that.

-[Courtney] I know.
-You said that to him.

I was just like, what is wrong
with this guy? I don't get it. Like what--

I've never had to have
a conversation like that in my life.

-[Jordan] It's weird.

You want a man
that's gonna be all over you.

-You want somebody to like the--

-I love that shit.
-I know, I know, I know.

My love language is all of them,
do everything.

Everything, like nothing is off the table.

Like, just go for it. I agree.
No, I'm the same way.

And it's just, like,
physical touch is huge

and it just, like, I want someone to show
me that they care. You know what I mean?

He's really, like, goofy and, yeah,
we have some things in common,

but now I need to see
if the physical is there.

Can you speak another language?

-I can't, no.
-No, me neither.

-Okay, we're in the same boat.
-Yeah, I want to though.

My whole family speaks Italian
and then it got to me,

like, and my dad was like, no,
don't teach him.

I can tell you're Italian
'cause you're like--

-I talk with my hands a lot.
-Yeah. [laughs]

It's, like, all of us.
My whole family talks like that.

That's so funny.

Over at Casa Amor,
single boy Chazz and Gabby

are having a chat.
It's actually Chazz's birthday.

I can't wait for him to blow out
the candles on his birthday sofa.

[singing] Happy birthday to Chazz

I'm glad to finally spend
some time with you.

-Look at us. I know. Me too.
-Get to talk to you for a little bit.

Look, look,
I'm busting out my f*cking-- Shit.

-Oh, my God.
-Sorry about that.

-[Bella] What's in there?
-[both laughing]

If you play your cards right,
you might find out.

You know what I'm saying?

That's the effect I have,
your pants just bust open.

-[Chazz] Okay, okay! Okay!

I haven't been able to have
any really kind of,

you know,
flirty banter like this in a while,

so it felt good being able to have
that kind of energy with Gabby.

[both laughing]

[Bella] Oh, my God,
what am I gonna do with you?

I don't know. I don't know what I'm gonna
do with you, but I'm having fun, so.

[Bella] I know, me too, me too.

What else do you do in Jersey
besides hang out with friends?

I wanna go back to school
because I wanna learn more.

I feel like I just-- after I graduated
I'm like work, work, work.

Mm-hmm. I do wanna get my MBA, but
I don't know if I wanna take a year off

or if I should go straight into it.
I think I'm gonna go straight into it.

I think you should. Just get it over with.

-Yeah, right?
-But maybe you should do it from LA.

Shit, why, why is that?
'Cause you wanna be in LA?

-I don't know, maybe.

I'm feeling hot and dangerous and spicy.

I'm just gonna try to work my magic
and if it comes to it,

I'm just gonna go out and be like,
you're sleeping with me tonight.

I feel like it's very refreshing
to meet someone-- somebody like you.

[narrator] Nadjha's partner Jeff
is with Tigerlily.

What I liked most about you
was that you hold yourself,

like, I can tell that you value yourself.

God, I'm just like, you gotta go
with someone who actually thinks that

you're the shit.
Like, don't go for anyone who's like,

you're the backup plan, in my opinion.

Yeah, I feel that.

I just feel like with Nadjha,
that shit was just rushed.

And I know she wanted Isaiah too.

I'm not the type to force no one into it
and that's why I try to tell her, like…

I'm cool.

People want what they can't have.

Yeah, facts.

But like if a man is not into me,
I'm like so uninterested.

I'm not trying
to convince anyone to like me

'cause I know what I bring to the table.

I'm not gonna try and convince you, like.

-I feel that.
-Like, that's your loss.

-[laughs] That's your problem.
-No, I feel that. I'm the same way too,

so, I don't know.
I don't know what it is, honestly.

-I mean, it's like what can you do?
-Yeah, it's like what can I do?

-Yeah, there's nothing you can do.

-there's nothing I can do with that shit.

[Jeff] Tigerlily,
she's definitely a cool girl, but

just the night before, like,
you know, we came here

it made me think about Nadjha different,

so something really gotta
hit it off for me to

stop thinking about Nadjha
and stuff like that.

[narrator] Jesse, Timmy and Isaiah
are all coupled up,

but Casa Amor is designed
to test the strength of a relationship,

the way an iceberg tested
the strength of the Titanic.

Yeah, I'm in a spot where
I definitely trust

where me and Sydney are at
with a lot of things,

but at the same time that's not a reason
to be put in a circumstance or predicament

where I'm feeling like I'm forced not
to be able to act on anything, you know?

Um, I felt a little bit of something
with Phoebe, nothing too crazy.

Chanse, I felt a little bit of something,
not too crazy.

And I would like
to get to know these girls more.

I look at this as like, it's a boys' trip,
you know what I'm saying?

This is like us, I wanna have a blast,

I wanna have fun with it,
you know what I'm saying?

Like, this is us,
you know what I'm saying, just kicking it.

It's just a vacation
from what we got back at home.

Let's not forget about
what we got back at home.

But I'm not gonna be in a predicament

to feel forced
that I can't do what I want.

Bro, my door's cracked for sure.

Like, I ain't gonna
kick that bitch closed.

[girls chattering]

[narrator] Tonight's show's an absolute
nightmare for our camera team.

They're racing between Casa Amor
and the villa every two minutes.

We really should have booked two crews.

-Did you get red or white?
-[Chad] White.

-Eww. I don't like white.
-[Kyle] Red.

-[Nadjha] Red's the way to go.
-All day.

White's too sweet for me.

-[Courtney] Me too.
-I like white.

-[phone chimes]
-Did someone get a text?

[girls] Oh!

-Somebody got that shit.

-I got a text.
-[all cheering]

"Islanders, it is time
to get your juices flowing."

"As you compete against the Villa."

"As you compete against Casa Amor in…"

-f*ck yeah.

-f*ck yes.
-"In tonight's challenge."

"Shaken and Stirred."

"The villa that completes
the challenge in the fastest time…"

"…wins. #ShakeThingsUp."



[narrator] Tonight, the Villa will go
head to head with Casa Amor

to see who can make
four cocktails the quickest.

A Tequila Sunrise,

a Piña Colada,

a Bloody Mary,

and a Strawberry Daiquiri.

Of course, because this
is Love Island, there's a twist.

The Islanders will have to pass
the ingredients from mouth to mouth

down the line
until they fill the glass to the brim.

We'll accept either saliva or booze.

Just whatever's easiest.

Oh, what the f*ck?
What type of shit is this?

It's like when you see someone else
make, like, that face, it's gross.

[Deb] Oh, you guys are going slow.

Get it again, let's go.

Go, go.

Come on, come on, come on.

That was f*cking disgusting

and I remember looking up at the sky
and I swear, like, I felt like I saw God.

And He was not happy with me.

You know, Isaiah seemed like
he wanted to kiss me.

Let's go.

He kinda, like,
grabbed my butt a little bit.

I didn't mind it.

[Islanders shouting]

[Zeta] This is not a joke. We have to win.

I don't think I'll ever drink
a Strawberry Daiquiri again in my life.

Let's go. Let's go.

Nic projectile spitted in my mouth.

Why the red?

Maybe Jesse will wanna kiss me now.

Let's go, let's go.

-This is so gross.
-Come on.

You get the exponential amount of saliva
from everybody in line.

It's like the Human Centipede
of regurgitation.

[Islanders chattering]

I think I threw up on Sam's face,
like, four times.

That is a--

Good job, good job, good job.

We got this.

Oh, bro, what the f*ck?

I've never swallowed this much spit before
in my life. Not even during sex, bro.

[Jared] f*cking tomato juice.

The Bloody Mary, like, I can't even talk
about it. I can't even talk about it.

[Kyle] Tomato. Oh, my gosh.

What the f*ck? Is that tomato juice?

Shut up.

I'm not gonna lie, like,
spitting in Kyle's mouth,

it was very, like, angelic.

[imitating angelic choir]

[Nadjha] Deb, do you need me
to change with you or you got it?

-[Deb] I got it.
-[Nadjha] Okay.

[Kyle] It's a lot stickier and thicker
than I would have fantasized,

but I did not mind swapping
anything with Deb.

Last one, that's it.

-Get it.

-[Deb] Full!
-[Nic] That's overflowing.

-[Kyle] Done.
-[all cheering]

[all shouting]

-[Bella] You're good!
-[Chanse] Go, go!

[all cheering]

[chanting] Casa, Casa, Casa.

[chanting] Villa, Villa, Villa, Villa.

I'm literally the girl at the club
that pukes and rallies

and goes to meet back up with her friends.

That game was insane.

[all laughing]

I feel sorry for who went last.

-Which would be me.
-[all laughing]

We better have won.
If we didn't beat them,

I'm running over there
and throwing the drinks on them.

-[phone chimes]
-I'm hoping there's--

-[Tre] You went hard.
-[Deb] Oh, shit, oh, shit.

the results of the challenge are in.

The main villa completed it the quickest."

[cheering, screaming]

Casa who?

[Sydney] Casa boo!

[all] Casa boo.

Casa boo!

"The main villa completed it
the quickest and have therefore won."

-Oh, man.


You know, they won,
so you know they probably

getting closer with these new guys

and met with the guys and shit,
so man, you feel me,

it kinda, like, sucks for real.
I ain't gonna lie.

[chanting] We might have lost the battle,
but we're gonna win the w*r.

Whatever, it's not over.
We'll win in other areas.

We might have lost the battle,
but we're gonna win the w*r.

[narrator] Welcome back to
Love Island USA.

After winning the challenge,
the Villa girls are relishing

the sweet taste of victory,

along with the tangy taste of spittle

from a bus load of boys
they only met this morning.

Yeah. Let's f*cking go!

[Courtney] I wanna make out
with Jordan tonight.

[Nadjha] Yeah?

So, Jordan over Chad?

-[Deb] Really?

-[Zeta] It's Courtney's island.

Little boys spa.


Oh, it's burning now.

I'm just gonna put all my trust in Isaiah
and if I get f*cked over, I get f*cked.

I will be sleeping outside, I don't care.

I've done it all before. I'll do it again.

I don't want to be in bed
with a boy that's not Timmy.

[Courtney] Yeah, I get it, girl.

-I'll sleep outside with you, Zeta.
-Yeah? Okay.

Aw, that's sweet.

Bro what's the sleeping arrangement
going on?

You got two of them in your bed right now.

-[Jesse] What?
-Whose stuffed animal is that?

-That's Sydney's.
-[Phoebe] Yeah, I knew it.

Spray my perfume.

[girls laughing]

How's about it, Zay-zay?

[Isaiah] What? Yeah.

That's chill.

Timmy, I'm gonna
share a bed. Is that okay?

[Timmy] All right, pull up, pull up.

I'm used to sleeping on this bed.
With Timmy.

[Courtney] Aw, you wear glasses too?

Yeah, I'm blind as a bat.


-[Nadjha] You're sleeping with me.

[Tre] That's what I need.

-You're so nice to cuddle.

Your nose is peeling.

-It is?
-Yeah, a little bit.

-You're so easy to talk to. [giggles]
-You feeling me?

-[Jeff] Night.
-[all] Night.

Good night.

This is f*cking weird.

[all laughing]

[narrator] While the Islanders sleep,

management's thrown
a surprise cocktail party for the crew.

Not sure where the cocktails come from,
but they do have a tangy aftertaste.

Anyway, the new sleeping
arrangements in Casa Amor are:

Jesse and Avery,

Jared and Phoebe,

Isaiah and Chanse,

Timmy and Bella,

Chazz and Gabby,

and Jeff and Tigerlily.

Over in the main villa we have:

Sydney and Kyle,

Kat and Chad,

new boys Nic and Sam
are sleeping by themselves,

Deb and Zeta are on the day bed,

Nadjha and Tre,

and Courtney and Jordan.

[Jordan] Good morning, beautiful.

Gym time, gym time, wake your asses up!

I mean, everyone was talking such
a big game and nobody was doing shit.

Everybody was about to go to sleep
and I was like…

-[Zeta laughs]
-I just opened my eyes.

I was like, I'm going to kiss him.

[Courtney] Yes, I'm proud of you.

So, I decided to share a bed with Tre,
and I kissed him

and there was just no sparks
flying anywhere.

I had a dream about Jesse.

What happened?

We were just together.

Oh, you poor nugget.


[Bella] It sounded like
some passionate kiss, yeah.

Holy shit. Jared just goes,
"Yeah, someone's kissing over there."

Who do you think it is? He goes,
"It's definitely Jeff over there."

[girls laughing]

He's like, "Yeah, he is kissing
over there." I was like, "Yeah."

And when we were hearing her
and frickin' Jeff kiss, I got the hand.

-[Chanse] The hand.
-And I was like, "Don't get any ideas."

-You got the hand.
-I was like--

-[Courtney] It was good last night.
-[Sydney] Oh, with Jordan?

It's just, like, our kissing died down,
like, kind of soon.

I know it's the first night, though, and

yeah, I don't know, like,
he's sweet and stuff, but.

Courtney, he gives me
"could never handle you" energy.


Bro, let's cut to the real questions
though. Is anybody feeling Deb or no?

She's amazing. She's--
she's beautiful, she's hilarious.

Like, so f*cking funny.

She's so easy to talk to.

Yeah, dude, she's so chill.

[Kyle] She's got that quirky
girl next door charm about her,

but like she's obviously
so stunning, it's like,

were you made in a f*cking lab
somewhere? Jesus Christ.

Deb has not left my radar.

I think I'm just different enough
from all the guys

while at the same time being able to

be a little bit more passionate
right out of the gate,

which I think is another thing
that she's been lacking.

[Deb] I'm still going to get
to know, like, Kyle, but…

Yeah, you did say he was a bit interested.

He said he reads, like,
three to four books a week.

-[Deb] What the f*ck?
-Oh, I love that.

[Courtney] That's cute.

-I love nerds.
-[Zeta] Me too.

Let's just have fun
with the boys 'cause they are sweet.

Oh, I'm-- I'm gonna have fun with them.

[Zeta laughs] Yeah?

[narrator] Last night the Casa boys
managed to avoid having sex with anyone,

much like me during
my entire time at college.

[Jeff] So how y'all feeling
about like, all the girls?

I think they're a fun group.

Hell yeah.

Was Tiger a good kisser
at least over there?

Yeah, man, that shit was crazy.

You feel me, so it's cool, man.

[Tigerlily] Jeff is, like, super nice.

He's, like, big.

-Yeah. Yeah no, he's like--
-How's his kissing?

He's an A1 kisser, A1 cuddler.

-[Bella] Oh, my God.
-Like A1 across the board.

Me and Jeff kissed.

It kind of looked like we were
re-enacting The Notebook, probably.

Like, and then it was funny 'cause then
the lights came on this morning

and it was like, "Hey, what's good?"

[Jesse] Avery, she cool, man. Uh…

Chopped it up with her last night. I ain't
really talked to her all day yesterday.

It was fun to share a bed with Avery.

She is a very great girl, but it's just,
like, damn, I miss Deb, you know.

It makes me want her that much more, man.

Honestly, these next couple days
are gonna be tough.

Gabby, chopping it up with her,
getting to know her. She's a cool girl.

Had a nice cuddle session.

-[Jared] Big spoon?
-Big spoon for sure.

Sleeping next to Gabby
was f*cking fantastic,

but I kinda held off on the kissing.

I definitely just wanna play it slow,
play it cool

and I want things to work with this girl.

I had a good night. Chanse,
we just talked about some,

just different shit.
Nothing, like, anything crazy, bro.

A bit weird seeing you
next to another redhead.

It's the second redhead
I've ever seen, bro.

[all laughing]

[Jeff] Shit.

[narrator] Timmy's chatting to Phoebe,
who is wearing the latest look

in mosquito net fashion from
top designer brand, House of Malaria.

-So, I pulled Isaiah for a chat.
-I see.

In that conversation,
you could tell, like, hesitancy.

-[Timmy] Yeah.
-Right, and, like, I respect that.

He, like, makes eye contact with me,

-it feels, like, a little purposeful.
-Yeah. Yeah.

-Like, intent behind it.
-He thinks you're attractive. I know that.

I'm gonna do everything
in my power to get Isaiah

to realize that
I'm a much better fit for him.

This is Mission Potentially Impossible.

This could go really good,
no, this could really go good.

I think it could really go good.

Shades on at the same time
to close the conversation up.

-You almost hit your eye.
-I did already.

But it was smooth
and those are really nice glasses.

[narrator] Coming up…

[Nic] The shortest girl and oldest…

-Boy must make out…
-Like no one is watching.

It's Jordan.


I got the fanny flutters
after I kissed Nic.

That was good.

[narrator] Welcome back to
Love Island USA.

Deb is still coupled up with Jesse,
but Kyle's pulling her for a chat.

Kyle reckons he can read her like a book

and he should know
because he reads four books a week

and almost always finds Waldo.

[Kyle] How'd you sleep?
I felt bad you were outside.

[Deb] It was so peaceful.
It was like camping.

[Kyle] Well, that's a good outlook.

Was it weird not sleeping, like,
with your normal coupling?

Um, no.

It was kind of nice, honestly. Like…

Oh. Have you thought
about him coming back much?

Um… yeah, like, I'm--

Do go on, please.

-I don't know.
-[both laughing]

-Are you blushing?

Um, no, I mean,
you are, like, physically my type, and…

you seem like a nice guy.
You seem pretty genuine.

Yeah, I am.

So, there's some boxes being ticked.

Good, good.

The more I talk to Kyle, honestly,
the more he grows on me, like,

physically and, like, emotionally

just because we can have such
just, like, careless conversations

and he definitely seems to,

like, truly be here for me
and, like, wanna get to know me.

Oh, give me all the basic stuff
like your favorite color.

Okay, favorite color's pink.


I love whales.

-I literally,

like, every other night
have a dream about a whale.

-There's always whales in my dream.

Do you think
it was like a past life thing?

I don't know.

-Whale, whale, whale.
-I don't think we're that deep.

-Immediately Deb caught my eye.

She's adorable
and, like, really, really funny.

Deb needs someone as goofy as she is.

You know Loch Ness Monster?

-They say that

they're pretty sure now
it was just, like, a whale

upside down and that's its d*ck.

Are whales' dicks just really that big
and out like that?


Oh, I wish I had the internet right now.

Do you think birds are real?

That and bees I'm not sold on.


And they're like, oh, they're endangered,
don't touch them.

-Are they?
-You're right.

-I know.
-'Cause they are everywhere.

Attractive. Check.

Thinks I'm funny, check.

Thinks I'm pretty, check.

Put some berries
in a bowl for me this morning, check.

Thinks birds are fake. Check.

You know what I thought was gonna be
much more prevalent in my adult life?


Where's the quicksand?

[narrator] After making out
with Tre last night,

Nadjha's now with Nic,
the Venezuelan model.

I recently did a spot
of modeling in Venezuela.

I made this Venezuelan lady
a clay teapot and an ash tray.

I think you're definitely more like--

just my type in general.

Like, I really like tattoos.
I'm so into, like, eyes

and you have the most beautiful eyes.

-Like, I remember…
-Thank you so much.

…when I saw you,
I was like, his eyes are so beautiful.

Thanks. Like, from all
the girls I've met so far, like,

I definitely feel like
me going for you the most.


Energy wise and, like, vibes and, like,

I just love, like,
what you allude, you know?

Aw, that's so sweet.

Yeah, you're like,
literally a ray of sunshine.

[Nadjha giggles]

So Nadjha, I think we have
a lot of things in common.

We're both Latino and she's got
that little Latino spice that I love,

so get a little salsa going with her.

A little uno, dos, tres, uno, dos, tres.

My past relationships
have been pretty long,

so I'm, like, such a big relationship guy.

-I treat my girl like she's the world.

I think, like, the next girl…

I wanna be with
is a girl who I want, like,

to spend the rest of my life with.

I completely agree. Like, I'm really
big on whoever I'm with,

-I have to--
-It's, like, long-term.

Well, I have to picture myself
being able to get married to them.

Damn. That's so f*cking cool.

Nic is I think the first person
that I've been excited about.

We just have, like,
a lot of things in life that are, like,

lining up and I think
it's really nice to relate to someone.

I'm like, f*ck it, like I'm all in.
Like, let's do the damn thing.

[narrator] Courtney's taking Chad for a
catch-up and viewer discretion is advised

because the following conversation
is about to get very fruity.

Are-- Is that your swimsuit?

-It's cute.

-Do you like it? I'm glad.
-Yeah, pineapple's my favorite fruit.

-And strawberries.

What about you?

I didn't even know the name of it
until recently, honeydew.

-It's like a green cantaloupe, right?
-It's squash.

-Wait. In the fruit or in the--
-In the fruit.

-Oh, yeah, honeydew.
-That's honeydew?

Okay, sorry
we're talking about this fruit.

You're so funny.

I mean, she kinda got that little goofy
ass laugh that makes you think, you know,

-some type of way.

But then you start talking to her
and, like, low-key she just got like,

she just has surprising facts.

Like, little weird-ass shit
that she knows, that's pretty dope.

In the future, I've definitely decided
I want to be like Mr. Romantic.

Like, courting someone?

-Say it again?
-Like, courting someone?


What is courting?

Like, just being,
like, expressive romantically?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, you could say like that.

It doesn't hurt that
she also is scrum-diddly-umptious.

You have the cutest little like--
like, I love that shit.

Thanks! [giggles]

-Thank you.

I definitely feel that
there's something there with Chad.

I didn't feel like there was
a guard he had up with me.

Like, that was so refreshing.

[both laughing]

-It's great.


[Deb sighing]

I wanna sleep with Chad tonight,
so he's my priority today.

[Zeta] Yeah, I think you have
a cracking snog session tonight.

-[Sydney] I was sleeping with Jordan.

-It was weird.
-[Courtney] Yeah, I don't know, like,

the spark wasn't there for us last night.

-I'm proud of you for giving it your all.

I just don't think he can handle me.

Yeah. That's fair enough.

[Courtney] So, Deb,
your conversation with Kyle?

[Deb] Okay, fine.

I feel like you need Kyle's personality
and Jesse's body and face.


[Courtney] I get that vibe too.

[Deb] He is, like, a little dorky,
but, like, I'm dorky.

Like we were literally just talking about
like dolphins and conspiracy theories

and like, just, like, random shit.

That's funny.

I think he kind of has everything
that almost I'm lacking with Jesse.

I do feel, like,
really comfortable around him.

And, like, I know he would treat me well.

-He could pleasantly surprise you.
-[Courtney] Yeah.

[Sydney] Maybe you should
sleep with him tonight.


-Yeah, maybe.
-[Courtney] Yeah.

-[phone chimes]
-[Phoebe] I got a text!

[all cheering]

All right, all right.

"Islanders, this afternoon
the villa will take on Casa Amor

in Raunchy Races…"

"The two villas will race
against each other

to complete a series of saucy challenges.

The first villa to complete
each challenge wins a point.

The villa that receives the most points
will win a party tonight."

[all cheering]

Okay, "#Quickie."


[cheering, hooting]

[Chazz] Okay, we're gonna get this shit.

[chanting] Casa Amor. Casa Amor.
Casa Amor. Casa Amor.

[chanting] Villa, Villa, Villa,
Villa, Villa, Villa.

Casa Amor. Casa Amor.

-Villa, Villa, Villa.
-Casa Amor. Casa Amor.

[narrator] Welcome back to
Love Island USA.

Time for Raunchy Races.

A head to head challenge
requiring speed, strength

and a complete lack of moral decency.

Casa Amor and the main villa will receive
identical texts at the same time.

The first group to complete the task
wins that race.

And the overall winners
get themselves a party.

[phone chimes]

-[Kyle] Oh, shit. All right.

"The girl and boy whose name
comes first alphabetically

must make out
like it's their last night on earth."

-Courtney and Chad make out.

[all cheering]

[Courtney] I made out with Chad.

He's a really good kisser, actually.

"The girl and boy whose names
come first alphabetically

must make out like
it's their last night on earth."

-Avery, Avery.


[Chazz] We started on a good f*cking note.

Living on cloud nine with my guys,
you know what I'm saying.

We came into Casa Amor
ready to have a f*cking good time

and we turned the f*ck up.

[phone chimes]

-"Casa Amor has won the point."
-[cheering, screaming]

Let's f*cking go.

-[phone chimes]
-Oh, "Casa Amor has won the point."


You know what, guys, get your head
in the game and let's do this.

-Giving it their all. Let's go.

[phone chimes]

Ah. "A girl with red hair
and the tallest boy

must share a steamy kiss." Go.

-Go, go, go, go.
-Steamy, steamy, steamy.

[all] Steamy, steamy!

[all cheering]


I can't believe there's
another redhead over there.

-That was crazy.
-[Sydney] What the f*ck.

Obviously it was Isaiah,
he's the tallest guy, I hate this.

I just miss bae.

And I really hope he comes back to me.

[phone chimes]

Uh-oh, uh-oh. f*ck.
"Casa Amor has won the point."

[all groaning]

That's so annoying.

[phone chimes]

"A girl with brown hair must run inside
the villa, grab a tube of lipstick,

bring it back and give a boy of her choice
lipstick-covered kisses

on the face, abs, arms, back and butt."

[Islanders chattering]

-Face, abs, butt.

Butt, butt, butt.

Face. Abs. Everywhere. Everywhere.

-Back, arms. Butt.
-Just in case.



[phone chimes]

-"The villa has won the point."

Let's go.

[chanting] Villa, Villa, Villa.

[phone chimes]

All right, "The boy with the biggest feet

and the oldest girl must make out
as if they just made up."

-Biggest feet?
-Go, go, go.

What the f*ck, come on.

Oh, my God.


[cheering, squealing]

Wait, who has the biggest feet?

-Probably Jesse.
-It's Jesse or Jeff,

I'm gonna check their shoe size.

-Deb, you sit your bum down.
-I'm going to check.

Oh, no. It's Jesse!

Oh, my God, if he's, like,
being wild over there

and, like, making mad makeout moves

and he can't do that with me, like,
I'm gonna be so annoyed.

Jesse's a 12 and Jeff is an 11.5.

So, Jesse.

Hey, Zeta just kissed somebody
in the villa just ten seconds ago.

-Just letting you know.
-[all laughing]

Just letting y'all know that happened.
Yeah, yeah, I'm okay, I'm okay.

-[phone chimes]
-"Casa Amor has won the point."


-[phone chimes]
-"The boy with the most tattoos

must run to the bedroom,
jump in bed together and kiss."

-Come on, come on, come on.
-Go, go, go, go, go.

-Let's go, let's go, let's go.

[Islanders shouting]

Make it hot, hot.

[Islanders shouting]

I got the fanny flutters
after I kissed Nic.

-Who hasn't been?

That was good. And I think he's sexy, so.

-I'm blushing and I wasn't even there.
-[phone chimes]

"Casa Amor has won the point."

[cheering, shouting]

[phone chimes]

"The shortest girl and oldest boy
must make out like no one is watching."

-It's Jordan.
-Okay, okay, go.

-Bend her over.
-Oh, yeah.


[phone chimes]

"The shortest girl and the oldest boy
must make out like no one's watching."

-Go, go, go, go!

It's just one of those moments
where, listen,

like someone, time to perform, you heard,
so I just took it. I just went all out.

-[phone chimes]
-"Casa Amor has won."


What was it again?

The shortest girl and oldest boy.

Who's the oldest boy?

-[Deb laughing]

So Timmy's snogging, hey?

Oh, I just don't like it. I don't like
to think about him kissing another bird.

-[blows raspberry]
-[phone chimes]

"The first girl to enter their villa

must make out passionately
with a boy of her choice."


Yay, thank you, Love Island gods.

Isaiah is a good kisser.

Like, the way he uses his tongue

is the right amount
that I would want to be in my mouth.


She's pretty good at making out
and then she came back for another one

and yeah,
I got another f*cking mouthful of her.

-[phone chimes]
-"The first girl that entered their villa

must make out passionately
with a boy of her choice." Deb.

-Let's go. Let's go.

I missed making out.

It was nice to be made out with.

[girls screeching]

-[phone chimes]
-"The villa has won the point."

"The villa has won the point."

[cheering, shouting]

[phone chimes]

"All Islanders must jump in the pool."

-"All Islanders must jump into the pool."

[narrator] Well, I was impressed
with the teamwork,

but I was even more impressed
with the tongue work.

The question is, who came out on top?

[phone chimes]

I got a text, guys.


"The final scores are in…

Casa Amor has won a party tonight."

"Casa Amor scored--"

[screaming, cheering]

"And the Casa Amor Hideaway will be open."


-They have a Hideaway?
-What the?

"That means that Casa Amor
has won a party tonight

and the Casa Amor Hideaway will be open."

-[Islanders] Oh!
-[Avery] Oh, shit.


[chanting] Hideaway, Hideaway,
Hideaway, Hideaway.

Since when does Casa Amor have a Hideaway?
They don't know these b*tches.

Hideaway's supposed to be earned.
That's f*cked.

That's sketchy. I don't like that.

[narrator] Welcome back to
Love Island USA.

Casa Amor won the challenge,
so they're in for a big party,

while the OG girls have to make do with
a luxury villa, unlimited food and drink,

and a load of hot new guys. Losers.

I have to make myself feel better.
My man could be f*cking again tonight.

What did we do to deserve this?



It f*cking--
It echoes really nice in here. [laughs]

I'm gonna see how it goes with Kyle.

-[Sydney] Ooh!
-[Courtney] Yeah, he's sweet.

Deb, you def need
to sleep with him tonight.

Yeah, you should
definitely sleep with him.

Yeah, I think I will.

You deserve that, Deb.

Our smartest option is
to send Phoebe to break Isaiah.

-I'm down for that.

-He needs an extra push.
-That's good.

You know Phoebe
gonna hop in bed with me, brah.

I'm gonna say to him,
"I'm a better fit for you."


Let it play out. If the worst thing
you did is cuddle with a girl…

who is gonna throw stones at that, bro?

Hey, you right.

-[Phoebe] Look at us.
-[Chanse] Look at us.

[Deb] You guys all look so handsome.

-[girls] Yeah.
-[Nadjha] Like, so good.

Let's cheers to
all the "failed relationships"

that brought us here tonight.



[Islanders] Cheers.

Cheers to winning
this f*cking challenge today.

-[Islanders] Cheers.

[narrator] At the villa,
Sydney's freaking out

about what partner Isaiah might be up to.

Quick question,
if a redhead has a complete meltdown,

is it called a ginger snap?

-Ugh. This is driving me crazy.
-[Courtney] I know.

When I like a guy, I just, like,
am very attached. It's so bad.

What do you think he's gonna do?

-I feel like he'll stay loyal to you.
-You think so?

But what do you think?
You know him better than me.

[Sydney] Yeah.

From what he's told me,
I think he'll stay loyal to me.

But honestly, like, f*ck it,
whatever happens is gonna happen.


[Sydney] I'm gonna just
trust my faith in Isaiah

in that he knows that I'm a queen
and that, like our spark and connection

is just gonna come out stronger.

If he does come back with a new girl,

it would have to unfortunately
be next caller.

[narrator] So Sydney would be upset
if Isaiah strayed.

Message to future Sydney,

if you're watching this back on Peacock,

best fast forward through this scene
with him and Phoebe.

[Phoebe] How you feeling?

-How you feeling?
-I'm feeling good.

I'm definitely getting
a vibe from you a little bit, for sure.

-I'm not gonna deny that.

-Well, I 100% feel the vibe

'cause I feel like it's been steadily
kinda just, like, growing a little bit.


I wanna feel, like, giddy around someone.

I wanna feel excited and, like, nervous.

I don't-- There's not a lot of guys
that make me nervous,

but it's like every time I look at you,
like I have to, like--

like, I have to break eye contact with you
because you make me nervous.

Yeah, I'm not gonna lie, I always
do be looking at you, of course.


When I, like, get nervous around someone,
that's when I know I like them.

Yeah, I couldn't even kiss you today,
like, in front of people.

I was like, oh, my God,
I just botched that.

This is a good first impression.

Yeah, like mid-kiss you definitely, like,

I was like, damn,
I was just getting started

and you stopped and started laughing.

I just couldn't. I couldn't.

At the end of the day,
not to toot my own horn,

but I kinda am, like, the full package.

Wait, you look good.

-You look really good. Of course.
-Thanks, thanks.

I mean, you're amazing.

You're very beautiful.

I know I like you.

The vibe with me and Phoebe
is definitely growing subtly.

I didn't really see it coming,
to be honest.

This is definitely
the ultimate test, for sure.

Obviously you know that
I'm in a very, like, weird spot, right?

-Yeah, of course.
-And so, like--

-And I respect that.
-Yeah, I know, I know you do.

Like I said, I wouldn't lie
about our vibe, for sure.

[Phoebe] Getting to know Isaiah tonight,

I was like,
I've never been with someone like you.

And that is what makes me nervous,

but really excited because I--
there is something there.

Like, I think it's, like, undeniable.

Um, but I definitely feel
a little conflicted,

'cause I just, like,
I ain't got much time.

-You know, so.

We're staying here all night.

[laughs] You're talking to me all night

and by the end of it,
you'll know your answer.


[upbeat instrumental playing]

[narrator] Hit us up on the socials and
use the #LoveIslandUSA to join the convo

and indulge your obsession
with the Love Island USA app.

You can vote, see exclusive previews,
and sample the hottest tea.

Plus, get your mitts on a load of merch.

I've bought 27 personalized water bottles.
One for each of my children.

Get involved, America.

-[Kyle] Can I pull you for a chat?

[narrator] Welcome back to
Love Island USA.

Debs is headed to the sofa
with bookworm Kyle.

That man really is well read,

and the reason he's well red

is because he didn't put
enough sunblock on his face.

Like although we didn't take away the W,
like, we gave it f*cking hell.

I think it was rigged, but we won
for the first person to walk in the villa.

-Were you the first?

Rode in on the Jeeps.


It was really fun.

-I'm surprised I'm still here.
-[Kyle laughs]


Well, thank God you're here.
It's the whole reason I'm here.


How do you feel with me
barging into the place?

It's definitely nice to feel,
like, pursued.

I feel like I haven't had that. [chuckles]

That's f*cking bonkers to me.

Like even, like 'cause I think maybe
'cause I coupled with Jesse day one,

there wasn't, like, much of a pursuit.

-I haven't felt this in a while. [giggles]
-You're welcome.

-[Jesse] Only like yesterday we just met.
-[Avery] I know, right?

[Jesse] Isn't that crazy?

How you feeling? Like,
who would you say your, like, eyes are on?

Only you, 'cause, like,
I've talked to you the most.

Yeah, yeah.

So, now I'm like
the most comfortable with you.

Yeah, yeah, for sure. I've talked to you
the most out of everybody here.

I definitely feel more comfortable
talking to you, for sure.

Hell yeah.

Avery, she's very easy to talk to.
Man, that's about it.

Nothing really too juicy, man.
You know, we like to keep it simple.

I'm definitely distracted because when
I am talking to the other girls, you know,

in the back of my head,
you know, I just think of Deb.

Man, I just can't stop thinking about her.

[Deb] So where are you sleeping tonight?

Where do you want me to sleep?

Do you wanna share a bed with me?

-I'd love to share a bed with you.

Yeah, as long as
you're comfortable with that.

As long as you don't snore.


Can't promise anything.
I'll probably snore.

I don't know which is worse.

-Heaven forbid I breathe. Heaven forbid.

Don't worry. Yeah, I'd love
to sleep with you, that'd be great.

-Okay, cool.

[Avery] I also, like, with you,
wasn't super sure…

-[Jesse] Mm-hmm. Yeah, yeah.
-…what the vibe was.

-That's what you said.

Nah, that's understandable,
you know what I mean. Uh…

You say you were sus,
but you know I'm not a--

Well, you were sus, but, like,
I just also didn't know how you felt

about, like, us speaking.


-You know,

I just gotta get to know you
a little bit more before I, uh--

You know, I gotta get to know you
a little bit more and shit.

Deb, she's forever in my heart. Uh…

This is a great girl. You know,
none of these girls compare to Deb.

You know, I really miss her and,
you know, I just can't wait to go see her.

[Deb giggles]

[mouthing] Kiss him.

So I know there's no challenge or
anything, but can I get another smooch?



[narrator] Next time, on Love Island…

"Islanders, the Casa Amor Hideaway
is now open."


[narrator] One girl is having doubts…

Honestly this whole time I've just been
like, this is too good to be true.

[Courtney] Yeah, honestly, I think you
should just get the f*ck out of there.

[narrator] …and one boy makes his move.