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03x32 - Episode 32

Posted: 04/29/24 19:24
by bunniefuu
[narrator] Previously on Love Island…

Relationships were twisting.

-I'm still trying to trust you.
-That's all I've been doing,

proving that to you through my actions.

Like the way I was with Cash,
it was better for me.

If you're feeling these feelings
you need to tell her because if you wait,

-you don't know what's gonna happen.
-Yeah, man.

Welcome to Casa Amor.

Bring in the boys.

[narrator] Five new boys…


and five new girls…


[narrator] …brought new temptations.

I really miss Will so much and--

If these guys are great here,
what are the girls like there?

[narrator] Tonight in the villa,

sparks keep flying.

She's such a beautiful woman.
I'm not gonna lie.

Oh, wow!

-She's, like, pursuing you hard. Hard.

Bro, but I am a gentleman.

I'm in love with Josh.

-I love him.
-I'm sticky.

[theme music playing]

[upbeat music playing]

[narrator] Welcome back to Love Island.

We're still playing Tower of Truth,

which, after a while,
you realize is barely a game

and more of a group foreplay vibe.

"Kiss all the Islanders
of the opposite sex

and then say
who is the best and worst kisser."

Okay, Jeremy.

[narrator] Since we're on Paramount Plus,

we're including all the awesome stuff

too shameful and fun for broadcast TV.

-All right, Jeremy.
-Let's get it, Jeremy.

[all chatting, hooting]

[pop music playing]

It was like, "Damn,
like, I just met these women."

I said it all night, I just want
to put my tongue in somebody's mouth.

I guess I got lucky, I don't know.

-Oh, you like that one?
-No, stop.

Yo, bro!

You like that one?

Definitely wish
I would have done that dare.


-Who won?

-It wasn't too fast, wasn't too slow,

wasn't too aggressive or too gentle.

Yeah, it flowed great.

No, who needs the most improvement?

Probably me. I was, like,
I was messing up, like, half the time.

"Swap clothes with
an Islander of the opposite sex."

-Oh, my God.
-Come on, Kam.

Like that man is large.
Like, how is he gonna fit

his boobs in my shirt
and his hips in this skirt?


Oh, no!

Not the outfit!

I owned it, I did my thing.

-I embrace a lot of things like that.
-And shake it, and work it, and pose!

You know, I'm the life of the party, so…

Something like that--
let's have fun with it, enjoy it.

Whisper a sexy compliment in the ear
of the Islander you find the hottest,

then have them scream it out loud.


Kam is very attractive. Seems like
he's very confident, has it together.

Let's hear it.

"The things I do in bed with you,

I'd make you moan all night long."



I guess we will see, baby.

Caress, lick and kiss the neck of
the Islander you're most attracted to.

I would love that.

-I feel like I have an idea.

Will is definitely my number one.

And I think we do have some chemistry,

not only sexually, but I feel like
it's not all about physical attraction,

you have to actually like the person.

I mean, she's such a beautiful woman.
I'm not gonna lie.

Oh, my God, still feeling it!

Oh, wow.

[all laugh]

"Oh, wow."

After that kiss, he was like, "Wow."

And I was like, "Wow."
And now we're just like, "Wow!"

[narrator] I think she's feeling wow!

-Go crazy.
-Let's see it.

Not the shirt.


Okay! All right!

Man, that kiss with Cash,
I ain't gonna lie, like,

it kinda had me
a little turned on a little bit.

I had to remember where I was at.

Otherwise, it probably would have got
a little more steamy than what it was.

That's hot!

Let's shake things up,
let's have a good time,

let's get wild, let's get weird.


"Twerk for 10 seconds on the Islander
that turns you on the most."

Oh, my God.

The fact that y'all got a piece of that,
you know, you're welcome.

OnlyFans coming soon.


No, I'm just playing.

The booty massages are good too, bro,
they love them.

True. This absolutely feels really nice.

I could, like, feel the sexual tension.
I'm enjoying this so much.

"Baby bird a mouthful of whipped cream
to an Islander of your choice."

I'm kind of glad I didn't have some of
the other dares by some of the other guys.

[woman] Oh!

-Livy, Livy, Livy!
-Open up, Livy!

[woman screams]

-That's wild.
-Oh, my God!

-That's a lot!
-Eat it!

Swallow it.

She played that off so well.

Swallow it, girl.

[all shouting]

She did not just do…

She did not spit. She swallowed that.

It was definitely a wild time, for sure.

-All right.
-Good night.

-Good night.

Thanks for playing.

[narrator] Time for bed
or to learn Olivia is lactose intolerant.

My guess is it's time for gossip

and Shannon's
deflating balloon impression.

What was that?

What the heck!

It got pretty crazy.

-What are you talking about?
-Yeah, what do you mean?

Bro, I just switched my whole outfit.

You rocked it.


You know, he went for it,
rocking that little heels number.

Yeah, because--
I think he's confident.

He said he gonna please you

-and have you moaning.
-You gonna find out tonight.

♪ You gonna find out tonight ♪

So, like, the Kyra I got when it
was just me and her one on one,

was a vibe, 100%.

I made a mental note of that

and then I had
an awesome conversation with Olivia

and I kind of just flowed with it, so…

I see where I feel
like my energy's reciprocated.

Are you comfortable sharing
a bed with one of these guys?

Guys, I don't know
who I'm going to share bed with.



Charlie can see this chocolate factory!

[screams, laughs]

You did not just go there.

-I know, I hate myself, I hate myself.
-Chocolate factory?

Honestly, I am not comfortable at all
with sharing a bed with somebody else.

Do you think that the boys

back at the villa are going to be
sharing beds with other women?

You know, yeah, probably.
Maybe, of course.

I mean, nothing's impossible but, you know
what, in my head right now, we're here,

and I'm not even trying to think
of what they're doing at all.

[narrator] Kyra's heart is stuck on Will.
Let's hope good Will is into hunting.

So, Flo, is she, like,
piquing your interest at all,

-or are you still, kind of, early--

She's a super interesting woman.

She travels, she's a model,

she has so many good stuff.

There's so many similarities
between y'all.

If Flo comes up to you tonight
and says, hey,

can I sleep in your bed?

I mean, anyone can sleep in my bed.

You can sleep in my bed but,
I mean, I'm not gonna do anything tonight.

You know, it's the first day
I meet these women.

I mean, I'm gonna
probably put a pillow in the middle

-because they may be getting--
-Too excited?

Yeah, excited, maybe.

Think about,
I don't know, sports, animals,

-and Kyra.
-"And Kyra."

So you're feeling Will?


I was, like,
he's a good conversationalist.

The first time you kissed him,
he was so excited.

You should have seen his face,
he was like…

I like Cinco, Will, and Josh
and they're all pretty much coupled up.

-What are you thinking, like--
-It's still Trina and Cash, bro.

Like, they all bad,
I love to look at all of them,

-know what I'm saying?
-I'm in the same boat.

You haven't talked to everyone yet.

That's the thing, too,
but at the same time,

like I'm cool with it.

How do you feel about Cinco?

I know that Cinco is, kind of, interested

but, I mean, I don't want
to be caught in a Cinco triangle.

-Jeremy's funny.
-Yeah, he is.

We were, like, cutting up the whole time.

All three of us were just dying laughing.

Jeremy has a good personality
and I did not get that on TV.

I was talking to him
I'm like, "Oh, my God,

we have, literally, so much more
in common than you would think."

Genevieve, I mean,
I'm vibing with her really well.

I mean, clearly, she's showing interest.

The next few days are gonna be
very telling, very interesting,

because, you know,
these girls are definitely fighting.

But do you guys think that
what happened here is bad?

I mean, we've said from day one, like,

a challenge is a challenge,
you know what I mean?

-Like, you pick certain people--
-The girls are doing the same thing.

-No, I know.

[pop music playing]

Do you think that they're sleeping
in other people's beds, though?

-I really don't wanna--
-I imagine, I imagine Cash

having so much fun.

I'm not even gonna think about it,
out of sight, out of mind.

[serene music playing]

-I'm in love with Josh.
-Have you told him?


I love him as a person.


-I can't believe those things are real.
-They're like--

-Yeah, but, like--

They're my assets.

I mean, how do they just,
like, sit so nicely?

I feel like they don't.
Like, yours sit so nicely.

Mine are fake.

[music continues]

I just smell, like perfume.


Bro, this is what she wore
in the Hideaway.

Guys like to play games.
They like to keep their options open.

Don't think about it.
Live in the now. We're here.

Y'all can all sleep in here.

Oh, you sleeping with Jeremy!

[music continues]

This will be the sixth girl
that I've slept with.

I feel so special, thanks.

Not on-- not on my watch.

I keep getting passed around like
I'm a f*cking--

Goddang it, I don't even know!

[serene music playing]

[narrator] Good morning, Islanders!

Hope you enjoyed sleeping in a room
with a bunch of strangers

because when you get to be my age
it starts feeling weird.

Casa Amor, baby.

This is the biggest sleepover
I've ever been to.

That was great.
I definitely heard y'all kissing.

-It wasn't, like--
-Nothing crazy?

Yeah, it was just like a couple of kisses.

-Spill the tea.
-Me and Jeremy cuddled, like, all night.

I know. I heard.

You were going, "Help" for a second.

-You sounded like Josh and Shannon.
-For real?

-Yeah, for a second.
-And you guys made out?

You guys are really loud.

-We were trying to be quiet.
-We don't give a crap.

I want to hear about you and Will
last night. How was that?

We stayed up pretty late
just talking in Spanish.

Talking in Spanish.

I was getting my Spanish lessons in.


No, we were just talking,
talking, talking all night.

Hell yeah! I seen your ass. You said,
"Let me go to sleep, guys."

Forty minutes later,
his ass walked into the living room.

-Did you have a good time?
-No, it was a good conversation.

What happens at Casa stays at Casa.

I have a bump on my eye,
but I've had it for like three years.

It has stayed around longer
than any boyfriend has now.

Isn't that f*cking sad?

-Are you making breakfast for--
-All the ladies.

It's a welcome breakfast.

[narrator] Will wants to give all
the ladies a warm welcome in the morning.

If they like it, maybe he can
give them a warm welcome at night.

-How was the avocado toast?
-It was good.

-It was gluten-free bread.

[narrator] As long as he keeps it
to just gluten-free bread

and not gluten-free bed,
it'll all be okay.

From avocado
to have-a-look-at-these-blokes.

The five hot new boys just
spent the night with five stunning girls

in a Hawaiian villa.

And for some strange reason,
they seem really happy about it.

Day one in the books. How y'all feeling?

I got a little cuddling action there,
you know.

Yeah, man, you came off successful
out of all of us.

Yeah, Charlie. It was you.

You know what I mean?

Man, you gotta apply pressure
where pressure is needed.

That's a fact.

I know today
I'm going to try to get a little bit,

try to get Cash in the pool.

-The pool, the hot tub, the whole--
-Swim some laps.

-I ain't mad at it.
-Where's your head at after yesterday?

My focus has definitely switched
to Olivia.

I think our vibes, like, we hit it from
the moment we started talking.

I'm not gonna lie, I got a good vibe
from Kyra last night.

We talked a little bit.
I talked to her and Cash but, you know,

I'm gonna give my boy his respect
and just make him handle his thing, so--

What's up with you, Gabe?

Definitely gonna keep pursuing Shannon.

Sounded like she could use
some male company in her bed.

Uh, definitely want to talk to Olivia too.

She said I was funny,
like, eight, ten times, so--

I definitely do want to get
some more Intel, though.

Just on how to, kind of,
gauge in all of this too.

Definitely want to know
how they feel about us.

You don't want to be
reading the wrong thing

and, totally, you taking a left turn
and they on the freeway already gone.

Trust me, I know what you're saying.

One conversation can change everything.

Time to do some Love Island yoga.

It's like yoga
but you're like, "This isn't yoga.

This is hot people touching each other."

You want to do acroyoga?

-Wait, do you know how to do it?


-What are you doing?
-You just put your legs here.

-All right.
-And I put my legs here, all right?

And then…

-You ready?
-Wait, wait.

-Then you can do Superman.

Come here, give me your hands. Go down.

No, go down, go down!
I've gotta move this thing.

-Put your feet up, there's one--
-No, no, no, like--

I didn't bring boxers
and I don't want my balls coming out.

-No more acroyoga for you…
-I know.

…until you get reinforcements.

-You want to do it outside?
-Do it outside, out there?

-Yeah, it's not raining anymore.
-I'm down.

Leslie, I mean, she's beautiful.

She's super, like, open mind
and I like that.

-Give me your hands.
-This shit really doesn't want to go in.

Nice. Nice.


-You want a low fade with this lotion?
-Let me get a low fade.

-Right here?
-And then you gonna hug my--

-Yes! Like that.


-Look at them.
-I'm not gonna lie.

I'm still, like, thinking a lot about Kyra

and about what she's doing.

Coming here,
you know, being apart from him

and not knowing what he's doing,
not able to communicate with him

has been really tough

but makes me realize there's no one else
that can compare to him.

And, like, you're so slick right now.

I'm gonna-- I might fall on your face,
I'm just saying.

-Are you oily or are you sweaty?
-I'm oily.

I'm not gonna close
my possibilities with other people

and I hope that
she's doing the same as me,

explore and, like,
see if her feelings are real.

Damn, like…

I feel like I should be paying.

Bro, like, shouldn't we be
paying for this or what?

-That's hot.
-We did that. That was cool.

-We-- Okay, we did that much.
-Oh, yeah.

I'm gonna give you all props on that one.

Nobody was injured.

[narrator] Now that I know holding up
someone with purple hair

using your feet is yoga,

I'm feeling pretty healthy
about my My Little Pony collection.

No one got hurt yet.

Let's check in on the emotional
acrobatics at Casa Amor.

So, how have you been feeling about
everything so far, like, here at Casa?

So, it's just, like,
crazy seeing new faces.

-'Cause we just got comfortable

with every single person in the villa
and, obviously, my first couple days,

I had expectations and prejudged
all the guys, to be honest.

So, taking those lessons I've learned,
I'm trying to apply them here.

I am trying to go into it
with a different approach

and really get to know
every single person and their character.

Being at Casa,
I feel like a whole new person,

I feel like
I have a different perspective, um,

you know, more of an open heart.
Putting my guard down,

trying to, kind of, I guess,
put away my like alpha mentality

and just trying to, like,
you know, let a guy woo me.

I'm just kind of leaning into it
and seeing where it goes.

I came in to here, you know,
with the whole mindset that

I'm gonna experience everything
as it comes and give it my fullest.

I know where my heart's at,
that also doesn't mean I'm closed.

Do you feel it's making
your feelings grow stronger for Will?

As I was having conversations
with these guys, they're so great,

but it's been solidifying
my feelings for Will,

like, making it even stronger.

I'm trying not to think about
what's happening back at the villa.

-I'm just focused on myself and my girls.

[narrator] Back at the villa,
we've got more pool toys

than a nine-year-old with a credit card.

And floating Flo-Flo asks Ko-Ko
who he wanna know mo-mo.

Who are you most interested in?
You go first.

Probably Isabel.

So, like, how was last night?

We made out a little bit.

-You probably heard it, right?

-I was like, "I wonder who that is…"
-Yeah, I know.

How was your kiss last night with…

-I didn't kiss anybody last night.
-Yeah, you did, Will.

On the challenge.

It's pretty good.

I feel, like,
physical touch is very important.

Yeah. I don't know. What about you?

Who you feeling the most?
Obviously, I feel, like, Will--

I'm feeling Will and…

-I just feel like everybody is so cool…
-Do you guys want Popsicles?

-You want a Popsicle?

I don't like wood. I know it's weird.

-You don't like what?
-Wood, I have a wood fetish.

-I don't like to touch wood.

-I don't know.

Okay, which wood joke should we do?

Touching wood? Not getting wood?
Refusing his wood?

Oh, what's that? I'm out of time?
Cool, carry on.

-I know it's so weird, I'm sorry.
-This is the most weird thing

-I've ever heard, but come over.
-I can't.


[narrator] Well, at least Will likes wood.

-I asked Korey about you a little bit.
-What did he say?

I was just talking to Korey, you know,

and I was like, you know,
who are you feeling?

And he's like,
well, Isabel's my number one…

And I was like… I know, that's right!

Oh, thank God!

Because I was, like,
I know what I feel about him…

You're my girl for f*cking
asking about it, my f*cking wingwoman.

What would you name yourselves?



That's a great question.

Me, the messy one
with Korey, the nice one.

[narrator] Coming up…

-Never have I ever had a threesome.
-If you have, put your finger down.

-Truth or Dare?

I dare you to make out with Leslie.

[mid-tempo music playing]

[narrator] Genny came in all,
"I know Shannon from back home

and I'll steal her man, whatever."

But now she's feeling Jeremy.

She's like, #GirlCode!

Savvy rebrand, Genny, baby. Savvy rebrand.

Just wanna like talk to you
because, you know,

-like, I personally know Shannon.

When you like first walked out,
like, I knew right away.

I was, like, I said,
Shannon's gonna step forward.

-I really do feel like you're her type,

like, I feel like right now
that her feelings are really genuine.

Everything happened so fast. We have
only known each other for three weeks

but feels like
we've known each other forever.

I feel like you two are the most, like,

connected, stable relationship.
I can't see, like, anything happening.

I mean, you never know, what could happen,

obviously, I don't know
what's happening over there.

I'm not really trying to think about it,
but at the same time,

I do feel confident with me and Shannon.

-I feel confident in you and Shannon.
-We have that understanding.

It would take a lot for you
to meet someone that

you think you connect with
more than Shannon.


Talking to Genevieve made me
like Shannon even more

because it just reassured everything
that Shannon was saying to me.

Trying not to think about
what Shannon's doing right now.

I do hope that she's thinking about me too
because I'm thinking about her.

Give me a hug.

I know, that keeps happening.
I keep walking away, sorry.

[narrator] Josh is still fired up about
his sweetheart, Shannon the cannon.

At Casa Amor, Kam joins Olivia
on the neon ice cream sandwiches.

Let's see if he can melt
this sweetie's heart.

-What's up, Olivia?

-How are you?
-I'm feeling good.

I feel like we all had a good time
last night.

-It was interesting.

Kind of funny for us because, like,
we're used to the same set of guys

and so, it just takes
a day for all of us to warm up.

And then we're, like, we're game on.
You know what I mean?

-How are you?
-I'm good, I'm good.

-I like my views right now.
-Thank you.

So, with that being said you know,

peeling back more layers,
seeing where your head's at,

and you see where my head's at,
and kind of going from there.

I would love to get to know you more.
I think you're cool,

and I think you're very attractive.

And I think
your personality also radiates.

-It makes you more attractive, honestly.
-Thank you.

That's just me being the mature person.
Obviously, I'm like, I'll talk to you,

but I just hope you guys feel comfortable
and like everyone feels like

they have a fair shot
at expressing who they are.

-This sun is--
-I love it!

-Hey, you can handle heat.

[mid-tempo music playing]

[narrator] Hi, Love Island family,
narrator guy you're mostly okay with here.

TV shows aren't easy,

so sometimes you just take
some footage of hot people swimming,

you buy some music rights and you have
an editor figure it all out.

That sometimes moment is now.

[yelling, laughing]

[music continues]

That water slide has a steeper drop

than my career four years from now.

At Casa Amor,
Shannon's forgotten all about the villa

and is totally focused on the new guys,

Josh, Josh, Josh, Josh, and Josh.

I think we're all here-- like, Casa Amor's
all gonna teach us something differently.

With the Josh thing,

I actually feel like so much more intense
feelings for him that he's not here.

I didn't think I was gonna feel like that.

I think there's always
that fear of the unknown

because I don't know what
Josh is doing with the Casa Amor girls,

but at the same time,
I feel like I trust him so much

because he's told me
he's only been proving

himself with his actions and he has.

So, I really need to
just start fully trusting him.

Maybe that's our lesson
to learn from Casa Amor.

It's all a test
in different ways for everybody.

Oh, yeah, I mean, I was feeling very much
a little bit similar to you last night

in terms of, like, being open
to getting to meet these men.

And after having conversations,

these men are amazing, they are,

but it just intensified and solidified
my feelings for Will

and that's almost, like-- not scary,
but like this is real.

It made me miss him more

and then all these feelings of,
like, me being in Casa Amor

and me kind of battling, you know,

my feelings for him
but also not being closed off

and just trying to listen to my heart

and figuring out
how to handle the situation.

I'm really missing Will a lot.

Everything I've been experiencing thus far

has really emphasized and strengthened
my feelings for him, so--

even more so it's making it hard for me

to be apart from him
and miss him even more.

[mellow music playing]

How are you feeling about Flo?

-I mean, she's beautiful.

It was super easy
to talk yesterday to her.

-No, she's so sweet.
-She's super smart.

Are you doing, like,
any comparisons in your head?

-For sure.
-Yeah, okay.

The time that I had with Kyra,
it's amazing.

But, like, I feel a little bit
of connection, attraction for Flo.

And I just want to give myself
the opportunity to figure it out

if the connection with Kyra

is actually the real connection
I'm looking for.

And I just want to be respectful,
you know?

Yeah, you have to be respectful,

but you have to do
what's best for you too.

And you have to follow your heart.

I don't know what he's doing,
you know, back at the villa

but it would definitely
be absolutely heartbreaking and…

I don't even want to think about it

if he ended up coupling up with
or bringing someone else back.

[music continues]

[serene music playing]

From sunsets to hot people showering,

nature lovers,
peeping toms, come together.

Love Island is your TV show.

-What up? What up?

Can you actually see us naked or no?

-Yeah, I see everything.
-That's crazy.

That outfit, right there,
screams "I forgot about Kyra."

Don't say that…

I can't wait for some drank.

I talked to Will.

-He was, like, Flo seems very intelligent.
-You're not living in the moment, Will.

She's, like, pursuing you.

-Hard. Hard.

Bro, but I am a gentleman.

Think of it like,
we're at a bachelor party,

we go to the strip club

and we're sitting in
the corner playing checkers, like…

That's what this shit
feels like right now.

Dude, you're going there, like…

No, we don't got to be, like, thirsty
but we can, like, show them a good time.

Come on, girl. You can do it.

And just forget about Kyra,

forget about Cash and Trina
and your throuple,

and whatever other girls you got.

That's cute!

-Oh, my God!
-They're back.

-You look great.
-You guys are all looking hot.

-Hello, hi!
-I know.

-Hey, how you doing? Love the dress.
-Thank you.

We gotta turn it up a little bit,
so, for tonight, we full send.

Full send!

-Let's cheers.

[narrator] At Casa Amor,
it's the total opposite vibe.

Two single girls complaining
about being single.

Unless you're an adoptable cat,
this could be hard to watch.

I don't know, we should just
go back to the drawing board because…

-Back to the drawing board.
-I feel like…

the connections were just,
for me, personally…

not instantaneous.

Earlier, like, you and I were expecting
to walk in here…

-And get proposed to.

Like, literally, why isn't there
a ring on my finger? Are you dumb?

Either, I'm gonna do one of two things.

I'm either gonna give Charlie a chance

and, like, try to forget about Cinco, or

I could just not get to know
Charlie in that way,

show up back to the villa single
and be like…

It's you, I meant
when I said it's you, Cinco.

With Cinco and I, like, as much as
I wanted to close the chapter on us,

him and I really left things open
from our last conversation.

But I kind of like that with Charlie,

it's new and it's fresh and it's sexy.

I don't know, guys, like…

It's not like we're single
because we suck,

we're just single because we haven't
met our connection yet.

-[narrator] Cash and Olivia,

two croutons in the chlorinated soup
of singledom.

At the villa, Kay lets Cinco know
that it's time to get his act together,

focus and have a third girlfriend.

I like knowing what's on someone's mind.

If I'm not on your radar,
I'd like to know.

So you cannot be on mine.


So this is my standpoint on it for me,

so, I have a great connection
with both Cash and Trina,

back before y'all came here, right?

And so the way I'm looking at it is,

it's going to take
a lot for me to be able to

pull my head away from from them,
you know what I mean?

It's going to take a lot
for somebody to have to come in here

and prove to me that they can build
a better connection with me than them.

You also don't know what's happening
on the other side either.

You took that chance to know Trina,
you took that chance to get to know Cash

so I feel like you should
just get to know me.

And then whatever happens
from there happens.

That's a fair point. I can do that.

[narrator] Back to hot tub wine machine.

And after just earlier
lamenting her lack of hot single guys,

Cash is now alone
with a hot single guy, Charlie.

She makes the smart play
and talks about another man.

I didn't want to talk to you
because I feel like we haven't

really addressed that elephant in the room

-with like Cinco and I.

And how I feel about that and what
has actually happened between us.

I do really, genuinely,
have strong feelings for him

but I also don't want you to think
that I'm not open to getting to know you

because I am, I think you're incredible,
so handsome,

I think you're so open, I think
you're a man, I think you're strong.

And I'm excited to get to know you.

I don't speak on no man
or whatever situation

but I feel like you really shouldn't
have to wait around on somebody,

you know, because I want you to be happy,

ultimately at the end of the day.

You're so cute.

I want you to be happy as well, I do.

I am, like, moving a little bit slower,

like, with us only because
I just don't want us to, like--

-like, burn so fast.

But when we had our talk yesterday,

I don't think you understand, like,
how much it meant to me.

I've never told a guy

in detail that, like,
I don't know if I can have kids.

You, kind of, like set me free

from that fear that I've had.

You, kind of, like,
gave me a part of myself back.

When I'm willing to talk to you
and willing to get to know you,

like, I'm not saying I'm perfect,
it's a lot of luggage,

you know, to both of us.

As long as we have that good communication
between the two of us,

we can really get through anything,
you know what I'm saying?

'Cause if I understand you
and you understand me,

I feel like there's nothing that
we can't really overcome.

With Charlie, he's such a good man.

He is driven and passionate and smart

and emotionally mature and sexy.

But I need to see
if he has, like, a fun side.

I don't know.
I'm kind of starting to like the kid.

-Thank you for chatting with me.
-That was thank you number four.

Three, most probably.

Welcome back, my Paramount Plus-y cats,

you got the aptitude to be here.

Kyra's man Will is being pursued by Genny,
who wears a modest turtleneck.

[narrator chuckles]

She don't know no turtleneck.

How are you? How do you feel?
Are you happy to be here?

Yes, I'm so excited

but nervous, I feel like
I'm the only one that's still nervous.

Yeah, it's kind of…
it's different, you know

and you have to put yourself out there.

-It's kind of hard, you know?

Yeah, it is. How are you feeling
with your, like…

-My situations?
-…situation, yeah.

-Because I know you're in a situation.
-My situations, now.

I mean, I'm good. I'm just giving it time.

-I don't like to pressure things.

But I feel good.

I opened up a little bit more today
to talk to all the women in the villa.

And it was nice because they are
really interesting, all of them,

more than I thought and I am enjoying time
with these beautiful women

but, I mean, Kyra's still on my mind.

-I love the freckles, too.
-Oh, thank you.

I know they're all on my cheeks,
so they're like…

You should keep it more, like…
They're pretty cute.

Thank you.
You have freckles too, everywhere.

What is your normal type of man?

Definitely you, I love pretty boys.

-Because I love, like, especially…
-Making me feel like a little…

Little butterflies?

Like a little, okay!

I have butterflies.

I don't have a butterfly
but I do something, you know?

-A tingle. Lust, lust.
-I don't know in English but…

-What would you say in Spanish?
-You know, like, "Caliente."

Caliente! Caliente!

[narrator] The way she said caliente
reminds me of a woman I met in Barcelona,

who was from Delaware.

At Casa Amor, the girls
test the new boys' party skills

and we test editor Chris's idea to put
fast music with slow-motion.


[party music playing]

Everybody, we're playing a game
and that game is called…

"Never Have I Ever."

Everyone, sit the frick down.

Never played that before.

We're all holding up our fingers here,
all five, but don't play with me.

Okay, he starts.

-Yeah, let's do it.
-You say, "Never have I ever."

And then you say
something you've never done.

-And then if everyone else has done it--
-They put a finger down.

Okay, never have I ever had a threesome.

If you have, put your finger down.
Don't be playing.

And if you have not,
you leave your finger up.

Who put their finger down?
I just want to know.

She's 29, guys,
just know that this girl has done it all.

Never have I ever skinny dipped.

-You haven't lived!
-Maybe we'll do it tonight.

Okay, never have I ever…

Casa! Casa! Casa! Casa! Casa! Casa!

[narrator] Really? Chanting at the idea
of everyone getting naked and swimming?

Surely the villa boys are doing
something more mature.

Of course, they're not.

Basically you spin the bottle, whoever
it lands on, they pick truth or dare,

-and then you give them a truth or a dare.
-I'll go first.

Like that. Good spin.


Truth or dare?

-There's no denying that.
-Flo money.

-I dare you

to make out with Leslie.


She's like, "Yes!"

[upbeat music playing]

Not the double trouble.

This is probably, like, the sexiest group
of people I've ever been surrounded by.

We're all horny as hell and we're all
just like, "Let us go hog wild."

-God, I love my life.
-I need my inhaler.

-I love you.
-And then end it with a hug.

[narrator] Welcome back.

The Islanders are playing some racy games.

Never have I ever
been naked in a recording booth.


Carry on.

Never have I ever…

-Dude, I've literally done everything.
-I know.

Five more fingers.

Never have I ever had
a threesome with two guys.

If I wanted to disappoint two people
at the same time,

I'd have dinner with my parents.


[upbeat music playing]

Go ahead and put a little dab
in Kay's mouth.

-Make out with her.
-You're gonna steal my dare?

-I am because I wanna see it.
-That was a good one.

-You ready?
-Are you?

Oh, damn!

She didn't say that.

[music continues]

I like it.

Never have I ever orgasmed from sex

without a vibrator that I was using.

Like the d*ck alone
can't get her to orgasm.

Who the hell are you f*cking?

I dare you to put
that chocolate on Kay's stomach.

That's fine, all right, lay down.


Oh, my God!

Not the sonogram chuckle.


-I knew you like chocolate.
-Not the sonogram.

Never have I ever been
a part of the mile-high club.

Well, I'm out.

-Oh, my God!

-Olivia, you wild!
-She wild! She mature.

I dare you to kiss the person
you want to kiss the most.

He know his…


That's so aggressive.

Not the gullet punch.

It's a good night for Leslie.

Let's see what all the fuss is about.

I just made out with one, two, three,
four, five people in the last hour.

It's a dream come true for me, honestly.

This is the best day of my life.

Who's winning?

Come on, Josh.

-Josh is winning.
-Josh is determined.

Genny's almost done.
Okay, you better lick.

She's lagging.
She's still got the rest of the arm.

-Shut up, dog.
-Oh, my God!

-Is that it, or no?
-I will say…


I'm sticky.

You did a good job.

[narrator] Next time…

The new Islanders crank up the heat.

I trust Will with all my heart.

There's never been an ounce of doubt.

[theme music playing]