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03x31 - Episode 31

Posted: 04/29/24 19:23
by bunniefuu
[narrator] Previously on [/i]Love Island…

two new boys were turning heads…[/i]


…and new love triangles formed.

I had my eye on you.

I have an open mind,
'cause I do want what's best for me.

Man, you don't choose my doll
to go on a date, man!

This is crazy.

Do you wanna kiss me now?

I've been wanting to kiss you for a while.

So, we did kiss, and I did enjoy it.

Not in good standing with Jeremy
right now, I can tell you that.

[narrator] Tonight…[/i]
one couple gets a night in the Hideaway…[/i]


…the boys bare all for art…

Let's do it.


Draw me like one of your French boys.

[narrator] …and one Islander[/i]
says goodbye to the Villa.[/i]

[gasps] Oh, my gosh.

[theme music playing]

[upbeat music playing]

[narrator] Welcome to [/i]Love Island.

We're back on Paramount+, baby!

Oh, we got a good thing going on,
my little streamboats.

The Islanders are hanging out drinking

in attire that can best be described as
"Tipsy in Scottsdale."

Last night, Korey got his heart broken
when his partner, Florita,

broke the news to him
that she has feelings for Jeremy.

Florita and Jeremy even kissed!

It was steamier than dim sum
in a wet sauna.

Here she is
with her new make-out buddy, Jer-Jer.

[Jeremy sighs]

So, how are you doing?

Good. I had a chat with him, and--

Right, how'd that go?

I mean, definitely, it was kinda hard.


And it's always a difficult thing to tell
somebody else that another guy kissed me.


I did tell him that I'm not closing
all the doors with him,

and I told him that
I obviously did enjoy the kiss,

that I do wanna get to know you
more as well.

I told him that, now I don't wanna be
kissy-kissy with him,

and I don't wanna be kissy-kissy with you,

because that's just not
the kinda girl I am.

I definitely just wanna get to know you
both on a deeper level.

Of course.

Even though I would love to kiss you guys.

You guys are both amazing,
good looking boys.

I wanna know if we can
actually find a true connection.


I definitely wanna get to know you,
I mean, everything about you,

just more and more and more.

Feel like Jeremy took the news very well.

I think he was happy that I'm not gonna be
mushy-mushy with both of them,

and I'm just like, "Why?"

Can one of you just mess up
so it just makes it easier for me?

It's so hard.

I'm not trying to smother you,

and I'm not trying to
force you into any decision,

'cause that's not what I wanna do.

I really do enjoy being with you.

-Any little chance I get to--
-Talk to me.

Yeah, talk to you
or hang out with you or whatever…

I'm the happiest.

So, I'm just saying I…

[narrator] So many triangles.[/i]

If Love Island [/i]opened up a restaurant,
they would only seat tables of three.

Here's Cash, who seems to also
be setting her throuple GPS Wes-ward.

I wanna hear about you.

I grew up in Denver, Colorado.

I was the middle boy,
close to my little brother.

-Best friends since.

I'll give you something else that's juicy.

I like to pretend to be
other people a lot,

-use different accents.

It's just funny shit
that makes myself laugh,

and that will hopefully make
the girl I'm with, laugh.

If she has
a good sense of humor, it would.

My ex-boyfriend,
he wasn't as silly as I was,

but we would do date nights
on the weekends,

and he used to get so pissed--

and I knew this was why
we weren't gonna work out--

but I would show up as someone else,

like, I would show up
in like a crazy outfit,

or different hair,
or an accent or something,

and I would sit down,
and he's like, "Why are you doing this?"

He never just went along with it ever.

-Well, that's foolish. I'd love that.

Anytime I went out, I was Jamaican.

[Cash laughing]

-I was from Kingston, Jamaica.

-Why? Why not?
-That's hot!


If my boob pops out, can you tell me?


[Cash laughing]

Leave it there. You have to leave it.
I'll let you know if I see both of them.


It's just so hot when you do it.
It's so hot!

Cash, come on. We can't show boobs on TV.[/i]

Lucky me, ain't no cameras in this booth!

Daddy's flapjacks have been out
since season one.

Here's Isaiah who has a lot
to get off of his chest.

You look great.

-Thank you.
-You're welcome.

So do you.

How'd today go
and how do you feel about it?

Wes? Yeah, I could see myself liking him

and I could see something
coming of it, maybe.

Potential there, but I don't know.
How are you feeling?

I don't know. I feel like things are
a little off right now with Cashay and I.

Is it 'cause the new guy has come
and is trying to pursue her?


I mean, I do think
to a certain extent, she likes him.

But I care for you,
and I like being around you,

and so, I wanna talk to you.

I kinda don't understand
what you're trying to say.

The truth is, I really wish
I was in a couple with you…

and that's what I'm going to pursue.

But yeah, I think now,
I can't deny how I felt about you, right?

I just feel like right now,
I'm very confused

and very, just like it's in--
I'm in a weird position.

Interesting conversation with Isaiah.
Not really interested.

If he would have just kept it 100
from the beginning, from the coupling,

and just not moved the way he did,
kinda sneaky, kinda snakey, kinda slimy,

then I'd feel different,

but sometimes when it's too late,
it's just too late.

God, this place is so f*cking tough.

[narrator] Now, to human checkerboard[/i]
Korey who plans his next move.[/i]

-What's going on?

Apparently, earlier today,

Jeremy pulled Florita for a chat again,
and he kissed her.

She told me that she felt the spark there,
liked it back, but…

-She talked to you?
-Yeah, I talked to her over there.

And the whole thing
with me and Jeremy was,

we're gonna be 100% honest
with each other,

not go behind each other's backs.

I think as soon as that happened,
as soon as he kissed her,

I think he should have told you, 100%.

And two can play that game,
you know what I mean?

You can just as easily grab her,
and flirt with her, kiss her.

You guys are sharing the same bed,

obviously, you have that advantage
over he does.

So, I see both perspectives.

Obviously, both of you are my boys,
and I don't wanna see anyone get hurt,

but at the end of the day,
just do what you can do

to try and help that situation
for yourself.

And that's all you can ask for.
You can control what you can control.

-Yeah, man. I appreciate it.
-Pretend they were boys. For sure.

-Love you, dude.
-Love you, kid.

Oh, man. We got more broken hearts[/i]

on our hands than a clumsy cardiologist.

Hopefully, Olivia can console Aimee.

What's going on, girlfriend?
What's happening with you?

Isaiah told me how he felt.

He told me that he wants to pursue things
with me,

-and he wants to be honest.

Do you like him?

-Not anymore.

It's so crazy how the mind
and the heart works, honestly.

I was out on two dates
and all I could think about was Jeremy.

Damn, okay.

[mellow music playing]

I mean, things happen for a reason,

and I feel like it took this long
for me to realize

that everything that happened
had to happen

for me to come to the realization
how I feel about him.

And now it's too late.

It's just funny how life works.

And last night we cuddled,
and he literally held me so tight,

I couldn't breathe the whole night.
Just like…

Even after everything?

There's probably
still hope there then, no?

I don't know, and I don't wanna
put myself out there,

'cause I look like a fool.

And what's crazy, it wasn't
him and Florita kissing today or anything.

I was just literally me being on a date
with two guys and realizing,

"Wait, I miss Jeremy.

I don't wanna be here on a date
with these two guys."

I think you should tell him that.

Or you think he's too into Florita?

Yeah, well, he is obsessed.

[music continues]

Oh, I hate seeing the Islanders upset.[/i]

Love is a bumpy road,

especially when the people involved
have their eyes on more than one person.

Now Isaiah and Cash attempt
to smooth out their highway to love.

I feel like last night was weird.

I feel like you were pulled back,



I think I'm trying to force something

that's not connecting
as hard as I want it to.

-And I don't--
-I see that with Aimee.

That's where your heart is.

Aimee does come into play,
but I'm talking--

You were forcing it with me.

-I definitely was.
-Yeah, and it felt weird.

I feel like with you and Aimee,
you should have pursued her.

You know what I mean?

I… No, I think you're 100% correct,
but at the same time…

I think part of being here is learning.

Yeah! And I don't regret us hanging out,

and trying to see
if there was a connection.

You know what,
I think there is a connection,

but it's just not that connection.

I want the best for you,
whatever that may be.

Same for me to you.

-I love you.
-I love you, baby.

We'll talk more tonight.

-Pillow talk.
-With our pillow talk.

-Give me a real hug.

-Love you.
-Love you too.


I think this with hummus
would be really good.

-All right, so how are you?
-Hummus and this.

-Hummus, and then the… yeah.
-[phone chimes]

I got a text!


"Islanders, the Hideaway is now open.

Please choose one couple
to spend a romantic night away.

#YouUp? #PeachEmoji."

[cheering, clapping]

Guys, one, two, three!

-Josh and Shannon!
-Shannon and Josh!

-Bye, baby.


God, it's about damn time!

Me and Shannon deserve this.

We've worked really hard
in our relationship.

I can't wait to get in there
and just spend quality time one-on-one.

I got a text!

You guys gotta add a plus-one.

-Oh, my God, shut the hell up!
-Shut up!

Olivia! Olivia!

-Have fun.

See ya!

Wait, am I allowed to see this thing
go down tonight?

-Can we see the kinky outfit?

I'm just-- I'm ecstatic, honestly.

Lay the lingerie!

There's definitely gonna need to be
some "Do Not Disturb" signs

all over that door.

I don't want anybody walking in
because we will be busy.

Having conversations!

I've been waiting for this long time now.

[narrator] Welcome back.[/i]

Shannon and Josh
are headed to the Hideaway.

[pop music playing]

Def not a timid couple.

Something tells me they're not gonna spend
the night comparing Pokémon [/i]cards.

What are you wearing?

Yeah, I brought some sexy lingerie.
You wanna check it out?

[narrator] Time to get dressed[/i]
in almost no clothes at all.[/i]

OMFG, I am freaking out!

Yeah, go in there
and buzz that down a little, quick.

-You wanna borrow my garters?

f*ck yes, girl!

Don't get juices on this
or I will literally k*ll you.

Obviously, you're alone.
Percentage chance?

Like 95%.

Yeah, that's what I'm talking about.
That's lit.

I mean, the sexual energy,
it's unbearable, Kyra.

[knocking on door]

Come in.


Okay, okay, okay, y'all.
I might need to get out of here.

[upbeat music playing]

I've been waiting for this one.

Oh, my God.

Look at this.


Honey, we're home!


Cheers to our first night alone together.

-Yes, we deserve this.
-We deserve this.

I feel like once we sorta
figured everything out,

we were basically just saying,

"Stop fighting it.
It is good, and it is true.

We should enjoy the moment,
enjoy the process."

I truly believe I've honestly
never met anyone as spectacular as you.

[serene music playing]

Y'all think
Shannon's giving it up tonight?

Giving it up?
More like, is Josh gonna give it up?

She's taking it, bro!

What do you mean
"Is Shannon gonna give it up," bro?


Ready for this?

How crazy is this?

[music continues]

Wait, just stay right here,
I just wanna look at you.

-Oh, yes.

Oh, my God, that felt so good.

-Thank God.
-That was a lot.

I needed my back cracked real bad.

It's gonna be so weird in here
without Shannon and Josh.

[music continues]



Oh, my God, that's so good, Josh.

-Good night, Slade! Good night, Wes!
-Good night.

Damn, girl.

Sorry, Mom.

[calm music playing]

Crush it!

[giggles, squeals]

Good morning.

How'd you sleep?

I feel like we didn't get
that much sleep, but…

it's fine with me.

I swear, Korey is like a vampire.
He does not sleep at night.

Morning, handsome.

-Gracias. [/i]Thank you.
-You smell super hot.

-Hey, girl!

Oh, you made me breakfast?

-Yeah. Pulled something.
-Thank you.

I don't wanna leave this room.

I don't wanna leave this room either.

One brought me coffee
and one brought me breakfast.

Oh, my God.
And I'm over here looking like a clown.

I'm ready to go round three, if you are.

[Shannon and Josh talking]

[narrator] Hi, Hideaway? [/i]Love Island here.[/i]

Just want to make sure
you have our credit card for incidentals?

You do? Great!

Okay, talk soon. Checking in on Jolivia.


Hi. You all right?

I'm good.
I'm gonna go have coffee in a second.

-Yeah? Cold brew?
-Cold brew.

Ice or no ice?

-No ice. More coffee.
-Whipped cream?

Oh, my God.

Uh, I just wanted to let you know
that I did have a good time on the date,

and he's kind of my type,
I guess, you'd say,

but I'm just very happy
with how we're growing,

even if it's very slowly,
it's progressing in a way that I like,

and that I'm just
really not interested in him.

Because, yeah,
I'd rather spend time with you.

That's what I think.
That's my morning chitchat.

Wow, I'm glad you think that way,
'cause I was a bit nervous.

I definitely was a bit nervous.

But I'm just realizing,
yes, a type is a type, sure,

but you have a personality
for 10 people, so…

we're good there.

-Honey, I'm home!

Josh, the man himself!

I don't know, you're walking around
kinda different right now.

-I don't know what you're talking about.
-Chest pointing up and everything.

-Looking good.
-Looking perky.

Bro, that place is wild.

The Hideaway is insane.

I know.

Insane! You did not describe it
the way it actually is.

I've never seen this side
of Josh last night.


I felt like he really took that time
in the Hideaway

to be open and intimate,
and emotional with me,

'cause he's not around the guys,

and we were up talking all night long.

It was good to just be ourselves

and to get to know each other even better,
you know what I mean.

-How much better?
-It was fun.

Spill the tea! Spill the tea!

I don't know.

Sorry, Mom.

Yeah, we got it on.

[girls scream]

And not just once.

[women howling]

So, let me just ask you this:
Was the cake baked?

Is it all the way done?

The cake is burnt.

[all laughing]

-Oh, no!

I left the cake in too long.

-Oh, man.
-That's wild.

He's very good at what he does.

Didn't he say
he was obsessed with going down, too?

Yeah. Him going down on girls
turns him on so much.

He was, like…

God! Sorry, I'm trying the best way
to describe it.


You ain't kissing no more other girls now.

Yeah, it's over now, I hope you know that.

Now that you done did that, bro, like…

Hey, I ain't gonna lie, I'm jealous.

Wait, so, is it bigger than you thought?

Yes! Yes, and I said that to him
last night, that it is so good.

But holy shit. It was very much needed.

-As long as he's pleasing you.
-He did.

That's all that matters.

If you talk to him, give him a little…
'cause he deserves it, it was that good.

He really knows how to pleasure a woman.
In all the right ways.

[narrator] To quote Shannon verbatim,[/i]
"I don't kiss and tell."[/i]

He was like… and we were like…

It was so good, though.

[narrator] Welcome back to [/i]Love Island.

Woof! Last night was pretty wild!

But sometimes, the morning after
can be a little rough.

Now here's Slade
with a tough pill to swallow.

I'm trying to get everybody
over to that big couch.

We got you, Slade.

All right, I just kind of want to call
everybody over here,

and talk to you all at once.

And it hurts my soul to tell you this,

but I've kind of had some stuff
come up at home.

Oh, gosh.

Yes, I've gotta be there for my family
right now.

And, I mean, I've only been here
for like a day or so, honestly,

and I feel like, seriously,

every single one of you
is part of my family.

-Oh, my gosh.
-I'm just so pumped

to have you in my heart,
and just to know you, and, yeah.

-Oh, my God. Can we hug you?
-Yeah, please.

Oh, my goodness.

[mid-tempo music playing]

-You're part of the family now.
-You are.

-I know. I'm so grateful.

I'd love to see you all again
at some point.

It just sucked.
I did want more time to get to know him.

But at this point,
I want the best for him,

and the best thing for him right now
is to go home. So, we'll miss him.

Hey, my partner.

-Love you. You gonna be all right?
-Love you too.

Coming into the Villa…

I was hoping to build
some sort of connection with Olivia.

I hope she finds what she's looking for
because she deserves it.

Love you, man.

Even though I'm leaving,
it's definitely bittersweet,

but I already know I've gained a lot from
this experience. For that, I'm grateful.

-Thank y'all so much.
-Bye, Slade.

-See y'all.
-Good luck.

-Y'all behave.
-Safe travels.


[narrator] People as tall as him[/i]
should have larger luggage.[/i]

Bye, Slade.

Which one of you ladies
didn't fall in love with him

that made him wanna leave?

Olivia, dang it!

Dropping the ball again.

[serene music playing]

[narrator] Aimee's love life is[/i]
complicated, but here goes.[/i]

She got friendzoned by Jeremy, but she
didn't care 'cause she liked Isaiah.

But Isaiah didn't wanna partner with Aimee
until Cash didn't like him anymore,

but now Aimee is over it.

She still cuddles with Jeremy,
who's into Florita. Tricky.

Here's Trina with some honesty.

How's that going with you guys?

Me and Isaiah?

Do you like Isaiah?

I'm confused with you, to be honest.

I don't know, I just feel like
after the whole thing,

can Isaiah really be trusted?

I'm just not a fan of the guy, so…

Once you see true colors, though,
it's like…

-It's hard to go back.

Do you like Jeremy, again?

Does he know?

Are you gonna try again with Jeremy?

Feel like it's too late.

Lesson learned.

When'd you realize
you have feelings for Jeremy?

-Were you in denial?
-When I was on a date

with these two guys yesterday,

and literally, all I thought about
was Jeremy,

and what goofy thing he was doing.

-You know?

What are you gonna do?
What's your game plan?

I don't have one.

You should start plotting.


-Like, today.

Actually, like yesterday.

Yo, yo[/i]

I got some almond, I got some yogurt[/i]

Got some granola and some bread[/i]

And Josh got some m*therf*cking head[/i]

[phone chimes]

Guys, I got a text!


Sit down, guys.

-Trina got a text, hey!

"Girls, it's time to release
your inner artist.

Sharpen your pencils for today's game,
The Art of Love.

#SexySketches #GrinAndBareIt."

[cheering, clapping]

-Not us artists!

[narrator] For this game,[/i]

the couples will find an inspiring spot
somewhere in the Villa,

and the boys will strip down
to their natural canvas

and hopefully find a prop
that can cover his privates.

Wanna use this?

That's a little small.

Oh, I'm big, huh?

Let's do it.

Like a college student
trying to pay for tuition,

he'll strike a seductive pose
and his girl will draw him.

This is a moment.


-Like this?
-Yeah, just like that.

It's time to get Monaked.

You're flexing your abs right now?

-You can't judge me for this.
-Don't make me look too bad now.

This is so good.

Oh, my God, okay.
We have to use Aimee's bear. She will die.

Her cute little bear!

-You really gonna take your pants off?


Ooh! Okay! I like that pose!

So, we used this baby
to cover his goodies.

Don't put that over there.
It was down there.

What do you mean? It's clean!

[upbeat music playing]

Yes. Okay, wow, you look so good.


This is not covering this whatsoever.

So, I'm with a pineapple.

It's stabbing me in the leg 20 times,
so I might need a medic on hand.

I want you to draw me
like one of your French boys.

[both laughing]

[upbeat music playing]

It was easy
to get you out of your clothes.

-Oh, yes, baby.
-Can I get a kiss?

I'm gonna need a cold shower after this.

Stop tapping, please.
It's distracting the artist.

Yes, ma'am.

-I'll just take a little break.
-Come here.

Okay, then go back to work.

Baby, you gotta draw me good.
I'm looking sexy right now.

The real thing I'm forgetting
is that this bear is actually on you.

"Hi, Olivia!"

"Javonny put me on his pecker
and I felt his junk."

Look at it.

[both laughing]

You don't like it?

No, it's good. Why…

Why do I got ramen noodle head?

One, two, three.

[laughing] Yeah-ha-ha!

This is…

I honestly doubted Olivia's hand skills,
but she showed me that--

My hand skills?

She has a great hand job,
and she could draw me well.


Ah! That's hot.

[narrator] Welcome back.[/i]

Wes will pick the winner
of our nude portrait challenge.

Finally, an art exhibition where
you don't have to pretend to be deep.

How did everybody like
playing the Art of Love?

[all cheering]

As the judge, I get to pick the winner.

Shannon and Josh, you guys are up first.

All right.


Someone got a big head!

This could be in a museum.
Look at the comparison.

It's identical.

Well, in the end,
I get to be the judge of that.

Aimee and Jeremy, show us your artwork.

-Go ahead, please.
-Do it!

[cheering, laughing]

-Wait, let me see it.

[woman] No, not the hair!

[Jeremy] Looks like I'm laying in a river.

I just painted the best painting ever.

It is the best painting
that I've ever seen in my life.

And it's of me.

Florita and Korey, your drawing.

Actually, that's good.

He covered himself with pineapple.

You know, the face
looks exactly like Korey.

-It does.

-It's spot on.
-Yeah, I feel like a mini Picasso.

-Trina and Cinco, what do you have?

Oh, my God!

I tried to add a lot of detail,

like his second toe
is bigger than his first one.

We did tattoos as well.

I didn't know what they meant,

so I just put my name
just tatted on his body.

[all cheering]

-What do you think?
-I realized I got six fingers.

Wait, one, two, three…

She drew me with six fingers.


Cashay and Isaiah, what do we have?

Not much.

[all laughing, cheering]

Nipples are so close together.

The entire time, she's like,
"Wow, you look so good."

I go and see it, I'm like, "What?"

Okay, so, I thought this is really cute.

We have the bananas, they're perfect.
I spent the most time on them.

His facial hair was great.

He didn't like that I made his body small,

it's not as big as he thinks it is.

Why does it look like LEGO?

Yo, man!


-We still love it!
-We love it!

Kyra and Will.


-That is so good!
-That's great!

-You wanna see it?
-I look like a Michelangelo.

Like a David [/i]of Michelangelo,
but I'm actually the Will of Kyra.

And last but certainly not least,

Olivia and Javonny, what do we have?



Your teddy bear!

[cheering, laughing]

Okja is literally…
she goes everywhere with me.

How is this even allowed?

Okja, she's scarred for life.

Okay, these are all
very, very impressive pieces of artwork.


I'm gonna have to say the winner is…

-[cheering, clapping]

[narrator] Now that Jeremy has put it[/i]
all out there in front of Aimee,[/i]

it seems like Aimee is ready
to put it all out there too…


How are you doing?

-I'm good.

Just feel there's some things
I need to get off my chest.


Wes was amazing, it was a great date, but…

throughout the whole time,
if I'm being completely honest,

I just wanted to come back
and hang out with you.

And Isaiah, yesterday, told me…

everything I thought I wanted to hear,
and he confessed how he really felt.

What did he say to you, I mean?

He wanted to pursue me 100%…

-…and I literally was just

staring at you from afar.

It's really hard for me to do this,
'cause I felt like I pushed you away,

and I was mean, and rude, and a bitch.

I mean, I think we're great together.

I know you wanted to be more friends
and we agreed on that. Um…

This is me taking that back
and telling you how I feel, basically.

I appreciate that.
And I'm not taking it lightly at all.

Obviously, right now,
I'm actively trying to pursue Florita,

and I obviously
can't just say no to those feelings.

I f*cked up. Like, hard.

And now I see Isaiah for who he is,
I see how vulnerable he is.

I see Jeremy for who he is
after laying in bed with him

and talking to him and seeing him,

and it's like I f*cked up.

In here, you have to learn the hard way,

and definitely, this is a hard one,
for sure.

Now that you know how I feel,

and obviously,
I know how you feel about Florita,

do you want me
to just leave you alone and let that be,

and respect that?

It's trying to follow my heart with that
and see where that goes.

Obviously, I don't wanna close off
anything or close any doors, on anything.

I'm trying to stay open to things,

'cause, obviously,
feelings can change, right?

I'm super invested in Florita

and that's who I have my eyes on,
that's who I wanna be with.

So, now I feel like,

with Aimee expressing those feelings
towards me again,

it just makes my situation
so much harder, once again.

I told Jeremy, I showed up very honest,

and he's like, "I like Florita,
and I'm gonna pursue that."

But regardless,
Jeremy and I are gonna be great friends.

-I'm proud of you. That's a big deal.
-I'm proud of you too, girl.

-It is. And I'm glad you did it.
-I know.

I'm proud of myself.
I never thought I'd do it.

I was just gonna be like, "All right,
obviously, they're gonna recouple."

You feel a weight
was lifted off your shoulders?

-For sure.
-That's good.

Literally the best feeling ever,
just telling him.

All I can think about right now is Jeremy.
I don't really care about any other guy.

I feel like I'm happiest
when I'm around him.

He's constantly making me laugh and smile,
and how could a girl be so blind…

but lesson learned.

[calm music playing]

You need to cut your nails.

Bro, I've been trying to get Trina
to do my freaking feet, bro.

All she's been doing is your crotch?


♪ I long for love ♪

♪ Dreaming of a moment ♪

-Are you making this up?

♪ I long to be loved ♪

Let's go have a jolly evening,
jolly old time.

Let's drink and dance and vibe[/i]

And drink and dance and vibe[/i]

And drink and dance[/i]


Put your glasses high.

Cheers to beautiful people,
beautiful souls,

and a nice, chill, fun night.


[theme music playing]

Welcome back. Guess what's next?[/i]

[upbeat music playing]

A, aliens invade and the Islanders
fight them off using blow-dryers,

or B, we play Spin the Bottle,
Truth or Dare.

Spin the hot sauce
'cause it's gonna get spicy up in here!

[narrator] If you guessed Spin the Bottle,[/i]
Truth or Dare, congrats.[/i]

You have what it takes
to produce reality television,

or be the coolest kid in junior high.

I was about to kiss Olivia.

Okay, go ahead.

All right. Give me all the love.

-Yeah, baby.

[music continues]

Olivia, you're cheating on me!

[all] Oh!

-Truth or dare?

If there was one person
you could hook up with at this table,

who would it be?

Oh, that was fast.


[music continues]

-It's at Wes.

I dare you to kiss someone
you've been wanting to kiss.

-And make it steamy.
-Let's do that!

-Dares in the Villa?

[narrator] Look who's so classy,[/i]
they have to make out in private.[/i]

You think you're better than them?

Plant that kiss, let's see it.

Heck, no! Not the neck!

-Way to break the scene.
-I thought we said keep it PG tonight.



Put a girl in your favorite sex position.

I'm wearing a skirt with no underwear,
but that's fine.

What is with you girls
and not wearing underwear?

Position, let's go!

-That's her favorite position.

No, I'm kidding.

That's it, guys.

Spin the bottle.

You like my idea?

I like your ideas.

[mid-tempo music playing]


I'll do another dare.

For this dare, I will need
all the men to put one number

between one and ten behind their backs.

-Oh, shit! That's a good one.
-No one change their number.

I need you to give a five second grind
to whoever's number you pick.

My favorite number is four.

-He's a three.
-Or it's whoever's closest.

-So, the closest is the three.

Dropping in!

She's going back for more.

Whoa, your titty's out!

Oh, it's okay.

Florita had to give me
a nice little grind, lap dance action,

which was nice.

What if it comes back to me?
Do I have to dare myself to do something?

[narrator] Welcome back.[/i]

Aimee just shared a kiss
with Harvard guy Wes.

But, much like Yale was for him,
Wes is Aimee's second choice.

-What are your other talents?
-I love dancing.

-I like dancing Spanish…
-Of course.

-I would expect nothing less.

…salsa, cumbia…


-That's the only one I know how to do.

You know how to dance bachata?


With Aimee,
there was fireworks, there was sparks.

The chemistry was undeniable.

I'll just put my best foot forward,
without even worrying about other guys.

I'm very attracted to you,
much more than physically.

Despite the situation that we're in,

if I had to go home 'cause I didn't make
a connection with anyone other than you,

that would be much better for me

than being coupled-up with somebody
that I consider a friend,

but don't really see
anything more than that.


And obviously, that's forward and I don't
wanna put you in an odd position--

No, that was beautiful.
You kinda just took my breath away.

That was very, very, very beautiful,
and endearing, and vulnerable, and…

-All these adjectives. Thank you.
-I'm liking it! I'm loving it!

I'm loving it.

Wes is a great guy.
I wanna get to know him on all levels,

but my mind is on impressing Jeremy.

F being embarrassed, F my ego, F my pride,

this is how I feel, and…

I need to just know that I tried 100%.

[speaking in foreign language]

[mid-tempo music playing]

I'm trying not to be
so caught up in my feelings,

-and I'm trying to enjoy the moment…

…but I just feel like, with Wes,
I would be his second option again,

just like the Cinco situation.

I would be the girl he goes after
if he can't have Aimee.

And then, it's still so weird for me
to see Cinco and Trina together.

My biggest fear is leaving here

and feel like my whole journey is just me
regretting how I acted with Cinco.

-It's so annoying to see them--
-It's right in front of you

and you feel like you just
almost passed it up, too.

I literally gave him to her.


-They're holding hands.
-Holding arms.

And I just have to say, I really do
like Aimee, but what the hell?

Yeah. And I just don't really know
how to move forward.

Well, and this is, I guess,
where I'm at, too.

I really wanna give Javonny a chance.
I am so confused.

Javonny, I do like him.

And honestly, unless I jump for it,
I'm never gonna know.

You know what I'm saying?
I'm in a weird place.

Yeah. With your situation, I feel like…

maybe you should put yourself out there.


I would say this: let's make a pact.

-Okay, so, we're gonna--

-This is scary.
-Let's make a pact.

-Oh, gosh.

That's the fire making the pact as well.

-Hold hands.

[passionate music playing]

We're both gonna take a chance on love.

Yeah, and put ourselves out there.

The best and most polite way we can.

With no regrets.

And opening ourselves up
to the possibilities.

Also hope that we get the guys we want.

"Get the guy" on three.

-One, two, three.
-Get the guy.


[music continues]

[narrator] Next time…[/i]

a surprise recoupling
will leave one boy vulnerable.

The boy I'd like to couple up with is…






[theme music playing]