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03x26 - Episode 26

Posted: 04/29/24 19:21
by bunniefuu
[narrator] Previously on [/i]Love Island…

America's tweets hit hard…

[Korey] "Kyra forgave Will too quickly.

She gonna watch this back
and be embarrassed."

…and put one couple into question.[/i]

I told her 100% everything that happened.

-I think Will's gonna break her heart.
-I want someone to say something to me.

It's not looking good right now.

The thing is it's what he tells me,
and now I don't know if I trust him.

[narrator] Tonight…[/i]


…it's time to meet the families…

You look great. It's been so long.

-Miss you.
-We miss you so much.

You know how quickly I fall for someone.

What is Will? 50-50?

[narrator] …and face a hard home truth.[/i]

Hearing my dad make that comment
was hard to hear

because coming from, you know--
it matters.


[theme music playing]

[narrator] Welcome to [/i]Love Island.

Last night, Kyra convened
an emergency meeting

of the insecurity council

to answer what we will call
the "William question."

Like the real UN,
all they did was talk in circles,

leaving everyone still wondering
what "Will" she do.

-Good morning, Charlie.
-What's up?

I'll make coffee, baby.
Do you want to meditate?


So, what are the girls talking about?

-Until freaking whenever.
-Bro, I know.

Is it still about the damn game?

If that's gonna upset someone,
dude, we're in a world of trouble.

You okay, Kyra?

[Kyra] Yeah, just a lot on my mind.

From yesterday?

I know a general consensus
is that Will's intentions are in question.

I asked her, "Are you okay?"
And she was different, and I was like--

Yeah, she was upset about some things.

[Kyra] I'm not asking for commitment.

I'm asking if that's even
what he really wants.

-An option.

I don't know what's gonna happen today,
but I need to talk to him.

Hey, if there's one thing I know,
today's gonna be a good day.

[narrator] In the meantime,[/i]

Korey, who has nothing on his mind
but a bandanna,

offers Kyra some relationship therapy.

-[Kyra] I was just gonna come find you.
-[Korey] Come get me? Okay.

[narrator] Lucky for her,[/i]
he's a fully qualified psy-Korey-trist.[/i]

-Have a seat in my office, Kyra.

Just spill it--
Actually, I already know what's going on.

-[Kyra] You do?

Okay, what do you think is going on?

So, I think that some of the things
said in that tweet messed you up.

That's kind of it,

but what more got to me
was the girls talked to me last night

about Will and I and his intentions.

People are clearly seeing
a different side of him than I'm seeing

-and that's concerning.
-[Korey] Yeah.

Thank you. Appreciate it.

While I trust him 100%,

I think the whole Casa thing
is a little bit sugarcoated.

Why? What did he tell you?

That on their first night,
they shared a bed.

Obviously, he put a pillow between them.
Nothing happened.

Next night, they were kissing or whatever.

She tried to pull the sheets over,
but he pulled it down. Nothing happened.

They kissed more than once
outside of the challenge,

but it just-- I don't know.

That's what I would know
about Flo, honestly.

From me to you.

Honestly, I don't talk to Will too much.

The only reason
why I have concern in my head now

is because of commitment
in terms of moving forward.

Is that just here? Is that in real life?

Is what happened at Casa
gonna be something that happens again?

Outside of here,
you're a super strong person,

-and you're confident.

-You're feeling insecure.
-I'm afraid of getting hurt again,

and history repeating itself.

Trust me. Everyone in here
is afraid of getting hurt.

Hurt is inevitable.

It's gonna happen, but you'd rather
full-fledged into it then get hurt

-than pull back and have regrets.
-That's true.

It's a risk, but take the risk
or lose the chance.

[Kyra] I'm afraid that it's another
situation happening again,

of what I've experienced
in the past with men, you know.

Me falling for someone
and them not being on the same page

or them having emotional issues,
them not being able to commit,

whatever, whatever.

And then me ending up getting hurt
and heartbroken by it.

So, if that's a path
that is going down with Will,

then I'm not gonna stand for that.

I think of it as tests,

but some people deal
with those tests differently.

There's gonna be temptation for everyone.

And people, they're gonna make mistakes,

but you have to learn from it and grow
'cause it gets old.

So, you really have to think about
what's in front of you and want that.

I also don't want
to be made a fool out of.

-Well, I got you.
-On the right path.

-I appreciate it.
-And I hope that conversation--

I need to figure
and I needed to hear your side of it, too.


-Thank you, Korey.
-I gotcha.

-[Kyra] I love you so much.
-I love you, too.

You gonna be all right.
That's one thing about you.

-I know.
-You gonna be all right.

[Olivia] Dude, I'm nervous
about her talking to Will.

He's gonna freak out.

[Alana] Do you guys really think
that he's not serious?

I hope he's not too nice to say, "No."

-Or say, "Okay," out of pity.
-[Alana] Yeah.

As soon as you
start getting into the territory

of ultimatums and stuff like that,

you don't know
whether it's a genuine decision for them.

I don't know what's going on.

Hope it ends well.

Sorry about being weird last night.

Tell me what's on your-- What's that?

What's what?

Bird poop.

I love the birds. I like feeding birds.

What was on your mind?

Do you have any idea?

Yesterday, I was like, "What's going on?
Why are you mad at me?"

[Kyra] I wasn't mad. I'm not mad.

Then why are you getting concerned
if you're not concerned?

Because from day one,
what I came in here looking for is love.

A real, serious, committed relationship,
something that will last.

Are you really ready
for something serious like that?

I feel like-- I mean--

I'm not saying necessarily in the Villa,
I'm just saying in life.

Yeah, 100%, but I still need--

I feel I'm in the process
of finding so many things of myself.

I feel there is no need to rush anything.

No, I'm not trying to rush anything
or don't want to rush anything.

I think everything has its own time,

and I feel we're going
in the right direction.

When you're committed with someone,

I don't know if we need
to put a label on it.

We don't need a label,
but there's a difference between that

and if you were to go out
with your friends

and a girl hits on you
and tries to flirt with you,

and then asks if you're in a relationship
and you say, "No."

I need loyalty, honesty, communication,
and actions along with words,

and security, and all of that,
and respect.

With everything I've learned in the past
to now, and in this experience,

choosing myself first
means knowing what's good for me

if this situation
were to ever happen again.

With the place we're at now,
that is not okay.

I came in here
looking for something for my real life.

Love Island aside, Villa aside,[/i]
this is real life to me.[/i]

I just need to be sure
that what we have here--

When questions,
problems with us, our relationship,

I'm more going it slow,

but I have the same goal as you.

[narrator] Like that time in my late 20s[/i]
when I hit puberty,[/i]

Olivia and Trina are undergoing
their very own personal growth spurt.

It's crazy,
walking into the Villa the first day,

I was like, "This should be
an easy-peasy situation for me."

Easy. Piece of cake, right?

I'm good, I'm confident. I know who I am.

And the fact that it wasn't
was kind of humbling.

I needed that, I think.

I had a little bit of growing up to do
even at my ripe age of 29.

[Trina] Yeah.
I see you and Korey lasting a long time.

Who knows, there might be a ring
on that finger soon.

-Whoa, chill!
-You just never know.

-Oh, my God.

It's crazy,

because I would never have predicted this
in a million years.

Absolutely not.

-I wouldn't mind being in a relationship.

[Olivia] That's what I'm here for.

But I also don't want to pressure it
or rush it.

And you guys are taking it
at the perfect pace, too.

He really likes me.

-He respects me.

That's something I've never had before.

And I think if I didn't have
the self-growth in here,

I would never have required
someone to respect me.

-So, I'm happy. I'm really proud of us.

-I'm proud, too. Cheers, baby.

Cheers to our amazing newfound…

-Friendship and experience here.
-…confidence, friendship.

-The growth.

Should we get in some shade?
It's hot as hell.

[indistinct chatter]


Oh, my God!

-Trina! Trina, come here.


[theme music playing]

[rock music playing]

Should we get in some shade?
It's hot as hell.

It's [/i]Love Island, where before the break,[/i]

Trina was yelled at
over the Villa loudspeaker.

Not for running by the pool like usual,

it was a call from the one she loves.

[Trina's mom speaking]


[Trina's mom] It's your favorite…[/i]

-Yo, what?

[narrator] Don't run by the pool![/i]

-Oh, my gosh!

-What are they doing?
-Baby girl!

Come here.

Hi, guys!


Oh, my God.

How are you doing?

I'm good. I'm better now.

-Is that your sister and your brother--
-Yeah, my sister, brother, mom, dad.

-Hello, guys![/i]

Should we give her some time
with her family?

-Nice to meet you.

You guys raised a beautiful girl.

Hey. How are you?

Mom, I'm good. How are you guys?

See, even we have tears, look at that.

Dad, you're crying? What?

Guys, I miss you so much, though.

We miss you, too, Trina.

How's the experience in the Villa so far?

What have you seen, man?

[Trina] My experience has been great,

because I have realized
I really don't need a man to be happy.

That's the best thing
that I've learned out of this.

How do you feel about your current couple?

He's a gentleman.
He's Prince Charming, guys.

He's setting the standards high
for any man that comes into my life.

Like you, Dad.
You're setting the standards high.

Would you guys like to meet Andre?
I can bring him.

-Bring him over, Trina.


Come here.

I got this one.


-Here he is.
-Hey, guys.

-Hi, Andre.
-How are you?

[Andre] I'm doing great.

I don't even have words
to describe the beautiful soul

that you guys created and raised,

and I just wanna make the rest
of her time here the best possible.

That's wonderful.

Andre, are we gonna get to see
your folks or your relatives--

-Dad, you're jumping the g*n.


Wait a minute.

Oh, my goodness. Is that my baby girl?

Your daughter looks like a doll.

Hi, Daddy.

[Andre] Hi, princess. Hey, mama.

Guys, this is Andre's family.
Look at his daughter.


-This is Kylie.[/i]

[Andre] I miss you.

-Yo, she's cute as hell.

-[Andre] How are you? I miss you so much.

Daddy's gonna see you real soon.

[foreign language]

-Hey, Trina, how you doing?

Good, how are you?

You guys are so beautiful.

Oh, my God, thank you.
You're gorgeous. I love her.

Thank you.

Like Korey say, "What the freak?"

I know, "What the freak?"

She's picking up the vocabulary here.

-Oh, no.
-I love that.

-Oh, no, not "What the freak?"
-"What the freak?"

What the freak!

-What the freak!

[Andre] I can't wait
to take you to your first day of school.


[Trina] Kylie's a big girl now.

-Do you miss your daddy?

-Talk to him now.
-[Andre] Daddy misses you, too, baby.[/i]

So should I leave you here
to have some time with your family?

-Okay, cool.
-Yeah? Okay.

-Thank you for introducing me to them.
-[Andre] Of course.

It's so lovely to meet you guys.

It was very nice to meet you, Trina.
Wish you the best of luck.

Thank you for raising your son
in this manner.

He's everything I want in a man.

When he do something silly,
don't forget to kick him, okay?

Thanks for your approval.
I'll definitely be doing that.

-Thank you, guys. I'll see you soon.
-You're welcome.[/i]

-Much love.
-Much love to you.[/i]

-Bye, guys.

Tell Mommy everything.

[foreign language]

You know, being the person
that you raised me to be.

I'm so proud of you.

And I'm super thankful for everyone here.

Even if I was to leave today,
it's already been worth it.

I'm just so happy and growing each day.

How about my pretty girl? Is she behaving?

-Yes, she's doing fantastic.
-Daddy, I can jump in the water now.

I can also do a cannonball, too.

A ca-- I'm gonna have to do a cannonball,

and you're gonna have to do
the same cannonball when I get back.


[Andre] I'll talk to you guys soon, okay.

[air kisses]

Love you.

Oh, my goodness.

Seeing my mom and my daughter just…

It-- -it really brought so much joy to me.

Oh, my God, that was awesome.

-How you feeling?
-I'm still in shock.

-I love that my mom told you to…
-Yeah, I'ma check you.

-…to check me.
-[Trina] No hesitation.

Now that I have her approval,
it's gonna happen.

I'm like, "Now, she's got Mom's approval,
I can't even say anything."

Nope, you gotta stay quiet. I'ma do it.

I just want to be half the parent
my mom was to me,

'cause growing up, I celebrated
Father's Day and Mother's Day with my mom,

because she was both to me.

My mom is who made me the way I am.


making her proud, it means a lot to me.

I'm so glad that we got blessings
from both of our families.

-For sure.
-And they approve

of what we're doing and taking it slow
and just seeing where it takes us.

Their opinion is the only thing
that matters to me as well.


His family is just so loving,
and they remind me of my family.

This is the best gift
I have ever received.

Hi, Alana.
It's your dad and Dina, sweetheart.

Oh, my God.

-Come on over and talk to us.
-It's you.[/i]

Oh, my God!

Wow, you look great. It's been so long.

-We miss you.
-We miss you so much.

We watch you every night.
It' seems like you are here.

I hope you like what you're seeing.
I was nervous.

-We're extremely proud of you.
-Very proud. You're doing so good.

The way you're handling yourself
is just amazing.

You're absolutely beautiful,
and we love you tremendously.

You're so brave and confident.

I don't know where you take it from,
but it's amazing.

[Alana] Thanks, Dina.

-Look, this is Charlie.

-Hi, Charlie.

-How y'all doing?
-Hello, Charlie.[/i]

-How you doing, man?
-Nice to meet you.

This is my dad and Dina.

You have a lovely daughter here.

Well, thank you very much.

You're very handsome,

-and a gentleman as well.

I wish the best of luck, the both of you.

Take time, get to know each other.

-Yes, sir.
-Love takes time to grow,[/i]

and it's not something
that happens overnight.

[Charlie] Yeah, I definitely agree.




-[Charlie] That's my mom and my aunt.
-[Alana] So nice to meet you.

I just want to say you're so pretty.
Oh, my gosh.

Thank you so much.

We look good together, right?

Yeah, so hopefully when this is all over,
we get together. How about that?

-[Alana] Oh, yes. Fun.

You never know. That would be wonderful.

I'm glad that he chose Alana.

You match his personality
because he's kinda low-key.

Yeah, and he's a sweetheart.

Look, he will tell you,
I'm already thinking grandbabies.


They'll be beautiful.

Okay, we'll let you have
some time together.

-You take it easy.
-[Alana] Love you guys.[/i]

-So, how do you feel?[/i]

I'm glad that I came on here,
and I stayed true to who I was as a person

and I didn't get on here
and try to be something I'm not.

And you know Mama's gonna
always be here for you.

I'm your ride or die.

How was it?

I started crying
when I saw my dad and Dina.

Charlie's family as well,
they're so sweet.

-I was nervous, though. You never know.
-Of course.

It was such a relief for me to hear

that Charlie's mom was supportive
of him choosing me.

And she was so sweet.

I really appreciated her kind words.

-They met his parents, too?
-[Alana] Yeah, they did.

-So it's like--
-They do both.

-But do they get to see each other?
-They talk to each other, too.

[Kyra] Now I'm even more nervous.

-We love you.
-Bye, Charlie.

I love you.

-Bye, I love y'all.[/i]

-I love you, too. Bye.

[narrator] And to Charlie's[/i]
beautiful mother and aunt,[/i]

I apologize unreservedly
for all the jokes I've made.

Are you excited?

[Kyra] I'm a little nervous
because my family's very private, so,

I don't know what to expect.

You talk about your dad all the time,

so I just wanna make sure
that I made a good first impression.

-Yeah, you did, I think.
-[Charlie] Okay.

I'm just glad that I was able to meet them
and they approved,

and we sorta got their blessing, I guess.


-It was definitely dope, though.
-I know, it was crazy.

-It's like, meeting the parents so soon.
-So soon, yeah.

We're not even in a relationship
and they're--

-We're already meeting the parents.

Definitely, I'm glad my mom--

hear her tell me that she does approve
of everything I've been doing

and how she appreciates me
following my heart

and obviously finding you
and staying true to myself.

That goes so much further

than anything else
that we're experiencing here.


-She loves you.
-I know. I thought that was so sweet.

-I was definitely a little nervous.
-That means we're doing something right.


I know my mom.
She's looking forward to meeting--

-She's so cute. She's like, "Babies!"
-Yeah, I was like--

-You were like--
-Yeah, I was like, "Nah. Too soon."

Way too soon.

-We gotta make it out of the Villa first.
-I know, right.

[narrator] Moving on to Kyra, who is[/i]
concerned that when she sees her family,[/i]

they'll use the dodgy Wi-Fi
to talk about her dodgy guy-Fi.

[Olivia] Do you not feel good?

So, I don't feel very positive
about how it's gonna go,

because of what we all talked about
last night.

I'm such a family person

that if they say anything negative
or if they have any negative thoughts,

it's like,
"Well, how do you move past that?"

'Cause if my family doesn't approve,
if they don't like him--

-You're out. Wow.

And Will doesn't seem nervous at all.

-[Olivia] Yeah.
-[Kyra] Do you think he should be?


He should be more nervous than her.

If my family sees
that it's not going to work out,

I know that they're right.

Yeah. Why don't you cross that bridge
when you get there?

-[Kyra] Yeah.
-We'll be here for you to talk to.

It's very scary.

[theme music playing]

[rock music playing]

Not me being the only one here
waiting for my parents.

[narrator] ♪ Not me being the only one[/i]
welcoming you back to [/i]Love Island ♪

Where it's Meet the Family Day[/i]
And we're only singing this tune[/i]

I don't wanna be last.

[Jeremy] But who knows?


-That's my dad.
-Hello from the entire fam.[/i]


[Jeremy] My goodness.

Not me meeting her parents
looking like a porn star.

You got them.
I knew you guys would have them.

Oh, my God, hi! How are you guys?

-Mom, you look so pretty.

Bails, Dad is here, too.

[Bailey] Hi, Dad.

I know.
I haven't seen you guys in so long.

Have you guys been watching?

[Bailey's mom]
We've been watching every moment.[/i]

You came in with Korey in mind.

I wanted to know how you feel
about being coupled up with Jeremy.

[Bailey] I didn't expect to like him,
but he's great.

He's really sweet.
He'll make me breakfast whenever.

Just little gentlemanly things.

That's good.

We weren't sure
about Jeremy initially, but…

I know.

…seeing the way he's put effort
into you and your relationship

and seeing how much fun you guys have,

it definitely changed
my perception of him.

-Yeah. Yeah.
-Feels like the way it should be.[/i]

I'm getting better
at not overthinking things

and being in my head.

You have to be yourself
as much as possible.

-It's been so much better[/i]

than I thought it could ever be, honestly.

I'm so proud of you, Bailey,
for keeping it real

and coming out of your shell
and being yourself.

I can see that in you.
You look so much more relaxed.

-[Bailey's mom] Yeah.[/i]

Super proud of you for keeping it real.

It's been so great. I'm so glad I'm here.

Do we meet Jeremy?

-Is that too soon?[/i]


I think it ended up the right way.

Instead of working out with Korey,

being coupled up with Jeremy
feels like the way it should be.

Yeah, I'm really glad
it worked out that way.

This is my twin sister, my mom and my dad.

-What's up?

-Hi, how you doing?[/i]

Excited to be here. Excited to meet you.

We're excited to know
what's your favorite thing about Bailey

besides the fact
that she's obviously beautiful.

[Jeremy] From our first date,
it was incredibly easy to talk to her.

-And you get all my jokes.
-[Bailey] I do.

[Jeremy] Not everyone gets my jokes.

-Bailey's amazing, seriously.

We would love to meet some of your family
if they're hanging around.

Yeah, absolutely. I don't know
who's about to pop up. Let's see.

-Hey, Mom. Can you hear me?

Hi, Jeremy, how are you?

Good. This is Bailey.

Hi, Bailey.
So nice to meet you and family.

Bailey, you're sweet. I'm so glad
that you and Jeremy are coupled together,

and, Bailey,
I could tell you and your parents

that Jeremy is a good friend,

and when you have a really good friend,
you have a really good relationship.

Both look good together.

We're so happy for both of you,
and we really wish you the best.

-Love you, Bails.
-Love you.

-Love you.
-Nice meeting you.[/i]

-I'll see you guys soon.
-Bye, guys.




Chill. Cool it.

I was gonna say that to you
with all the kissing, "Cool it."

It's not my fault[/i]

Does he talk like that at home
all the time, too?

-In the song?

I always talk like this[/i]

You're very funny, Jeremy.
You got a good one.

I can definitely tell that.
You raised him right.

I try.

-I'm gonna let you guys finish up talking.
-We're gonna have a chat.

[Bailey] It was so nice to meet you.

Nice meeting you, too, Bailey.

-[Bailey] Bye.
-Enjoy your period there, hon.[/i]

-Thank you so much. Bye.[/i]

Cookie, oh, my gosh!

I really like Bailey.

I think she's got
a good head on her shoulders.

-I'm glad you like her.

You seem really happy.

[Kyra] Bailey, how was it?

-Oh, my God, I'm so excited!
-[Will] Tell us.

-I'm so happy for you.
-Tell us.

I'm so happy, too. That was so fun.

[Jeremy's mom]
And we'll see where it goes, you know.[/i]

Every relationship is a journey,
and it's not always a Hawaiian paradise.

I know.

[Jeremy's mom] And if anything,[/i]
you're a dynamite friend to have anyway.[/i]

I try to be, you know.
I had two good parents.

[Jeremy's mom] Damn straight you did.[/i]
I love you. I'm super, super proud of you.[/i]

I'm so grateful I had this opportunity
to talk to you before you got home.

I was missing you a lot,
so I'm happy I got to see you.

Love you, Mama, love you.

It was really good to see all of them,

they had really good things
to say about Jeremy.

And then, Jeremy's mom came on,
and she's so sweet.

-[Korey] Nice.
-She's really similar to him.

Oh, my God.

-That's awesome.
-She has the best energy.

You could tell how happy you are.

[Jeremy] I didn't know
I was gonna get to talk to my mom.

The past couple of weeks--

I don't know about you guys,
I've definitely been missing home.

I feel like it couldn't have come
at a better time,

and I feel like we all needed this.

This was definitely the strangest

in my entire life.

Obviously, Bailey and I have only been
coupled up for a few days,

but it was still super cool.

I don't know. It was a really,
really nice, wholesome experience.

It was amazing for me, honestly.

I appreciate the last moments we have here
instead of running through it.

-Let's be in the moment.


We need to go on like group vacation
and bring our parents.

Oh, my God. That would be hilarious.

Not Love Island: Senior Edition[/i].

[theme music playing]

[narrator] Welcome back.[/i]

As the day one OG, Korey,
spent the most time away from home,

he's about to get a call
from the one he loves most.

His magnificent furball, Flex.
And his mom and grandma.

Korey monster! Korey monster!

Look at Korey, Flex.

What up?

-How are you?
-[Korey] Good. What's up, Flex?[/i]

Damn, what the world…

Yeah, so we've been watching all
the episodes and we got 'em all recorded.

I think I could have gone
the rest of my life

knowing that you slept
with 29 women, though.

How you know that?


You didn't do that?


So, how do you think
you've grown through this experience?

Olivia, she kinda taught me
to just open up and be vulnerable.

I'm stoked to bring that back home
and just be a better person all in all.

Do you guys wanna meet her real quick?



Oh, my God, scared me.

Have fun. Good luck.

[Olivia] Hi!

How are you guys?

Good. Nice meeting you.

[Olivia] You too.

Mom and my grandma.

You definitely have
a good son on your hands.

He's the most beloved guy
in here, honestly.

I would love to meet
some of your family, Olivia.

I know. Me too.

[Kathy] Olivia![/i]


-Surprise, surprise.
-[Olivia] Thank you.[/i]

This is my mom, you guys.
Her name's Kathy.

-Kathy, how are you?

That's my mom, Lorey.
So Lorey, Korey. It's easy.

I just call her Grandma.

So we can call you Grandma, too.

Sure, I'm everybody's grandma.

-[Olivia] Perfect.
-Nice to meet you.[/i]

Korey's very adorable.

Thank you so much. I appreciate it.

I'm really glad y'all coupled up.

I thought
somebody else was gonna snag her away.

-It's so good to meet you guys.
-Nice to meet you, too.[/i]

-All right, love you guys.
-Love you, Korey.[/i]

Do you feel like we're a good pair,
a good match?

[Kathy] Yeah.[/i]

What I see is, he's got a good heart,
and that's what you deserve.

Thanks, Mom.

Mom, he's gonna go, and then
I'm gonna have a little chat with you.

It was so nice meeting you.
You're absolutely gorgeous as well.

You too.

-All right.
-All right, bye.

I am probably gonna cry.
I'm gonna hold it together as best I can,

because I'm tired of crying.

-Yo, that was crazy, man.

-How was it?
-My little pup, Flex.

-How was the doggy?
-Yeah. Damn it, man. I freaking miss him.

From the first day,
I thought he's a really sweet guy,

and I'm just proud that you saw that also.

The perfect person
was in front of me the whole time.

I know you went in there
looking for a husband.

-You said that.
-I know.[/i]

Can you see that with Korey?

That's obviously a big question to ask.

I know how you went in, a bit broken,

and I'm just happy that you met a guy
that makes your heart flutter.

I just want the best for you
'cause you are smart and you're beautiful.

-[Olivia] Thanks, Mom.
-And you deserve it.[/i]


You have a heart of gold.

Thanks, Mom.

And you're not broken, Olivia.

You're not broken.

I always knew I wasn't broken,
but I never felt I wasn't.

My mind and heart were just not aligning.

My mind knew I wasn't broken,
I'm stronger than that.

I put down those barriers of--

I'm deserving.

-I know I'm deserving.[/i]

I can say that all day
but feeling it is a different thing.

And for once, I feel like I am.
That's huge.

I have so much more to work on,

but I feel like I'm finally ready
to work on it, and I'm--

Yeah, I'm ready to be happy.

So to answer your question, I guess,

do I think Korey's it?

I don't wanna say something
that I can't promise myself,

but I will say that Korey's exactly
what I've been looking for, yeah.

Bye, Liv.

Coming in here, I've--

I was like, "I want a husband.

I want this. This is the paper I have.
Check all these boxes."

I wanted that guy to desire me
and be all in on me.

But what I was realizing was
I wasn't putting effort back.

I wasn't matching anyone in here,
because I wanted to take all of someone,

and I wanted to feel all the good feelings
I didn't wanna work for.

[rock music playing]


A round of applause for the tears.

It was good, and she loves Korey.

I would never want to be back
to day one in the Villa and who I was.

I had no clue

what potential I had and my heart was.

And now, I feel I've unlocked
that potential in Korey.

[theme music playing]

[rock music playing]

[narrator] Who doesn't love[/i]
Meet the Family Day on [/i]Love Island?

[Will] Are you excited, baby?

[Kyra] Yes, I'm nervous and excited.

They're gonna be so proud of you.
You're so sweet and so beautiful.

[Will's mom]



Not the only person
who knows what they're saying is…

-Translate for me.

They miss him and they love him.

-Welcome to Kyra. Welcome to Kyra.



-Flaquita, come over.

I'm coming.

His family's so beautiful.



This is my dad. He's in Medellin.


[Olivia] I know.

You all are such a beautiful family.
I'm so glad I finally got to meet you.

You guys have a beautiful connection.

I'm happy you guys see it.

That means a lot to me
hearing that from you.

[foreign language]

He loves us a lot,
and you're welcome in Medellin.

That means so much to me.
I can't wait to see you guys in person.

But his cooking is amazing. So good.

I'm happy to see you guys.
I miss you so much.

-Your sister?
-That's my--

Hello, hi.

-Can you see us?[/i]

-How are you?

-So nice to meet you.
-How are you, Jesse? Nice to meet you.[/i]

-Hi, Kyra.
-Nice to meet you.

Don't cry.

You get to see Mommy and Daddy, too.

-Hi, guys.

-Can you see us?


-How are you?[/i]

-It's a pleasure.

We as a family are very happy
that Will found Kyra.

She's a beautiful person.

She has a beautiful soul.

And she's amazing.
She's an amazing person.

That makes me so happy to hear that.

It's time for us to say goodbye now,

so I wanna say
it was a pleasure to meet you.

It was so nice to meet you.

It was a pleasure to meet you.

[foreign language]

And I'm happy that you, Kyra,
are part of our family.

-Thank you so much.
-And you're family, too.[/i]

[foreign language]

So, we in Hawaii are very family oriented.

-Family's very important to everybody.[/i]

So, in Hawaiian it's called Ohana.[/i]

I also grew up the same way.

For me, family's super important,

and I'm really happy
we actually share the same values.

That's so good to hear.

Guys, I'm gonna leave you,

then you can have time
with Kyra and talk to her.

Of course. I'm so glad you met them.

It was a pleasure to meet you,
and hopefully meet you soon.

You guys have a wonderful daughter,
and I'm gonna take care of her a lot,

-and she's gonna take care of me.

It was a pleasure to meet you.


Oh, my gosh, I miss you guys so much.

So much has changed.

It's very intense. I've never experienced
anything like this ever.

Just having a connection with Will,
it's been a lot.

It's been intense,
but it's been fun and exciting.

-We're so proud of you.

It's huge for me to see you here.

Yeah, we had second thoughts.

[theme music playing]

[rock music playing]

[narrator] Welcome back to [/i]Love Island,
where Kyra's family have just met Will.[/i]

And like a fully-booked hotel,

they're very hospitable
but do have a few reservations.

Yeah, we had second thoughts.

But anything for you, Kyra,
anything for you.

Yeah, we decided
that you needed the support.

This means a lot.

-She looks stressed.

Her sister and mom are smiling,
but her dad's a little--

[Olivia] I know. I see that.

Also, her parents are not gonna not talk
about what happened.

What happened, yeah.

Even if they didn't want to.

I mean, my dad
would probably be pretty pissed.

So, where do you see yourself
after coming out of the Villa?

I wanna continue to explore
what I have with Will

and giving it my best foot forward.

You know how emotional I get.
You know how quickly I fall for someone,

how hard I fall.

You've seen the good, bad and ugly,
all of it.

The emotions go up, down,
all over the place.

I warned you, didn't I?

[Kyra] You did.

I know you guys probably have
a lot more to say, too.


Yeah, please, any advice or anything
you have to say that I haven't?

What is Will? 50-50?


I knew you were gonna say something.

No, no, it's just--

It doesn't-- I mean, I don't know.

I'd rather get hurt
at 100% of my emotions,

give it my all and get fully hurt

rather than give it half
and be guarded, so,

that's my truth
and that's how I'm speaking

and that's how I wanna live
this whole experience.

Don't cry. You're gonna make me cry.

No, I'm very happy for you.

It made me so happy to see you guys.

I'm glad to see you happy.
We'll see you soon.

Yes, very, very soon.

-We love you, Kyra.
-Yeah, we love you.

-I love you.
-Love you.[/i]


It was cool. My dad was like,
"Bring her to Colombia.

If the guy do something bad to you,
just let me know.

Then he have to sit with me,
and talk to me."

[Andre] How was it talking to her parents?

-They were nice, cool?
-It was pretty cool. They were nice.

Super cool.

Hearing my dad make that comment

that Will might not be into me 100%
was hard to hear

because coming from, you know, it matters.


I think she's gonna be
a lot more at peace and calm

-now that her parents have met you.
-Yeah, no, she's super happy.

Her sister was super cool.

It was nice.

I'm happy to meet them.

Good, bro. I'm glad to hear that.

I'm happy, man.

[narrator] Next time…[/i]

Islanders are in the hot seat.

Do you still have reservations
about my intentions with you?

-I'm not manipulating anybody.
-I feel like it.

And it's the final dumping of the season.[/i]

[theme music playing]