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03x17 - Episode 17

Posted: 04/29/24 19:16
by bunniefuu
[upbeat music playing]

[narrator] Previously on[/i] Love Island…

After being separated and tested
with new boys…

I'm real messed up in the head right now.

With Cinco and I, it's, like, undeniable.

I just don't wanna hurt anyone,
especially not Charlie.

[narrator] And new girls…[/i]

I built so many things with Kyra.

I wish to have more opportunity
to talk to you.

[narrator] The Islanders[/i]
faced a dramatic recoupling.[/i]

I would like to stick with Shannon.

I decided to come back still single.


-[Arielle] You look happy.
-I am.


I would like to stay with Kyra.

-I missed you so much.
-But I have to talk to you.


[narrator] Tonight…[/i]

Casa Amor may be over,
but the drama continues…

-So, you kissed her multiple times in bed.
-Yeah, we kissed in the bed.

I never went there at all, but he did, so…

I know you still have feelings for Cash.

If you don't want to choose me,
you need to let me know.

[sobbing] I told myself I wasn't
gonna cry again over this man.

So you'll watch me be happy
with another guy,

because you're not willing
to fight for me.

As much as I don't want to let go
of Cinco, like, I have to…

[theme music playing]

[upbeat music playing]

One mind, two hearts[/i]

[narrator] Feels…[/i]

After four days of relentless temptation,

I finally ate that cake off the floor.

After Casa Amor and an epic recoupling,

Olivia's single and the six couples are…

Shannon and Josh,

Jeremy and Genevieve,

Korey and Leslie,

Trina and Cinco,

Cashay and Charlie,

and Kyra and "OMG, thank God
he stayed loyal… kinda" Will.

I just wanna do this cheers for love.

-Love on three.
-[all] One, two, three.

[all] Love!

Aw, Will is giving a sentimental toast,[/i]

which I'm pretty sure
is a stalling tactic.

-[Will] How are you?
-[Kyra] I'm good. I'm good now.

[Will] I missed you.

Those were…

three crazy days.

I told always
that I'm gonna be honest with you.



I mean… there was this girl,

that came, like, straightforward for me.


She show her feelings to me,

like, right away, she was, like,
"I really like Will."

"I like the way he… like, you are."

And I'm not gonna lie
that she's beautiful.

And she was a great conversation,

super interesting woman.

And then, what happened was…
Okay, she walks straight to me

and she said, like,
"I want you to share my bed with me."


-Wanna go over there?
-[Kyra] Yeah.

[Will] Uh…


And, then…

We kiss, because she came to me
and she was like, "Oh, I wanna kiss you."

We kissed here, actually.

And then, we kiss at night in the bed,
we kiss again, like…

-So, you kissed her multiple times in bed?

I tried but it was, like…

But the connection with you

always was bigger
than what happened with her.

-You know what I feel for you, right?

And from the beginning,
what I'm feeling for you.

I just did that because I think, I…

opened myself to see
if she actually made me feel something.

Yeah. It's a little uncomfortable to hear.

It's different to kiss somebody
outside of a challenge,

because it's more than just a game.

And I never went there at all.

I don't know, it just sucks to hear.

Were you really considering choosing her?

I never considered to choose her.

She never made me feel
the things that I feel for you.

[sentimental music playing]

[Kyra] It's not easy for me to hear, but…

Hey, I appreciate your honesty.

-Thank you. Thank you.
-I missed you.

I missed you so much.

I think I'm here for you[/i]

[narrator] Okay, so, cheating's cool[/i]

just as long as you're honest about it.

Right, right, right.

The recoupling's been pretty bittersweet,

but knowing Josh and Shannon,
they'll also make it pretty salty.

[Josh] So, this is our crib,
I'll give you a tour.

[Shannon] Okay.

[Josh] This is where we sleep at night.

-"Rise and grind"? Wow!
-[Josh] It's cool, right?

This is from my girlfriend. Um…

-She must be sexy.
-She is.

I'm so happy that I trusted the process.
I got through it.

I trusted Josh with my full heart,

and I am just so happy of the outcome.

Did Kyra have, like, a miserable time
the entire time?

Yeah, we both did, if I'm being honest.

I mean, but, like…
So in my head, I was, like…

Okay, like, I want you to have fun
but obviously not too much fun.

-I said that too.

'Cause I know
how strong our connection is,

-and I was…
-And I felt confident about it.

Did you have another girl
sleep in this bed?

No. Yeah. So, listen to this. So…

-[Shannon] Yes?
-Yes. So, two…

-In this? In mine?

-Completely platonic. When I tell you…
-[Shannon] In my bed?

When I tell you I was like this…
the entire time, nobody…

I don't care, though.
'Cause you could have slept with Will,

-'cause I had to sleep with Kyra.
-Will almost coupled up with someone else,

and he was busy every single night.

Ask anybody else, didn't touch a girl,

and then the last night I slept by myself
because everyone else had their own,

like, situations, and…

So, there was an extra bed the whole time?

-There was an extra bed the whole time.
-And you still slept with…

-Why didn't you just…
-Shannon, it wasn't like that.

If you ask any of the guys
or watch any of the videos back.

There was an open bed.
Why couldn't the girl sleep in that?

I was the most loyal person ever.

-This entire weekend.
-So was I. Ten times that.

[narrator] Sheesh! Ease up, Shannon,[/i]

it's not like he drew stick figures
bumping uglies.

Next, on happy but crappy reunion island,

Trina attempts the impossible.

Getting a straight answer out of Cinco.

-To pick up where we left off, I guess…

Will you explain to me why…
how you were feeling about everything?

Like, what's going on…

One thing I told myself,
coming into Love Island,[/i]

was that I just wanted someone
to fall for me or just be about me.

I know you still have feelings for Cash.

It's clearly present. If you can't, like…

If you can't choose,
you need to let me know.

[Cinco] Um… [sighs]


Cinco, what do you want? Who do you want?


I want both of y'all to be happy.

Yeah, she happy with him
and you found what you happy for, then…

I'll be happy with that.

-Cinco, I'll ask you again…

Who do you want? Do you want me? Honestly?

I want you to be happy.

I said, do you want me?
Obviously, I want to be happy too.

I do care about you, Trina, I really do.

And, I want what's best with you, for you.

Do you think you're best for me?

-Honestly, I don't know.
-You don't know?

I know I want a man that knows
what he wants.

I know I want a man
that's just only for me.

And not indecisive.

He doesn't deserve me.

You all right?

-I'm always all right, Cinco.

-You sure?

[narrator] And with that final[/i]
bold act of indecision,[/i]

Cinco proves once again,
he should run for Congress.

Single Olivia's once again
on the campaign trail,

and seems to be taking an interest
in Korey's election.

I thought some more, like,

I was like, "Wait, I don't feel
a connection with these guys."

-I was like, "Wait. Do I like Korey?"


I do feel something with you.

And it's crazy, 'cause even just
being away from you,

-I was like, "Wait, I miss Korey…"
-I know.

"He's always smiling
and has just such a good vibe."

Now you have a new girl,
which is fine, and I think she's cool.

-If you feel something, amazing,

and I'm not gonna
stand in the way of that.

But I'm not going to stand
in the way of myself.

-I'm gonna tell you how I feel, at least.

Which is so weird for me to say
'cause that's so vulnerable.

-[Korey] That's not weird.

[Korey] It definitely was news but…

[clicking tongue]

There's definitely something there,
for sure.

I don't know, like…
Tension is definitely there.

Aw, damn it.

[Olivia chuckles]

There's no pressure. I'm gonna continue
to get to know everyone and vibe out.

But I just want you to know,
like, where I stand and…

Yeah. No, it's-- it's mutual.

-[Olivia] Yeah.
-For sure. So…

-Oh, my God. I hate you.

-No, you don't.
-I hate you,[/i] but I love you.

That completes another revolution[/i]

of Olivia's ever spinning
random wheel of attraction.

Cash and Cinco's relationship
is essentially a Rorschach inkblot test,

confusing mess, make of it what you will.

I didn't forget the conversation
with you and I,

and I meant it when I said
that I was all in on you.

Charlie understands that, like,
I wanna have a conversation with you.

He understand that my feelings for you…

are strong and that hasn't changed.

And he's just an amazing man.

Is he you and I? No.

Look, you don't have to explain anything.

I appreciate you for doing that.

-But you don't…

-Charlie seems like a good dude.
-He's an amazing guy.

At the same time, I was talking
with the guys. I'm like, "Look,

I feel the connection
I had with Cash is way better."

Only thing I was waiting for,
and I told you this,

the only thing I was waiting for
is the certainty

and openness and all that and trust.

Yeah, like, you know how I feel about you.

Everything I said to you is true.

So, what are you gonna do now?

Like I said, my mind was made up.
It's, literally, just circumstance.

But I see you with Charlie,
and I see how happy you were.

Like, I told myself, like, as long as
she was happy, you're good… I'm good.

And who am I
to break up happiness for you?


What do you mean?

Cinco, like,
what are you talking about, like…

I'm supposed to
just see you all over this man,

and be like, yo, it's still you.

-And then, like…
-Because I did that for you, Cinco.

I watched you make out with her

-in challenges.
-[Cinco] I get that.

I watched you all over her,
and I still fought for you.

And you can't do the same?
That's insane to me.

I'm not gonna sit here and, like, again,
have the same conversation with you

-that I've had three different times.
-I get it.

And, here you are,
still not fighting for me.

Still not, actually,
telling me how you feel.

Still not… like, I can't sit here,
and, like, ask you…

to just do the bare minimum.

Like, right now, you're shutting down.

As much as I don't want
to let go of Cinco, like, I have to.

[inhales] Because…

I already really like Charlie
but there's just…

I can't move forward with Charlie
until I let Cinco go.

He knows I'm still deciding
between you guys.

Like he knows this,
he came in, for the risk,

because that's how much he likes me.

That's how much
he's willing to fight for me.

That's how-- That's what you deserve.

Okay. Then I deserve that then.

So, you watch me be happy with another guy

because you're not willing
to fight for me. And that's fine.

["Someplace Else" by Daniel Farrant
and Nick Kinsley playing]

I got carried out to sea[/i]

From a wave of hope[/i]

My faith was strong[/i]

My heart was filled with innocence[/i]

And dreams[/i]

Of what could be[/i]

Sometimes dreams get shattered by[/i]

The daylight streaming in[/i]

[Kyra] So, he told me they kissed.
The thing is I trust him, but, like…

[Shannon] How could you trust him now?

-Like, him and I are…
-I'm just a bit disappointed.

Oh, the same.

[Cashay] Babe…

what's going on?

I can't do it with him anymore, he's…

He doesn't know what he wants.

[Cashay] You deserve better.

As they dragged us down[/i]

Interesting night.

I couldn't reach the other side[/i]

Too busy watching each other drown[/i]

Why Cinco is next to me?

-Is that an issue?
-He snores, and I don't like that.

-You hit him hard when he's…
-I'm not touching that man.

I'm done with that man.

If you don't cuddle me tonight,
I'm ending it.


I'm serious.

-I miss you guys.
-I miss you guys, so much.


And somewhere down the road[/i]
We lost each other[/i]

And somewhere down the line[/i]
We lost ourselves[/i]

Too much for us to face the storm[/i]


Next thing, we're broken[/i]
Woken up someplace else[/i]

[theme music playing]

["It's A New Day" playing]

Waking off my yesterday[/i]

Got no use for it today[/i]
Nothing's gonna stop me[/i]

Good morning.

[narrator] Welcome back to [/i]Love Island.

We got old couples, we got new couples.

[chuckles] Oh, we got more drama[/i]

than a fireworks factory
next to a lighter store.


-Great day to have a great day.
-It's a great day to have a great day.


My Lord.

I think last night
I might have messed up too bad.

I don't think you did.

Today, he woke up, he's like,
"I'm recharged."

I'm like, "I'm sure you are, sweetheart."

I was watching him say hello to everyone,
I'm like, "Okay. Enough with the act."

[Cashay] Yeah. He's definitely putting on
a little bit of a show.


I was very, very shocked
that Will's head turned.

Kyra's completely invested in Will.

[Shannon] I feel bad
because she was so confident.

-And nobody could have seen that coming.
-[Trina] Right.

-[Kyra] Good morning, boys.
-Good morning.

[Kyra] I missed this.

-Guys without T-shirts making food?

["It's A New Day" continues]

["It's A New Day" ends]

-[Kyra] I missed this place.
-[Josh] I know, right?

[Kyra] Well, anyways.
So, I wanted to talk to you

about last night,
with the whole recoupling and everything.

And, obviously,
like, Will told me everything.

Right, as I assumed he would.

I wanted to get…

a guy's perspective. I don't know.

Me and Will actually got super close
during this weekend, just based off,

you know, our relationships
with our girls. You know what I mean?

I think he ultimately used this weekend
to test out your relationship.

-[Kyra] Which is good. You should do that.
-[Josh] Right.

One thing that worries me is
because I want something long-term,

is that something
I need to be concerned about?

-That's a great question.

If there's a possibility
that you want to rekindle that.

She wasn't looking for,
you know, a long relationship.

She was literally just here,
like, living in the moment.

Obviously, you and him
have the same intentions,

have the same goals after this.

-He knows that, you know what I mean?

[narrator] Much like a man[/i]
who always wears bow ties,[/i]

Kyra's pretending everything's fine.
But it's not fine, it's weird.

After last night,
ruling out her real number one,

Cash reassures Charlie
he's totally number one.

[Cashay] I don't want you to think that

you're second option
'cause you're literally not.

And you know that.
It was just, kind of, for me…

Like, I met you,
I started to really like you.

I knew you for four days.

Cinco and I have been going
around and around in circles

for two and a half weeks, now three weeks.

I feel like I got it all out last night
when I was, like…

you easily could sit here
and fight for me and he's not.

So I'm just kinda like… I'm good.

Like, being at Casa Amor
just made me realize

I'm not asking for too much,
I'm just asking the wrong guy.

And I'm a strong believer in, like,
if he wanted to, he would.

-After meeting you and just seeing

how you treat me
and how it's so easy for you.

Like, I always say,
like, one plus one equals two.

But like, that to me, it's obvious.

[Charlie] I mean, I understand,
you know, feelings are there.

I figured that was gonna happen
when we walked in.

At the end of the day,
it's gonna be up to Cashay.

She know what I bring to the table,
and she know in the back of her mind,

what he already done put her through, so…

Honestly, I feel like
there's really no comparison, so…

[chuckles] Don't tickle me.


-Some drama for your mama right here.
-Yeah. Sorry.


-[laughing] You know.
-I feel like I'm in a soap opera.


[narrator] You're in a throuple,[/i]
not a soap opera.[/i]

So far, Cinco's received plenty of advice.

But none of it was that stringing
two women along indefinitely

is totes chill,
so he seeks different advice.

-I got a question for you.
-What's up?

I feel like I need
some womanly advice for this.

I'm all for you.

Last night, I felt very happy for her,
for Cash, you know what I mean?

I kinda had it in my mind already that
she was gonna have somebody coming in.

I thought I was mentally prepared for it
but I wasn't, you know what I mean? So…

I was just emotionally, kind of,
messed up.

But at the same time she's telling me that

all she wants me to do is fight for her.

It's weird now because you brought
a whole other guy in here.

If I tell her that I'm all into her,
it's kinda disrespecting him.

I wanna be for her and fight for her,
which I do 100%.

I don't know how to go about it.

You know what you want.

And there doesn't seem like
you have a doubt in your mind.

If you know it's her and she's telling you

that she wants to see effort,
you shouldn't back down.

You guys clearly have something. It's…

There's no question or doubt about it.

You shouldn't give up on that.


[theme music playing]

[narrator] Now, a song[/i]
from the musical[/i] Cash-ablanca.

I know, Casablanca [/i]is not technically
a musical, but it's the best pun I got.

And it was released 70 years before
Insta was created, so what do you care?

Talking about Cinco…

He's kinda being weird with me
and I'm, like, "I thought we were good."

-"We said that we were good."
-'Cause he's in love with you.

You love saying
people are in love with people.

Because I am a matchmaker[/i]

'Cause you're trying to force a match[/i]

I pick favorites…[/i]

[Cashay] ♪ Yeah, you do[/i]

But I'm glad that[/i]
You're jumping on board with Charlie[/i]

'Cause that's who I want[/i]

Charlie's my brother[/i]
That I made out with in the challenge[/i]

[Cashay] ♪ You made out with my man[/i]

Right in front of your face[/i]

Right next to me[/i]

But we won the party[/i]

So I didn't mind…[/i]

And Charlie and I lost the point anyway[/i]
So it couldn't have been that good[/i]

But having to see it[/i]
After you lost the point made me upset[/i]

He's not my type but I think[/i]

I might have a new type[/i]


Sorry, Josh[/i]

Well, tell Josh I'm still interested[/i]


Love Island on Broadway.[/i]

-Coming to theaters soon.
-[Cashay] Shut up.

Imagine a recoupling in song.

Love Island on Broadway? I'm in.[/i]

But only if intermission is nine hours
and you get a slumber party with the cast.

[Leslie] What's going on?

Honestly, like, how's things
with you and Cinco?

I don't think he's pursuing me.
I think he's got enough on his plate.

If you're worrying like that,
like, "I wonder if he's gonna pull me…"

I feel like you're living on the edge

and you're gonna be
overthinking everything.

'Cause feelings and emotions, dude,
it's like, legit, a roller coaster.

It's going good with Leslie so far.

Obviously, there's, like,
a physical attraction that I have with her

but with me and Olivia,

I can tell you that, I did miss her,
like, when she was at Casa Amor.

So, I'm-- I'm open for it.

Like, no pressure,
literally whatever happens, happens.

'Cause you can't force a connection,
you know,

like, it just has to happen naturally.

From my end, I feel like
I'm not trying to force anything,

I'm not trying to pressure anything.
I think I'm just trying to

vibe with everybody,
get to know each other, and then like…

You know, you've got, like,
a really good character about you.

I don't have to question
anything about you.

Nice, nice. Well, I'm stoked.
I'm stoked you're happy. So…

And I really appreciate
you checking on me.

[narrator] In the recoupling,[/i]
Cinco chose Trina,[/i]

apparently, to let her know
he kinda wanted to choose Cash.

Trina came to Love Island [/i]for a ten.
She found a five

-and gives him the warmest of welcomes.
-[Trina] What's up?[/i]

So, what do you want now?

[Cinco] I get that you want to be single.

And… I feel like the connection I had
with Cash was much stronger.

And, also maybe, yeah,
I would want to pursue Cash.

[somber music playing]

I don't think that I can be the man
that you want me to be,

and I want you to be
the most happy ever.

I don't know
if you can be the most happy with me.

And I apologize about that.

I should have been
straightforward with you.

And I-I'm truly sorry. I-I really am.

Well, that's fine.
But I was blindsided the entire time.


-"The entire time"?
-Feels like it.


I don't think
I will be able to trust you, Cinco.

-I understand.
-I think you need to work on yourself

and figure out what you want.

'Cause all you're doing
is hurting people here.

That's what I've done this whole time,

just figuring out what I want.

You kind of, like, robbed me
from my experience here.


So, what's your next move?
Are you going to fight for Cash?

Honestly, yes.

Well, good for you, Cinco.
I wish you all the best.

Gotcha. But I appreciate
the experience, Trina, I really do.

I don't. But I had to go through it,
and it's fine.

[mellow music playing]

All right.

Appreciate the chat, Trina.


Who wants to make it out alive?[/i]

After all, you wasted all my time[/i]

Everywhere I go[/i]
I don't want to see you[/i]

Maybe when I get over the hurt[/i]

What happened?

-Cinco, man. Yeah.
-All right. What did he say?

-He told me he's gonna go after Cash.
-[Olivia] Still?


-Are you serious?
-[Trina] I'm dead serious.

I'm glad he finally told me the truth,
'cause I knew all along.

I knew deep down that
that was gonna happen.

Oh, my God.

I don't want him to hurt her,

like, I feel like he's ruining
what she has right now.

[scoffs] He just wasted my time.

-[Cashay] No. Absolutely not.
-[Trina crying]

-What happened?
-I had a little chat with Cinco.

[sobbing] I told myself I wasn't
gonna cry again over this man.

And yesterday, I felt very bold
with what I did and what I asked him

and I thought we were going
to make things work or at least try.

Now, I'm just here left alone again.

Are we breaking up?[/i]
Breaking up[/i]

So sorry that I couldn't hold[/i]

There's nothing wrong with the fact
that you opened your heart to Cinco.

Even if you had those feelings
you felt deep down,

you still opened your heart.
Did nothing wrong.

I'm tired of opening my heart, Cash.
Like, I'm always let down.

[sniffles] I always am.

I don't know how you did it.

Seeing us together and still
sleeping with him in the same bed.

But, girl, I can't. I cannot.

I don't even wanna
look at that man right now.

You're sleeping in my bed.

-We should go move your dresser.
-Let's go.

-Let's go move your dresser next to me.

-Let's, yeah!
-Let's do it.

I'm gonna find someone new, new, new[/i]

Like, I wanna…

No, not you, you, you…[/i]

[laughs] You guys are crazy.

You guys are actually crazy.

Absolutely not.

Guess who's no longer single?


You know what?

[all laughing]

Why are we so petty? I love this for us.

I'm gonna find someone new[/i]

[theme music playing]

[narrator] We got love, we got an island,[/i]
my guess, it's[/i] Love Island.

Hey, editor, Mommy wants
a classic primp montage.

That's it. Seamless TV.

Catch me now I'm falling for you[/i]

I want someone so bad to,
like, click with me here.

I do want to explore, like,
where me and Korey could go.

-Oh, my God.
-That's gonna be interesting.

[Will sighs] Sleepy, bro.

-You might me coming down with…
-The "I Love You Naps."

When you love somebody,
you start napping all the time.

[Will] Scientific.

[Cinco] Yeah,
that's a scientific fact, bro.

What is your third eye saying?

Every time I think of third eye,
I think of Will's wiener.

I don't want to think of Will's wiener.


Falling for you[/i]

I'm actually just starting to think

I'm gonna be single
for the rest of my life.

-Yeah, man.

You can carry me to paradise[/i]

-This is it.
-That's hot.


Catch me now I'm falling for you[/i]

It's a cheers to great people!

New memories and just a great night
here at Love Island.[/i]

[all] Cheers.

[indistinct chatter]


[narrator] I'll just cheers myself then.[/i]

Cash and Korey are more platonic
than me and my therapist aren't.

Now Casa Amor is done,
it's time to goss like a boss.

Okay, can we talk?
Like, there's so much going on.

Yeah. All right,
you go first, you go first.

-No. You go first.
-All right.

-What's up?
-Man, so where do I start?

Me and Olivia,
we never had that chance to…

like, start something,
but when y'all were gone,

I was, like, "I miss her."

And honestly, there's definitely tension
there, I can tell you that.

No, like, you can smell it,
you can taste it.

You can feel it in the room with you guys.

So, now it's in Operation Kissy-Face.

-Get in her bed, kiss her.

-She wants you to kiss her.

-So just leave Leslie in the bed?
-[Cashay] Ooh.

How about, "Leslie, give me one second,
I'll be right back"?

Ooh. [laughing] Ooh.

What's up with this…
I heard you and Cinco…

[Cashay groans]

I like talking about you so much better.

I can't lie that I still have feelings
for Cinco and I'm getting confused.

-I mean.
-[Cashay] Who do you prefer me with?

Like, be honest. Like, would you wanna
see me with Cinco?

-I've definitely been behind it since…
-Operation Heart Attack?

Yeah, like, he is about you. Like…

Obviously, think about the future
but just live every day…

-Hey guys.
-…like, as it comes.

Can I pull you? Are you guys
in the middle of something?

-Oh, we're good, girl.

-I got what I needed. Give me a hug.
-[Olivia] Ohh.

Don't tell me you started
another operation without me here.

-I will actually k*ll you.
-[both laughing]

-[Olivia] What?

-Enjoy your chat. Love you, baby.
-I got you, boo.


-Where we going?
-We're going to the yellow couches.

-All right.
-Seems like a good, dry spot.

[Korey] The only dry spot.

[Olivia] Crazy,

but I just wanted to pull you

and just see where your head's at.

And I guess express,
like, what I'm feeling.

[Korey] Mm-hmm.

-I am interested in you.

But I don't want you to feel
like I am trying to just pick whoever.

If I wanted to do that,
I would've brought someone back.

-Yeah. For sure.
-Know what I mean?

I think there could be
something there for sure,

like, truthfully, if there's a recoupling
right now, I'd pick you.

-It's this…
-You don't like Leslie?

I do, but I just, like,
I've known the girl for four days now,

and I just feel like
the connection with you is deeper.

Even though, like, prior,
it's been just friends,

you know, I feel more comfortable
getting in the bed with you,

just, like, cuddling and stuff like that.

You're talking about
you want to go to Egypt after this.

I'm, like, "I want to go to Egypt.
Let's go."

I mean, that's all I've ever wanted,
is a partner that wants to go

-have fun, travel.
-Yeah, just like a best friend…

-Yeah, exactly. Exactly.
-…that you can do romantic stuff with.

And maybe that's the difference between,
like, why we started so slow.

'Cause we are friends first,
which is maybe healthy,

but I've never been
in a healthy relationship.

No, I think, it's good that we started,
like, as friends first

and I was thinking about you
a lot and stuff like that.

So, I mean…

-That's crazy.
-I know.

[both chuckle]

I like it, though.

-I know, I mean. I know.
-Give me a hug.

That's hot.

Hold on tight[/i]
'Cause baby this is new[/i]

Nothing beats the way you feel[/i]

Want you closer to me[/i]

Operation Kissy-Face.

Okay, no more operations.
I'm done with the operations.

I'm growing up.

These operations are funny. Oh, my God.

[theme music playing]

She's talking to Cinco.

[narrator] It's[/i] Love Island,

Gen Gen and Shanny Pants
knew each other back home

and like a lapsed vegetarian,
they had beef.

And what better place to hash out
a private matter than on national TV?

Okay. Honestly,
I feel like I have so much to say.

Like, I seriously do,
but I wanted you to know that

I didn't do this earlier,
because I didn't want you

to feel pressured to talk to me or forced
to talk to me, if you didn't want to.

[Genevieve] Before coming into the villa,

me and Shannon had a falling out
over something stupid.

I already did apologize in her DMs
before entering the villa.

But it was never squashed out in person.

I had a little bit of anxiety,
because walking in and just seeing you.

I honestly was just so upset
with the things that I heard that

-you were saying about me…
-And I take full responsibility for it.

I want you to know,
I value our friendship so much,

what happened was my fault.
I took responsibility and I felt like,

I did try to apologize to you
and you blew me off.

-And that's why…
-I never opened it.

-I swiped, so, I could read the ending.
-Yeah, that's what I figured.

But I never. I don't know how long it was,
I didn't read the beginning.

[Genevieve] And…

-Shall we go to the yellow couches?
-[Shannon] Yeah.

[Genevieve] So, hopefully,
we're able to just move on.

Because I don't want that
hanging over my head in the villa.

[Shannon] Yeah, I definitely
accept your apology and like…

-We are bestie vibes, and…
-Bestie vibes only.

Genny and I are fine.

She is younger than me
and can be a little bit immature at times,

but I'm here for one reason
and one reason only.

And I am not going to let all the drama
ruin my chances of finding love.

I'm so glad that we just had
this experience together.

Because, like, this is insane.

I found a man, bestie.

-No. You found a man, like boyfriend.
-I did not think I was gonna come in here.

-But, anyway…
-Anyways, cheers to bestie vibes only.

-We're back.
-Thank God. We are back.

-Cheers. Philly girls, represent.
-Philly girls.

We got it, baby.

[narrator] Aw, I want to be a Philly girl,[/i]

and like "Motownphilly,"
Cash and Cinco are back again,

for the seven-thousandth time.

I just want to put everything out there
and, like, see where it goes.

You know what I mean?
It's like my shot from half-court.

-Okay. Drama.
-No. It's not…

[clicks tongue] You talking about drama,
talking about "this is our last chat."

-I didn't mean it like that.
-Don't do that.

I said it was my last time
putting myself out there.

Mm-hmm. Anyways, you've been
the best connection I've had in here.

and there's always been feelings there.

And they just don't go away like that.

Last night, like, I knew in my mind
that you were gonna bring somebody down.

And I was trying
to mentally prepare for it.

But it hit harder
than I thought it was going to.

No lie. Um…

It was a crazy gut check,
you know what I mean, and…

I do want you to be happy,
you know what I'm saying,

but at the same time,
I want me to be the one making you happy.

You're the connection that I want.
I've always wanted.

If it's not like something you want,

or if you just want me to
back the hell up, I can do that.

Honestly can. And at least I can say that

I put it all out there,
just like the same thing you told me.

I can't lie and say
that those feeling for Cinco

just have gone away in a few days.
That's not how that works.

But I also can't lie and say that

I haven't started building something
really great with Charlie.

I've never been in the position
where I've had feelings

like this for two people.

[Cashay] Honestly, like, my feelings
for you are still there.

And that's the thing, like, with Charlie,

-I know that man would never hurt me.
-[Cinco] I get it.

How do I let go of an amazing man
for another man who…

I don't know.


I get it and I'm not expecting you to
just drop the dude at the drop of a hat.

What would you want from me
in this situation?

Like, if you could have
your ideal outcome?

I mean, my ideal outcome obviously
would be us to be together.

Like you said, it could be expl*sive.

We could be, like, something super fun.

And I finally see it now,

and I feel goofy as hell
for not seeing it earlier, but…

-I'd rather late than never.

[Cashay] Moral of the story is…

I'm going to continue to pursue Charlie.

And with Cinco,

we'll see what happens.

I want to see if his words
match his actions, like he said.

You think you could make me happy?

I know I can make you happy.

[upbeat music playing]

Thought you and me[/i]
We had a good thing going[/i]

Thought you could maybe be[/i]
My one and only[/i]

[Will] You're gonna jump in the shower?

We used to groove[/i]
Till the sun came up[/i]

Feel good tonight, bro. I'm glad that
I just got everything out

and got my truth out,
know what I'm saying?

I don't gotta worry about Trina no more.

Damn. It's gonna be awkward
to sleep tonight.

Trina, like, moved the bed
and she's sleeping with Olivia.


I'm gonna dance, dance, dance, dance[/i]
Turn up the music ♪[/i]

-I kissed Korey.
-[woman gasps]

-[Will] How was it?
-[Olivia] He's a good kisser.

Nothing to lose but you[/i]

-You ready for bed? I'm gonna go.
-[woman] Yeah.

Because baby boy is waiting in bed.

[Cashay] ♪ And I wanna[/i]
Climb that like a tree[/i]

[singer] ♪ Back on my feet[/i]
And now I can't stop moving[/i]

-Oh, my goodness.

He's like I'm so tired tonight,
and I came out and I'm like…


-Like a spider.
-'Cause I'm not tired.

Well, we are, so shut up!

Just because you're tired,

'cause all you do is bang at night
and you don't sleep.

It's not my problem.

[all laughing]

I'm giving you no second chance[/i]

Now that you're gone[/i]

I'm gonna dance[/i]

I'm gonna dance[/i]

♪ Not giving you no second chance ♪[/i]

I'm gonna dance[/i]

[theme music playing]

[narrator] It's[/i] Love Island,

wake up and play your G-strings,
my little ukuleles.

Danger used to be second nature[/i]

Back when we were young[/i]

When did caution take over[/i]

Replacing fear for fun[/i]

Pull yourself together[/i]
You know it's not forever[/i]

We can pretend there is no end[/i]

Good morning, Trina.

Open up, breathe it out[/i]… ♪

[Charlie] What's up?

-Hi, Prince Charlie.
-How you doing?

-Good. How are you?
-I'm good.

[Cashay] ♪ I wanna pursue Cinco[/i]

-[Olivia] Shut up.
-[Cashay] Maybe, like, I don't know yet.

Last night, I was like,

"Let me see what it would be like
to wrestle with Charlie."

And I want someone to,
like, throw me on my head.

-He was awkward about it.
-I know, he just…

That's not him, like…

I wanna figure out, like,
if it's Cinco or him ASAP.

[indistinct chatter]

-[woman] I love that.
-[woman 2] Dude, I am quality.


-Here you go.
-[woman 2] Hi.

Hey, good morning. Good morning, everyone.

-Good morning.
-You're finally awake.

-I've been awake…

…for a little while.

What's up?

-[Cinco] It's twerk class, or we boxing?
-We're boxing.

-[Cinco] Okay, baby.
-[Cashay] What's up?

-You ready to work?
-Heard you were talking upstairs.

-Hell yeah. I was talking all that.
-Let's go.

-What's up?
-What's up?


Let's go.

-Over here.
-Are these wet?

-Probs. No?
-They're not wet.

-No, I'll share with you.

One. Two. Just warming up.

One. Two. There you go, hit it.

All right, I'll get closer. You ready?

You know what, boy? This is about boxing.
Keep your head in the game.

-You ready? One. Two.

[Trina] I just feel like…
I don't know, Cash…

But, like, in her mind
the right person to pick is Charlie.

But then again, the heart wants
what it wants, you know.

-Yeah. How do you feel about that?
-I don't feel betrayed by her.


I'm just scared that he's,
like, using her too.

Or like, he's gonna
eventually hurt her again.

'Cause his eyes do linger.

I know you got some animosity
throwing things up.

I ain't got animosity,
I got nothing but love in my heart.

Oh, yeah? Okay.

-Let's go.
-Well, ain't no love here.

-We're in the gym. We're in a dojo.

-Can't show no love with these gloves on.

Can't love your opponent right now.
Let's get it.

It was great while it lasted.

-Cinco's good making girls fall for him.

[Olivia] I feel like
she's falling into the trap.

[Trina] She is.

One. One. Two. One. Slip. Slip. Slip.

Jab. Jab. Uppercut. Hook. Cross.
There it is.

There it is. Come back.



I don't need nothing…

[both laughing]

Let's go!

[narrator] Next time…[/i]

Tensions flare in the villa.

It's come to my attention
that a lot of people are,

like, questioning our intentions.

I hate when people question my character
and say like, "Oh, we're so raunchy."

You guys have sex in front
of everyone, but that's okay?

You're bringing up
what we do intimate in bed.

Know when to shut your mouth.

[theme music playing]