04x16 - Episode 16

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Love Island". Aired: July 9, 2019 – August 15, 2021.*
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A group of contestants, referred to as Islanders, living in isolation from the outside world in a villa, constantly under video surveillance must be coupled up with another Islander, whether it be for love, friendship or survival, as the overall winning couple receives $100,000.
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04x16 - Episode 16

Post by bunniefuu »

on "Love Island, USA."

The Islanders
faced the recoupling.

- Baby Zeta.
- Courtney.

- Sydney.
- Deb.

And one boy stunned the Villa.

Ever since
I've been in this Villa

I've have had an undeniable
connection with this girl.

Come here, Kat.

one couple gets a break.

the Hideaway is now open."

Timmy and Zeta.

- Timmy and Zeta.
- Timmy and Zeta.

And for one girl...

- Nadjha is after my man.
- Yeah.

Enough is enough.

- Can I talk to you?
- Yeah.

to "Love Island, USA."

Chazz has just chosen Kat
in the recoupling.

Come here, Kat.

Leaving Sereniti single...

and sending shock waves
through the Villa.

Thank you.

I wish you nothing
but the best, sweetheart.

Where it's whole value.

But just watch actions.

I will return your belongings.

Period. Dog.

Come here.

This is no crying.

This has been
an amazing, amazing ride.

And I love all of you.
Except for one.

Oh, shit.

That was probably
one of the hardest things

that I have ever had to do.

Sereniti and I definitely
had our bumps in the road

and things just weren't
being reciprocated

the way that I wanted.

And I do feel like

I... I made the best decision
for myself in the end.

All right, my dude.

I wish you nothing but the best.


- You want a handshake?
- We're gonna just shake it.

This was great.

- It was great, wasn't it?
- Yup.

Appreciate it.

Okay, who's gonna help me pack?

'Cause I got my shit everywhere.

Did you know he said
he was going to pick Kat?

No, but I knew

he was going to do a speech
to let me be surprised.

I told you
he had that revengeful side.

I'm a little bit shook
by his speech.

He's very, very,
very much calculated.

It's savage.

It's extremely difficult
seeing Sereniti leave tonight.

I mean, that is my girl.

- There ain't none like you.
- None like you.

And there ain't ever going
to be none like you.

She was one
of my favorite people in here.

And she has definitely become
a lifelong mate for me.

All right, ladies.

- We'll miss you.
- I'll miss you too.

- I'll miss you.
- Yeah. Yeah.

You will be missed,
you know that.

That last thing I'm going to do

is leave with anything I packed.

I hope you find
what you are looking for.

Maybe you will give it
to the next broad.

Hope for the best.

And I hope it is not you.
I hope you find someone nice.

You know, gold or something.

Someone diamond.

We like diamonds.

All right.
I love you guys so much.


- So much.
- It's up there.

- It's up there.
- It's up there.

It's up there.

Let's ride, baby.

We'll miss you.

Love Island
is full of ups and downs.

But I feel amazing knowing
that I gave it my all.

I'm taking that I'm going
to continue to love myself

and I'm never going
to give up on myself.

I don't feel defeated
and a bitch ain't ugly.

I'm very much worth it.

I'm so honored and so blessed.

So blessed
to be able to say that.

I thought
after my last relationship,

I didn't know
if I was able to bounce back

and find myself again.

I became more than whatever
I imagined in myself.

This was a good one.

It's up there.
It's up there.

- Dude, that speech was insane.
- Yeah.

I literally...
When he was saying it,

I... I thought he was the one...
He was going to pick her.

- Me too.
- It was literally crazy.

I was looking around
when Sereniti was leaving

and was like,
"Damn, it really is just us."

It's so sad, like, I'm going
to miss the bird so much.

Me too.
She was like amazing.

Literally, like,
I couldn't even look at her

on the way out.

He did what he was feeling

and that's what he has to do.

And at the end of the day,

him and Sereniti, they just
weren't suited for each other.

It is unfortunate
that she has had to go home.

But Kat does deserve to,
you know,

sh**t her shot in here too.

Move forward and all just be
happy that we are still here.

Waking up is going
to be weird for sure.

- We have each other.
- It's going to be so weird.

We have each other.

- Love you guys.
- Love you guys so much.

Villa girls together.

We die together.

Villa girls for life.

- It's up there.
- It's up there.

- Wanna go for a chat?
- Yeah.

Well, well, well,

look what the Kat dragged in.

It's that bloke called Chazz,
off of Love Island.

So, I know you must be
having a lot of emotions.

Oh, my God.

I have a whirlwind of emotions.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

Did you think
I was going to pick you?

Well obviously, no,
off the bat, I didn't.

I was like,

as much as I was hoping,

I was trying to reassure myself.

And I was like,
"You know what?"

"You know,
I gave what I could give,

"and if it happens it happens.

"If it doesn't, you know,
it just wasn't meant to be."

So, I'm f*cking very thankful.

- Of course.
- You glad I chose you?


At the end of the day, you know,

I wasn't happy
in my last coupling.

And I feel like
I would be happy with you.

- I hope so.
- Yeah, so.

I hope I can provide you

a sense of happiness
that you deserve.

I hope I can continue
to show you and treat you

the way a woman deserves
to be treated.

I've been, like, through

a whole 360
of roller coasters tonight.

But it was all worth it.

And he's such
a good kisser, so...

Oh, my God fire.

Hold on. Yeah.
Better go through.

- Damn.
- That one's pretty good.

- You look hot.
- Ah, damn.

Feeling really good
that I been knew

that bae was going
to come back to me.

Thank God.
So excited.

Like, I'm really happy.

I feel like I've been feeling
so many emotions

the past, like, 24 hours.

That I feel like it's
finally feeling good again.

Hopefully, none of these
b*tches try anything more.

Wait, this is so cute.

So, tell me...
Tell me how you feeling?

I'm feeling so good.
How are you feeling?

I'm feeling good, man.

- I'm happy with my decision.
- Yeah?

You know, you're speech
was so f*cking cute.

You flow with it?
'Cause it was off the top.

It was cute.
It was so cute.

You know,
it's going to take some time

just to get to know each other
and shit like that.

I ain't... like I said
I'm not the clingy type.

But at the same time I don't
want to make you feel unwanted.

- You can be a little clingy.
- Yeah, for sure.

- I'll let it slide for you.
- Let it slide. Okay. Okay.

I just want you to be,
you know, happy and shit.

Like, do your shot.

No, I am definitely,
like, really happy

with how everything played out.

You made me feel
like so special.

You really did.
And you called me an angel.

Yeah. I try.

- Yeah.
- I try.

For sure.

Mr. Jeff.

I'm excited
to share a bed with him.

He's definitely growing on me.

I got a little sweet spot
for him right now.

But it's hard when, like,
I'm not completely, like, over

the whole Isaiah thing.

- I'm a try to...
- Yeah.

I'm a try to treat you
right and everything.

- Are you?
- Absolutely.

- I hope so.
- If you will be mine.

People from different places

pronounce words differently.

I don't have
a problem with that.

I say tomato, Deb says chomocho.

What's that word...
What do people say...

What the other word
people say for mature.

- It's really annoying.
- Yes, I know.

- I hate when people...
- Mature.


I got a text.


Timmy got a text.

- I'm scared.
- What the f*ck.

Timmy and Zeta.

- Timmy and Zeta for sure.
- Timmy and Zeta.

Timmy and Zeta.

Timmy and Zeta
are going to the Hideaway.

I don't believe it.

I'm shook.

I'm so excited for them.

They need this
out of everyone here.

Like, they have
gone through so much.

Like, this is going
to be so good for them.

Yeah. Yeah.

Listen, they call me
Timmy Appleseed, you heard?

I came in here, had a couple
of seeds in my pocket,

The chef sprinkle all around.

I saw it start
to sprout as Zeta.

You take your time.

Let photosynthesis
do what it does.

Hold me back.
Hold me back.

Through all the thorns
and all the things

that could have torn us down,
we prevailed.

Mady, I'm a Christian woman.

I can't go in the Hideaway.

I'm a bit shy and nervous.

I know, me right?

But, like, yeah, I'm buzzing.

- You look hot as f*ck.
- Yeah, so good.

Y'all, I'm looking for Zeta.

She's in here.

Oh, my God.

I know.

Oh, my God.

What more can you ask for?

It's honestly...

chef's kiss.

I love you.

Welcome back
to "Love Island, USA."

Timmy and Zeta
have arrived at the Hideaway.

Timmy is hoping that
if he plays his cards right,

he could be in
for a Nanny McFeel.

Oh, my goodness.


A whole love nest.

This is a pole right here.

- You gonna get on it?
- No, no, no, no.

You have to get on the pole.

Zeta, go.

I'll be like this,
"Zeta go."

Let's see the form.

- Pow.
- Pow.

Okay, it's your turn.

Mady and Jared are grabbing

their first proper
chat together.

Note to inspiring
interior decorators watching,

gluing two lamp shades together,

makes them twice as attractive.

- How you feeling?
- I feel good.

I just want to say thank you
so much for those sweet words.

Yeah, of course.

Did you know, like,
who you were going to choose?

Yeah, I think
I knew the whole time.

- I'm excited.
- Okay, good.

I haven't felt excited,
like, in a hot second, so...

Well, I am happy
to bring the excitement.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

And cheers
to the future, I guess.


Happy to see what comes next.


You think you can do anything
with my bum, I love it.

- Damn. I just...
- What's up?

I'm a little...
I'm a bit more comfortable.

- Is that it?
- Yeah.

I mean, I have committed
to you during the ceremony

and I just feel like

we are turning
a page to chapter three.

And I really like that.

I really like you.

How much you like... you like me?

- A lot.
- Scary amount?


I do feel like
I'm the right one.

Cause I just...
I got to know you.

And I feel like
I understand where you are at

and I just feel like
I'm the right one for you.

- Really?
- I do. I do.

What a ugly...

You came, you conquered,
now we are going to bed.

Feel like I definitely
did go with my gut.

I'm already really liking her.

I'm so excited for Zeta
to come back.

- Oh, my God.
- Dude, same.

I hope she does naughty shit.

This is going to be fierce.

Get over here.

That feels good.

Oh, my God.

Would you ever live in London?

I would live anywhere,
where my person is

and where the bag is.

- Really?
- Yeah.

Our kids are probably
going to be Brit.

Brit kids would be pretty nice.

British/New York kids.


"Mum, can you
come pick me up?"

"Timmy is trying to make me
fall in love with him."

"Mum, I'm taking care of her.

She has nothing
to worry about."

- Goodnight.
- Goodnight.

Last night in the Hideaway,

Timmy and Zeta let loose.

They started with some B&D.

Banter and discussion.

Then, they moved on
to some serious S&M.

Snacks and milk.

Did you sleep well?

I did.

Oh, my God,
I want Zeta to just get here.

I know.

Want to know
what puzzles they did.

Are there puzzles in there?

It's just code for...

What do you guys think about
making the girls breakfast?

That feels good.
Let's do it, bro.

I got the bacon.

How did you guys sleep

next to your men?

Jeff takes up
so much f*cking space.

- Does he?
- Yes.

- So annoying.
- He's just big in general.

So, I'm like,
"Damn, scoot over."

No, I told Chazz,

I was like, "I love cuddling

"and I hope you do too."

I had a blast.

I had a blast.

Let's blast off.

I feel amazing.
How you feel?

I feel so good, Timmy.

We had an amazing time together.

His voice is so smooth,
isn't it?

It's like, "Yeah.

"I had an amazing time."


Why don't we just wait
for the sausage to be finished,

so we have a clear pan.

Oh, oh.

- What's up?
- What's up Timmy?

What's up Timmy?

Top of the morning to you.

Top of the morning.

Hi, Mama Z.


- I'll let you guys chat.
- Yeah.

- See you later.
- See you later, Mama Z.

- Hello.
- Hello.

Wearing heels and all.

I'm not going to look terrible.

How was it?

It was lovely.

It was so nice out there.

Do you feel like
your connection grew stronger?

Yeah. 1000 percent.

- We had a party in there, bro.
- Yeah.

- Like, we had a lot of fun.
- So, good.

- A lot of fun.
- I love it, baby.

Saw her, like,
in a different light.

You know what I'm saying?

Just being away from everybody.

It's just, like,
that freedom you feel.

- A little more comfortability.
- Right, bro.

So, I mean like, bro...

I feel like, you know,
a good start to the day.

I'm going to have
a great day today, fellas.

Did you guys get far?

- f*cked?
- Far.

I was like, "What?"
No. No.

We already knew,
like, going in there

that we weren't
going to do anything, so...

How was sleeping with Jared?

- Oh, yeah.
- I haven't asked you.

- Oh, goodness.
- It was good.

- Any cuddles?
- No.

But you know
how I am the first night.


The more I talk with Jared,

the more I f*ck with him too.

- Like, he's really cool.
- I really like him.

- Yeah.
- I really do.

Jeff just cooks
with telepathy, huh?

Just mind cooks it.

- Mind cooks it.
- Oh, it's not done yet.

What's up?

Oh, my God, it smells so yummy.

This is so cute.

I made all this shit.

This is naughty.

That looks delicious.

Real naughty.

is doing a lot of spraying.

And he's not the only one.

Kat's been marking
her territory.

And absolutely stinks.

We've gone through
seven gallons of Febreze.

All right.
What's the happs?

How was the first night
with a partner, huh?

It was good.

- I felt comfy. Very comfy.
- Yeah.

- How was your night?
- Yeah, what about you?

Not much, like, bed time chat.

- No cuddling or anything?
- Nah. Nah, nah.

I was trying to respect
her boundaries too, you know?

No. 100 percent.

How about you all?

I mean, I'm feeling great.

He's giving exactly
what I wanted coming in here.

We had, like, such amazing
energy from the jump.

So, I was like, you know,
I could really get along.

- For sure.
- How about you?

I really like Jeff right now.

I feel like we... we have
a good thing going.

He makes me smile
and he's really f*cking funny.

The thing is,
like, I still don't think,

like, I'm completely
fully done, like,

exploring, like, Isaiah either.

I 'd like to catch him, like,

giving me, like, little glances.

I'm just so conflicted.

It's like I'm not over
the whole Isaiah thing.

Which obviously,
we have nothing going on.

But it is just hard, like,
coming in here wanting someone

and just knowing they are
kind of like off-limits.

- It's just messy.
- You know like...

Just go to him and be like,

"Let's pretend
Sydney doesn't exist."


"I just walked in,
you're here."


That's where
the conversation starts.

You have to cross
that boundary at some point.

Someone's going to get hurt,
no matter what.

You got to apply
a bit of pressure.


Welcome back to
"Love Island, USA."

Today's challenge
is one small step for a man,

one giant leap

for the share price
of aluminum foil.

Those costumes

used up the catering team's
entire supply.

Are we trying to win this thing

- or what?
- Yeah.

I suspect the challenge team

were spaced out on something

when they came up
with this absolute nonsense.

Just like that
ill-fated NASA mission in 1975,

the boys will be blindfolded.

And the girls will
need to communicate with them

in order to navigate
the galactic obstacle course.

- I wanna sleep in that.
- Oh, my God!

Oh, shit!

That's totally
dumb shit right there...

- I need that.
- But I'm gonna keep it.

Each couple begins by emerging

from a rocket and dumping
foam and water on their heads.

Next they slide
down the Milky Way

into a space pool.

While in the pool,

they search
for a small, green flag.

Go Mady!

You got it Mady!
You got it Mady!

You got it! You go!

the girl guides her alien boy

to the Rover hoppers
where they teleport themselves

down the Lunar lane.

Oh, just keep on going.

You're doing it!
You're doing it!

Then the couple crosses

a terrifying sea
of pink, sticky space thing.

You got it!
You got it!

Once they get through that,

they climb
the planet trip platform.

The couple then
lock onto each other's lips

like an alien facehugger.

The time stops when they kiss

or when the aliens' spawn

pass out to someone's stomach.

The quickest couple
will win a prize,

and much like the infinite
howling void of space

is essentially nothing.

I don't know
if aliens turned me on.

Ready for blast off,

Kat and Chazz.

Stop! Stop! Stay low!

I like the technique.

It wasn't a problem
at all being blindfolded.

Here, grab the handle.

I definitely felt in good hands.

We're kicking the ass-tronauts.

- Straight?
- Yes, lean forward a little.

Yes, go back.
Just go back.

You got it!
You got it!

See Chazz and Kat go
at the speed of lightning,

I saw her face
and she was very, very focused.

And like...

It was just teamwork
all the way through.

He did it!

It's left off for Deb and Jesse.

Sorry, we were just
sending a message back home.

Following the booty,
you know, you can't go wrong.

You can't be staring
in the wrong direction.

Walk! Walk! Walk! Walk!

Come on, come on, let's go.

Go straight!

It's easy Deb, let's go.

Let's go. Come on.

Come on now.

- Come on now!
- Oh, shit! I'm sorry.

I've fallen and I can't get up!

I really saw my life flash

before my eyes.

And all of a sudden
I just get scooped up

and carried away.

I've got eye for you, Deb.

I don't like those eyes.

Next into space, Zeta and Timmy.

He's swimming.

Back and blast f*ck up!

- Aha!
- Aha!

You make it look too easy.

Zeta and Timmy
are so strong as a team

and they're just
very, like, smooth and sexy.

Let's go, Swerve.

- Y'all sick.
- Where the handle at?

It's turning!

A challenge like this
is where she had to

direct me with her sweet voice.

Go Timmy! Go Timmy!

I felt very motivated.

Like I was in good hands.

He was so smooth.

- Okay.
- Hold on the right.

Oh, this... Oh, I got it.

I'm leaving my shoes.

f*ck this shit!

- Yes, sir! Mom and Dad.
- Yay!

Rockets at the ready,
Isaiah and Sydney.

He gave me
a really good pep talk before.

He was like
"Don't let down."

So I really gave it my all.

Keep going. Perfect.

Stop, stop, stop!

The last part
wasn't, like, much,

you know, togetherness,
but it was also...

It's kind of a pain in the d*ck

- to do that last part, so...
- A pain in the d*ck.

I've never heard that.

Courtney and Bryce
launch in T minues three.

Oh, they've gone.

f*cking amazing,
like, dreams came true today.

I've always wanted
to have dinner on the moon

and f*ck in the space ship.

You're finally having sex
on a rocket ship.

Just go straight.

Just go straight.


- You're okay? Are you okay?
- Yeah.

Okay, you just go without me.

No, no, I'm not
going without you, what?


We actually did it!


Jeff and Nadjha's
space mission starts now.

- You've got that shit.
- You got it.

Okay, right here
there's gonna be a step.

That went crazy
on the ball, bro.

Come on!
Come on!

You know,
the little hippy-hop shit.

The hippidy-hop.

This is the hard part.

I take it.


Oh, my God!

Get a hold of my hand.

I like that even though
Jeff was like literally dying,

he was still trying
to hold Nadjha's hand.

That was so cute.


I thought Jeff
was gonna be really good

at this game and no.

- How was our kiss?
- It was your great kiss.

It was definitely
out of this world.

That was so f*cking hot.

So which couple's space flight

had the highest velocity?

Basically, who finished fastest?

The winners are...

Kat and Chazz!

Y'all put up a good fight,

but at the end of the day
I have my good luck charm,

and we can do it all.

In the bag, baby!

All right guys,
let's go back to the Villa!

Welcome back
to "Love Island, USA."

After winning the challenge,

Chazz is taking Kat
onto the terrace

next to where the director
keeps his racing pigeons.

He's basically put the Kat

amongst the potty plants

and the coffee table, obviously.

Let's chat it up
about what happened today.

Sure, well, I obviously knew
we were gonna win that.

Did our damn thing, didn't we?

Man, yeah, you thought I was
gonna let us lose that shit?

Hell no, I didn't think
you were gonna let us lose.

The fact that we won was just
a sign from the universe.

It's nothing
but good things ahead for us.

So now they see us as a threat

'cause we are
f*cking power couple, for sure.

So I'm excited,

and that, like,
I was already excited

to see, like, where
things went with me and you.

I can't lie, it's a whole
new Chazz up in this Villa.

I really like her

so I definitely do wanna
put forth my best effort

in this relationship,
in this couple.

What are your fears?

What are you afraid of
in terms of relationships

so that I know
that like what to avoid?

Anything, like,
fast and abrupt freaks me out.

Especially if it's, like,
a threat to my independence.

And I value my independence
higher than anything else.

As long as, like, we really,
you know, feel things out

and slowly
get to know each other

and progress
into things, you know,

it will tell a lot
and time will tell a lot.

I feel the same way.

Like that clumsy tattoo artist

Jeff took to court,

Nadjha is really
getting under his skin.

So what do you
think I should do?

Of course.

She lights up
when she talks about you.

- For real?
- Bro, she can't stop smiling.

- Probably.
- I don't know.

She probably is,
but for a good reason.

But usually if a girl's
nervous when talking to you

that means something.

Like, they...
Like, they like you.

Yeah, at first.

I still think she got, like,

eyes on other dudes in here,
so I don't know.

Who do you think
she has eyes for?

I don't know.

You think it's because
she tried to talk to Isaiah

the night before recoupling?

I don't know, bro.

Bro, you know, she's not.

Like, you shouldn't
even be thinking about it...

No, I know that, but bro, like...

- Yeah.
- I feel you.

That's what we're here for.

We here to be vulnerable, bro.

We're putting
our feelings out there.

Yeah, fair.

And it's gonna make us
better or worse.


- And whatever we go through.
- I'm feeling that.

I'm not gonna put a chain
on her, you know what I mean?

it is not the way to go.

I'll keep on talking to Nadjha

just to know her more
and stuff like that.

Just let your flow, man,
the better it flow,

the better, you know,
it'll come together.

I like where we're at right now.

You know,
I'm going slow with the shit.

I know you is too.
We're chilling.

- Yeah.
- We're vibing.

You're just so funny.
You're so hilarious!

Yeah. I be saying shit.

But yeah, I just wanna
get to know you more.

Like, what would you say

you're looking for
in the man, like?

Like my biggest thing
is, like, I want security

in my relationship.

I just wanna know,
like, that my person

is, like, my person if that...

I feel that, that makes sense.

Yeah, I feel like I've learned
a lot about like myself

to, like, love myself
so that I knew how

to, like, treat somebody else.

I feel that,
I went through that shit too.

Cheating and shit like that.

I feel
like people always are like

"Once a cheater,
always a cheater."

- I don't believe that.
- You don't believe that?

'Cause why would you say that?

Because, like,
I've cheated before.

- Damn!
- Yeah.

And then we kinda
worked through it,

but it was just, like, the trust

was, like, shot after that.

Oh, yeah, for sure, yeah.

So yeah.
No, I don't know.

I think people always,
like, deserve a second chance.

My plan
to be a cute beachy girl,

I look like Hagrid.

"You're a wizard Harry."

"Hi, Harry.

"You've got
accepted to Hogwarts."

Not with the ears bro.

Hey, bro, you're ugly as hell.

No, dude, no.

Hell no, bro.

Tell him
to take that hat off, bro.

How was your chat with Jeff?

It was good.

I really
like him like as a person.

I think he's so f*cking funny.

He makes me laugh.

All right.
Everybody grab drinks?

So it's the memories we make,
the love we create,

the dudes with smooth moves

and bad b*tches with attitude.


And cheers to a great night.


That was so good.
That was really good.

I'll drink to that.

Do the guys want
any new girls to come in?

Man, not really.

Not really?

- Are you set?
- I'm set.

Kat, are you set?

You know,
I'm liking where it's going,

but I wanna keep
my options open of course.

Oh, yeah, same obviously, but...

That's it.

You know,
everybody's obviously open,

but you know what I'm saying?

I like where we at too.

No, "I'm set,"
and, "My options are open,"

are two different things.

That's two different things.

Yeah. You're right.

Don't forget all
this is happening in real time.

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and even control
the action in the Villa

by voting
for your favorite couples.

Decide who you want to see
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Just download
the Love Island USA app

and watch new episodes
at 9:00 p.m., Eastern,

6:00 p.m. Pacific

only on Peacock.

Welcome back to
"Love Island, USA."

The Islanders are about
to play truth or dare.

I'll kick us off.

Jared, I dare you
to wear my auntie Mabel's

favorite white cardigan.

Oh, he actually did it!

Jared, I dare you

to kiss your top

-three girls

In the villa.

In no particular order.

Boom, boom, boom.

He's making
a traumatic with a standard.

- Yeah.
- Mm.

My kiss
with Jared was really good.

Way better
and spicier than our kiss

during the challenge today.



You know when things
get a little bit more raunchy,

it's fun, man,
and you push the boundaries,

and when you get
in truth or dare,

whether it's a truth or a dare

you do get your answers.

I'm, like, close up in this.

All right, well done, well done.

Timmy, truth or dare?


Choose the weakest couple
and give the reasons.

Oh, shit!


The weakest couple?

The weakest couple
in here, Kat and Chazz.

- Really?
- Yeah.


He's not naive.
He observed that.

You know, it was an obvious
decision to pick on me and Kat,

even though me and her,
you know, won the challenge.

I think Kat definitely,

is not necessarily feeling

exactly the same as Chazz.

So that's what I would go with.

Yeah, I would like
to explore other options.

So I think Timmy
just said it out loud

as opposed to in the head,

which, yeah...

Zeta, hasn't gone yet.


- I'm scared!
- Truth or dare?

- I'm gonna take dare.
- Kiss.

I want you to choose three guys

and make out in order

from least interested in
to most interested in.

- Aside from Timmy.
- Aside from Timmy.

But you look hot.

Yeah, you're looking fine.

Yeah, you look sexy as f*ck.

I will do boys,

but I've just been
dying to do this.


The chemistry.

Oh, go to the hideaway.


I know Courtney, she quite
likes that kind of stuff, so...

- Okay.
- Okay.

Zeta and I have had
some sexual tension

built up for a while now,
so it was so sexy.

I was in heaven.




- Has anyone not gone?
- I haven't.

- Truth or dare?
- Dare.

Choose two Islanders

to do a three-way kiss with.

- Other than Sydney.
- I guess it.

I'm sorry, buddy.

I'll say the two new girls.


Oh, my God!

I just kinda wanted
to see how they kiss too

and see how...
See what their lips was doing.

See what...
See what that tongue is doing.

Welcome back to
"Love Island, USA."

Jeff's worst nightmare
is coming true.

Not that
it's act six of the show

and the lasagna he ordered
still hasn't arrived,

it's that Nadjha has
got her eye on Isaiah.

- How are you doing?
- Ah, good.

Do you have
something to talk to me?

What's the real?

- I'm really sad.
- What's the real?

I mean,
realistically I came here,

like, wanting Isaiah,

and I knew coming in here

that he was, like,
in a really strong couple...

And Sydney is my bitch.

- Exactly.
- I love her to death.

But energy is energy

and connection
is all connection.

Exactly. When we talk,
it's like he's into me.

There's something there?

It's like, I'm not
making it up in my head.

I know you're not.

He's the main one
that you just...

- You feel something for.
- I know, so it f*cking sucks.

I know it better.
So, you know like...

- Are you okay?
- No.

It's just like so stressful.

Like, I think I'm crying
'cause I'm overwhelmed.

Wanting something
and like not getting,

like, a fair chance at it.

I don't know.
It's really hard.

It f*cking sucks and it's like,

I'm just not used to, like,
getting treated like that.

But you need to do
what you need to do for you.

For yourself.

Bro, I'm sleeping
outside tonight, bro.

- You are?
- Yeah. Yeah.

- You're turned off?
- Yeah. f*ck.

- Really?
- Yeah.

Bro, my mood
was just k*lled bro.

He's not gonna protect her.
Like, you know what I mean?

Like I could.

And some shit like that,
like, it's just some love shit.

Do you reckon you wanna talk
to Sydney or are you scared?

I'm just scared
of how she's gonna react to it.

Is it something
that you'd want me

to talk to her about?

- Yeah, like, maybe.
- I can do that for you.

But I want her to know
that I wanna talk to her too.

- That the thing.
- She will know

where your heart is.

What she does with that,
I can't tell you.

I don't know what she wants.

What the f*ck, Isaiah!

We're gonna have a problem

if she makes
any further movement.

After her chat with Nadjha,

Zeta's tracked down Sydney.

And by the looks of it,
she's about to spill

the Nanny McTea.

Not as strong as the first one.

When they said
we're playing truth or dare,

I was like "Okay, great.

"I know a girl's
about to attack my man."

Like that's why
I didn't wanna play.

I'm gonna talk to you too.

It's not bad,
but I'm gonna talk to you

'cause you're my girl

and I've gotta
tell you everything.

Tell me.

Just about obviously
a new girl and Isaiah.

- Nadjha?
- Yeah.

Isaiah ain't done nothing
though, so it's fine.


She says she's gonna
try to pursue him, huh?

And steal him from me?

Sydney, could she
steal him if she tried?

I'm the type of person

where I know my worth.

And like, if he wants
to go explore it with her,

I don't wanna
keep wasting my time

on someone that's not
at the same level as I am.

- Syd, where are you going?
- To talk to Isaiah.

Like it's just shitty.

Like, I just want a guy
that knows what he wants.

Dude, what the f*ck happened?

Nadjha literally
pulled me aside and just wanted

to confide in me
that, like, she's literally

going through it so hard
because she really wants

to get to know Isaiah.

What's up?

- Can I talk to you?
- Yeah.

I have actual
serious matters to talk to you.


I guess Nadjha is like

"I'm gonna try to steal
Isaiah from Sydney," so...

Next week.

It's time for the ultimate test.

It's Casa Amor.

America, it's time
to tell your truth.

Get to the "Love Island, USA"
app right now and vote

your favorite boy Islander...

and favorite girl Islander.

The Islanders
with the fewest votes

risk being dumped
from the island.

Voting is open
for two and a half hours

starting at 10:00 p.m. Eastern,

7:00 p.m. Pacific
on August 5th, 2022.
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