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04x09 - Episode 9

Posted: 04/29/24 16:31
by bunniefuu

on "Love Island USA."

- Sereniti.
- Timmy.

Uh! Kick rocks.

There were new couples.

New dangers.


And an impossible choice.

Who goes and who stays

will be decided
by your fellow Islanders.

Shut the f*ck up!


It's decision time.

Oh, my gosh!
This is crazy.

It's so hard to make a decision.

And get ready

for two new arrivals.

- Shut up!
- What's up, ladies?

What's up, ya'll?

Last night Bria chose
Sereniti for her brother Chazz,

and he chose
Timmy for sister Bria.

What followed was the most
shocking sibling moment

since Valentine's Day
at the Lannisters.

Got a text.

"Islanders, in your couples
you must now to save either

Zita or Tyler."

Jesus f*cking Christ!

"Whoever receives
the fewest votes

will be dumped from the Island

Oh, my God!

Four remaining
couples must now decide

whether to dump the Islander
with the pretty face,

eyes you could drown in
and flowing locks...

or Zeta.

Oh, my gosh!
This is crazy.

This is awful.

- God! This sucks.
- sh*t's f*cked up.

I did not see this coming.

They both deserve
to f*cking be here.

So, what do you think?

It's so hard
to make the decision.

I love Zeta and I love Tyler.

They both bring
so much, you know,

positivity and light
to everybody around the villa.

I feel like Tyler just got here.

He hasn't had a fair chance.


I like him personally, you know?

I had time to know him more,

but I also like Zeta a lot.

You know, it's hard
to make one decision.

Sereniti and Tyler
have definitely developed,

like, a connection together,

and Sereniti,
she'll obviously be upset

- if Tyler leaves, but...
- No, she's going to be hurt.

I mean,
maybe Chazz could give her

- everything that she thought...
- Yeah.

Tyler was lacking in a sense.


Yeah, he was excited
to talk to you.

It sucks.

I think...
I just think that, you know,

if Zeta was around
some sh*t would get

f*cking wild up in this bitch.

I would say
the only con of saving Zeta

is just the fact that

maybe Timmy feels
a little constrained of...

- Like, he has many...
- exploring options.

That's, like, to pick somebody
who has a connection

or somebody who is still
looking for a connection.

I think
we just have to put, like,

our personal feelings aside

and just think of, like,
what's best for the villa.

- Okay?
- Uh-huh.

The first couple
to vote is Deb and Jesse.

We decided to save this Islander

because... I truly believe they
have a fair chance at love.

And me and Deb...

truly believe...

that their journey
is not yet done.

So, the Islander
we would like to save is...


Thank you.

Next up is Sydney and Andy.

This was
an extremely hard decision

and we both love you
so very much.

We've decided
to save this Islander

because they are strong...

courageous, empathetic,

and have made an impact
since the very first day

they've been in the villa.

Our ultimate factor
was the connection

they formed within the villa,

and that is why
we've made this decision.

So, the Islander
we would like to save is...


Zeta has two votes

and if the next couple
pick her, she will be safe.

Next to vote
is Courtney and Felipe.

We are choosing
to save this Islander

because this Islander

is just genuinely who they are

and they live every day with
their hearts open to the world.

They have mastered the art
of being both soft and strong.

This Islander...

is unapologetically

and genuinely themselves.

We believe this Islander
still has a story to tell.

So, the Islander
we want to save is...


Next up, Mady and Isiah.

We believe
that this Islander still

has a story here,

and we cannot function here
in the villa without them.

So, the Islander that
we would like to save is...


"Tyler, you're now single
and dumped from the Island.

Please say your goodbyes."

I love you.

- k*ll it in here, okay?
- Thank you.

You'll do great.

Have fun in here, all right?

I mean, I was caught
by surprise tonight.

My guy Tyler is up out of here.

I mean, you know, we...

He's going to be
missed for sure.

But obviously,
if Zeta got voted out,

that would have really,
really bothered me, you know?

I don't even
want to tap into that.

I'm really thankful
that I got to meet you.


Today I... I did realize that

Tyler and I
did have a connection.

I felt like I finally had
something to look forward to.

I'm definitely going to miss

seeing his face
and his smile for sure.


Oh, yeah, I gotta do all
this crawfish for you, baby.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay.

We were definitely
at the beginnings of ours...

Of our adventure, but, um,

it was fun while it lasted.

Good luck, everybody.

- We love you.
- Love you, guys.

- Love you.
- Love you.

Take a tequila sh*t
for all of us.

- Yeah.
- Each one of us.

So, that's about 12.

I am feeling
a little bit of everything.

Happy for the experience.

I feel like my time
was a little bit cut short,

but my experience
in the villa truly will change

how I am as a person
for the rest of my life.

I will definitely never forget
my time in the villa.

Welcome back
to "Love Island USA."

Lion King Wigston Tyler is gone,

along with a mountain
of unused hair jokes.

I could curl up and die.

Tyler had so many highlights,

now he's gone back to his roots.

You could use
any of those jokes,

but perms
and conditioners apply.

I thank you.

- That was, like, really crazy.
- I know.

I can't believe that.

Well, yeah.

Zeta, I'm happy
you're still here.

Thank you all
so much for saving me.

Like, honestly, like... like,

all of your speeches
were just so, like, touching.

I just couldn't even breathe.

It was just amazing
and I'm just so thankful.

I appreciate y'all thinking
about my part in this.

In her part, obviously.

But I'm glad Zeta
did not get sent home.

That would...
That would have bothered me.

- Yeah.
- For sure.

So, I appreciate that. Yeah.

I mean, that was just...

Like, yeah, Timmy and Zeta
really, you know,

have built something
real strong, man, and for...

To see that go, it just...

We couldn't let
that happen, bro.

It was Zeta,
you know what I mean?

That sh*t shook
the room though, bro, like...

- Yeah, bro.
- Damn,

not expecting that
at all, brother.

Either way, we were going to
have to make a decision on,

like, picking one of y'all

and, like, breaking up
somebody's couple,

you know what I'm saying,
so somebody

- was going to be devastated.
- Yeah.

How do you feel, Bria?

Yeah, I'm happy
with the decision

that Chazz made for me.

It's one that I'm going
to work with and work on,

um, and kind of see
where that... that leads me.

And I think that everybody
deserves a fair chance

kind of getting
to know everybody.

Just like you guys
had your fair chance

to get to know everybody,
I think

anyone new who walks in
deserves that, too.

Zeta, how do you feel?

I'm not really happy

with going to bed alone tonight.

That's not really fun, is it?

You know, obviously
a lot of people say

Timmy and I are the strongest
couple in the villa,

but a guy's head
can always be turned.

It's never, like, set in stone.

- Come on, keep up.
- I know.

You've got...
You've got the strides.

I know.

Bria has taken Timmy
for their first proper chat,

and Zeta's paid me
50 bucks to hide

in this inconspicuous plant pot

and listen in.

Like, there's so much pressure
that goes along with,

like, I have to,
like, really, like,

turn your head,
get your attention,

and, like, do all these things.

Like, try to build a connection
with you while your girl...

Your ex-girl's staring at me.

I get it,
but it's just like, damn.

I met her day one and we...
We had put in time

and I feel a little bit
of responsibility for...

like, just her feelings...

- Absolutely.
- A bit.

And I just wanna
not walk on top of that,

while also open up and...

And see all the options here.

And I'm sure
you feel the same way.

So, I'm just trying to
do that respectfully.

- There's no rush. Like...
- Yeah.

Just the fact that
you're open is enough for me.

I don't need
anything else to prove.

- Right.
- You know what I'm saying?

I'm concerned about the fact

that me getting to know
Bria may...

hurt and damage
my connection with Zeta.

I've been watering this plant.

I keep talking
about photosynthesis.

Like I've been putting
a lot of time with sunlight

and nurturing and care
and water and all that.

Like, we have something.

It's... it's about to blossom.

But I feel like
I do owe it to myself

to get to know Bria.

Can't think about
our outcome right now,

I can only think
about where I'm at.

I'm... I'm very much, um,

excited just
to kind of get to know you

at whatever speed
we choose, you know?

I like it.
See you in bed soon.

Hey, what did I say?

I want some chicken.
I want some mashed potatoes.

Sereniti, love.

- Are you okay?
- Oh, my God.

Please, don't look at me.

You're okay.

I just wanna
make sure you're all right.

- Thank you.
- I'm sorry.

I appreciate it.

So, how are you
feeling about this?

I'm just, like,


I'm, like, happy Zeta's here.

It's just that I'm like...

I don't know what...
How to handle it.

Tyler was still my friend.

I'm... I'm more crying, like...

In fact, I'm just like...

I don't even know
why I'm f*cking crying.

- I cared, obviously.
- Right.

It's just
an emotional night in general.

- It is.
- You know, take your time

to collect your thoughts.

Get that sh*t
out of your system...


I did so well,
I didn't cry this whole time,

and then they just... I was
just telling them it's like...

It's overwhelming.
It's okay.

It's okay to let it out,
you know what I'm saying?

You don't got to hold it
back and just try to be strong

for everybody else,
you know what I'm saying?

You'll be all right.

Everybody just needs to relax.

I'm very grateful
for Chazz right now, actually.

He's just been very comforting,

and he definitely is respecting
the fact that I am...

dealing with the loss of
someone I cared about here.

So, I'm definitely
going to take this opportunity

to get to know him

because I think
I deserve something great.

I appreciate you.

Yeah, I'll be here
for you forever

through whatever.

What do you do
when you're in a shitty mood?

Wear hot pyjamas to bed.

Yeah, like I'm doing.

Hey, there.

I just wanna walk into bed
when everyone's asleep.

Like, I don't even wanna
walk past them, too.

Let me see
what the night routine is like.

What's she's doing over there?

Ooh, she wears glasses?

Have you and Timmy spoken yet?

No, I told him I don't wanna
talk to him tonight.

Take your time, girl.
See you in there.

f*ck y'all.

So, I'm still here.

I would have lost against Zeta.

- Anybody would have.
- I would have stuck up for you.

Please hang in there.

What else can I do?

I wonder
what I'll dream about tonight.

Welcome back
to "Love Island USA."

After an emotional night,

the Islanders
are catching some Zs.

Chazz actually caught two,

so that makes him
Chazz with four Zs.

Our couples are Deb and Jesse,

Courtney and Felipe,

Mady and Isaiah,

Sereniti and Chazzzz.

I think that's four Zs.

Sydney and Andy,

Bria and Timmy,

and Zeta, who is single
and only has one Z.


- Morning.
- Good morning.

- Crazy night.
- Yeah.

I still can't believe he's gone.

Do you wanna start
with this cup?

That is the most beautiful gift
you could give me today.

Yeah, I'll do
something nice for her,

like cook her breakfast
or something like that.


Got it.

Good morning, Timmy.

I know live on the edge.
Dangerous life.

No shirt, cooking
bacon and egg on the stove.

That should be popping.

What's up?

Better have me a better day.

Well, I'm a little cute today.

But, you know,
if I were to have anybody else,

I'm glad
it's someone that's jacked.

- He's f*cking swole.
- He is swole.

It's so weird because
it's like, I still rate Chazz.

Like, I think he's
a sweetheart, but it's like,

"How can I do that,
I don't like your sister.

It ain't going to work."
Do you know what I mean?

Like, I've got no beef with him
feeling... choosing Timmy

for his sis 'cause I'm like,

"That was good
for you."

Like, my brother
would have done the same.

Now I'm realizing
I don't like friendly boys.

I like my man to be someone

who girls feel like
they can't approach,

and Timmy is so friendly.

Timmy probably shouldn't have
played with fire.

He gave Bria a lot of energy
that said, "Pick me."

Even at the recoupling,

it's lovely that he gave her
a hug when he got up there,

but, like, your bird
is sitting here vulnerable.

I don't even
want to talk to Timmy,

but I don't
want to be that person.

And we did get close.

- Yeah.
- Excuse me.

Nice little sunny side up,
smiley face, my Black queen.


This is actually really cute.

No boy has done
that in here for anyone.

- So yeah, I appreciate you.
- Oh, my gosh!

No, I'm taking a picture of it.

- Go ahead.
- Thank you so much.

No problem. Enjoy.

You couldn't even get
coffee from Tyler.

Acts of service
is, like, my love language.

Like, I f*cking love that.

That's something
I have not experienced yet

here in the villa.

Yeah, day one for us,
it's looking good.

I have a verdict.

Chazz, it's up there.

- It's up there.
- It's up there.

Of course.

Oh, no,
Courtney wants to tell Deb

all about Felipe, again.

Remember the secret signal, Deb.

If you can't stand
listening to another word,

just rub both cheeks

and security will airlift you
out of the villa.

Last night we were in bed and
he was like, "Is Zeta okay?"

And I was like, "No."
And he was like, "Why?"

And then I explained that,
"You know, you have to

give someone energy for them
to couple with you."

If Timmy gave her the open
vibe to, like, pursue him...

He was like, "No, Timmy's
just playing the game."

My fear with him is that
I'm getting feelings

and he is playing
a game with me, you know?

It's just such a red flag.

It's my fear that
he is not being genuine,

if he's listening to Timmy,

then he's gonna
do the same to me.

I understand I'm really horny
and I'm open about it,

but it's like,
I'm still a f*cking human.


I would rather be
single and vulnerable

than not be here for love.

Oh, that's so annoying.

Bria, you popped right up.
You woke up right away.

Oh, yeah, I'm, like,
a morning person.

Good morning, world.

- Charged up. So, for me...
- Yeah.

This week is about me
getting to know you.

And I wanna give us a fair sh*t
at where this can go.

I really enjoyed
waking up to Timmy.

We definitely had some pillow
talk and a little cuddling.

There was chemistry for sure,

um, and I think that we had,

overall, a really good night.

I do think
the elephant in the room

is the Zeta situation,
um, that I'm in,

and I knew that was
going to be a part of this,

and with Zeta, I owe her
at least a conversation today.

We had a good night's sleep.

Bria might have given me
a... a peck of my lips,

you know what I'm saying?

And it was a good vibe,

yeah, so I don't know.

You know, I appreciate you,

you know, saying that, and I...

I think you're, like,
in the right direction.

I do think
that you owe her a conversation

or whatever and I,
like, respect it

because I feel like
if I were in her position,

that's how I'd want it to go.

I don't like to be rushed with,

like, my feelings,

and I would love to just, like...

For us to know what
we're doing right here

and nothing else
kind of affects that.

Yeah, I'm on the
same page as you.

I appreciate you.

- I appreciate you.
- Yeah, obviously so far,

I just might ride it out
and see how it goes.

Yeah, I can't
f*ck with hot sauce.

I was at the firepit
saying I had heartburn.

I ain't playing with y'all.

'Cause you're hot sauce.

- Morning, y'all.
- Hundred percent.

Excuse me, do you mind
if I... could I pull you

- for a second?
- Sure.

Love you, babe.

He seems nice, you know?

He is... he made me breakfast.

- Mm! Good!
- I f*cked it up.

You didn't get to see it.

I'm glad you're willing
to talk to me right now,

because I definitely
have a good amount

of stuff on my mind.

I think you held
yourself great last night

and, um, the way everybody
rallied around you

and a little bit
of us was just...

very powerful to me,

and I do apologize for
putting you in that situation.

Do you feel like you
put me in that situation?

I aided by
expressing interest in Bria.

I did aid in that way.

But, like, I'm going to be
spending time with this girl,

getting to know her and seeing
if this is even a thing.

But I wanted to give you
confidence in us anyway.

Why you laugh at that?

It's just funny to me

because you've been
giving me so much confidence

the whole time and then

I'm still in this situation.

So, your confidence...
Giving me confidence

don't mean sh*t to me right now.

I'm fuming at you

and I don't trust you right now.

Just even, like,

how you hugged her
at the recoupling.

It weren't just like,
"Oh, here you go.

I'm here now, my girl's...

My girl's literally
sitting there vulnerable."

- I tried to hug you...
- You gave her a real...

I don't care! I'm talking.

You gave her
such a good, strong hug.


Actions speak
louder than words, really.

I feel like Timmy's
used his words a lot

to make me feel safe in here.

He's just got thrown something

where he had to show action
and he fumbled it.

The tables will turn,
and very soon,

and he's not going to like it.

And I'm going to be
sipping my f*cking tea.

Welcome back
to "Love Island USA."

The producers forgot to order

enough ingredients
for breakfast,

so all Timmy
and Isaiah could cook up

was this half-baked wrap.

Such an old school, like, vibe.

I got...

You give my wrist a break.


Yo, garlic's
one of my favorite ingredients

in the kitchen.

Real estate agent, Andy,

is trying to sincerely
apologize to Mady.

I'm not buying it.

If that man
is a real estate agent,

I would hate to see a fake one.

First off, I just wanna say,

I am sorry
for under-communicating.

I appreciate that.

Like, I really
could have handled that

a lot differently
and a lot more maturely.

You really are a catch
and I just, like,

would love to continue
to get to know you more.

And I know we had
a conversation after recoupling

of "Some bridges
might be b*rned,"

but I'm really hoping that
they're not fully b*rned yet.

So, I just want a chance to
prove to her that I want this.

Obviously, like,
I still have feelings for you,

but it worries me a little bit
because I know, like,

you were easily swayed.

And it's like, if I were
to give you a second chance

and we start building,
like, a good foundation,

if someone walks in,

are you going to be
swayed again?

I'm very much open-minded

to potentially giving him
another chance.

But fool me once, shame on you.

- Fool me twice.
- Shame on me.

So, I will definitely need to,
like, see actions.

Yes, I will work on making

every action to show you that...

- Mm-hmm.
- That this is what I want.


Don't get too cuddly in bed
with him at night now.

Oh, Andy!


What's that thing
Jesse's wearing?

It's big, bulky
and uncomfortably hot.

Which, incidentally, is how
I describe myself on Grindr.

Oh, you brought your nuts.

Yeah. Always.

Do you fish and you wear this?

I like to fish and, uh...

I get in the water and sh*t,

but I don't know wear this.

- You go fishing?
- No.

Really? You, like, get
on a boat and just go?

I like yachts.

Yeah. If that's all you got.

Things are going
good with Jesse and I.

I feel like we're slowly, like,

progressing more and more,
which is good.

We still haven't even
really, like, made out,

but I'm literally
in no rush to do anything

and, like, this is
a perfect pace for me.

If I had a guy that was, like,
all over me all the time,

I feel like I would
get the ick super quick.

So, it's like, we're perfect
for each other in that sense.

It takes me a lot
to really like somebody.

Like, I'm, like, scared
to lose you now, you know?

A lot of them hoe...
I mean a lot of girls are hoes.

A lot of them are.

A lot of them girls are hoes,

this is what I've been saying.

Do you feel like
you're being welcomed nicely?

Yeah, for sure.

Starting off
with a smiling breakfast

was definitely a great step.

I'm a simp for the smiley face.

- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.

Yeah, it was a nice
little touch I put on it.

That little razzle dazzle.

Yeah, that little

Chazzle-dazzle, bro!

Quit it.

Chazz is very, very sweet
and very kind.

He listens
and he takes the time to have

acts of service that cares
about, like, my feelings

and how I feel about myself,

so I'm definitely
gonna give it a chance.

A girl like you
deserves so much more.

That a guy should be
going out of their way

to talk to you
and sh*t like that.

But I'm glad
they not because now-

Who would have thought?

- Who would have thought?
- Who would have thought?

- Look at us!
- Look at us!

Zeta's not happy
that Bria ended up with Timmy.

Zeta recons
Bria needs to take a long,

hard look at herself
in the mirror,

or failing that, her shades.

I kind of wanted to pull you

because I feel like there's
definitely some tension.

There's, like, the obvious,
like, reason why,

but I just wanna know more so
why it's directed at me.

They're talking right now.

Yeah, I saw that.

It's not fun.
It's just a lot.

Yeah, I feel like obviously

you knew
you was interested in Timmy.

Like, you... you said that

he was one of the people
you was interested in.

It's just
quite easy for you because

your brother's, like,
had to make the decision.

Now it's all just like,

"Well, my brother chose it,"
and that's it.

But in my spirit, in my heart,

I know
you would have chosen Timmy.

Or is that wrong to... to think?

I would have
chosen him on my own.

Thank you for saying that.
I really respect that.

So, for me, I just
already felt like an energy

that you weren't trying
to get that close to me

and I knew it was because you
want to cr*ck on with Timmy.

Which is fine.

But if you're asking me
where mine is coming from,

that's where it's coming from.

Then I also heard you say, like,

- "Oh, you're a girls' girl."
- For sure.

But I felt
that you was extremely


So, I was like, "I'm...
I'm definitely not gonna

give her any energy."

Typically speaking,

girls' girls
would go up to me and say,

"Hey, I know it weren't nice

that my brother's
picked Timmy for me,

but, you know, I do like the boy

and I do want to
cr*ck on with him

and I hope
you're okay."

That's a girls' girl,
but she ain't do that.

And I just hate
when people say that

and they don't live up to it.

I mean, the only thing
that's between us,

you could say, is that we're
interested in the same guy.

That's literally it.
Like, there's no reason

why I would not
wanna talk to you,

but you were, like,
trying to, like,

give me
the cold shoulder at times.

- I weren't.
- You were just being...

You were... Yes.

I mentioned
multiple people's names,

so whatever you felt
in your heart is...

I feel like
it's a reflection of...

- whatever you felt.
- Of my gut being right.


Your gut wasn't right.

But you just said
you would pick him!

I don't know
what to say no more.

You said you're gonna pick him.

- So, my gut was right, babe.
- Yeah, but he...

He and I had
conversations, so, like...

My gut was right!
It don't matter.

I don't got to explain
to you nothing, sweetheart.

Move how you gotta move
and so will I.

It was nice talking to you.

I wish I could say the same.

Yeah, and even if you don't,
you're just a hater

and I felt that from the get.

And Bria just stormed off.

Timmy, what the f*ck!

Dude, and you gotta be
in the middle of that.

Oh, jeez, bro!

I think I should go
and talk to my sister.

She just don't like that
what I'm saying makes sense.

- She's getting upset about it.
- Yeah.

f*ckin' insecure-ass
people can't f*ckin'...

sh*t's f*cking annoying, bro!

Welcome back
to "Love Island USA."

Chazz picked Timmy
for his sister Bria

which led to
a showdown with Zeta,

and it's taken
the wind out of Bria's sails.

Don't get me fired up, honey.

- Are you okay?
- What was she saying?

She's trying
to put it on me that I'm...

I've been giving her
such bad energy, like.

The thing is, it's like
if you guys don't get along,

you don't get along, who cares?

I'm like, "If I don't get on
with you, I don't get on."

She was like, "I'm tired
of this conversation."

- You handled that so well.
- D'you reckon?

And you're the one
that's, like, hurting.

Yeah, I'm the one
that's not coupled with my boy.

I'm so happy she did that,
because that's going to make me

cr*ck on with Timmy harder now.

And my heart is telling me
to keep the boss energy in me.

I'm really glad
that conversation,

or lack thereof, really,

happened with Bria because
it's just brought my energy

and my, like... my zest back.

I feel like
she's intentionally trying

to make me, like, feel awkward.

Like, isolate me, you know?

Now that I'm uncomfortable,
she's more comfortable.

So, it's just like...
You know what I'm saying?

Like, I feel like
she's trying to psych me out,

like, get in my head.

And it's pissing me off.

You've got to be
the bigger person,

because if that's
how she is then, you know,

that means you
have to take the higher road.

Yeah, for sure.

I gotta remain that way.

- Yeah. Just keep your cool.
- Got to stay that way.

I can't let nobody
see me feeling no type of,

- like, just... just be me.
- Yeah. You know.

- Go get ready.
- Goodbye.

Felipe needs to be careful.

Courtney's carrying a pair
of reinforced steel wedges

in case she needs
to crush his Brazil nuts.

Can you explain it
to me just for us to...

To be in the same page,
you know?

I don't want
you to be overthinking

about anything different.

I tried to spoke with her
to see how is her head.

She was a bit down.

I feel it was because
of the situation yesterday.

Yeah, I know.

It's just when I...
Because you asked me, like,

- if Zeta was okay, remember?
- Mm-hmm.

And then I was like,
"Well, Timmy, like,

opened his energy to Bria
to, like, couple with him."

And then you were...
Last night you were like,

"No. Timmy
is just playing the game."

That just made me
question your intentions,

like, with me here.

Because, like, my feelings
are involved so, like,

if there's any other intentions
you have with me, I just...

- I just wanna know, you know?
- No.

Yeah, you got me the wrong way.

I was trying to say,
you know, like,

I understand you don't
have to open for that person.

You know, like, you... you did
what you think is right.

It's like me.
I'm happy with you.

If someone pulled me aside,
I'm going to say,

"I'm happy with Courtney."

I come here to find
someone who I like,

and I'm gonna give my best,
100%, you know?

I like you,
I... I wanna know you more

and I want to spend
my time with you.

This is
what I want to, you know?

Because I don't like
to play with feelings.

Remember that.

Let's about Crocs.

Let's talk about Crocs.

You wear those a lot at home?

Yeah, you know,
I kind of do, Deb.

You have your...
Your answer voice.


Wait, so I got a different
voice for my answers?


What's that?

I got a text!

Oh, sh*t!

- sh*t.
- Again!



- Body!
- Body!

"Girls, turn up the glam
as tonight you will host

"a welcome party for new
arrivals Bryce and Jeff!"

I'm in.

And I added the "f*cking."

- Yeah.
- They hosting it.

So, at least they host it,
but we not in there?

So excited I forgot my flannel.

I'm so f*ckin' excited.

Welcome back
to "Love Island USA."

It's ladies night
and Zeta just got a text

announcing that two new boys
are heading to the villa.

And to make sure the rest of
the boys don't spoil the party,

she's locked them
in their bedroom

and pumped it
full of knockout gas.

Well, they're going
to take longer now

because they know
there is boys coming.

Bryce and Jeff.
Bryce and Jeff.

Bryce and Jeff. Bryce and Jeff.

It would've been nice if they
were, like, a little bit older.

I would like that.

You know,
that sh*t ain't happening.

The old boys! Damn!

They were old
as of five minutes ago.

Five minutes ago.

Oh, my face!

Doing this sh*t again
is reckless.

On three.
One, two, three, huh!

It's girls' night.

Raise your glasses
to the old boys

and welcome in the new boys!

Cheers to the old boys.

- Yay!
- Yeah, cheers to that.


I'm Bryce, I'm 30 years old
and I'm an Italian stallion

looking to take on the villa.

The reason why I'm here

is to find the connection
with somebody,

and I'm not going
to allow bro code

to get in the way of me
finding that with that girl.

I'm Jeff, I'm 25,
I'm coming to Love Island

because I wanna find
my one and only.

The guys in the villa
should be intimidated by me

because I'm coming in
and take their girl.

If I like what I see,
I'm gonna go get it.

- There they are!
- Shut up!

Bryce and Jeff!

It's about damn time.

- Hi.
- How you doing?

Nice to meet you.
I'm Courtney.

Jeff is sexy.
I love everything he wore.

Never seen a straight man
wear leather pants like that.

Like, "Okay, sir.
f*cking get that sh*t!"

Why y'all gotta
leave the boys up there?

- They're in the dog house.
- They're old news.

They're old news?

Tomorrow night...

the new boys...

Obviously, you've been
watching the show, right?

I've see some
snakes in here, though.

- Girls or boys?
- The boys.


Shake things up.