04x03 - Episode 3

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Love Island". Aired: July 9, 2019 – August 15, 2021.*
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A group of contestants, referred to as Islanders, living in isolation from the outside world in a villa, constantly under video surveillance must be coupled up with another Islander, whether it be for love, friendship or survival, as the overall winning couple receives $100,000.
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04x03 - Episode 3

Post by bunniefuu »


on "Love Island USA"...

- "Hi boy. Sorry we're late."
- Hold up.

Oh, new girls!

Two new girls rock the villa.

We wanna f*ck!

I guess he doesn't like me.

Absolutely beautiful girls.

I will say that Mady
is definitely my type.

I like blonde.

Do I go more for,
like, who I feel like

will be better for me

or should I go for who
I'm physically attractive to?

And faced a decision.

I would like
to couple up with Andy.

The boy that I would like
to couple up with...



the villa heats up.

- Hey!
- Lick that shit.

And one couple gets steamy.

New girl Mady has
just stolen Andy from Courtney.

Now it's Valerie's turn
to take her pick.

And if Valerie's choice

is anything
like her taste in bikinis,

he'll be cool, bright

and enjoy
hanging out in the sunshine.

I would like
to couple up with this boy

because he is very handsome

and very confident.

He has pushed me

to go with what feels right

and trust my gut.

He doesn't feel like he's
intimidated by my presence.

This guy came to me
really unexpected.

We vibe on a similar level.

We kind of have
a similar personality.

That's one of the things
that attracts me to him.

Other than, of course,
he's really freaking hot.

So the boy that I would
like to couple up with is...


I've got a text.

Oh, a nice time, no?

"Deb and Courtney,
you are now single.

At the end of the week
there will be a recoupling.

Anyone left single will be
dumped from the island.



Amen, sis.

It feels weird
to be newly single.

Kind of, I'm like...
I felt like Jesse and I

were slowly
starting to make progress.

So I'm just
kind of like, "Well...

back to square one."

Can I have a hug, mama?

You're surprised?

A little bit. I'm super happy.

I'm super happy, though,
I'm not gonna lie.

I'm happy.

Valerie is now Jesse's girl.

And you know,
I wish I had Jesse's girl.

It's a song
from the '80s, ask your mum.

That conversation
that we had, just like...

It was like a complete
turnaround for me.

I'm glad.
I'm glad it happened.

And I feel like that's...

That's all we had to,
like, have today.

- Yeah. That's it.
- You know what I mean?

Like, we just needed
that conversation to like,

- just know it's there.
- I've been knowing.

That's what I'm saying.

I knew it
from the challenge night.

You was catching my eye
and I'm just looking at you

and I just
couldn't stop smiling.

Like, before our conversation,

I feel like I was
going to make a decision

that I was later
going to regret.

And I was kind of
having like a little bit

of an emotional moment.

- You know?
- Come, here.

Come on, girl.
It's okay, it's okay.

- And you went with your gut.
- Mm-hmm.

And you know,

at the end of the day...
Because in my gut I really feel

like me and you
have a solid-ass comeback.

I know.

It's just like... it feels good,

- you know what I mean?
- Yes.

With Jesse, there's a connection

that I wanna, like,
make here, you know?

The way I feel around him,
he makes me feel so safe.

And the fact that he makes me
feel that way so soon,

like, I don't even know
how to, like, take it.

It's, like, surprising.

Like, it just
feels so... like, so good.

I'm here to find

- the strongest connection.
- Exactly.

And I feel like,
by making this decision,

that's what I'm doing.

- Yeah, for sure.
- I'm really glad.

For sure.
I'm so happy.

I'm definitely
in a pickle with Deb.

You know, there's no
denying the fact

that me and her
share a strong connection.

But I think now
that I'm in a couple,

I'm gonna definitely show
more attention to Valerie

and just kind of reassure her,
you know, how I'm feeling.

New couple, Andy and Mady,

are getting along
like a house on fire,

which for a real estate agent

is a chance
to make a big insurance claim.

How are you feeling now
that we're a couple now?

I am super excited.

When you first started talking,
I'm not going to lie to you,

I was shaking a little bit,
a little nervous,

I was really like,
"Please, I really want

to partner with you,"
so I was super excited,

when you started talking,
I'm like, "You are so much more

than just being beautiful.

Your character and who you are

- is something..."
- That's so sweet.

That really, like,
means a lot to me.

So I just
wanted you to know that

and I'm excited to just
kind of dive more into this.

I'm super excited
to get to know Mady

a little bit more.

Super happy she chose me.

I think me stepping out
and letting her know

where I'm at, what I'm feeling,

was probably
the game changer there.

I'm excited to see, like,

you know,
what could happen from this.

And a lot of other guys

- gotta do it, so...
- Oh!

Kissing Andy was really good.

I loved the confidence.

He's so genuine
and he's really sweet.

I'm going to say
he's like frozen custard.

Hey, boys.

Wow, hello, ladies, what's up?

Hello. Hello, hello.

- Oh, it's hot tonight.
- It feels so good.

It's actually a fire.

I would love to chat with you.

I mean, you can have a seat

and rest your legs for a second.

Just come here a little bit.

- A lot.
- A lot. A lot.

How're you feeling?

- Yeah.
- Yeah, I'm feeling great.

- Yeah?
- I feel very confident

in what we
have already established.

I just want you
to feel comfortable

and not feel, like,

over pressed
or anything like that.

I'm... you know, I've been
prone to, like, not invite

my, you know,
emotions being shown, like,

- take it deeper there.
- Are you feeling

vulnerable with me?

There's definitely
a level of that for sure.

I'm not going to
tell you which level.

- Do you like it?
- I like it because...

Do you love it?
Do you want some more of it?

I want to...
I want to indulge a bit more,

you know what I'm saying?

You're making me blush.

- Really?
- Yeah, I can't believe it.

I've been wanting to do this.

So I just need you to come here.

I feel like

on top of the Love Island
villa right now.

I'm going to
stay humble about it,

but, like,
obviously, like, I'm happy.

It feels really good.

by that cushion on Andy's lap

after a steamy snog with Mady,

he's found that in California

it's not just the house prices
that keep going up.

I feel like a lot's
happening for you right now.

She's like, your type to the T.

Oh, you know
my type to the T, huh?

Yeah, blonde with blue eyes.

So you know
my physical type? Okay.

Yes, and I think
that's good that you're, like...

You know,
exploring things as you should,

that's what we're here for.

I wanted to tell you
that, like... I wanted to, like,

explore Felipe...

You're feeling
a certain way towards Felipe.

I want you to go
with what your gut

and what
your heart's telling you.

And I'm so thankful that, like,

you were
my first experience here.

Yeah, I'm glad
that I picked you, like,

even though you didn't step out,

it's all right,
we're going to get over that.

Are we?

We're going to get over it.

I'm going under the blanket,
I'm ready to sleep.

I feel happy
for what's happening

because I feel like this, like,
opens doors for both of us

to pursue something
more genuine romantically.

I'm really thankful
for him for being, like,

my first, like, experience here.

- Just pretend I'm not here.
- Yeah, sorry.

By the end of the week,
there'll be a recoupling

and the two
that aren't in a couple

will be at risk of being
dumped from the island.

What happened with you?

Isaiah and I were talking.

He freaked out or whatever
and started saying that maybe

we're not compatible.

That's why I started crying.

And it was just like,
"Okay, I don't want to hear

that we're not compatible

because I'm not
changing myself, bro."

Like, what the f*ck?

I don't know.

I didn't think I'd
be this f*cked up, bro.

It's in her court, but it's also

a little bit in yours as well.

It's okay.

No, it's okay,
I don't want to cry.

This is happy time.

No, it's okay to cry.

No, it's okay, like,
there's so many emotions.

Well, obviously,

- next to the new couple.
- Hey, man,

it's new vibes in here now.

Are you a bit sad,
like, not going to see

who Jesse is with?

It took two hours to get to bed

and then two hours
to go back to bed.

You're going to be team Timmyda.

Team Timmyda.


Jelerie. Vesse.

Never a dull day
with the Love Island gods.


So you've got
the new couple vibes

going on right now,
feeling real good.

He's excited.

Wait, you said he's excited?

- Mm-hmm.
- Okay, good to know.

He's also excited
about Deb, but...

Be careful.

Ten, nine, eight,

seven, six, five, four.

I just want to get in here.

Good night, Islanders.

Welcome back
to another morning

on "Love Island USA."

I say morning,
it's 1:00 p.m.

And right now our couples are

Sereniti and Felipe,

Sydney and Isaiah,

Zeta and Timmy,

Mady and Andy,

Valerie and Jesse.

And our single ladies,
Deb and Courtney.

Good, none of them have escaped.

Hit the lights.

Good morning, Islanders!

Buenos dias.

Do you like
having the bed to yourself?

- Actually, yeah.
- Yeah?

It's good that he likes
to cuddle, for sure.

It was kind like...

I guess
I'm not used to it.

And then I saw his d*ck print,

I was like, "Oh, yes!"


How was your night?

My night was,
you know, amen, bro.

In bed, right?

- God bless America.
- God bless America.

Must not have been good.

You know,
I think Zeta, you know,

he's very... he's real,

man, he's just going to say
whatever is on his mind.

Oh, I'm aware.

I was just like, "Dude, like..."

- Yeah.
- "It's fine."

Right, right, right.

Damn! You're k*lling
with the fits though, bro.

USA, baby, USA.

I was definitely
hearing some kissing.

- Well, yeah!
- Really?

I'm like, "Zeta."

Yeah, was that you?

I don't know. Was it?

I thought I heard
a little moan, too.

- Moaning? I weren't moaning.
- It wasn't moaning,

it was just
a little, like, "Mm!" Like...

No, do you know what?
Timmy does it.

Even when you're
talking he'll be, like, "Mm."

Hey, me and Zeta cuddled
for the first time.


She had her little silk thing on

and it was
very comfortable, so...

A lot of,
you know, soft touches.

- Yes, sir. Yes, sir.
- Feel great.

With me and Zeta, I feel secure

in what we got and, you know,

I want to continue to, you know,

keep a good pace with things.

What about you, Andy?

You know,
I think today I'm just trying

to focus
on Mady as much as I can.

I think I put
my foot forward yesterday

of saying, like...
Slight little kiss yesterday.

- Slight?
- Slight little kiss.

Come on, my boy.

About time
somebody get some action.

Yeah, some lip action.

- Mady, we just...
- Well, yeah.

Tell us about your night.

You've just been
awfully quiet over there.

We kissed last night.

- You did?
- Oh, my God!

Damn, my life is dry.

Girl, same.

How did you sleep, Val?

Just, like, as soon
as we got in the bed

we kinda just, like,
started cuddling.

I mean, I didn't know
how it was going to be.

It just felt right.

Like, I don't even know
how to explain it.

Y'all tryna find love
on the first day

while I'm trying
to fight for covers.

I feel like you're
going to fall hard and fast.

I know.
I'm, like, a little scared.

Not going to lie.

I kind of feel like
I'm very vulnerable right now.

I was comfortable
and now I lost Jesse.

I just don't want
to continue to lose him.

And we were
making good strides.

I don't know what to do.

And it's so stressful
and my voice is leaving me.

What's happening to my voice?

I'm coupled
up with Val now, you know?

I'm happy about this

because I'm happy
to share a bed with her.

But, you know,
you just can't deny the fact

that me and Deb have
a strong connection

so I'm not
closing that door for sure.

Me and Deb definitely built

a stronger
relationship and connection

than me and Val,

but there's
a real connection there,

and it's just so easy
for me and her to converse.

So I really want to focus

all my effort
and attention on just one girl,

but, you know,
right now it is very hard.

Zeta and Jesse
don't see eye to eye.

They're getting on fine

but Jesse just
refuses to look at her.

Like, from this situation

from your perspective,
what do you observe?

You know,
from Deb and, you know,

how she's feeling maybe
about the whole situation

- and how it's playing out?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I definitely think
that she does like you.

Like, you were her number one

and you've stayed
in that position.

I haven't heard her
talk about any other guy.

- Really? Really?
- No, not once.

- That is good, that is good.
- Yeah.

Do you feel like
you, right now, have,

like, a stronger, like,

attraction to one of them?

Definitely I would say

you know, it's definitely Deb.

I haven't really learned
that much about Valerie yet.

- Exactly.
- And, like, I know

a lot about Deb,
and that's why I'm so...

Yeah, there's still
a bit more there, yeah.

Yeah, yeah,
I'm really attracted to that

because of that.

Did you see me smiling
from ear to ear? I'm like...

Like, I am so...
Val is so happy to be with you,

and I love seeing that for her.

But, like,
I definitely do still want

to see you and Deb
get to know each other

because it's just like...
It's just there.

Like, the second you came

- she was like...
- Right, exactly, exactly.

She was like... That's
a bit , you know.

Yes. Yes, exactly, I know.

- Yeah, I'm happy, too.
- Yeah. For sure.

Hi, sexy.
You're happy?

Yes, I am happy.-?

Yeah, you did actually.

Yes. I'm very happy.

So, like, your goal today
is to talk to Jesse?

Mm-hmm. So I think
that's going to be my priority.

I kind of feel like
I almost need to, like,

start flirting with more people,

but I don't know who.

I'm really like,
"How am I gonna have

a connection
with anyone else?"


I feel the same way.

He looks f*cking hot today, too.

It's just so weird,
like, whenever there's

another girl involved,

I'm always just,
like... I take the back seat.

- I get it.
- So, yeah.

Because I just... I don't know.

I was, like,
telling the girls earlier,

we had, like, a morning chat.

And the girls were like,
"Oh, it's so cute."

Like, "I woke up
and you guys were, like,

in the morning,
like, cuddling."


And I was like,
"Yeah, it feels good."

Like, I don't know
how to explain it,

you know what I mean?
It's like a comfort. Like...

- Feels comfortable.
- Yeah, that's good.

I'm glad you feel that way, too.

I'm glad you're happy.

I'm glad I'm happy.

I don't really feel any way

about anybody else

more than I feel about you.

You know what I mean?

- Feels like a good match.
- Yeah.

- It's definitely a good match.
- Like, it feels, like, right.

It's definitely a good match.

Like, I obviously,
don't wanna hurt

anyone's feelings and all that.

But I'm just like, ugh,
it's like I almost have to.

Because it sucks because you see

how happy she is.


She's, like,
so excited about him

and I don't want
to take that away from her.

But at the same time, I can't
think like that, unfortunately.

I mean, yeah, 'cause that's
what happened with you.

I know!

Jesse, like,
he literally has, like,

all the qualities
in a man I look for,

so I'm obviously
in a sticky situation

with Val and it sucks.

But now that I've sat with it
and thought about it

and actually have
seen them getting on,

I'm like, "Oh, I might like him.

I might want
to see where it could go."

I look at you and you
don't give me any thought

of like, "Mm, I don't know
if I can't trust him,"

you know what I mean?

It's completely the opposite.

I don't know you that well yet,

but from what you show me,
I feel like I trust you.

You know what I mean?
I just... I don't know.

You seem very genuine

so I'm glad
that we're like that.

I'm glad you feel that way,
Val, for sure.

I'm really happy
with the decision

that I made, obviously.

I was, like,
nonstop, like, smiling.

- Yeah, me, too.
- I can't believe

- how it happened.
- Yeah, I know.

It was so unexpected
but it's still...

Like, it's good, so...

Yeah, it's a story
still being written, you know?


I can't wait to keep writing
these pages in with you.

You know,
I'm excited to, you know,

keep building our relationship,

man, because you are dope

and, like, you fine as hell.

Yeah, thank you.

We are here to be selfish.

We're here to have
friends, but, like, we're here

ultimately to find
our connection, you know?

So it's like, someone's
probably going to get hurt.

Welcome back
to "Love Island USA."


And Namaste.

I do a bit of spiritual
guruing in my spare time.

I actually gave Deb
a powerful mantra

to help her
get over her heartbreak.

Men ain't shit.

Another one.

Men ain't shit.

Men ain't shit.

I needed that, thank you.

is cutting that orange

with a worryingly large knife,

Andy's standing by
to grab some juice,

while our medical team
are standing by

to reattach her fingers.

Oh, you just... I would've
sliced my hand open

- right there doing that.
- Yeah, same here.

You're like
a f*cking wizard over here.

Are you serious?

Have you
talked to him much today?

I say yeah.

He was not, like...

I think he just doesn't have

the emotional maturity
that a man has yet,

which is understandable,
he might just not have

as much experience
as other people

so he doesn't know
how to, like, talk, you know?

He's got a good head
on his shoulder...

No, he does, he's independent,

he has his own thing
going on for sure.

But I think, like,
having emotional maturity

is a thing,
you know what I mean?

And I think he might
be lacking that a little bit,

but it just comes from
not having enough experience.

And when I think...
When I mean emotional maturity,

I mean, things like
being able to express yourself.

Being able
to express your feeling.

His guard is very up,
but it's like,

bro, we came here
to put the guards down.

We're here to talk
about feelings, unfortunately.

I can't read this man.
Like, I really can't.

Like I'm just going with the
flow with him at this point.

Like, it is what it is.

There's definitely undeniable
chemistry there for sure.

But it would be nice,
like, to get some more clarity

on, like, where his head's at
or something.

I don't know.

I feel like
I've tested the waters and...

I mean, I feel like the only one

that I feel,
like, a connection with is-

Jesse. Yeah.

Cutting up freaking
fruit salad here.

I know. I wish...
I wish we had a watermelon.

Oh, bravo.
Nice work.

Yeah, a little seed in there.

Since his date
with Mady and Valerie,

Felipe spent absolutely
no time with Sereniti.

Luckily Hank's ironic neon sign
store do same day delivery.

I don't want to catch you
in the wrong way.

What you mean?

You have to attend
to me, please.

I tried to kiss you
last night in the bed.

I say good night
and then come...

Oh, I didn't even do that.

Because I was like...
I like it when people do that.

I just didn't want you
think that like, oh...

-I'm a straight sh**t-
-I know.

So that's why I was like,
I don't have a problem.

- So sorry.
- No, no, no, no.

I would never reject
one of those.

No, I'm not saying you did.

I'll never reject one of those.

But just please, if you
don't understand anything,

ask me, because I know
sometimes my English

- is confusing.
- Yeah.

Felipe and I are definitely
a friendship couple.

I don't think
I have the personality

to be his little boo thang.

We're going to be
real close friends.

I enjoy being friends with him.

We're able to have

joke around, stuff like that.

We're friends.

Good old buddy,
old pal, partner.

So, what's your mission today?

I going to share it
with Courtney.

This is... I don't fall
in love easily, you know?

Yeah, well,
this is Love Island, baby.

You got a... It's not going
to be a three-month thing.

I know that.

That's something
maybe you're going to have

to adjust to a little bit.

No, I know.

So... so how are you feeling?

What's going on?

I wanted to talk to you,

but I guess I was waiting
for the right moment.

Honestly, I feel like
with my decision...

I'm not going to lie to you,

I was definitely
going to pick you.

But I felt uneasy
about that decision.

I definitely want
to make sure I'm, like...

coupled up
with someone that, like...

A little more than just,
like, physical attraction.

Like, after our conversation,

I felt, like, really
attracted to you, you know?

But I didn't know

if we were on the same level,
like, mentally.


And when I had the conversation

with... with Jesse,

like, literally
the first thing he said

was, "One thing that caught
my eye and I liked about you

is that when you
walk into a room,

your presence is known."

I feel like
he takes my personality

and he understands me, and he,
like... is like...

He likes who I am,

as I am, you know what I mean?

And I feel like
that's kind of like,

I guess, like,
what I was looking for.

- Right.
- And he just, like,

automatically, like,
gave me that.

- Jesse's a f*cking sweetheart.
- He is so nice.

- Oh, my God.
- But he just gives me...

I don't think
there's a flaw in that man.

That's what I'm f*cking saying.

I'm like... I feel
like everything just happened

- the way it was supposed to.
- There's sparks, for sure.

Like, you can't lie when
there's some chem, you know?

I know. I know.

But, like, I don't know.
I don't know.

Like, me and Sydney
are vibing right now.

You should let your guard down
a little for her, though.

- I know. I know.
- I think she really likes you.

I just need a vibe more.

That's all I'm saying is,
I feel so... so rushed.

Last night with...
The whole thing with Sydney,

probably definitely
came out a little too strong.

I haven't been in a relationship

for almost,
you know, three years.

And so maybe
just kind of, like, forgot

how to approach things,
you know what I'm saying?

How sensitive people can be

and how people
can take things a certain way.

But at the end of the day,

if I'm catching
feelings for someone,

I'm going to get
to the nitty gritty.

You know,
I definitely can't lie.

That is probably...
I'm a little immature for sure.

I didn't want it to be
weird between us or anything.

No, like,
I definitely felt some, like,

you know, awkwardness,
especially, like...

I know.
Me, too. Me too.

So I was like, okay,

like, I need to talk to him
and just lay it out.

So, it's good, you know.
Good vibes.

- Don't forget your phone.
- Oh, my God.

My ass is, like, stuck
to this thing.

- Give me a hug.
- Yeah.

You know.

I'm glad that it's calm,
though, at least today.

- I'm glad. For now.
- For a bit.

The tree house
is fitted

with a deadly
military grade laser

at precisely 4'6".

Oh, my God.

If Zeta
stands up straight,

it will slice
her head clean off.

We take security
seriously on this show.

Hidden talent.

Oh, okay.

This is nice, you know.

Oh, my God, Z.

- You're so cozy.
- Yeah. Yeah.

- Things seem really good.
- Yeah.

When things are good,

it's like, all right,
something's going to happen.


- Sabotaging myself sometimes.
- Yeah.

Just in my own...

I feel like
you might be the same,

but I'm pretty intense.

- I think, like, within myself.
- Yeah.

I feel like I do all these
calculations for some

- simple ass situation.
- Yeah.

Oh, so many ways
this could go the way

and I'm not gon' meet nobody
that I could actually talk to

and then boom, I'm standing
next to you giggling.

I know.

You laughing at my dumb ass
dad jokes,

I'm like, "Oh, perfect."

Your dad jokes are lovely.

What do you call a girl
with one eye and one leg?

Oh, my God, what?


Oh, my God!

- That's funny.
- Touchdown.

- Come on, it's not bad.
- That's a dad joke.

- That's really funny.
- You like that joke?

Oh, you like that joke.

I like your jokes, Timmy.

I really don't even feel like

I have the appropriate
words for him.

I feel like any words
that I would be using for him

would actually be,
like, doing him a disservice.

I feel like we need better words

in the English language
to describe him.

I just love his energy
and who he is.


Love is just
a scary feeling sometimes.

Just knowing that you're
putting yourself in a place

to, like, not only be dealing
with your emotions,

but to be juggling
someone else's as well.

It does move so fast in here.

Like, I'd rather have
a broken leg

than deal with heartbreak.

So you love hard
once it gets to it?

Once I'm... once I'm loving,

it's just like,
oh, my God, I'm full on.

With me and Zeta,

my guard is on, like,
a 30-minute lunch break,

you know, they chilling.

So, like, she's kind of
seeing how I ride.

Obviously, she's amazing.

You know, the physical aspect,

she checks all the boxes.

And, you know, this is
a person that I could trust.

I feel comfortable showing
some things about myself to.

Talking to you is so nice.

Very nice, isn't it?

Where'd you come from?
What did they find you?

- They dug me up from LA.
- They build you in a lab?

Welcome back
to "Love Island USA."

To seduce Felipe,

Courtney's drenched herself

in a powerful
new perfume, Desperation.

I don't think
Sydney and Andy are fans.

Hey, girl, come sit.

- Hi.
- Hello.

I saw you guys are talking,

and it looked, like, serious.

So, I was leaving you.

- It's always serious.
- I know, right?

- Enjoy the business.
- Okay.

- Does anybody want water?
- Yeah.

- I'll come up with you.
- Okay.

- How are you doing?
- Good. Good.

How are you feeling?

I feel good with everything.

But I could just feel
this, like, sexual tension.

Like, kind of.
I don't know.

- Did you feel that?
- I know, I know.

- Do you know what I mean?
- Yeah, I know.

Like, there's, like,
kind of something there,

but, like, we haven't
really talked, you know?

The eyes talk more
than the words.

Yeah, right?

And also in the challenges,

you also has a good kiss...

Yeah, you, too.

You know,
something pushing me there,

but I don't know
what I can expect, you know?

- Or how to approach it.
- Yeah.

- I'm hoping for that.
- Yeah.

With Felipe,
it's obviously, like, sexual.

Like, he is, like, really hot.

I would like to end up,
like, sharing a bed with him.

And yeah, just getting
to know him more.

Well, now I feel better,

like, you know,
I feel comfortable now.

Even though
I'm, like, still, like,

getting to know, like,
all the other guys and stuff,

I just feel like my connection
I want to pursue right now

is, like, mostly with you,
like, romantically.

But, like, how do you feel?

- I'm happy.
- Yeah, me, too.


Andy and Mady
are chatting at the pool.

The grass area
around the pool

is actually a putting green.

See if you can guess
where the hole is.

What's an average day
in the life in Oklahoma City?

- Mm. Wake up.
- Yup.

Make my coffee.
I do iced coffee.

So, I do milk,

ice and then
a little bit of vanilla.


I feel like a weight

has been lifted
off my shoulders.

And today I can
just kind of relax

and enjoy the moment.

Just, like,
spending time with Andy.

He makes me feel really good.

So, I'm definitely glad
that we're coupled up.

I have a cat.
Did I tell you that?


I'm definitely a dog guy,
I will say.

I tried having a dog,
a puppy once.

What happened?

It's a lot to, like,
raise puppy by yourself.

- It's literally like a baby.
- Yeah.

But it was just within 24 hours,

and I found a family for it

and made sure it had,
like, a really good home.

Yeah, I was like, "Yeah,
I don't think I'm ready."


My sister just got a dog,

and, like, it's the one
that you just got to... Wait?

No, it wasn't.
Sorry, it was a heat advisory.

- Oh, my...
- Yeah, no.

False alarm.

She should
stick that phone

somewhere chilly and dark.

Her cold, lonely bed
would be perfect.

Ooh, it's bright up here.

with waiter Isaiah.

And what a waiter!

There's one toilet in the villa.

Today he waited
for over two hours.

That man
has the patience of a saint.

- How are you feeling this AM?
- Good.

Little bit better.

I feel like I have a clear head.

I think
I was just very overwhelmed

with what was happening.

And I think, like, the way that
the communication happened,

- like, wasn't the best.
- Absolutely.

That was a...
Communication was shit.

And I think
that, like, triggered me

because in a past
relationship, like...

I don't want to cry.

You're okay, let it out.
You're good.

My first relationship was
really bad that way, like...

he, like, manipulated me a lot.

And just, like, emotionally,
like, it triggered me.

Like, the way it all went down.

So, I think that's why
I just felt very overwhelmed

because I was just like...
I saw, like, parallel shit.

- You know what I mean?
- I am sorry.

I want you to know
that why I said that dumb shit

was really just because,
like, I really am into you.

And I wouldn't be, you know...

Wouldn't be
saying things like that,

if I didn't care about you,
you know what I'm saying?

I know.
But that not the way to...

I was just...
I told you, it was immature.

It was me saying shit
in the wrong way.

It was just...
It was dumb as f*ck.

Me and Sydney are definitely
a little rocky right now.

You know, I kind of threw
a couple twigs in the fire,

and it's kind of
slowly, slowly burning up.

I don't want that to make her
drift away or vice versa.

I love your vibe.
I really do.

- Thank you.
- I do.

I like yours, too.

I definitely tend to go
for, like, bad boys.

Like, I've always done it.

But I should never have
to apologize for being myself.

So, like,
after he apologized and stuff,

I just feel like I'll forgive,
but I won't forget.

That's, like, something
that I live by.

I don't know, I feel like
I'm just going to take

a much more laxed approach.

- You know what I mean?
- Absolutely. Yeah.

I get you.

Coming up...

So, we're going
to play truth or dare.

- Hey!
- Lick it up, girl.

We have whipped cream

Holy shit!

Welcome back
to "Love Island USA."

Look at that.
A dozen showers to get through

and poor old Isaiah's
drawn the short straw

so he's last.
What a waiter.

Patience of a saint.

- Do some side dips.
- Side dips.

Dips are real.

Bring that top leg
up, though, bro.

Ooh, okay.

It must be so nice to be a guy

and not have to put on makeup,

take off makeup,
put on makeup, take off makeup.

How about this one?

It's hard if you twist it.

They're going to be
like, "You guys smell good."

Why do I feel like we've just
been camping or something?

They're gonna be like "Wait,
the girls washed themselves."

How many times a week you lift?

- I don't.
- What?

Do you eat like an assh*le

or do you eat pretty well?

- I just eat fast food.
- What?

Oh, no!

One down.
Fallen soldier.

One. Two. Three.

Hey. Hey. Hey.

Did anybody have a convo today
that stands out?

How's you and Mady, bro?

We're vibing right now.

We're in a good place right now,

so I'm... we'll see
where that goes tonight.

Why are we the ones stressing?

Make the boys stress.

Their time will come.

It's a straight,
just cologne scent

when you walk in here.

Is it good, though?

It's a great scent.
Smells like men.

You just made me
swallow hairspray.

They got to be ready by now.
It doesn't take that long.

I am really proud of how fast
you get ready and look amazing.

What the f*ck?

It's because
I don't talk to you hoes.

Hold your glasses up.
Let's have a hell of a night.

Cheers to some connections.

And finding love.


is with Courtney,

who tonight is not only
missing a man on her arm,

she's also missing
a sleeve on her other arm.

She's having a shocker.

So, I've been wanting
to do this for a while.

- But let's chat about Felipe.
- Yeah.

You don't mind
if I, like, get to know him?

Ah! We love that.

I really think he's just
better off for you than me.

- You think so?
- Yeah, I think I'm just, "Mm."

Just know that we're friends
and I'm through.


Cheers. Baby.

I'm Felipe's, like, fam.

I want him to find something,
because the moment

he finds something,
maybe I'll find something.

Bye, love you.

Hey, guys, let's go
play a game at the firepit.

We're going to play
truth or dare.

- Okay.
- Firepit.

Deb and Courtney

have stolen our idea
of playing truth or dare.

Our lawyers will be in touch.

As you know in truth or dare,

one Islander asks another

if they want to do
a truth or a dare.

"Love Island USA" 2022.

- It's single girls game night.
- Okay.

- And it's guys against girls.
- Okay. Okay.

- Yeah.
- I'll start.

- Felipe, truth or dare.
- Dare.

I dare you
to pick the girl of your choice

and make out with her.

- Right now?
- Yeah. You heard me.

- Can you stand up, please?
- Okay.


You're welcome.

Oh. Oh.
Oh. Oh. Oh.

- Okay.
- Oh.

I've noticed
this pattern every game.

Felipe gets picked
and he chooses me.

And I think it's so cute.

Like, I don't know.

He's just a Brazilian,
like, firecracker.

Timmy, truth or dare.

Let's do a truth, y'all.

Who is the Islander

that you would couple up with
if it wasn't Zeta?

Okay, actually, that's easy.

- Ish.
- Is it?


The Islander
that I would couple up with...

I'm going to go with Mady.


I like a little bit of
jealousy in a relationship.

Like, not too much,
but just a little bit.

Because it makes me like, "Ooh.

I'm liking you
a bit more."

- Zeta.
- Oh, Lord.

Truth or dare.

- Don't be a bore.
- I'll do a dare.

We love that.

Other than the person
you're coupled up with,

I dare you to pour some honey
on somebody's body part

and seductively lick it off.

I like honey.
So, I'll get it off.


Take this off.

On the nipple? Yo!

There you go.


Lick it off, girl.

My goodness, I've gone on

and I've licked Isaiah's nipple

and I'm like, "I should have
held back a bit."

Holy shit.

That was a first for me.

I mean,
getting honey on the nipple

was something else.
With a little nibble, you know.

Like, all over me.

- It's your turn.
- That was really sweet.

- Valerie, truth or dare.
- Dare.

Choose an Islander
of your choice

to lick whipped cream
off your bare ass.

My bare ass?

We've got you.
We're ready.

Well done, Deb.

That whipped cream
tasted really good.

Ahh, you know that ass
tasted pretty good as well.

You know, I'm not going to lie.

- Jesse, truth or dare.
- Dare.

I dare you
to kiss all of the girls

and then say
who the best kisser is.

Oh, shit.

I like that.
I like that.

- Jesse, truth or dare?
- Dare.

I dare you to kiss
all of the girls

and then say
who the best kisser is.

Oh, shit.

I like that.
I like that.

Contestant number one.

Contestant number one.

Not too much.
Not too much.

It was like...

- Oh.
- Oh.


Jesse gets dared to kiss
every single girl there.

Like, this m*therf*cker
gets seven b*tches.

- Okay, okay.
- f*ck.

Like, he's already
in a love triangle.

Like, don't give him, like,
six, five... five more.

I watched him kiss every girl.

And like, I mean, I'm not
going to be here like,

"Oh, my God, I enjoy watching
it," you know what I mean?

But it's a bad feeling.

You know, it's not...
It doesn't feel good.

You need a recap
because it's too much kiss.

So maybe you have
to do one more lap.

Let me... I didn't get
the feel of it.

Let me try again.
Let me try again.

I got to say, God bless America.

You know.

So out of everybody
I did get a chance to kiss...

But I got to go with...

Deb for the best one.

Tomorrow night,

get ready, because a new boy

is about to rock the villa.

I'm super ready
to get into the villa.

The biggest advantage I have

is... I mean, look at me.

I look good.
I smell good.

I move different.

And I go for the girl
that has a boyfriend.

More often than not,
that boyfriend's

an ex-boyfriend
by the end of the night.
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