02x03 - Episode 3

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Love Island". Aired: July 9, 2019 – August 15, 2021.*
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A group of contestants, referred to as Islanders, living in isolation from the outside world in a villa, constantly under video surveillance must be coupled up with another Islander, whether it be for love, friendship or survival, as the overall winning couple receives $100,000.
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02x03 - Episode 3

Post by bunniefuu »

All my life[/i]
Been looking for someone like… [/i]

[narrator] Previously on[/i] Love Island…

Won't you keep, keep, keep[/i]
Keep me company…[/i]

[narrator] Ten sexy singles coupled up.[/i]

The girl I would like
to couple up with is…


Tell me it's true, true[/i]

Johnny stole Cely.

I kind of scooped in and hopefully,
secured the bag with that.

And then two new girls…

I should make you one of those.

…caused a stir.

-I'm feeling you, for sure.
-Cheers to that.

-I'm not here to, like, waste time.
-We're definitely vibing.

What if things wasn't supposed
to work out with who I picked

and then things wasn't supposed
to work out with who you picked?

[narrator] Tonight…[/i]

You seem like a heartbreaker.
But I can't help the vibes.

…the battle for one boy…

-You're a good kisser.
-…is on.[/i]

I would definitely like to kiss you more.
I'm not gonna lie.

You never know what could happen.

Justine or Kaitlynn.
Like, I really don't know.


[theme music playing]

It's just a party [/i]

It's just a party[/i]

[narrator] It's been 2,880 minutes[/i]
since we last saw each other,[/i]

so let's dive back in.

-Go ahead, Johnny.
-Yeah, come on. Put 'em up.

I just wanna say cheers
to y'all beautiful people.

Let's celebrate tonight.

[all] Cheers.

-I wish we had beer pong.
-I'm so bad at beer pong.

[narrator] Beer pong? What is this,[/i]
the fraternity of Villa Crappa Bad Idea?[/i]

Can I sit right here?

-What's next, truth or dare?
-Let's do a truth or dare, then.[/i]

-Of course!
-Jeremiah, it's a dare.[/i]

Lick someone somewhere from the neck up.

Oh, man!

Push that hair back. Push that hair back.



[man] Oh, he's going in. He's going in.

-Stop. Oh, my gosh.
-Okay, Justine, truth or dare?

-I'll do dare.

Kiss Tre's ear. Just do it.
Like, real quick.


Just a little peck.

-He just had a moment.
-[James] All right, now you pick somebody.

Kaitlynn, truth or dare?


Hmm. Hmm, hmm, hmm.

If you could pick
any other guy to couple up with

that's not your partner, who would it be?

Oh! Getting down to it.

Well, now it would be Tre.

I love this! [laughs]

Man, I'm not gonna lie,
Kaitlynn definitely threw me for a loop

when she said she would couple up with me.

-[Connor] Tre, truth or dare?
-[Tre] Dare.

I dare you to kiss Kaitlynn
for five seconds.

-That's a long-- That's a long…
-Whoa, look. Five.

Well, come on, make yourself comfortable.

Five, four, three, two, one.

Oh, that was a fast five seconds.

-It was.
-But it's fine.

She's like, "Let it keep going!"

[Kaitlynn] I need to ask someone.

-You could ask Connor.
-Truth or dare.

-Uh, dare.
-Lick Mackenzie…

What's up with all this tongue stuff?

…from her foot up to her thigh.

No, that's not even nice to him,
'cause I haven't showered yet.

[Johnny] Get in there, Connor.
Get in there, Connor.

Wait, that's one sexy ass leg, though.

[Johnny] He, like, bent it!

Just do it!

Oh, my God.


Okay, that felt good.

Oh, my God!


[Rachel] One more time
for the people in the back.

[narrator] Kaitlynn's truth[/i]
or dare revelation[/i]

has Tre seeing her in a new light…

a giant, green, $20,000-an-hour,
neon love-heart light.

So, in the truth or dare game,
they asked you on your truth,

-as far as, like, pairing up.

-Why did you say me?
-Well, the reason why I'd pick you

is because I think
you're absolutely amazing.

You're really sweet and you're kind

and you've always made me feel
very comfortable and safe.

Like, that you're actually
genuinely interested in just being,

like, "Hey, what's up?"

You know what I mean?
That's really important to me.

I'm not gonna lie, you kinda looked like
you was expecting a little bit more

on that kiss that I gave you
over there though.

Oh, my gosh, I was like,
"He is a good kisser.

He has very nice lips."

You do too.
I would definitely like to kiss you more.

I'm not gonna lie to you about that.

Okay, well…

um, we'll see what the future holds.

Tre has expressed
a little bit of interest in me,

so we'll see where that goes.

You never know what could happen in here.

[Tre] Gotta go back to the spot.

-Our spot.

That's an amazing spot, yeah.

-This is our spot.
-Yeah. So, Mr. Popular right now.

Stop. Stop.
I wanted to talk to you because, like,

it's a talk that
we obviously need to have.


The way you're setting this up,
should I be nervous?

-I'm, like…
-No, no, don't be nervous.

-Chest going.
-Don't be nervous.

Like, I just wanted
to clear up some things.

Like obviously, like,
the game that we were just playing,

like the truth or dare
with everybody there,

it's, like, some things happened
and some things were said

that involved Kaitlynn.

Like as far as her, like, talking about,

like, she would pair with me
and then the, like,

-I got dared to kiss her.

I feel like it's still the same
because I still…

I still vibe with you…

more natural than I vibe with Kaitlynn.

-And I would be a liar if I sat here

and told you that
I'm not attracted to Kaitlynn.

-Yeah, of course.
-Because everybody here looks good.

You know what I'm saying?
She's an attractive girl.

So, Justine's personality is very,
very cool and we just got, like,

a comfort level, like,
that's just all the way up there.

I honestly feel a lot more comfortable
opening up to Justine,

versus opening up myself to Kaitlynn.

Like when you opening up,

I feel like maybe I have been
a little bit reserved

-and, like, closed off.

Maybe I could open up to you.

Yeah. I was telling you that.

-Maybe I don't wanna get hurt.
-I don't wanna get hurt, but you…

You thinking that,
maybe I don't wanna hurt.

Tre, you are a heartbreaker.
I see it in your eyes. I see it.

I'm a heartbreaker?

You seem like a heartbreaker,
and that's why I'm nervous.

That's why I'm skeptical a bit,

but I'm like,
"But I can't help the vibes."

I can't help the genuine, like,
connection that we have.

Even, like, that hug that we had.

At the moment,
I'm coupled up with Jeremiah,

but Tre, he's definitely, like, charming.

Like he knows how to,
like, really woo a girl, I feel,

and this is how I am.
Someone shows me attention and I'm like…


-I know you have, like, these…
-A heart?

Yes. Yes. You have these, like…

Yes, I have a heart.

Have a girl just be like, "Wow."

There it is. There it is.
There's that soft Tre.

I'm a sucker for forehead kisses,
you know that.

-Are you?

I feel like I got closer to Justine,

and I felt like I got
a better understanding

on me and Kaitlynn's relationship.

I'm just ready to find somebody that
I can share my happy moments with.

[narrator] The Jeremiah checklist.[/i]
Friend zone Justine, check.[/i]

Make out with Rachel
in truth or dare, check.

Get Rachel alone, check… it out.

That was way lower
than I thought it was gonna be.

-How you feeling?

Good so far. Yeah, I'm,
like, this day was definitely,

like, good to have a full day in the villa

and, like, really hang out
with everyone and that.

I caught how you feel about, like,
taking this head-on or whatever.

Oh, yeah. Let's jump in.

-Oh, you wanna jump in?
-Yeah, yeah, yeah.

You seem like you know
what you want.

Yeah. If I had ten eggs, I would say
eight eggs were in your basket.

-That's where you're at now.

-And they're your eggs to lose basically.

Okay. I'm in a good position.
I don't plan on losing.

Okay. But, yeah,
you still gotta gain two more,

so you still gotta work a bit.

I know. I'm with it.
I like you. I like to work for them.

-All right, good. Okay, cool. Yeah, good.
-I'm gonna earn them.

Give me all your love[/i]
I'm what you really want… [/i]

[Rachel] Jeremiah is very attractive
and really cool.

We really, really get along
and really, really connect.

I'm really, really excited
for what's to come.

[Jeremiah] We've been vibing.
It's going good right now.

Like, we click. We click pretty well,
you know what I'm saying?

So, hey, hey, you know.

You can't tell from the smile on my face.

[chuckles] I've been cheesing all day.

You've got some soft lips.

[narrator] Carrington and Kaitlynn's[/i]
relationship has been held together[/i]

by the unbreakable glue
of a reality TV format,

but Carrington's hoping to move on
with new girl Kierstan

over something far more substantial…

-his biceps.[/i]
-Oh, arm check. Wait, cheers.

-Then arm, I'm not gonna chug all of it.
-You just got here.

Oh. No, I'm really glad I met you.

Kierstan is very sexy,
the way she walk, talks and acts.

She looks like she would be
a flight attendant on, like,

a private Dubai airplane.
That's how she looked today,

like just one of the sexiest girls
I've ever seen.

Like just, she brought it.

Everyone here was so stoked when I met you

'cause I just wasn't getting along
with her and, like,

I was trying super hard and she wasn't.

I was miserable.
I was, like, "This sucks."

And then I met you,
and I was just like boom, perfect.

I was like,
"Okay. There we go. I'm good," like…

I found a girl who I'm down to get to know
and work for and have fun with.

No, it's definitely been fun so far.

Well, we can't cheers anymore,
but maybe we will kiss to that.


[giggles softly]

Save the rest. I'll give you more later.

-I'm just kidding.

Sounds good.

During the Excess Baggage challenge,[/i]

it was revealed Moira once used
a sidewalk as a, uh, restroom,

and she was concerned
it might make her number two

in James's eyes.

When you said that, everyone was,
like, "Oh, my gosh, gross,"

but to be honest, I was like, "Yes!"
Because I swear it happened to me.

Like, you feel so kind of, like,
disgusting a little bit.

-I know. I know.
-But it's okay.

This is the reason
I am growing to be so fond of him,

is because
without any question or hesitation,

he was there for me and had my back.

I feel like we relate together so much.

Like sometimes I feel like
he's reading my mind.

I'm, like, getting excited.
I have butterflies for this whole thing.

How do you feel about us right now?

-I like us.
-I'm dropping it. Dropping the b*mb.

When I think about us,
it makes me excited for more us.

If that makes sense?

You're the sun[/i]

You're the light in my eyes[/i]

You're the sun[/i]

[narrator] Ah, stock footage![/i]

[Rachel] You're so giddy.
I'm loving every second of this.

-So, are you going to second base today?
-[Cely] She totally is.

He's gonna put his arm around,
and it's gonna be like…

Are you gonna, like,
touch on his pants a little bit?

Are you gonna, like, cuddle
and like, scoot back with your butt?

Oh, yeah.

You're like, "I won't do that.
Like, get away."

[Kaitlynn] You can accidentally act
like you're grabbing to move the blanket.

And you're like,
"Oh, sorry. I grabbed my blanket."

[girls laughing]

Oh, yeah.

Never mind. Just go ahead. Go.
Just gonna go ahead. There we go.

You're a good kisser.

-Night, girly.


[steamy music playing]

[narrator] Rise and shine, Islanders.[/i]

Mintify those pearly whites.
There's a brand-new day ahead

of close-talking and making out
with someone else's partner.

Wake up, people. The day waits for no one.

Sorry to interrupt[/i]
What you were in the middle of [/i]

You were snoring for so long.



It's funny.

I got nowhere to be[/i]
If you got nowhere to go[/i]

How was last night?

We made out so much.


Did you go to second base?

-Oh, yeah, did you?


I keep trying to figure out Johnny's size.


I'm dead.


Oh, really?

That's good, man.

-That's what I'm saying.
-She likes you.

I just can't take it[/i]
The chemistry between us[/i]

♪ Isn't it obvious? ♪

I got nowhere to be[/i]
If you got nowhere to go[/i]



Boy, what are you grunting for?
It's five pounds.

[Cely laughing]

It's light work.

[narrator] Turn this way. Turn that way.[/i]
This way. That way.[/i]

Turn this way. Turn that way.
Turn this way. Turn that way.

Turn this way-- Eggs!

Thank you.


-You're welcome.
-Ew, I got a mouthful of sweat.

I felt that. I felt you, like,
take that off my neck.


I like a lot of things about Kierstan.

I think she's just so similar to me.

The things she laughs at,
what she likes to joke about.

We both have a similar look.
It's kind of, like, exotic.

I'm not saying
I look like a Ferrari or anything,

but we just kind of
on all levels are matching

and then there's
definitely something there.

This is wild you came in here.
I'm so glad.

Is it because of me
or is it because you just…

Yesterday you were, like,
it's nice to have someone,

and it is, but is it nice to have me
or have someone?

No, you, you, you. Not, like, somebody.

Like somebody, sure,
but you, like, it's way nice.

Mm. Glad to hear it. I feel the same way.

Should I be, like,
letting this out after a day?

-Should I be saying this out loud?

Yeah, I have to warm up
to people sometimes.

But I'm warming up to you pretty fast.


Oh, my gosh.
Am I keeping you from anything?

No. No, I have nothing to do today
besides get to know you more.

Good answer.

This is, like…

I like a lot of things about Carrington.
He's just very touchy.

I love that.
My love language is definitely touch.

I don't know. He's just very genuine too.

-Feel my sweat.

All right, so, say, like,
we were, like, crossing.

-This thing.
-We were like…

[laughs] How did you know
what I was gonna do?

Okay, come here.

[narrator] I think they're moving[/i]
to second and a half base.[/i]

He's teaching her
his official bro greetings.

Spin you. And then I can just…

No, they're swing dancing.
Well, it is the roaring '20s.

So, that part has to…

-That's good. That's kind of fire.
-Okay, okay, so…

Then where do we go from here?

All the feelings I'm having
right now with Johnny,

like, it's so exciting.

Just, like, seeing that
we can be goofy together like that,

that's all I could ever want in someone.

I need somebody[/i]

Come on, to the pinky.
Thumb, pinky, thumb, point.

Like aside from being, like,
super attracted to him, like, physically

and, like, having a deep connection
with him, like, we have that, like,

silly and goofy, like, friendship, also.

So, it's just, like,
all around 11 out of 10.

It's just-- It's so good.

They're running…[/i]



Then we can just…

-You already warmed up and everything?
-I wake up warm.

[narrator] Justine is finally retaliating.[/i]
Get him, girl![/i]

Oh, wait. Tre is training her.

I wonder if all the workouts he has her do
involve overt groin-thrusting motions?


-Just lift up.

If that workout gets you jacked,
I should be the Incredible Hulk.

Tre is smart. He was like,
"You wanna work out?"

And I was like, "Yeah."

He was like,
"Let's do some hip thrusts."

I mean, okay. I mean,
I gotta work this butt out a little,

so he knows what he's doing.

Eight, there you go. There you go.

I didn't want the bar to hurt her hips,

so I just put my hands there
to give her some resistance.



Like, it was definitely not just
a workout for either of them.

It was for sure
a little bit something more,

and I am living for it,
'cause they're both so good,

and I think they'd be
even better together.

I think you could actually handle me.

What do you mean?
Why do you act surprised?

I tried telling you.

[narrator] While I've been cutting[/i]
my own hair[/i]

like some quarantine Fantine
in Les Misérables,[/i]

the boys are treated to a clipper sesh
at barber Johnny's 36th ab salon.

The topic in question: the hairy situation
with Justine and Kaitlynn.

-Somebody got a decision to make, bro.

You, my bro. What do you think this is?
We fighting somewhere?

I feel like everybody pretty much
got their, like, person figured out

and then it's like… like…

But where you at though, like?
Just be a hundred, bro.

Like, what you feeling?

Are you more, like,
sexually attracted to Kaitlynn?

Bro, every… every girl here is attractive.


So how do you feel, like, about Tre?

He really shocked me.
Like, we have so much in common

and, like, he was so easy to talk to.


And then, like, after that,
I was like, okay,

I can see something with Tre, you know?

I still have… I was a little bit
still skeptical because, like,

he still seemed, like, a little reserved

and I was like,
"I'd love for him to open up."

I definitely feel like he has that,

so I feel like the more that you'll talk,
he'll open up.

Like don't get me wrong, like.
I like kissing Kaitlynn

-and Kaitlynn is really good to look at.
-She's… yeah.

I could look at Kaitlynn all day.

'Cause when I was talking to him, too,
like, I feel like

it was just very genuine conversation.

the interest for me wasn't there,

and I don't wanna come in here and, like,

-fake it.

It's hard when you're not in, like,
a secure couple like everybody else.

-You know?

You never know
what could come out of anything.

So, just give everybody a chance.

Like, have conversations
with everyone, you know.

Yeah, bro, I've been holding back,
like, to be honest.

Just because, like, it's… nobody wanna be
in a vulnerable situation, like,

I talked to her and Justine said,
like, she, like,

she's willing to open up for me.

If she's willing to open up for me,
I'll open up for her.

And, like, obviously…

-That's real.
-I have to make a decision on, like,

what is the best match for me.

I think you should definitely focus on
having more conversations with them.

You know what I mean?

Like, try and get deep
with the both of them.

See where their hearts are at.

So, basically, what y'all saying is
I need to test drive them both?

[all chatter]

I know my boy Tre.
He kind of stressing right now.

Kaitlynn, I don't know
if their personalities are gonna click,

but Justine real, man. She a good girl,

you know what I'm saying?
She deserves someone special.

So, it goes beyond looks,
and I feel like Justine got substance.

I feel like they click together
really well.

So I feel like that's a good thing
for him to pursue.

It's gonna be a fun night.
I will say that.

[narrator] Welcome back to[/i] Love Island.

Security, we have a perm.
Repeat, we have a perm.

Let's ride those platinum-heated waves

right into the swirling waters
of a girl chat about boys.

[Justine] Hello.

Oh, my God,
you guys look so beautiful sitting here.

You look so beautiful walking in here.

Well, thank you. [laughs]

So, how's everyone feeling
about their guys?

-Obsessed still, obviously.

We know she's already set in love,
married, about to have a kid.

-[Cely] About to run off together.
-[Kierstan] Yeah, seriously.

[Cely] Isn't it surprising?

How well… I feel like that's how it is
with me and Johnny.

I've never dated anyone like him
in the past.

-Yeah, no.

And I feel like I'm having so much fun.

How are you and Carrington doing?
How are you feeling?

We're great.
I'm ready to jump in that bed. Let's go.

[laughs] But yeah, no, I really like him.

Don't know what goes through that guy's
head or gonna come out of his mouth,

-so always on my toes.

Like, I'm sensing your vibe is, like,

you do gravitate towards,
like, mature men.

Yeah. And, like, older guys.
But, you know, I just think he's great.

Like, I can't stop smiling,
and I'm just all giddy.

Kierstan has mentioned that
she usually goes for, like, older guys

because of, like, maturity.

And I kind of get a little bit
of a youthful vibe from Carrington,

and I feel like that's also
kind of a reason why

I wasn't interested in him.

It's Love Island[/i],
you wanna try out new things.


Basically, our conversation
in the hot tub was so electric.

It was just kind of like,
"I'm so into you,

I wanna get to know just you."

It's almost like she kind of caught,
like, that Cupid arrow.

But on top of that,
I feel like I… I kind of did too.

We'll see what happens.
It's still, like, really early.

But I'm really happy right now.

[narrator] With the girls happily enjoying[/i]
each other's company,[/i]

James has no choice but to step in
and remedy the situation.

-[James] What are you guys doing?

-So, can I come join?

All right, well, we missed you guys
so much that…

-Mwah! I missed you.
-You did?

-Yeah. So cute?
-You guys are so cute.

We did something for you guys today.
So, Johnny is a barber, right?

-So, he cut everybody's hair.

-He did?
-Your boy has a bald head now.

Would you like him
if he shaved his head?

[James laughs]

-Are you serious?
-Your boy has a Mohawk.

Figures. Makes sense.

Introducing Jeremiah! Come on out!


Coming in at 6'3". Very good-looking.

Tall, dark and handsome.

And very cut, I might say.
Jeremiah, with the low taper fade.

Do a spin. Stop, do a spin.

[narrator] Let's see the new look.[/i]

Whoa! Literally no difference.

[Carrington] Next coming out, we got Tre.

Come on, Tre. Bring it down. Strut it.

Hey, there we go. Give him some clap.


Coming in from Ohio State,
Mr. Buckeye himself,

with the low taper fade.

-Tre. Looking good, Tre.

And now, for the man,
the main event himself,

the one who cut the hair, Cely's boy.

It is Johnny!

[cheering, applause]

Johnny also lined himself up,
so take a look.

Little bit of something, something.

[Cely] Okay.

I was the pre-hype man.

-Your announcing skills are…
-Well done.

Turned out pretty well, yeah.

[narrator] That evening,[/i]
Cely's having thoughts about Johnny[/i]

that would make our sponsors delighted
and our censors weep.

Cely is ready
to take her man down tonight.

I'm, like, unleash us.

-Unleash us.
-Let us out.

I feel like your mood right now
is about, like,

a mix between a 14-year-old boy…

[laughing] What?

-…and a girl in love. It's like…
-A 14-year-old boy?

It's a bit horny. Like, let's admit it.

It is. Well, you're not wrong.

You're not wrong,
'cause you're like, "Unleash us."

Unleash us. Please.

I've never had this much fun
with a guy, like, ever in my life.

That's so sweet.

And that's the crazy part too.
I don't go for guys like him

and I'm like maybe, like, I've been
doing it all wrong this whole time.

Kind of the same with me and Connor.

He's not, like, a guy
I would typically go for.

I think that's the same
with Moira and James.

But it's wild because I feel like

typically when people
are getting on this well,

-it's, like, their normal type.

And that's not the case for any of us.

-That's not the case for any of us.

Eyes close just like I'm falling[/i]

In love I float away[/i]

-You look good, though, in all black.

I'm in, like, all white.

Then he goes and rocks me[/i]

I'm feeling like a cannonball[/i]

He knows he's got me feeling like[/i]
I'm falling in love again[/i]


In love again [/i]

Oh, my God, I'm so jeal--

Rachel, are you gonna cuddle
with me tonight?


Oh, I'm so sad!

I'm feeling like a cannonball[/i]

He knows he's got me feeling like[/i]
I'm falling in love again[/i]

Feeling like I'm falling in love again[/i]


In love again[/i]

Like a fool[/i]
Like a fool [/i]

Like a fool[/i]
Like a fool[/i]

[narrator] If I had to sleep[/i]
in a bed like that,[/i]

I'd need a spa day to recover.

No way. I just remembered how amazing
the spa at Caesars Palace is

right at the moment
I'm contractually obligated to mention it.

That is so weird.

You hit the spa,
then the best pool in Vegas,

then you take your base tan
to one of their award-winning restaurants.

Go to Caesars.com for the scoop
on your next upscale escape.

Can I get my upgrade now?

What a good morning, rise and shine…[/i]

[narrator] Now for my favorite[/i]
love language:[/i]

someone with a perfect body
cooking me food.

Just like Jeremiah is doing for Rachel,

and she's not even his partner.

I hope for her sake
he doesn't use his fingers

in a questionable way.

Well, beggars can't be choosers.

-[thumps backbeat]
-[Jeremiah] Yo, yo.

Cooking breakfast[/i]
Cooking breakfast[/i]

[Jeremiah] Me and Rachel
are at a good place.

I couldn't ask it to go smoother,
you know?


We just taking our time with it,

and so it's how it's gonna go right now.

-Oh, my gosh. Thank you.
-Oh my, God.

[Rachel] Thank you.

Jeremiah made me breakfast this morning,

which was really, really nice.

So he's definitely, like,
off to a good start.

It's Jeremiah. [laughs]

Nice outfit.

[narrator] While Justine's potential[/i]
romance with Tre seems to be trailing off,[/i]

nearby Carrington gets into a little
"maybe I'll sit, maybe I'll stand."

-What you trying to hear?

I have a lot of energy today,
so we'll talk.

We'll chitchat.

-Are you okay? You seem down.
-I'm good.

-I just need to work out.

We'll talk.

I'll see you.

All right, for sure.

I woke up this morning feeling confident

in conversations that I've had
with Tre yesterday, the day before.

He even came over and, like,

said good night to me
and I was like, "Oh."

And then I wake up this morning
and he's, like, not being himself at all.

Maybe he had, like,
a really bad dream about me

and was like, "Oh, I hate her."

[narrator] #Jamoira have been doing[/i]
lots of spooning.[/i]

But she's concerned the spoon
may too quickly turn into a fork.

What do you think about
the pace we're going at?

Um… I just hope you,
you know, you're ready.

-…to-to-to really get involved

in something that can really be… be fun.


Like I said, yeah…

It's just hard to do anything when
there's so many other people

-in the beds around us.

I definitely told the girls
that you have a big personality.

They were like,
"We saw you making out last night."

-Big personality?
-And I was like, "Oh, yeah."

-They were like, "How far did you go?"
-Big personality.

I was like, "Second base,"
then walked out the room. [laughs]

I like Moira. She's, uh… she's great.

Like, it's not just all about me.
It's about the person, too,

and we're still learning about each other.

And I just hope that she knows
that I'm accepting it,

and I'm enjoying it,
and hopefully she thinks the same way.

I feel like I kind of wanna take it
slower with that.

Yeah. So no more seeing my personality?

Even though you want to.

-You want to?

[Moira] I do know what I want,

but don't wanna get played, you know?

Like, I don't want my heart to get broken.

-We'll figure it out.

Well, thanks for figuring it out with me.

I know. Mmm.

-Mmm. Mm-hmm.
-Right? Yeah.

-It's weird.
-Mmm. Now I sound like you.

-I'm doing little mannerisms like you.
-Yeah, the "mmm."

-You feel it now. Mmm.
-I feel it.

[narrator] Doesn't wanna see[/i]
his big personality?[/i]

Why not-- Oh, I get it.

-[cell phone chimes]
-[Connor] Uh-oh.

[man] Nuh-uh.

I got a text!

[man] We'll go to the ladies.

[Cely] Who got a text?



[Kaitlynn] I obviously feel, like,
a little bit nervous

for the recoupling tonight,

um, because there is a possibility
of either me or Justine going home.

I think both of us want to be here,
and both of us deserve to be here,

but I still need to have
a conversation with Tre,

see where his head's at.

It's a little nerve-racking.

Dude, I wonder who… who Tre is choosing.

Honestly, it's up to him who leaves.

[Justine] There's a 50% chance
that I am going home

that's just been my luck in here.

As soon as I start to like somebody,
they're like, "Sorry, don't like you."

Soon as I start to like
somebody else, they're like,

"There's a recoupling.
I choose somebody else."

I've had such a hard four days
in here and, like, trying to, like,

build connections,
and I'd be so bummed if,

as soon as it started to happen
for me, it's like, "Pack your bags.

Girl, you're going home."
Like, that would just be the worst.

I see what I want[/i]
And I know I can get it [/i]

[narrator] The recoupling is happening[/i]
very soonish.[/i]

Upon considering the infinite
possible romantic permutations,

Love Island's social scientists,[/i]
Johnny and Carrington,[/i]

sense Justine or Kaitlynn
are statistically likely to be dumped.

Carrington dons his thinking shades
to discuss.

[Johnny] Tre definitely has
a tough decision to make.

Just because he's friends with Kaitlynn

and he's friends with Justine.

I think the best way to look at it is,

"Who is here for the right reasons?"
more so than, "Who would have my back?"

Because, "Who would have my back?"
you're looking out for yourself.

[Carrington] They're both definitely here
for the right reasons.

You never know, but…

It's tough, bro.
I actually don't know what he's gonna do.

If I had to put my money on it,
I'd probably have to say Justine.

-I wanna see her stay.

But if she stays, I don't wanna see
her face rejection again

and feel the way she's been feeling.

[narrator] James and Connor, who don't[/i]
shave their faces but shave their chests,[/i]

talk about how perfect their lives are.

Let's see if the fake plants
come to life and throw up.

-My guy.

Has today been going well for you?

-Are you feeling…
-Oh, bro. Moira and I are…

are amazing, you know? We're cool.

Every hour I spend with her,

is-- I like her more and more.
You know, I'm putting myself out there,

and she knows how open I am and it…

I'm so appreciative that she's being open,
'cause she is reserved,

she is shy, you know…

She even told me today it's hard
for her to trust someone,

and she wants to so bad,
and when she is willing to do it with me,

I am so… just so happy

-that she's doing that.

So, obviously, yeah, she's my number one.

-I don't think… I'm liking her.

No, that's awesome, man.

So, for me,
Mackenzie is so extremely selfless,

and she truly makes you feel
comfortable being yourself

-and around her.
-That's amazing.

Like I've always kind of seen that,

but it's like I felt that, like,
in my heart today.

-So I'm going to speak to that.
-That's what's up.

I feel like I'm definitely going all-in
with Mackenzie.

I couldn't be happier, and I'm super happy

just to go to sleep with her by my side,

and I look forward just as much
to wake up in the morning

right next to her,
each and every single day.

Like, as far as just, like, a few things…

Obviously, we know where you're at,
like, in general.

Me and you have been steady with,
you know, our girls, so it's nice to see.

And I'm so happy that we're,
like, in the same boat,

'cause I wanna progress with you, bro.

-For sure.
-You're my guy.

It's so crazy how it's so cool
to think about

how the dynamic that
we got into each other.

[narrator] On the verge of possibly[/i]
bein[/i]g kicked off the show,[/i]

Kaitlynn seeks the four sympathetic ears

of James and Moira, who dry rub each other

as their friend laments her fear
of imminent singledom.

Tre's gonna make
a good decision tonight and I know…

I know… He better think it through.

-I don't know.
-Giving us positive vibes now, James.

Being the not chosen one seems to be
the theme of my life, actually,

so I wouldn't be surprised if I wasn't.

I feel as though…

people might be more Team Justine,
which I love her.

They should be, you know, but not more.

I also want Team Kaitlynn.

-We should all wear pink tonight.
-Yeah, wear pink tonight.

-Try and get Tre to wear pink tonight.
-All right.

I'm glad that I have my girl Moira
and my man James,

because I definitely know that
they'll put in a good word for me.

There's gonna be people
walking through that door,

and we don't know who those people are.

That's why I need to stay.

Hopefully nothing bad happens, you know.

AKA me leaving.

-No, not leaving.
-That would be the bad thing, though,

-is what I'm saying.
-It would be.

What are we gonna do
without Kaitlynn here?

[narrator] And we're back[/i]
at the [/i]Love Island Vegas rooftop island.[/i]

Oof, butter on avocado toast.

Let's see if Moira's relationship advice

is also against the whole-grain.

Seems like it could be
a pretty big day for you.

Why do you say for me?

'Cause of the situation at hand, you know?
Two extra girls.

What do you think?

You know, I don't wanna push you
in any direction, obviously,

but are you pretty--
Are you that close with Justine right now?

Like, I mean, I've talked to Justine
and, like, we are connected

and vibing and, like,
I'm starting to open up a little bit,

like, to get to know her more,
and, like, things are going cool.

But, like, I'm very attracted
to Kaitlynn and, like, obviously,

like, we've, like,
kissed a couple of times.

But, like, I honestly don't know where,
like, Kaitlynn's head is.

You know,
I can't speak for her, obviously.

-For sure.
-But she's my girl.

She should stay.
I think both of you deserve to find love.

[Tre laughs]

I am trying to keep my girl Kaitlynn here.

She is my rock in this villa.

We just click on the next level.

[sighs] All right. Well, thanks.

-Good luck.

I definitely didn't make that any easier.

[narrator] So after Moira pled the case[/i]
of potential dumpee, Kaitlynn,[/i]

thriving Irish law firm
Connor and Mackenzie

lobby Tre on behalf of their client,

Didn't you kiss Kaitlynn privately?


I think Kaitlynn enjoyed your chat
and enjoyed the talk.

She enjoyed the kiss, but,

everyone's seeing you with Justine
and the way you've been with her.

Like, you haven't tried to be
as forward with her, like, physically,

which I think we're all seeing
a different side of you from that,

and that's, like, refreshing.

But I do know that Kaitlynn
and Justine are still very open

to getting to know you, so…

In here, you're definitely
looking for that person

that just makes you feel comfortable,

and I think that Tre and Justine
are that for one another.

Like, it's good to talk to a girl
and get a girl's perspective,

because, like, just sitting here,
thinking about it, like, you're right.

But I just would say in the future,

especially if you do get recoupled
and you're pursuing other things,

-maybe just think about that.

Does that help?

It makes things more complicated,
but it… it helps.

-It helps.
-Follow your heart.

Thank you.

-You're welcome. Of course.
-Appreciate you, Mackenzie.

I'll let you two lovebirds
get back to your…

your time.

You give super good advice.

Aw, so do you.

-[Justine] Are you okay?
-[Tre] Yeah.

[Justine] What's wrong?

-[Tre] Nothing.
-[Justine] You look sad.

[Tre] No, I'm not sad. I'm cool.

-[Justine] Yeah? Okay.

What if I can't do this[/i]

If my best is not enough[/i]

Oh, my gosh.

Will you see past all my failures? [/i]

Promise not to call my bluff [/i]

[Tre] It's just…
It's a tough situation, man.

Like, I don't know, to be honest.

Like I will be happy
to be paired up with either one,

Justine or Kaitlynn.

This is, uh… This is tough,
you know, it's really tough.

We feel things fissure [/i]

They fissure[/i]

Tre is torn and, yes, I am trying
to keep my girl, Kaitlynn, here.

[Cely] I'm just a Team Justine.
That's my girl.

I literally would be devastated
to see her go.

Like glass smashing back to sand[/i]

[narrator] Next time…[/i]

Someone's getting dumped
in our first recoupling.

And two new boys…

I'm Caleb. I'm 24 years old.
I am the full package.

-…enter the villa.[/i]
-I'm Calvin. I'm 25 years old.

You better be hungry,
'cause I'm a full six-course meal.

[closing theme music playing]
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