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02x34 - Episode 34

Posted: 04/29/24 11:08
by bunniefuu
Love island.

Tonight's episode is no
big deal, it is just the

Season finale.

Pii'm freaking out.

Six weeks ago they left
their normal lives behind


Are you ready to get
this party started?

And they

Lodged in vegas and looked
for love in lockdown.

Johnny will be couple
up with one of you girls.


Sometimes the road was easy.

Sometimes the road was too easy.

You don't have the right words?

I'm going to figure it out.

I'm just going to be
your friend.

Are you going to stop
being all lovey dovey.

America has spoken and
they want me to go on a

Date with connor.

Why would america do this to me?

Why would they take my

But throughout it all, they

Had each other.

Head could turn.

I'm, like, so smitten with you.

Please welcome your
brand new islanders.


Arrivals brought new

Some proved too hard to resist.

I trusted you 100%.

Every connection was tested.

Were the foundations
strong enough to withstand

The temptations of casa amor?

I really hope so.

I'm going to stick with johnny.

And only the strongest bonds


Why would you want to
hurt someone like that.

Like I don't understand.


I do feel hurt.

My love t*nk is not full enough.

We've got to get your
love t*nk full.

Had to say good-bye to
love island.

And now just four couples
are left standing.

You're the girl that I want.

To be here with you now
is everything.

You're, like, this part
of me that was just meant

For me.

I knew I liked you.

I just didn't know how much.

Only one
will win love island 2020

And the grand prize of $100,000!

The winners are...


This is actually our
last time waking up here.

I'm about to start crying.

Shut up.

Seriously, it just hit me.

It is the final
frickin' day, you guys.

The final day!

Any of my outdoor showers.

No neighbors, police, or
news crews.


Inside, the girls reminisce.

Luckily nobody say the
reality word that starts

With "j" and enter with ourney.

It really isn't just
love island; it is friend

Island, too.

Turn this up.

Turn this up.

I love this song, turn it up.

For the
finale, we're treating the

Islanders to brunch.

Or as I call it, breakfast
with my single girlfriends

While they chat about boys
and things from about 20

Years ago.

He is so cute.

Final four, you guys!

Cheers to the most amazing
experience of our lives.

It was a privilege to
watch you guys grow as

Individuals with your partners.

Let's do it.

Let's go!


Would you like a strawberry?


The fact that we've been
coupled up with each other

Since the beginning is wild.

We've been here the longest.

I've only been coupled
up with you.

I'm a winner, we're all winners.

I'm a winner because I get
to walk out of here with



Who would have thought?

I'm very happy to be here.

I wouldn't want
anything more in this



The real world is going to
be crazy.

> It is bittersweet, but
I'm not leaving alone.

I have you.

I can't wait to see
where life takes us after

This, but I know that we
can do it.

When you were having a
tough time in here and not

Hiding that, I was just amazed.

Man, I'm not expressing it
the same way you are, but

I am feeling it.

I was actually
surprised to know that you

Had a moment like that.

I know.


I got a text!

Islanders, tonight you

Will attend the love
island finale.

Hashtag summer of love.

Hashtag cheers to the future.

The final four, baby!

Oh, I got a text!

Another one.

Girls, it is time to
prep for the final.

Please get ready to leave
the villa.

Hashtag dress to impress.

Hashtag look good and feel

Where are we going?

Probably to find our
dresses or semething.

This is the last dress
we'll put on and wear in

This villa.

It has to be perfect.

I'm going to try, like,
a million of them until it

Is right.

Now the girls head off for a

Glamorous shopping trip,
and the guys don't.

Fellows, it has been a
pleasure, obviouslyly a

Crazy experience.

I would like to propose a

Let's do it.

May the best man win.

The best couple.

I got a text!

Whatcha got?

Boys, you must now
write your declarations of

Love, which you'll read to
your girl tonight.

Hashtag word up.

Hashtag love language.


Oh, my gosh!

No way!

I love the colors.

This would look so good on you.

You can pick a different color.

This is rhianna vibes.

That's so cute.

Girl, you look amazing in this.

How are we ever going to choose?

What are the odds of us
doing, like, multiple

Looks tonight?

Back, the islanders will
write declarations of


Because the pen is finer
than the emoji.

With this pen comes
great responsibilities.

Dear justine...
The final declarations

Will be different from the
other recoupling speeches

Because this one counts
the most because it is the

One that she'll probably
remember the most.

I'm going to k*ll this.

I have no idea.

Guys, I feel like
tonight we're almost,

Like, writing our vows.

Does anyone else feel like
it is that kind of moment?


I love this.

I love telling johnny how
I feel.

Yeah, you're good at this.

I know you've got some
meat over there, johnny.

To be honest, I'm kind
of nervous.

But I think it will come

Whatever you say, cely
will love it.

I think it is a good
sign we're all nervous

Because it shows we care.

This is the best
attempt at making her feel


How many chapters do you have?

I actually wrote
through this whole book.

I had to get a second one.

I got a text!

Let's go!

Boys, it is time for

You to select your suits
for this evening's final.

Hashtag, suited and booted.

Hashtag fitted for success.

Let's do it, boys.

I've been waiting for this.

I've bigger waiting for... I'
for this.


Are you kidding?

Johnny, I'm impressed.

That's nice.

This is all me right here.

This is the finals
night, final four looking

Real clean.

You know what I mean;
can't wait to be seen.

Oh, my gosh!

You all look so handsome!

You look so good.

Oh, my gosh!


Come on down, girl, come
on down.

What are you doing looking
like that?

Oh, my goodness.

You look so beautiful.

You look so good!

You look so beautiful.

All right, y'all, let's
make a toast, one last

Toast in the villa, to love.

To love.

Island, where our final
four couples are ready to

Exchange their
declarations of love.

I'm not crying; my eyes
are just doing hot yoga.

You've got this, johnny.

Most important
conversations, you told me

You wanted to show me that
fairytale love stories


That conversation
foreshadowed our journey

Here on love island,
because not only have you

Given me the most
beautiful love story, you

Helped me grow in is so
many ways.

We have shared laughs,
cheers, and secrets.

I have learned what makes
johnny, johnny.

I feel like the luckiest
girl in the world because

I get to call you my boyfriend.

This is the end of our
story on love island, but

In only the beginning of

So here is to the best to come.

I've got to follow that?

Cely, every time I find
myself alone with you, I

Lose myself in the moment.

I feel as if I'm falling
in love all over again.

With our time here coming
to a close, memories

Continue to flood my mind,
causing waves of emotion,

Overwhelming at times.

Intimate, romantic ties.

You are the bonnie to my clyde.

Cely, I love you, and I
cannot wait to continue

What we have.

You're amazing.

I'm a lucky guy.

I love you.

Oh, gosh.

A little girl, I always
dreamed of the perfect

Love story.

But as I've grown into the
woman standing before you,

I've learned it is not
that simple.

Our journey may not define
perfect, but you're

Helping me find comfort in
the imperfect.

In all of my 22 years,
I've never felt so deeply

For another person.

I'm so blessed to have
found you.

I can't wait to walk out
of here hand-in-hand, and

Continue our journey.

No matter the outcome,
I've already won because

I've found you.

I saw your beauty, from
your soft green eyes to

Your sensational smile,
from your incredible

Physique to your lucious
red lips.

To me, you are shear perfection.

I feel as if we are
becoming the couple we

Dreamed of finding when we
entered the villa.

As we leave our beginning
and the past behind, I

Can't help but think about
our future.

I can't wait to wake up in
fiji, thailand, or even


But I especially can't
wait until we miss each

Other enough that we move
in together.

And if we feel this way
after three weeks, I can't

Imagine how we'll feel in
a couple of months.

You might as well just
keep it on.


You guys look incredible.

You're my best friend.

Caleb, reflecting on my
love island experience and

Looking at where we're at
now, one of the biggest

Take-aways that I'm so
blessed to be heaving with

Is the way that you have
helped me redefine love.

You walked in and
challenged me in more ways

Than one.

You grounded me at times
when I felt I was losing


And, most importantly, you
loved me and in turn

Reminded me how to love myself.

I could not have imagined
being anyone else's queen.

And I thank you for
showing me that love is

Not a race, but a journey.

And with that being said,
I love you king.

That was really good.

That was very good.

Such a short amount of
time to the woman you are

Today is my greatest joy
in this experience.

The woman standing in
front of me is bold,

Generous, fun, nurturing,
thoughtful, loving, and


Anyone who is fortunate
enough to spend even just

A moment with you walks
away a better person just

By having you shine your
light on them, a light is

Exactly what you are.

All of these amazing
qualities are exactly why

I can't wait to begin a
life with you outside of

The villa.

I'm sure our lives will
be different when we walk

Out of that tunnel for the
very last time.

But knowing the work we
put into the foundation of

Our castle, I have
confidence that the king

And queen will be able to
weather any storm life

Thows at us, as long as
we have each other.

That was a great speech.

That was so beautiful.

Calvin, I had walls
coming into the villa, and

You broke them down day by day.

You are so charming and

You make everyone around
you laugh and feel


You are the cheerleader I
never knew I needed.

I see a future outside the
villa together.

I came in looking for
love, but I didn't know

I'd find my calvin.

Oh, my goodness!

First and foremost,
ms. Moira, it has been too

Long since I've known
someone, or even met

Someone, that has brought
out the hopeless romantic

In me.

And that girl is you.

Upon starting my journey
so many weeks prior, are

Ingrained in my memory
eyes of sapphire.

Such a radiant smile
melting worries with ease,

Your mere beauty,
ms. Moira, brings me to my


I'm just kidding.

I'm just kidding.

Not yet.

Not yet.

Not yet.

You supported me with
every touch, every look.

Now let's chase every
moment and write our own


Me next.

Me next.


And we're going from
slow-mo totes to slow-mo


It is by eternal flame
that sends a finality.

Arielle vandenberg.

Hi, islanders.

I come with only good news
tonight: it's the finals.

Do you guys have room for
one more?

Come on in!

Oh, my gosh, it looks

So beautiful.

So tonight we're going
to find out who is

America's favorite couple.

And therefore the winners
of love island 2020.

And that couple has a
chance of winning


But before I announce the
winners, I want to see how

This road to love has been
for each couple.

Johnny and cely, you're up

Please come and join me.


I never met anyone from

Are you even real?


To be honest, you're a
whole lot of man.

The girl I would like
to couple up with

Is... Cely.

Butterflies right now.

I want to kiss you so bad
right now.

Then do it.

Evil plan to make you fall
in love with me.

It's working.

I'm being asked to

Trust you, and it's, like,
how can I trust you?

I'm telling you the truth.

I'm sorry, but that's
not enough.

I'm really hoping that
johnny feels the same


You deserve nothing
less than perfect from me.

You are my number one priority.

It may sound crazy, but
I feel like I trust him

More now.

It's in my eyes.

I love you.

I never met anyone like you.

You're special, baby.

What's up, guys?

You guys are in the finals.

How are you feeling?

It is incredible.

I didn't think I would
make it this far

I did not expect this
from the beginning,

Walking in here.

What has been your
biggest struggle?

Just overcoming the
test that we had.

Even though it was really,
really difficult, I

Wouldn't change a thing,
just because I feel like

We're more than prepared
to handle anything outside

Of here now.

We're stronger than
ever, and I'm happy.

You guys have been
together the longest and

Have fallen in love.

Do you feel like you can
actually win this?

I feel like I already
did because coming out of

Here with her, because we
have something special.

If people could feel
what we have, hell yeah.

Good luck tonight.

I'm going to actually meet
up with moira and calvin

And the kitchen.

Do you want me to get you
guys anything?

Kierstan and moira, two

New guys are waiting to
take you on dates tonight.

I tell you can do this.

You look phenomenal.

Come sit down.

Thank you.

I am not good at this
because you are so cute.

I would like to marry moira.

You are beautiful.

Your eyes are...

I could really see
myself start liking him.

Moira, which boy would
you like to recoupling



I saw calvin, and I
thought it was the right


I definitely didn't forget
about calvin.

Interested in anyone else.

Are you going to be my

Whoa, whoa!

I want to make
everything count with


I want to make sure she is

The boy I would like to
couple up with

Is... Calvin.

Why is our baby crying?

Because I don't deserve calvin.

He is definitely a good guy.

He is definitely a keeper.

I can honestly say I
have definitely been

Developing very strong
feelings for you.

Moira and calvin, you
made it to the final.

We're actually in the
kitchen where a lot of

Grill cheeses are made.

Tell me about that?

I made her one of my
famous grilled cheeses.

It was between the cheesy
bread that our connection

Began to grow.

Is that the way to your
heart, food?

Yes, 100%.


Calvin, you returned
from casa amor coupled up

With sher and, moira, you
were coupled up with


Was that a turning point
for you guys and realizing

You wanted to be together.

When you get something
so great so quickly,

Sometimes you don't see it
right in front of you.

I think it took other
people for us to realize

We are what we want.

It was so amazing
talking to you guys.


You guys can head back to
the sun deck.

Justine and caleb, will
you please join me up at

The jacuzzi.

The>> the boy who gets my
kiss is caleb.

My reason behind

Choosing you is the
attraction is 100% there.

But I was very surprised.

With caleb, I think I
could actually...

See something?

The girl I want to
couple up with is justine.


Caleb is that guy!

You've got that christy
and john legend couple.

They're my favorite couple.

Do you like a lot of chocolate?

You know I like a lot
of chocolate.

One thing you cannot
dismiss is someo w someone who I

100% For you and loyal.

There is not a doubt in my
mind, whatever it was, I

Made the decision that I
want to be with justine,

That it was one of the
best decisions of my life.

Justine, I love you.

I do love you.

Justine and caleb,
you're in the final.

I know when you first came
in, you were worried that

You were not going to find


It was one of those really
emotional times when I

Started to just, like,
doubt myself.

And then this dude comes in.

She was definitely on my radar.

When I told her I couldn't
tell if she liked me or

Not, and she put some
action behind those words.

What I'm hearing is the
car wash challenge really

Did it for you?

If there was a time to
really put myself out

There and get this guy to
look my way a little bit,

This is it.

You put a lot more than
just your heart out there.

What do you think one
of your highest moments


Yesterday, for sure.

Just being completely open
with each other.

Feeling comfortable enough
to say they we do love

Each other.

That was probably the
biggest, most emotional


We hadn't really
touched the word love in

Here, and to hear him say
it, that's definitely when

My heart was open.

Good luck.

We'll see you later.

This finale will have some tough

Good-byes, but none other
than when I say good-bye

To my promo sponsor, caesar's!

Beds to your pools, your
day wheels and your night

Wheels, I did my best to
love you.

Too hard.

Damnit, I loved too hard.

If you want to see other
promoters, I get it.

You are caesar's.

Who am I kidding, I think
when you see this, baby,

It's a moment of vegas.

Welcome back.

We're about to announce
the results of your vote,


Carrington and laurel,
please meet me by the fire


You're good-looking all
around, so my eyes were on

You right when you walked in.

Which islander would you
like to get to know


Oh, my goodness.

I think I do like him a lot.

Carrington did pass the
future boyfriend test


He is just such a sweet boy.

He could drop my boat any time.

Perfect girl.

You want to go to sea?

For sure.

So another girl coming
in and taking him away and

That being the end of it
is kind of heartbreaking.

So the girl I would
like to couple up with is


Laurel, she makes me
genuinely want to be a

Better guy.

The way I feel, the
difference than I've shown

To other girls in the past.


So, carrington, you have
been here since day one.


You made it to the final.

How are you feeling?

I feel amazing.

I came I into the villa
open-minded, hoping to

Find my girl, and I wish
laurel was there the first


She wasn't.

And you came from casa amor.

Yeah, the last one standing.

And look where we are now.

It is kind of crazy to
think that's where we


We had a interest from the
beginning, but we built

Something really great here.

I want to talk about
some of your highlights of

Being here in the villa as
a couple.

That's exactly why we
brought you here, to the

Fire pit, because I feel
like this has been a

Significant spot in your

This spot is where I
have had a roller coaster

Experience here and it
ended with laurel, which

I'm so happy about.

I feel like I came in a
boy and I'm leaving a man.

Mine would be me
standing right here, and

Carrington standing right
over there at the last

Recoupling, where he
decided to pick me.

And he talked about how I
make him a better man, and

I feel that is all any
girl wants to hear.

Are you guys ready to
find out what america


Yeah, I'm so ready.

I think I know, but I'm
ready to find out.


Well, let's go.

Follow me.

This ha has been a unique
summer of lust, love, and

True friendships.

America has been voting
for their favorite couple,

And the results are now in.

Good luck.

The couple in fourth place
is... Laurel and carri


All right.

So you guys came in fourth

How are you feeling?

Honestly, just lucky to
even be here right now.

We had a couple of close calls.

And everyone deserves to win.

My goal was to find a girl.

I have a girl.

I'm leaving with a girl.

I feel like I won.

So what does the future
hold for you to?

Definitely work hard.

No relationship is easy,
but I think we're willing

To do that.

I really enjoyed
watching your connection,

And you deserve a drink.

Thank you.

Thank you.

And the couple in third
place is... Moira and



How are you feeling?

I'm feeling great, honestly.

It was a journey to get here.

And we had our time apart
and our time together, and

To really finish out how
we came in is icing on


It is nice to be a
winner, but I think

Winning calvin was the
real prize tonight.

Ooh, that's a good line
right there.


What's next for you two?

Yeah, we talked a lot about it.

And in our time in the
villa, we really focused

On chasing moments,
whether that is flights,

Face time, we're going to
continue to chase those

Moments outside the villa.

Well, I have loved
watching both of your

Journeys here.

It is time for you guys to

You guys can head over.

The final two couples,
johnny and cely, and

Justine and caleb.

Johnny and cely, how are
you feeling?

I feel incredibly
blessed to be standing

Next to my best friends in
the villa, and to find

Love with this guy.

No matter what the
outcome, we are all


I think they deserve to
wine as much as we do.

I'd be happy either way.

Justine and caleb, how
are you doing?

I'm excited and
nervous, but I'm just so

Lucky to be walking out
with this girl on my arm.

I'm so happy to be
leaving with caleb!

It doesn't feel real.

Well, this is it.

America has been watching
your entire journey and

Has fallen in love with
each of you.

But only one couple can win.

Are you ready?

America has been watching
your entire journey and

Has fallen in love with
each of you.

But only one couple can win.

Are you ready?

Island 2020 are
are... Justine and caleb!

Island 2020 are
are... Justine and caleb!





Justine and caleb.

Now how are you feeling?

I'm trembling right now.

It literally feels like a dream.

I love this girl...
Turn that up.

I love this girl, and
I'm very fortunate to be

Standing here with her tonight.

Oh, you're the best!

And cely and johnny,
how are you guys feeling?

Are you kidding, they
are perfect.

And I'm a winner already
with this one.

To be standing here
with them, I love them,

And best of luck to you all.

For real.

I love you guys.

You guys can head over.

All right, you two.

Can I please have you on
either side of me?


I'm sorry to have to
break up the party.

In my hands I have two

One of them contains the
$100,000 prize money.

And the other contains
absolutely nothing.

You will each get to
choose an envelope.

And whoever gets the
envelope containing the

$100,000 Gets to keep the money.

That person then must
choose whether to keep it

Or share it.

If the decision is to
share, then you each get

To take home $50,000.

But if the decision is to
keep it, the other person

Goes home with nothing.

So who is going to go first.

All right, justine, pick a card.

And then this one must be
for you.

All right, justine, go

Ahead and open up your envelope.


Caleb, I think we all
know what's in yours.

That's a lot of zeros.

So, caleb, you have the money.

What are you going to do?

What do you think I
should do, boys?

Keep it.

I'll play.

No question about it, I
want to split it with my

Girl, justine.


You were really here for love.

What an incredible end to
your love island journey!

You guys have been


I love you all.

Have a great night.


Well, it seems like we found a

Whole lot of love.

Now we just need to find
an actual island.
