02x27 - Episode 27

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Love Island". Aired: July 9, 2019 – August 15, 2021.*
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A group of contestants, referred to as Islanders, living in isolation from the outside world in a villa, constantly under video surveillance must be coupled up with another Islander, whether it be for love, friendship or survival, as the overall winning couple receives $100,000.
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02x27 - Episode 27

Post by bunniefuu »

The boy I want to couple up

With is johnny.



This is the hardest decision
I've ever had to make.



Saw benny and connor.

Daddy's coming home.

...leave the villa.

I just missed so much, and
just seeing you right now makes

Me so happy.

And hearts skipped
a beat when new islanders.

Oh, my god!

The one in the white is
literally the most beautiful

Girl I have ever seen.

Turned up the heat.

I usually get what I want.

I'm an alpha woman.


Are you guys excited?

I am, my first date.

...the two new
girls are going out.

You have a good head on your

Kupt, too.

I definitely want to pursue
something with you.

You're, like, my number one.

And one couple.

Tonight's the night.


...go off in.

I don't have word to describe
how I feel about cely.

I need you two to help
facilitate that.

I know what she wants.

Hopefully she says yes.

What if she says no.

Are you nervous?

Hey, yeah, I'm nervous.

"Love island," where it's been a
night of good, clean, family

Friendly, full-dancing fun.

She's got it going on right now.

Our girls have
been trying to raise the boys'

Heart rates with sexy dances.

Julia, the two new hotties who
walked in a slow-mo shot in our


They tried giving the boys super
sexy coronary.

A definite angel.

This is not okay.

Hi, guys.

What's up, ladies?

First impressions were,
obviously, they're drop-dead


Well, hello.


Working their way around.


Wow, wow, wow!


I'm not here for, like,
friendships, and I know people

Are coupled up heavily.

But I just might have to step on
some people's toes.

Oh, my goodness.

Watch yourself.

Watch yourself.

I'm just like, uh.

We don't need any more
competition in here.

Oh, no!


They came out so sexy, like,
double-teamed me, and that was a

Bit of a shock.

You have to watch out for.

Don't do this.

Came in with a bang!

The new girls are definitely
going to turn some heads.

They're definitely going to
shake things up.

What are your names?

I'm julia.

I'm lakeyn.

Nice to meet you guys.

Yo guys k*lled that.

You guys k*lled that.

Literally, these girls are

They are trouble!

You all are insanely amazing.

They are gorgeous and
stunning and they did an amazing


But back off.

So who are you interested in?

The same one, johnny, I
thought he was the most


I have my eyes on bennett.

You're most physically my
type but, you know, I want to

Talk to everyone and kind of

I'm really big on personalities,

Results time, and
the one who got my heart racing

Most was this piece of

Now, let's see how the islanders

I got a text!

"Ladies, it's time to see

Which boy raised your heart rate
the most.

Justine, the boy who raised your
heart rate the most of


I thought it was going to be

I was not surprise that my
heart rate was raised the most

By carrington, because it was
one of those things like I can't

Look away.

I feel like I should but I

Moira, the boy who raises
your heart rate the most was



Kierstan, the boy who raised
your heart rate the most was



Laurel, the boy who raised
your heart rate the most was



And cely, the boy who raised
your heart rate the most was



I'm not surprised that johnny
was the one who had my heart

Rate the highest.

Like, come on.

That guy is the sexiest man.

Carrington got two out of five.

Carrington is the winner,



I got a text!

"Boys it's time to see which

Girl raised your heart rate the

Carrington, the girl who raised
your heart rate the most was



Lakeyn did get my heart rate
up, so that was very


That was most the most
surprising part of my night.

Bennett, the girl who raised
your heart rate the most was



Angel kuft.

Calvin, the girl who raised
your heart rate the most was


Johnny, the girl who raised your

Heart rate the most was cely.


I like you so hard.

And caleb, the girl who
raised your heart rate the most

Was laurel.

I knew it!

I knew it!

That was more of a shock factor.

I was not surprised for the

I think it was because I just
literally didn't know laurel had

It in her.

I need a drink after that.

Let's get a drink y'all.

The islanders
discuss the new girls, while

Johnny wears a giant tortilla

What do you think about these
two baddies that came in?

I'll say.

Be honest.

Stronger initial, physical,
you know attraction is still

With kierstan.

Oh, wow.

But they're still both

I don't know, see what happens.

Kierstan was like, "talk to
everybody, cothis or that."

Was that before they walked in?

That was yesterday.

"I love you!"
How is everyone feeling?

Uhm, I mean, my thing is not
going to change.

I'm not going to, like, act like
I like him more because they

Came in.

Who was his highest heart rate?


Wait, who was yours?

Mine, carrington.

When I saw carrington I was
like, well, he's so hot.

What were you thinking?

I'm only thinking of bennett
right now as far as looks good.

Talk to him, too, that's fine.

I was kind of surprised
calvin has the cutest face.

His face lit me up.


And he has some swag.

He's clever.

I might talk to calvin,

He's cute.

He's pretty cute.

I'm going to be completely
transparent with you, a little

Competition puts me right back
into it.

It's not, like, a healthy

But I'm like, yo, calvin...
Sometimes you realize how

Much you really do want.

It lit a fire under you.

Who got carrington's heartbeat?

The blond.

I'll be honest, clear as day,
obviously, very attracted to


She has a unique look to her.

My heart rate went up.

I can't really lie.

But I really colike laurel a

I highly doubt she can make me
feel the way laurel does.

Every person that comes in is
always interested in the newest


I'm going to be very curious to
see over the next couple of

Days... >> How you handle this.

How you handle that, and
outside of you, where they also

Put their energy and time.

Inside, new girls
lakeyn and julia are the talk of

The villa.

And by "villa" I mean moira.

It was such a fun day.

And then two new girls had to
come in.

The fun had to end.

Not interested in getting to
know them in that way at all.

I want to spend as much time as
I can can cely.

Because our time in here is

Should I kiss calvin tonight?

Yeah, if you want to.

If you want to.

Kind of.

I don't think you have
anything to worry about.

You know, she might be his type,
but I don't see his head turning

At all.

I don't know why I'm, like,
getting so insecure.

You know what I mean?


He would literally be so dumb
to... Like, you're amazing.

There he is.

He's so hot.

.he's so hot.

I'm so surprised by it.

Come here.


We'll run to beat the sunlight.

Well, we found the
hard drive with a bunch of

Unused exterior sh*ts, so you're

Today, new girls lakeyn and
julia have one mission... Steal

Boys and eat three meals.

All right, two missions.

Y'all looking comfortable.

There are some girls here to
steal your men.

Are you guys excited to get
talking to everybody today?

Get graftin.

Get graftin.

I heard some smooching last

I heard it, too.

I looked up and it's moira
and calvin.

And I was like, "what the hell?"
You've been caught, moira.

You've been caught.

Act naturally.

Like, I was not expecting
moira to do that?

Do what?

As soon as the girls walked
in, we hop into bed, and she's

All over me.

She pulled the covers up and
started kissing me.



Yesterday, moira friends on me
as soon as the new girls walked

In, she was a lot more

A lot more cuddly in bed.

What in tarnation is going on in
moira's head?

That is the question to find out

Now, to the
communal balcony where

#Calebforlife communicate about
their communication.

What are you sighing about?

I'm having a problem.

And I've expressed this to you
that I'm the type of person who

Just, like, I fall very hard and
very quickly.

Like, I want to spend all my
time with you and hold you and,

Like, cuddle you and stuff.

But, like, sometimes kind of
wait for you to kind of want to

Initiate those things.

So when you don't, I get a
little bit upset because, like,

I'm already there.

Okay, I hear you.

And if I have to take the lead
on that, then I will.


I do appreciate you saying this.

It's good to get things out in
the open.

Now I finally know where your
head is at.

After having this conversatin,
we have a much better

Understanding of where we both
stand on our relationship.

It just goes to show we are able
to work through real-world

Problems, which is exactly what
I was hoping to see.

Playing chat are you let, and
julia landed on calvin, groping

With the same question I ask
myself every time I look in the


Why the heck are you here?

I've been single for, like,
three years.

What about you?

About two.

How long was your last

Nine months.

Nine months!

That was the longest for me.

I know, I know.

It's crazy.

Nine months?

It's funny because, you know,
a lot of people let their

Relationships define them.

Yes, oh, my gosh.

And I think I was going down
that path and I stopped.

Basically I don't need
someone not want someone.

They should be a complement
to your life.


So you were born and raised
in houston?

Born and raised in houston.

I'm the oldest of six kids.

It's me and my brother and I
have four little sisters.

They keep me busy.

I bet.

I always wanted a big family.

It feels like fun, you always
have someone around.

It's super fun.

My chat with julia this morning
was good.

Maybe moira does have reason to
be nervous.

Things change so quickly
around here, you know what I


All it takes is one conversation
for one of these guys to be

Like, yo.

I wanted to pull you,
obviously, to talk to you.

I don't know where you're at.

I know you picked laurel and
blah, blah, blah.

I'm very happy with laurel
but I would like to get to know


What do you do on the weekends?

I go to a lot of concerts,
shows, festivals.

Very much my vibe.

I love house music.


The first time I was head
banging, which I'm glad I don't

Do anymore... >> Head banging!

I got head butted so hard by

It was the last party I went to.

We have a lot in common which
is really nice.

He has swag and he is super hot.

When I walked in yesterday he
was the first one I saw and I

Thought you look great.

I have one brother.

He's autistic and we were super
close growing up.

I have four nephews and one
of them is autistic so I'm very

Familiar with how that is.


Very similar.

Lakeyn, our conversation was

When it comes to making a
switch, I'm happy where I'm at,

And it would take a lot to make
me switch.

So lakeyn passes
carrington to julia like a baton

In the race to steal somebody's

I'm from germany.

I'm from germany.

Do you speak a little german?

I do not at all.

Were you military?



Both my parents were in the
air force.

So I'm curious, why did you want
to come here?

You can't really date right now
outside of here.

Yeah, no.

No going to bars.

No, like, talking to anyone

That's, like, gone for a long

You give off these very
independent vibes for sure,

Independent woman vibes.

I don't even know what the hell
that means, but you do.

I was really surprised with

He wasn't initially on my, like,
top, but he seems, like, very,

Very smart.

I was surprised in a very good

Not that he doesn't look smart,
but, you know, he seems like

He's, you know, got a good head
on his shoulders.

So I like that.

I love your name, by the way,

That's such a good name.

You have a super unique name.

Thank you.

How many tattoos do you have?

I have, like, one, two, three
four and then five.

Like, I got this one in bali.

It was like... >> Bali?

Yeah, bali was amazing.

Do you travel a lot?


So do i.

Bennett is so cute and sweet.

He seems like a really good guy.

He's just great.

I am interested in him for sure,

Right now I'm coupled up with

Things started out well but I'm
glad you pulled me.


It was a good chat.

Like I said, feel free to
pull me whenever you want.


I love talking to you.

I got a text!

Text time!


"Julia you are going on a date.

Choose one boy to join and you
get ready to leave the villa.



Go ahead and go shopping, girl.

I think I'm going to pick

I got a text!

She got a text!

Okay, "lakeyn, you're going
on a date.

Choose one boy to join you and
get ready to leave the villa.



I'm going to keep it going.

Do you want to go on a date?

But, I'm, like, if you don't
want to...

No, I will go for sure.

Hot commodity!

Date guy!

I am officially the date guy.

I will accept that name.

It's really hard to not feel
like a baller.

I feel amazing right now.

Counsel dog date.

I guess these girls didn't
come here to play.

I'm like, "oh, god.

Why me?"
You guys want to help me?

We would love to help you.

Wear something ugly.

New girls lake and
I know julia have both chosen to

Go on a date with a man whose
name sounds like a reliable

19Th century type writer,

Return, space, capital o.m.g.

Do you think anyone has gone
on as many dates as me in the

Show's existence?


Six and counting.

You are date guy.

Date guy!

Date guy!

Date guy!

Date guy!

Date guy!

I was so confused.

I'm, like, what's with all the

Are you guys excited?

I am.

My first date.

When I said his name I'm like
they're going... I kind of feel

Bad for him, he probably doesn't
want to go on another date.

No need to feel bad for him.

Feel bad for me!

You know what?

I'm sorry.

I don't really want to step on
her toes but I might have to.

Who knows what will happen after
these dates.

What was everyone's reason
for making their pick?

I was honestly really curious.

He actually wasn't on my top
when I came in, but after the

Conversation I feel like he kind
of surprised me a little bit.

We have a lot in common,

Some of them are stupid, like
his mom has been divorced three

So has mine.

And, also, my brother is
autistic, and his nephew is



We were talking about that.

It's taken me a lot to get where
I am with carrington and for him

To open up and spill out these
details about his family that

That I didn't even necessarily
know to this one girl he barely


It kind of makes me emotional.




Date guy!

Double date!

Double date guy.

I will see you all very soon.

You guys look amazing.

Go, date guy.

Go, date guy!

Go, date guy!

I know what you're thinking...
How can we make this season even

Lesof an actual island?

Like this.

We're in charleston peak, which
is greener than the in-between

Of snoop dogg's couch cushion.


I didn't know you had such

What a nice setup, huh?


We will see you in a little?

Yeah, have fun.

No, this is by far the best
view I've had in my last couple

Of date.

This is awesome.

It reminds me of back home so

Oh, really?

Yeah, it does.

I've never been to utah.

I mean, it's no miami, but I
do love it.

Well, cheers.

Cheers to our... You taking me
on this lovely date.


And hopefully find love in
the villa.

So I am curious why did you want
it take me on a date?

I wasn't sure what to think
of you when I first came in.

I was like, oh, he seems nice.

But then I talked to you and you
seemed very mature.


Like, you have a lot of stuff
they like.

You are.

Like, I love that you're, like,

You seem, like, very, like
you've got a good head on your


So yeah.

That's awesome.

Kind of when you walked in, I
was just like... You had a bunch

Of confidence coming in.

Thank you.

It was very attractive.

What's... What's something about
you I would never guess?

So, I am definitely a fantasy
genre-like nerd?


I'm obsessed with that realm.

Like, everything, dragons...

I have these blogs and forums.

I always research everything.

I'm going to spread that
around the villa.

That is very interesting.

I id not see that coming.

I know.

Most people don't.

I can steal you?

Yes, you can nice talking
with you.

Nice talk to you, too.

I did not know this was going
to happen.

Oh, wow.

How ae you feeling?


I've been waiting and I'm bored.

I'm excited to finally...
I am very excited.

To talk to you.

I'll be very honest, I
definitely expected you to take

Me on a date today, and that's
where what I was excited for.

I love to hear that.

When you came in, like, your
devil outfit, it was very

Intimidating for sure.

But my heart rate went up,

Literally, it was like two
seconds of what's up?

You're hot.

And I was just like.

That makes me feel good.

I just felt like out of everyone
I talked to, we had, like, the

Most connection.

Which was, like, surprising.

Like I told you when I came in,
I didn't think that was going to


Your family, I think that's
where I personally shared some

Things I haven't before.

Yeah, I don't know, I feel
like I always kind of talk about

It because it's super big in my
life so I always tell people.

This is really cool that you
shared that.

What's up?

Obviously, him going on a
date with two girls was a little


But I was not okay with it when
we got into the dressing room,

And lakeyn started talking, "we
had a really good conversation.

We connect on a lot of levels.

Like, his mom has been divorced
three times.

He has an autistic little

And I'm sitting here like, it
took me two weeks to open

Himself up and she's here one
day and he's already telling her

Stuff like that.

That was hard to hear and it
made me kind of emotional.

I sat there, like, what the


So that's kind of... I don't
know, it's hard.

Honestly, I only... When we
had our first conversation it

Stuck with me so much.

Again, not that I was afraid in
any way to share that my nephew

Is autistic.

But, yeah, it just stuck with me
because I've always had the

Weirdest thought in my head, and
it's in regards to, do you ever

Think about when your parents
are gone you'll have to take

Care of your brother one day?


And just you giving me
reassurance that I was not the

Only person to think that was
just so relieving.

I always think about that.

That's just crazy that you also
thought the same thing.

It's like I want us to be able
to have those conversations.

And it's just like sometimes it
feels like I'm trying to, like,

Force, like, a conversation.

He felt comfortable enough to
open up to her.

Like, why?

What's wrong with me?

Why can't he do that with me?

It's a big issue we're having.

I don't think it's anything
that's wrong with you.

I don't.

Don't think like that.

I know!

It's so hard, though.

Of wasting away.


Like, the person you're coupled
up with now lives in alabama.

Did you talk about long

I did.

If I made a connection in here
that was strong enough to where

I wanted to live with a person I
would make sure it was somewhere

I would be cool to living.

I would not just go to the


I'm not saying alabama,

But I would not go somewhere
that was not a bigger city,


I would not do that.

All of my past relationships,
it's always, like, there's

Always another girl and that's
what makes or breaks the


You know, I've been cheated on a
lot, and I know carrington and I

Aren't, like, official and
there's no cheating or anything

Like that.

It's just the thought of, like,
another girl coming in and

Taking him away and that belet
end of it is kind of

Heartbreaking a little bit.

Just to fill you in on where
I'm at.

Laurel is amazing and I'm very
happy where I'm at.

Then we had our tack and, I
don't know.

I definitely feel a little
different after that talk.

I don't know where I'm at yet
but I'm very interested in

Getting to know you 100%.

Connection in here, then I want
the best for him.

I don't know... I don't know why
I'm crying over a boy that I've

Only known for, like, two and a
half weeks.

Transported cameraman tom back
from the mountains have a


He's landed just in time to
capture some quality new girl

Girl chat.

How are you feeling?

How are you and johnny?

We're good.

Yeah, no.

I feel like we're really, really
good right now.

I'm really happy.

He makes me feel, like,
reassured all the time even with

New girls coming in.

It's a nerve-racking thing,
especially given our history.

Yes, I do trust him, and I do
feel confident.

At the end of the day it is
something that's like, ah.

Laurel, how are you feeling?

I have mixed emotions on it
because I do feel, like, really

Secure in what carrington and I


But, I mean, they have a
right to get to know everybody,

Just as much as we do.

I know how I feel about

When he comes back in here if he
tells me he wants to stay with

Me, then I would be, like, the
happiest girl in the world.

But if he tells me, "I might
want to pursue this," I will be

Very worried about it.

You're handling it very, very


Yeah, you are.

You guys want to get in a
little shade or something?


All the girls come over here.

I'm going to pull justine.


Let me holler at you real quick.

Johnny's got big
plans for tonight.

He takes besty to another level
of the vail so he can take

Things to another level.

You're about to get in on
some top secret information.

Oh, hell, yeah.

So, tonight's the night.


I was wondering when it would

Tonight's the nice I steal
your girl away from you forever.


So, I have a plan.


Basically, what I want to do
is have specific spots in the

Villa where specific things


And at each location, one of
the guys are going to be there

With their phone.


But I want her in each of
these locations to kind of

Reminisce and kind of dive deep
into that moment.

I need you two to help
facilitate that.


I'm trying to build up the
suspense in her head and get her

To remember everything that's
important in our relationship

Before I ask her to be my

I'll probably stand up and be
like... And you'll all cheer and

Stuff like that, if she says

I'm just so happy.

I literally feel like my best
friend is getting engaged or


It's just... Oh, it's so

It's a smooth plan.

Smooth, right?

It's going to go well, bro.

It's a good plan.

I appreciate you all.

Got you!

I'm so excited.

Johnny's planning
something special.

I wonder if it's an even tinier
pair of blue shorts.

Nah, that would be impossible.

Just as cely's been on johnny's
mind, he's on hers.

I really want us to work on
the outside, you know.


I think you guys will 100%.

I'm just waiting on him to
ask me to be his girlfriend.

I got flowers.

I'm caught up.

I'm going to make that heart.

You got flowers?


So my plan for tonight, you
know, I want to make her feel


It is going to have to be

Yeah, we'll roll like this.

One big one.

It will be rolled like this.

That won't take long, bro.

An do this with, like, 10

10 Towels?

I love thinking about the
outside, though.

Me, too.

It's been a wild ride.

It's been wild.


Inside, captain
long john tiny shorts commands

The crew of the good ship love

Basically, your guys'
demeanor is like a butler?

You know what I'm saying?

You're going to be wearing white
shirt, black pants.

You know what I love about
y'all's journey, too is that it

Wasn't easy to have that, like,
test, like, idea of how you guys

Would handle things and stuff is
so important.

And it's exactly that.

It's, like, now I know how
important, like, communication

Is to johnny.

And, like, we understand each
other on that level now because

You're right.

Like, no relationship is


No, you guys are definitely well
equipped and prepared to handle

All of that.

Especially together.

This is the most romantic
thing I would have ever done.

This is a moment she'll never
forget for the rest of her life.

For the rest of her life.

It's anything down boys.

No longer single.

I've been thinking about calling
cely my girlfriend for a while


Tonight is the night.

I want to make her my

Hopefully she reciprocates those


To get jealous of johnny and

I don't have my perfect match
like they do.

But, luckily, I do have a
perfect transition into this

Promotion for caesars!

Chic is an undersmament.

Use a fork, you shameless

They will have you saying yes,

Me there.

The sun sets over caesars.

Laurel prepares her iciest
welcome scowl for the return of

Carrington and his two dates.

They're back.

Welcome back, guys.

It was really cool!

Looking tan.

How you doing?


How are you?


How are you?



You know, I understand why
both of these girls picked

Carrington for a date because he
is a great guy.

But one conversation can change

So, you know, if something were
to happen and he did end up, you

Know, having a better connection
with someone else, at this point

I feel like I would just go

So I don't know.

He came in and kissed you.

That made me feel better.

But I've been feeling so lost
all day.

Of course he's been gone with
two other girls.

Other than that, I'm just trying
to be optimistic about our

Situation and believe in what we

What you all have.

A connection.

So what did you think?

Like, I didn't get that flur
taceous vibe from him.

It was more like a friend vibe,
super easy to talk to.

What did you feel on the date?

I don't know.

I feel like we had a really good

The dates were night and day.

Julia, great date, sweet girl.

She has a lot going for her.

It's just not for me.

When it came to lakeyn, there's
no denying the fact me and her

Definitely vibe.

A the loof things in her past I
have dealt with.

All around weirdly, weirdly

There is definitely sexual
tension there.

I will for sure be getting to
know her more.

He is coupled up and I'm,
like, nervous to talk to laurel.

What am I going to say, "it went

It's still fairly new.

Fair game, girl.

I feel like this, like, will
be a huge test for what we have.

So I'm kind of, you know, in a
way excited to see how it plays


She's so sweet, though.

She's so sweet.

And that's why, ient" to tell you
I had a great connection with

Your man and he's so hot and I
want to kiss him."

Don't say that!

No, never, never.

Lakeyn is all about respect.

She respectfully asks laurel's
partner on a date.

She respectfully flirted with

Now she's respectfully telling
laurel she's open to ripping her

Heart out.


Okay, obviously, I just
wanted to pull you because of,

Like the date.

And, like, number one, I want
you to know, like, before I came

He wasn't even, like, on my

And then, like, we had a chat
today and that's why I picked

Him because we did have a deep
conversation about some deeper

Things we talked about.


And on our date we did, too.

So it did go well.

I'm sorry if I hurt your

No, no.

I respect you so much.


And I think you're the
sweetest person in here.

Thank you.

And obviously watching you I
was like that girl is so sweet.

Thank you.

I definitely beyond, you know,
why these girls chose him.

People can come in here and
surprise you.

You never really whan you're
going to get out of a person.

One conversation can change
everything, but at the same

Time, I really do believe it
just feels right.

Like, he feels like home to me.

How did it go?

It sounded like it was romantic.

First and foremost, I told
both of them that I am with

Laurel, and pretty much, like,
it would be a shot from hell to

Even have me turn my head at

Very straightforward.

I'm not interested in julia at

Lakeyn, I think that she does
interest me.

There's not nowch say, other
than that.

I wish this didn't happen.

But it did.

And I can't help how I feel.

But, she...

I don't know.

She just interests me.

Peeled back another layer.

And I feel like I am getting
deeper as a person just after a

Conversation with her or two.

I don't know how that's even

But, yeah.

That is partially why I am so

I will say that one thing
that upset me a lot today was in

The dressing room, and lakeyn,
the girls asked her and julia

About their chats and, like,
what was said, and, like, what

Made them choose you to go on
the date.

And lakeyn was, like, mentioning
things about your family and

Stuff they really didn't even

And I was kind of like that's
crazy to me because he opens up

To her after one day of knowing
her, and, like, having a really

Good conversation versus, like,
us spending about, whatever, two

Weeks together, and it's just,
like, okay.

It's not that I was even
worried or hiding those things

From you.


They just kind of... I never
thought they really mattered

When it came to me and you.

You're not wrong.

I love what we have.

I enjoy spending my days with

You have changed me for the

And I just would appreciate if I
could sleep on it before I even

Make a choice if I want to get
to know her or not.

That's what I have.

But I hope you understand that.

Is lakeyn the right move for me?

Is laurel the right move for me?

I don't know exactly.

It's johnny's big night, and
while the boys get into a little

"What do I do?"
The girls get into a little

Yeah, boys, this is it.


What I'm going to do, we're
all going to go to our


Justine is going to bring her
out to you, and that's when the

Night starts.

That's cute, or whatever.

You guys are all wearing black?

No, I'm not wearing black.


Should I change?

If you want to wear my sequin

I just feel like everyone
looks sexy and I look like a

12-Year-old chicken nugget.

Hopefully she says yes.

What if she says no?


If she says no, you can come
jump me.

What about that purple outfit?

k*ll it.

Thanks for letting us be a part
of this special moment.

I appreciate you guys for real.



To no longer being single.

Love on three, love on three.

One, two, three.


All right.

You guys know your spots.

Let's do this.

So now I'm too flashy.

It went from good to too much
to eh.

Love is definitely in the air.

My boy johnny sprayed a big
bottle of love cologne on the

Whole villa.

I can tell that this means a lot
to him.

This entire display tonight is
all about making cely feel


I think you should wear the

What is the issue!

You look so good.

You look just so amazing.

You're so beautiful!

For me so hard right now?

No, I wasn't.

You know what it is?

It's just something about that
laffen dercolor.

You federally told me to
change out of it.

You want to know why?

I feel like tonight is a really
special night.

And I wanted a symbolic thing
for you.

And that purple dress was, like,
you know, symbolized this

Beautiful laf derthing you have
going with johnny.

With that being said, I would
just like to drop you off right

Here and have you chat with
calvin real quick.

Hi, calvin.

Wait, why are we going up there?

That's what johnny wanted.

Oh, my god.

Oh, my god.

Good evening, miss cely.

Good evening.

I have some words your man
johnny would like to be shared

With you.




Tomorrow night...

Our flame now a fire burns
bright in my heart.

The only girl for me I've known
from the start.

Outside the villa, our future

Cely, my darling.
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