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02x26 - Episode 26

Posted: 04/29/24 11:03
by bunniefuu
Previously on love island.

I told you the truth.

Nothing more went on underneath
those covers.

Old troubles ignited.

I know you're not ready to
give up on him.

I just don't know where to go
from here.

New connection sparks.

I am open to getting to know

Are you interested in talking
to calvin at all?

I have come to a point where
I just want to be friends.

She is so important to me.

She's got to make a decision.

I wish I knew what the right
thing to do is, but like I



The boy that I would like to
couple up with is.



The recoupling has emotions
running high.

This is the hardest decision
I've ever had to make.

And say hello to two new girls.

Within a devil and angel.

The one in the white is

The most beautiful girl I've
ever seen

Yes, it is the same
recoupling we started 24 hours


We were going to show you how it
ended last night then remembered

We're tv producers and left with
you a cliffhanger.

Justine chose caleb and now cely
must decide.

I want to couple up with this
boy because this past week has

Been a very emotional roller

I have learned a lot and I have
grown as a woman and for that I

Will forever be grateful.

I feel like I have never been
more drawn to a man and I have

Never felt more in sync with a

And I can't wait to see that
translate in the real world.

And so the boy I want to couple
up with is johnny.

And so the boy I want to couple
up with is johnny.

You're incredible.

You're incredible.

I would like to couple up
with this boy because our

Conversations have only gotten
better and better and he

Surprised me.

Not only is he handsome he is

Compassionate... Compassionate
and kind.

And I will be the one to say it,
I'm in the scared.

I can be superficial and shallow

And because of that it's hard
for me to truly open up and have

Conversations that are not just
surface level.

And this guy makes me want to
try harder and be better and

Because of that, the boy that I
would like to couple up with is




I want to couple up with this
boy because this boy makes me

Feel like he probably doesn't
realize it but nervous and kind

Of like a child.

I feel like I babble a lot when
we talk.

He won me over with just one

I feel as though this guy is the
best unexpected thing that has

Happened to me in the villa thus

I came in here with the
intentions of finding something

Authentic and I feel like that I
have done that.

So the boy I want to couple up
with is kerry.

So the boy I want to couple up
with is kerry.



I would like to couple up
with this boy because for the

Time that we spend here he's
been able to make me laugh and


The longer we have together, the
deeper our conversations get and

The more meaningful they get as

This was... This was the hardest
decision I've ever had to make

Here in the villa so far.

And I think all three of you
deserve to be here.

I am making this decision
because I fully wholeheartedly

Believe in love.

The boy I would like to couple
up with is calvin.

The boy I would like to couple
up with is calvin.

The boy I would like to couple
up with is calvin.

I got a text.

Connor and benny, you are now
single and therefore dumped from

The villa.

You have 30 minutes to pack your
bags and say your good-byes.

Hashtag love you, mean it, bye.

Hashtag go get your girl.

Go out there and get mackenzie.

Daddy's coming home.

Daddy's coming home.

Appreciate you.

Take care man.

I will.

This isn't good-bye, this is
see you soon.


See you soon.

Oh my god.

Hey, man, ive been crying, I have
had my fair share.

Oh my god.

Thanks, connor.

Every conversation him and I had
or us girls had, it just dealt

With the fact that mackenzie...
If I didn't let him

Go now even if he had a percent
of him wanting to stay, then I

Don't know if he would go after
it at all.


So I just wanted to like give
him that push.

Connor touched all of our

And he just... He's going to be

Love you, connor.

Yeah man.

Leaving love island
definitely feels bittersweet.

I feel like my time here really
clarified things for johnny and


I wish the absolute best for

I wish the absolute best for

And I told them straight up,
man, take care of her.

And I know he will.

I know he is definitely going to
clean up his act.

Coming to love island I can
honestly say that I was looking

For love and to find that
connection with someone.

And leaving here now can I
proudly say I did find that with


I felt like this was... This
was my time and not having her

In there was difficult.

And I am very excited that now I
have the opportunity to see if

That's a possibility to move

I only want you yeah.

What's up, stranger!


What's happening what are you

What are you doing?

I'm about to leave love
island right now.

Do you want to come to toronto.

Yes, there is my guy, oh my god.

I missed you so much and just
seeing you right now makes me so

Happy, excited inside.

If you are willing to give me
that second chance, in trying to

Make this work, in the real
world, I would be the happiest

Man alive.

Yes, yes, yes.


Welcome back to love island.

Kierstan recoupled with new boy
bennett which totally saved his

Ass, not that the classy textan
would actually come out and say


I saved your ass, I'm just

I'm honestly so happy, I
thought I made a good enough

Impression on you to make you
feel confident enough in picking

Me so we could move forward.

And as slow as you need to g as
fast as you need to g I'm just

Happy you picked me and happy to
get to know you on and know

There is so much more to get to

Bennett is an amazing guy, I
know there is a connection

There, I don't know what it is,
whether st friendship or a

Relationship, romantic or

But it is definitely worth

And I owe him that, I owe myself

Once again, cheers to you.

You looked beautiful tonight.

And cheers to you for getting
this crazy girl to kind of

Reevaluate her situation and who
she is.

I'm glad I could.

Because I'm happy about all of

With everything going on, her
still being with calvin there

Were obstacles between her and

Now that we are a couple we can
express ourselves and fully get

To know and understand each

My last relationship was one
to two years, her name was


All right.

Summer, she is my ex.

You did that like oh my gosh,
yes, is he big.

I found out that he had a
well-known e-girlfriend and I

Was like so taken aback by that,
I was like excuse you?

How did that happen, how did you
meet her, she's amazing, she is


I worked at this restaurant,
I was her weighter, and you

Know, one thing lead to another
and we started dating.

Oh my gosh.

What am I doing.

We lived together for like
almost two years, we were


Oh, that was fast.

Yeah, I learned a lot from it
honestly looking back t is for

The best, you know.

Like I'm happy it happened am
I'm happy mi at where I am now.

You are a great guy.

I appreciate it.

Her loss so my gain.

Now let's go join our friends.

Wait, whoa, whoa.

I'm just taking in this
beautiful view.

I will do one thing.

I don't do... Day one.

After a tumultuous week cely
chose to move past the past and

Johnny's overwhelmed they don't
need to talk about it any a


I'm just so appreciative of
where we are come in the past

Week and.

You are literally going to
make me cry.

Cely, I just... You mean so
much to me.

And I am unbelievably sorry if I
ever made you feel less than 100


Are you my number one priority.

You are an amazing human being
and I am so blessed that I am

Here next to you.

You de serve nothing less
than perfect from me and when I

Say that, I will continue every
single day, I mean that.

Thank you so much for taking
a chance with me and giving me

The opportunity to be with you.

It's been a roller coaster
but I really feel like this is

Our clean slate and a fresh

We are both finally I think on
the same page more than ever.

And I'm just excited about that.

I can't wait to see what life
is like with you on the outside.

I just want to say I think
I'm falling for you but I

Already knew that.

I just got the chills.

I just got the chills.

Me and johnny have the most
amazing conversation tonight.

He literally, like we were both
sitting there crying like.

About what.

Just like telling each other
how happy, like, we are, like

And just how prepared we are to
take on the real world.

I am about to cry right now
just think being it.

And he told me he was falling
for him and I told him I was

Falling for him.

I just had to tell you guys.

Just talking about the way I
feel about her and stuff to her.

I just got emotional bro, and I
am just like dammit, too many

Times in here that I have wanted
to say it so bad.

But I want it to be the right

I don't want it to ever feel
like because of

Something... Exactly.

There's no place I would
rather be.

I'm interested in bennett.

You feel like there is
something there, then heck yeah,

I think you should.

You deserve the opportunity.


I hope that everyone has a
great night's rest.

I'm laking all you hos first
thing in the morning, you think

This is a game.

I am waking you up before the
lights even turn on tomorrow.

Oh, to moira you acting
different calvin, you acting


Wow, calvin.

Hey, hey.

That's my girl!

Thank you.

No place I'd rather be.

Welcome back to love island.

Oh no, the recouples was too
dramatic and everyone left.

Oh, there they are, right, time
for a new day of everything.

Stay calm before turning too a
tornado of a chaos.

Nothing like we've ever seen.

Good morning!

It's time to yolo people, you
only live once.

You make it a great day or not.

The choice is always yours.

This is where it all begins.

How did you sleep, bro.

Pretty good.

Get a chance to cuddle.

She backed up to me for a
couple of minutes am I think she

Got too hard strks hard with two
people in the bed though.

I'm so glad you had a cuddle.

It was the perfect amount, he
kind of stayed away but still

Put his arm, I'm there, okay,

I can do this.

Oh, wait, are you going to
teach anaerobics class.




Cool beans.

This is a couples water
aerobic clation.

We're going to get real intimate
and have a great time.

All right.

We're going to start with some
jogging in place.

Gets those joints moving,
people, jogging in place cuz

We're about to get real crazy up
in here.

Now we're going to do arms out
and in the water.

Have I become the new class
instructor for the villa.

I will say one of the things
that I really enjoy is telling

People what to do.

We're going to now
demonstrate some couple


I call this the patrick swaizy.

And... Cely was the best aerobics
instructor it was so funny.

Men, I want you all lined up,
booties out, let's go, calvin,

Ready, five, six, seven eight
and spank, and spank.

Thank you guys so much for

You guys were an amazing class.

Within we got a lot to talk
about ladies.

All right.

Calvin's partner moira is
seeking advice from cely and

Justine on how to approach
kierstan's partner ben wheat is

Relaxing nearby on top of six
giant pizza boxes.

I am so torn.

I mean bennett came in here for
kierstan, like he made that


And I think he's super hot.

He's so conversational.

Is he so good looking.

So sweet.

But kierstan is my girl.

The fact that she is pursuing
him is stopping me.

Who knows if somebody else
walks in and then kierstan picks

That person and bennett goes
home and you lost your

Opportunity to get to know him.

Gosh, you girls always
persuade me.

Do it.

We got to have a game plan
for you, mo.

I mean what should I do a chat.

You damn good right now.

Real good, today is the day.


Are you going to be straight
forward and be like listen, I'm

Feeling you, this is where I am

I think you should.

I think 100 percent.

I think bold flirty, she
needs to come out, for sure,

Just go up and yo, I'm into you.

But I don't know how to act when
have I nails.

I just want to shall... I just
got to go over there.

Just go right now.

You should go tan with him.

Just be like listen, listen,
listen, I'm feeling you, you

Feeling me.

Is he over there.

Yeah, he's with calvin.

Oh, he's with calvin.

I will go pull calvin, I will
pull can vin so you can talk to


What do I talk to calvin
about though.

Girls, honestly pump me up so
well and they were like this is

What are you going to say, gave
me pointers, everything.

Hey calvin, do you know where
caleb is.

I do not.

Maybe in the kitchen.

I guess I'll go look.

He's making some food.

Who is?

Caleb is making us all some


Are you guys tanning.


I'm probably going to burn more
than I am going to tan.

I'm going to have some weirdo
tan lines that's for sure.

You have to be care wfl your
bathing suits.

I don't know, when I got over
there I just... I think I


I think I blanked.

He makes me nervous so I mean I
sat down a little too long and

You know he was there with
calvin who is my couple right


I definitely got in my head.

She goes down there, she just
sits there, she just lounge

There with him, I thought she
was going to pull him which was

What the plan was.

Wow, it's a hot one.

Oh my, st lemon and green tea.

Going to go fill my water
bottle up.

Kierstan ended up showing up.

I thought that was prime
opportunity to just like abort

The mission completely.


What are you laughing at?

We had this beautiful game
plan, go steal him, go this, go

That, and then I get there and
I'm like, todd out.

Like bowling on carpet moira
is not quite slick enough.

She'll need to lift her game
because there's new competition

Rolling her way.

Go out there and show a guy a
good, good time.

Coming up, these heavenly
bodies are ready to raise hell.

Ah life after love island, for
me it is a smooth transition

Back to nar rating the romances
of my albino faren, time for

Jalen to get real about the real
of their post reality reality.

You know we're not going to
be in here forever.


And I feel like you aren't
really very open to talking

About past relationships, what
kind of went wrong.

Well, I'm glad you brought it
up because I thought that we

Have touched on that quite a

Definitely not quite a bit.


Definitely not quite a a bit.

So for me, I don't think I
fully got the closure because is

He the one who ended it but I
think it was definitely a big

Thing with the distance.

We didn't live in the same

It is is important to know
some of the takeaways people

Have that from their past

I wab her to feel comfortable to
open up to me about some of hoss

More vul neverrable things so
that history doesn't repeat


So let's talk about distance,
I have had distance, you have

Had distance what was the
challenge other than not being

At the same plate... Same place
at the same time, this is

Something we 100% will have to
face very soon.


Just to answer your question,
yeah, there was definitely not

Trust there so to try to make it
work with the distance.

The trust is a huge part.

It is going to be a huge part.

Hopefully in a year I'm telling
you that that you can trust me.

I would love that.

He's asking all the important
questions that would have us

Thinking about a life together
outside of here.

It's so good, and I'm loving
that he is really thinking about

The outside.

Like I'm luving for that,
because mi too.

I hope you know that I would
never hold anything against you

Based on your past.

I think 2 is just, you know,
whatever happens between us.

But we'll focus on.


All right.

Why did you make that face.

I'm hot.

It's really hot.

I don't know why you brought
me in here.

We're not speaking for the
rest of the day.

You always do that.


Are you tired of me yet?

I change my mind about
everything I just said.

Too late, can't go back on it.

Are you done?


And now the love island
players perform a scene from my

Critically avoided off-broadway
show, calvin wants moira but

Moira wants bennett but bennett
wants kierstan.

Looking back at my time in
the villa, the person I was

Really able to learn the most
with or from or whatever has

Been you.

And I have enjoyed our time
together so far.

Moira knows where my heart is.

And where my head is.

I'm being open and honest with
my feelings.

And given the growth that we've
experienced in the villa, there

Is this potential for moira and
I to come back together.

This is just the me being
transparent that if you felt

Like you wanted to pursue things
romantically again with me, at

Any time for whatever reason,
that is something I would suit

Slooly be open to.

I am really happy you came to
me and vocalized that about it.

I think I do have my eyes on
bennett, is what I think I'm

Coming to realize but the only
issue is like I know that he's

Like 110 percent into kierstan
so I am trying to come to terms

With everything before I like
mawk a move.

But I feel like I should.

I don't know.

I stand by my statement and
those feelings are there for you

And they're real.

And yeah, I'm not allly down to
take ta t at your pace.

Calvin put his heart on a
plate but moira sent it back to

The kitchen.

Bennett, do you want to go
for a quick chat.

Yeah, of course.

Now moira makes another play for

Let's hope she does the

What is on your mind.

Yeah, I called you for a chat.

I'm like aware of the
circumstances at hand but I just

Want you to know that I am
definitely interested in getting

To know you.

I'm glad, I feel our
conversations they have only had

A few but every one we have had,
we have a connection.

I think have I more time here to
explore you and talk to you


I definitely want to.


So I'm glad you said that.

That's amazing to hear.

You never know what is going
to happen here, I don't want to

Stop myself from experiencing
something with you or whoever it

May be.


I'm an open book.

I will completely honest with

I would definitely love to have
more conversation going forward.

For moira I'm starting to
feel there is a connection there

And st growing.

I feel like she has so many
great qualities about her, I

Don't know all of them yet but
I'm excited to get to know who

She is.

So everyone is at peace with
their situation.

But peaceful situations aren't

It's love island, not peaceful

Great show by the way, time to
shake things up with a caring


I got a text the.

Islanders, it's time to find out
who raises your heart rate the

Most in tonight's game hearts on

Hashtag shake your money maker.

Hashtag drop it like it's hot,
hashtag strip on the strip.


You got this, you're going to
k*ll it.


I don't want to do it.

Stage is set for the strip
tease hearts on fire game and

Quickly props to our props
department who spent a two and a

Half secretaries trying to find
a stripper pole in vegas.

Bring out the vibe baby.

We cranker it up.

It is so good.

Girls who wearâ–ˆ heart rate
monitors where the boys perform

Their sexiest approved lap
dances then the girl's turn to

Get the boy's hearts racing.

The islanders who get pulses
racing the most win today's

Salty challenge.


That boy looks so good.

Yep, we're using science to
test compatibility now and to

Get in the mood.

I'm dead.

That was so good.

I'm so sorry but if this man
has my heart rate, like you know


Okay, why was that literally
the craziest thing I have ever

Experienced in my whole entire

Can we bring him back out?

Oh my god.

Let's go, bennett.

I was so nervous stvment
first time I ever had to do a

Strip tease for a bunch of
people, you know.

I heard are you looking for a
handyman to lay some pipes.

Bring it on.

That's real nice.

Girl I promise that you
wouldn't want to get out.

Bennett, bennett, bennett, he
can lay some pipes any time.

Yeah oh.

Yeah oh.

Oh my god, I don't feel like I
should be here.

Oh, you're k*lling me.


Pretty much my mood was just
thursdaying, humping and

Whatever this is.

Carrington for sure, he could
drive my boat any time.

So hot in here.

So hot.

I want y'all to talk a trip
with me to the wild, wild west.

Whoa, whoa.

Now working.

Let me see those lovely
hands, miss, can I see those

Hands, can I hold that.

Can I hold that?

Oh my goodness.

It's getting hot in here.

Calvin took me by surprise
with his dance moves and they're

Might be a smooch later tonight.

Later, I need to go to the
grave yard is.

I can't even look.

I was so uncomfortable.

I really was like this.

I really was like this.

It's getting hit in here.

Can I get some help?

Help, ivy fallen and I can't get

Team med sick here.

Oh my god.

I can't even begin to explain
the way that johnny made me feel


Oh my god.

Did you guys, did you guys just
watch what happened.

Wait, now...

It's love island where the
guys shook their money makers

But my guess is the girl's are
going to come in like they've

Got more bills to pay than kayne
west on grammy cleaning day.

Let's see if they can up those
heart rates.

I'm already 125.

125 I'm at 89.

Mine's dead.

Oh boy, here we go.

Time to whip y'all boys in

Oh damn, what?

Oh she's got it going on
right now.

Kierstan definitely got my
heart rate up, I was very

Worried she was going to be the
person to get my heart rate up

The highest.

I'm very high right now.

Oh no.

Oh my goodness.

My heart was thumping for
kierstan tonight, the kiss,

Everything I think was perfect.

You can bring that any time you
want to.

I'm someone that can dance.

Girlk you got lipstick on
your lids with.

I know.

Hi boys.

Oh my goodness, not the maid,
not the maid.

I'm very dirty.

Very dirty tonight.

I like big butts and can I
not lie you other brothers can't


Thing in your face.

Oh pie goodness gracious.

Oh no.


Laurel surprised me.

I didn't know she could get down
like that.

The boys were real dirty she
came and cleaned us up.


Don't want nothing unless you
got buns.

So ladies want to roll my

Turn around.

You look nervous, bro.


My little german butter cup.

Moira I hadn't ever been at
an oktoberfest, I just might

Have to take a trip.

Y'all are k*lling it, ladies.

Thank you.

Get down, get it baby girl,
you got this.

Did somebody call the fire

Cuz it's about to get real hot
in here.

Tonight oh wow.

I was definitely not putting
out fires, I was starting them.

Yeah cely.



Cely can put out my fire day
and night.

You guys, I sucked johnny's

That is what you did, we were
wondering what you were doing.

Are you coulding me, that was

What you got, girl.

I feel like I had all these
plans to do all these things but

I just blacked out and kind of
went with it.

I just wanted to like tease
him a little bit to start off.

I also want him to like watch me
with all the other guys, save

Him for last, give him a little

Oh my goodness.

Ready to play.



Oh man.

Justine my little go go girl put
it on tonight.

So proud of her.

Why does everyone know this

You better be on the lookout
ladies, the cromwell security

Just wasn't when they let in two
new girls dressed lake this.

I'm 21 and I'm from virginia.

I'm definitely a party girl.

I live life to the fullest.

I'm just really looking for
someone to keep up with me and

Live the foos fun life.

I need swin all the way up

So bring on the disco ball, the
champagne because I'm about to


I'm julia, I'm 26 and I'm
from miami, florida.

I get compliments a lot on my

I do workout a lot on that.

I'm in the looking for a boy,
I'm looking for a man.

The girls will have their eyes
on me and be cautious about

Their men, I don't have a
problem stepping on toes, I am

Definitely going to go for who I

No, no, no.

Two of them.

No w two of them.


Oh my god.

A devil and an and angel.

The one on the white gots'
big old booty.

They're literally both so fine.

I'm going home.

We did not expect this.

Hi guys.

What's up, ladies.

Tomorrow night,.

I usually get what I want.

I'm not really afraid to go in
there and go for it.

I'm an alpha woman.

I don't need a man, I want a

Came in with a bang.