02x20 - Episode 20

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Love Island". Aired: July 9, 2019 – August 15, 2021.*
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A group of contestants, referred to as Islanders, living in isolation from the outside world in a villa, constantly under video surveillance must be coupled up with another Islander, whether it be for love, friendship or survival, as the overall winning couple receives $100,000.
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02x20 - Episode 20

Post by bunniefuu »


Wher were the foundations
strong enough to refuse

The temptations of casa


You have to fight for
what you want.

A dramatic recoupling.

Oh, my gosh.


Connor and I should not
continue as a couple.

I do feel hurt.


Creating division in the villa.

We won't work.


Bro, she gave you the

I don't even want to
look at her now.

I trusted you 100%.

I hurt her heart, and
that was the last thing I

Wanted to do.

I don't have enough
love in my love t*nk.

We have to get your
love t*nk full.


We did good on our first date.

That was cute.

I'm going to get mushy.

Love is in the air.

As the islanders are
jaging for it.

This is a whole new
level of intensity.

It was my first time.

It is a
brand new day in the love

Island villa, and after a
24 hours that could only

Be described as toast the most.

The couples are mackenzie
and jalen, cely and

Johnnie, sher and calvin,
and single kierstan and


It's love island.

Calvin and I heard a
lot of things last night.

I don't think that I'm
pursuing aaron, and I

Think like I have to have
a chat with him today, and

Be bluntly honest with him
and not leading him on.

How was last night?


Mackenzie, are you and
jalen okay?

Yeah, right.

I heard you guys talking.

He was helping
everybody with what they

Were going through, which
is a good thing, but it

Was our first day as a
couple and we weren't

Really talking about us.

You know?

Still figuring things
out with mackenzie, and I

Guess she felt like I
didn't give her all of the

Attention she needed when
we were in groups.

And I was kind of caught
off-guard because we were

Progressing at a good rate.

I thought it was a small
little thing.

But if that kind of thing
continues, I definitely

Can't... Are you saying you're

Not getting your one-on-one?

I told him, I think it
is one of those things

That people were drawn to him.

I'm sorry that I was
one of the people that

Pulled him... >> No.

Everyone did.

I'm so happy that jalen is
able to be there for the


But I kind of felt like I
was going to the wayside

Because they were like
jalen, jalen, jalen, and

I'm, like, guys.

Today is a new day.

I know how lucky I am.

I'm very aware that jalen
is incredible.

But let me spend time with him.

Although, I would like
some more alone time at

Some point.

You're too needy... No,
I'm kidding.

Sher says elsewhere the pair

Upstairs overshare about
possibly o overshared.

What do you think about
kierstan now?

I think we get along
more in general.

I think she has
communicated with me more

Recently because she is
single in the villa.

She seems nicer.

I think it I a
different side of her we

Haven't actually gotten to see.

Some things are going to shift.

Sher has made it known she
came in here with the

Mentality with being

I think you would be
well-served in getting to

Know kierstan because I
think in the back of your

Mind, you have been
curious for some time


She was the first girl who
got your attention.

Kierstan was one of the
girls I had shared my

First date with.

And we've gotten to know
each other a little bit,

But not as much as I would like.

Maybe there is something
to explore there, maybe


But besides sher, she
would be the only other

Person in the villa I
would want to get to know

On a deeper level.

You have the
opportunity to get to know

A girl that was your first pick.


There are
two types of aarons in the

The kind that
doesn't hit on sher right

In front of calvin, and
the kind that does.

See if you can tell which
kind of aaron aaron is.

I didn't want to
transport, but, sher, do

You mind if I grab you.

Yes... I mean I don't mind.

Actually, I do.

Calvin, how do you feel
about him stealing your


It is all good, she can
do what she wants.

I'm not bothered.

I wanted to talk to you

How do you feel?

I feel like we're off
to a good start.

We have similar outlooks.

Do you have any life goals
you want to pursue?

I just graduated from
college, and when I get

Back, I'm going to be
working on my real estate


I do want to eventually
start up my own business.

I hear you talk and I
can hear you're very


Thank you.

That's huge.

If you have drive in life,
you'll get far.

I agree.

With sher, I dug it hard.

She was checking off boxes.

She is confident.

I was, like, dang, girl,
okay, okay.

You and calvin, are you
connecting on a certain


At casa amor, I
definitely didn't expect

To start talking to him at all.

But we're into a lot of
the same things.

But if he were to find
another connection, I

Would want him to explore it.

I'm definitely not the
jealous type.

I'm very confident in who I am.

That's a great quality.

For right now with me and
moira, I feel like she is

Trying to force love.

She is seeing other
couples around here and

She is freaking out, why
haven't I found love?

With me, it made me take a
step back.

So I don't know where we stand.

So I've got to talk to her

I don't know if it is more
of a friend thing.

You definitely need to
have that conversation.


It is not going to be
easy, but it is needed.

I definitely wouldn't
mind continuing to get to

Know aaron because we have
a lot of the same

Interests, and I feel like
our personality are very

Much alike and our
mindsets are very much


I definitely wouldn't mind
talking to him a little


That's nice.

Do you want to rejoin everyone?


Johnnie and
cely know there is nothing

More that makes you
stronger that thinking of


My conversation with

If it continues like
this, there is no way I

Can... >> He said that?

He is not going to
stick around to get in

That position.

I guarantee if you set
aside an hour to talk to

Her and have that
hour-long conversation

That she needs so bad, she
knows next time if you

Don't do those next steps,
she will get attention and

Get what she wants.

That's exactly what
happened to connor.

What happened all of the
time when they were

Together... >> I know.

And we didn't even know
connor until we went to

Casa amor.

I have never seen her have
such a good time.

That's crazy.

Because the same thing
happens to mackenzie.

She was so different.

I thought maybe she and
connor were weighing each

Other down.

I thought, maybe they were
not meant to be that and I

Started to see that.

And now that you guys are
back and she is no longer

With connor, I'm starting
to see a pattern.

How are you doing?


How are you?

I'm okay.


I don't know.

I feel like me and
mackenzie have kind of hit

A wall.

Last night she came to me
and she was frustrated

That I didn't show her
more attention.

And my group settings are
like that...

She was kind of saying
the same thing to us.


This is a pattern that
mackenzie starts off... I

Don't want it.

I'm opening myself up and
vulnerable, and the point

Of being here is I want to
express myself with

Someone else, like you...
I like you.

I definitely feel the
attraction, and I really

Feel like you're probably
the person in here that

I'm most attracted to.

Thank you.

Since day one, I had a
pretty solid connection

With kierstan.

We always are very comfort
around each other.

We kind of looked towards
each other as really good

Friends right now.

But I definitely feel a
sexual attraction with

Kierstan and I want to
definitely explore that.

I want to make sure I do
everything in my power and

In my right as I'm here to
make sure I'm making the

Right decision for jalen.

Even though we're
coupled up, I should be

Able to express interest...


I'd love it with maybe
I could have an

Opportunity to chat with
you and explore that



You never know what could
happen in here, but as of

Right now I'm interested
in talking to you and

Seeing what happens from there.

The unemployed millennials...

The islanders enjoy a
little pool time in the

Vegas sun.

I'll put a stop to that.


Was that you?

I got a text!

Justine got a text.

Justine and caleb, you're
going on your first date.

Get ready to leave the villa.

Hashtag couple up.

Not only have I gotten

Caleb back, then they said
here is a date.

I'm so excited.

Girl, you look fine.

It's a bathing suit for me.

It's a look for me!

What else?

It's that look for me.

Say it louder.

I love you.

I love you.

I'm here for you.

> It's going to be fun.

I don't know what we're
going to do, but it is

Going to be fun because I
got her.


That was cheesy.

That was cute.

I love when you get mushy on me.

We're date ready.

Have fun!

Caleb are lifted off the
love island roof top, far,

Far away to a different rooftop.

Look at it.

It is really romantic.

I laid all of this out for you.

You did good.

This is so romantic.

A toast to our first date.


The first of many?


Hopefully finding love.


And to the most beautiful girl.



I'll drink to that.

Do you want some of these


Go for it.

I just put the whole
thing in my mouth.

That's okay.

Go for it.

I'm so glad to have this
date because there are so

Many things I want to say.

I'm nervous.


I just want to know
what's on your mind.

And I don't want you to
filter anything, either.

Obviously you know it
has been hard, me being


My parents had their
reservations about me

Coming here and being in
an environment like this.

After meeting you and
getting a date today and

Coming here, I was
thinking about that so


I feel like my parents
could probably watch this

Now and be, like, it was a
good thing.

You know what I mean?

I think they would really
like you, and they would

Like the decisions I've
made in here in regards to




I love that, too.

I know my mom is, like,
that's a good girl there.


For sure.

I'm doing my mom proud.

You're so cute.

Look at you getting
vlnerable and mushy.

Who is this caleb?

Oh, man!

While that
picture postcard romance

Plays out, laurel
surprises carrington

Telling him she has
traveled other places

Besides a roof top?

I've been traveling a lot.

Where is your favorite place?


I think that's white and blue?

It's a lot of fun.

Pi think I could travel
around by myself.

I would backpack... Would
you do it?

I would like to say I
would, but I don't know if

I could.

I don't know, maybe
like a month or two.

Could you do it?

How many pairs of
underwear do you have?

It doesn't matter.

You can wash your underwear.

In, like, a river?


You stay in places.

I probably could do it.

Have one fresh
black-on-black outfit.

Hairslicked back.


Make sure you have some
hair product in there.

I'll make sure every
day I'm out in the

Jungle... Looking good, have to

Look good for the ladies.

I'm so grateful for a
lot of the risks I've

Taken in here.

Look what it got me.

I'm really happy you
see the best in me even

When I am closed off.


Because it makes my
time here so much easier.

Have you thought about
what it would be like

Outside of here?

Yeah, I have.

One thing that we both
know that we have not

Necessarily talked about
is literally we live in

Opposite sides of the country.


Does that ever worry
you or come to mind?

Do you think about that
kind of stuff?

Of course I think about it.

But my thing is I've been
in relationships before

Where it was, like, strong
enough for me to want to

Make that move and make
that change for somebody

That I genuinely care about.

So for me the distance
doesn't bother me in that


I think if we ever go to a
place where we're that

Strong, then, yeah, I'm
open to that.

This is perfect to be
here right now, you know.

A beautiful view, this is
a good first date.

This is the best...
You did good on our

First date.

Look at you.

I'll pull out anything for you.

I did.

Island, and with justine
and caleb still out on

Their first romantic date,
the other islanders

Speculate how it is going
for their competition... I

Mean their friends.

How it is going for their

How do you think
justine and caleb's date

Is going?

They may be the new
power couple.

Johnny and cely are stressing.

I think they might be
getting nervous.

Guys, guys!

What's up?

How was it, you all?

It was the most
romantic thing I've ever


The view was so crazy.


It was so crazy.

So romantic, so good.

It was definitely the
nicest first date I was

Ever on.

Yeah, it really was.

Oh, my word, the date
setting was so beautiful.

And the man, it was so perfect.

I've never and my life
been on a date like it.

Tell me everything!


Now that he is gone... No,
I'm m kidding.

I'm so happy to get away
and be in this romantic

Setting where we can just
talk about things, life

Outside of here and things
like that.

Now feeling as strong as
we do, we were finally

Able to have those
conversations, which was

Really nice.

Girl, you're glowing!

I'm very happy with
where things are at, and

At this point, if a new
girl came in tomorrow, it

Wouldn't interest me.

I would rather put in all
of my interests in


That's good, bro.


Justine and I are in
this for the long run.

I feel like I can open up
and be vulnerable and talk

To her about my emotions.

And she just gets me.

That makes me feel very
comfortable and I feel

Like I'm at home when I'm
with justine.

You're setting the standard.

Hashtag couple.

I fall too hard too quick...

But take the risk.

But with caleb, you have
every right to.

He is gorgeous.

He is so into you.

I'm so happy for you.

You're so deserving of this.

Yeah, you deserve it.

After you.

Ooh, it's toasty today.

We meteorology out of the

Way, carrington tries
tuning in to moira for

Their relationship forecast.

I want to see where you
think everything is with

Me and you.

You know what I mean?

Oh, yeah.

Be honest.

Do you want me to tell you
how I feel?


I feel like our
dynamic, I feel like right

Now we would be better
starting from a


I think me and you click
as friends, which isn't a

Bad thing.


Who knows, it could be,
like, something from a

Friendship that builds
into something.


I think starting like
that takes the pressure



That was really refreshing
because I'm actually

Thinking the same thing
right now.



For me and aaron it
was, like, all good on

Paper, but just being with
each other and interacting

With each other, it felt
more static.

So I feel like the weight
has lifted off my


But I'm glad that we
had this conversation.

I'm glad we're on the same
page and kind of feel the

Same way.

Me, too.

Oh, my gosh, I love that.

I think we
just watched the least

Dramatic breakup in love
island history.


I'm trying to stay in some

How are you?

I want to be in the shade.

How are you?

I'm good.

How are you?

I don't know what I
want to do today.

Do you want to go chat?

Sure, we can go chat.

Do you want to fill up
your water bottle?

Let's chat in the kitchen.

I could sense that
jalen's energy was really

Off today.

I was hoping to have a
good chat and move


How are you feeling, though?

I feel good.

How do you feel?

Everything is just kind
of progressing from our

Conversation last night...
I felt like yesterday

Was a lot.

I felt like it wasn't a
day where we got to have

Chats and get to know each
other better as far as

Learning new things about
each other, which you can

Agree we didn't do that

But that's fine.


I wasn't saying it wasn't.

I just meant I hope we can
do that the next day.

But I feel like you jumped
to getting defensive.

And you reached a certain
point where I feel like

You weren't hearing what I
was saying, and you were

Only hearing criticism...
Yeah, it felt like

Criticism to start off.

I thought by the way we
ended last night and my

Thoughts this morning, I
was, like, is this a

Warning, is this like a
red flag that things will

Be more emotional, like
they were when I came in?

Will there be instances
where I do nothing wrong

And she'll be super sensitive?

I won't no until it happens.

What I was trying to
convey yesterday is I

Didn't like how much
yesterday was focused on

Everyone else's problems
when we could just be

Having fun and talking
about other things.

But we were having a lot of fun.

We were having a lot of fun...

It was a mild thing
yesterday, and why I was

Kind of disappointed, the
whole thing about me

Coming in here and the
ideas that I had, that's

What I'm terrified of.

Terrified of what?

The mackenzie that I
saw before I got in here.



The way that you and
connor had a relationship,

That's the complete
opposite of what I want.

I will sprint away from
that kind of thing.

Connor wasn't an
innocent by-standering.

By-stander.he did a lot of thin.

A lot of what I did was a
reaction to how connor was


How the whole last 12
hours transpired, I sit

And think about more things.

I'm, like, damn, should I
have been more open with

More women, and should I be...

You want to keep your
options open.

I want move forward,
but I'm not closing the


I just basically broke
up with my boyfriend for you

And now
you're saying you want to

Be open.

I don't want to lose
sight of everything that

Is going on here, but also
getting to know you more.


Whatever you want to do.

Back to love island.

We're back at the rooftop
whereas my celebrity

Friends would call it a
rooftop, my friend is a


Here is calvin and sher
being unsure about making

A move.

What's up?

You know, just want to
kind of, like, talk to you

A little bit about where
your head is at?

We're getting to know
each other each and every


It is nice that we take it
day by day.

I will say you're an
intimidating girl.

You are... You might not
think you are.

I don't think I am.

I'm not saying that in
a bad way.

You're very confident,
which is not a bad thing.

I love the confidence.

And so....

Let me cheer you up a
little bit.

I feel like a lot of
people in here and couples

Are way too serious.

I can't be like that, yeah.

And I get bored easily.

Am I boring?

No, not yet at least.

I'm sure you'll be boring

No, I don't think so.

I have red lipstick.

I know.

Ou're going to get a
lot on your... What?





Not the cheek kiss, are
you kidding me?

I'm out of here.


Don't forget your phone.

I definitely feel a
little uneasy because I

Did bring sher back into
the villa, which was a

Huge risk.

I want to make sure I'm
not sh**ting myself in the

Foot by investing a ton of
time in a connection that

Isn't going to go anywhere.

Right now is very far from
settled in.

Very far from settled in?

As far as the couples.

And you are freshly and
newly in love.


There are two solid couples.

How does it feel to be a
solid couple, man?

It feels nice.

Hey, bro, look at this.

What are you going to
do with mackenzie?

I would not go on a
date with her.

Speaking of which, I
have to have a

Conversation with her tomorrow.

I'm basically feeling cooler.

Andi'm definitely going
to take advantage of that.

Good night, justine.

Sorry about today.

I definitely didn't think
it was going to end up

Like this.

Do you feel like maybe you
want to date tomorrow or


I'm just going to think
about what to do.


Able to sleep because I
felt not over the

Conversation from earlier.

Empty bed, and to be
honest, it was a pretty

Solid night of sleep.

Our roadside.

We didn't quite feel
comfortable in our bed

Last night.

I think she knew I'm
done with it.

I watched her move.

I knew she was hot.

Did you step outside?

Yeah, I moved out there.

Were you hot or something?

Yeah, I was hot.

Jalen is saying about
me being outside,

Honestly, I don't really
want to be in that bed.

And so the morning after
I'll feel a little

Differently later today.


Good morning, my dear!

Good morning!

How are you?

I'm good.

I did sleep outside.


I didn't even know you
were out there.

I just felt really
uncomfortable being in bed

With jalen because he was
I would have never, ever

Considered dating you,
which I didn't know until


He was, like, I have to
think about things.

And I'm, like, why didn't
you tell me this before I

Picked you.

I feel kind of taken
advantage of.

He clearly came in here
and saw something

Different in you.

It doesn't matter item.

Where something this
little is this quickly

Making you say all of this

Did you ever really like me?

When the lights went
off, she was trying to

Talk about everything that
happened during the day.

She was, like, I wish you
would have told me that

Before you started to get
to know me.

In the last day and a half
I saw warning signs... I

Gave you the benefit of
the doubt.

I saw a different side of
mackenzie, but I kind of

Got some red flags that
were popping up a little


I want to make sure I'm
making the right decision

In staying open and
exploring all of the


If you think it is
something you can work on,

And take everything he is
saying and don't be

Offended by it.

He is not listening to
me and not hearing my

Feelings out.

I did hear him saying
something about how he

Might feel that you were
holding that I brought you

In here over his head.

Yeah, I would
definitely be careful of

How you say that, yeah.

All right.

Whatever, you guys.

Didn't go as she wanted it to...


I'm trying to tell you
guys that this person

Isn't super hurtful to me,
and you guys are defending

Him... >> No.

We're honestly trying to...

I'm giving you a
different perspective.

Our conversation
yesterday was not me

Getting to express anything.

Our conversation yesterday
was him saying all of

These really mean things
about me and not letting

Me... Not hearing me when
I tried to explain my side

Of things.

When you guys came
back, she almost diverted

A little bit.

It's not what we're
meaning at all.

We're not sure how to
make things work.

I don't want to make
things work with someone

Like this, who says, I saw
how you were on tv, and I

Feel like I'm misunderstood.

I feel like a lot of
things were read into, and

People deput didn't give me sa a
chance to explain.

And now I feel so uncomfortable.

And he is using that
against me, and that

Really hurt.

Welcome back.

Here we have a bro
explaining feminism to get

Girls on his side.

We're done with the
times that men have to

Rule the world.

How can I
make things even harder to


I know...


Did you get a text?

I got a text!

I'm still growing and my
voice cracked.

Islanders, it is time
to shop until you drop, as

You check out the
competition in today's


Hashtag mouth to mouth,
hashtag spit or swallow.

Hashtag clean up on aisle three.


I feel like a baby bird.



So, they have no idea what
is about to happen.

The islanders will try a
new shopping experience

That puts the growth in

They'll have an
unforgettable trip to the

Love island grocery store
in today's challenge

"Check us out."

Single islanders connor
and kierstan luck out and

Get to be our hosts for today.

Islanders, are you
ready for some sloppy

Seconds in today's challenge?

Three, two, one, go!

The boys
from each couple will grab

A food item from the shelf
and place it in their


Once half way through the
course, they must pass the

Food from mouth to mouth,
moher bird-style.

Couples will then continue
ging to their grocery

Checkout zones, where the
girls spit the food out

Into the receptacles.

The couple that transfers
the most amount of food in

Total after all of the
rounds will win the game.

But are they winners?

I'm going to throw up.

This is a whole new
level of insane.

You told me... Like
when I transferred the


Ugh, all over me.

It was my first time
being diverted, but it

Wasn't too bad, honestly.

I thought it was tasty.

Do it as much as you can.

Here we go!

Well, love island, I
always thought that slo-mo

And sexy went hand-in-hand.

I thought wrong.

Good work.

Good work, moira!

The ketchup and mus mustard?

Some sweet, spicy chili
on a hot day in vegas.

It was, like, dog food.

It was so chunky.

You've got to take more.

I cannot!


It was nasty.

There was a little bit
of spice to it, so it got

On my nipple and it was
slierk burwas,

Like, burning.

You know
things are rough when you

Think this regurgitated
orange juice is better

Than the chili, or not.

> Oh, it's in my ear.

Oh, mashed
potatoes, what have they

Done to you.

That's a thanksgiving
dinner right there.

Come on, baby.

When he was spilting it spitt
out, it was coming out

Like a terd.

I was filling my mouth
as much as responsible and

Feed her like a little
baby bird, and then

Encourage her not to throw up.


You're doing great, sweetie!


I'm going to do this right.

Here we go!

One was this big.

I was, like, okay, this is

And he looked at me and laughed.

There was another meatball
that he stuck in my mouth

And I had to clamp on to it.


Take all of it!

I didn't mind having
the balls in my mouth, but

Some of them were really big.

Come on!

That meatball was from
the ground.

This man grabbed a
meatball from the ground.


Get in there!

We're stronger than
ever because of this.


She looks good with red
spaghetti sauce on her.

Get in there!

I'm going to throw up,
man, really.

That was seven courses of


Let's take a look at the winner?

And the winner of
"check us out" are caleb

And justine!

Our couple!

Hashtag couple goals.

Hashtag love on top.

Let's head back to the villa!

Back to love island.

It's time to get going.


I know these gross things
are not your thing.

Thank you, my dear.

Moira, I could have
seen a little more from


It's like a new zealander rugby.

You miss your rugby, bro.


The girls
have a spa water chat, or

As they say in abiza, a
spa chat.

I'm just mentioning to
moira, even though the

Challenge went okay today,
I think if they were a

Recrecoupling tomorrow, I
wouldn't feel comfortable

Recouple with jalen.


You're going to talk
with mackenzie and then

Explore your options with
other girls?

You've got to do it,
you don't know how much

Time you have.

I think that's exactly
what he needs to.

I'll be honest, there
was an attraction with

Jalen, but after what he
has said about you...

If you're into him, go for it.

I think he is
attractive, but even if I

Did want to pursue that,
that's a complete turnoff

On my end, because if
you're going to talk about

Someone like that, what
means you won't do this

About me or put on a show.

I don't like that, either.

This is basically kind
of breaking the news to

Her that you're, like, not...
Not down.

At least you got the fresh cut.

Would you recouple with
connor, ever?

Possibly, if he wanted to.

But I doubt he would want to.

If you were feeling any
type of way, in a good way

About you guys, that would
be cute.

Connor, you wouldn't be
susceptible to being

Swayed back into that?

Um... I am 90...
No, that sounds very


100, Bro.

I would never let
connor get back with


She does not deserve a
second chance.

Not because she is not a
great person, but it just

Won't work.

We need 100%.

I'm pretty much at 100%.

This is just numbers.

You're an accountant, that
means a lot to you.

I know.

I know.

But I'm saying...
What is that 1%?

What are you holding on to?

That's where I'm at.

Tomorrow night...

Do you still have,
like, feelings for her?


That's where it is a
weird, conflicting thing.

I cannot...
Are you, like, feeling

Anybody here?

I've definitely been
evaluating my situation

Right now.

Have you not put him
through enough?
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