02x19 - Episode 19

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Love Island". Aired: July 9, 2019 – August 15, 2021.*
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A group of contestants, referred to as Islanders, living in isolation from the outside world in a villa, constantly under video surveillance must be coupled up with another Islander, whether it be for love, friendship or survival, as the overall winning couple receives $100,000.
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02x19 - Episode 19

Post by bunniefuu »


Look at us.

We don't have any problems, I
don't think there is going to be

Any problems.

On love island.


If he does come back in with
a new girl, like I really would

Be, like, devastated.

Leads to temptation.

Can I only hope that
mackenzie is being loyal to me.

I do wonder if it would be a
mistake to put all of my eggs in

One basket.

We just both want different

You're not the one, I'm sorry.

Everybody here is tipping
everybody, I love this place.

So many things about caleb
that I love.

Me and calvin, I'm in my
little love bubble.

You take meows of my comfort

Tonight there will be a

I can't help but try to stay

You have to fight for what
you want.

Big drama.

Oh my god, I can't believe it.

And relationships.

I have little to no respect
for her.

Why would you want to hurt
like that, like I don't


On the line.

I trusted you 100 percent.

Tonight there will be a

Girls, each of you have a huge
decision to make.

One by one I'm going to ask you
if you would like to stay with

Your current partner who has
been staying at casa amor for

The last few days or if you
would like to recouple with one

Of these boys standing in front
of you.

The boys at casa amor have to
decide if they wanted to stick

With you or recouple with one of
the new girls.

Girls, it's time to make your

And find out what the boys
decided to do.

Moira please stand up.

Before casa amor you were
coupled up with calvin and

Things seemed to be going really
well for you both.

You need to decide now if you
would like to stay with calvin

And continue that relationship
or if you would like to couple

Up with one of the new boys.

I would like to recouple.

Okay, moira which boy would
you like to recouple with.


That was quick.

Congratulations, aaron, you
are now coupled up with moira

You can go and join her.

Moira what is it about aaron
that caught your eye?

I wrote something kind of
corny but if our like coupling

Can make it as good as your hand
stand than we're good.

Moira you have chosen to
couple up with aaron, if calvin

Comes in alone, he will be
single but will remain in the


Let's find out what calvin's
decided to do.

Let's find out what calvin's
decided to do.

Come and join me right here.

Calvin, welcome back to the

And welcome sher as well.

As you can see, moira has
recoupled too.

So that means you both will stay
in the villa in your new



Guys you can take a seat.

Kierstan, you're next.

Please stand up.

You were coupled up with
carrington before he left for

Casa amor.

You agreed to just be friends
before casa amor.

And how have the last two days
been for you?

They've been very eye-opening.

Have taught me a lot.

And I feel the decision that I
have come to is something I can

Fully put my heart into and even
if it doesn't go the way that I

Want it to.


Well, kierstan, remember, the
choice is yours.

Would you like to stick with
carrington an hope that he wants

To pursue a relationship or
would you like to couple up with

One of the boys in front of you?

Well, this wasn't an easy
decision at all but I feel, you

Have to fight for what you want.

So I would like to stand behind
who I am and what I feel even if

That means standing alone.

So, I would like to stick with

Okay, kierstan, you chose to
stay coupled up with carrington

Even though you decided to stay
friends going into casa amor.

If carrington walks in with one
of the girls from casa amor, you

Will be single.

But if he returns on his own,
he's all yours.

Are you ready to find out?

No, but let's do it anyway.

Let's see what carrington has
decided to do.

No, he's.

Oh my god.

Welcome back carrington and
welcome laurel.

As you can see, kierstan decided
not to recouple with anyone


How are you feeling?

Shocked, honestly.

I care a lot about you kierstan
and we had our talk that we

Wouldn't continue romantically.

I figured you would definitely
choose somebody.

And I assumed that none of these
guys really fit your needs and

You weren't really interested.

So I think you made the best
decision for you.

And I made the best decision for

I definitely will be there and
still be your friend but have I

Made this decision...

Kierstan, how are you feeling?

I'm not surprised because we
did have our talk.

But you know, you have to take
it day by day in here.

And it wasn't necessarily mutual
for me.

And like I said from day one,
I'm going to do what is best for

Me and do this with no regrets.

And go big or go home.

So carrington, you brought
laurel back from casa amor, is

This the girl for snu.


Laurel makes me feel great.

She's super independent, caring
and just, I don't know, we just

Kind of clicked and hit it off,
you know, instantly.

And I would be a fool to not get
to know her more, yeah, I think

This is the right choice.

Well, congratulations
carrington and laurel.

You guys can take a seat.

You guys can take a seat.

Justine, please stand up.

You were coupled up with caleb
before he left for casa amor.

And whilst you were only coupled
up for a few days america voted

You one of the most compatible

However casa amor is the
ultimate relationship test.

So how are you feeling now?

I feel super nervous.

But I'm going to go with my
heart on this and I can't help

But try to stay hopeful about

Do you think caleb has stayed
loyal to you?

It's a toss up because of
where we were.

You know, things were still
pretty new with us even though

They were headed in a pretty
good direction.

So I really don't know.

Well, you do have a choice.

Would you like to stick with
caleb or would you like to

Couple up with one of the boys
beside you.

Couple up with one of the boys
beside you.

Even though things were still
pretty new with us, I want to

Stick with caleb.

So you want to stay loyal to
caleb but the question you want

Answered is did he stay loyal to

If caleb returns from casa amor
with a girl you will remain


But if he returns on his own,
he's all yours.

So let's find out.

So let's find out.

Would you like to stick with
caleb or couple up with one of

The boys beside me?

I want to stick with caleb.

So you want to stay loyal to
caleb you go the question you

Want answered is did he stay
loyal to you.

If caleb returns from casa
amor with a girl, you will

Remain single.

But if he returns on his own,
he's all yours.

So let's find out.

So let's find out.

Welcome back to the villa.

Very happy to be home.


You made all the girls cry,
well, go be together.

Cely, please stand up.

You were coupled up with johnny.

We've seen your relationship go
from strength to strength before

He left for casa amor.

However were the foundations
strong enough to withstand the

Temptations of casa amor.

I really hope so.

Sorry, I'm already crying and
I don't even know what is

Happening yet.

It has been an emotional roller
coaster just because they are

All amazing, amazing guys and
they deserve to be here.

But none of them are johnny.

Do you think johnny has
stayed loyal to you?

I really hope so.

There seems to be a trend, that
the girls over there were just

As amazing.

So we'll see.

Well, you do have a choice.

Would you like to stick with
johnny or would you like to

Couple up with one of the boys
beside me.

Love you guys, I want to
stick with johnny.


So you want to stay loyal to

But the question you want
answered is did he stay loyal to


If johnny returns from casa amor
with a girl you will remain


But if he returns on his own,
he's all yours.

Let's find out.

So as you can see cely has
chosen to stay with you.

How do you feel?

Extremely happy.

This experience has been
eye-opening for me.

It has given me so much clarity.

It has made me realize how deep
my feelings are for cely.

The connection we have is... The
connection we have is very deep.

The connection we have is... The
connection we have is very deep.

The way I feel about you, comes
from so much, you know, that

We've experienced here.

The foundation we built.

Going into casa amor, you know,
held me down and you kept me


You know, being far away from
you, gave me a chance to grow

Closer to you from a distance.

And the whole time I was there I
thought but.

And the whole time I was there I
was missing you.

And I'm just happy to be back
and I can't wait to catch up.


Cely, what does this mean to

I'm so happy.

I prayed like so hard every
single night and it is like been

The same experience for me,
getting to know you guys, it was

Always you, like I could only
think about you.

And I just was waiting for this
moment and I'm so happy that it

Is finally here.

All right, you guys, go over

I have so much to tell you.

And finally mackenzie.

Please stand up.

You were coupled up with connor
from day one.

And just before casa amor your
relationship seemed stronger

Than ever.

Mackenzie, would you like to
stick with connor or would you

Like to recouple?

Mackenzie, would you like to
stick with connor, or would you

Like to recouple?

Since day one I have grown
significantly as a person, as a

Friend and as a partner.

So far I have been able to share
this experience with one boy and

Tgether we have gone through a
series of the highest of highs

And some of the most unexpected

And I was very confident that
this was the right connection

For me.

However, with some space and
time to reflect, I've realized

That I was not being honest with
myself and there was someone

Here that showed patience and
understanding when I was


And was there for me as a friend
who helped me understand what I

Was feeling and what I wanted.

Connor and I should not continue
as a couple.

And I would like to recouple

Okay, mackenzie, which boy
would you like to recouple with.


Congratulations, jalen, you
can go and join mackenzie.

If connor comes in alone he
will remain single in the villa.

Let's find out what connor
decided to do.

Oh my god.

Welcome back to the villa.

Connor, as you can see,
mackenzie has chosen to


How are you feeling?

I do feel hurt right now.

I do feel like I was a little
taken advantage of, a little

Slighted a little bit.

I chose to be loyal, committed
and keep my trust there for you.

You know, I have nothing but
amazing things to say about you.

And I hope that the person you
did choose can see that in you

As well and help you grow into
the person that you are meant to


I'm sorry that I could not be
that person for you.

And I hope you do find true love
with the person you chose.

And I hope you do find true love
with the person you chose.

You can go take a seat.

Okay islanders, the
recoupling is complete.

You can say your good-byes and
the rest of you, I will see you

Very soon.

Very soon.

Not good but okay.

You okay?


Obviously we have to talk.

I'm not mad at you.

I don't think you're mad.

I know, I know what a good
person you are and that you

Would not be mad.

And I think that when we do get
a chance to talk more I think

You will understand where I am
coming from.

This was not an easy decision
for me.

I know.

Like I care about you so, so
much, like you know that.

I don't want you to look at it

I just want you to be happy,

I want you to be happy.

I'm happy if you are happy,

Can we talk some more later?

Yeah, yeah, we can.

Please, when I come here I
was like exploding

With... Exuberance.

I lost it I was spiraling,
literally spiraling because.

What did you think, like why.

Well what if he is kissing
other girls outside in

Challenges, did you?

You did?


At tonight's recoupling
mackenzie chose to couple up

With new boy jalen leaving
connor with almost too much to


As the dust settles on this
dramatic evening the islanders

Try to make sense of the rubble
caused by hurricane connor and


I didn't even want to look at

I don't even want to really look
at her now.

I know you don't want us to
be mad at her or anything, but

Bro, like she gave you the run

Oh my gosh.

I think she's a man I latif
liar and I have little to no

Respect for her.

You owe her absolutely nothing.

You don't owe her a thing.

Everybody here can see that
you have been... Whether they

Want to admit it or not.

I'm glad you are not with her.

I wish you would have found
somebody to bring back because I

Wish you didn't have to put
yourself in front of everybody

And give her that moment right

If nothing else, this was a
complete validation for me that

She is not the one for me.

Seeing mackenzie with someone
else, it was almost like I was

Seeing someone that I didn't

I was very loyal and committed,
and she got someone that she

Felt she could grow something
more special with, and I did


The whole situation, it does
not sit right with me.

Their reaction is so not fair
to jalen.

He's such a nice guy.

Did they not encourage him to
break up with me and move on

From me?

So it is like.

That's true.

What, because I realized the
differences and I would be bold

To move forward from it.

I'm the bad guy, like how?

Breakups hurt, like I also
feel hurt.

I sort of felt this impending
breakup was a possibility from

The moment he started having

You about I really, really hope
that connor can see that this is

For the best for the both of us.

I would 100% have been open
to finding another connection.

For me, there just wasn't that
person at casa amor.

What do you think about

We have been such good
friends up until we left.

And that is how.

I'm not against being with
someone else in the house.

Dude, I am speechless that
she didn't choose someone.

I do like her, I do care
about her, but the fact of the

Matter is that I have to
remember that we just won't


It's nice that she waited and
all that, but we won't work.

I feel like i... What makes me
feel stupid was his speech and

He was like yes, of course... I
don't know.

It was a little condescending.


I thought that too.


His speech, his speech, don't
get me started, was super


He was kind of being a little
mean or taking a couple jabs.

Maybe he didn't know it but
he was.

This whole situation is making
me feel stupid even though I

Feel very happy still with the
decision I made.

I'm just so frustrated and so
pissed off and so hurt.

Who does that.

They are just intimidated by

Some guys are uncomfortable with
having such a beautiful woman.

It is honestly a thing.

Why would you want to hurt
someone like that.

Like I don't understand.

Nobody thought that would

And I let her know like hey, I'm
here for you, I'm here to be

Friends but sorry, none of these
guys really interest you at all,

You didn't pick one of them but
I'm here for you going forward.

That is so messed up.

I love you, that was...

It is really weird the
foolings that I have right now

Because that hy, when he came
out, I was like o my god, I was

Like this is the best thing ever
and then he was like yeah, we're

Going to have to talk or

And I was like what, and the
whole thing was smiling, I

Promise you, it's not bad t is
nothing you did.

Don't overreact.

He's like we'll talk about it,
we'll talk.

He said it is nothing you
didn't do?


Are we sitting here.

Yeah, right here.


You know, first I want to
start off by saying you have

Nothing to worry about, right.

What we have is very special to

And the foundation we laid
throughout the past couple of

Weeks is so strong, so
meaningful, so deep.

And I mean that, there was a
time when I had a conversation

With a girl and I had a feeling
that she was going to try and

Kiss me.

And sure enough, you know, she
was very forward and we kissed

During the first conversation we

First conversation?

She wanted to kiss me.

Okay, but don't put it all on.

I am not, I did it with my
own free well, not putting it on

Anyone else.

Even while she is coming in, I'm
like, and I kissed her.

I did it.

And later that night we were in
bed and you know, she was like

Please, can I just cuddle or
whatever, and I am like oh my

God, okay.

And I cuddled with her, right.

And we kissed in bed on the
first night.

Next day I woke up and that was
all it took for me to realize,

Like cely is the most important
thing to me in this whole


And I told her that, a 100% have
full intentions of going back to


Like the second day.

But I promise you, with that
experience, I am better for you

Than I was before.

I'm sorry.

I think, I'm just upset
because I feel like it makes me

Feel like I should have maybe
like given a guy a chance.

Like there was guys that came in
here that are you like you are

My type, are you what I want, I
have been watching you and are

You so fun and so energetic.

But I know are you with johnny
and it is just breaks my heart

Because every one of those guys
deserved a shot especially with

The guys that came in wanting to
get to know me, you know?

It's just like, it's so stupid.

I knew before that, that I
wanted you.

Then why do it?

That makes absolutely no sense,
do you realize.

I know, trust me.

Then why do it, like what
does all in mean for you, by

Telling me have I nothing to
worry about.

You shouldn't have said those
thicks because I trusted you 100

Percent and to hear not only
just a kiss but to get in bed

With someone and cuddle them.

Like I don't want that to ruin
the good moments that like we

Just had.

Johnny just delivered the
devastating news to cely that he

Was unfaith.

At casa amor, cely leans on
justine for solace.

Basically night one there was
a girl, her name was mercades.

And apparently she like really
tried to like go in for johnny

Or whatever.

And he was like okay one, we

I was like I can handle that.

Like okay.

But then it is the part that was
like he got in bed with her,

Cuddled her and kissed her in

It is like, and for me it's like
I didn't have to do any of that

To, you know what I mean.


And it wasn't even just like
one kiss but to get in bed with

Someone and cuddle them.

I'm just surprised at him.

What is the reasoning behind it.

Is it just the way that he
was saying it.

He was like I did it.

And I kissed her back and I know
that and he is like but what it

Did for me was give me clarity
in coming back to you.

And but I was thinking about you
the whole time and all this


But I don't know, I want to like
believe that.

I'm just sad because like the
girls had a great group of guys

Also and I didn't feel the need
to take it that far.

Like I didn't feel the need to
like... Sorry.

I want to be with him so bad
but it's like, am I going to be

That dumb ass girl who has no
brain and what is she doing?

Because he's over there like,
you know what I mean, like I

Don't know what to do.

I don't know what reaction I
should have.

I'm just stunned, honestly.

But you have to go with your
heart on this.

If you are hurt let him know are
you hurt.

Because that's not okay.

And if you are going to have a
future outside of this, he has

To know now that this is not

Listen, as long as you don't
think this is on you and you

Don't look stupid.

If anything, johnny looks
stupid, dumb as hell.

I honestly don't know how I
am going to work through this.

I really don't.

I love you.

Some mistakes get paid that's
all right, that's okay.

How did you present things.

Basically I think she already
had an idea that I had something

To do her.

I did think it was going to hurt
her the way it is hurting her

This may, if I knew it was going
hurt her and she wouldn't have

Had fun and explore, would I
have done it, would I have gone

Back in time.

It is safe to assume she did
not do the same.


She didn't, she did not.

But she's hurt.

Yes, I regret it because
seeing her the way that I just

Saw her, hurts me to the core
and being the cause of that,

Knowing that we had something so
strong, it's hard to get her to

Understand why that was
necessary for me.


What I chose to explore
instead of.

What is the number one thing
that the cely wanted to happen.

Me come back to her.


Don't justify everything.

You know, just take a step back.

It's really dk... The stove is
still hot, you touch it, you are

Going to get burned.

It just sucks that what I did
had an effect on cely, you know,

Emotionally and it hurts.

She said that she wasn't even
mad at me.

Which I feel would be even
easier to handle.

It's just that she is truly just

I hurt her heart and that was
the last thing I wanted to do.

What happened happened, there is
no way around it.

I just have to deal with the
repercussions straight up.

I told her she can be upset as
long as she wants.

Like any good friend, moira
helped cely put her emotional

Upheaval into perspective.

By having an even bigger

What are you doing?

Why are you putting sweats on?

I just... I'm confuseed.

Moira if you start crying I'm
going to start crying.

We can't both be crying in here
right now.

Where is your head at?

Why are you crying.

He aaron is such a great guy,
he de everybodies is the world.

My heart really is not in it.

I just want to be able to be
happy and fall in love her here

And I am just not, I don't feel
it at all.

I tried, I tried.

I tried with... He was kind of an
oddballk you tried can with

Calvin, he had a lot of red
flags for me personally.

He's a great guy.

I can't try with aaron.

I thought we would be seeing
calvin and I would think to

Myself oh, aaron was the right

I can't.

Cely, like I hate to say it but
you are a big part of why I just

Can't do it any more.

What do you mean?

Seeing you wait for johnny.

Moira the guys with the past
week and are you the most

Selfless person and seeing
johnny was just more important.

I don't know, man.

Do not even go there right
now because literally... Me and

Johnny are not 100 right now.

I love you.

I love you.

And I'm not going any where
you are going to figure it out.

Maybe it's me because I'm
just not finding it dude.

All of these amazing, amazing
men and I'm just not finding it.

It does make me feel like it
might have something to do with


I don't know, man.

Where are you going?

I don't know, where you leaving.

I'm going to get my wine
glass, because I want glass

Number two.

There is no way I'm going to bed

O my god, I look like a crazy

You look gorgeous

Casa amor proved to be a
wrecking ball for many of our

Villa relationships.

So justine checks in with caleb
to make sure they're still stand

Ing strong.

Everything is coming out.

Let me clean you up.

That's okay.

How were the last few days.

Last few days were good for me.

I mean super stressful.

I was like worried.

I am not even going to lie, I
was definitely worried.

I found myself missing... More
than I expected and it hit me

When we had like the challenges
with each other.

There was no kissing outside
the challenges or anything like

That, I don't know if you were
worried about any of that,

Because I know what was going on
over here.


But one girl that I was
physically attracted to, that

Girl was sher, the girl that
calvin brought home.

So that is the but.

The only thing I will say
that bothers me is that that

Girl is now in this house.

And I am so like... But I'm not
going to let that get in the way

Of this beautiful moment and
this beautiful thing that caleb

And I have.

As much as it sucks that she
is in here, like it is karting

To know that you did meet
somebody to know st your type,

You baif it a shot and at the
end of the day it was me.

Yes, you, you, at the end of
multiple days it was still you.

That being said, I am happy to
be home.

I didn't find nibbles.

The kng and the queen of the
castle are back.

That's about it.

We have now been tried.

We came out through the fire
stronger and next will include

Building a deeper connection,
really exploring the

Possibilities of our
relationship beyond the walls of

The villa.

I'm so happy you are back trk
was a rough couple of days.

Why, why is everyone crying?

What is right?

What is wrong what is love?

Baby don't hurt me baby don't
hurt me no more.

I do want to talk with you.


No, huh-uh, huh-uh.

Baby don't hurt me.

You're focused so hard on
trying to find love that you're

Not allowing it to happen.

Exactly say hi, ola.

How are you?

Comma esta.

You are to be okay that there
is the possibility you won't

Find love and you have to accept
that because you have to know.

But this is love island I
been know, what can I do, what

Else can I say up to you.

The new guys and girls that
didn't couple up with an

Islander during casa amor have
said good-bye to love island.

Here's the new lay of the land.

Cely and johnny, justine and
caleb, mackenzie and jalen.

Laurel and carrington, aaron and
moira and sher and calvin.

And newly single islanders
connor and kierstan.

Welcome back to love island
where the islanders have been

Gathered around their pools.

Gathered around their pools.

It is crazy.

You don't.

I actually don't even know
what more to say I hate the idea

That she is in there like hating
the thought of me right now.

You have to cool down.

I'm interested to see how it
all unfolds today.

Hanging out.

Johnny is still scrambling to
make things right with cely

While carrington... To laurel
seems to be going over easy.

Can I come in?


These are for me.

It's for you.

I was out thre forever, it's
cold, I'm sorry.

Thank you.

Lack at him, he is missing
his woman.

I did not see that side of him.

I don't think he ever brought
breakfast for kierstan.



How are you kneel being the
whole kierstan situation.

I feel fine about it because
carrington has reassured me a

Lot kind of where he is at.

I wish there would have been
some one in here for her though.

That was a tough thing to see
her go through.

Because I really wasn't
expecting to have anything with

Carrington at all.

Isn't that crazy how people
surprise you.

Yes, yes.


What was your experience like.

Cuz I know you said you were
going to go for calvin, ended up

Being carrington.

I was just getting to know
everyone and then calvin came

And did his thing.

I was like okay.

That is so crazy.

Calvin sits down with
previous partner moira to

Discuss his new fragrance,
closure from the house of


When I came down the stairs
and I saw you with aaron, I was

Very much relieved.


I do have to say like I was a
little bit hurt that you didn't

Think that we deserved a chat
last night and I get the

Circumstances, a lot is going on
and you want to make your girl

Feel kartable and everything but
I fell a little disrespected.

There is really no excuse.

I absolutely should have came
and talked with you.

And my assumption, if you were
coupled up with someone, that

Means are you happy and in a
good place.

I was still really 50/50.

And aaron was someone I really
connected with but I probably

Would have still pursued bothof

And if you had come back alone I
could have expressed that.

Because I don't know what I want
and where I stand I think that

People deserves to be here.

Moira her words an her
actions over the last week are

Not really matching up.

And I left that conversation a
lot more confused than I went


How did it go?

It was very not what I
expected at all.

She was like he is such a nice
guy and he deserves to be here.

And that's why I chose him.

At this point some people are
just playing some sort of game

Like they deserve to be here
instead of actually trying to

Fient what they are supposed to

So like I don't know.

I vus feel like if I were in her
situation I would rather be

Happy for someone and happy for
myself than being moaping around

Crying and making the energy

Sher is a very strong woman.

And she challenges me.

And I kind of like it.

I don't sugar coat.

Johnny is skating on thin ice.

He will need to land a triple ax
el apology to win cely back he's

He will need to land a triple ax
el apology to win cely back he's

Just mad.

Remember johnny, don't make
it about you.

I it is going to drive me

I told celle that I am all in
with her, I told her she had

Nothing to worry about.

I didn't factor in casa amor and
that doesn't give you an excuse

To do whatever I want but me and
cely said whatever happens

Inside a challenge or a game,
doesn't affect us.

I saw casa amor as a challenge.

Although I hurt you I need to
you realize that the more

Important thing is the way I
feel about you and why.

That is what is important.

I get that, johnny.

Like I am just trying to come to
terms with the fact that you get

Out of hand for sexual tense on
night one but the one thing I

Kept saying is that I trust
johnny, he is not going to get

Carried away by a new pretty
face and some boobs and ass, I

Trust him.

I know that if he does get to a
level with someone it is going

To be like a real thing.

And for you to be like it was

I knew it was you the whole

You did that knowing it was me
the whole time?

Like how?

Like why would you put my
feeling at jeopardy for like.

It just sucks that this is
the way that it is affecting


We are here for the sole purpose
of testing our relationship.

I am so sorry that when making
that decision it ended up

Hurting you ultimately.

I did not think it was going to
impact you this way, to this


I did not.

I set boundaries and I knew... It
is just I can't help but feel

Upset that that even happened,
you know?

Pie bigst fear is that she is
going to take too long to

Realize that what happened over
there is irrelevant to what is

Happening now.

And it could potentially feak
our progression.

I'll be here.

I miss you.

I missed you.

It is just lousy it is this way.

Thank you.

All right of the seements
like johnny wants to turn cely's

Feelings off like a switch but
feelings aren't that simple and

Neither are the intricacies of
going into this promotion for

Caesars, you didn't see that
segue coming but you can get an

Eye full of vegas from the
eiffel tower viewing back and

Light show.

541 Feet.

A tall drink of sour made of
5,000 tons of welded steel, the

Largest replica in the world.

Only a croissant would flake on
this opportunity.

Grab your tickets monday ami, au

Situate the cromwell on
heartbreak street and recoupling

Blvd, moira choiced aaron over
calvin but after seeing the

Strongs connections of the
reunited couples she's

Questioning her connection with
the understanding six pack.

Don't feel like you need to
talk with me about your

Feelings, if you want to, I
really would like love what hear

Where your head is at and how
you feel.

Whatever you want to do, I
totally understand as a friend

And a human I'm here for you and
I want nothing but the best for

You because are you such an
awesome person you are so fun to

Be around smiling all the time
sno, I know, I hear you.

I cried a lot these past two

Don't bottle it up, let it
out well, I really am so

Appreciative that you are here.

I would never have asked for
anyone or anything better than

The situation that I'm in for
how I'm feeling and what about

The process.

Yeah, I feel like I was
forcing it because I know I want

It so bad.

Cuz like I haven't had felt like
the best... So far.

But I also feel like I've grown
so much by being here because

Like I haven't been in
circumstances like this where I

Have to like really truly force
myself to be with my own issues

And so like yeah, I feel like
even though it might not be love

I'm just growing as a person now
I am here for myself, now I am

Here to listen to how I'm
feeling and no pressure to get

To that love that all the other
ladies are feeling.

No pressure and I just can't
stop crying and I'm sorry.

Crying is a good thing, you
have to let it out, you know.


I really hope you found what
you are looking for in here you

Are the most perfect person in
the entire world.

You deserve the most love ever.

Thank you.

And as do you.

Why are you being so nice to
me I like being nice to people

And helping people and I feel
like you need someone to kind of

Talk to and it is not an easy
situation yeah.

Yeah, I mean I don't know,
it's a tough situation.

I feel like... She's on the verge
of kind of like maybe I need to

Take time to myself kind of

And I think she's just in a
tough spot and she doesn't know

Where her head's at.

And it is kind of like jumping
too something is kind of, I

Don't know if that is the best
thing for her.

Like she was crying and hey, is
she is legit an emotional kind

Of like wreck.

And it's kind of like one of the
things where it is like, I feel

Like she shouldn't jump into
anything, so that leads me to a

Spot where like I can't sit

So with moira I kind of am in
a tough position where I want to

Be there for her and help her
do, this but I will leave with

No regret, I will do what is
best for me, I'm not sure yet.

Literally day one and there
is already drama.


Carrington returns from casa
amor with lawyeral.

The formter partner share a
moment of reflection aided in

Part by kierstan putting two
bathroom mirrors on her face.


Sorry about yesterday.

I had a lot more I wanted to
say out there but I just, I

Didn't say a lot because I had
no worries.

I was just... I wanted to talk
with you but p but you were very

Up set.

I was.

And like big girl reaction
because I was like rate, what?

I was like there is no way.

And they are not do you not see.

I had, no idea were you single.

And maybe that is on me.

Well, that is on me.

And I do care about you and I do
want to still hang out here and

Talk with you and be friends.

I don't, I get that st hard to
instantly switch.

It's also hard to walk by
someone you care about and not

Say anything it is just weird to

And I don't want to do that.

Like I still care but, the
whole time, even after that.

From so I just needed to you
know that I have never done

Something like that before.

It showed me a lot.

It did.

I think that shows a lot to your

I was like if it takes this,
maybe, maybe to spark something

Or maybe you realize something
or maybe make me realize

Something but I stand by what I
did 100 percent.

I don't regret it at all.

I would do it again.

Obviously it made me think,

That was the whole point of it.

Things with me and kierstan
are pretty much a shambles I

Would saivment I do care about

I do like her.

I do want her to be happy.

And last night definitely, you
know, brought out some feelings

For me, I won't lie.

I hate to see you cry.

And I hate to see you mad.

And I did like you, so that is
the thing.

There is always going to be

Now I'm matched up with someone
else and I owe her my attention

And I'm going to get to know her
and I do like her.

And I'm just saying going

Yeah, I don't... Just I just
want to be cool with you.

Like you're very hot and very
cool and I do like you a lot.

But I think for now unless
something changed or something


I mean if you're not feeling
it after what I did then it's

Probably not, I don't know.

I think you do owe it to
yourself and lauren to do that.

But if that doesn't do it for
you then, what will.

It is the biggest thing that
you could do for someone in

Here, knowing that you are going
to bring someone down.

But there is no... I'm still
right where I was.

And I'm just here.

Do you want a hug?


By clearing the air with
carrington kierstan is still

Feeling all the feels she's
feeling and books a session with

New villa therapist dr. Jalen.

How du feel about it though,
now after you have finally had

That conversation.

I feel like its way he had
that conversation, it was pretty

Much like a no, I was like you
could have started off like



Do you wish to explore anyone
else here?

I don't know, I don't know.

I just, I mean I'm going to talk
to people but I don't know.

Have I been kind of moving
forward with mackenzie at a

Pretty good rate.

But I think at the same time
kierstan always has been more my

Type than anything, so that is
one thing at the back of my


So staying open and talking to
other girls I have been

Interested in, definitely is
something I want to do.

Well, maybe, what's up.

I'm not here to explore but I
don't know.

And then he's, I hate when
people offer no, you you are an

Amazing girl be don't pull that.

It's okay.

It's not surprising that
jalen has become the villa

Therapist but we haven't spend a
ton of time alone.

So I am anxious to spend more
time having one-on-one

Conversations because I don't
feel like we've had that many.

If we were to get to the
bottom of this you are going to

Find love, my love, I still love

Thank you for the faith.



Caleb casa amor bed buddy
sher is now in the villa so

Justine is checking in to make
sure her man is her man!

I mean to communicate and be on
the same page.

What's up girl.

No, I just wanted to talk
because obviously you came in

And I was like... I loving it,
stunning, you know what I mean,

And then I had a conversation
with caleb and he told me

Everything that happened at casa
amor so you know, I just wanted

To chat with you because I don't
want any awkwardness between us,

You know.

I'm glad you did because I
definitely felt the awkwardness.

I get t you know, I definitely
wanted to talk to you as well

Because I don't know how it ends
up, your conversation and stuff


I obviously was interested in
him and I definitely expressed

And told him that... They are
both very, very different but

Have so much to offer.

So I am very happy where I am
with calvin and I am getting to

Know him, and I told caleb I
would still get to know him,

Whether it be as a friend or if
there was a connection.

Because you know, everything is
very unexpected in here.


So yeah.

I appreciate that.

Z he told me that he is
really hope to

Getting... Why... Just wanted to
know where you were in that


He told me when we were at
the house, I can't really answer

That, I don't want to give you
an answer right now and it is

Not the right answer.

Just because I'm in a couple
that doesn't mean you are

Necessarily off limits.

So if I think there is a
possible connection with anyone

Else that is not calvin, I'm not
going to stop just because

Someone might necessarily not
like it.

I'm not really here to make

I would love to make friends.

But if that kind of has to get
in between what mi actually here

For, than, what can I say.

As long as we have
communication, I'm sure it.

We're happy to have you guys.

Thank you.

I'm excited to be here.

How did your conversation go.

It was good.

I kind of got the impression
that she is like still open to

Getting to know you.


It is awkward.


I don't... I come back here
with the goal or expectation or

Whatever to continue.

Western or for anyone else
right now.

I'm winning right now, you
know, what I came here and I

Found the best guy.

Sinned us home, no, I'm kidding.

We have a perfect situation
in the real world.



You say sorry and you know her.

Are you so terrible.

Are you so terrible.

Anything, st all a test so st

What is up, I think you guys
are the hottest couple here.


I mean come on.

It's tough, it's tough.

Open it up good, nice and big.

Taste like cocobutter, dude.

Oh, hell.

You guys.

Connor and teddy bear gus return
from casa amor to find mackenzie

Had chosen to recouple with
jalen after assuring us that

Mommy and daddy splitting up
didn't mean they didn't love


Connor and mackenzie sit down to
process the end of their

Tumultuous relationship.



How are you doing?

I'm good.


Honestly the biggest take
away that on reflecting on

Everything is that I think that
you deserve fun different

From... I would be so... I know
that, I you know what I am

Saying, am I like a fool for
thinking this can't work out or

For questioning this.

What if I never meet someone
like him again.

What is if this is it and I
screwed it up and it was really,

Really hard.

I'm trying not to cry.

I haven't cried yet about this.

No, that's what, like I
wanted you to understand last

Night, if you could take away
anything from this, like I never

Want you to feel this way.

What we had was so special.

And I'm glad that we had these
weeks together.

I really am, I grew so much from
it and I hope you did too.

It did, it did hurt and it
still does.

But not a hurt that is... Not
valid or justified, it's because

It is me realizing that that is
your reality and that is the


Cuz it's over.

100 Percent.

She did get a little
emotional for the first time,

You know, talking with me

And I think it was just the fact
that realizing what we had was

Special, I think.

Very grateful for what we had.

I'm so proud of you, I really


You are a grown up man now.

I know, I am.

I am so glad that we could
have that conversation and get

That closure because we were
truly able to close the chapter

On our love story.

It might be one of the shortest
relationships I have ever been

In but I think it will
definitely be one of the most


I will always be true to you.

Johnny straiked with mercades
at casa amor behind cely's back

The night of almost being held
accountable for his actions has

Shaken him to his core.

I didn't mean to scare you.

No, no, no.

You had all the right to scare

I deserved to feel scared
because of the chance that I

Took with you.

I think last night has made me
realize how strong my feelings

Are for you.

And then the way that I reacted
to seeing how upset you were

Made me realize even more.

Because I have not been that
upset in a very long time.

I feel like that is why I was
so confused with my emotions.

I think reason I kept saying I
needed space and couldn't be

Around yous with because I was
seeing how upset you were, I

Wanted to comfort you so bad.

And I knew that I needed to let
go by myself to feel upset, you


Yesterday I was... Emotions
were high and I didn't really

Know how to approach the

But after thinking about it
today, it may sound crazy but I

Feel like I trust him more now
because even though he knew it

Was going to be very, very hard
for me to know what went on,

Like it was the first thing he

I want you to know that I
know what I did hurt you.

You had every right to be upset.

So just know that I am
acknowledging that I wronged


And I'm sorry.

And I am so appreciative that
you are able to move on and push

Forward with█ our relationship
because I was scared that this

Was going to put us in a
position to either stand still

In our relationship or move

And that scared the "añ
yes, it upset me and whatever

But I'm glad that like knowing
that that happened and you still

Came back to me, it makes me
very, very happy.

Everything with me and cely
has been perfect up to this


But this kind of put us in a
place where we can actually be

At odds and see how we handle
problems together and getting

Through it and coming out strong
on the other side.

It really shows what we have is

It really shows what we have is

I missed you so much, I was
so ready for you to come back, I

Was like this is dumb.

I just want to see how are
you feeling, I had a

Conversation with carrington
today, I want to see where you

Are at, do you still want to get
to know him and.

I just feel like I did what I
did to make a statement.

And last night I handled things
very wrong after.

I did that because I didn't want
to... With him but he says he

Wants to get to know you.

And I'm not one to force things.

You can't force your feelings
and I am not going to force

Something that he just isn't
feeling either it just sucks,

But I want to say that I think
that yag literally looked so

Cute up there and a swear 100
percent I'm being honest.

I thought we had to talk because
I wanted to smooth everything

Out and let you know where I am

Because obviously you are very
interested in carrington as you

Should be.

He is an amazing guy.

I hope you find love, you
deserve that.

Thank you.

Honest truth with laurel and
carrington trk is very hard

Being in a villa with someone
that you still very much care

About and you are kind of hoping
for a different answer.

And you didn't get it.

But as much as I care for
carrington, I think they fit

Better together than carrington
and I did.

And that is completely honest.

She says that we're really
cute together and glad that I am

As we did.

Yeah, damn, that is I a very
detailed grilled cheese.

I am doing the same damn thing.

I will make one with you.

Glad I picked you.

I'm glad you are having fun and
I'm excited to see what comes.

We obviously don't know each

100 Percent.


Buts with we're getting there.

I think are you a good fit
for me and I'm a good fit to

You, and we'll start to open up
a little more.

You, and we'll start to open up
a little more.

Good talk.

Good game.

You need to take off those

I will start wearing heels too.

After kierstan's talk with
laurel she books in for a 7:00

With dr. Jalen at his sandalwood
scented therapy nook.

I feel like... Are you sitting.

I feel short short.

What, what is up.

I just wanted to check on you.

I might just have a conversation
because I think we have a strong

Enough relationship where.

I like how you connified in me.

It is hard to stay motivated
in here.

I do want you to be
superoptimistic about tment I

Love being around you.

I think everyone here loves
being around you.

You are a breathe of fresh air
every time.

I know the guys, like mike and
everyone, they love you, you

Were on our lists for a reason.

You know that when you walk into
a room everyone is looking at


Yeah, literally.

Like I mean you know how
beautiful you are.

And if you don't, like I want
continue to remind you that.

Because I think the world of

I think there are so many guys
that walk in here and drop dead

To have a chance to talk to you,
have a chance to.

No, I need to, I want to I
really do look, I think we have

Good enough friendship.

We do.

I want to continue to.

I feel closer with you than
any of the others.

All this bonding.

I am like, I don't know what is
wrong with me, I feel like I

Need to address this with

I feel like really annoyed when
guys don't give me more


I don't know.

I just feel like I remember
earlier you mentioned like

Having that instant attraction,
like mackenzie wasn't that for

Me when I first met her.

So much more... I feel like not
staying optimistic, thinking

That someone that walks in not
being that person for you, you

Are losing before you start.

I want to see you smile.

I want to see you happy.

That is the kind of mentality,
personality you bring to any


I want to remind you of that.

I feel like is he there for
everyone else but me.

You are here to find love,
you found a.

I am trying to figure out how
I am feeling so far.

I know.

I feel like I'm just con
tenantly in this house being


I don't think people are
thinking about how their actions

Are making me feel.

Does this ever happen in the
outside world to you.


It does.

I am like are my needs too much?

You are the type of person
that, you know, is in tune with

Yur emotions quicker than most

So they don't see it.

I don't know if he sees how
you are feeling.

I just really hope... Bus if
not I still am at that point

Where I am kind of like here and
it's really exhausting.

Just keep moving forward
because things happen at the

Drop of a hat in here and you
never know what could happen so

Stay optimistic.

That is what I want to keep
reminding you.

Thank you.

You promise.



If I catch you lacking, I am
going to give you an earful.

Yes, you can rip me a new one
if I am being how I have been



It's hard because I am
struggling to determine am I

Valid in my feelings some what.

I think that what you are
feeling is 100 percent valid


I spent no alone time with
him today, none.

I don't know, I'm just annoyed.

It is affecting my mood,
affecting my demeanor because I

Don't have enough love in my
love t*nk.

Like my love t*nk is not full

We have to get your love t*nk

I'm just going to take a minute.

Why don't you head back over and
I will see you in a little.

Where are you going?

I'm going to to be alone.

Hug me.

Love you.

Love you too.

Something about you makes me
feel like a dangerous woman

Something about you makes me
feel like a dangerous woman

My love t*nk as half full,
however mackenzie's love t*nk is

Once again feeling empty.

I am so happy that jalen is
able to be there for the girls

And that they feel comfortable
going to him for advice.

I wanted to be closer to you.

But I do feel like sometimes
there needs to be time for jalen

And i.

I don't think I mentioned it
but obviously I've ended up now

With two different guys who have
inned up becoming like almost

The confidante of.

Your friends.

All of my friends.

Do you not like that?

I think sometimes I do feel
where like I don't want to come

Acrosses alike I want you all to
myself kind of thing.

Do you want me to spend that
time with you.

Yeah, sometimes.


Like I did... I will be
honest, today I feld like

Kierstan was a bit overdoing it,
as far as... I wanted to us all

To hang out with her and I
wanted us to go with her but

Like I felt like she was asking
a lot of you all day, there was

A lot of chats about her
feelings and what she is going


This is our first day coupled up

And I kind of felt like you were
catering to everyone else

Instead of to us.




I don't like being the
outcast of the group.

It was just me over here, I
couldn't get along with the rest

Of the group, I would hate that.

Which I totally understand.

But maybe I'm completely
comfortable with where we are

At, with who I am, and what I
bring to the relationship.

Do you feel like sometimes
you prioritize other people's

Feelings over your own?

No, I feel great.


I didn't have an issue or a
problem with the day.

I thought today was a great day
if you look at how mackenzie

Spent it.

I'm not sure where it is coming

But this is something that is
not quote unquote good enough

For her as far as the time to
grow together even with people

Around, then I honestly don't
know what could be, right?

It definitely is a red flag tor
for me.

It definitely is a red flag tor
for me.

I was like he really is what
he needs.

I really think they're cute

And she and him gel so much
better than him and I did.

Pollar opposites.

I'm so ready for bed.

I can't wait to crawl up in

I'm excited because last
night was not good.

I'm excited because last
night was not good.

You think I've been a goods
parter in for mackenzie.

I'm curious why you are asking.

I feel like from what she
just told me that I need to

Spend more time with her.

I thought this was great and we
were like having an incredible


Like why rock the boat if we are
going at a great rate, we don't

Have to fall in love tomorrow.

I think the second that she
called your name, that was it

For her.

Like you guys are now in this


She doesn't want to tell you
to be with her all the time.

She wants you to want that.


Just super interesting.

I appreciate your like input.

I feel like I'm doing everything
right but I guess.

I feel like you are too.


I do feel like it has been a
day today I feel like we are at

A great rate.


Why do we need to change

I don't want to change anything.

I want to spend time together.

You feel like you spent... I just
don't feel like are you talking

To me when we are in a group you
are talking to other people.

How do you feel like we can
build a connection and continue

To grow if we are not learning
more about each other.

Today you were just kind of
helping everybody else.


It is just one day, you know.

I know that.

I'm confused why you are
reacting this way.

Tomorrow night.

Mackenzie got us all before I
got in here.

That is what I am terrified of.

Dude, I'm going through a

Do whatever you want, sure.

You are absolutely my type.

The person I most attracted to.

I have on him a crush.

I am interested.

What happens.
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