02x14 - Episode 14

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Love Island". Aired: July 9, 2019 – August 15, 2021.*
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A group of contestants, referred to as Islanders, living in isolation from the outside world in a villa, constantly under video surveillance must be coupled up with another Islander, whether it be for love, friendship or survival, as the overall winning couple receives $100,000.
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02x14 - Episode 14

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "love island."

America's host with three
couples in danger.

You told this couple to stay.

Connor, mackenzie.

The islanders dump lauren and
tre from the villa.


I should have faked it like
you have.

Five new boys and five new


Arrive in paradise!
30 Abs worth of men.

And the doors to casa amore

Every couple will be divided.

Every relationship will be

Who will stay loyal and whose
heads will children.

I'm trying to hold it together.

It's morning in las vegas.

Literally just like a star is


The air filled with sounds
and the drill sergeant, cely.

Morning islanders!
Last one out of bed is a

Rotten egg.

We're doing morning yoga,

So hurry on up.

Get those teeth brushed, people.

Why are you so awake?

Once I have coffee, I will

That's all I ask.
I'm sorry I'm a happy person.

I couldn't do it.

It's so early.

The sun was barely out.

I all hear is cely.

Yoga time!
And I was just like...

Deep breath in, deep breath out.

Positive energy.

Good morning justine.

You're looking like a ray of
sunshine today.

If you'd like to grab a seat
anywhere you'd like.

It's a great day at the villa

The energy today is just
going through my body.

Justine, I'd love to see a
smile at some point.


This is so early.

Anyone else know any yoga

Caleb has some stretches.

When life is difficult,
sometimes you have to inch away

From your partner.

Just do a little baby inch worm.

Everyone seemed so relaxed.

We got rid of any bad juju,
whatever the words are.

Like I think we're ready to take
on the rest of this week with

Positive thoughts.


Can you stretch me out a

Little, calvin?

I'm feeling tight this morning.

I definitely am starting to
fall for calvin.

I have my heart feel open in
like a more healthy way where

I'm feeling like I want this to

It's been awhile.


Just going to stretch you out


We're going to do some downward
dog action.

And then bring it back up.

Stretching honestly, got steamy.

I have no words.

That's good.

Good progress today.

Same time tomorrow.

Mackenzie, she put a cup of
coffee in the fridge for me.

I got a text! >> Hey!

No way! >> Abe boys.

Be careful up there.

We know what happened the last
time someone got a text up


Girls, it's time for r&r.

Head up to the jacuzzi for some
spa time.

# Ma #maniesandmimosas.


That was completely unexpected.

Spa day, the girls and i,
painting our nails, doing eye


Super happy about that.

I'm just kidding.

Just like that.

Don't forget about us.

Oh, my goodness.


I call dibs on opening the first

Pour me a bottle of
champagne, momma.

I've been waiting for this.

The first girls day.
First girls day.

In the villa.

Love you guys.

Why do the girls get to do


They get a text and they have

We're on our ass.

It's how it works in world.

Oh! >> I got a text!

Give me something good, johnny.

Boys, the girls are not the
only ones that are having fun


Get ready to leave the villa.

It's #boycation.

The males convey their
excitement by aggressively

Colliding breastly.

Like the finch, they resort to

You can call it that.


All right, boys.

Are you ready for operation

We have to get out the villa
without being detected by the


Do you understand?


Operation shadow.

One, two, three.

Operation shadow!
I felt like my boyfriend

Doesn't want me to act like

I have to keep that under wraps.

Parts that I have to keep under

With johnny, he gets me.
I wonder what the boys are


Someone is here to let you
know, lots of hen house.

There's a fox on the loose.

Here's arielle.

Cue collective gasp. My girls!


How is everybody today?


We see arielle pop-up.

I'm saying oh, no.

Like she has not come in to this
villa once with good news.

So seeing her, can't be.

My heart was going.

I bet you didn't expected to
see me this bright and early in

The morning.

Tell us you're here with good


You never come with good news.

My nerves are going.

Hopefully today it's better
news, fun news.

If you can come with me down to
the fire pit.


She's got news.

Hot off the bench press and it's
being delivered right to the

Villa door step.

Spa day and introduce more

Arielle arrives unannounced to
make a scandalous announcement.

Ladies, you noticed the villa
is a little quieter this


Because we sent the boys on a
little break to a place called

Casa amor.

Oh, my gosh.

I'm nervous.

I should have got that last hug

Like see you, see you in five

Boys won't be alone.

For the next few days, the boys
will be spending their time

There with five brand new girls.

A few days?


Really trying to sabotage.


Are you kidding me?

Just when everything is going so
perfectly, boom.

Our worlds get rocked.

Caleb and I were timely like
having something good and going

At a good pace.

It's like we need more time.

Obviously everyone knows connor
and I went through a rough patch


We also have really come back

So I hope that I don't have
anything to worry about.

Don't think I'm going to
leave you guys here all by your


For the next few days, you guys
will be getting to know five

Brand new boys.

Bring them in.

Please welcome your brand new

I'm mike.

I'm 26.

I'm from san jose california.

I'm a party boy.

I love to go out, get attention.

Women love my dancing.

Women say I can tell you're good
in bed by the way you move and


Well, find out, baby.

I feel like these girls are boot
up and I'm here to turn heads.

My name is aaron.

I'm 26 years old.

Right here from las vegas,

When I tell women I'm a cake

They don't believe me.

Knowing the six foot rule is
nonexistent makes me feel like

I'm in high school with a bunch
of honeys waiting for me.

I'm beyond ready.

I'm deandre.

25 Years old from columbia,
south carolina.

Professional baseball player.

Always the outgoing guy that
talked to the girls in high


Professional ball started, it

You can move mountains.

Going to the villa, take
anybody's girl.

Ladies, your daddy is here.

I'm pat.

I'm 28.

I'm from los angeles,

I'm a lawyer.

I'm lebanese.

Women find me exotic.

I don't think there's enough
flavor in the villa.

It's time to shake things up.

I have confidence that I've done
well for my and I'm going to

Test the waters in there.

I'm jalen, from nashville,
tennessee and I'm in software


I think I stand out in the

The tattoos, blond hair.

I believe I'm sexy.

I date for marriage and starting
a family.

I have to make sure my partner
is perfect.

Lori and I would make beautiful

Oh, my god.

Oh, my god.

Oh, my god.

They look absolutely amazing.

They look like they went to

We're here to see you.

You guys have been hitting
the gym.

Got hotter in here.

Feeling good?


What is happen something.

Beautiful ladies in front of us.


Ladies, please meet deandre.
Nice to meet you.


Nice to meet you.


How is it go something.
Hi, jalen.


And pat.

Hi, ladies.


So deandre, seeing anything
you like?

Yeah, I got my eye on a few.



I'm going to say it.

I have my eye on moira.

Just so I it.

I have to.

Can't wait.

Ladies, what are you thinking?

They look good.



I'm going to leave you to get to
know each other.

I'll see you soon.

And you're welcome. >> Bye!

Nice to meet you.

I'm sure the girls will stay
loyal to their partners or as

They now call them, the bodies
that we used to know.

First impressions, they look

They've been working out.

I'm excited to talk to all of

How you feel?


You look good.

You like appetizer, dinner.

The best part.

So how old is everybody?

I'm 26.





Let's get rid of the boys and
bring in the men.

They're very mature for their

I'll give them that.

They're great boys. >> Boys.

There it is.


What are ya'll's type?

For me, I don't like a guy
who is like overly sensitive.

How did you end up with connor?

Oh, would you.

I'm keeping it real, bro.

I keep it 100.

So you're just friends?


I don't know.

I'm open to like meeting all
ya'll and seeing what's there.

There's the ya'll.

I'm from texas, yeah.

My number 1 is kirsten.

I want to have chat with her.

You're with caleb?


And sonny and I are coupled up.

Like I said again, I'm single.

For the tenth time, I am single.

I'm going to write it on her

Just write "single" to let you
guys now.

Moira, calvin, right?


We are... I'm just like so
shocked about everything


So we're coupled up right now.

You know, I'm really enjoying
getting to know him.

That being said, I'm in this for

So I'm really looking forward to
getting know every one of you


Moira first and foremost is
the most beautiful woman I've

Laid my eyes on in a long time.

I'm all in on moira.

Welcome back to "love island."

Our beautiful roof... Wait a

This is casa amor.

Asecret super sexy second villa
which has everything the other

Villa has except the baggage of
previous relationships.

Guys, bark if you're into it.

Meow if you're not.

Got weights over here.


Casa amor.

We have beers here, boys.


This is bachelor days for the
boys and i.

I want to make the most of the

We're going to have some fun.

I got a text! >> Oh!

Boys, welcome to casa amor.

You'll be staying here the next
few days.

Enjoy your mini break.



And I'm single.

Woo! >> I'm so hyped.

Oh, my gosh.

You guys have hard decisions
to make.

That meant there was probably
ladies on the horizon.

Should be a very interesting few

Fellows, put it up.

This goes out to being away from
the ladies and to whoever we


I seeing where you're going.

Guy time.

We're not around the girls
right now.

Feels like a bachelor party or

This is a dope pool.
I can see myself here, here,

Here, here with a lady.

Casa amor.

Like love and sex in the air.

So gorgeous.

Oh, my god, bro.

Are you kidding me right now?

A banana on the wall getting

I dig the vibe.

I'm excited to explore around.

Yo, look at this bathroom.

It feels great to get out of
the villa.

Nothing against the girls.

Nice to have guy time.

Bro, we're in a lot of trouble.

Time for my perfect dream
girl to come?

Carrington is coming here on
a mission.

He's coming here trying to find

He's been vocal about that.

Whoa! >> There's a bidet.

Connor is happy.

Tere's a bidet.

All right.

I have to lay down rules.

We're in enemy territory.

Could be dangerous.

Sometimes it can be fun.

I'm saying the girls are going
to come at you hot, come at you

Bothered and ready to hook up.

Don't shut them down instantly.

Secondly, you might work out

You never know.

Normal day for a guys.

Chants of "we got a bidet", an
inspiring pep talk by carrington

And then this.


I'm sher.

I'm from 22 years old.

I'm from miami, florida and I'm
a hostess/bartender.

When I walk into a room, heads

I have spice to bring the table
and I'm the life of the party.

When guy into a villa, the one
guy I want to turn his head is I

Don't know... Johnny.

He can throw me around.

I'm mercades.

I'm 25 years old from
los angeles.

I'm a nanny.

I do want kids in the future.

I already have the names picked

I'm not in a rush.

I'm flirtatious which gets me in
trouble sometimes.

Sorry, girls.

I'm small and fun size, not
bite size.

I definitely have my eye on

I mean, he's my type to a tee.

Caleb is going to see the food
and be hypnotized.

I'm doing after him.

I always get what I want.

Hey, ya'll.

I'm from sweet home alabama and
I'm a business owner.

I'm definitely looking for a
guy that is not intimidated by

My success for sure.

I want to be married.

Maybe a farm.

I cook a mean fettuccini

What doesn't want that?

I'm here to find mr. Right, not
mr. Might be or mr. May be


I'm here to bring any southern
charm and whip these boys into


I'm faith.

I'm 26.

I'm from kansas city, missouri.

I o-own a pageant consulting

Everyone always anticipates that
I'll be prim and proper.

I'm not afraid to get down and
dirty and I'm not afraid to go

After what I want.

Men are like sweaters.

You have to try them on.

As soon as you find out they're
scratchy, on to the next.

Cashmere only.

I don't remember the last time I
saw a man's lips.

So yes, there will be kissing

Mark my words.

Casa amor, baby.

How are you doing?


As soon as I saw the girls,
just siding them up, eyeing them

Down, I knew they were her to
tempt us.

Temptation never looked so good.

Let's have a good >> cheers.

All right.

So give us a little something
something about you guys.

We don't anything.

You can see us.

I'm from alabama.

I own my own business.

I'm faith.

I'm 26.

I'm from kansas city.

I also own my own business.

Business women around here.

Everybody is a little like

Who is tense?

We've been here.

Yeah, quiet quiet.

You guyses are on like a leash.

Who has been on a leash?

We all know, you know?

"Love island," bro.

You know, I came here.

It's like I'm going to get to
know everyone.

We're going to have a good time.

The girls sit down to discuss
first impressions after having

Studied every guy's every move
on national television the last

Two weeks. >> First impressions.

They're all definitely very

They're very cute.

Yeah. Johnny is really cute.

He's so genuine.

I want to get to know him.

I have good vibes from calvin.


He's adorable.

Okay, girl.

I see you.

Obviously all attractive girls.

Out of all the girls, I'm
probably most attracted to


She was leading all of them

That is cool to me.

We have to take it in all the
way, turn up the heat.

Make it unforgettable that they
won't even remember the names of

The other girls.

I'm sorry.

Can we talk about the fact
that we're here at casa amor

With lay dais, bro?

What happens in the casa
stays in the casa.

Back at the villa, the man
granites are ready for more

Drama than a rubik's cube

You ready?


Ready to chat?

Have fun.

Jalen pulls moira aside for a
casual chat to see if she shares

His interest like breaking up
her and calvin.

So how does it feel?

It's pretty wild.

We've been able to watch like
day one.

I've had my eye just like she's



What I can see.

Inyesterdayablely beautiful.

I love your personality, your
eyes are incredible.

It's your smile that got me.

Like incredibly beautiful, but
like everything about

Oh, my gosh.


I'm sitting there in awe.

That's the one.

I have to make myself known, let
her know I'm interested in here.

Oh, my gosh.

Jalen is such a hottie.

He had interest in me.

He like came out and said it.

I honestly was like so happy and
surprised that someone would do

That for me.

Just say what they are feeling.
Definitely would like to get

To know you.
I would love to get to know 1


You're making me nervous.

I can't speak now.

Not at all.
I know you and johnny are

Very tight.

I did want to get to know you.

I love your confidence.

It's like should I b word?

I'm going to grab a snack.

That's exactly what I would do.

I feel like I should be
crying and I'm not.

Thank you.

I appreciate that.

Yeah, johnny and I are all in
with each other.

I'm very happy with him.

But we're very real in a sense
of like we never know what could


You know what I mean?

I don't know like his like
perfect woman could walk in.

Back at christmas is amor,
there's a drone shadow on the

Palm on your left.

Beneath the palm, mercades wants
to take johnny for a spin.

Come on.

Let's go.

You want to. >> Yeah.

Let's go to chill slot then.

Ten me up.


First of all, love it.


That's cute.

Yeah, we caulked in.

Who has your eye?

You know, I'm saying to
myself, I don't care what these

Girls look like.

When I say that what me and cely
have is very genuine, I actually

Do appreciate who she is in

I'm motivated by her.

I mean it.

But yeah, if anyone caught my
eye it would be you.

You look good.

Thank you.

I'm just being honest.

You luke cute, too.

I got to say mercades caught
my eye from initial attraction.

She's bringing the energy to

So it's definitely going to be
hard to resist.

Still have cely in the back of
my mind this whole do you mean.

You're cut.

You keep looking at my lips.

I know you want to kiss me.


How did I do?

Makeup okay?

Look good.

Calvin is trying to flirt
with the front man.

You feel like you're looking
for something that is not the

Villa. >> You think?

I can say that's what you need.



You seem like a good dude.
I appreciate.

What I'm looking for out of
this experience, you check the

Boxes so far.


I'm excited to get to know you.

I think call v.i.p. Has the
best hair.

I think I have the best hair.

We would be a perfect match.

You're good looking all around.

My eyes went to you when you
walked in.

So nice.

That's the truth.

He seems super nice.

Wen I was watching him, it's I
don't know.

Something about him attracts me
to him.

We had a conversation.

I was shocked about how nice he
was and genuine.

Really excited to get to know
him more and dive deeper and


Honestly, I'm not caring.
For what reason?

I don't know.

Just off the like... Confident
but almost like...


You're growing on me.

I know.

Seems different.

You seem different.

You have a different

I'm obviously broken up with

Wish her the best.

I'm super excited to be here.

My question to you, are you
in a relationship right now or

Are you testing the waters and
like getting to know other


I would consider myself in a
relationship with mackenzie

Without having a label.

I don't feel like I have ever
reached a point that I'm with

Her or anyone I have dated.

I feel like connor's
situation is toxic.

He says he likes it.

I feel like he's holding back a
lot and not because he wants to.

I feel like he's holding back
that he has to and he's scared.

You can't be scared to test
the waters.

How do you know what you're
going to like if you're sticking

To the same flavor the whole

A very valid point.

I agree 100%.

Don't hold back, all I'm saying.

Don't hold back.

I know.

He needs to be more open to
opportunity and be fearless.

Hopefully we can break him out
of that is shell.

He doesn't know how cute he is.

He doesn't know. >> He knows.

He didn't... He knows, he knows.

I don't know.

I don't know.

I don't know.

Like like a hot mess.

The hardest part about coming
in is like everybody is coupled

Up. I don't care who is coupled


I don't care.

You haven't met me yet.

I could be your girl.

These guys need to be focused
on me, us, casa amor.

I don't want them to think about
whoever they had sex with last.

So I don't know how faithful
they'll be.

Not at all probably.

I doubt it.

That's why we're here.

Casa amor.

House of love.


So guys, I think that we
should maybe pack some bags for

The boys.

I'm sure they left everything

Should we go pack?




I'm not packs his toothbrush
so he has stank breath the whole


All right.

Take good care of connor.

Scare off all the ladies.

I had a feeling like casa
amor would happen.

So I dropped 2k on military
grade cameras to drop in gus's


I'm watching you.


What do you think?

We got some perfume panties.

My man needs to know.

This is the first time I've
been nervous.

I hope that boy doesn't get
carried away with all of his new

Eye candy thrown at him.

Welcome back to "love


The boys got their suitcases
faster than you can say it's

Hard to dress your partner when
they're being pursued by the

Sexiest people on the planet.

Let's see how they feel about
the girls gifts.

They didn't pack my good

Oh! >> Oh, my god.

Oh! >> Damn.

They smell like her, too.

Smell like her perfume, bro.

Oh, my god!

The guys are fresh meat to us.

I'm single, I'm ready to mingle.

I want to teach them how to arm
chug tonight.

It's a great group of guys.

Confidence with them is through
the roof and I'm feeling the


I love it.

I'm having a great time.

While the ladies dance the
night away, calvin is dancing

Exactly how he looks like he

Lots of amor time, baby.

Tonight is a bachelor party
and there's no wedding tomorrow.

So you have to go all out with

The energy here is on a whole
other level than at the villa.

These girls came ready to bring

I'm sweating.

He's nervous.

I'm not nervous.

It's the heat.

I'm always sweating.

You'll know that.

Here we go.

Things are getting steamy at
casa amor.

And the girls are now grinding
on the dance floor and then

Having a chat.

How are you doing?

I'm good.

You look incredible.

Thank you.

The first time I wore red since
I got here.



Year the one guy of all the


Good to know.


Throwing bows.

Pretty much.

Jalen and connor are so

It's god to explore the other
type that I like.

Who strikes you?

Nobody strikes you?

Me included?

No, I like you.

So awkward.

Tell me why you came here.

You know, historically I've
always been a relationship-type.

The last few years's had bad

Worst thing.

Like what did I do?


You think it's you.

Obviously carrington will
come back with someone.

He's very charming, very sweet.

Very attractive.

So I'm going to go full swing
and just go at it.

He had a problem with my


So I respected him for
bringing it up and not keeping

It inside.

But I was like oh, my god.

Is everybody else going to think

Absolutely not.

I was a bartender the first two
years out of college.

Everyone goes.

So there's no reason for anyone
to judge or say anything.

Me and kirsten, I feel like
I've known her a long time.

The conversation was amazing.

Good to connect with somebody on
a deeper level.

For me personally, I want
somebody that is like goal

Oriented, wants to try to be
better than they are.

Also happy with where they're

Villa and casa amor are
flirty for tress of fortitude.

Getting to know every one of
you guys because everybody seems

So awesome already.

I don't own these texting

Gloves for nothing.

Yo! >> I got a text!

I got a text!
Islanders, it's about to get

Real in tonight's game.
Power of truth.

Yeah, baby.




Let's get it.

Let's do it.

Now it's time to play power
of truth.

Each islander has to push out a
block of trust.

What is the most embarrassing
thing that has happened to you

During sex.

And then answer the truth or
perform the dare that is written

On the block.

Nothing embarrassing.

I'm good at what I do.

Sensually lick the ear lobe
of an islander of your choice.

Oh! >> That was a lot of fun.

I'm thinking as mackenzie a lot.

Going to make sure that I don't
do anything that I'm not

Supposed to be doing.

I know where any loyalties lie.

Let the group decide who you
should kiss.

Is there anyone that wants it?

Do it.

Bingo! You know, connor has

Expressed to me that he wants to
enjoy this process, so you know,

That's what I decided to do
tonight so I'm going to have fun

With it.

Nothing is set in stone.

The night is young.

I'm excited to see what else
happens for sure.

I hope mackenzie didn't hurt
her ankle doing a 180 that fast.

Which islander would you like
to get to know better?

Tell us with a kiss.

Oh, my goodness.

It's nice to finally have
girls kind of coming at us hot.

Game on, baby.

Kiss any girl islander.

So hot.

Me and kirsten.

I'm feeling her.

I haven't had a kiss like that
in a long time.

That kiss, man, woo!
I'm feeling good.

That's what we do.

We bring the best out.
I feel like these guys are

So, so great.

It's so nice getting to know

The more I get to know them the
more I'm overwhelmed.

Like yes, I'm confident but like
I can't imagine like where

Donnie's head is at right now.

I keep thinking about that.
Put whip cream on your body

And pick and islander to lick it

Go, mercades.

That's what I came here to do.

Why not?

The nipples?


I don't think any of us can
really stay comfortable.

Girls showed their true
colors tonight.

Doing to have to let loose.
I don't think it's possible.

There's a little more.

These guys are great.

But like I can't like see myself
with any of them.

I'm just like really hoping that
johnny feels the same way.

Get the bellybutton also.

That wasn't part of the deal.

Tomorrow night!
I want you to explore me.

Tomorrow night!
I want you to explore me.

I don't want to hear cely's name
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