01x19 - Episode 19

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Love Island". Aired: July 9, 2019 – August 15, 2021.*
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A group of contestants, referred to as Islanders, living in isolation from the outside world in a villa, constantly under video surveillance must be coupled up with another Islander, whether it be for love, friendship or survival, as the overall winning couple receives $100,000.
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01x19 - Episode 19

Post by bunniefuu »

Announcer: warning: the
following program contains love,

Lust and careless people trying
to be responsible.

Last night...

Oh, this is something.

Announcer: a villa divided.

You're tricking all these
girls into liking you.

That is a total lie.

You don't know what you want.

Everybody threw me under the

All the girls came at him.

Don't look at me like this is
our fault.

Announcer: and arielle
arrived with the results of your


Tonight the verdict is in.

One couple goes home.

And the remaining islanders will
be driven out of their minds.

Parent baby crying]
what is that?

Oh, my god.

Announcer: america, you
voted for your favorite couples,

And the couple with the least
votes would immediately leave

The villa and be pushed out to
sea with just enough food for

One day, dylan and alexandra,
caro and ray, elizabeth and zac,

And kyra and jered were all
saved, leaving weston and emily

And yamen and aissata at risk
from being dumped from the


Over to you, arielle.

Arielle: okay.

So I have the results.

♪ I can see you in my soul.

Did we take too many chances
♪ did we let too many pass us

Did we go the other way ♪
arielle: the couple that

Received the few etest votes fro
the public and whose time on

"Love island" is now over...

♪ Did we throw it all away
arielle: is...

♪ We walk through the fire
aissata and yamen.

♪ We walk through the fire
aissata and yamen.

So weston and emily, go ahead
and take a seat, and aissata and

Yamen, please come and join me.

Please don't start crying,
because I am not trying to cry.

I'm thankful for this whole

Earn that I've met here, I feel
like I've grown as a human, I've

Definitely met someone else who
I feel like I've connected

Deeply with and I love it.

And I'm excited to, you know,
explore the outside world with


Arielle: is that going to



Come on.

We going to take some nice
chocolate pics.

Arielle: good.

I'm so happy to hear that.

I loved watching you guys.

Aissata, you came late to the
party, but you caught yamen's

Eye and heart.

I think you guys are wonderful.

And I've enjoyed watching your
whole journey.

You have 30 minutes to pack your
stuff and say your good-byes.

Thank you guys so much.

The rest of you, I'll see you


Don you cry.

No, I'm not crying.

Don't, don't.

You better stop crying.

I didn't want to see yamen

I feel like me and him had such
a great friendship and bond, and

I think he's an amazing person.

I am leaving here.

You going to come see me in


You serious?

Don't cry or nobody be sad.

I'll see everybody soon.

You better.

♪ The chemical, physical
kryptonite ♪

Please do not be sad.

Yamen, it's not going to be
the same without you.

I've been here from the

You should be glad.

My boy, my dog.

He's a genuine guy.

I could never ask for a better

Oh, girl, I'm going to miss

I'm going omiss you.

I'm going to miss my little

She was a barbie queen.

I love that girl.

I'm going to miss you
I'm going to miss you for real

For real.


♪ Shut up and dance with me
through this entire process,

I know I've been able to build
connections with the people in

There I've been able to build a
connection with this person

Right here.

What I think is next, your boy
is definitely planning on taking

Some flights out to new york.

You told me you're going to
take one week-long vacation.

♪ Shut up and dance with me
announcer: the islanders

Mourn the loss of their friends
yamen and aissata, so let's be

Respectful to dylan and
alexandra, who are still deep in


So we survived another one.

I know.

Good job.

I can't believe we did
I can't believe it either.

I'm so happy, though.

Yeah, same.

You're awesome.

I like you.

You just make me feel happy.

You keep on stealing the
freakin' covers from the bed.

I'm not okay with that.

You keep on snoring.

I know.

It's a baby snore, dude.

I'd rather deal with your

I'm so happy we're still

Announcer: true love after
an emotional day, elizabeth

Calls over weston and his double
denim to discuss where they


Or sit.

They'll figure it out.

Want to switch with him?

What do you mean?

Sit in his lap?


Do you want me to stay?

We are friends and we need to
figure this out, but it's hard

Because weston is zac's best
friend in the villa, so that put

A weird triangle dynamic on
things that I didn't like


Right now I feel the most
uncomfortable I've felt the

Entire time I've been in the

Because I don't like the way
today panned out.

Everyone in the villa looks up
to you, and whether you like it

Or not, you are a mentor to
people in here, I just see you

In such a light where you impact
all these people that I wish you

Made some of those decisions
differently, because so many

People in here look up to you
and I know that you know that.

I almost expected more from you
I agree 100%.

I understand their point of

I don't want them to think I
don't, because I do understand,

But I think the thing that
really, really upset me is if

You felt that way about me, come
talk to me about it instead of

Go tell the person that I'm
really interested in.

I've helped kyra with a lot of
other things, and I feel like

She backstabbed me real hard.

And it's just like this is how
y'all feel about me, in that

Moment whatever it might be, you
were asked an opinion, but it's

Not the opinion I'm upset about,
if you feel those things, all

You all had to do was tell us.

I'm acting chill around him,
but at the same time I don't

Think he understands what he did
and I don't feel the effort to

Sit down and talk with him when
he sat here and did that whole

Thing with us.

Yeah, yeah.

It's weird for me, because I
did express feelings for weston,

So I feel in a very strange
place at the end of the day, but

I'm never someone to continue to

Whether he knows it or not,
maybe he's realizing that he

Could have done something

We were being up front, but I
think we all made it past that

And we're going to enjoy the
last days that we have here as

Much as we can.

I'm happy we're still here.

Announcer: it's friday.

And our censors left work early
for the jimmy buffett concert,

Which is why you get to see the
following scene on network


Lay on me.

♪ Can't keep my hips to myself
I mean, I could

♪ But why would I want to
hips to myself

♪ I want it all
or nothing else

♪ Can't keep my hips to myself
give me your all and nothing

♪ can't keep hands to myself

Announcer: coming up, first
comes love, then comes hell

Why do I have an evil child?

Welcome back to "love island,"
where it's always sunny in


The islanders all tucked up and
sleeping like, you'll see.

[Baby crying]

What is that
announcer: hint: it's not


It sounds like a mule.

Oh, my god.

Announcer: the couple's
relationships are about to be

Put to the ultimate test.

Do I pull it out?

Announcer: not pulling out
is how you get a baby.

We're doing a fun parenting
simulation for the day by giving

The couple their own bundle of
synthetic polymer joy.

We would not trust our babies
with real babies.

The islanders have obligated to
care for the infant, which means

Feeding, burping, comforting and
changing smelly diapers, and I'm

Legally obligated to say, these
simulations are used as an

Educational tool and are not a

Do not try this at home.

It's a girl.

I got a boy?

Announcer: the couple earn
points for happy baby and are

Penalized for poor parenting,
which you are about to see a lot


where's my mother?

I mean the baby's mother?

We get to pick out clothes.

I don't want her to be in
pink or that kind of thing.

It's got to be gender neutral.

Why is my baby crying still?

Can we give it a binky?

Is that it?

Oh, no.

Oh, my god.

They're all holding them like
real babies.

Caro, we have a boy.

Oh, hi.

Hi, little baby.

I'm so excited.

I'm really excited.

I always wanted to have a baby,
and now I have one.

This is the bs day of my life.

Oh, my god.

I can't.

Can you pick out an outfit
for him?

I think it's a him.

Oh, my gosh.


I want a girl.

This is davidson.

This is dylan.

I'm alexandra.

We have a baby.

He's got really blue eyes and
he's pretty just like mom.

Why do I have an evil child.

What do we name it, caroline?

My sister's name?


Have we decided to name the
baby stu.

After my mom.

My mom is a screamer and it felt

Come on.


I didn't even do this because
that's my top choice.

He wanted to name it --
bruce wayne.

Maybe the next one.

This guy is an angel.

Stop touching him so rough.

We called it kwez.

It's a name that came to me.

He looks like a kwez.

I looked at the baby and I said,
that's a kwez.

I'm telling you, he's rough
with him.

The baby just ran into the thing
it's waiting for you.

I carried this baby for nine
months, okay.

oh, no.

We have a demon child.

Is that what you're supposed
to do.

Is the feeder supposed to be
like that?

I don't know.

So far I've really taken the
bull by the horns on this whole

Baby thing.

It's been really nice.

And I love my baby.

I think she's got some chops.

She takes after you.

She is a chubby chick.

Chubby charlie.

♪ Baby charlie

Do you think you would be the
cooking dad, the stay at home or


I do a lot of stay-at-home
dad things.

Then when I'm more ready to
settle down, that would be the

Ideal situation for me.

And you want three?

I think three would be good.

Two or three.

I'll start with two.

And then go from there
announcer: a baby, the

Dependable glue of a loveless

Meanwhile, not everyone is good
at this.

You need to burden of proof
her because she just ate.

You burden of proof her.

It's your turn.

honey, she needs to be burden

Of proofed.

I don't know what that means.

Oh, my god, give me the baby

I hate babies crying.

Not ideal for me.

Told you.


What did you do?

I don't know.

It's because I'm moving.

Just make a run for it.

Where are you guys going?

To the bedroom.

It's cold here.

She's cold.

So high maintenance.

She's so high maintenance.

I was real excited to be a
dad at first, but I'm tired.

put the thing on there.

Let's go inside.

The only thing that's
stressful is weston to me,

Because I know what I'm doing,
and I'm trying to do something

And weston wants to help, so
he's kind of just getting in the


Announcer: while emily
thinks weston is too involved,

Alex is an absent mom, but, hey,
she's busy carrying that cup.

Oh, my god.

Where were you?

Alex is the worst mom so far.

Did you fix him?

Where were you?

He was screaming.

You were nowhere to be found.

I told you I was peeing.

That was a listening pee.


Why me?

It's hungry, man.

It's is cute.

Empty stomach, you know?

I feel like us having this
baby and the baby crying and all

That stress, it's going to make
us stronger.

I think it's going to teach us
how the communicate with each

Other, how to be patient.

Are you thinking seriously?

Yeah, I'm thinking serious.

This baby is hilarious and
dylan is taking it so seriously.

He's like so into it.

But obviously I want kids

I would be really -- it's
almost a deal breaker if someone

Doesn't want kids.

Do you ever actually want kids?

Yeah, I do.

How many kids do you want?

I want... I don't even know how
many I want.

I don't know.

I kind of think I want, but I
don't think I want to birth them

Not more than three.

Four is like way too many.

Four is a lot, but it's a

It's a party.

It's such a party.

It's a great party.

Can you imagine?


I want to have my own, but I
also want to adopt a kid.

oh, my god, oh, my god, oh,

My god.

Just bring its diapers.

Here, take the towel off for
me, please.

You do realize you're yelling
at me.

I haven't yelled at you.

I know, I know.

I just have the say things three
times before you understand what

I'm saying.

You're being impatient and
not speaking things clearly.

I can't read your mind, girl.

He's so cute.


I know
announcer: babies are

Little miracles with highly
sensitive ears and should never

Be disturbed.


you got a text?

I got a text.

I got a text!

I got a text!



Got a text!

All the daddies, all right,
girls, it's time to have a

Well-earned break while the boys
stay at home with the babies.

Please get ready the leave the
villa #daddydaycare.

Mama is going on the road.

How much food does this baby

How do you think our boys are
going to do?

I think all the boys are
going to do well except for zac.

Zac is fine.

the baby is mad it doesn't

Have a diaper on.

You're delusional.

You're one of those delusional
moms who just goes to the

Country club.

Besides the fact that he was
holding it like a football, he's

Doing fine.

All this thing does is eat.

I feel like me and zac would
have the cutest, sweetest child.

I think that's very false.


Very false.

You two are the most high
maintenance people in here.

I think that's hard to believe

Where's the baby?

It's still in its thing.


I got a ton of uncles in

Girl, you scored.


Zac is salty it's a girl.

I think dylan would be, too.

He let me choose everything.

I like that.

Are you starting to like him?

He's a great friend.

Oh, my god, dill season over
there working out with his baby.

Smiling like nothing else.

No way?

Get your stuff, bro.

You are one good-log baby,
you know that?

I love it.

Whose baby cries first?

Look at that.

Look, our first date, charlie
and jay-mo.

Is the cover down in put the
cover down over his face, what

Are you doing?

Put the cover down.


Did he?

Okay, he did.

Zac, you look stressed, bro.

Yo, she's a high maintenance
little one.

come here.

Say good-bye to mommy.

Mommy's going to go get some

Let's go, ladies.

Hit the road, girls.

Leave your babies.




We'll get through this

We're all uncles.

We all know the deal.

It's either they pooped, they're
hungry, or they need a little


I tell you what, the girls
don't deserve a break, all


What did they have the babies,
an hour?

Now they're going out the get
drinks and we're stuck with the

Bib yeetion?

The girls need to cook up the

We cook them breakfast, dinner,
do their laundry


Love this.

Love this for us.

All right.

Girlie, let's do a cheers for
the mamas in the world.

Cheers to new moms.

Hot mamas.

Love you guys.

Elizabeth's baby is the
epitome of what I think

Elizabeth and zac's babies would
be in real life.

I think this makes me kind of
like, well, I was totally

Standoffish about kids.

I literally never think about
it, because I'm like, oh, but

Dylan, though, dylan is taking

Dylan was like, these are --
he's working out with the

I know.

It's adorable.

I'm like, I can see it.

What do you think the boys
are doing with the babies right


I'm scared.

Announcer: don't be scared.

Be terrified.

and my sincere condolences to

Our audio engineer.

[All crying]
all the babies were crying at


It won't shut up.

s what up, bro?

This is what we're going to

We're going to stroller race to
the gym and then run back here.

All right.

Let's go.

Announcer: parenting isn't
all fun and games until our boys

Decided to make it all fun and

Here we go.

Daddy daycare 101.

We call it the dad games.

One, two, three...

Daddy daycare!


Announcer: that's right.

It's the it could only be named
by dylan dad-cathalon.

Get them in their stroller
buckled up.

This is dirty.

I was crashing into people.

If this was a real race and
it was run like that with real

Babies, the -- we would probably
all be thrown in jail.

I certainly hope so.

Weston, might have to be

The goal was the change the
diaper, and he was -- his baby

Was naked.

Announcer: that happened to
me and I turned out me.

Zac dropped the baby on her

Horrible parenting.

Boom, huge collision like a

All of a sudden the baby flying

I looked down.

I didn't think it was my baby
but it was my baby.

no big deal, but I won.

No buying deal.


This is really annoying.

I don't know why they bring me
in here with this.

Announcer: congratulation,
weston, on father of the


announcer: it's "love

Island," and while the girls
were at the bar having their

Fifth mojito, the boys are in
the villa having their first

Genuinely beautiful

For real, do you guys all
want to be dads one day in

I can't wait to be a dad.

I'm going to dress him up like
me every single day.

Ray, what about you?

I want a hajj family, three,
four kids.

I want a strong wife, and I want
to live the dream dark family

Life, what about you, zac?

For sure, dude.

I want two at the least, like
family is really important to


I come from like a pretty good
family, so I really badly want

To be a dad.

I'd like the adopt a kid, too.

I would be so down to adopt a

If I had the means to provide
for a kid, why not?

I think two to three kids is
probably what I'm sh**ting for,

But being able to teach them
what I know, teach them how to

Play music, teach them how...

How to live, brother
I would work 24/7 to make

Sure I could support my family
and provide that kid.

That was supposed to be more
lying hearted and you took it

All serious.

Mommy is back.

Announcer: now the spice
girls return to the villa

Looks like the girls are

Oh, my god.

You guys are all so cute.

They're so cute.

Oh, my god.

You changed outfits.

How was it?

We had a dad-cathalon.

What does that mean?

Oh, he's all dressed up.

So we had this.

We had to change the baby's
outfit, put them in a stroller,

Put them around here, put them
in a basket.

The winy fell out of the

Did our baby fall out?

No, just straight on its

He dropped the baby on its

That's so bad.

There are scuff marks on it.

Imagine having a real child.

This baby is a lot of
responsibility, but imagine

Having an actual baby when you
really are gentle with them and

They're all moving and you have
to change them and wipe them and

Clean them and have bottles
actually ready.

Yeah, no, I can't.

That's so stressful.


No way.

So stressful.

No way.

Then imagine having four of

I'm really grateful that I
come from the family that I do,

Like with my parents, they've
been married for over 35 years

And everything, so that made me
really, really, really want a


So I obviously can't wait.

I want to get married and
hopefully first person I marry

Is the last person I marry.


I always knew ray would be a
good dad, but this is definitely

Making me look at ray, oh, my
god, you'd be such a good dad.

And I want you to be my baby

Announcer: and finally, our
proud parents slumber in

Tranquility's sweet embrace.

Better put a stop to that.


Now once again to be clear,
dylan is completely sober.

I got a text!

Oh, my god.

Oh, my god.

I was actually asleep.

I got a text!

Oh, wow.

Here we go.

Islanders, your parenting game
is now over.

The couple that took the best
care of their baby and are

Therefore the best parents are
ray and caro.


Honestly, I think look good.

She look good.

We'll have beautiful children.

I can see myself having children
with caro.

Honestly, if I would ever
want a baby daddy for my child,

It would be ray.

He's such an amazing dad.

As you can see.

Dylan and alexandra, jered
and kyra passed the test, but

Weston and emily, zac and
elizabeth, failed and have some

Work to do before becoming

That's because of you.

That's because of you.

What can I say?

It started crying and you put
pillows over it.

Announcer: well, that was
enough nurturing and

Responsibility for me.

Time to rock this crib.

As over half of you took good
care of your babies, you will be

Rewarded with party tonight,
#rock-a-bye baby #babyboom.

Oh, yeah.

♪ Thaw we found love what are we
going to do with it ♪

What would I do without you

You don't smell bad because
I've only worn them from so long

That baby took my energy,
bro, believe it or not.

You guys, I feel so like --
okay, I like him so much.

I can tell.


Can you?


Things between me and ray are
so magical.

Like I never say magical because
I never expected this.

I honestly rally feel her.

I feel like we're perfect for
each other.

And we have so much fun, bro,
just me and her having


We talk about anything, it's so

She's so loving.

She gives me so much affection
that I want in a woman.

I feel like she deserves it.

I saw that the second I asked

I was like, how is ray, and she
lit up.

I was like, whoa.

It is so amazing.

I know I live in jersey and she
lives in l.a., But we're going

The make it work.

My experience here has been
freakin' crazy.

I feel like I've put my heart
out there.

I'm leaving and still to this
day, that's why I'm still

Wearing this necklace and I talk
about him, but it's because I

Connected with that by on such a
crazy level, I can honestly say

That I love cash, like honestly.

Like the second that I leave
this villa, I'm going to call

Him and I'm going to tell him
how I feel and I hope he -- he

Lives 20 minutes away.

You better stop.

You want to pursue a
relationship with him outside of

The villa.

Yeah, I do.

I knew it!

Stop it.

Get away from me.

I have goose bumps.

So obviously cash and I had
such a connection, spending and

Living two weeks with him and
connecting with cash, I'm so

Excited to leave here and to see
him and to hopefully like have

Chance with cash outside of

And I hope that he still, you
know, would want to try with me.

Announcer: okay.

It's time for the islanders to
let loose and play some party

Games, and also do whatever this

I won the popping the
balloons game.

I don't think I won anything for



Transfer the fruit to the
basket game.

You had to use anything but your

We'll go pairs.

I can't talk at it.

I cannot look at weston and zac
trying to transfer the fruit.

Everybody is just goofing

We're getting into weird
positions i.was just so funny.

No, wait.

Everything worked perfectly.

I have the easiest job.

Hey, hey, hey.


Hold it.

Finally my boobs are a great
investment for something.

Announcer: welcome back to
"love island."

The games may be over but the
drama is just beginning.

Can I talk to you?

want to go to the balcony?

Kyra dumped cashel.

Weston stole emily from katrina
who stole him from mallory and

It all blew up yesterday.


How are you?

I'm good.

Like I'm sad that everything is
coming to an end, but I'm good.

That's good to hear.

How are you?

I'm still pretty upset.

I'm just going to be flat out

I feel like I have been judged
in here extremely hard.

The things that you have
said, the actions that you have

Done have not made me think that
you are genuine.

At the end of the day, I'm not
just a normal friend, I'm a

Friend that we expressed
feelings for each other, no

Matter how confusing cash and
that situation was.

For me to sit over there and say
I have feelings for you --

I can understand.

I don't think you have tried to
understand where I've been at

And you don't want to

That's what's frustrating to me.

I came up here because I wanted
a relationship.

I wanted to get these things off
my chest so I can still have

This friendship with you,
because I know there's something


We both saw it as such an off
limbs thing.

So how is it a big thing?

If we both said that?

Once again, I feel like the
other girls.

That's why I hopped on board,
because I feel like the other

Girls where I was a second
choice, especially no matter how

You worded it the recoupling --
I was a third choice.

Why have I spent all this love
and energy when you say I'm not


I don't want to be judged like I
have for those kind of things,

And I apologized, and I want to
know how your feelings are, I

Have always asked you how your
feelings were, so, yes, that

Conversation about us, what if,
always led back to cash.

I'm doing my own thing.

I'm chilling, and it's not
ending the way I wanted it to,

But I'm still a supportive
friend at the end of the day,

But why would that be easy for
me to pull you aside and want to

Talk to you about things on my
end when you're coupled up with

A new girl after literally
saying that to me several days


Like how have I not been a
friend for you?

I never commented saying you
weren't a best friend for me.

Don't say that
how am I not genuine?

I commented about the way you
went about your relationships

You didn't say relationships.

I care about this girl

That's great.

That's why I'm supportive of it.

Whan happened, I always had
your back.

I would never not think you're a
beautiful person.

Yes, I have been hurt by your
opinion, 100%.

I can answer that, but I don't
judge you for that opinion.

That's how you feel, right?

But as my my best friend that's
been in here, that's the last

Thing that I want to hear,

That hurts.

That's literally one of the most
hurtful things I've ever heard

From somebody that I thought was
my best friend.

At the end of the day it's
confusing in here.

I wish we never went there.

I am sorry for making you
feel judged at the end of the


I have opened up to and it
just got some confusing after

That happened.

I understand in here,
emotions are everywhere.

Yes I have had feelings for you
from the get-go.

Those feelings turned into the
greatest friendship I've had in


Arielle: i-once we're out
of here, I want to talk to each

Other and be open and have the
friendship we have grown in


I'm not leaving this villa
until we work this out.

♪ You're here with me now
I don't want you to go

♪ I at the end of the day, I
love you to death

I love you, too
I want the best for you.

I think you're one of the most
amazing people they've ever met.

That's how I think about you,
you know.

It is what it is, but I want you
to know I love you.

I love you, too come here.


I have to get out of here.

♪ Maybe we don't need no reason

Announcer: I'm not crying.

I'm just covered in rain.

Guys, I have a text.


All right.

All right.

Islanders, tonight is the last
night in the villa for one



This is so mean.

We are going to have a little

Uh-oh, with all the friends
we made in here.

I love you guys.

Me and emily are for sure on
the hot seat.

I don't want the leaven I'm
having an amazing time with

Weston and, you know, I would
love to stay here.

I have no clue what's going
on in this villa.

Any of us could be going home.

The name of the game, people
just start going.

It sucks.

Everyone is expecting this.

It always sucks to say good-bye.

Anyone could go home.

I don't know what's doing to
happen tomorrow.

Definitely worried that
tonight is our last night.

I'm such a weird journey.

I am at peace with going when I

"Love island" is coming to a
close now.

I don't really know like which
couple is going the leave.

We knew this was coming, but
at the same time, it's so hard

At this point to see anyone

Announcer: america, which
couple do you want to see in the

"Love island" final.

Head to the "love island" app
and have your say.

Is it dylan and alexandra, jered
and kyra, ray and caro, weston


Ly, or zac and elizabeth.

Remember, you are voting for the
couple you want to see in the

Final, the couples with the
least votes are at risk for

Being dumped from the island.

Voting open to u.s. And canada
residents 18 years or old.

Terms and conditions apply.

Data rates may apply.

The vote closes in 30 minutes,

Tune in on monday to find out
the results.
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