01x17 - Episode 17

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Love Island". Aired: July 9, 2019 – August 15, 2021.*
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A group of contestants, referred to as Islanders, living in isolation from the outside world in a villa, constantly under video surveillance must be coupled up with another Islander, whether it be for love, friendship or survival, as the overall winning couple receives $100,000.
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01x17 - Episode 17

Post by bunniefuu »

Warning, the following
program contains love, will

U.s., And more twists than a
pretzel factory.

Last night, after dramatic
dates --

You are like my type.

Did you guys kiss?

We did.

Announcer: -- the
islanders started the


But that's where it ended.

Tonight, they finish the job.

So the person that I want to
couple up with is...

Oh, my gosh.

I didn't see that coming.

Announcer: I'm using my
dramatic voice because we're

Starting the show with the

It's the girls' choice.

They will be choosing someone to
couple up with.

I'm so stressed out.

I'm torn because I don't know
what to do, and it's a lot of


It's a lot of confusion on my

I thought I knew what I was

The verdict is still out, so I'm
kind of just going back and

Forth in my head.

It is one of the biggest
decisions I've made in here.

All I know is that I'm going to
stay true to myself.

I think I'm going to make the
best decision for myself.

That's all I can say.

Announcer: the stakes are

Whichever member of this boy
band doesn't couple up will

Immediately have to say
bye bye bye.

I feel like I put myself out

I've definitely done what I've
come here to do and trade true

To myself.

So it's in the hands of the

No one is sure what's going
on and what's going on in the

Girls' heads.

Yeah, I'm a little nervous at
this point.

I'm frustrated right now

It's just a lot -- I mean, I
could be going home.

Who knows.

Announcer: first up to
choose is caro.

I want to couple up with this
boy because not only does he gas

Me up, gives me the best kisses
and makes me feel super special,

But because I found a connection
with him that I have been

Looking for, and I feel like he
made this experience for me, and

I am just really scared how I
feel about him, but it's also

Really exciting and I'm looking
forward to see where all these

Feelings go.

So the boy I want to couple up
with is ray.

give me a hug!

give me a hug!

I would like to couple up
with this boy because we started

A relationship in here, and it
just kept growing and growing,

And our connection just kept
getting better, and I started to

Be able to not only see us
flourishing in the ville lark

But I can picture it continuing
outside of here.

And I'm just really excited to
keep seeing where it goes.

So the boy I would like to
couple up with is zac.

I want to couple up with this

I want to couple up with this

Boy because ever since I have
been in this villa he's been

Putting in a lot of effort and
he accepts me for who I am and

All of the weirdness that comes
with it.

I really have been enjoying
getting to know you, and you

Rally make me happy, and I am so
thankful for your patience.

The boy I want to couple up with
is yamen.

so I want to couple up with

so I want to couple up with

This boy because he makes me
smile like no one has ever done


And he makes me nervous but
happy at the same time, and it's

A really scary feeling, but I
love it.

And he's just always there for
me, telling me I'm so pretty

When I look like trash.

And I'm starting to really like
the guy.

So the boy I want to couple up
with is dylan.

So the boy I want to couple up
with is dylan.

I want to couple up with this

Person because from the moment I
stepped foot in this villa I

Have felt a strong connection
with them.

If our first conversation to
this point, there has never been

A dull moment.

I feel like with the current
circumstances in the villa, I

Haven't gotten the opportunity
to see the full potential of our

Relationship, and I'm hoping
that with this recoupling I will

Get the chance to see where the
relationship will go.

Get the chance to see where the
relationship will go.

So the person that I want to
couple up with is...

♪ I won't go down slow.

I'd rather die
♪ than give up the fight

Give up the fight
♪ give up the fight

♪ oh

♪ oh

♪ oh

Oh ♪



This is really tough.

I came into this villa with an
open heart and open mind.

I genuinely came in here looking
for love, and although I didn't

Find that, you know, I met some
amazing, amazing people along

The way.

Right now I think I need to do
what's best for me.

So right now I choose to remove
myself from the villa, and I

Hope you guys understand.

And I love you guys.

I'm sorry.

I hope you guys understand.

Oh, my gosh.

That's fine.

I'm totally fine.

I'm just crying because it is an
emotional thing and it was hard

For me.

It was really tough.

Oh my god, dude.

I did that.

But I'm not going the lead
anybody else on.

It's not fair to them, and I
never want to be that girl at

The end of the day.

So it's just what's best for me
and for everybody.


It's totally fine.

Like you guys have a strong
connection, and I totally get

That, you know.

I don't -- I was here for a
reason, and I tried to find

That, and it was just my time,
you know.

It's totally fine.

Announcer: coming up.

I am really excited to get to
know this person, but the boy

That I want to couple up with

"Love island," where after
thinking long and hard, kelsey

Said, I'm good, and decided to
leave the villa.

Now kyra must decide which of
the three remaining boys she

Will choose.

Eric, jered, or anton.

I want to couple up with this
person because we really do have

A lot in common, and I don't
think they've had enough time in

The ville lamp I think they
really deserve that.

The boy that I want to couple up
with is... Jered.

The boy that I want to couple up
with is... Jered.

Absolutely, man.


Hey, ray.

Eric and anton, as all of the
girls have now coupled up and

Kelsey has chose not to
recouple, you have both been

Dumped from the island.

You have 30 minutes to pack your
suitcases and say good-bye.

#Endoftheroad, #goodbye.

I'm so sorry.

Don't be sorry.

Don't ever be sorry for keeping
it real like that.

I love that.

I didn't have the connection
I needed.

You're my brother, right?

I don't think that I made the
wrong decision picking weston,

But I just wish that I had more
time, that is literally the most

Sad thing.

I feel absolutely horrible.

I felt like whiplash and it was
like we homicide a great

Connection, but he was coupled
with somebody else.

I felt like I didn't get to see
what it could have been.

And I feel like, I don't know,
I'ming just so sad.

It's all good.

It's all good.

I mean, it was lit being in
here with y'all.

I got it.

You're fine.

I got it.

I can carry a basket.

I know, but I just... Don't
feel bad.


This is the right decision for

I'm extremely happy she
picked me, but what happened

With kelsey going home, I feel

Don't feel bad.

Emily, stop.

Please, don't cry.

Please comfort her.

Comfort her.

I'm fine.

Please, go there.

I'm fine.

I promise, everything... You
guys made the right decision.


Please comfort her.


No, please, go with her.

If you come with me.

I swear to god, I will kick your

Please comfort her.

You just coupled up.

She needs to separate, too.

Recouplings are never any
fun, and like I was just

Freakin' thrown with kelsey
making that decision.

Like I applaud her, but I'm
going to miss her so much.

Your girl is a strong,
independent woman who does not

Need a man!

I do at the end of the day
feel bad for anton, because he

Did, he did up getting the short
end of the stick.

You can't make everybody happy
at the end of the day, and

That's just what it comes down

Yeah, see you, brother, get
home safe.

I need my old hug.

Thank you.

See you later.

Please take care, all right?

You too.

Nice meeting you.

Nice getting to know you.

Even if you didn't choose
him, I still would have left.

It was my happiness, and I don't
want you to be sad.

I want you to enjoy your time
here some be happy.

Please be happy and enjoy your
time here.

We love you.

I really gave my all and
tried to find the best possible

Connection I could.

I stayed true the myself, an I
wouldn't have changed a thing

About the moves that I made or
the connections that I built.

I mean, yeah, time to go home.

I'd rather leave here on a
note where I feel as if I made

The right decision and not dwell
on things and in the regret


I think this is 100% the right
choice for me.

Love you.

You look so hot.

Announcer: with the door
not even closed on kelsey's

Airport shuttle, weston
struggles to move on.

Do you feel like you made the
right decision?

Yeah, I did what I felt in my

I feel like that's always the
right decision.

You're adorable.

What would you like for
breakfast tomorrow?

I'll make breakfast?

No, I'm making you breakfast

Announcer: dylan is trying
to think.

I'll save him.


I got a text!


You got a text?

I got a text.

What is it?

What is it?

What is it?

What is it?

Islanders, the hideaway is
open tonight.

It's down to you to choose one
lucky couple to have a



#Sweetdreams, #spooningsesh.

My volt is ray and caro.

Ray and caro.

We're going to the hideaway.


I'm big excited.

You can just at least join
the society doing things without

You can just at least join
the society doing things without


I haven't made it there.

I don't think I ever will.

Announcer: right, right.

Gorgeous, as always, caro.

Bye, guys.

Have fun.


Treat her right.

You already know, baby.

So cute.

I'm like nervous?

Are you nervous?

I'm not saying much.

Announcer: caro and ray are
headed to the hideaway for a

Little privacy.

Oh, my god.

That is so cute.

What side do you want?

I don't care.

As long as I'm laying with you,
I don't care.

I can lay on the floor.

I can lay on the floor.

Announcer: I have waited
all season to say this: cue

Paula abdul.

This is like a toast to
represent our love and just like

That you always --
you're the best.

It's okay, you're getting
nervous and I love that.

♪ What I'm saying
I'm needing you ♪

You're the cutest thing.

♪ I get romantic baby
yes, I do

♪ I need you
I want you

♪ Oh, man, I love you so
oh, oh

♪ You're going to see
I'm going to run

♪ I'm going to try
I'm going to take this love

Right to you
♪ all my heart

All my joy
♪ oh, baby, baby

Rush, rush
♪ hurry, hurry

Lover, come to me
♪ rush, rush

Oh, what you do to me
♪ rush, rush

Morning in fiji, and, oh, that's
how I walk to the bathroom.

It's a new day for couples old
and new.

I was worried I was going to
grab you in my sleep.

Grab me?

Good morning.

You happy?

I'm so happy.

I'm so happy.

Do you want butter on your

Announcer: make her
breakfast already.

It's been two episodes.

Thank you.

[Wolf whistle]
walk of shame.

No, walk of happiness.

No, never there.

Oh, that's cute, you got his
shoes on.


Oh, my god.

Look what the cat dragged in.

You look like you have a

All right.

Spill it.

It was really, really nice.

No, we made out spicier than we
usually do, but I feel closer.

I feel like it can work outside
of here, and that makes me feel

So happy.

I'm stoked.

I'm like, oh, my god, is this my

I feel so grateful that I found
a connection that makes me feel

Like this.

I get like a child.

I get blushy.

I feel like I'm 12 years old.

What up, guy?

My guys.

What up, bro.

You like the beach, huh?

Beach avenue.

What's up, brother?

What's up, man?

Nice, bro.

A little champagne, a little one
on one time.

Last night definitely helped us
move this forward and


So if I made her feel special,
I'm always going to keep a smile

On her face.

I definitely think it bumped our
connection up a notch.

How was last night, bro?

Man, I thought I was going

I didn't know what was going to

I thought emily was going to
pick you because there's always

That what
if factor.

That was nuts.

Obviously the whole kelsey
thing, that med me feel

Horrible, because I feel like
she didn't believe how I felt

About her, which sucks, because
everything I ever said to her I


But dude, I am so happy with
emily, dude.

I'm excited.

I want to get up and hang out
with her.

I haven't had that in a long

He is really happy with
emily, and then there's kyra, so

I don't know.

It's crazy.

Where are you at with the whole
weston thing?

They went zaire throw 100.

How does that happen that fast?

He was looking for a girl the
move fast with.

That is true.

So it's not surprising to me.

I'm just confused.

What are you going to do?

With weston, it has been an
unspoken thing throughout this

Entire process we've always been
like, we like each other and

That kind of thing.

It's so confusing.

So it's going to end it here?

It's weston who is putting up
the boundary, not me

If he wants to focus on her
and move fast with her, then

Like fine.

New york I feel like maybe he
did make a decision, because

He's not being the same with me

I feel like he should tell
you that.

You guys should have this

I don't like that nothing has
been said to you, and I don't

Like that emily has no idea any
of this is going on.

You're a grown dude, make a

Now emily chose him, so now
they're like all over each


Is it hard?

Yes, because it's confusing for
someone to say they have

Feelings for you and then be all
over someone else, especially

When I have been here.

Announcer: here's the most
action jered has got all day.


I got a text!

I got a text!

Islanders, it's time to test how
well you know your partner in

Today's game dunk in love.



So if you get this wrong,
I'll get dunked.

So I want you to get these

Announcer: jered, you have
a text and you're leading a

Slow-mo montage.

All your hard work paid off.

Are you ready to play dunk in

[Cheering and applause]
announcer: for the third

Time, today's game is dunk in

The islanders sit atop two super
mario tanks filled with water.

Yamen, are you ready?

let's go.

Announcer: as couples, the
islanders will be asked

Questions about their partner.

Yamen, what is aissata's
brother's name?

Announcer: if they answer
correctly, their partner is safe

From being

We're going to go with

Announcer: but if they get
the answer wrong... Their

Partner is punished by being
immediately dropped into a giant

Vat of shame.

And water.

Well, I have three brothers,
geary know, alfa and saioul.

Darryl was a good guess.

What is the greatest thing
yamen has done.


Your boy is actually in the
process of becoming a

Firefighter, so in my time spent
with ambulances, somebody was

Dying, and your boy resuscitated

That's awesome.

Who does caro feel her
celebrity lookalike is?


The correct answer was cardi

Do I "like a prayer" rihanna?

Are you serious?

That was an easy one.

Ray, wake up!

How many proms has ray been


In high school I went the
eight proms.

How many suits you got?

Has weston slept with more
than 50 girls?


You're right.

How many girls, weston, how


But the thing is, it wasn't
one-night things, we tried


You dated 63 women?

What is one of emily's
weirdest jobs?

Tanning salon.

A guy paid me to be a
dominatrix but not sexually,

Like I had to give him rules and
tell him what to do and what


Hey, a girl's got the pay her
bills somehow.

Oh, no, not that kind of

What is zac's nickname.

Zac has a nickname for

zac has a third leg.

When I was playing football
and everybody just called me

Star boy because that was my

Where is the most adventurous
place elizabeth has had sex.

A roof of a house.

Everyone knows that.

The locker room at a nice

The only reason I didn't
guess it because I'm not a fan

Of that story.

No offense.


What is dylan's biggest

Not working out?

I don't know.

For some reason I think if I
laugh at it, it will happen for


That's some scary stuff.

I don't mess with paranormal

According to alex, what is
her worst feature.

The bunion.

Her toe, it just goes in.

I think it's my hands.

She said man hands.

You don't have man hands.

All right.

Kyra, what is one thing jered
would not tell his parents.

That he slept with four
married women.

One thing that you would not
tell your parents is that you

Have been handcuffed to a
stripper's pole in a girl's


Tinder date.

First day.

Yeah, bro, that's what you're
doing on first dates, you're

Getting handcuffed to a pole by
people you don't know.

All right, jered.

What is kyra's nickname?

smushy is correct.

All right.

Great jobbing everybody.

Let's go back to the villa.

Announcer: yes, back to the
villa where maybe they'll even

Get to know each other.

Coming up...

Leave me alone.

They're trying to lure you in
into a threesome.

Island," where weston's cuddled
up with emily, the girl he

Affectionately calls soon-to-be
number 64.

Is there a different side of
me today?


You're not in two places.

You know what I mean?

I wasn't like this was
kelsey, though.

We kissed and it wasn't like me
and you.


S what your biggest turn-off?

Somebody that tries too hard
to be something that they're


Like somebody that's selfish.

What are yours?

I would never like shy away
from it.

But how a girl runs, it kills

How a girl runs?

I see girls on the treadmill,
and I think, you need to stop.

I run really weirdly.

Oh, no, I got to see this.

Everybody tells me I run

They tell my I run weird,

No, I'm never speaking to her.

It would be be like that
I would hope not.

Do you see yourself... I
wouldn't say settling down, but

When do you have a family?

I don't know.

Whenever it's ready it will

Things in here do move really

I do see things going really
well with weston.

An I'm really excited to see
what comes next because I am

Starting to really like him.

My guy, what's the deal in
how are you and aissata


Your boy is happy.

Things are going really well.

We both definitely like each
other a whole lot.

Thinking that it's going to work
outside of here for sure.

I mean, it's just natural, dude.

Like it's -- I don't know.

What's up with you and caro?

We chilling, man.

We went to the hideaway

Yeah, yeah, y'all been
streaking, man.

You all be3n on a streak.

We went to the hideaway.

Things got interesting or

You know what I'm saying,

Had some fun last night,
definitely like, you know, took

Where we were to the next level
and everything.

Yeah, yeah.

I'm feeling her.

She's becoming my best friend,
being in the villa with her all

The time and just growing with
her and having fun.

Every day it's just furthering
our connection.

Yeah, 100%.

I feel lucky.

Caro is a special individual.

I know she connected with other
people in the villa.

But me and her really had that
something elite, like I could

Laugh and we laugh with each
other, we joke, we dance, we

Pray, we can talk all day and we
can talk about anything

Honestly, so that's what I love
about her, that smile, and she's

Just a genuine person and she's
always happy.

I adore that about her.

I never met a guy like him,
but I somehow got all these

Feelings and got all this, uh,
things toward him I

Emily with affection by
showering her with affection.

Words can't express how I

Obviously that's crazy.

I didn't say that about someone
I've known for four days, but in

Here it feels like a lifetime.

I see myself in the outside
world really clicking with her.

Emily is just somebody I've been
looking for honestly.

Yes or no?

Cool or no?

Yes or no?


Announcer: they're busy,

Where's weston in
in the shower.

Where's emily?

In the shower.u
they're in the shower



I don't know.

Don lie.

I actually don't know.


They are.

I know.




wow, that was fast.

Dear, n.s.a., Elizabeth is

How are you?


I know.

I'm so tired.

Obviously eric and kelsey,
that's just like tough.

I felt so bad.

But she's strong so she went out

I know.

I hope she really understands
that everything I said I meant,

But at the end of the day, I
don't know.

I just feel like I was going to
be trapped.

With kelsey?

Yeah, I just feel like...

How were you going to be

I just feel like she's very
simple, you know?


I think maybe you want something
more fun and free.

Like if I went to see her, I
feel look we would sit at home

All day and watch movies, like
every single time I came over

There kind of thing.

You want someone more

I want to go adventure and --
hey, guys.


Can I join you or are you

No, come on.


What's up, girlfriend?


Let's all take a nap.

I should hydrate, too.

I feel like maybe I'm tired
because I haven't drank enough


I feel like I didn't drink
enough water, too.

I'll get some.

I feel like I came over and

It was a crazy conversation.

We were talkinglands night.

Weston is being different
with me obviously because we

Have a lot of talks over the
past couple days and nothing was

Really resolved.

That's an awkward situation.

I was laying there and weston
came over and he's like, how are


I'm like, I'm fine.

And he was like, so, yeah, that
was hard for me yesterday with

Eric and kelsey leaving, but I
feel like kelsey, you know, not

That I would be trapped.

And he's like, I just feel like
she'd want the watch movies and

Not do anything.

I want somebody more fun than

I'm like, why are you talking
to me about this.

An then she comes over and asks,
oh, can I join you guys.

So she laid down, and she's
like, how are you?

I'm like, I'm okay, I'm tired.

I'm like, I'm tired, too.

He's like, let's take a map

I'm like, I'm dehydrated.

I'm going to go get so
did you see that they

Showered together.



Are you kidding me?

I'm not kidding.

Like what the...

Yeah, yeah.

Like leave me alone.

Leave me alone.

Maybe they're trying the lure
you into a threesome.

It seems like he's very into

They're all over each other, so
I'm just choosing to be a gooden

From and be happy for weston,
because weston seems happy.

Everything is set for the date
of dylan and alexandra, or as we

Call them dylalex and dandra.

We're boyfriend and
girlfriend, but I don't know who

You are outside of here.

You have the meet all of my

I'm excited to see where it
goes outside of here, an I'm

Surprised about that.

You keep surprising me.

I don't even know how long.

It really feels like I've known
you for four months.

I know.

I feel like I thought I was
going to get all the questions

Right in the game today.

I don't know you.

Because I really do think that I
know most things about you.


Which is crazy.

I also find that crazy
because I didn't think I was

Going to open up to someone like

I don't care who walks in this
villa, no one is going to turn

My head, because I know that I'm
lucky to be coupled up with you,

To the point where people walk
in and ask about you, I'm like,

Nah, she's terrible, don't go
for her, she's the worst,

Because I don't want you to find
anyone else.

Announcer: ah.

Now kyra and emily go for theirs
first one on one since they

Didn't make what would have been
the most surprising recoupling

Decision in history.


It really sucks that we got
off on a late foot.

I know, I know.

Well, I still, the biggest thing
I backed off with you was

Because you and weston obviously
are going so strong.

I know.

So I was like, cool, and also
dealing with girls in the past

That sometimes have been like,
yeah, I'm into girls and I kiss

And I have never had feelings.

I always get scared to get
emotional and maybe start to get

To know someone more, because
it's like I don't know if that

Will be --
they may go, never mind.

Because they don't know.

When did you start dating

I don't know where or how to

I know, it's so messed up.

Still to this day, it's such a
unspoken thing.

Like it's hard, even in this
situation, you were like, I

Didn't know if you came here for
guys or girls.

I came in here so open to both,
to just finding love at the end

Of the day and finding someone
you came in here and you said

You were attracted to girls, but
it's still not something that is

Known or accepted.

You know, or is okay in certain
households and families.

I would 100% couple up with

Everybody is like, get to know
all the boys.

And I was like, I guess this is
how it works.

Obviously that first night,
I'm kissing you over there, I

Was like, damn.

I got so excited, too.

I was like, all right.

New girl in the house.

Maybe I was shocked.

You know --
I swear.

I wish we had this conversation
the first day.

Because like things literally
could have been so different by

This point.

It's so cute.

I'm happy that you came in here
and you were bold and you did go

For what you wanted.

At the end of the day.

You know?


Announcer: america, you've
seen the new couples.

It's time to vote on who is your
favorite couple in the villa.

Head to the "love island" app
and have your say.

Is it dylan and alexandra, jered
and kyra, ray and caro, weston

And emily, yamen and aissata, or
zac and elizabeth?

Remember, you are voting for
your favorite couple.

The couples with the least votes
are at risk of being dumped from

The island.

Voting open to u.s. And canada
residents 18 years or older.

Terms and conditions apply.

Data rates may apply.

The vote closes in 30 minutes,

Tune in tomorrow to find out the

Arielle returns to the villa.

Your vote will change

And no one is safe.

Do not miss it.
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