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01x13 - Episode 13

Posted: 04/29/24 10:25
by bunniefuu
Announcer: warning, the
following program contains love,

Will u.s., And, oh, just start
the show already.

Previously on "love island," the
new islanders arrived.

♪ Lightning and the thunder
and wasted no time staking their


I am so attracted to you.

Kelsey got between katrina
and weston.

It's cool.

Don't worry about it
announcer: and eric dove a

Wedge between kyra and cashel.

We're just on different pages

Now you just look pissed off.

At the end of the day, bro,
honestly, I never know what that

Girl is going to do.

♪ Thunder, thunder
lightning and the thunder ♪

Announcer: at the end of
the day, two new islanders went


Tonight the recoupling sent one
more packing.

I want to couple up with this
boy because...

I want to couple up with this
boy because...

Captioning funded by cbs
I'm back!

Announcer: last night's
surprise dumping took everyone

By surprise, hence the name.

You, america, volted to save two
of the six new islanders.



Announcer: then the boys
got into a super hot huddle and

Saved one girl.

The girls didn't bother getting
up and saved one boy.



Announcer: we then said a
heartfelt good-bye to marli and


I wonder how winston is feeling?

Could someone be a lamb and ask

How you feeling?

It sucks.

I don't think anybody really got
to know her like I did.

Marli was funny and unique and
genuine, and like it sucks that

She got yanked and it puts me in
a weird spot again.

I'm back to being the odd man
out looks like.

Announcer: inside there is
no pulling teeth with caro and


She just knows what it takes to
get the young dental student


I need to go brush my teeth.


Because I didn't brush my
teeth yet.

Your breath don't stink.

You were next to me talking.

"Hey, ray."

Your breath don't stink.

You're so cute.

You're liking me?

You're making me blush.

Announcer: aw.

Me and caro have established

She was my number one.

She really showed that today
when her and the girls picked me

To stay.

So it gave me that second

I appreciate her.

I'm feeling pretty comfortable,
to be honest.

How are you?

I'm good.


Did someone just get a text?

I got a text!


I got a text, brother.

Gather around.

I don't want anymore.


Islanders, tonight there will be
a recoupling.

The girls will
boy not picked will be dumped

From the island #stickertwist.



Oh, #stickortwist.

The fate of three people are
in katrina and kyra's hands.

The two k ease
♪ do you walk in the valley of

Kings ♪
I am nervous for tonight,

Because I obviously like love

I don't want him to go home.

♪ Do you ponder the manner of
things ♪

Cash has been my ride or die
from the start, whereas I just

In here, you don't get a second
to think, and that's why I

Always say, you just have to go
with your gut.

I'm so stressed out.

It's pretty clear that kelsey is
going to choose weston, which I

Am fine with.

So I'm left with either winston
or cash.

I really do mean it when I say I
want everyone to find the best

Person for you.

I see you and cash as my really
close guy friend.

Looks like my time at the
villa might be up.

Do you see yourself finding
another connection in here?

I totally think it could

I'll be honest.

I think I'm going home.

I would love to say and find an
actual connection that I could

Find in the real world.

I feel like I'm waiting on
somebody to walk through that

Door that's -- that I'm going
the feel that type of spark.

With that's all we got to go on.

It would be different if I
maybe could see something with

Either of them, but they're both
homies to me.

They're both really good friends
of mine.

I literally this not know what
to do.


Who deserves to be here more?


I think winston.

You want cashel to stay?

I think winston should stay
because I think cashel is so one

Minded on her that he's not
going to be open to anyone new

Coming in
but who is able to make a

Better connection with people in




But is he going to be open to

You decide what feels good
for you.

I think he'll know what to
say when it happens

I don't think so.

This is going to be within tough

Announcer: coming up...

So the boy that I want to
couple up with is...

The by that I would like to
couple up with is...

"Love island" and what?

We're doing this already?

Be professional.

It's the recoupling and the
girls are in control.

♪ There goes my heart b*at
cause you are the reason ♪

In here, like you don't get a
second to think.

Things move so fast.

Now I have the make that
decision with a guy that I've

Been in here with from the start
or a new guy that I'm starting

To get to know.

♪ There goes my mind racing
options are looking pretty

Rough, but, you know, whatever
it is, whatever haens happens.

I would like to couple up
with this boy, because he

Completely accepts me for just
being me.

He makes me laugh all the time.

He just makes me feel a little
did guy inside.

It freaks me out but I like it.

The boy I want to couple up with
is dylan.

I want to couple up with this

I want to couple up with this

Boy because he makes me feel
comfortable, which is really

Important to me.

He respects my life choices an
my lifestyle.

And what's really exciting is
the fact that this connection

Hit me like, whoa.

So the boy I want to couple up
with is yamen.

Yay, man!

♪ made every hour of every day

Keeping you safe ♪
I would like to couple up

With this boy because since I've
been in the villa, everything

Has been such an amazing
journey, and it's been an

Experience I never expected.

I think we have an unreal
connection, and everything has

Been come pollutely natural.

He continues to surprise me on
how close we can get in such a

Short period of time.

And I'm completely starting to
fall for him.

This... Me and this boy became
boyfriend and girlfriend this

Week, and everything has been
crazy to me.

It's something I didn't think
would be in the cards for me,

And I have felt so lucky to have
been able to find this and have


So the boy I would like to
couple up with is zac.

♪ because I need you

No way.

♪ You are the reason
thanks, part master.

I want to couple up with this
boy because he has this positive

Energy that is contagious.

Always when I talk to him I just
find myself smiling.

He gives this really positive
impact on me, and he max me feel

So so special.

I'm so happy he walked into the
villa and made he feel this way.

I'm just so excited some the boy
I want to couple up with is ray.

I want to couple up with this

I want to couple up with this

Boy because from the day we
started talking, I knew we had a


I like him because he's goofy,
he's unique, he's always

Himself, and he makes me step
out of my comfort zone.

And he's the only guy I know who
can rock a cowboy hat and look

That good in it.

I can't wait to see what happens
and hopefully I get to know him

A lot more in this villa.

So the guy I want to couple up
with is weston.

oh, man.

oh, man.

I want to couple up with this
boy because I truly do think

That we have a lot of things in

He definitely took me by
surprise, and I didn't expect


I know that I put a lot of walls
up and that's an issue for me,

But I feel like with this guy
that he can really take the time

To get to know me and has shown
me that, you know, he's willing

To put in the time and take it
at my pace.

So the boy that I want to couple
up with is...

♪ I know, I know
loving you is a losing game ♪


♪ oh, oh, I know, I know

Loving you is a losing game ♪
so I would like to couple up

With this I go, because although
I feel like everyone in here

Deserves a chance to find their
best connection, I do feel like

This guy has not yet been given
the chance to find his best

Connection in here.

Connection in here.

So the boy that I would like to
couple up with is...


♪ I'm sorry for the things I've

♪ I'm sorry for the things I've

♪ I'm sorry that your heart is

♪ and I'm sorry that you're not

The one
♪ I'm sorry

Winston, as all of the girls
are now coupled up, that means

That you have been dumped from
the island.

You have 30 minutes to pack your
suitcase and say good-bye, #taxi

Forone #love youmeanit

Winston, the guy is an
amazing dude.

He's really looking for
something special, and I love

The guy.

He doesn't deserve it.

It's just in here I just don't
clearly think he's found


It just kind of sucks.

I chose cashel over winston
because I feel like winston had

Every chance to get to know
every single woman in this

Villa, whereas cashel put all
his eggs in one basket in kyra.

Cashel deserved a chance to find
love in here.

I just don't think winston can
find love on this island.

I feel like his true lovely will
be somewhere outside of here.

♪ I'm sorry
I did not expect it to go

This fast.

I was not expecting that.

I thought that was going to
be me.

By her talk, I thought that was
me for sure.

I am in awestruck.

I'm this disbelief.

You know what I've learned about
this place, you never know.

Katrina threw me a bone, so my
options are open.

Anything downstairs?

This is about it right here.

You know, we're of course sad
to see winston go, he was a

Great guy.

Just a greaten joy, a great
friend to have around for sure.


Winston, winston, winston!




Your all's beth is all rank.

See you, guys.


Cheers, brother.

♪ I'm sorry
to get to come experience

Fiji around beautiful women who
are not interested in me.

It was great.

I had a great time
♪ I'm sorry

I had a great time
♪ I'm sorry


I don't know what you mean?

That was very ambiguous?


What does that mean?

You can't tell which way it's
going, ambiguous in

You didn't know?

I was like, this sly dog
I was not trying to be sly at



Kyra basically said the same
things she said about me during

Our recoupling, so I was like,

I thought I was gonzo.

We see that you want to find

I'm just like...

Living your best life,
waiting for somebody else to

Walk in.

I'm trying to keep that zen.

I'm trying to keep this balance,
keep my options open.

You should.

I mean, I still like, you
know, on the real, that's still

An option in my mind.


I'm not going to like push
myself into that.

I'm not here to piss people off
and make people uncomfortable.

You know what I mean?

But in my mind, in my heart,
that's a door that's still open


That aside, that's not where
I will be putting any energy,

You know what I mean?

You never know what's going
to come.

Well, I'm happy you're still

Thank you.

I'm happy, too.

I'm happy for you, too.

So how are you feeling?

So first of all, I want to say
thank you?

Thank you.

You're going to thank me?

Yeah, you put your trust in

I won't let you down.

I know that situation was
probably brutal.

It was just awkward, luke
really freakin' awkward.

At first I was like, because I
do feel a little awkward with

The situation, and like I want
him to have a connection here

And find someone, but I still
get nervous that he's not like

Fully open to that.

But I honestly just want to
focus on getting to know you and

Like moving forward and not
trying to think of that.

At the end of the day I feel
like me recoupling with you is

Probably a showing that it's

I'm just hoping a girl comes in
here and like wants some cash

And is all about some cash.

I just met eric not too long

And there is, you know, such a
strong attraction.

And then to talk to him and get
to know him more and more,

There's a lot more than I
thought there was to eric.

So how do you feel about
sleeping next to me tonight?


Can't wait.

Scared of what, your snoring?

I'm going to keep you up all

I'm in the scared of

I might have to steal some of
your drawer space.

I think I brought more clothes
than you.

One of us have to be a diva.

You're a diva?

Wig time
I don't want to pick up with

Your space.

Babe, we're coupled up, into.



What do you want me to call

I don't know.

I want to say I'm super

I feel real comfortable with

I'm happy.

How about that?

♪ It's impossible to feel the

You feel the pull
♪ it's a joy and pain

I feel comfortable with you
I like that

Announcer: we are using
every slow song we have this


I'm definitely excited that
we are officially coupled up.

Kyra and I can move forward.

Everything moved out how we
wanted it in the end.

I think both of us are happy to
share a wed tonight and see

Where this goes.

Announcer: I have no

One bar.


I got a text!


Islanders, tonight the hideaway
is open.

You can choose one lucky couple
to stay the night.



Elizabeth and zac.

Guys, they're going to go to
the hideaway and we're never

Going to see them.

Are you excited?

I know you are.


First night in the hideaway.

Are you excited?

You got that thing.

Did you ever think we would
make it in here?

announcer: okay, you two,

Check out is at 11:00, and if
you break it, you bought it.

Damn, look at this place.

I want this bed actually.


No, no, no.

I want this side.

I've been sleeping on this
side since we've been here.

How many pillows do you use.

Because I put one in the middle
I'm a singler, but I like

Cuttle with a pillow.

♪ You are, you are
you are

♪ Everything that I dreamed of
now I can paint our picture ♪

To many more wonderfulled a
a -- wonderful, adventurous

Dates and to elizabeth falling
for me.

How is that?

That was a good one.

♪ I feel sensual
sexual ♪

Announcer: take control of
the "love island" villa and have

Your say with the "love island"

Get the hottest goss and play
along during the show with

Exclusive content.

Join the "love island" community
and take part in polls and


And most importantly, you have
the chance to really stir things

Up by voting on dates, dumpings,
and ultimately who will be

America's favorite couple.

Download the app and couple up
with "love island," available

For free on ios and android

Announcer: you're not
watching a nature documentary.

It's "love island."

After the coupling ceremony, zac
and elizabeth went to the

Hideaway and I'm guessing
coupled some more.

♪ Feel my sunshine
inside the new couples are

Waking up.

Eric and kyra, yamen and
aissata, weston and kelsey, ray

And caro, cashel and katrina.

And unchanged couples dullen and

How was your first sleep with


Were you nervous at all?

Going in I was definitely
nervous, because I'm like, I

Don't know what's going to

Maybe he feels like should I try
to cuddle me or anything.

Aissata gave me a little
smooch last night.

I was going in for just a little
peck, you know, and next thing I

Know, she's kind of putting my
tongue down my throat.

I was like, oh.

No, no, no, no, no
announcer: how do we even

Subtitle that?

Let's see a really long tracking
sh*t of our love birds returning

From the hideaway.

What a night.

What a day.

And the journey continues.

It was just nice like not being
in a bedroom full of multiple


I feel very constrained, so I
didn't feel constrained in there

Announcer: so did you or
didn't you?


Come over.

Tell us everything.

Tell us everything.

Did you hook up?

Are you in love?

Are you married yet?


No, no.

Are you engaged?

No to all of those.

Are you pregnant?


Did you guy cass noodle?


Heavy makeout?

Oh, yeah.

Heavy petting?


Stop it!

I didn't say anything.

I'm just laughing.

You didn't say anything.

I didn't say anything.

You said everything.

She's neither confirming nor

I asked her, like in terms of
pawing, how deep with you, and

She basically said, pi was like
putting it on like this, like a

Little bit of falling, like
running toward the hole or like

You fell into the hole, she said
she's like fingertip hanging on

About to fall into the hole.

Oh, zac you dirty dog.

I feel like something like
this is not easy to come by in

The real world let alone on
"love island."

I just feel like I just didn't
see this coming.

I thought that exact same
sentence in my head.

I was going to say it if she

Announcer: I thought that
exact same sentence, too.

Then I thought of the transition
to weston and kelsey.

How do you feel about

How do you feel about us?

I was really nervous to ask


I don't know, because
everything happened so fast


Sometimes I need reassurance.

I don't know sometimes, like
with that whole situation, it

Was a lot harder for me, because
I didn't obviously -- like

Katrina was like, do what you
got to do

I'm glad you made the
decision you made.

I wouldn't have wanted anything


So if it was guy's pick --
I would have 100% picked you?


that makes me happy, because

I really didn't know
I feel like rainbows and g*ns

And fireworks popping off and
it's just rolling where it needs

To roll.

I'm so physically attracted to
her it's unreal.

I just stare at her eyes and I
can't focus on anything else.

She's very special.

I'm excited to see where things

Well, I am excited that we
are finally coupled up.

I leaned in to kiss you.

A tiny innocent peck.

You are a liar.

I can't see anything.

It's dark.

I don't know what's going on

Is what happened.

I was going to blow a little
air on you

Shut up.

The next thing I know, you're

No, you're lying.

I did not do that.

It was somebody else tongue
then I guess.

I don't know whose tongue it

Announcer: sorry about

I'm going to b*at you up.

I hope for the rest of my
"love island" journey that

Aissata and I just continue to
grow and water our seed of a

Connection, and, you know, maybe
a little sunflower grows out of

There, you know.

Are you happy that I picked
you yesterday?

I am happy.

I've been feeling you for a

There's just something about
you, your energy.

You're always smiling.

You just make me feel good.

All right.

I can't wait.

But you definitely made me feel
amazing last night when you

Picked me.

I was lying, it's late.

I was coupled up.

I got me a little shorty or


I feel really lucky, I'm not
going to lie.

I feel lucky, too.

I am really happy that I'm
coupled up with way.

This time it feels really,
really good.

We are taking things slow.

We're getting to know each
other, but he just like makes me

Like smile a lot and I'm really
happy about that.

I just got my first text in
the villa.

Quite exciting.

I got a text!

He's on the board.

Come to me.

He's been wanting a text

Islanders, it's time to find
out what the american public

Really thinks about you in
today's game.

Social bingo.

#Trending, #bittersweet.

I'm super duper curious what the
public has to say.

I think it's going to be super

I think it's going to stir up
some stuff.

I hope people just get balled
out right now.

Some juice, yo.

I know.

This is going to be krissy.

It's going to be funny as hell.

Let's see what america has
got to say.

Best-case scenario, this guy is
a stud, the best-looking guy I

Have ever seen in my life,
bradley cooper times channing


I don't know, some type of

Maybe the hair.

Announcer: oh, thank
goodness the islanders are

Running in slow motion, because
it gives me time to tell you

Caro's feeling ill and will sit
out today's game.

Take good caro of yourself.

We'll miss you.

♪ Party rocking in the house

♪ Everybody just have a good
time ♪

Islanders, welcome to
america's favorite game show,

Social bingo, baby.

Oh, yeah.

Announcer: the islanders
will hear tweets about

Themselves written by you, you

Yes, we heard you and we're
making them listen.

The islanders names will be
blanked out.

They must guess who the comments
are about.

Bank is so underrated yet
he's so hot.

Katrina and cashel?


Oh, okay.







Oh, another cashel.

Announcer: the missing
names will then be revealed from

Behind the numbers on our social
bingo board.


Announcer: the prize, the
islanders will know how you feel

About them, and we suspect it
will cause enough trouble to

Fill the rest of this episode.


Is it just me, or is there
something off about blank.

She's so stone cold.

So what?

Stone cold.


Here we go.

We went with young kyra.


Alexandra and dylan?

We happen to agree on that
one, kyra.

I love you.

A lot of people have said
that I come off a little hard,

But I don't know.

It's just the way that I talk.



The stone-cold kyra comment,
I was like, good, yeah, she is

Stone cold.

I'm glad someone caught that,

If blank can ever crawl out
from under her thumb, we might

Be able to see him.




Elizabeth has tiny thumbs.

I couldn't fit under there.

Here we go.


America don't know nothing.

Some people got beef with


Here we go.

Blank said, "I'm not closed off
from getting to know other


There could be a better

I like you dude.

Cut it out.

We said big daddy dylan.



You got a point.

Yeah, america dropped some

They're ready to go.

Did anyone else notice
kelsey's eyes light up when

Weston mentioned his blank?


y'all ready?

12 Acres #golddigger.

Delaware is 12 acres in

So when I hear 12 acres, that's
like the whole state of

Delaware, so sorry if that
surprised me.

Yes, yes!

She's got a heart of gold,
not a gold digger.

How do the girls not see that
blank is a player?

We put yamen.








We all know it's false,

There's players, and then
there's players on a bench.

I'm not even a player.

I'm not even a player on the

I'm not even on injured reserve.

I'm not even watching the game.

Zac and elizabeth -- so



We said cute.

Weston and kelsey?

That was not my answer.

That was on him.

He wrote it.

I was not a part of it.

I wrote it.


Me and elizabeth are

We're going the move them wrong,
show people that we are not


There is a lot to us.

We're going to have the spice
things up a little bit.

We're boring, but everyone in
the villa says they want what we

Have --
at least blank is laying all

Her cards on the table now
instead of stabbing her partner

In the back when elimination
time comes, unlike some people,

Cough blank cough
I don't know kyra and caro.

I don't know.

Kyra and yamen.

Caro and yamen.

Kyra and yamen.

Kyra and yamen.

I know that I definitely did
s*ab alana in the back 100%.

I pride myself on keeping it

Watching bank and blank
talking together decreases my


Decreases my what?

My i.q.

We said zach and elizabeth.

She said dude, I said chick.

Dylan and alex.

Dylan and alexandra.

Here we go.


How do you like he now,

Three words: blank desevers



Cashel deserves better.


We're going to go cash money,


Cashel for sure.

Cash money.


I deserve better.

Katrina deserves better.


Mic drop.

Let's head back to the villa.

Yes, back to the villa where
the islanders won't stew over

All the blank you've been saying
about them, and let's get a tilt

Up to the palm, please.

Thanks, cameraman, tom.

Tweets about them.

They haven't given it a second
thawing, nope, no feathers

Ruffled here.

They're all totally fine.

Well, apparently I'm boring.

Apparently I'm a little bitch,

I can't handle elizabeth.


Apparently I'm a little
bitch, too, I can't even handle


Apparently me and elizabeth are

Yee bit offended.

Yeah, I'm a tiny bit offended,
just a little bit.

That was an insult to both of

I know.

It was a double-sided insult.

All of them were.

Basically saying I'm a little

Same with the thumb up your
butt thing.

It's basically saying stopped
being whipped over elizabeth.

I want to see you more
I'm the one who said you're


We enjoy your company.

You don't have to go off and
talk to everyone every second of

Every day.

Do you think elizabeth is

I love them together and I
hate it at the same time.

I told zac the other night, I
said, wake up, bro.

I feel like he's going to ditch
all of us when he gets out of

Here to be with elizabeth.

We wouldn't see zac without
seeing elizabeth.

This is the beginning of
zac's life right now.

He never left chicago.

I don't think he's going to shy
away from being able to travel,

See the country, see the world.

If elizabeth going, no, I
don't want you to travel.

Elizabeth won't do that
I see her like, that bro.

I don't know, bro.

I think them making
themselves boyfriend and

Girlfriend, you saw it
instantly, I'm not kissing.

That's so not fun.

I think zac might look back and
be like, man, I should have

Experienced it more.

Like, you know --
first week he was here, I was

Like, dude, this kid's

Now it's like, I don't know, he
doesn't cr*ck jokes or anything


Low key.

I can see america being like,
they're boring.

They are boring.

Girls, hi.


How are you feeling, boo, boo.

Was it you felt nauseous?

I was just sleeping and then
I felt nauseous and then I just


I didn't puke again.

It was weird.

We wish you were at the game.

She's a cold-stone pitch.

It did not stay that?

I was pretty cold, okay.

Cool, dope.

I can deal with cold stone.

People have called me a b my
entire life, but I'm always just

Saying how I feel.

I think the one thing that
looked shady was like I'm

Willing, as far as you guys are,
I'm willing to --

But I knew that.

But have you talked more
about that?

With him in
we always talk about it.

But I know he's not going to.

If he does, then whatever.

That's on me.

You know
you mean that's on him,


It's on me for turning a
blind eye to it.

Oh, oh, oh, oh.

Stuff just got real with
alexandra and her place with

Dylan at the moment.

I think she just deserves
someone that completely knows

What they want.

But it's just hard for me,
because I know that her head is

Totally in it, and I don't want
her to be hurt because I care so

Much about her.

I could just even tell how big
and how hard of a conversation

This is going to be for her to
have with him.

Announcer: america, who is
your favorite couple in the


Head to the "love island" app
and have your say.

Is it cashel and katrina, dylan
and also that, eric and kyra,

Ray and caro, weston and kelsey,
yamen and aissata, or zac and


Remember, you are voting for
your favorite couple.

The couples with the least votes
are at risk of being dumped from

The island.

Voting open to u.s. And canada
residents 18 years or older.

Terms and conditions apply.

Data rates may apply.

The vote closes in 30 minute,

Tune in tomorrow to find out the

Announcer: tomorrow night,
arielle returns with the results

Of your vote, and one unlucky
couple will be dumped.

You don't want to miss it.

You time on "love island" is