01x12 - Episode 12

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Love Island". Aired: July 9, 2019 – August 15, 2021.*
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A group of contestants, referred to as Islanders, living in isolation from the outside world in a villa, constantly under video surveillance must be coupled up with another Islander, whether it be for love, friendship or survival, as the overall winning couple receives $100,000.
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01x12 - Episode 12

Post by bunniefuu »

Announcer: the following
program contains love, lost, and

Hot people getting rejected.

Previously on "love island" --
cheers to us.

♪ I think we're alone now
announcer: six new arrivals

Went on six dates and set their
sights on who they want.

I'm a hunter.

I'll go to w*r for what I want.

What do you want?

I want to get to know you

I don't think you're happy.

Announcer: tonight things
heat up.

And arielle returns to the villa
with the results of your vote on

Which of the new islanders will
be sent packing.

Oh, my god.

Announcer: last night eric
expressed his intentions toward

Kyra and was as subtle as his

I came in to talk to you.

I cut the girls off.

I want to get to know you



I know what I want.

You're bold.

You have to be.

Missed connections are a

Announcer: kyra, who is
still coupled up with cashel,

Rushed to the polka dotted day
bed of truth for a little tea

Party with caro and elizabeth.

He does not care.

He does not care about telling
me that he has talked to you,

That he's going to talk to



That he's going to talk to

He's over there like coming on


He's not like putting up a

That's just how he is.

He looks like a dog -- doll
right now.

His features are small and cute,
like in a good way.

Anyway, he's like, I know the
man that you need.

I know what you need, and he's
like, I am that.

Oh, my god.



But he still said, he's like,
I talked to caro.

I still need to talk to katrina.

I'm getting all like, huh.

This guy is spicey.

He's spicy.

I was on a journey with him just

He knew exactly what he was
doing, that's scary thing about



So do I want to have a guy
that's giving that spice to

Every girl?

I care about my feelings and I
really don't want to get hurt,

So I don't know if I should
abort mission right now.

But I like it if you're
coming for me hard, and no boy

In here has been bold enough to
do that.


He's just testing the waters
with the girls that he's

Interested in, and that's what
every single boy in here should

Have done.

Yeah, yeah.

Can I sit here?

Announcer: weston tries to
hide his budding relationship

With kelsey from katrina by
camouflaging her with this


I'm in a weird place.

I'm going to be straightforward.

I have no idea because I haven't
got to know you fully.

I haven't got to know her fully.

You all are amazing.

You know?

I don't know, I'm scared.

Why are you scared?

I feel bad.

No, no, no, good talk.

It feels crazy.

I'm just drawn to him.

I don't know what the heck is
going on.

I'm not connecting with anybody
on the level that I'm connecting

With you?

Do you know why that is?

Because I'm really attracted
to you physically and mentally.


Like I think you're literally
so handsome and I have never

Really dated anyone that looks
like you.

Everything here goes really

And I am scared.

I want somebody that I know
that I want to be with.


Like you're touching me.

I just want the grab you and
kiss you.

♪ Living in the same town.

Trying to try something new ♪
I see coming home to you.

You know what I mean?

I see, hey, I just cooked

Can't wait to come home.

Crawl into bed.

A dream, a dream.

That's how I feel with you.

Katrina, I don't feel that,
because she's been reserved.


Cat is coming.

I'm going to undo that just
because of that.


♪ I can't do this anymore
I'm falling asleep.

We got to deal with it.

Time to go to bed.

Announcer: it's time to go
to bed.

Oh, he said it.

Kyra and cashel's bed gets
chilly with talk of eric.

I feel like --
he's going to be respectful.

I don't [bleeped].

I wasn't there.

Are you getting aggressive?

I'm telling you what I know.

That sounds aggressive.


Are you okay?


Go to sleep.

I want the make sure you're

No, I am, I am.

I'll be fine.


I'm fine.

Thank you, though.

Announcer: rise and shine,
everyone, and queue the official

"Love island" foghorn.

It's time work out like your
instagram account depends on it.

And now it's time far big


It's time that america sees
my missing eyebrow.

Oh, my god.

America, find me a man...

Find me man with three
eyebrows that can give one up.

It's a new morning in the
ville lamp I had a great day

Yesterday with winston.

So far is good.

You guys see what's going to

It's crazy.

Your "love island" trip has been

This girl comes in and, dude,
she's gorgeous.

Do you go with the loyalty
connection or do you go with the

Girl that you're feeling, bro
you're in a bind, huh?

I'm in a little bit of a
pickle, maybe a big pickle.

I'm in a giant pickle
announcer: calm down, sir.

We're going to need the exact
size of the pickle you're in

I have two beautiful women
who are attracted to me.

It's not a bad thing, but it's a
very, very tough decision.

I want to see myself with
someone who can also take care

Of myself, but when you are in a
relationship, both parties are

Able to give and take and that
we wild something together.

I don't want to be one person is
carrying more weigh than the

Other, that never turns out.

You and I have the same

Announcer: so kyra broked
up with cashel, missed him,

Kissed him, dissed him, and
dismissed him when eric came


Now she's confused that he is

I thought we were on the same
page of taking a step become and

Being open to new connection,
other people, but he literally

Popped off so hard last night
about me talking to eric or eric

Being in this villa and
expressing that he has interest

In me.

Do you think you could get
there, though?

That's the thing.

And he's so invested and so
deep into this that --

But that's not what he's

I'm all about you and all this
stuff, but he's saying he's okay

With being open.

He's saying one thing --
I think he is okay with it.

He's like, I'll take the

He's like, I want you, so I'm
okay with it.

That's terrible.

I know.

That makes me think I need to
cut things off because I don't

Want him to go through that.

Cashel is just so invested in
kyra and so wears his heart on

His sleeve, and he's going to
just get hurt.

Cash, what's up, bro?

What's up, bro?

I'm up and down.

I'm left and right.

I put my eggs in one basket.

What happened?

It's coming down to I feel
like she's giving me power

Plays, dog.

I've been.

There I've done that.

I don't want that.

Howdy, there.

Can I join?

Can you join?

It's kind of a rough subject for
you to join in on.

Well, come talk to me when
you get a minute.


Just let me know.


I don't know about him.


We're both like --

He's not someone I would ever
pick out for any of my friends.

Literally she looked at me
and said, "he's smooth."

Do you think I should still
give err ache chance.

I think I should.

I think you should talk to
him, but just be weary.

Last night everything was
about eric.

Eric was the word on everybody's

Let's go.

What happened?

What did he do?

Eric walked in when they
first met all the girl, cocky as


Real arrogant.

When I want something, I go quit

Nobody has nuts in here.

They don't peel how they feel.

If I see a girl I like, I go
tell them.

Me and winston are like, where
did this come from?

There's also a respect thing.

When you're in a ville lark you
better earn respect when you

Walk in here.

You better be the right reason,
or you will not stay in here

Because people don't respect

That's going to rub everybody in
here the wrong way.

It ain't going the last.

My man is getting himself in

Is he's playing this game and
putting some spark in this

Villa, like whatever it might
be, and these girls are falling

For it because they're younger.

They're ul there like, what is
he doing, what is he thinking?

Y'all going to get played.

If you want to chase this crappy
little stupid game, go for it.

But you're going to lose.

Announcer: thanks, fiji
night lights.

Meanwhile, whatever this is.

I feel great now.

Announcer: much like the
shrubbery, kyra and cashel's

Relationship is on the rocks.

Last night I felt like you
jumped down my throat and

Weren't listening to what I was

I didn't like the way you
speaking and how you got heated

And that pissed me off when I
was checking in to talk about us

And to keep up to date because I
haven't seen you.

So then for eric to come in the
situation, I didn't know what

That had to do with me and you.

And once again, I think it's
another I guess thing where

We're just on different pages

I'm literally trying to be so
mature here and not mess with

Someone, and be honest and up
front and say the hard stuff,

And he's not listening to me.

We got nothing else to do but

But I don't mean just talk as
friends, I mean to still be open

To romantic connections.

I have no romantic
connections with any of these


Except you.

Because you have expressed to me
that you are open to that, that

You are wishy-washy on things,
that's why I keep that open.

If you were good, if we were
good here, I'm straight.

I'm happy with you.

That sounds like you're
saying that I'm the one who is

Open and you're just like
dealing with that because you

Like me.

And that you'll deal with that.

You shouldn't have to deal with

That's not fair to you.

And now you just look pissed

It's been kind of that like
up and down.

I initially am like broken up
about it.

I'm like, it's kind of k*lling
me, she kind of gives me

Something back.

At the end of the day, she's in
here, she came in with a

Different intention than I came
in with.

How you doing?


You feel better?

I'm all right.

It's been a day.

Yeah, for sure.


It's been an interesting day.

Eric, on that first day I met
him, I knew I was very

Physically attracted to him, but
the rest of the villa and the

Guys in here and the girls in
here aren't very sure about eric

Still, because of how forward he
is and how, I don't know he has

A douchey vibe at first, let's
be honest.

A couple girls don't think
that you're good news, you know.

They think you're like bad boy
or playing a game or something

Like, that but my conversations
with you, I don't feel that way.

I feel like you're just very
straight forward, which I


I feel like you're fine saying
what you want, which I like.

and I feel like you're fine

Staring at me from across the
villa and showing me you're


I like the feel of that kind of

These guys all think I'm

Why are you playing the game?

I'm not playing a game.

I live in the now.

I'm not worried about that.

Even if they send both of us out
of here, I'm calling you the day

I'm out.

Oh, yeah?

I'm dead serious.

This is going to get back to the
girls and back to the guys you

Can tell anybody I said

You're bold.

I'm definitely not the type
of person to be hesitant when it

Comes to stepping on people's
toes or breaking up an alliance

Or a pro code or a bromance.

This is what I am as a person.

It's in the a selfish act to go
out and try to get to snow

Anybody, especially when they're
giving you the same type of

Energy back.

This is how I operate and this
is howley continue to execute.

I also need to know, like you
should respect me to let me know

If you're --
I'm telling you right now.

I don't know.

I'm just friends with cache, and
right now if there was a

Recoupling, I feel that

I'm in the trying to put that
kind of pressure, but this isn't

The type of dude you like.

No, I'm very attracted to


All right.

Announcer: today the
islanders will play a game of

Kiss and tell to find out who
has the best tongue technique.

Each girl kisses each boy.

Then with no idea who is behind
the lips, the boys score the

Sucker out of ten.



Ten out of ten for effort.

I would say I'm a good

I've never had any complaints.

Let the games begin.

She's a pretty good kisser.

Someone showed up to play.

I'm going to give it an 8.0.

7 Nch.


We're going to go 1.

Spicy mommy.

Oh, it's always nice kissing

It's always nice.

It was good to test out each
boy that I always thought was


Nine and I'm not handing out


That was good.

I'm going to give it a nine.

That was me and weston's
first real kiss.

Definitely a spark.

I'm going to give it a ten.

Enough saliva has been
exchanged, gross.

It's time for the boys to make
their mark.

I real liked it.

I'm going to give it a ten.


You know what?

I haven't made out for someone
in so long.

So I was like, okay.



I think I'll give that one a

I would give that one an

I liked that one.

I would give that a nine.



I know she wanted to say ten,
but I guess nobody's perfect.

I did know when dylan was
killings me, that's why I gave

Him a nine.




I wanted kiss to be better.

Very warm breath.

I'll give you a five.

Now it's time to five out who
are the best kissers in the


Kyra for the girls.

And george for the boys with the
number-one rated kiss.

Well, me being the kissing
champ, it's a little awkward,

But I'll take it.

I mean, I guess that's just a
great compliment to me I guess.


Needed to happen?


The kiss?

You liked it.

You knew which one was me.



I felt it.

Let's talk after, yeah?

Let's talk after, yeah?

I've never really been good
at connecting with a lot of


Not on an emotional level.

I haven't either.

That's why it's so hard for me
to feel comfortable around

People and talk and open up.

I think we're one in the same
like that.

And we connect on a lot of

You think?

I think we do.

How do we connect?

Look at how you live your

Look at how I live my life.

Look at our pasts.


Look at how we chose to go

Did you grow up struggling?

I always provided for myself.


I never finished school.

I never had the college go

I've been working full-time when
I was 16.

When I was 17 I had an
incorporated business when nine

People working for me were my
parents age.

I'm on my fourth property.

I'm 28 years old.

I did it on my own.

I've only known you for two and
a half days.

Usually e-mail the one that's
too much and too bold.

So it's wild, that I'm like,
whoa, he's he saying because

What's behind this.

I like it and it's surprising
because I haven't experienced

That for someone to be as driven
as you and to also be attracted

To you and stuff like that.

It definitely took me by

If I came here to do what I
wanted to come here and do and I

Stay true to myself, then you're
the bern I'm trying to be

Matched up.

let me ask you this: if you

Have this deep side, do you have
a fun side, too?

I'm fun as hell.

I'm fun as hell.

Well, if we get another date,
I want to see that side, too.

I don't always want the serious

I want the see your fun side.

I'm well rounded.

I'm definitely well rounded.

I'm staying true to what I came
here to do, and that's to find

Match and hopefully connect with
somebody on a another level.

I'm not worried about anything
else but that.

As far as eric, I don't know
if he's the kind of guy that

Another girl would come in here
and be easily swayed.

the believe.

And then that attraction to be
there, I need that.

That's what makes it fun.

Otherwise I'll walk all over

So I like being kind of made
into this crazy lady sometimes.

I need that.

I think he might be that.

What the hell, but I'm so
here for it.

Oh, my god.

The fact that he was in a
seven-year relationship, has

Started a business, provided for
his family, has three businesses

Technically, has a successful
life, is independent, is a

Cancer, which I mesh with the

It's just like, oh, my god.

Oh, my god.

Oh, my god.

Oh, my god.

I'm happy.

I'm happen pimp all right.


What did you think I was
going to be like.

Just being two different
girls already.

I don't know if I want to go
that route.

Like I was a player or

I don't know.

But understand, that's how it

You just have to --
I know, that's what I'm


You have to go off how you


So you thought I was --
I didn't really -- I don't


I don't know how I feel about
this guy.

You thought I was just

I don't know.

I'm like...

I told you my friends, they
take a backseat and feel

Everybody out.

You guys are all beautiful, but
it's like, who can I see myself


Who can I vibe with?




Of course you.

Can we have cute words.


So I want apples?

You are apple.

I am apple.


Got you.

I feel I didn't bring it on our

You definitely are now.

I'm happy to know you're
bringing that out of you.

Eventually we'll get there,
you know.

So I'm happy we're there now.

Announcer: as night falls
on the villa, our soundtrack

Budget has run out.

♪ It's time to go to bed
lay that head on the pillow

♪ Rest good, young fellow
♪ day turns to night

Announcer: thanks, boyz2

We're back.

♪ You still take my breath away
with nothing but a smile

♪ And every time I kiss you
it feels like the first time

♪ Just dancing in the dark
I know when we were at the

Villa, I can't help but smile.

I'm always staring at you.

Those freckles.

Can we watch football together?


It's a big step.


That's a big step.

♪ Dancing in the dark

Announcer: it's "love
island" and morning stuff.

♪ Do you remember the time that
we would stay up all night ♪

There's our george.

You look really pretty in the


I do?

You do, yeah.

Announcer: and there's
george walking his water bottle.

Inside zac prefers sleeping on
top, of elizabeth's head.

Get up, you sweetheart.

Have a great day.

It's just so beautiful.

Still not up?

This will do it.


I got a text!

Zac got a text!

I can't breathe.

Why does no one text me?

Everyone's got one.

Hey, guys.

What's the word?

It says, "elizabeth and zac,
you two are heading out on your

First date.

Please get ready to leave the



[Cheering and applause]
I'm so excited.

Where are we going?

Me and elizabeth are going on
our first date, and I couldn't

Be more excited.

See you later, guys.

See you.

Have fun.

Oh, my god, this is amazing.

This is so awesome.

Wow, this is beautiful.

Grocery store clerk to all of


It's crazy.

Just being able to have such a
deep connection with somebody

Here has been truly amazing, and
it's like at that point now

Where I look at you and I just
get really happy inside.

Like I've noticed even you
talking about things that you

Would like change or likep
insecurity that you have.

I don't want you to change any
of those things, because I like

The way that you are.

I don't want you to do anything

You have like this goofy side
to you and then on top of that

You have your sassy moments, as

And I think I just swallowed a

Legit just ate a mosquito.

But this has honestly been like
a dream come true.

Having a deep connection with
you, like I'm definitely

Starting to like fall for you.

I know, I am, too.

I understand who you are as a

It's nice.

It is nice.

Like I'm already thinking
about all the friends of mine

That you'll meet and my family,
and I think my family and

Friends will absolutely love

My family and friends are
definitely going to love you,


It's going to be a wild ride.

I can't wait for it.

I'm just like really excited to
see it through.



I want to go in the watered

I do too.

Let's go in.

All right.

Let's go.

♪ We both wake up needing

♪ It's okay to be there
but it will never be the same

♪ It will never be the same
announcer: this is the

First time I've genuinely been
happy for other people.

Hey, step into my office.

It became obvious soon that he's
interested in kyra, but what I

Heard that kyra is kind of like
interested in that.

So I'm kind of like, I can't
help but think we're in kind of

An awkward situation.

You know what I mean?




It's definitely been weird,
the whole situation, because

It's impossible to, you know,
avoid certain connections

Happening and what not.

And I mean, that's kind of where
I'm at now, and that's like, you

Know --
how are things going with you


I think things are going
pretty well, but I don't know

What your situation is.

I'm just taking things one day
at a time.

But definitely like the
strongest connection I've had in

The house for sure.

So she's definitely amazing.

And she's definitely a little
bit hard to read at times and a

Little guarded.

So I'm not trying to dig at how
she's feeling, I'm just more or

Less trying to let her know what
I like about her.

At the end of the day, bro, I
don't know.

Honestly, I never know what that
girl is going to do.

She'll probably -- that's
probably something that

The pursuit and the chase.

Getting to know somebody.

It draws you right in.

Wraps me up.

I think we're both one in the
same like that.

I think she definitely has
some... She's interested in you.

I wish I could have some
insight, bro, but I don't know.

We're in the really like in bed
and stuff.

It's like we're not really
talking much these days, but

Like three days ago we was... We
were tight.

And now it's like...


Lights like reading braille
sometimes for sure.

I don't want to act "like a
prayer" I don't want to pursue

Things because of certain things
because at the end of the day

I'm here to do me.

At the end of the day, bro,
it's all on her.

Announcer: can someone
please have a non-diplomatic

Argument around here?



You guys went swimming.

What did you do?

We went to a water fall.

We had to hike up to the water

And it was a picnic there.

And there was like a pool.

It was really cool.

That's lit.

It was really cool.

That's like a real fijian

It was like one of those
magic moments when we were in

The pool of water making out.

Well, I'm happy you guys
enjoyed it.

That's awesome.

Thank you.

I need to go shower.

Announcer: no one is using
our $50,000 fire pit.

I know what will fire things up.

What's up?

Arielle: hello, islanders.

I'm back.

Arielle: hello, islanders.

Oh, there she is.

Oh, hell no.

This is packed ville lamp look
at winston's face.

I had a feeling something was
going to go down, but you really

Never know exactly what.

Arielle: can I have all of
you guys come to the fire pit,


So long.

I'm a pretty poised guy.

I don't get nervous or anxious
too easily.

But now I know what everyone is
talking about.

So the villa is at maximum
capacity right now.

There's 17 of you.

And you can't all stay.

Iuhç I'm going to throw up.

Arielle: the public have
been voting for which new

Islanders they want to remain in
the villa.

And I have the results.

So kelsey, aissata, and marli,
please come and join me.

So kelsey, aissata, and marli,
please come and join me.

And george, eric, and ray, will
you please come stand next to

The girls.

So, girls, have you made the
most of your time in the villa?

For sure.


Arielle: and boy, did you
find some connections?


Arielle: so I can now
reveal the female islander that

America has chose on the stay in
the villa is kelsey.


I'm going or staying?

You're staying.

Arielle: congratulation,
kelsey, please go and join

Everybody else.

Everybody else.

And the male islander that
america has chose on the remain

In the villa is eric.

congratulations, eric, you can

Go sit down with all the other

Go sit down with all the other

Aissata and marli, ray and
george, you have received the

Fewest votes from the public.

You are now vulnerable.

But only two of you will leave
the island today.

And your fellow islanders can
now offer you a lifeline.

I would like each of you to give
a reason why you should stay in

The villa.

Marli, please tell the islanders
why you deserve a place in the


I've gotten the opportunity
and the chance to meet great

People and establish a great

It would be really sad to let
that go.

Arielle: and aissata,
please tell the islanders why

You deserve a place in the

I didn't really expect to
make a connection so fast in

Four days, but I did.

And I would really love to keep
building, because I feel like it

Could be something really

Arielle: and ray.

I'm building an amazing
connection with caro, and we

Just started, you now, getting
to that level, and really

Hitting it off and opening up to
each other, so being in this

Position right now sucks.

Me and caro really opened up to
each other.

She's someone that I can see

With I don't want the leave when
I'm just starting something new

And fresh with such an amazing

Arielle: and george, please
tell the islanders why you

Deserve a place in the villa.

I don't want to waste
anybody's time.

I don't want to waste any of
y'all's time.

I care about all of you guys,
and I hope that that can shine

Through and you guys acknowledge

Arielle: so, girls, you're
about to make a decision on who

You want to save out of george
and ray.

And boys, you are about to
choose which girl you would like

To stay on the island out of
aissata and marli.

Girls, if I could have you on
one side and boys on the other.

So, guys, you have some really
big decisions to make.

I'll be back shortly.

We have a connection, but I
don't know where it's going.

Aissata and i, it just seems
like we have so much in common,

It's almost strange.

He put himself out there.

He's a really good person.

Arielle: time's up.

You guys can come back over.

Okay, islanders, it's time to
reveal your decisions.

Girl, please tell us out of
george and ray who you would

Like to save.

We want to save this boy
because he brought an amazing

Energy to the fillville la that
we all admire.

He has tried to connect with
everyone and he did.

And I'm also very happy to say
that I feel that I have an

Amazing connection with him,
too, and I will love for him to

Stay in the villa.

The boy that we want to save is

♪ two is a beautiful thing

Oh, oh ♪
arielle: congratulation,

Ray, you can go and join the

George, I'm so sorry.

Boys, please tell us out of
aissata and marli who you would

Like to save.

We want to save this girl
because we recognize the bright,

Thoughtful energy that she
brings into this villa.

We also recognize the connection
she has made.

We see how deep it is and true
it is and we want to help that

Continue to grow.

So the girl we are choosing to
save is... Aissata.

So the girl we are choosing to
save is... Aissata.

congratulations, aissata.

You can please join the others.

Sucks being up there.

Arielle: so ray and
aissata, your place is safe on

The island.

But marli and george, your time
on "love island" is over.

I'm so sorry.

You have 30 minutes to pack and
say your good-byes.

The rest of you, I'll see you

It's okay.

I want you to know this was a
short time and this sucks.

Like it sucks.

Marli is way more genuine in
herself than half the girls


What can we do about it?

You don't even have my phone
number yet.

You don't think I'm going to
get your phone number?

Obviously it wasn't meant to
be, it's not meant to be.

You guys are still here.

Be happy.

Do your thing.

You're always happy about who
is saying, but you're always sad

About who is going.

I wish I was able to spend
more time to put myself out


Winston just got the chance
to get to know me at a deeper


I can't say everybody else did.

Announcer: next, a look at
tomorrow night's epic


Announcer: tomorrow night,
the recoupling strikes again.

One boy will be left single and
dumped from the island.

I want to couple up with...

I want the couple up with...

I want the couple up with
this boy because...
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