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07x09 - Divine Inspiration

Posted: 04/29/24 09:10
by bunniefuu
[RuPaul] Previously on
RuPaul's Drag Race...

Come on out, Kitty Girl.

-[overlapping chatter]
-[Violet] Are you serious?

God dammit!

[Katya] Everyone is back.

Each of you will be making over
an eliminated queen

-as your conjoined twin.
-[Violet] Oh, my god.

[RuPaul] And the eliminated queen
in the winning pair

will return to the competition!

I know you're both pageant girls,
which is why this is predictable for me.

Next to the others, it didn't stack up.

I wish they looked more like breasts.

Pearl, you are the winner
of this week's challenge.

Trixie Mattel,
that means you're back in the race, girl.

Ginger Minj. Shantay, you stay.

Jaidynn Diore, sashay away.

[Violet] I feel
I've been through the ringer.

-It's so weird to see you over there.
-I know!

Girl, that was crazy.
Ever since we started this challenge,

I've not really been in a good place.
I've been in my head.

This was my wake-up call.
Ginger, you're better than this.

You need to make sure
you pull it together.

[RuPaul] That's okay.

-[Violet] Welcome back.
-[Ginger] Welcome.

-[Pearl] Oh, my god.
-Thank you, guys.

I'm back and I deserve to be here.
I'm gonna k*ll the next challenge.

-Thanks, Pearl, for helping me get back.
-[Violet] Why did you bring that tramp?

I can feel the sisterhood.

Should have been the top six,
but we have a top seven, thanks to Trixie.

-You better bring your A game.
-It's a w*r, bitch.

You can smell the resentments,
as much as you can smell Violet's BO.

I'm pissed off, to be honest with you
and this is not a read on you

but if I walked out there
with a dress I just picked,

they would have clocked me
for not trying hard enough.

I'm not on the same page as Pearl.
She's been relaxing.

I came here to play, and to win.

All you can do is chill the f*ck out
and just do you.

It's working for me.

The dynamics have changed
since Trixie went home.

Some people are falling to pieces,
some people are rising to the top.

Some people are cruising
on the Pacific coastal highway.

[coughs] I think I swallowed a feather.

RuPaul's Drag Race

[RuPaul] The winner of RuPaul's Drag Race
receives a one year supply

of Anastasia Beverly Hills cosmetics,

and a cash prize of $100,000!

Our extra special guest judges
Demi Lovato and John Waters.

RuPaul's Drag Race

May the best woman, best woman win

[tires screeching]

[electronic music]


Another day. Another journey.

Today is a new day with an extra bitch,

but one day you're in,
the next day you're out, Miss Trixie.

Is anybody excited
about what today might avail?

That's pretty fancy language
for a farm girl.

I learned a few things in the big city.

-[alarm sounds]
-[Fame] Whoa.

She done already done had herses!

Good morning, Baltimore.

Having female trouble?
Well, don't be a crybaby.

Because all you need
to become America's next drag superstar

is hairspray and polyester.

Oh, and don't forget to hide your pecker.


-I love Steven Spielberg.

-Hello, hello, hello.
-[all] Hi!

Ladies, y'all went through it
during our little reunion last week.

So listen, this is a good time to vent...

Now, in the great tradition
of Paris is Burning,

the library is about to be open, hey!

-Because reading is what?
-[all] Fundamental.

-That's right, children.

First up, Ginger Minj.
The library is open, darling.

Okay. Trixie Mattel.

Making fun of you
is like sh**ting clownfish in a barrel.

that's about as fishy as you'll ever be.

Miss Fame,
I think everything about you is original,

except for those lips,
those cheeks and, oh...

everything you present
to the judges on the runway.

You bitch!

Pearl, you've come out of your shell,
maybe you could use that as a butt pad?

-[RuPaul] Ooh.

Violet Chachki,
you keep training those corsets, girl.

Pretty soon, your waist size
will be lower than your IQ.

Miss Fame,
you are such a talented makeup artist.

I never met anybody who's able to shove
their head so far up their own ass

without smudging their eyeliner.

Ginger Minj, I disagree with the judges.

You should bring your black hairspray
down further, full coverage.

-[RuPaul] Ooh!

Katya, at this point, you should just make
like your hairline and recede.

Trixie Mattel, haute couture?
More like haute glue.

-That was good.

Is that... Ben Affleck?

I must be hungry for the d*ck
if I think this thirsty bitch is her.


Katya, now you get to increase
your hooking fee.

Thank you, RuPaul's Drag Race.

Fame, she wasn't funny.
It was like... crickets.

And you like...

[crickets chirping]

Miss Trixie, girl, I am waiting
for you to change that lip color,

'cause your face looks like
the back of a baboon's ass.


Oh, look, it's a giraffe.
No, it's a horse.

Oh, it's just Miss Violet,

serving her [neighs] realness.

Katya, where do you get your outfits?
American apparently not?

Ginger Minj, did you ever save Carol Anne
from the poltergeist in the TV?

Violet, I don't believe the rumors,
that you took Sharon Needles' crown.

I don't believe
you're taking this one either.

Kennedy Davenport.
You've got your eye on the prize.

And the other eye on the crown.

Katya, are you confused?

The saying is,
"Young, dumb, and full of cup."


The library is closed
and Pearl, the door is over there.

I'm gonna post
all of my favorite reads on

The winner of today's mini challenge is...

-Trixie Mattel!

I'm back.
Trixie Mattel has way more up her sleeve.

You've won
a $500 gift card from SequinQueen.

Thank god.

This week, we are paying tribute
to the Sultan of Sleaze,

The Baron of Bad Taste,

the legendary director John Waters.


From his early cult classics
like Pink Flamingos

to his mega hit Hairspray,

John worked with one of my idols...
the late, great Divine.

And when these two worked together,
they made magic. Take a look.

I am Divine!




Now, I hope you take
some Divine inspiration from that

because for this week's maxi challenge,

you'll be screen testing
for parts in a new Rusical

based on some
of John Waters' most iconic scenes.


So I'm gonna give you a quick moment
to break into three teams.

Go ahead.


Pearl, me, and Violet
looked at each other and we're "ugh".

[Fame] We didn't choose to be together.
We were the remnants left.

None of us excel
in these kind of challenges.

we're providing wigs from Weaven Steven.

You know, to help get you into character.

Gentlemen, start your engines,
and may the best woman win.

Our scene is called Cha Cha Heels,
and it's based on Female Trouble.

Can I be Dawn?

I wanted to be Dawn Davenport,
because it's a bigger part,

and I see opportunities
to just go over the top.

You know, Dawn is singing.
You can sing, right?


-But aren't they all singing?
-Dawn is the most singing.

So we start listening to the music,

and she start hearing
those notes that Dawn was singing...

They don't look like Cha-Cha Heels

Oh, no, honey!

Where's my Christmas delivery

Lord, help us all.

Eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs

Our challenge is musical adaptations
of famous John Waters scenes.

-♪ What the hell are these?
-♪ Your new shoes

John Waters has a filthy,
twisted, delinquent sense of humor.

That dog over there just took a poo.

He's my hero.

-♪ It's time for me to play with...
-♪ No don't you touch that

Yeah, come and touch that

Our team gets assigned "Poo",

which is inspired by a John Waters film
called Pink Flamingos.

I'm playing Middle Divine,
Fame gets to play Bad Divine,

and Pearl is playing Good Divine.

Don't play with doo-doo

No, don't play with poo

I'm trying to understand your character,
because you're playing the devilish angel.

-You're hovering on her shoulder.

-And then coming like this...
-There's only one part where I do that.

-[Violet] Let's run through it.

-[Violet] That's a minor detail.
-All right.

-♪ Every night at dinner when dinner...

Know why I stopped there?
I feel like our voices sound the same.

We're doing the same voice impersonation.

Why don't you just be
lower and grumblier and grosser?

That's not funny. Deeper is not funny.

Oh, my god.

-Hello, hello, hello.
-[all] Hi.

-Hey, ladies.
-[both] Hi.

Who's playing Divine,
and who the mother?

-Divine. Mother.
-[Ru] Okay.

-Now, Kennedy, you're a singer.

-Do you sing?
-[laughs] No.

And it was so funny
'cause she was like, "Can I be Dawn?"

-I start hitting the notes. She said...
-We gotta switch.

Last week, you were criticized
for bringing too much pageantry,

so this challenge
could force you out of your comfort zone.

This is another opportunity
for me to display a different side of me,

so there's no pageant here, baby.

-Hi Ginger. Hi, Trixie.
-Hi, Ru.

-Are you familiar with Divine's work?

When I was younger,
I convinced my grandmother

that Pink Flamingos was for children,
and I wanted to be Divine.

That was a changing point in my life.

[RuPaul] Well, she was
the first drag superstar.

Now, I know that you sing. Do you sing?

-I sing.
-So this is gonna be a breeze for you.

We're gonna top
our own expectations of ourselves.

Neither of us
have ever topped anything before, so...

-Well, can't wait to see it.
-Me either.

All right, ladies, gather round.

In moments, you'll be screen testing
with the help of Michelle Visage

-and composer Lucian Piane.

And tomorrow on the main stage,
the category is...

-"Ugliest dress ever."

So good luck and by all means,

f*ck it up.

-[both] Hi.
-Hi, Kennedy, hi, Katya.

[Katya] It's our turn to sh**t.

We look ridiculous, which always helps.

Ready to tear the house down.
[clicks tongue]

This is all about having as much fun
and going as crazy as you can.

Our Lady J is going to lead you,
so let's begin.

-And, action!
-A five, six, seven, eight.

I told you what I wanted
And you got these

Good girls don't wear cha cha heels

But it's Christmas please, Dawn

Cut. Katya, I love how
you're getting all down, keep that up.

Take two, ladies.

Get off me, you ugly witch

I want my Christmas... [fumbles] ♪

Cut, cut. Cut, cut, cut. Try it again.

-♪ What the hell are these?
-♪ Your new shoes

[fumbles lyrics]


Cut. Cut.

Where's my Christmas delivery?

-Why are you so scared?
-I'm not scared.

It's just the live keyboard
kinda throwing me off.

Ain't no half-stepping this time.
Let's see if we can finish it in one take.

We'll be taking the tree down this time.


All I said I wanted
Was my cha cha heels

Cha cha cha cha cha!

She didn't throw the thing down!

She's to drop this Christmas tree on me
as the big, final gag and then...

She forgets?

-Hi, Ginger Minj and Trixie Mattel.

Being back, I need to be flawless.

I need to show the judges
made a mistake when they cut me.

All right, action.

Every day I hear her scream and shout

Always yelling for her daily feeding

Every night I only dream for...

Cut. You both can carry the tune,
so that's awesome,

but what I'm not getting
is these characters.

Uh, Ginger,
you're playing it a little too sweet.

Sweet? Bitch, have you met me?

Eggs, eggs, eggs, all I want is eggs

Eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs

-♪ All she wants is...
-[both] ♪ Eggs

Cut. I think we need
a little bit more from Babs.

This is a John Waters film! Bigger!

Now it's getting lost. It's falling flat.

They want Trixie to be over the top.

Take that criticism and apply it
as much you apply glitter to your eyelid.

Violet Chachki, Miss Fame, and Pearl.

Aren't you ladies Divine?

Now it's our turn
and we're doing the song "Poo."

I know you're proud of this face, girl.

-Drink her in.
-It's much more than a look.

This is probably
the most iconic John Waters scene of all.

Give it all you got. And... action!

Do play with doo-doo

-♪ Oh do play with poo
-Well, maybe just a sample.

Cut. Miss Fame, I feel
if she's trying to convince this one,

she would start maybe a little smaller
and then get bigger.

Do play with doo-doo

-♪ Oh do play with poo
-Well, maybe just a sample.

All right.

Mama says I shouldn't
Daddy says I wouldn't


-Okay, cut.

Pearl, we need more energy from you.

-Even right now...
-Oh, imagine that.

[Lucian] I need to hear you.

But the biggest problem for me
is that you're in three different things.

Remember you're interacting.
There's a scene here.

Right now, it's like three individuals.

What should I do do

-♪ It's time for me to play with...
-♪ Don't you play with...

Yeah, come on and touch that poo

Touch that poo

Ah, f*ck me, dude.

Sorry, I knew my lines,
but it was hard to just jump in

when the bitch before me
didn't say her lines.

All right, let's see
what John Waters thinks of these tomorrow.

-[Fame] Yay.
-Ugliest dress, it's finally my week.

This week's runway look
is "the ugliest dress ever".

How did you choose your ugliest dress?
I mean, did you just go...

And pull it off the rack?

-Are you feeling good?
-Yes, really good.

Don't trust that feeling.

I already lip synced once,
I don't want to do it again.

I'm worried because when someone gets
brought back, they immediately go home.

And I am not ready to go home.

She's going real soft today.

[Fame] I like how you block out
your hairline to put dark brown over...

It gets rid of the texture.

Do I talk to you
about how you do your makeup?

-No, but you should be.
-[Pearl] You're an idiot.

Bitch, you're very blessed, your talents
have taken you far, and I'm struggling.

[Pearl] It's okay,
your insecurities can take you there.

And your lack of will to be here
has really gotten you far.

When it comes to Fame,
anyone could read her,

and she's like oh... [rolls tongue],
like, totally joins in, it's cute.

But, like, the second I would,

I always felt
some weird underlying tension.

I don't know. She's, like, odd.

What's been your big struggle with drag?

Well, my whole career has been a struggle.

It's my primary source of income.

The bookings are very scarce.
Drag, it barely paid the bills.

I have no retirement. I have nothing.

It's just a lot of sacrifices being made

because you wanted to pursue
your dream as an entertainer.

A full time job
as a female impersonator is not easy,

especially when you have bills to pay.

But I stuck with drag
because entertaining is my passion.

It's the life of a working artist.
It's hard, but satisfying and exciting.

I cannot believe
John Waters is gonna be here.

Him and Divine are such legends.
It's crazy.

When I started doing drag,
I started seeing those movies,

and it made me feel like it was okay
to be as un-beautiful as I wanted to be.

I always liked to be shocking and funny
before I be pretty.

-We know.


[RuPaul laughs]

Cover girl, put the bass in your walk

Head to toe, let your whole body talk

[Ru] And what?

Welcome to the main stage
of RuPaul's Drag Race.

Our very own motor mouth Maybelle,

Michelle Visage!

I can see
all your female troubles from here.

And the reigning Miss Baltimore crabs.

-Carson Kressley!

-Are you a fan of Polyester?
-I love the movie. Hate the fabric.

And pop goddess Demi Lovato!
You're finally here. We're so excited.

It's an honor,
and I've wanted to do this for so long.

Does this dress make my ass look fat?

But the ass on the front is even better.

And the man of the hour,
legendary filmmaker and author

John Waters! Welcome.

Well, thank you, Miss RuPaul.

It's obvious which category
you fit into, the best.

-I prefer the scattergory category.

This week,
we challenged our queens to sing out

in Divinely-inspired
John Waters screen tests.

And tonight, they're trashing the runway

in their ugliest dresses ever.

Gentlemen, start your engines,
and may the filthiest woman win!

Now, sissy that walk

First up, Newark Laguardia Kennedy.

-[Carson] It's Rose Kennedy Davenport.
-[RuPaul] Yes, honey.

[Kennedy] At the church,
Sister Beulah Mae hits the runway.

I had a little accident in the back.
I didn't know that.

[John] She's picking her seat now.

[RuPaul] Ooh, Katya!

[John] Terrible to waste craft week.

[RuPaul] Crochet, you stay.

[Katya] If Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio
barely survived a meth lab expl*si*n

and then she was cast
in a porno musical of Raggedy Anne.

That is what I am giving you.

[Michelle] Yeah, she's not a hooker.
She's a McCall's girl.

-[RuPaul] Knitter, please!
-[Michelle] Oh, my god.

[RuPaul] Up next, Ginger Minj.

Michelle's favorite color!

[Carson] It's a Tracy Turnblad look.

This is one of the most atrocious frocks

I think
I have ever placed upon my little body.

[Demi] That's about
as lime green as Katy Perry's hair.

-[Michelle] Don't do that color.
-[Demi] Never.

[RuPaul] Next up, Trixie Mattel.

-[Carson] Molly Ringworm.
-[John] Baby Jane as a young girl.

Romy and Matell's High School Reunion.

[Trixie] This is the kind of dress
you'd be mortified you ever wore.

It's so wrong.

[RuPaul] They always say
you can wear the bridesmaid dress again.

-Not true.

[RuPaul] Up next, Pearl.

-[Carson] Very toddlers & tequilas.
-[John] It's the Japanese that do that?

[Pearl] Tonight I am giving you
cutesy, googly-eyed glam.

[Michelle] I've got my Kawaii on you.

[RuPaul] Jeepers, creepers,
where'd you get those peepers?

Violet Chachki. Come through, mama!

[John] She looks like Connie Marble.

[Violet] This dress may be hideous,
but I'm modeling it well.

[Carson] Pride flag? It's the shame flag.

[RuPaul] Her clown posse's on fire.


Miss Fame, that must be her eatin' dress.

-If it ain't brocade, don't fix it.
-[Fame] I'm serving my ugly dress.

I'm showing this shapeless,
big triangle of fluff.

[RuPaul] That's how Miss Fame pops a tent.

♪ Now sissy that walk

Welcome, ladies, it's time to take a look

at your John Waters screen tests.

First up, Kennedy Davenport and Katya

in Cha Cha Heels.

Come here, Dawn! Santa brought presents.

-Jesus, I'm comin'!
-Please, Dawn.

Let's not fight. It's Christmas!

I ain't gonna be singing
no Christmas carols.

Where's your Christmas spirit, Dawn?

I better be gettin' cha cha heels.

-♪ What the hell are these?
-♪ Your new shoes

But they don't look like cha cha heels

I told you what I wanted
And you got these

Good girls don't wear cha cha heels

But I don't care
What the good girls wear

-♪ It really don't matter to me
-Please, Dawn, it's Christmas!

Get off me, you ugly witch
I want my Christmas delivery

All I ever wanted
All I ever wanted

All I ever wanted was my cha cha heels

-♪ All I said I wanted

All I said I wanted
Was my cha cha heels

But it's Christmas! Please, Dawn!

But it's Christmas! Please, Dawn!

I want my cha cha, cha cha
Cha cha cha-cha-cha-cha

Cha cha cha-cha-cha


Next, Ginger Minj and Trixie Mattel
in Eggs.

-Your country breakfast is ready.

Babs, I'm so hungry!

-Please come here.
-[Trixie] I'm comin', mama!

In the morning when the sun comes out

I get hungry like I've never eaten

Every day
I hear her scream and shout

Always yelling for her daily feedin'

All night long I only dream for

At 10:30 I hear her scream for...

Eggs, eggs, eggs
All I want is eggs

Eggs, eggs, eggs
All I want is eggs

Eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs

-♪ All she wants is...
-[both] ♪ Eggs, eggs, eggs

It's another dozen eggs, mama

-♪ Do you want them over-easy?
-♪ No way

I want them sunny-side up
Since the sun is shining

Has the egg man come to us today?

I'm sure he'd stop by
If you stop your whinin'

Oh, I love him so
For bringing what I dream for

Here's another dozen
Right at the screen door

Eggs, eggs, eggs
All I want is eggs

Eggs, eggs, eggs
All I want is eggs

Eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs

-♪ All she wants is...
-[both] ♪ Eggs, eggs, eggs

All I want is eggs, eggs, eggs

-Deeply, deeply disturbing.

[RuPaul] Next, Pearl, Violet Chachki,
and Miss Fame in Poo.

Oh, look!
That dog over there is taking a poo!

Mama says I shouldn't
My daddy says I wouldn't

Do you really care what they say?

Should I get on the ground
And get all filthy?

-♪ Not where all the puppies play
-Maybe you're right.

-♪ Let's try something cleaner
-♪ The dog looks like a wiener!

You know you really have bad taste

Every night at dinner
When dinner should begin

Our mom said
"Don't let any shit go to waste"

And she also says...
Don't play with doo-doo

-♪ Oh, don't play with poo
-Don't listen to her!

Don't play with doo-doo

Or I'm gonna beat you black and blue

Oh, hell, no.
Do play with doo-doo

-♪ Oh, do play with poo
-Maybe just a sample.

Do play with doo-doo

Let your filthy girl shine through

It's still warm!

Don't touch that doo-doo

Oh, do touch that poo

What should I do do?

-♪ It's time for me to play with...
-♪ No, don't you play with...

-♪ Yeah, come on and touch that...
-♪ Oh, I've gotta touch it

Wow, she's gotta touch that poo

-[man] Cut!
-I'm so glad that's over.

I'm starving.
You got anything good around here to eat?

-Absolutely filthy.

All right, my Divine dolls,
time for the judges' critiques.

Let's start with Kennedy Davenport.

I don't think your look is ugly enough.
It's kind of old lady chic.

As Dawn Davenport,
you lived up to your name perfectly.

The rage was there.
It was very much a tribute to me.

-I was flattered.
-It's an honor.

You know, Kennedy,
it wasn't until just now

I realized you played Dawn Davenport,
and you are Kennedy Davenport.



Next up, Katya.

You went beyond playing the straight
mother and added a new layer of filth.

You did a beautiful obscenity,
so I wanted to congratulate you.

As for this outfit... ugh, those colors.
They just... give me life.

It's all really ugly. Well done.

But I think the hippest girl in Brooklyn
would love that dress and wear it today.

All right, next up, Ginger Minj.

Tonight, the color is horrendous.

Your performance as Edie
was a masterpiece.

[John] There was moments
when it looked exactly like her.

-She had some loveliness that you played.
-Thank you.

[RuPaul] Trixie Mattel.

To me, it's not terribly ugly.
There's leopard print in there,!

I think I might have actually worn this.
It's from the Gunny Sacks catalogue, 1986.

You know, in this scene in the movie,
Divine isn't angry,

so I thought there was a moment of pathos.

-You did that well.
-Thank you.

But I do feel
like Ginger outshined you a little bit.

[RuPaul] Next up, Pearl.

Your dress
is the least ugliest out of everyone's.

I'm not gonna lie. I feel cute.

With your performance,
you knew your lines.

A bit hesitant.
We're getting down to the wire here.

-So you need to go forth at this point.

Yes. I didn't even understand
you were supposed to be the good Divine.

[RuPaul] Next up, Violet Chachki.

On your runway look,
more than anybody on this stage,

you nailed this challenge
because you're giving us ugly.

-It's a talent.
-Your performance as Divine.

Out of the group,
you looked the most authentic.

But I didn't quite understand the padding.
If you were gonna go full Divine, do it.

I thought the performance
was a little bit flat for me,

just because it didn't seem to me
you had your confidence with the material.

[RuPaul] Up next, Miss Fame.

Miss Fame, you need ugly lessons.

Because that dress, to me,
is incredibly elegant.

The performance wasn't my favorite.

It was put on so much.

As an actress, you don't have to say,
"Look at me, I'm bad!"

It should come naturally.

[RuPaul] At this point in the competition,
I have to ask the question:

who deserves to go home tonight and why?

-Kennedy Davenport.
-I would have to say Fame.

Because clearly, the struggle is real.

-[RuPaul] Katya.
-I would probably say Fame.

She's been in the bottom consistently
over the past three or so weeks.

-Ginger Minj.
-I would have to agree and say Fame.

I don't know
how much more she has to offer.

-[RuPaul] Trixie Mattel.

She dropped the ball
on her look and her performance.

-[RuPaul] Pearl.
-I love her...

But I'd probably have to agree
just based on not winning a challenge yet.

-[RuPaul] Violet Chachki.
-Trixie got to come back.

She should be looked at
with a magnifying lens, it should be her.

All right, Miss Fame,
I want to hear from you.

f*ck all these b*tches.

Truth be told, there's this part of Pearl
that's too cool for season seven,

and that frustrates me
because I'm fighting to stay.

-She knows what I'm talking about.
-I don't.

I don't think
I'm too cool for season seven at all.

I'm actually really surprised
to hear that from her.

Well, my queens,
I think we've heard enough.

While you untuck backstage,
the judges and I will deliberate.

Just between us filthy, dirty girls,

what do you think?
Let's start with Kennedy Davenport.

She was hilarious. She had the anger.

She could look like a church lady and go
to a rage-filled Divine at the same time.

Even though she was doing Dawn Davenport,
she was still putting her flavor into it.

-[RuPaul] Katya.
-Katya was certainly ugly drag tonight.

Her performance,
she took this really kind of nothing role

and turned it
into something meaty and substantial.

She was not afraid to play not glamorous.

A lot of drag queens I know
are afraid to do that.

You were looking at me when you said that.

All right, moving on. Ginger Minj.

She embodied Edith Massey as the egg lady.

She really did go balls deep.

-[RuPaul] Trixie Mattel.
-As Babs, she did a good job.

It still wasn't enough
compared to what Ginger was doing.

-It's hard to compete with a Ginger Minj.
-I've tried.

-[RuPaul] Pearl.
-She's doesn't give a lot when performing.

That outfit...not only is it not ugly,
it's incredibly flattering for her.

So she does not follow directions.

Violet Chachki.
That was the ugliest dress.

[Michelle] She's posed in it,
like when Lucille wore a potato sack.

That moment of "I'm fabulous."

I think her performance was about
as talented as a colorblind makeup artist.

-[RuPaul] Miss Fame.
-She has something that I root for.

When she said, "f*ck those b*tches,"
I was like, "Okay, I like her."

-Her ugly dress was not ugly.
-The performance was ugly.

If I told her to change something, "no".
She hears, but she doesn't listen.

You know who the star of that scene was?
The dog!

Silence! I made my decision.

Bring back my p*ssy willows.

Welcome back, ladies.
I've made some decisions.


you're safe.

Thank you.

Katya, you're safe.

Ginger Minj.
This week, you gave us green... eggs...

-And hammed it up.

You're the winner of this challenge.

Thank you.

[RuPaul] You've won a hair-raising
custom wig wardrobe

from Weaven Steven.

Oh, my god, I won another challenge.

I'm the first bitch this season
to win three.

[RuPaul] Trixie Mattel.

-You're safe, huevos ranchero.
-Thank you.

Pearl, your dress
was not a sight for sore eyes.

And your Divine performance
was a little B.M.,

Barely Memorable.

Violet Chachki,
your ugly dress made us happy.

But your Divine performance
was kinda crappy.

Miss Fame, your ugly dress
had too much beauty

and your Divine performance
was a real doody.

Violet Chachki...


You're safe.

Thank you.

Pearl, Miss Fame, I'm sorry, my dears,
but you are both up for elimination.

She called me out. I'll send her packin'.

[RuPaul] Two queens stand before me.

Prior to tonight, you were asked
to prepare a lip sync performance

of "Really Don't Care" by Demi Lovato.

Ladies, this is your last chance
to impress me

and save yourself from elimination.

-The time has come...
-[thunder claps] lip sync...

...for your life!

[Fame] I hate we had to have this energy,
but I have to fight to be here,

and I hope and pray that I get to stay.

Good luck, ladies. And don't...

f*ck it up.

[Really Don't Care plays]

You wanna play, you wanna stay
You wanna have it all

You started messing with my head
Until I hit a wall

Maybe I should have known
Maybe I should have known

That you would walk, you would walk

But even if the stars and moon collide

I never want you back into my life

You can take your words
And all your lies

Oh, oh, oh, I really don't care

Even if the stars and moon collide

I never want you back into my life

You can take your words
And all your lies

Oh, oh, oh, I really don't care

Now if we meet out on the street
I won't be running scared

I'll walk right up to you
And put one finger in the air

[Violet] They said each other
should go home,

so I'm sure flipping each other off
came from a real place.

But even if the stars and moon collide

I never want you back into my life

You can take your words
And all your lies

Oh, oh, oh, I really don't care

Oh, oh, oh, I really don't care

Ladies, I've made my decision.

Pearl... Shantay, you stay.

You may join the other girls.

Miss Fame,
your 15 minutes with us may be up,

but your legend will live forever.

Now, sashay away.

The cosmic queen departs.


[Fame] I feel sad. This was like
a dream come true to be a part of this.

I didn't expect it to be so challenging,
you know, and it really, really was.

This experience opened up things
that I never would have expected,

There's no limitation
from this point forward.

Maybe take a few acting classes.
But everything else, I feel like...

I feel like I did good.

My sickening six, condragulations.
And remember:

If you can't love yourself, why, darn it,

how the hell you gonna love somebody else?

-Can I get an "amen" up in here?
-[all] Amen.

-Can I buy a vowel?

All right, well, then let the music play.

Take me up, up, up

Oh, up, up, up
Up, up, up

[RuPaul] Bye!