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07x02 - Glamazonian Airways

Posted: 04/29/24 09:05
by bunniefuu
[RuPaul] Previously
on RuPaul's Drag Race.

This is the most draggedy
season premiere ever.

You'll be making your main stage debut

naked and afraid.

No tea, no shade, no pink lemonade,

but you don't want to see
these girls up in here naked.

[RuPaul] Tempest DuJour.

You're wrinkly. You're droopy.

[RuPaul] Violet Chachki.

You have the essence of crazy,
skinny models that may not have boobs.

[RuPaul] Kandy Ho.

It looks like you literally
contoured on a beard.


Violet Chachki, you are
the winner of this week's challenge.

Kandy Ho, shantay, you stay.

Tempest DuJour, sashay away.

[tense music playing]

-Whew. My goodness.
-Oh, my God.

We're back in the workroom,
and Tempest has gone home.

"You're never too old to dream."

The reality of the situation
is hitting all of us.

Every challenge,
somebody's got to go home.

-[Kasha] Was it nerve-racking?
-[Kandy] No, I knew I was gonna win.

-Oh, my God.
-[Kandy] Bye, Tempest.

[Kandy] I'm not gonna let
this first lip sync break my confidence.

I need to show the judges
that I do have what it takes.

Well, condragulations, girl.

-How does that feel?
-I hate Michelle Visage.


What she said
just rubbed me the wrong way.

I would have liked to see it
zhooshed a little 'cause I'm getting boy.

She probably has a bigger man body
than I do without her implants.

[Jasmine] Don't go there, girl.

Of course Michelle Visage
is gonna judge you. It's her job.

You'll get negative criticism
no matter what.

[Violet] It wasn't tasteful.
It was like, "Ew, Michelle."

Michelle seems underwhelmed
with what I was doing,

but I impressed myself.

[blows raspberry]

-I thought you was gonna win.
-I mean, there has to be a winner,

and I think that your win was valid.
I stand by that.

-I'm not sitting here mad about it.
-A little bit.

Did the judges get it right?

Pause, pause, pause.

Maybe not.

-[Kandy] Well, congratulations, girl.
-[Violet] Oh, girl, yes.

Are you mad at me?

Tonight, Sasha threw me
under the bus on the stage.

Which queen
has least impressed you thus far?

I'd have to say Pearl.

I expect to be hated on.
I wasn't expecting it so soon,

because she's been cool
to my face the whole time.

-Whatever. It's all good.
-Well, obviously it's not.

Half of me saying Pearl's name
was strategy

because Pearl is
one of my biggest competitors,

and half of it was 'cause she acts
like she doesn't want to be here.

I get it. You're playing the game.

-You should be.
-I don't want an evil game,

-but I'm...

Okay, well, never mind.

[Pearl] If I was her,
I wouldn't want me to be here either.

I'm pretty, and she looks
like fricking John Goodman in a wig.

[engine revs]

[RuPaul] The winner receives
a one-year supply

of Anastasia Beverly Hills Cosmetics

and $100,000.

With extra-special guest judges
Jordin Sparks and Olivia Newton-John.

RuPaul's Drag Race
May the best woman win

[tires screeching]

[dance music playing]

Oh, girl. You're gonna run me
into the wall. You're shady.

[Max] Well, it is a new week,
and I'm just optimistic.

It's a drag competition.

If you're not having fun,
then you're not doing it right.

Miss Fame? How are you doing
without your husband?

Oh, girl, I miss him dearly,
but I'm surviving.

Y'all cuddle up a bit too much
for my comfort. I need an adult.

[siren blaring]

[RuPaul] She done
already done had herses.

Hey, fly girls.
America's next drag superstar

needs to work the runway
and show me some sass.

Then, I'll bump your booty up
from coach to first class.

But remember,
if you want me to warm your nuts,

well, that's gonna cost you extra.

[engine roars]

I don't even know what first class is.

-Hello, hello, hello.

Condragulations, ladies.
For today's mini challenge,

you need to give face, face, face,

while the pit crew blows you.

With a leaf blower.

-[Jasmine] Damn.
-[RuPaul] Oh, pit crew.

[Ginger] Girl, I'm from Florida.
I have survived many a hurricane,

but never one
that's been blowing me in the mouth.

Now, the two most unflappable queens

with the most flappable faces will win.

You have 15 minutes to get into drags.

Ready, set, go.

[dance music playing]

We're never gonna pick up
hot men looking like this.

[RuPaul] All right, time's up, ladies.

Now, to help judge today's mini challenge,
give a big drag-race welcome

to my good friend, music superstar Moby.


-Hello, my darling.

Look at all these beautiful people.
Hi, everybody.

I feel short and homeless next to you.

Well, and rightfully so.

All right, ladies, show of hands.
Who wants to get blown first?

[RuPaul] Pit crew,

let it rip.

[blower whirrs]

[dubstep music playing]

[RuPaul laughing]

Gone with the weave!

[RuPaul laughing]

That's right, get your second wind, girls.

[RuPaul laughing]

Oh, cheeky.

[RuPaul laughing]

[RuPaul laughing]

Oh, my God. She's such a blowhard.

[RuPaul laughing]

[RuPaul laughing]


I think that's the dumbest thing
I've ever done in my entire life.

The two winners
of today's mini challenge are...

Ginger Minj and Trixie Mattel.

Condragulations, ladies.

We'll be posting these gifs

Now, for this week's maxi challenge,
get ready for a lip sync-a-palooza,

as you'll be performing
a mashup of spoken word and song,

the safety preflight video
for #GlamazonianAirways,

the first airlines
run completely by drag queens.

You'll be working in two teams.

Ginger and Trixie,
since you won the mini challenge,

you get to pick the crews
and assign the parts.

-Ginger, you pick first.
-I'll take Sasha Belle.


I'm a Pearl girl.

[Ginger] Take Miss Jasmine.

-Miss Lame.
-Hi, boo.

-Mrs. Kasha Davis.
-Thank you, darling.

-Miss Katya.

-Miss Jaidynn Diore Fierce.
-Yes, ma'am.

-Well, Ru, I'm all Maxed out.

[Ginger] I'll take
Miss Kennedy Davenport.

[RuPaul] That leaves
Violet and Kandy Ho.

[Violet] I won the first challenge,

so I don't really understand
why they are not choosing me.


Which means, Kandy Ho,
you're on Ginger's team.

[Kandy] What the hell?

You're underestimating what I can do.

I've got to catch a flight,
so I'm gonna make this really quick.

Gentlemen, start your engines,
and may the best woman win.

-See ya!

Here's part one,
so we can all listen together.

-Does anyone lip-sync extremely well?

For the first part, where it's two girls
who start singing together,

I think you guys should look like...

We got to figure it out soon, because...

Should we all just listen?

Because when we're talking,
we're not what? Listening.

Violet has been rubbing me
the wrong way.

Whatever you say,
she needs to snap back at you,

and it's like, "All right,
public school. Calm down."

Is anybody not a dancer at all?

I'm not not a dancer,
but I'm not a dancer.

So are you a dancer?

There's definitely
a tense sort of air with Violet

that can have an effect
on our energy as a group.

Positive energies, positive energies,
positive energies.


[Ginger] We should listen to it,
kind of get an idea,

-and then we'll assign parts.
-[Jasmine] Yeah.

Our challenge this week
is to do a live lip sync

in front of the judges with choreography.

This is right on my alley.

What'll make the first part pop
when we're all singing together,

we should get our vowel movement...
Our vowel movements synced up.

So I'll be 7, so I could do
the thing about the padded ass.

My pants are out to here.

I think 13 and 11 should be
Jasmine and Kennedy.

[Jasmine] I'm down.

Wee da-ba-de-do, da-ba-de-do,
da-ba-de-do, da-ba-de-do...

-I like the scat.
-I bet you do.

I think looks-wise,
I want to have you do the scat thing.

Are there any questions about that?

Let's try one more again.

Ginger gives the scat part to Kasha.

-And you could be... twelve.

I think I'm most concerned about
having such a small part.

[Kasha] Sasha doesn't like the role
that she's been cast. She's meh.



-Hello, hello, hello.

-So, Ginger, you're the leader.

What made you pick this team?

I wanted to go for a team

that was not only talented,
but also very diverse.

If you look at the other team,
they look like Aryan Airlines.


Now, has any of you girls
not done spoken-word lip-syncing?

-I don't think I have.
-You have not?

You don't think you have?

Okay. All right.

Did you assign the parts,

or did you let your team choose
what they wanted to do?

I assigned them.

I made sure everybody
was comfortable with their role

because I want everybody
to be able to express themselves.

-What are you most worried about?
-Well, I'm not a dancer.

I'm gonna throw that out there now.

If I fall, y'all better not showgirls me.
You better pick me up.

To be the one who is leading
this team in a dance number...

All right, get to it.

...if something goes down,
I'm going down with it.

-[RuPaul] Hey, ladies.
-[all] Hi, Ru.


-So, Trixie, you're our team leader.
-An amazing team.

-You have a theater background.
-Yeah. This is my gig.

And any other girls
have acting experience?

-Miss Fame, any acting?
-Not yet.

I've had some opportunities
that could be considered

an entryway to acting,

but not to the degree that I'd like to see
my future evolve into.

You just described a Craigslist ad.

I'm worried about Fame because
she has hardly any performing experience,

so she looks amazing,
but can she deliver on stage?

Katya, don't you have a dance background?

A little bit. I wouldn't call myself
a "dancer," per se,

but I can move my body
in a compelling way.

Usually it compels people
to leave the room but...

-All right, get to work.
-Thank you.

All right, gather round,
sexy stewardesses. Gather round.

In a moment, you'll meet
with choreographer Jamal Sims.

So I expect your charisma,
uniqueness, nerve, and talent

to be on fire!

Don't f*ck it up. All right, bye.

[dance music playing]

-[Violet] Hi.

How's everybody doing?


-Who's queen one?
-That's me.

You have your whole speech?

The first thing that I'm freaking out
about is, of course,

memorizing my lines.

-And let's go.
-Welcome aboard, welcome aboard.


I have a f*cking monologue.

I'm the first impression.
I'm the first part of this group.

If I f*ck it up, I could go home.

[Jamal] Violet, you're gonna come center,
and then when you say,

"They're there to make you skinny,"
you're gonna take it and tighter

all the way around her,
and you're, like, "It is skinny."

All right, here we go.

It's gonna be pulled real tight
Real tight, real tight, real tight, go!

[Jamal] Everybody sing.

Tighter, tighter, tighter, tighter...

-[Jamal] Okay.
-[Violet] Bitch, pull it tight.

Get it right on that waist.

I have the smallest waist
in Drag Race history.

I want people to see it.

[Violet] Really tighten it.

[Pearl] I don't have time to tighten it
all the way, run around you,

and tuck it into your belt.
Tighten it all the way.

Don't tell me what to do
and don't get an attitude with me.

You're not the only one
dancing on the stage right now.

[Jamal] Pearl and Miss Fame, take center.

Can I put this in the pocket while we...
I'm just trying to take this all in.

I'm feeling a little bit nervous.

I can dance at the club
and get a husband,

but I don't...
I'm not a choreograph dancer.

[Jamal] All right, you guys go
shake, shake, shake.

So booty, booty, booty, booty.

Five, six, seven, eight, hit.

[Miss Fame] Oh, lost it.

So Miss Fame, her execution is so bad.

There's no rhythm. There's no musicality.

-Just that, that, that.
-Like that?

Her hips don't move
like a woman's hip should move.

[Jamal] "There are two in the front
and only one in the..."

Uh-oh. Something happened here.

Pearl and Fame are not together,

and neither are doing
the choreo correctly, which is bad.

[Jamal] "There are two in the front
and only one in the rear."

This way.

-All right, this is already wrong.
-Oh, sorry.

We've got to get you guys in sync,
because right now it's looking like...

-A mess.

-All right, let's go again.

[Trixie] They're not dancers,
but they better get it now,

because we don't have time
to struggle with the choreography.

[Jamal] Hey, hey, hey.

-Team Ginger's in the house.
-Something like that.

[Ginger] When I lead
our group in for our rehearsal,

and I see Jamal standing there,

I about flood my basement,
'cause that is one good-looking man.

The choreography goes like this.

If there be, one, two,
understanding, and none...

I can't do that.

It's just a rehearsal.
It's doing it over and over again.

Let's try it all together.
Let me see what that looks like.

From the top.

Ginger's like a bull in a china shop,

but when she's doing the choreo,
she becomes a mouse.

I keep getting caught up on that thing.

I'm thinking about it before I get there,
so I'm kind of screwed.

I could tell that.
You look scared in the front.


Let's do it again. Here we go.
Come on. Say, ah, ah, ah...

I'm gonna slide. I'ma have to put
some slippy slides on the bottom.

Yeah, we gonna have to do
something with them shoes.

I need you to not be in your head,
you know what I mean?

And I see it with you. You know,
you have to let all of your things go.

I need you to sell it right now.

I had a knee injury last year.

I'm not trying to make any excuses,

but I did have a knee injury last year,
so I'm kind of still scared.

[Ginger] I picked my big girl sister,
Jaidynn, to be on my team

because I feel like there's solidarity
in solid girls,

but all I want to do is, I don't know,
call in a b*mb thr*at or something

and hopefully we can postpone the show.

[lounge music playing]

-Girl, another day.
-Someone's going home.

[Ginger] How about the other team?
What do you guys still got to work on?

Honestly, we've...
Everything was really smooth.

How's that going for you?

Because I know you're not a performer.

What do you mean?

Well, you say. You're a fashion girl.

-But I still have to evoke emotion.
-But you don't have to do that,

-and one, two, step all the time.
-True. I mean...

Be careful the things that you say.
You have to remember,

-all this talking you be doing.

[Miss Fame] Some of them
are selling me short.

I've been hired to work
and do drag at clubs,

but I want to push the boundaries
of where drag can go.

I want to be the supermodel in drag.

We have strengths in other departments.
That's why we're all here together.

[Jasmine] A drag queen performs,
unless you just playing dress up.

It's not about trying to be pretty.
It's about entertaining.

But some of us don't want to be
at the club for the rest of our career.

[Jaidynn] Oh!

-Bitch, you in the wrong competition.
-You right, girl. You right.

[Ginger] Whoo!

I just wanted to call it
like I see it with Miss Fame.

I didn't mean for everybody
to jump in at once and start a turf w*r.

It's not West Side Story.

[lounge music playing]

This is my first time in drag.

-It's actually kind of adorable.
-Shut up!

You look kind of the same.

Miss Fame, get your pictures real quick.

[Miss Fame] This is my husband, Patrick.
These are my mom. She didn't raise me.

She struggled with dr*gs and alcohol
throughout my entire life.

-[Violet] Your grandparents raised you?
-[Miss Fame] Yeah.

Sorry. This picture
is just getting me today.

I don't know why. It's so weird.

My grandfather was m*rder*d
when I was 15, in high school.

Oh, my God.

I remember the phone call.
I couldn't comprehend that loss.

It was so sudden.

That was the man that supported me
and raised me since I was six months old.

It's like my... my soft spot is there.

Miss Fame's been through a lot.

Overcoming all of that and being here
is an accomplishment in itself.

It must be really hard
to go through a lot like that.

-[Trixie] It's okay, girl.
-[Violet] We'll win this challenge.

We're f*cking here to win it,
and you should be proud of yourself.

["Cover Girl" playing]

[RuPaul laughs]

Cover girl, put the bass in your walk

Head to toe, let your whole body talk

And what?

Welcome to the main stage
of RuPaul's Drag Race.

Our resident fly girl, Michelle Visage.

Come fly with me.
Extra padding for your pleasure.

[RuPaul laughs]

Style superstar Carson Kressley.

-Hey, baby.
-Hey, Ru.

And the gorgeous
and sparkling Jordin Sparks.

Hi, Ru.

I hear that you are
a Drag Race super fan.

I totally am.

I love your voice and your talent.
I'm so glad you're here.

Thank you. I am too. Thank you.

And the one and only Olivia Newton-John.

I've got chills, and they're multiplying.

I'm losing control. You look gorgeous.

Thank you so much.
We are so happy that you're here,

and we are hopelessly devoted to you.

No Xanadu we can throw in too?

This week, we challenged our queens
to a lip-sync extravaganza.

So, gentlemen, start your jet engines,

and may the best woman win.


[RuPaul] Please pay attention
to this preflight safety announcement

from Glamazonian Airways.

Welcome aboard

Glamazonian Airways

How everybody is during this evening?
Hello, welcome aboard.

I'm Miss Valerie Valentine.
I'm your economy/coach stewardess.

Or call me a flight attendant.
I don't like that word

It sounds like I'ma wait on somebody.
I'm not.

I appreciate your attention.
We should be taking off shortly.

I would expect all kind of madness
and turbulence to ensue.

Please fully recline your chairs,
turn on the massage function,

and get ready to get happy, hunty.

Welcome aboard

Glamazonian Airways
The queens of the sky


There are 8,000 people on board!

Now listen up, listen up
Looking for an exit?

I'll make it clear

There are two in the front
But only one in the rear

You don't give a
Unless you're a frequent flyer

Smoking ain't allowed
Unless your p*ssy on fire

Oh, we keep our wigs
In the overhead bins


We do.

Oh, so none of your
Is gonna fit in

Sorry 'bout it.

If you drink enough alcohol,
you can fly anywhere.

And you don't need a plane.

There's a seatbelt
Seatbelt in each of your seats

It's there to make you skinny

It's gonna be pulled real tight
Real tight, real tight, real tight

Tighter, tighter, tighter, tighter

Tighter, tighter, tighter, tighter


Now, really, that is far too tight.
How do you expect anyone to breathe?

When the oxygen masks drop down

Soaring through clouds
Everyone feels it sucking it in and out

Getting so high
We can't believe it

All your troubles, they'll still be
Simply come imagination

Take my hands and fly with me
On a transworld transportation


There's a man on the wing of the plane!

-It's a woman!
-It's a man!

-It's a woman!
-It's a man!

I believe they call them drag queens.


-[Olivia] That was great.
-[Trixie] We rocked it.

We shine like crazy,
and the judges saw that.

[airplane engine roars]

If you want to stay safe

You got to do what mama says

In the event of a water landing

There's only one thing you better do

And let's have no misunderstanding

None of us is gonna wait for you

You better use this padded ass
As a flotation device

Or else you'll drown

-[alarm sounding]
-This is only a test.


He used to take me to the cockpit.

He'd blindfold me
and say unspeakable things.

Mah zee gah lah nah!

And I loved it. I loved it.

Oh, I loved it!

Don't kiss the pilot

Or he'll fly you away

In a moment you'll never forget

Nothing you felt is

Like his manly embrace

As he guides you to his cockpit

There are so many things
You can do to earn your wings

But never, ever, ever kiss the pilot

'Cause that pilot, yes, that pilot man

Is mine

-You bitch!

-Why, I oughta...


And now the main cabin
of Glamazonian Airways

is proud to present the vocal stylings
of Miss Anita Napkin.

Hi, everybody. I'm here to tell you
to put up your tray tables.

Wee da-ba-de-do, da-ba-de-do
Da-ba-de-do, da-ba-de-do, dweet do-do

Put up your tray
Put up your tray tables


Put up your, put up your
Put up your

Put up your tray please

Put it up now
Put up yours

[laughs] Wasn't she just great,
ladies and gentlemen?

I had no idea you were so into scat.


Ooh, girl.


Well, must I tell you not to fart?
I ain't your drag mom

I'ma call the TSA
If you drop a booty b*mb

The windows never open
There's no way to ventilate

But we got RuPaul perfume
And we sell it by the case

RuPaul's Glamazon perfume

Glamazonian Airways
Glamazonian Airways

We are the queens of the skies

Come on, b*tches
Show 'em how to work

Work it, bitch, work

Work it, bitch, work

Now sissy that walk

[RuPaul] Category is Jet Set Eleganza.

Trixie Mattel.


At least I can say I gave it all


And if I fly, or if I fall


I'm on my way, I'm on my way

Violet Chachki.

Fly, fly, uh-oh, uh-oh

Miss Fame.

Fly, fly, uh-oh, uh-oh

Kandy Ho.

Fly, fly, fly, fly

Mrs. Kasha Davis.

Kennedy Davenport.

Sasha Belle.

Jaidynn Diore Fierce.

Jasmine Masters.

Ginger Minj.

Now sissy that walk

Welcome, ladies.
You performed in teams,

but tonight you'll be judged
as individuals.

[tense music playing]

Trixie Mattel. Max.
Pearl. Jasmine Masters.

Jaidynn Diore Fierce.
Kennedy Davenport. Kandy Ho.

Ladies, you are safe.

Please deplane to the backstage.


-Loved your hair.

-Thanks for flying.

Is this your bag?

Ladies, you represent
the top and bottom of the week,

and now it's time
for the judges' critique.

First up, Katya.

You're like Hawaiian Barbie
airline flight attendant, and I love it.

[Michelle] But...

you were given the biggest monologue
and didn't know the words.

I don't know what the f*ck happened.

When you're on a live performance,
just keep rolling with it,

because maybe people aren't noticing...

No, we noticed that. We noticed that.

-Next up, Violet Chachki.
-I love your outfit.

-[Carson] Her outfit's a little Grease-y.
-Sandy would love that.

You were so great in the skit.
It wasn't over the top. It was funny.

I noticed that you take yourself
rather seriously,

but underneath there's a clown.

So I'm waiting for her to come out.

Next up, Miss Fame.

I don't think the look says
"Jet Set Eleganza."

And the jewelry is gonna be
a real bitch at the TSA.

Just a heads up.

You were stiff. Maybe you were
uncomfortable with the choreo,

but that shouldn't be the reason
why you stand out.

We get that you're gorgeous,
you're a model.

Now you have got to loosen up.

Relax. Take your hands off your hips.
Yeah, there you are.

Next up, Ginger Minj.

You led your team
to what I think was a victory,

but explain to me how this dress says
"Jet Set Eleganza," please.

I picture this as something
that Elizabeth Taylor could wear.

-On an airplane?
-Of course.

-On her private jet.
-You have a huge personality

and a great charisma,
and you've got it.

Can I do something I've always wanted?


[deep voice] Sandy!

Next up, Sasha Belle.

I kind of lost you in the safety video,

except for when I did see the hair.

That caught my eye,
'cause you kept trying to fix it.

I get it. You don't want
something to just be hanging.

I love the big hair,
but it's so heavy in the front.

We can't see anything
that's going on the top part of you.

And you know, the dress,
it's just kind of shlumpy.

Next up, Mrs. Kasha Davis.

You were so alive.
You came out with so much energy.

You stayed in my mind.

I actually thought
you could have done more.

I wanted to see you really sit
on their tray tables.

-That's another show.
-Right. Yeah, okay.

-Jet Set Eleganza, I'm not getting it.

But what I am getting
is wife of the town lawyer.

He's taking you out to dinner, so you go
to Caché, and you get a nice dress.


Thank you, ladies. We've heard enough.
While you untuck backstage,

the judges and I will deliberate.

Just between us frequent flyers,
what do you think?

-[RuPaul] Katya.
-Jet Set Eleganza was adorable,

but she completely flubbed the words
on the largest monologue.

But I think she had good attitude.

[RuPaul] Violet Chachki.

Everything about her
is super poised and polished.

She grabbed me with her beauty
and her little seatbelt bit.

We got to see
a little glimmer of personality,

but there's so much more
that she's got to let bust out.

[RuPaul] Miss Fame.

She needs to just let it all hang out,
so to speak.

She's so concerned with looking beautiful
that she completely gets lost.

-[RuPaul] Ginger Minj.
-[Carson] I didn't know it,

but now I love minj, which I know
is one of the world's great ironies.

-Do you really love minj?
-I love the minj.

Put a little ginger on that,
I could eat it all day.

I love her personality, and she's a star.

But with that said,
Jet Set Eleganza... Meh.

-[RuPaul] Sasha Belle.
-[Olivia] I feel sorry for her.

She was going for the hair, and I thought,
"Stop, let it go. Take your hand away."

And then her Jet Set Eleganza.
Girl, nobody's sitting on a plane in that.

Everything seems
a little bit flat to me with her.

-Except her ass.
-Except her ass, yes.

[RuPaul] Mrs. Kasha Davis.

She upped her camp factor.
I was so happy with her.

That scat performance
was pretty impressive.

-Then, Jet Set Eleganza.
-You really hate this one.

It was so regular.

Well, she borrowed the outfit from me.

-[Carson] Wah-wah.

Silence. I've made my decision.

Bring back my girls.

[RuPaul laughs]

[RuPaul laughs]

Welcome back, ladies.
I've made some decisions.

Sasha Belle, your performance
was a real departure

but to a destination unknown.

I'm sorry, my dear,
but you are up for elimination.

[Sasha] This is a nightmare come true.

I didn't come here
to be in the bottom two on week two.

Mrs. Kasha Davis,

-you're safe.
-Thank you.

Violet Chachki,

-you're safe.
-Thank you.

Ginger Minj, you love to fly,
and it shows.

Condragulations, you're the winner
of this week's challenge.

You've won five-night
luxury hotel accommodations.

-Courtesy of My Gay Getaway.
-Thank you.

Winning means
absolutely everything to me,

because it was something
that I was afraid to do,

and not only did I survive it,
I conquered it. It's a big day for me.

[RuPaul] Katya, your outfit is a Xana-do.

But your lip sync was a real Xana-don't.

Miss Fame,

you were on a*t*matic pilot,
and you never landed it.


I'm sorry, my dear,
but you are up for elimination.

-Miss Fame, you may join the others.
-Thank you.

Two queens stand before me.

Ladies, this is your last chance

to impress me
and save yourself from elimination.

The time has come

for you to lip-sync

for your life!

I'm about to perform a song
by Olivia Newton-John in front of her,

and I am sweating
like a hooker in church.

Good luck,

and don't f*ck it up.

Do we deserve a second chance?

How did we fall
Into this circumstance?

[Sasha] I'm giving it my all.
I can barely move, but I'm working it.

I'm being funny. I want RuPaul
to see how much I want this.

It's gotta be a strange twist of fate

[Katya] I definitely need
to make a statement,

so I pound my vag*na into that stage
so hard that the building shakes.

Life doesn't mean a thing
Without the love you bring

Love is what we've found
The second time around

[Trixie] Katya is doing splits,
slow splits, backbends.

The look is right. She's k*lling it.

It's gotta be a strange twist of fate

Telling me that heaven can wait

[Olivia] All right.

[RuPaul] Ladies, I've made my decision.

[dramatic music playing]

-Katya, shantay, you stay.
-Thank you so much.

You may join the other girls.

Sasha Belle, a twist of fate
may have cut your time here short,

but keep on ringing them bells, girl.

Now, sashay away.

Thank you so much for everything.

[Sasha] I'm disappointed.
I think I overthought my strategy,

and I was going for the win,
so it sucks getting cut short.

Oh, they're gonna miss me.

[RuPaul] Condragulations, ladies.

if you can't love yourself,
how you gonna love somebody else?

Now spread your wings and fly tonight.

Take me up, up, up
Up, up, up

We can fly tonight
