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06x09 - A Legend in the Baking

Posted: 04/28/24 16:20
by bunniefuu
[upbeat funky music playing]

-Who are we doing this week?

"The person we're helping
this week is Sarah Lim."

"She's 36, and she's from Texas."

Hello, Big Bertha.

[Tan] "She is the owner, operator,
and baker behind OMG Squee,

an Asian-inspired bakery
serving up delicious treats."


[all laughing]

How do you pronounce it? OMG Squee?

Like, oh my God! Squee!


-Squee! Squee!

Squee! [laughs]

So bad. Can't do it on the spot. [laughs]

At OMG Squee,
we sell a lot of Asian-inspired pastries

in shapes of animals
like cats, koala bears, pandas,

Corgis are really popular,
and really anything that has a face.


"She was nominated
by her employee and friend Kelly."

[Sarah] Goodbye, I love you.

-See you later, buddy.

I nominated Sarah because
she definitely has great potential.

She's self-taught,
and she just needs that little extra help

to get her to the success
that she deserves.

[Tan] "Sarah handles the majority
of OMG's baking and decorating herself

and has given up on dressing altogether."


My grooming routine is sad.

I'll usually just wash my hair
and throw it under a hat wet.

Sarah owns literally
every color of beret that you can have.

Any color you can think of,
she has that color.

I love a little beret, honey.
Makes me feel like I'm Emily in Paris.

-Makes me feel like a cute little girl.
-Love that show.

[Sarah] I feel like I used to do more.

I just stopped putting
any effort into myself.

[Tan] "She finds herself retreating
into the back of the bakery

all day to meet customer demands."

-"Dubbing herself a kitchen troll."

Every once in a while, I'll, like,
pop out and be like, "Hey, how's life?"

Okay, I have two minutes.
What can I help with?

[Tan] "This past year
has been rough for Sarah,

who opened her brick-and-mortar bakery
before the pandemic shut everything down."

[Kelly] We were only open
for one week

before we actually had
to pivot to a curbside system.

"In addition to the struggles
of staying afloat financially,

Sarah has experienced vandalism
and loss of custom…"


"…running an Asian-owned business

in a year where hate crimes
in the AAPI community have risen."

When we heard
the virus had started from China, like,

I knew there was going to be
some kind of backlash.

People don't realize how much hate
Asian people are experiencing right now.

-[Tan] Just heartbreaking.

We can't cough because we're Asian,
even if we have allergies or asthma.

People will be like, "Oh, no."

"That Asian-owned business,
like, they have COVID."

So, she really has been through it.

The pandemic, hate, vandalism.

[sobs] Sorry.

I feel like we're just one bad month
away from closing forever. [sniffles]

Which is really hard.

[Jonathan] Time for self-care.

-We gotta do self-love with Sar Bear.

Say no more to surviving mode
and yes to thriving mode.

-Thriving mode.

"So, let's help this funky, eclectic baker

become the confident face of her business
and help Sarah get her squee back."

[all] Squee!

[theme music playing]

♪ Better!
All things just keep getting better ♪

-Oh, my gosh!
-[Karamo] Is this it right here?

Yeah, this is it.

[Jonathan] This is adorable.

[Karamo and Bobby laughing]

[Jonathan] Oh, my gosh.
I'd like to place an order.

-Oh, my God! Hey!
-[Jonathan] Big, big order.

[Tan] Are you Kelly?

-I'm Kelly. Nice to meet y'all.
-Nice to meet you. How are ya?

[Kelly] Good.
Let me go grab Sarah for y'all.

Oh, my God, it looks so good.
This stuff looks really good.

[Kelly] Hey, Sarah.
Can you help me fix the sign?

[Jonathan] I was trying to get in,
but I was too big.

Oh, you're not too big.
Oh, no, Tan, someone's coming.

-[Karamo] Hi!
-[Sarah] Hi! Oh, my God!

[Fab Five] Hi!

-[Karamo] Hey!
-Oh, my God, your beret is so cute!

-Thank you. You're cute!
-[Jonathan] Oh, my God.

-[Karamo] Oh! You're adorable!
-[Bobby] Sarah, come outside with us.

-Let's go!
-[Bobby] Kelly, you're so aggressive!

[Fab Five cheering]


-[Karamo] Nice to meet you.

And so you all work here together?

-Yep, it's just the three of us.
-I get to work with my two best friends.

Can I please feed you?


-Please come in. Safety door.
-Out of my way.

-Love. Thank you.

-Thank you so much.
-[Sarah] Welcome.

[angelic music playing]

[Tan] Ah.

-[Antoni] Look at the little cats!
-[Karamo] Look at Squeegee!

[Tan] I don't know where to put my eyes.

It's so much bigger
than I expected it to be.

This is heaven.

[Jonathan] Wow!

[Bobby] Mmm!

[sighs] Wow.

-[Karamo] Whoo!
-[Antoni] Oh, my God.

[Karamo] So adorable!

Everything is cute!
Every single thing is cute!

[Bobby] What is this?

My first impression of OMG Squee?

It's very disorganized.

It's a little messy.

It's definitely not gonna function well
for a customer-based business.

-[Karamo] Can I have one of those?
-[Sarah] Yes.

-I really would.
-[Sarah] Oh, yeah. What do you want?

-This one is ube. Lemon butter.
-[Jonathan] Ooh! Ooh!

-Please, please. I love lemon stuff.
-[laughs] Oh, me too!

Can I please have one?
It's double fisting, but the right way.

-Yeah. [laughs]
-Know what I mean?

-Mmm! Mmm!
-[Bobby] I want that one there.

All I've been thinking about,
all I'm ever gonna think about,

lemon donuts over lemon donuts
for more lemon donuts.

Doing the happy dance. [grunts]

I gotta say, Sarah's donuts are good.

[singsong] I love these donuts!

I'm on a sugar high! I'm on a sugar high.

-[Sarah] Oh, I'm glad you like it.

This is why
you don't give your kids sugar!

This is my mother's nightmare.

[shouts] Mmm!

What are we here for again?

Antoni, stop putting
nasty things in your mouth!

-Antoni will stick anything in his mouth.

-Tan did it more than I did.
-What's in it?

[Antoni] Yes,
I'm an inherently curious person.

So if, like, somebody has a bottle
of, like, a mystery something

and they wanna put it in my mouth,
I know how that sounds…

I just can't help myself.

Swallow it! Swallow it!
You can do it. I believe in you!

I'm also curious. Am I gonna love it,
hate it? Either way, it's an adventure.

Oh, shit, Sarah. I forgot you're here.


-This shirt is so cute!
-Sarah, let's go make drinkies!

[Tan] That was gorgeous.

Oh, I'm so glad.
That's what we try to do here.

Did you always dream
of starting your own business?

I had an old life
as a freelance photographer.

And then, so I used to--
I've always worked for myself.

-So you've always been creative.
-Yeah, I like to make stuff.

-[Tan] Yeah.
-Yes, you do.

So I just decided to delve right into,
like, something that was really hard.

'Cause I like a challenge.
I like to make people happy.

This is why we vibe with you.

We like to make people happy.

-[Karamo] This is why this energy works.

Oh, I love it!

When you just meet Sarah, you feel
her authenticity, and it pulls you in.

So good.

Even though Sarah's had a hard year,
you can still feel the love in her bakery.

All right, give me a little tour.
I wanna see everything.

Okay, sure. So…

-After you.
-Kitchen. Thank you.

That's our ice cream station
in the corner.

Originally, our plan was to have
people watch Michael make the taiyaki.

-Just didn't have the money to finish.
-[Bobby] Okay.

[Sarah] So, we never got there.

Never got there
with things like the floor.

We run out of space a lot.

-A lot of the baking takes a lot of space.
-Takes a lot of prep work.

-So we're constantly, like, moving around.
-Running into each other.

Yeah, it's a little maze-y, but everything
in here was brought in or built by us.

All of the, like, neon stuff, I made.

You-- Wait. You made the neon?

[Sarah] I cut and painted,
and then I wired it.

I did that for all of our pieces.

-She's a mechanic, baker, electrician.
-Thank you. [laughing]

You are a renaissance lady.

-I got lots of ideas, Bobby.

[Bobby] I love it.

Props to Sarah for keeping this place open
in the middle of a pandemic,

but I can't wait to get in here and finish
a lot of these unfinished projects.

I'm ready for my shift, ladies.

So, I'm really curious.
How did you adapt during the pandemic?

Oh, we pivoted so many times, I could
probably become a basketball player.

-It just…

I mean, we ended up
closing our doors, like,

right after what was, kind of,
a sort of sad attempt at a grand opening,

like, mid-March last year.

Then I ended up doing a lot of character
macarons, which are really popular.

The last set that we did
was the Lunar New Year.

-[Antoni] Hmm.
-And we put them online for presales.

-They sold out in probably ten minutes.

But after about six or eight weeks
of really intense macaron making,

it really took a toll on my body.

-You were the only one making them?
-I'm the only person that makes them.

-Um, a lot of hours.

But, um, we had to, you know, make rent.

-Jeez, your poor little hands.
-[chuckles] I know.

I always say that I'm the arthritic hands
of OMG Squee. [laughs]

It's really hard
not to fall in love with someone

who's so passionate about what they do.

I don't like to… to put things out
unless I'm totally happy with them.

-I get that from you.

[Antoni] Bit of a perfectionist.

And you see that
in every single inch of OMG Squee.

[Sarah] Well, welcome to my main domain.

Aww, the macarons are so cute!

Do you ever think, like,
"Where do I want OMG Squee

to be, like, five years from now?"

Long term, I would love to be able
to do more of the, like, creativity part.

Eventually, I'd love
to ship some of our stuff.

We get requests sometimes,

but we just can't meet the demand
with just me doing everything.

So you are getting the requests.
You can't fulfill the demand?

-[chuckles] Yeah.

[Sarah] You wanna try one?

-Pick out whichever face speaks to you.
-Oh, my gosh.

[Sarah] They're dulce de leche.


-I wasn't expecting like the actual…
-Oh, yeah.

Thought it was whipped in.
This is unbelievable.

It's both. It's whipped in and it's…

And it's not too sweet.

-[Sarah] Yes. I like--
-It's perfect.

I can relate
to Sarah's passion for cooking,

but she wants to be more involved
in the creative process

and not just sitting
in the kitchen all day

decorating these macarons and donuts.

She should teach somebody
how to make those.

Mmm! So good.

Okay, tell me about
the beret thing we have.

Berets just seemed very cute and fun,

and also I can shove
all my hair in the beret. So…

-Okay. Okay.
-[Sarah chuckles]

What else makes an OMG Squee uniform?

Well, we used to wear, um, like,
a black-and-white checkered shirt.

-People liked them.

-Yeah. [laughs]
-Except for Kelly, she hates them.

Uh, but then, you know, the pandemic hit,

and we just kind of fell into
just being in kind of regular clothes.

-I wear a version of what I'm wearing now.

-Can I see it without the apron?
-[Sarah] Sure.

Okay. So, you do look a little messy,

because there are a lot of stains.

-And I see holes on your T-shirt.
-Yes, yes.

For me, I'm struggling to see

the person who is producing
the most beautiful, perfect content,

but then, she's in a T-shirt and jeans.

Yeah, I mean,
I feel like I used to try more.

-I do like the vintage silhouettes.
-[Tan] Love.

-[Sarah] You know…
-Like fit and flare?


[Sarah] So, I do like to be fitted.

-I like a good silhouette to…
-[Tan] Yeah.

This week, I wanna get you back
to the Sarah who had this big dream.

Can I just say,
I love your space so much.

-Oh, thank you.
-So cheerful.

-Oh, thank you.
-So bright.

Take the beret off. We gotta see it.
Without further ado.

-Do you wanna do the honors?
-Can I?

-It's a lot going on under there.



The moment I see her hair
from beneath this beret,

the world stopped.

So, tell me.

So you used to do
all-over bleach and tone,

and we did, like, some purple, some blue.

Yeah, whenever I was trying
to grow it out, I just decided,

"I'll just do something for fun,"

and then kind of hated it
and then just let it go.

When's, like, the last time you were like…

[exhales] "My squee is overflowing."

[laughs] Um, it's probably been a while.

And I just stopped doing anything.
Probably like a lot of people.

We're gonna do some self-care.

I'm gonna get you a mani, get you a pedi,
so we can just, like, love on you a bit.

I've never had a manicure or pedicure.

[laughs] I know.

In your whole life?

-Oh, my God.

So it sounds like you're kind of ready

to just dip
that toe back into the beauty pond

and maybe just take,
like, a full-on plunge.

Oh, I would love that.

[Antoni] Yum.

-Where's the ice cream?
-[both laughing]

[Karamo] One of the things
I wanna learn about you is

what your experience has been like,

first of all, just as
a half Asian-American in Austin, Texas?

I think my biggest tie
to my Asian culture is through food.

Some people don't totally
understand what we're doing.

They're like, "I don't understand why you
guys just can't have vanilla ice cream."

"Well, you know, vanilla is great.
But so is, like, ube or black sesame."

But you know, when the pandemic started,
we knew that there would be a backlash

when we had a leader
saying things like the "China flu,"

and sometimes
people don't see you as a person.

-Yeah. Yeah.
-And we experienced a lot of that.

Like, our sign got stolen,
people stole our Christmas decorations.

-Somebody kicked the door.

It used to be glass, and then
I decided as a safety precaution,

we would replace
the door with a steel door.

Got it.

-We dealt with a lot.

-What are you feeling right now?
-Um, just overwhelmed.


I do rely on Kelly a lot.
She's a very good friend that way.

But a lot of people just don't understand.
There's just three of us.

And I just, um… [sniffles]

I give everything I have to this place.

And how much time
do you have to give to yourself?

Not very much.

-Oh, my baby. I gotta come give you a hug.

-I know, you'd better. You made me cry.
-I know!

We're gonna help you have some time
to get back to yourself, honestly.

Oh, thank you.

[Karamo] Before we get
this week started,

I wanna know from you two, how do
you feel about what's about to happen?

I'm really excited for Sarah.

I really wanted people
to see how great she is.

[Fab Five] Aww!

-[Sarah] I love you.
-[Jonathan] But even better!

Before we go,
can we get a squee together on three?

One, two, three!

[all] Squee!


[Karamo] Say bye,
'cause you're coming with us!

[Karamo and Antoni] Bye!

[upbeat music playing]

[Bobby] I wanna help take Squee
to the next level,

so the space not only works
for Sarah and her crew,

but also for customers coming in the door.

[Tan] Presentation is important.

I'm not suggesting that
Sarah dress up in a prom outfit.

But I want Sarah to feel empowered
to really be the face of this company.

[Jonathan] My goal for Sarah
is to show her

how she can have
a sustainable relationship with her hair.

Something that makes her feel cute

and that she doesn't wanna,
like, cover up underneath a hat

because she kind of,
like, torched it with bleach.

[Antoni] She clearly
has a grasp on her product.

But I want Sarah to get to a place where
she's able to trust somebody to help her

so that she can move on
and start to do other things.

[Karamo] Sarah feels overwhelmed,

and it's really important
for her to understand

that she can reach out
and ask for help from the community.

I want Sarah to know that she's not alone.

♪ Feel good inside ♪

[upbeat pop music playing]

Well, I tell you, I really wanted
to spend some time with you first.

Oh, thanks.

Because I really wanna make sure
that as you're going on this journey,

that you're able
to receive it in a positive way.

We all deserve people to know
how we're feeling and what we need.

And it seems as if
you really don't have that experience

where you get to talk
about what you feel and need often.

Uh, not so much. I mean, I…

You know, like, I grew up in a family,

we don't really, like,
talk about our feelings.

It's just kind of like,
you just go about your day…

-It's just kind of how you operate.

You said to me yesterday that there's
times that you just feel very overwhelmed?

-Yeah, I get that.

-I get that.

What are you thinking?
I see you're getting emotional.

Um, it's just hard. It's just…

It's just, um…

I… I need help.


Just for somebody to…

Just the fact that you're here…

[sniffles] …um, it's…

I don't wanna put the burden of everything
on Michael and Kelly all the time.

Um, I just don't feel like
I have anybody else I can ask. [sniffles]

I really want to help you
in figuring out how to get that support.

There's a restaurant right here,

and there's a gentleman inside
that I want you to meet.


And he is a successful business owner.

He has several restaurants,

and he has had almost
a very similar experience to you.

-I want you to meet him.
-Okay, cool.

[laughs] Oh, thank you.

[Karamo] You're welcome.

-Been crying this whole time.
-It's all right.

[Sarah laughs] Aww.

Thank you.

[Karamo] Sarah.

-Hi, hi.
-This is my friend C.K.

-Pleasure to meet you.
-So nice to meet you.

-You can sit right over there.
-Okay, thank you.

I'm familiar with your space, your place.

-[Sarah] Oh!
-And I've had your taiyaki.

-It's really good.
-[Sarah] Oh, good.

-Oh, thank you.
-[C.K.] It's hard to find.

-Oh, I'm glad you like it. Yeah.
-Yeah, of course.

[Karamo] C.K. Chin, who's a pillar
in the restaurant community.

He understands what Sarah's going through.

As an Asian business owner,
he's been there. He's made it through.

And it's time for Sarah
to meet with the community

and understand she's not alone.

There's nothing more connecting,
in my opinion, with food.

You know, I have a Chinese restaurant
over here called Wu Chow.

Yeah, I love your restaurant.

Thank you.
I named it after my grandmother.

But a large portion of why we even did it

was because I wanted to share
with Austin a part of my culture.

No matter what,
no matter how different I look,

no matter how different I feel,
no matter anything,

but when we share food and somebody goes,
"Man, this is delicious" or whatever.

Then all of a sudden,
right away I can be like, "Yo."

-[Sarah] Yeah.
-"We agree on something."

[Sarah] That's kind of exactly how I felt.

The business' identity
is wrapped up so much in mine because…

-I make the menus. Yeah.
-[C.K.] It's you. Yeah.

I started OMG Squee out of our house.

I think all the best places
kind of start off like that.

[laughs] A lot of what we do at OMG Squee

is really just, like, a part of,
like, stuff that's nostalgic for me.

Like, it reminds me of when I was a kid.

My best friend in middle school
was Filipino,

and we would, like, eat halo-halo
in her kitchen, you know, so…

I just remember going to
just the one pan-Asian grocery store.

-[Sarah laughs]

It's just, like, very nostalgic for me.

So I also wanted to share stuff
that I couldn't find anywhere,

things that, like,
other people didn't have.

I love explaining to people, like, what
black sesame tastes like, for example.

Um, after we moved out of our house,
kind of shared with the coffee shop,

and then when they decided to move,

we kind of were
sort of forced to assume the whole space.

So we weren't totally ready for that.

-So either get ready or, you know, close.
-That's right.

I know that feeling.

We just did what we could,
built everything piece by piece.

Three people run our entire restaurant.

-It's been a lot.
-[Sarah] Yeah.

There's something to be said about
the beauty in doing something difficult.

I mean, I remember when I moved here,
it was super difficult.

And it was very overwhelming.

We didn't know what we were doing,
how we were gonna do it.

But we really latched
onto this idea that we can,

that we're good enough
and that we have enough passion for it.

And in 30 seconds of talking with you,
you have the passion for it.

You know, nobody talks
about sesame seeds… [splutters]

-I love it so much. [laughs]
-…in a loving way.

When I first found my tribe
of people that love cooking,

I mean, we talk about salt.

"Look at these different types of salt.
We got this fleur de gris. It's amazing."

You know, and everyone is looking at us
like we're crazy, but that's the truth.

Nice to have somebody to talk shop with.

-Yeah, yeah.
-[C.K.] Oh, yeah.

And if it gets heavy, ask for a spot.

How often do you ask for a spotter
outside of the two people that you know?

I don't have anybody to ask. [chuckles]

[C.K.] Well, now you have me.

-[C.K.] You're part of the community.

And the fastest way
to be part of that community is

to reach out, communicate.

If you have
a restaurant you enjoy going to,

find out who the chef is there and say,
"Next time, I'm gonna bring you my food."

You know,
because that's what we do for each other.

When chefs go to restaurants,
we try to k*ll each other.

-We, like… We bombard them with food.

Because that is
the language that we all speak.

You decided to get up one morning,
cook food for people.

-You're one of us. You're here.

You have a great product and wanting
to do better, wanting to do more,

that's very much part of this tribe.

-I don't want you to forget that either.

That's why I love
this connection right here,

because C.K. has been very generous
to say he'll be a spotter for you.

So that you can feel and talk
about what you're going through.

Because if you keep holding it in,
you're gonna feel buried.

Um, I would agree. Yeah.

I really appreciate you lending your
experience to things that I also feel. So…

[Karamo] Sarah started baking
because it brought her joy.

But somewhere along
the hustle and bustle, she lost the joy.

But now's the moment for her to realize

that any time she needs support
because she's feeling overwhelmed,

there's people that she can reach out to
that wanna be there for her.

We all have the one underlying thing
is that we're a bit of a workaholic.

There's always work to be done.
Right now there's work for you to be done.

-But this is important too.
-[Sarah] Yeah.

So you need to make sure
that you make time for that.

-And make time for yourself.
-[Sarah] Thank you for that.

[Tan groans] Oh! This humidity.

I know, it's hard. I have curly hair, so--

That is my issue.
My hair could not be curlier.

They're such tight curls, so it takes
so much to blow dry it all out.

-Oh, yeah.
-It's a whole process.

-Are you excited to shop?
-I'm very excited. Wow!

Sarah really appreciates vintage.

She loves '50s. She loves early '60s.

She loves a fit and flare, and actually,
it really does fit in with OMG Squee.

So, I know exactly what
I can do with her if that's her vibe.

Tell me about you shopping.

How often are you shopping?
Where are you shopping?

I generally shop maybe, for myself,

like, once a year.

You don't need to look timid.
That's understandable.

A lot of people don't have either
the time or the disposable income,

especially when you're a business owner.

Now, talk to me about body.

Uh, well, I got a very big butt.


-Do you mind if I ask you to turn around?

You've got a really nice bum.

Thank you.
I was hoping you would say that.

I love a really full butt.
So yes, you've got a lovely bum.

Yeah, I just have a hard time
finding clothes for it. [chuckles]


Running the business,

I had definitely had
some very extreme swings in my weight.

Um, whenever we were starting,
I was extremely stressed.

I think I lost, like,
40 pounds in, like, maybe five weeks.

Wow, wow, wow. Okay.

And then when COVID hit, it was like,
"Oh, yeah, COVID-30? COVID-40." Yeah.

-It makes it hard to shop for clothes.

Yeah, this is why
it's so much more about how you feel.

-We just wanna get to where we're happy.

-Look in the mirror, please.

[Tan] Okay. Good, good, good.

So, you've got this baggy T on
that is hitting a pretty low spot.

I would have loved it
if it was just a little bit more fitted.

You've got a lovely
little hourglass going on.

-[laughs] Thanks.
-You're just hiding it away.

All I'm gonna do today
is try and get you to stop hiding away.

I wanna walk into your establishment
and be like, "This bitch owns this place."

[laughs] Yeah.

"This is her business,
and she knows she's wicked."

Let's show it off.

I've got some items
in the fitting room for you already.

-We're gonna give them a go.

Even if you see them and think,
"Oh, I don't know," try it on.

-Don't worry if it doesn't work.
-Sounds great.

Great. Come with me.
The fitting room is just here.

It's very clear that
Sarah has some body hang-ups

that I wasn't expecting, quite honestly.

-Are you ready?
-[Sarah] Yes, I'm ready.

She's hiding away some of the things
that she doesn't feel good about.

[Sarah laughs]


-You can stand right there for me.

[Tan] I'm gonna ask you
to do something controversial.

I've not seen-- I've literally,
truly no idea what's under your hat.

-So, can I have a look?


It's a lot of hair.

Oh, wow, it's so much longer
than I expected it to be. Okay.

Oh, yeah. I got a lot of hair.

[Tan] So, I would like
to know what you think.

-I think the dress is cute.

Um, I like the top part the best.

-The skirt, I'm not feeling as much.

[Tan] Would it be better
if it was shorter? Fuller?

Maybe shorter.

[Tan] Yeah? Show off a bit more leg.

-Do you-- I love that.
-Um… [laughs]

Do you usually go above the knee?

-I usually hit right at my knee.
-Okay, good to know. That's helpful.

-So, a little shorter. Yeah.
-Okay, okay, okay.

Whenever I shop vintage,

I always expect that
I'm gonna have to get things tailored.

-It's never gonna be quite right.

-So that's a really easy fix.
-I do really like this top part.

I love the top part.

If this were a top with jeans,

it'd probably be something
I'd wear all the time.

I love when somebody
is not a "yes person."

I do not have yes people around me at all.


Sorry to swear at you.

-Why do you think so? [laughs]
-You're hiding this shit away?

Show me your ass.

-Yeah, yep, yep, yep.

-I feel tall. That's nice.
-So nice.

[chuckles] If I were dressing myself,
I probably wouldn't pair these together,

but I might pair this with something else.

So, this is a bathing suit.

[empowering music playing]

It's the only thing that
I could find here that's so revealing

compared to what you ordinarily wear.

But I wanted you to see
how rocking your body is.

-Oh, thank you.
-But I need you to see what I'm seeing.

♪ All eyes on me, I'm the queen… ♪

The way she's looking
at herself is lovely to see,

because she sees for the first time,
I think, in probably a long time,

that she does have a banging body.

Final look.
Would you please come out for me?

-So cute. So cute.
-Thank you.

[Tan] Okay.

-I have a different kind of beret for you.
-Oh, my gosh!

[Tan] We've had these embroidered for you.

-I'd love for you to try it on.

I hope it fits. Isn't that so cute?

-Yes, this is very cute. Thank you.
-I love it so much! You're very welcome.

I want you to see that just those little
changes can really make a difference.

If you were to work in this
and go out and serve that curbside order,

I'd think, "Yeah, she owns this place."

I like this outfit a lot.

-Okay, good.

[upbeat pop music playing]

-[Tan] Here we are, my love. After you.
-Oh, thank you.

We are meeting
one of my favorite people in the world,

Antoni Porowski!

-Antoni, you look so cute!
-Look at her!

-You look so cute!
-[Tan laughing]

[Antoni] Hi!

You look so cute. You're wearing my apron.

So, I've been baking alone all day.

No, I'm kidding. Okay, so, Kelly was here.

She was telling me that you're an artist.
You're a perfectionist,

but it takes you a while to get to,
like, really trust somebody.

-That's true, yes.
-[Antoni] Yeah.

So you're gonna be the teacher,
and we're gonna be the students.

-Oh, my gosh. Okay, cool.

Sarah's a perfectionist.

-And she's like a true artiste.
-She really is.

That's French for artist.

If you are the only technician
in your business, it's not scalable.

What you can achieve is finite.

Whereas, if you are able
to delegate to other people,

you can step out of that kitchen
and actually run your business.

-Yeah, I'm really ready to move forward…

-…without being there every day.
-[Tan] Good.

She spent so much time
perfecting the technique

on every single one of these donuts.

All I wanna do is just show her
that she can pass the torch.

And we feel confident that it's possible.

I've taught myself everything. I've made
every mistake anybody probably could make.

Great. We're gonna introduce you
to a few more mistakes.

-[Antoni] Yep! So, let's go.

So, uh, if you're
decorating them like I do, strawberry,

just put a little glaze on it.

[Tan] Same with the lemon?

[Sarah] So, the lemon one,
I usually make it a bear.

-[Tan] I love a good bear.

[Sarah] What I usually do

is I will take a little bit
of the white chocolate in the piping bag

and glue the little ears on.

[Antoni] How's that distance?

[Sarah] It's a little close,
but it's okay.

Dip those. Just kiss on the top.

[Tan] Okay, I've not given a kiss.
I've given a full-on full.

[Antoni] I just saw yours,
and I feel a lot better about mine.

[all laughing]

[chuckles] Clearly, we are showing
that decorating a donut is not easy.

[Antoni] That bear
has a great personality.

-[Sarah] Mm-hmm.

-[Sarah] His mom thinks he's cool.
-[Antoni] His mom!


I think internally, she's probably
really, really disappointed.


But I hope she appreciates
the effort and the intention.

[Sarah] Okay, I'm gonna help you
improve your piping technique.

-[Tan gasps]
-[Antoni] Please.

So, if you take the bag,

you don't want too much in your hands
so it's not too rough on your wrist.

So, you'll pipe it on like so. Oh!

-[Tan] Oh, you do big dollops.
-[Antoni] Yep.

[Sarah] Then that. Mm-hmm.

One of the biggest ingredients
in baking is time.

-Waiting for things to dry.

Waiting for things to do their thing,
you know, fun stuff.

[Tan] It's clear
she wants to teach other people,

and she's excited about the product.

It blows my mind that Sarah did not bake
before starting OMG Squee.

Hey, not for anything,
but I did a really good job with this one.

That one is very pretty.

-[Antoni] See? I'm teachable.
-[Sarah] I'm proud of you.

You were a very patient,
very, very kind teacher.

Oh, thank you.

Anyone would be so lucky
to learn from you.

-This will travel so well.
-[Antoni] Totally.

So I thought it could be really cute
if we maybe box these up

and then we go
to a couple of local businesses.

Have them try 'em and see how they feel.

-[Antoni] You know?

In terms of outreach to the community.

-I didn't know that was the plan? Great.
-We gotta sell these.

Sarah and I are gonna head out,
and, um, you can clean up.

Thanks so much, Tanny, buh-bye.

-Thank you, Sarah, my love.
-[Sarah] Bye! Thanks!

Well, this is fun.

Isn't this fun? What an adventure.


Sarah's got an incredible product
that she's mastered over the years.

She just has to get out
and show the world.

We have a lot of flavors
that are, like, Asian-inspired,

as well as, like, Texas-inspired,
you know, 'cause I'm a Texas girl.

[Antoni] I think it's a great opportunity
to meet other local businesses,

get her product out there,
introduce herself.

[Sarah] Hello!

-[woman] Oh, look how darling those are.
-Thank you.

And also, she doesn't get to see
other people actually enjoying them,

which is the point of her whole business.

-[woman] It's so good.
-She wants to bring joy to people.

-So nice meeting you.
-[woman] You too.

-Have a good rest of your day.
-Take care. Cheers.

I want Sarah to be a wild success

so she can bring as much joy
to other people as she has for us.

That was pretty painless.
You're good at this.

[Sarah] Yeah, I'm excited.

To get us out there as much as possible.


-All right, I got the wallpaper.
-[woman] Neat.

[Bobby] I wanted to show you guys.

-Do you think she'll like it?

-[Bobby] I wanna see some excitement!
-This is it.

-[Bobby] Get this out of the way.

All right, I think Sarah's gonna love it.
This is great.

[upbeat pop music playing]

Go, go! No rain for us!

-That was a loving go, not a serious one.
-Oh, that's okay.

-So rainy. Hi! We made it.

-[Jonathan] Let's go over here.
-[Sarah] Okay.

-Take a seat.
-Thank you.

Sarah, who gave you
permission to be so cute-ah?

Are you giving me permission?

-Okay, good.

But I never even needed to
because you gave it to yourself-ah.

-Hi, queen.

-It's so good to see you.
-[laughs] Wait, me or my head?

-You and your head.

[Jonathan] Okay, so I have ideas.

You had a fringe historically, right?

Yes, I generally have bangs.

It's kind of good.

'Cause it gives you kind of like a look
even if you didn't really have time.

-'Cause then you can just style that

and then put the rest of it
underneath your beret.


So I'm just gonna go ahead
and get started, just wanna jump right in.

Yeah, I got a lot of hair.

[Jonathan] Are you happy
always having to be in the back?

-[Sarah] Not always, but…
-It just is what it is right now?

-It is… It is what it is.
-It gives me burnout vibes.

I just think, like,

what can we do for you to get more
of what makes you really happy?


I think it's gonna require
getting some more people.

It is hard to, like, let go of stuff

when I've worked so hard
to get it to a level that I'm happy with,

but I'm, like, ready to,
like, teach people what I do,

and do what I like the best,
which is being creative.

-[Jonathan] Love!

This is, like, such pretty hair.
I can't stand it.

-Oh, thank you.

I wanna show Sarah
that she can have a gorgeous,

low-maintenance hairstyle that she loves,

and strike that balance
that says fun, professional, chic. Yes!

Yeah! Get it! Get it!

I'm excited to just get to work.

Do you wanna do,
like, your first manicure moment?

Oh, really? I've never done that.

I know! So I got you a gorgeous manicure,
and this girl is, like, amazing.

She, like,
does nail art like nobody's business.

-[Sarah] Hi.

I'm Paige.

-[Sarah] Hi, Paige. Nice to meet you.
-Nice to meet you.

-We love Sarah. She is so cute.
-[Sarah laughs]

Sarah is a literal artist extraordinaire.

I go to your bakery consistently.

-Oh, my God, really?
-[Sarah] Oh, awesome.

Yes, I actually risked it all
to go, like, during a snowstorm one time.

-Did you really?
-[Paige] It was snowing.

-I was like, "I don't care. I'm going."
-[Jonathan] The lemon donut does it?

Oh, yes, the lemon one's my favorite.
I like the Hong Kong milk tea.

-[Sarah] Yeah, favorite too.
-That one's my favorite.

Let's do this.

[Jonathan] Thank you, queen.

[Paige] And I honestly feel like
we have, like, same aesthetic. So…

-This is my first manicure.
-[gasps] Ever?

-[Sarah] Yeah.
-Stop. [laughs]

-No way.
-[Sarah] Yeah.

I just have so much respect
and admiration for what Sarah has done.

She's been fighting so hard,

and so I just wanted to relax her
and to have fun with her in the salon

and make her feel gorgeous.

I am feeling like I did not forget how

to do good hair
during quarantine, thank God.

This hair is a what? A moment!
A what? An opportunity!

To make a gorgeous hair,
to let her personality shine.

-Okay. I think I'm ready to show you.
-[Sarah] Okay.

Three, two, one.

[groans] I'm kidding. Oh, my God!

[laughs] Not funny.

Oh, my God.

Okay, get all up in there.

-Aww, honey.
-It's so nice.

This hair is gorgeous, honey.
It says, "I'm flirty, and I'm fun."

[moaning] Oh, baby!

"But I also make, like, the best donut

that Austin's
ever even thought about having, okay?"

-[Sarah laughs] This looks so good.
-Full, right? And look at your nails.

-[Sarah] I know.
-It's wash-and-go. It's stunning.

It's current. It's modern. It's OMG Squee!

-Thank you so much.

[upbeat pop music playing]

♪ Why would I
Wanna come back down to earth ♪

♪ When I'm up here with the birds? ♪

-[Tan] Are you excited?
-[Sarah] I'm excited.

-[Tan] Welcome to our abode.
-[Sarah] Thank you.

-[Karamo] Look at that hair!
-[Tan laughing]

It looks so good!

-Hi, gorgeous lady.

-Oh, my gosh.
-[Tan] It's so lovely.

-[Sarah] Oh, my God!

You're wearing my shirt.

-What else would I be wearing?
-[Sarah] It makes your pecs look great.

-[Jonathan] I love a nice pec compliment.
-[Sarah laughing]

[Jonathan] Is this
not the literal cutest hair makeover?

-For me, it's the curly fringe.

-I love the curly fringe.
-So cute.

-[Jonathan] Can we even stand it?

-I really love it. It's so cute.
-[Jonathan] Oh, my God.

[Antoni] Does anyone want a lemonade
or an iced tea or an Arnold Palmer?

Sure, whatever you wanna make. Yeah.

[Antoni] You guys go.
I'll bring 'em out to you.

[Karamo] Welcome to our home, by the way.

-[Sarah] Thank you.
-Of course.

-Isn't it so peaceful out here?
-[Sarah] It's very nice out here.

-I'm glad you're at our home.
-[Sarah] I'm gonna be moving in.

-[Karamo and Sarah] Thank you.

Oh, I really love
that you're wearing my shirt.

-[Antoni] It's my favorite.

-Cheers to me moving in.
-Cheers to you moving in.

-[Sarah laughs] Thank you.
-Cheers to you having a good week as well.

I have had a really good week.

I always tell Kelly, I haven't had
a lot of people bet on me in my life.


-So I have to bet on myself.

Betting on yourself
is what's got you here,

but what I hope that you also realize

is that there is a community
of people who wanna help you.

I want you to know

it's okay for you to reach out
and ask for help from them.

I understand that, like, where I want
to go, I can't get there alone.

I do feel like I am ready.

-We're always gonna bet on you. Yes!
-[laughs] Thank you.

[Jonathan] Hi, queen.

Welcome to our beauty chamber.

I'd love to just go over,
like, a quick, little five-minute,

quick getting-ready face.

-That sound good?

-Sounds great.

And-- Oh!
You know what's really exciting?

All this is yours!

[game show music playing]

-Wait. cereally?

[Sarah laughing] Oh, my God. Thank you!

This should be enough
to last you for, like, a hot minute.

-Which is so exciting. Okay.

[Jonathan] So let's take off your glasses.

-Now this I'm obsessed with.

This is an SPF 40 skin serum.

-[Sarah] Cool.
-You're gonna use your fingers for this.

So go ahead and rub that into your skin.

Look how good your nails look.
Aren't they adore? Are we obsessed?

They're very cute.

You're really getting
into your inner model.


-[Sarah] Okay.
-Now, a little tiny bit of a cheek.


Tap it off so it's not
going in heavy, then smile.

-Really just apple of the cheek.

-And then you can just push it back.

Then, a little bit of brow gel.


Why do you look so pretty?

-That's literally what we just did.

Serum, cheek, eyebrow.

-Like, that took two minutes.

So now, let's do a little lippie.

I just feel like a bold,
red lip is sometimes

everything we ever needed.
Know what I mean?

Okay, kind of pat together.

The moment of truth.

Thank you.

Oh, it's so cute. I like the red lip.

How much do we love?

I can hear somebody talking about love,
and I thought, "Oh, that's my cue."

-Whoo! Is that a red lip?
-[laughs] Yeah.

-[Tan gasps] It's so nice.

-[Jonathan] Love you so much.
-[Tan] Love you too.

-Get out! You did beautiful work.
-[Jonathan] Thank you.

[Tan] All right, my love.

Remember how we talked
about not being stuck in the back?

-Being out and talking to your customers?

And so I want you to have
a look that feels like you

and that really gives you the self-esteem
to be like, "I know my product's great."

"I know I've got the personality."

-"And I look really cute too."
-[Sarah] Okay.

-All right. Y'all ready?
-[Fab Five laughing]

-Yeah, Tan!


[Bobby] She's a little bit Texas.

[Tan] Jonathan's speechless!
I've never seen this before!

[Jonathan] Your legs,
your face, your hair.

These gams?

-[Sarah laughs]

[Jonathan] Yes, girl!

-Question. How do you feel in it?
-I feel great.

-[Karamo] You do?
-Yeah, I do. I would wear this every day.

That makes me so happy!

Okay, final look.

-[Fab Five] Yeah!

Okay, Sarah.

-[Jonathan] Yes!
-[Antoni] This is so you!

You look so stylish.
Like, girl, walk that runway.

[Jonathan] Who are you?

-Uh! Uh! Clap, clap! Boom, uh, yes!
-[Tan laughing]

-Tan, I freakin' love this outfit.
-[Tan] Me too. Thanks!

It's time to go see the new bakery.

-I would love to go. Ready?

-[Karamo] I'll drive.

Are we gonna go, like,
lobby Elon Musk for money

to expand the business in this outfit?

Look at it.

[upbeat music playing]

-[Jonathan] Oh, my gosh, I'm so excited.
-[Antoni] Yeah!

I read in the news that
there's a boba shortage.

-That's another white space in the market.
-[Sarah] I know.

You can stand on the street corner
and be like, "Boba, mochi donuts."

Well, you know what?
"Boba" means "big breasts" in Chinese.

So if I just stood on the corner
and be like, "Hey!"


Are we close?

-[Karamo] One minute away.

-We should've blindfolded you…
-Wait, wait, wait, hello!

[clears throat]

Oh, we do have a blindfold! Good! Okay.


-Oh, my God!
-Oh, my gosh!

-OMG Squee!
-[Bobby] Right?

[Karamo] Um, you see the reaction
we're having? Just wait.

You promise you can't see?

-[Sarah] I can see your shoes. That's all.

[Jonathan] Okay. Ready?

[Fab Five] Three, two, one.


-[Sarah] Oh, my God!
-[Karamo] Right?

[Sarah] Wow!


-[Jonathan] Right?
-[Bobby] You can see the OMG Squee now.

-[Sarah] We have a sign!
-[Bobby] You can see it from a mile away.

Some shades to keep the sun out.

-Oh, thank you.
-And the lanterns.

-[Tan] I love that you kept the lanterns.
-It's very… cool. [laughs]

[Karamo] Oh!

Oh, wow! It's so cute!

Oh, my God!


[Sarah] Cool!

[Jonathan] Yes!

[Antoni] Look at the display!

[Bobby] Now you've got display cases.
You've got all this prep room over here.

[Sarah] Wow, there is
a lot of space back here now.

-[Bobby] Right?
-[Sarah] Awesome!

[Bobby] There's your neon
over there you made.

-[Sarah] Oh, yeah!
-[Antoni] I love that.

[Bobby] Nice new marble floors.

That's awesome.

[Karamo chuckles] Wow!

-I do really love the counter.
-[Bobby] Right?

Thank you, Bobby.

[Antoni] You know your business
better than I ever will,

but I really do feel
that these mochi donuts,

there's a golden nugget in those.

-So I reached out to Goldbelly.
-Oh, wow.

Goldbelly's this wonderful platform

where anybody
from a celebrity chef

to, like, artisans
can ship across the country.

They checked out your website.
They genuinely got really excited,

and if this is something
that you wanna do, of course,

they wanna help you
with every single step of the way.


Doesn't mean
you're gonna be making every single one.

I hope that you're gonna get some help.

-Thank you, Antoni.
-Of course!

I appreciate that.

[Kelly] Wow.

This is crazy.

-Oh, my God. [shouts]
-[all] Surprise!

-Oh, my God!


[Kelly] Oh, I love you with curly bangs!

-[all laughing]
-[Karamo] Oh! Oh!

-[Bobby] What do you think?
-[laughs] It's amazing. This is insane.

[Bobby] This place
already had great bones.

She already had great ideas.

But I hope this week really reminded Sarah

why she got into this business
and why she loves it,

and we just energized her into the future.

-[Tan] Yeah!

Just having you guys here
means so much because

it's nice to know other people believe
in the stuff that we're all doing here.

We believe in you!

-We believe.
-[laughs] Thank you.

Before we go,
can we just get one thing for me?

One, two, three.

[all] OMG Squee!

All right! Time for us to go.

[both] Thank you so much.

I want Sarah to know
that it's okay to ask for help.

We believe in you.

-[Sarah] Thank you.
-We do.

It will connect her with the community,
people who want to support her,

but it will also allow her
more time to chase her joy.

-Bye, love you.
-[Tan] Bye!


[rock music playing]

♪ Take my hand… ♪

[Antoni] Hey, everyone!

These are donuts from OMG Squee.

I've been missing those lemon donuts
since we left there, honey.

[Bobby] Running
a small business can be tough.

Oh, I love it.

Especially when we go through
hard times like we have this year.

[Tan] You have to remember
that every component matters,

including yourself.

[Antoni] And you just
constantly have to be willing to change

and to adapt and to trust people.

[woman] Everything looks so good.

-Well, not to toot my own horn, but it is.
-It's so hard to decide.

[both laugh]

And to all the other entrepreneurial divas
who are doing the most in hard times.

[woman] Could I have a Jonathan Van Ness?

[Sarah] Yes, queen.

I love you. I love you. I love you.


I forgot how good these were. My gosh.

-[Antoni] So nice.
-[Jonathan] So tasty!

-[Antoni] What's your favorite flavor?
-Ooh, lemon.


[splutters] Strawberry over lemon?

-Thank you!
-Thanks so much. It was nice to see you.

Good to see you.

-I really want a donut now, though.
-Me too.

-Should we go get them?
-Let's go.

-Okay, great.
-All right.

We all know what it's like
when you go out shopping

and can't be bothered to try something on.
I've got a solution for you.

Instead of trying on
your jeans or your skirt,

you can check if the waist fits
by putting it around your neck.

I know, but I promise it works.

So, if it fits around your neck
where it just touches,

that should be the right fit for you,
and I wanna prove it.

Good, right?

[pop music playing]

♪ It's gonna be a sunshine-y day-ay-ay! ♪

♪ A very, very sunshine-y
Sunshine-y day, oh, oh, oh! ♪


♪ Sunshine-y day ♪

♪ Gonna make it shine
Gonna make it shine ♪

♪ Gonna make it a sunny day ♪