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06x03 - No More Bull

Posted: 04/28/24 16:16
by bunniefuu
-♪ I wanna be with you ♪
-[dance music playing][/i]


-[Tan] Whoa!
-[Jonathan] Wow!

Antoni, did you make us egg tacos?

-Or breakfast tacos, yeah.

Technically, they're egg tacos.

[accented] Egg tacos.
Don't ya know, there?


-[Tan] We have another dossier.
-[Antoni] Oh, yay!

-[Tan] We filling our faces?

That means you'll shut up and let me read.


"Our hero this week is Josh Eilers."

Come on, get on in there now. Yep.

My name is Josh. I'm 32 years old,
and I live in Austin, Texas.


[Tan] "He's the founder of Ranger Cattle,
a cattle ranch that manages

the production and distribution
of Wagyu beef throughout Texas,

which is very expensive,
the best in the world."

[Antoni] Ooh, we got a cowboy.

You know I love a cowboy so much.
I married one.

What I love most about this ranch
is it gives me a sense of pride.

Come on, now. Yep. [whistles]

And we grow
the most badass beef in Texas.

"He is single, but he was
nominated by his ex-girlfriend Kayla…"

He is the hot mess express…

[chuckles] …and needs some help
in every aspect of his life.

I always say
that he has Peter Pan Syndrome.

[Tan] "…his dream girl who remains
a close friend and business partner."

-Which I think is really interesting.
-[Antoni] Yeah.

Since you're the marketing chair,
you gotta figure out how

to get all of that information
into a picture.

Josh and I used to date, back in the day.

He's so charming,
your total Texas gentleman.

But Josh is flirtatious with other women.

He's very much, like,
a love-'em-and-leave-'em type.

Some of the reasons why I nominated him
are part of why we didn't work out.

But we have since become
really great friends,

and I help him
with marketing at the ranch.


-[Josh] How'd that go?
-You're great.

[Josh] Me and Kayla,
we fell pretty hard for each other.

But I didn't do everything right.

I wasn't the guy she was ready for.

And I think I'll always regret that.

We gotta figure out
what's going on inside

so you can start
to have more flourishing relationships.

Ready. Set…


It would take an act of God
for me to date Josh again.

I'm never gonna say never, but he really
has to go through some serious changes.

Not just, like, on the outside,
but truly on the inside.

"Prior to raising cattle, he was one
of the youngest rangers in the US Army."

-Good for him.
-No idea you had rangers in the army.

-Does that mean cattle rangers?
-No, Power Rangers.

-They're like "Triceratops!"

Josh is one of the youngest
army rangers in American history.

He's really humble.

You just wouldn't know right away
that he was a Purple Heart recipient

or that he was injured in battle, and he's
lucky to be here today and tell the tale.

[Tan] "While his military career
instilled structure and discipline,

Josh lacks follow-through
in his romantic relationships."

"He's never taken any of them
seriously until losing Kayla." Ooh!

Josh is charming and wonderful,

but he doesn't shower half the time.

I don't think he wears underwear.


The women definitely prefer me dirty.

A cowboy is not gonna smell,
you know, all pretty and like flowers.

They're gonna smell like a ranch.
That's what women are into.

[Tan] "His philosophy…
who needs to shower or wash your hair

when you can spend
your day working on a ranch?"

-Sounds hot.

You know, I've put
ten years into this company.

Those young bulls in the Valero pasture,
we need to run that DNA on 'em.

Building it bigger and better
every day of my life.

But I really wanna see
what I can achieve, like, as a man,

as a father, as a role model,
as a leader of a family.

I got goosebumps on that one.

"Josh admits his biological clock
is ticking and knows he needs to grow up

and fine-tune his lifestyle in order
to live his dream of being a father."

Yes! Men applying biological
pressure to themselves to reproduce.

-It's about time, honey. Yes!

"Let's help this wannabe husband
so he can lasso the love of his life."

[all cheering]

I'm gonna change so I can be a little
less Hugh Hefner and a little more cowboy.


-[theme music playing]

♪ All things just keep getting better ♪

♪ Oh! ♪

[country music playing]

♪ Too long out of the saddle… ♪


All right, hold him right there.

I do love cows.
I think they're so beautiful.

Especially when the fat
is beautifully marbled.


I do not enjoy going to ranches, cattles…

-Karamo doesn't enjoy going to cattles.
-[Jonathan laughing]

Oh, hello.

[Antoni] Is that him?
Aww, look at the cattle.

I think I'm carrying
one of their cousins in my purse.

-Oh, my God, there's a baby one!
-[Bobby] Aww!

[Tan] That's a calf!

Bobby, do not make out with any cows.

If I play my cards right…

-A cow's about to get pregnant!
-[all laughing]

Hey, hold these, Walker.

Bring this one back now.

-I don't know if we should yell.

-[Tan] You're not to yell around cows?
-[Bobby] Not at them, no.

Hi, cows.

Oh, hello.

-Just give me one second.


Hey, spin her around.

Bring her back. Bring her back.

-Let us know when you're ready. Peace.
-[chuckles] All right, give me one second.

We're here. We're q*eer.
Forget about the cows.

How are you guys?

Is that a beer? Isn't it ten o'clock?

Yeah, but we start early so, like,
the whole noon rule doesn't count here.

I was not expecting the voice.

Usually, we try to be
up and rolling by five. Yeah.

He naturally speaks
like Matthew McConaughey.

These are Wagyu cattle.
We'll breed 'em in a couple days.

I'm thinking… [imitates McConaughey]
…"All right, all right, all right."

[chuckles] Yeah.

[Karamo] Is it peeing?

-Yes, that's what animals do.
-[Antoni] Karamo.

-This one's what they call a city slicker.
-I couldn't tell.


If you all could smell
what I smell right now…


…you would understand
why Josh don't got a girlfriend.

Your hair is so pretty.

This beard. This hair. This face, honey.
You are working it. Yes!

All right.

-Oh, my golly, Moses.
-[Antoni] That is a big boy.

-He's excited to have someone in there.
-[Antoni] He likes the attention. Like me.


This bull's got some big…

[cowbell rings]

…bull stuff.


-How about you show us where you sleep?
-That was a segue.

[Bobby and Josh laughing]

Here, walk through
this grass right over here.

Is there gonna be snakes?

[Josh] No, there's no snakes.

-Man, this is wild.
-[Antoni] What's wild about it?

We're in a very conservative state.

Raising beef cattle is probably
the most conservative industry.

Just judging by the looks of you guys,
I don't think y'all are conservative.

-So, it's not what we're used to here.
-Is it my open, exposed shoulders?

[all laughing]

I mean, don't five q*eer people
show up here on a daily basis?

[laughing continues]

Clearly, they do not.

This is the feed barn.

[Josh] Yeah, yeah.
It's barley, cottonseed, corn.

-You were gonna show us where you sleep.
-I sleep here.

-[Fab Five] Oh!
-[Josh] Up in the shipping.

I was, like, looking over there.
I'm like, wait, where? Ah!

He lives over these three mounds
that smell incredibly bad.

[Bobby] This is where
you invite ladies to?

She's like,
"I have to get up early tomorrow."

-[Josh] Watch your step. Come on in.
-[Jonathan] Oh, God.

[Bobby] This is headquarters?
Or housing? Or…

This is what we call the living quarters.

[Tan] Did it come as this,
or did you turn it into this?

[Josh] We turned it into this.

Are y'all seeing this?

[Jonathan] You gotta
loosen it up a little.

Jesus, take the wheel and drive
this shipping container far, far away.

[Josh] People say,
"Oh, you live in a trailer."

There's no wheels. It's not a trailer.

It's giving me, like,
maybe hazardously built.

Like, is it safe? Is it "secure"?

Is this house moving?

[Antoni] What's this?

It's all cattle-rancher stuff.

Where are, like, the personal books?
The journals?

Oh, my God, he's got a flat iron.

Chili Cook-Off…

Candlelight Chili Cook-Off…

I don't think
he's dusted in here in years.

[Bobby] Let's go in here.

An empty printer ink cartridge,
he's like my dad.

Oh, my God, his Christmas stocking!

-[Antoni] That's cute, he likes dogs.
-Even that's dirty.

[Antoni] I like the dream catcher.

I like when you open a closet
and bugs fly out.

-That's nice.
-[Josh] Thank you.

[Tan] Whoa, whoa, whoa,
this is where you sleep?

-[Josh] Yeah.
-How do we have sex on this?

[Josh] I don't think we will have sex
on this. Y'all might have sex on this.

-No, we're not having sex on that.
-[Bobby] No, we don't have sex together.

-[Antoni] Hey, stereotypes.
-[Jonathan] He's married.

Can you imagine trying
to have any kind of… [clicks tongue]

…on this bunk bed? No.

And the bed's not made!

It sounds like this provided what
you needed for that stage in your life.

-If you're wanting to start a new stage…

-Wife, family…
-[Josh] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

This won't cut it for that stage.
Your cradle right here, the dog…

-It's not quite a three-bedroom.
-Three-bedroom with a view.

-[laughs] Yeah.
-With a view of feed.

[Antoni] Wow!

These have mold on them.
I didn't know marshmallows can go old.

[chuckles] What's
Brucella abortus vaccine?

Next to a nice '98 Cabernet.

This is what
my mom would call a death trap!

-[Jonathan] Let's go into your bathroom.
-[Bobby] God!

I almost fell off these stairs!

Stay to the right.

[Jonathan] How much time
are you willing to spend?

-Getting ready?

Oh, I mean, like, five minutes.

Great! Five minutes is plenty for me.

Once you wake up and you're moving,

you're wasting time if you're not working
or getting something done.

I like to just get my hair wet,
because otherwise, it 'fros out.

-Yeah, 'cause you've got very curly hair.
-Very curly, very curly, like, yeah.

I must admit,
I kind of like the long hair.

I like your long hair too.

-Thanks, man. I appreciate that.
-You were in the army, weren't you?

-And that was, like, high and tight…

Exactly, so for five years, I couldn't
have my hair longer than this, you know?

-But will I even have hair at 42?
-That's why I have long hair.

'Cause genetically,
I feel like I'm gonna lose it.

I know. Me too, man.
I feel like yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Is there anything
that you're curious about?

Well, I'm a little bit nervous.

For what?

Well, y'all are slightly more
than I was ready for this morning.

It's not what kind of walks
into the ranch every day.

Which'll be nice. We're gonna have fun.

It's a whole lot of trust
going into you guys, so…

I'm gonna wax your eyebrows off,
shave your head…

-Kidding. I'm not doing those things.

-Well, I'm excited. [laughs]
-Me too! Yeah!

Oh, jeez. We'll see how it goes. Yeah.

Bobby, if you kiss another damn cow,

I am not playing with your ass.

[speaking gibberish]

[Jonathan] I wanna tell you about Tan.

His waist-to-ass ratio has really…

-His waist is tiny. This ass is fat.
-[Tan] Tiny.

This is what we're gonna do for you
before the week is done.

Yes, we are gonna put the emphasis
on the butt, with a high-waisted jean.

That's what you wanted, right?
Crop top, high-waisted jean?

-Anyway, I'll let you guys talk about it.
-[all laughing]

-Are you doing all right?
-Oh, yeah. Wow, you guys are a lot.

-I'm the normal one. Mano a mano?
-Yeah, all right.

-What do you really want from your life?

When I'm, like, an old man,
I have grandkids,

and that I was able to raise
good children who raised good children.

You literally have the dream I wanted.

I'm expecting my first child,
which we're very, very excited about.

-Thank you.

I see the look of confusion.

It's the same look that my brother-in-laws
who live on a ranch also had.

It's called a surrogacy process.

Somebody's carrying our baby.

-That is cool.
-I felt exactly like you did.

I'm just ready for that next step.

Pull out what you would wear on a date.

Yeah, we always do
a heavy starch on the jeans.

'Cause I think if you have
a crease in a jean, it's kind of classy.

Yo, wait.

That is not just a heavy starch.

-That is cardboard.

I could literally bend that, not fold it.
That's insane.

So what you want,
when you pull it, you wanna hear it.

[laughs] What you[/i] want.
That's definitely not what I want.

-[Tan] That's insane.

-He has his jeans starched so much

that you literally have
to bend them and crack them apart.

You find that comfortable?

I think I do.
And it's just a classic cowboy.

[Tan] That is nuts.

I don't understand
the reason for cardboard jeans.

You're not showering very often.

I just think humans
shower too much in general.

-Okay, let me give you an example.

-You take this girl on a date.
-All right.

You go home with her.

She takes her clothes off,
and she stinks to high hell.

See where I'm going?

-Can I counter this?

What if you never once
got a complaint on any of that, ever?

People are usually too kind
to say, "Hey, you smell."

And what about pheromones?

No woman is thinking,

"Ooh, I can't wait to get to him
because he smells like this."

And then, the hair.

The hair.

His hair is just really,
really, really greasy.

Like I've never ever seen
such greasy hair in my life.

You're a stinky boy.

And what do we do with stinky boys?

Tan and Antoni
are going to wash your hair.


Do a wet t-shirt contest.
Take your top off.

-[Tan] No, don't take your top off.
-Oh, what?

-Is there any fresh towels?
-Yeah, right there.

-[Tan] We're claiming that as fresh.
-I'm not gonna smell it.

[Tan] He's gonna put a towel around you.

Like this?

[Tan] You can come all the way up here.

[Jonathan] So, Tan, make sure
you wash down to his scalp.

-Get his roots.
-[Tan] You know I will.

-[Josh] Oh, wow.
-[Tan] It does feel nice. I know it does.

Oh, my God, sh**t the bottom!

-It's all brown!
-[Antoni] Whoa!

[Josh] Pretty dramatic.

-That's not dramatic. That's brown water!
-Your hair is brown.

There's cow shit in your scalp, honey.

That's honestly a q*eer Eye[/i] first.

Did you see the dirt
that came out of that shit?

[Josh] Oh, yeah.

-See, liberals can be fun!
-[all laughing]

-You are beautiful.
-[Tan] Doesn't that feel nice?

[Jonathan] You're a model.

I don't remember the last time
I saw someone's hair run brown

that didn't have
brown hair color in their hair.

Yes. Have you ever loved yourself more?

-[Josh] I think a couple of times.
-[all laughing]

-[Antoni] I wanna see the kitchen.
-[Josh] Okay, let's go.

So, we built
a tasting room right up the hill.

-Do you wanna carry me or no?
-[Josh] No, I'm pretty good.

[Jonathan] I just wanted to make sure.

-[Josh] Let me show you around a bit.
-[Antoni] Yeah.

We have that retail counter here.
If you want a steak, you can come in.

Then we've got somewhat of a kitchen.

-This is a great kitchen!
-It's cool, huh?

[Antoni] How many days a week
you eat steak?

Most days. I'll try
to throw in chicken every now and then,

but not when anyone's watching.

-[Antoni] When nobody's watching?
-Yeah, yeah, yeah.

-Oh, masculinity.
-Meat and potatoes is where it's at.

-Meat and potatoes?
-Best meal in the world.

The best beef would probably be
a New York Strip, super marbled.

Well, that's the point of Wagyu,

and of eating that
is that it's perfectly marbled.

-And what about vegetables?
-I just don't like 'em, you know?

-I hear they're healthy, but--
-It's a rumor.

You know what I mean? [laughs]

-You need more veggies in your life.
-They're not delicious.

If it were good, I would eat it.

How did your mom make veggies
for you growing up.

Mom was a pretty good Texan woman
and didn't feed me a whole lot of veggies.

-[Josh] You know?

Can you tell me about your time
in the service?

I joined the military when I was 17.

Probably sooner than I really should have.

-I wasn't quite grown up.

My old man told me that
the military is run by a bunch of kids.

I had no clue what that meant until I was
a 20-year-old team leader in Afghanistan

leading men into combat.

That is bizarre.

-But that taught you leadership.

But I also remember me being 17
is where I also learned how

to, like, be a little bit more responsible
in some of the areas that weren't work.

Where I learned how to,
like, be a better boyfriend,

how to groom myself, how to find my look.

-Those are the moments where I found that.

Do you feel like
you missed out on those moments?

I think massively.

I went straight
from the military to college,

but I wasn't really just in college.

I was starting this company
at the same time.

You said that your ex Kayla
was the right woman at the wrong time.

-What happened?

We had plans of, like,
getting married and stuff.

And then, once the added pressures

of, like, the company spiraling downhill
because of the pandemic,

um, she started seeing, you know,
all my shortcomings pretty quick.

So, it didn't last very long. You know,
I think we only dated a few months.

And, um, it's a weight on my heart.

It's like, aww, I let the one go

because I wasn't right
in my head at the right time.

And I don't think I did
a very good job of that.

-Yeah, that's pretty honest to say.
-Yeah, yeah.

[Karamo] Yeah.

-Hey, boos.

I just made him uncomfortable.

-Oh, no.

This is the first time
you've been around five q*eer people.

That you know of.

-Is it-- Yes.
-That I know of, yeah.

[Tan] Are we feeling like
we can make this work this week?

We're gonna understand who we are,
understand each other.

If you guys are
the experts you say you are…

I feel like "expert's" been used
loosely for me before. Like, you know…

[Tan] How are we feeling?

We feel good. I think we can make some
progress and head in the right direction.

-I think so too!

-[Tan] So, we all feeling good about this?
-Yeah, Tanny!

-[Tan] Let's do it.
-[Antoni] Whoo!

I'd like to think that Josh is
more than wine and marshmallows.

We need to introduce Josh
to the other four food groups,

other than meat.

I want Josh to understand
that I'm not trying to turn him into me.

I want him to be
just the best version of himself.

Josh enlisted so early, that I think there
was areas that he stopped growing in.

It's time for him
to start to grow in other ways,

if he really wants
to have a family one day.

We're upcycling a used shipping container.
We're putting three French doors here.

I wanted to give him a new space,

'cause right now
his home does not scream "ready."

It screams "run."

People are like, "Oh, well, a metal box,
that's gotta be so hot to live in."

[man] If you insulate it correctly,
it feels great.

[Bobby] And it'll last way longer
than traditional buildings.

Yeah, a shipping container will last
up to 100 years if you treat it properly.

From a hair-health perspective,
not overwashing your hair is amazing.

But, like, there's no
deep cleaning going on here.

I've got my work cut out for me.

[dance music playing]

♪ DJ, turn it up so we can get started ♪

[Jonathan] Hi!

-[Josh] Hey, I'm Josh Eilers.
-Nice to meet you.

-Nice to meet you. Oh, welcome in.

That was so Texan and, like, gentlemanly.

-You took your hat off.

-That was the cutest thing I've ever seen.
-Really? All right.

Do you do that regularly?

-Yeah, yes, sir, yeah. Quite a bit.
-Oh, my God. Okay, take a seat.

Tell me, do you wanna
take care of your hair more?

[Josh] I don't think I really know
how to take care of the hair more.

One, no one really
teaches men how to care for hair.

And two, I've never had it before.
So, it's been kind of an experiment.

I was originally thinking that
I wanted to cut your hair shorter.

But you have a great hairline.

And I do vibe with, like, you're
not gonna have the rest of your life

to have, like,
really long hair if you lose it.

I've been on Propecia
since I was, like, 19,

'cause everyone in my family's,
like, lost their hair.

And I really don't wanna lose mine.
So, I very much, you know, feel like

I wanna have long hair until
I don't have a hairline to support it.

I do think it needs
a little bit of a shape.

This can read a little bit Lord Farquaad,
from Shrek[/i].

-Not really trying to do that.

Oh, also, I'm gonna do this other thing.

I really feel like we need
to put a few highlights in your hair.

But just, like, five.

-[Jonathan] Yes.

You're screaming, "I need to be let out
of this misogynistic, repressive box!"

"I need to have a few highlights,
so that I can let my texture sing!"

-Do whatever you want.
-Come on, let's wash your hair.

The only thing I know how to do
to get this man out of his comfort zone

is to give him balayage highlights,

a full facial and a manicure,
all before ten in the morning.

Have you ever had
a gorgeous clip in your hair?

-[Josh] No.

-That's a first.
-We're gonna do lots of firsts today.


Because I need to shake…
him out of his comfort zone.

-Are you excited? It's our first--
-I'm a little bit nervous, but yeah.

Why are you nervous, hon?

Well, I think this is, uh, an environment
I've never really been in, you know?

What do you want
from this experience, overall?

You know, I've always said that

if different people could just
sit down and share a beer and talk,

like, they'd find out they'll have
a whole lot more in common

-than they have different.

You know, things like the shoes.
Man, what's that about?

Cute, right? I mean,
What's up with your cowboy boots?

-There's heels on those.
-A little bit.

[Jonathan] It's the difference
of two inches.

So normally, I think I would see you
walking down the street, I'd be like,

"Man, that guy's just weird."

So, I identify as non-binary.

-What's that mean?
-It means that I don't identify as a man.

Okay. So, what is
the polite way to address you?

My pronouns are he/she/they.

But typically,
when someone's non-binary,

like you would not wanna say, like,
"sir" or, like, "man."


If you're ever unsure,
you can totally ask.

Then it's okay to ask?
Like, nobody gets offended?

No, but I mean,
also I'll tell you that, like,

that's all a language I didn't really have
until I was in my 30s.

-So, it's normal that people don't know.

Well, and I think, like,
a big part of me is that

I always wanna be super polite, you know?

-I never wanna hurt anybody's feelings.

[Jonathan] I want
to spend enough time with Josh

to make him realize
that gender's a construct.

So, how old were you when you came out?

Oh, well, I was pretty young.

If you imagine me as,
like, a six-year-old, I was like…

[laughs] You know?

Exactly like I am now, but younger.

And he can be around different people,
because a lot of people wear heels.

[Josh] So these are the highlights?

[Jonathan] Yep.
It's a French technique called balayage,

which means to sweep.

It just looks
a little more natural than a foil.

That is pretty.

[Josh] You know what my goal is
by the end of the day?

-Be your first Republican friend.

[Jonathan] Oh, yeah, well, you are.
Have you ever seen Pretty Woman?[/i]

-[Josh] Yeah, yeah! That's a classic.
-[/i]This is gonna be your beauty montage.

-[rock music playing][/i]
-♪ I love the taste of freedom, huh! ♪

♪ Hey! ♪

-[woman] You ever had your nails done?
-No, ma'am. This is my first time.

Usually, I just clean out the dirt
with a pocketknife, you know?

-[Jonathan] Oh, my God.
-[Josh] It works surprisingly well.

[woman laughs]

[Jonathan] You are living your best life.

Oh, it is perfect.

I want you to, like,
show me the products to use

so I don't… around
with getting the wrong stuff.

-You know, 'cause I'll take it serious.
-I love that about you.

Did that feel relaxing and gorgeous?

[Josh] That felt good.

Good. We're just
gonna do a classic countdown.

We go three, we go two, and…

There's a new Josh.

Definitely feels cleaner.
Wow. Can I touch it?

[Jonathan] Yeah, get all up in there.

I'm very relieved.

I was partially super scared,

you know, those highlights
were gonna be bright purple.

[Jonathan] On the root,
I, like, made it your natural color.

-So, it's not, like, super blended.
-Gotcha, gotcha, yeah.

-[Jonathan] I did good, right?

-I'm impressed.

You are looking stunning.

[Josh] Thank you.

When have you ever felt
more gorgeous than you do right now?

-Never. Thanks to you.
-Thank you.

I think we should just do a tiny hug.
It's okay.

-All right.
-Okay, come on.

-[rock music playing]
-♪ Just keep on movin' ♪[/i]

♪ Na na na na na na… ♪

[Bobby] It's a cool place.

They do a lot of woodworking,
CNC routing, make their own furniture…

[Josh] All right.

[Bobby] So, I thought it would be cool
to make a family crest for you.

Your family name actually means warrior.
So, it's a warrior shield.

-I love that.
-[Bobby] Good.

Josh has been talking
about starting a family.

So, I want to give him the physical
manifestation of leaving a legacy.

And that's a family crest.

Shield's gonna look like this.

Your family name
is what's at the very top.

-The lightning bolt from the Rangers.
-Yeah, absolutely.

It represents who you are, who you were.

But the thing that
stands out to me the most

is one of the two of these,
'cause it's an oak tree.

What I like about it is
I saw tons of these on your property.

And not only does it represent
your land and what you're building,

it represents growth and family tree.

-Yeah, no, I love it.
-Good. Which one do you like best?

-I like the tree.

I'm big into the past, right?
But I'm really into the future.

And so, I think to be able to build
something that will pass down is a gift.

It's incredible. It gives me
something to look forward to, you know?

Something exciting. Something
that's built sturdy and out of wood.

[Bobby] This will be
a great family heirloom to hand down.

-I'm excited about it.
-Good. I'm glad you like it.

-[rock music playing]
-♪ Your five star life comes easy ♪[/i]

♪ Show me, tease me ♪

♪ Lipstick and heels, yeah, yeah! ♪

-[Josh] So where are we at?
-[Tan] We are at a place called Estilo.

I know that you have
a way that you dress already.

-But we're gonna change it up slightly.

-After you.
-All right.

A little bit nervous about
walking into here. Just looking around.

[both laugh]

-What is it that makes you nervous?
-Just not something I'm used to.

[Tan] Are there certain clothes
that you're seeing that you like?

It doesn't feel quite right?

No, but I'm sure if I put it on,
I could tell you pretty quick.

Well, you had said, "Well, you guys
are the experts, let's see what you do."

And so you have to give me a chance today.

-I see sneakers on the table.
-I'm not doing sneakers.

-'Cause we gotta meet in the middle.
-We're gonna meet in the middle.

-Like, I think it looks--
-Chic as…

It looks great on you, and it's probably
a fashion icon, but it ain't me.

Josh doesn't want to be seen as
anything other than a masculine rancher.

I think that he's very much concerned

about being seen
as even slightly effeminate.

I wanna show you that you can be stylish
without anybody thinking, "Oh, he's gay."

-Just look good.
-Just look good and play with clothes--

-And impress the lady.

So, I'll still keep you in denim,
so it still feels like Josh.

[Josh] I appreciate that. Yeah, yeah.

But just a slightly different cut.

Instead of T-shirts,

Henleys have got a little bit of detail,
where the girl's like,

"Okay, he's not just put a T-shirt on.

He's got something
a little more interesting--"

Show some chest hair.

-[Tan] Yeah, yeah, yeah.

And they're not gonna be massive on you.
I want them to be relatively fitted.

You're in shape.
Why don't we show off the goods?

So, I wanna show you different versions
of-- I know. We're gonna try it.

I wanna know why you hate
something like this so much.

Like, when I put
my boots on in the morning,

I think about, like, my ancestors
that have put on boots.


My father, my grandfather,
generations of Texans.


Any of my ancestors ever put that on…

So it's more than just the looks of it.
It's like, that is how…

-[Tan] "That's my heritage."
-That is my home.

-But also…

There weren't options like this available
when your grandfather was young.

-For example.

So, I've set aside a look in here for you.
Give me a shout if you need help at all.

I'm trying to be so respectful

by giving him
the most conservative clothes I can find,

but an upgrade to what he's worn before.

[Josh] I actually don't hate the boots.

But I'm worried about everything else
because it's so tight.

I'm gonna sweat through this
in about 12 minutes.

You can see my pecker.

-You can't. I promise you can't.
-I see it in the mirror.

-You cannot.
-Oh, my-- Yeah.

Like, I don't even have a belt here.

But even this,
he seems so resistant to it.

-Do you always wear a belt?
-Every day.

To hold your pants up,
or you just like the look?

[Josh] I got a lot of pride in my belt.

If you work for the ranch for ten years,
you get a buckle.

-That means a lot to us.

-So, do I tuck it in?
-Yeah, just in the front.

It's different, man.

There's no doubt it's different.

Forget that it's different. Do you think,
"He looks like an attractive man"?

[Josh] Right now, no.
I think I look like a golfer.

Is the thing that's
throwing it off the shirt?

-The shirt's throwing it off.
-We're gonna change it. Real quick.

-What do you think?
-What do you think?

This one feels a whole lot better.

-I feel like I can breathe.

-This material breathes.

Do I think this is the right size for you?

Personally, I don't.

-You see this? This is the shoulder seam.

-If you push real hard, you can feel…
-This should be up there?

It should be here.

You know what's kind of annoying?

I don't often like to admit I'm wrong.

But, uh, now I'm looking at this shirt,

and I'm like,
seeing it might be a little bit baggy.

-Sure is.
-Little bit.

-Do you want to try the large?
-Let's try it.

[Tan] It's nice to see
that he's starting to finally see

that he can look good
and still feel "masculine"

and still feel like a rancher.

But that doesn't mean that he can't
feel good about what he's wearing.

What do you think on this one?

-So much better.

Already, that's getting closer
to your shoulder.

Yeah, it's getting closer to the shoulder.

The baggy thing you were in before
makes your arms look skinny, like noodles.

Whereas this actually shows off your arms.

I actually don't hate this. Huh.

[laughs] I'll take that.
That's a big compliment, I know.

[Josh] Yeah, honestly, I feel great.

I'm just nervous about…

Tell me. The legs?

Accepted by other cowboys
and stuff like that.

Like, if I roll out to a ranch today
and I'm looking like this…

Wear whatever you wear on the ranch,
it doesn't bother me.

Outside of the ranch, when you're trying
to impress the girls, not the guys,

go for something
that's gonna impress the girls.

This is a guy who's not
just obsessed with his work.

He understands that there's a life
that's equally as important. His family.

I actually really appreciate that.

-[rock music playing]
-♪ Let me listen every time, baby ♪[/i]

♪ Do you wanna get wild, baby? ♪

♪ You gotta take 'em all… ♪

-Hey. Neon, come here.

-Neon, come on.

This is our house.

And this is my kitchen.

Vegetables can be delicious. They can
be good for you, but they can also be…

-No, we're not here for boring.

I get it. Josh gets to have
delicious Wagyu beef every day.

But that's one food group.
What about the other four?

-When's the last time you had a carrot?
-Honestly, I was feeding it to a horse.

Horses love carrots.

[chuckles] The last time
you had a carrot was

when you were actually feeding it
to a horse, not yourself?

-I'd probably do one for you, one for me.
-Right. Okay.

These are gonna be more delicious.

-I got these beautiful rainbow carrots.

[Antoni] This is a Y peeler,
and you're just gonna peel the outer skin.

-[Josh] I got that.
-Watch your fingers…

Perfect. I'm gonna put in a little
knob of butter, about a tablespoon.

-Olive oil is my go-to.

I'm gonna swirl it around my pan

just to kind of get an even coating
around the whole thing.

I keep the ends on.

They get nice and crispy.
You can cut 'em off when they're cooked.

Perfect. We're gonna add salt.

Look how beautiful!

-How could you not love vegetables?
-It does look good, doesn't it?

The cooking that I wanna be able to do,
there's eye appeal.

-This is, like, sexy-looking, you know?
-Yeah, totally.

Like, even if I don't fully know what's
going on right now, it looks like I do.

Eye appeal to Kayla,
who's, like, looking at you cooking,

or your eye when you're looking?

Well, no, someone looking at me like I'm--

-Oh! So it's all about vanity for you.
-See-- So--

Oh, absolutely,
'cause I look at this, and I'm like,

"Oh, shit, I don't know
what's going on here." You know?

-But you look like a pro! Yeah.

Put that towel on your shoulder,

all of a sudden it's like,
demands respect,

Right? It's very practical.

So now, we're basically
gonna assemble our glaze.

This is a glaze that
you can use for chicken, for fish.

So here I have some fresh thyme.
Have you ever had thyme?


-They grow upward, right?

[Antoni] And, if you kind of go down
with your finger, gently…

This stem we don't really want.

And those, you can just
kind of throw right in there.

-So we're just interested in the leaves?

That's where all the flavor is.
We don't need very much. Just a little.

-Then next up, honey.
-Just straight up honey right here.

[Antoni] Straight up honey.

So, the reason
I'm adding it now and not earlier,

honey is very high in sugar,

and this would have,
like, burnt to a crisp

if we added it a little too early on.

-Do you like spice? Chili flakes?
-Yeah, let's do it.

So, we're gonna put a little of that.

And then,
literally we're just coating it around.

It's like a nice little forward-backward.

-You can do it.
-All right.

[Antoni] There you go!

Kinda like that?

-That's confidence.

We'll be ready to make our plates.

I have one that's rare,
one that's medium-rare.

You really know
what you're doing with these cattle.

-I think this is my favorite part of it.

If this steak turns out good,
then it's like

everybody on every step
of the way did a good job.

[Antoni] Totally.

I like that he's feeling empowered,
that he feels like he's a boss doing this.

That's what excites me about it.

I will say, the carrots
I'm most impressed with, though.

Might be the best carrot
I've ever had in my life.

-Pretty good, yeah.

'Cause that spice at the end is like…
'Cause you don't taste it right away.

[Antoni] Totally.

Neon, sit. Good girl.

She approves of the Wagyu.

[rock music playing]

♪ Get your best shoes on
To see what it's all about… ♪

[engine sputtering]

[rock music playing]

♪ Hey, there, hi, let's do it again ♪

♪ Try to keep your head in the air… ♪

Let's swing this end, so it's
more perpendicular with the trees.

I gave Josh a new home

because Josh needed a separate space
away from the other guys on the ranch,

where he could actually focus
on cultivating a relationship

and maybe a marriage.


♪ Messing with a working man ♪

♪ Something's building, it's a picture
It's a rhythm, it's a context ♪

-Hey, hey, hey. You look so great!
-[Josh laughs]

-You like it?
-[Karamo] You look so handsome.

[Josh] All right. Coming in for hugs.

Always. Are you not used to hugs yet?

Well, we're getting there.

Hey, this is Miss Harris.

-Hello, I'm Misty Harris.
-Josh Eilers. Pleasure to meet you.

So, Miss Harris is
our etiquette and lifestyle coach.

She's going to be showing you some ways,

as you're moving through life,
you can be a little bit more polished.

Listen, I love a cowboy.

Drinking a beer,
riding a horse, eating meat.

But if you really wanna court somebody,
he'll need some of these etiquette classes

to really show
that he can be both rugged and refined.

Generally, the man sits
on the left of a lady.

[Josh] On the left. So I would sit here.

And he would pull the chair out for her.

And she would glide
gracefully into her chair.

It gets important here.

He's gonna push one time
and then the rest of the adjusting, I do.

-I'm gonna very beautifully glide.
-[Misty laughs]

-So all of your forks go on the left.
-Forks are on the left, yes, ma'am.

[Misty] We're having soup and salad first.

So, whatever's coming first,
that's which fork goes on the outside.

How do you normally eat soup?

I'd probably stir it up a little bit.

You actually scoop going outwards,

scrape the bottom
and bring it to your mouth.

-[Tan] So, there's no drippage.
-[Misty] Yes.

You don't wanna wear it
before the end of the night.

What would you do with your bread?

I would probably dip that bread.

Me too! I would dip my bread! [laughs]

-You drop a piece in, and spoon it out.
-[Josh] Okay.

So when the spoon is dirty,
can you set it back on the table?

-[Misty] Never.
-[Josh] Yes, ma'am.

-I need note cards. Yeah.
-[all laughing]

Josh is really absorbing
this etiquette class.

You see he is asking questions.
He is engaged.

Grip it.

Flip it.

Whatever lady Josh starts dating next,
you're welcome.

When you are not finished with your meal,
"X" means don't touch that.

When you're finished,
this means you're done.

And that's a silent signal
that your server will know.

Also with your napkin,

this means you're done also
if it's to the left of your plate.

-We're learning a lot.
-[all laughing]

-Proper cheers?
-[Misty] Oh, no, no. Be gentle.

-[Tan] Yes.
-Let's not tap.

-Let's raise.
-No tapping.

-Raising a glass.

[Tan] Cheers to us all.

Y'all didn't think I was just
gonna take him to etiquette class.

Y'all know we about
to have a heartfelt conversation now.

[Josh groans]
You're the only one I'm scared of.

Why would you be nervous with me?

You know what I don't do every day?

-Talk about feelings.
-I got it.

It's time to get to the root
of how Josh's actions and words

truly aren't aligning up with

making this dream of having a family
and kids one day and the future he wants.

I've never actually
taken the time to look at me.

[Karamo laughs]

Can I take a drink before we do this?

-Listen, we'll take a drink together.
-All right.

-Cheers. You're not supposed to touch.
-Oh, yeah, you're not.

We learned that in etiquette class.

I thought the etiquette class was
the probably most thoughtful thing

anyone's done for me in a long time.


I've always set others ahead of me.

Putting yourself second is something that
you've practiced for a very long time.

It's not even second, dude.
It's, like, 300th, you know?

How does it make you feel
that you'd put yourself 300th?

It makes me feel honorable.

It makes me feel, like, admirable.

You're spinning. That's part of the charm.

It's like, "I feel admirable.
I feel honorable."

But I know for a fact,
'cause I've been there before,

as someone who's
put myself not first, I feel shitty as…

None of us can live our lives
putting ourselves second.

Even if you're a parent, you have to be
able to respect and love yourself first.

So that way you can
start taking responsibility

for every one of your relationships.

Do you think you took responsibility
in your relationship with Kayla?

You kidding me?
I was a degenerate, you know?

I looked at other women.
I shouldn't have done that.

Yeah, she was sure always easy.

So, it's like,
"Oh, man, dude, I'm scared."

"Like, I found this girl
that I really like."

"What am I gonna do?
Oh, shit, man. We're getting attached."

Like, we're talking about marriage,
stuff like that. That's scary.

Everyone's scared, though, right?


You're not scared?

No, because I trust and I love myself.

And I know by trusting and loving myself,
I'm gonna make the right decision.

-Can I ask you a question?
-Yeah, you can.

What was the first thing
you did when you were like,

"Shit, man, I gotta love myself"?

You think about the ways
and things that you do to yourself

that's not loving yourself.

And so for me, I used to drink a lot.

I used to party
every once in a while with dr*gs.

But I realized all of those actions, none
of those were serving me to love myself.

To the outside world, I was successful.

And I was looking at myself in the mirror,
and I was like, "I don't have it."

I think we have a similar history.


But you know you can get past that,
and you can start to love yourself more.

Because the minute you start
to heal things in yourself,

things'll get better in all
the other relationships in your life.

Knowing that your dream
is to have a family, this life.

That Kayla was a part of that dream.


-Have you ever said "I'm sorry" to her?

No, never.

I would love for you to call Kayla.

And you don't have to apologize right now,

'cause I think it needs
to be face-to-face.


But I think maybe inviting her

to come over
with the specific reason of saying,

"Hey, I need to talk to you."

-Yeah. Yeah.
-Unfiltered honesty like you just gave me.

Hearing that Kayla never got
an apology breaks my heart.

Because so many people leave relationships
without getting closure.

-[Kayla] Hey.[/i]
-[Josh] Hey.

-[Josh] What are you doing?[/i]

Just relaxing. What are you doing?

[Josh] Uh, just hanging out.

But that also means that Josh
never closed this relationship properly.

So he never got to own up
to what he's done,

which when you can't own up
and be truthful with yourself,

there's no growth
or healing ever happening.

Would you like to come hang out?

If you want true growth and healing,

you gotta own up
to what you did and confront it.

I mean, definitely. I will be there.

All right, honey. I'm excited about it.

This is the first step
in his actions matching his words.

I can't wait to see you.

-All right, bye.[/i]

-You're getting emotional here?

No, I'm not getting emotional, man.
I said I wasn't gonna cry.

First time I've seen your eyes gloss up.

Oh, it's allergies.

[rock music playing]

♪ Oh, oh, whoa-oh ♪


Yes, yes.

-[horn honks]
-[Fab Five] Hey!


-[Bobby] Finally got you blindfolded, huh?

[Bobby] Right, we're gonna go this way.
All right, turn around.

[Fab Five] Ready?

I'm ready. I'm ready.

-One. Two. Three!
-[Tan] All right, let's do it!

-[Josh giggles]
-[Fab Five laughing]

[Karamo] This is a brand-new house.


[Tan] Are you speechless?

Yeah. I don't wanna be weird about it,
but I'd like to just give you all hugs.

[Antoni] Aww!

-That's nice!
-[Karamo] That's not weird!

That's not weird!

-[all laughing]
-No, no, that was badass.

Dude, this is awesome.

Can we look around?

[Bobby] Let's go inside.


-[Jonathan] Isn't it gorg?
-[Josh] That's all you do, right?

-[Bobby] You have a kitchen now.
-We can laugh about it.

[Jonathan] Just think,
you've got a fully-functional kitchen

and a face frame of highlights.

-Who could ask for anything more?

[Bobby] You've got somewhere
to chill at night, to entertain.

You can Netflix and chill right there.
Sturdy. Bobby built it by hand.


[Bobby] One of the guys on our team
painted this for you.

That's badass, man.

[Bobby] Shall we keep going?

A real-life bathroom.

It's a small space,
but there's a ton of storage.

This is cool, man.

All right, and now, the final space.

Your new bedroom.

Closet, storage, plants.

I did two huge windows on the corner
to make the space feel super big.

I'm just honestly blown away by this.

Like, the incredible details
are ridiculous, you know?

You know, one of my favorite things
about the space now

is your new family crest. Your legacy.

Know how badass
that'd be to pass down to kids?

-Like, multiple generations.
-[Bobby] It's gonna weather.

-It's gonna be cool as hell.

[Josh] And outdoor cooking?
Man, there's an outdoor sink too.

-[Bobby] Right.

Absolutely blown away.

Okay, so I literally made you,
like, a heterosexual-man-proof card

of literally the order
of how to do your skincare.

This is like if you only
have time for a few things.

This is, like, your quick routine.

[laughs] All right.

[Jonathan] This has just your conditioner
in it, mixed with water.

It's my new favorite thing
for people with curly hair.

It just kind of refreshes things.

-And I can just leave that in there?
-Yep, exactly.

So take your hand out.
I'm gonna put a little bit of this in.

-Then start on your ends.
-Way back here?

I like what you're doing.

-Like that? Right there?
-A little scrunch. Yes.

-Come here.
-Thank you.

I had so much fun.

That was a really,
much more, like, comfortable hug.

-Yeah, yeah. I mean…

I think when we first met, I was nervous.

I could tell.

After six hours in a salon with you,
I felt a little more comfortable.


And now you're all-the-way comfy.

Yeah! You actually did what you said you
were gonna do. You're not full of shit.

You actually made me note cards.
You actually, like, helped me.

You actually cared.
That's actually pretty… cool.

I don't wanna make you uncomfortable
now that you just said you're comfortable,

but the way you were
pushing your hair back…

-I just gave you a compliment. [laughs]
-No, no, no, but Kayla's gonna--

-The girls are gonna--
-Maybe do that?

-Oh. That whole thing…
-What, on this side?


Did… Did you guys see that?
Did you see that at home, America?

-What happened? What happened?

Dude, show it to Antoni.


-Thank you very much.
-[Jonathan] Love you. Have fun!

You have something big
coming up tonight with Kayla.

What do you think our game plan should be?

Question is, what do you think
our game plan should be?

Honestly, I think what I need to do is
I think I need to apologize to her.


And actually mean it.

It's real easy to say "I'm sorry."
Been doing that since kindergarten.

Actually look her in the eyes and say,
"I'm sorry I wasn't a good guy to you."

And that apology, for her,
to mean something, you gotta own it.

-You want me to own the actual truth?
-Own the truth.

-The only way this is gonna work.
-I'll own it.

[Karamo] If you're giving an apology,

there can never be
a "but" or a "what" or a "why."

Apologies are just
owning what you have done

and allowing the other person to receive
the fact that you understand what you did.

-Have you ever given an apology like that?

And I still haven't yet,
so I'm a little bit nervous. Yeah.

-Hey, Tanny.
-Sorry to interrupt, kids.

Time to get changed.

[both] Oh!

-Are you becoming a hugger, Josh?
-[Josh] No.

-[laughing] Come on.
-You know you love me the most.

[Tan] Footwear was what you were
the most concerned about.

This is a version of a cowboy boot
that is super slick, super stylish.

-But it's not like a work boot.

And so, if you were to go
out on a date or whatever,

I'd love for you
to wear this kind of thing.

Everything's really neutral.

So no matter what you put on from here,
it's gonna go with your shirt.

-Didn't get out of control. You did good.
-Let's try this.

-Let's try it.

Okay, kids! Are we ready?

-[all] Yeah!
-[Tan] I know we are.

-Look at our dapper man!
-[Karamo] Wow!

[Jonathan] Wow!

Aww! You're walking towards Kayla…

-You look really good!
-He gave a twirl!

Super model looking around my land.

[Antoni] Is that seersucker?

-It is seersucker!
-[Antoni] Great suit.

If I don't get a crop top,
I'll take this as a close second, honey.

Final one?

-[all] Yeah!

And this one is a crop top.

[Tan] It's a crop top!

[chanting] Crop top! Crop top!
Crop top! Crop top! Crop top!


Tan, your backside's a third look.
It looks so cute in those jeans.

[laughs] Thank you. All right, Josh!

-[Jonathan] Wow!

-[Antoni] Is that a suede shirt?
-It sure is!

The goal was to not to take Josh
too much out of his comfort zone.

-I like this one.

-How's the hair?
-You look gorgeous!

-Thank you.
-It's time for us to leave! Time to go.


You guys came in pretty hard and heavy.

Then, uh,
I learned a lot about my feelings.

So, uh, thank you, guys.

And I mean that sincerely,
from the bottom of my heart.

-I'm already getting sad.

Thank you all for being my friend.

-We appreciate it.
-[Karamo] Lifelong friends.

[Antoni] Thank you for opening up to us

and asking a million questions
about every single thing.

-[Josh] Ah.
-You got this. Ahh!

-Thank you.
-[Bobby] Bye, Josh.

-[Tan] Bye!
-[Antoni] Have fun tonight.

Have so much fun!

-Bye, honey!

Oh, my God, this is some
of our finest work. Look at you!

[Tan] I know! He looks so good.

-And then put on a crop top. I love you!

-[rock music playing]
-♪ I know that times have been hard ♪[/i]

♪ Harder than they usually are… ♪

[Karamo] Love some Wagyu.

Here you go.

-[Tan] Looks absolutely lovely.
-You're all very welcome.

-[Bobby] Come this way.
-[Antoni] Come on, Neon.

[Karamo] Bobby. Johnny.

-Tanny. Antoni.
-[Antoni] Come on.

-Come on, kid. Oh, you too?
-[Karamo sighs]

-All right, all right.
-[laughs] Look at the smile.

-[Tan] Should we do it?
-[Karamo] Yeah.

He looks so handsome.

-[Jonathan] His hair looks really good.
-His hair does look really good.

God, Bobby, that space looks so good.

-[Bobby] I wanna move in there.

It does look beautiful.

[Kayla] Oh, my gosh.

Is this real life?

Oh, my goodness.

And "oh, my goodness" to you. Hello!

Hey, honey, how are you?
I've got something to show ya.

And wait, what? Your beard is like…

-Yeah? You like it?
-[laughs] Oh, my God, this is amazing.

I'm gonna cry for you. This is insane.

No, here. Come here.
I'm cooking us dinner.

-Honestly, she's stunning.
-Stunning, she's gorgeous.

This is… I'm speechless.

-Hey, cheers.

Thanks for coming over.

-They make a cute couple.
-They do.

We got a couch over here.

[Kayla] Have you,
like, ever had an actual couch?

No, it's the first time.
Isn't that exciting?


I cannot believe he was
having her over at that last trailer.

I know.

-Did you wash your hair? You look--
-I washed it. You like it?

-Yes! I mean, you have beautiful hair.
-Yeah, smell it.

It smells good. It smells, like, manly.

She was scared to death to smell his hair,
and now she seemed really enjoy it.


Here. Have a seat.

Aw, thank you.

-One time.
-Prince Charming.

-All right.
-The presentation… ten out of ten.

-You look stunning.
-So do you!

You're beautiful.
Or should I say "bootyful"?

Those jeans look really good
on your… you know.

-[Fab Five] Oh!

He does have a nice,
little muscular butt, you can tell him.

[Josh] It was such an amazing experience,
you know?

I got to thinking about, like…

[exhales] I don't think until now,
I've ever really thought about our--

I've never apologized, right?

I want you to know…

that I'm sorry,
from, like, the bottom of my heart.

I'm sorry for being dishonest to you.

Because the whole time…

you were amazing, right?

Like, you were the girl
that I wanted, and I just…

I wasn't the guy that you wanted.

But I led it on.
Like, I led you on to believe that.

You know, I'm sorry for misleading you.

And I'm sorry I looked at other women.

I'm sorry.

-I absolutely adore you.

I'm gonna work on being better.

That was the hardest part
about this entire week,

was reflecting on myself.

I think the problem is that I just…

I never loved myself.

I've got to learn to love myself.

-[Jonathan] Aww!
-That was the final piece.

It's like, "What did I do wrong?
Why didn't they love me?"

Exactly, and it was not about you.
It was 'cause he didn't love his own self.

I accept your apology.

I'm so happy to be
part of this next chapter.

Like, I hope I'm part
of this next chapter with you.

And I'm happy
to support you in any way I can.

[Josh] You're an angel.

My hope for Josh is that
he never stops doing the work on himself.

[Bobby] Just saying "I want a wife
and a family" are just empty words.

Actions and preparations
need to be put into that.

And I think we've definitely
started him on the right track

to finally find his way home.

Ever find yourself in the perfect spot,

wearing your favorite suit,
and you don't know what to drink?

Well, how about revisit a classic?
The Old Fashioned.

Start out with an Old Fashioned glass.

One sugar cube.

A couple of drops of bitters.

Three to four splashes of water.

So Old Fashioneds are
typically made with rye or bourbon.

Today, we're going primo
with some whiskey.

A few ice cubes.

Larger ice cubes will prevent
your cocktail from watering down.

And, finally, zest of a fresh orange.

[sniffs] Mmm! And you have yourself
an Old Fashioned.

Cheers, y'all.

-[country music playing][/i]
-♪ If your life is like a tornado ♪

♪ You've been living in black and white ♪

♪ All you need is a smoke and a rainbow
Honey, let me give you a light ♪

♪ All right, let me give you a light ♪

♪ Yes, queen, go,[/i] queen
Dipping like a Dairy Queen ♪

♪ Put your inhibitions in a big U-Haul ♪

♪ Good wheel Gucci
Where my Chattahoochees? ♪

♪ Out in the country, honey
Y'all means all, hey! ♪

♪ Y'all means all, hey! ♪

♪ Hey! Y'all means all ♪

♪ Yes, queen, go, queen
Dipping like a Dairy Queen ♪

♪ Put your inhibitions in a big U-Haul ♪

♪ Good wheel Gucci
Where my Chattahoochees? ♪

♪ Out in the country, honey
Y'all means all, hey! ♪

♪ Y'all means all, hey! ♪

♪ Hey! Y'all means all ♪