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04x12 - We're in Japan - The Ideal Woman

Posted: 04/28/24 16:05
by bunniefuu
[energetic music plays]

-[Karamo] Oh, my God!

Tanny, will this really satisfy
your sweet tooth?

-Yes, please.
-[Antoni] They got some stuff up in here.

[Tan] This is the most amazing place.

-[Karamo] Can I tell you something?
-[Jonathan] Yes.

[Karamo] This is what I think
it looks like in your mind.

-It does sometimes.

Oh, my gosh. What is happening, queen?

So this place is called
"Kawaii Monster Cafe."

It's like
a super popular spot in Harajuku.


As you can see,

it's like a fantasy world,

and a Harajuku girl is all about being in
the fantasy,

like more of a character in manga.

So I brought you here because I thought
you can feel like a true Harajuku.

-I love it.
-You're helping me connect these dots

because our heroine this week
is gorgeous Kae,

who is a manga illustrator.

-[Tan] Yeah.
-[Jonathan] She's precious.

[Kae laughs]

[in Japanese] It's rather embarrassing.
I can't live without drawing. Yes.

"She's 23. She was nominated by

her mom Kiyoko and her sister Kie."

-[dog barks]
-[Jonathan] What is manga, honey?

It's like a comic book, manga.
It's the same thing.

She works at this place which is actually
my favorite spot to go.

[Tan] It is?

You're a comic book girl? I love that.

I mean, they have comic books, but they
have like, old toys.

-That's amazing.
-You guys will love it.

"She dreams of creating her own manga,

and Kae has had some success
as an illustrator."

[in Japanese]
A publisher made her an offer

to try drawing manga for them.

It seems it did not go well.

[Kae in Japanese] It was such
a huge opportunity but I blew it.

I really regret it.

I'm scared of challenges

because I know it will end up in failure.

So I'd rather not do it.

"Kae was bullied growing up
and her insecurities

from that time have followed
her into adulthood,

and they are now impacting
her career goals."

[Kae in Japanese] I won't forget about it.

It was so calculated and frightening.

[breathes deeply]

That was my high school years.

"Kae lives at home with her family."
You love that.

She loves a family story this one.

-I love it. Yeah.
-Here's the deal though.

"Kae shares a bedroom
with her little sister."

Which I'm sure doesn't always cause for
great harmony between her and her sister.

-[in Japanese] Do you want some, Kie?
-[in Japanese] No, thanks.

[in Japanese] I think she's
outrageously messy. [laughs]

[in Japanese] Kae, you need to clean now.

[in Japanese] No, I'm reading.

I've been telling you
to clean your mess.

[laughs] I will do it tomorrow.

Give me a break.

[in Japanese]
Living with Kae is difficult.

She's a child who can't clean up
after herself.

I said child,
but she's already 23 years old.

Yeah... Umm...

"She has dyed her hair so many times that
it is completely damaged." Great.

[Kiyoko in Japanese] There was a time
when she over-bleached it,

and it became blonde.

That time it looked disastrous.

[Jonathan] I'm going to do this in British
so you understand a little bit better.

Kae's looks range
from school girl uniforms

-to yankii...
-[Tan] What's a yankii?

[Jonathan] It's a Japanese
young delinquent apparently.

[with accent]
I'm not sure if it's controversial.

-Is there a negative connotation to it?

Like, your mom wouldn't be proud?

No, I don't know if she's doing that on
purpose, as a style.

So, basically she's serving
the school girl uniform sometimes.

Sometimes she's going to this more
like yankii style.

I am also abandoning that British accent
because it is not working.

Full abandoning, can't do it.

-We tried and that was cute.

[Kiyoko in Japanese] She often buys
based on the impact it has on looks.

I think each piece is eccentric and loud.

[Tan] It sounds like she hasn't found
her place in her home or her work...

That sounds like
the case with her fashion also.

-[Kiko] Yeah.
-Twenty-three years old is such

an emblematic time of going through so
much change and so much finding yourself.

[in Japanese] I can only hope
that the Fab 5 can do something

to change her. [laughs]

So what is Kae up to
at the end of the week?

Kae is going to be having an exhibition
of her work.

The public is invited.

Family is invited.

There is validation up for grabs, but
from no one more important than herself.


Our mission this week is to take
this insecure girl

-and teach her to rule the world.
-The world!

-[cheering] Yes!
-[cheering] Yeah!


[theme song plays]



[Karamo] We're almost there, guys.

[Antoni] Oh, my gosh.

[Jonathan] Wow.

[Karamo] Look how tiny this is.

[Karamo] Oh my.

-[Bobby] Wow. Hold on.
-[Karamo] It'll fit.

-It's so tight.

We're not actually going to be able to get
out of the backseat.

[Bobby] Well, maybe the sunroof?


[Jonathan] Okay, come on boys.

-[Jonathan] Hi, how are you?
-[Kiyoko] Ah!


-Can I hold him? Oh!



-Hi! [laughs]
-Hi! Konichiwa!

Two puppies?


[Antoni] Things just got twice as good.

-How are you? Nice to meet you.
-Nice to meet you.

-It is so nice to meet you.

-May I?

Oh, my gosh.

You little ragamuffin

-[chattering and laughing]
-You little ragamuffin.

Oh, my gosh. Who did this?

-This is beautiful.

[Antoni] The kenzoi one,
that's really good.

[Karamo] Gorgeous art.

So much artistic talent
oozing out of her fingertips.

Also, this is like an artist by energy.

She is an artist. You can
feel it from the second you meet her.

[Jonathan] I'm so excited.

-Can I take your hair? Can we take it out?

-Yeah, yeah. Let's look at it.
-For you.

You have such pretty hair.

Do you like your hair?

-No. [chuckles]

-It's too...
-Too beautiful? Too thick? Too pretty?

[in Japanese] Not at all! It's damaged.

What about your hair color?

[in Japanese]
Hmm... I don't really like it.

-You share a bedroom with your sister?

How is it?

-I hear she is messy.
-[Kie chuckles]

-Be honest.
-How is she?

[Kie] Yeah, she's...
I think her skills in cleaning is...

-horrible, disastrous.
-Oh, no.

-She got a job...
-Okay, yeah.

and so she purchased lots of things,
like books,

clothes, so it is getting worse.


[Antoni humming]

[Kie] That's our room.

[in Japanese] It's dirty. [laughs]

Wow, girl, you got a lot of stuff
up in here.

-[Kie] Yeah. [laughs]
-[Bobby] Wow.

-[Karamo] That's adorbs.
-[Bobby] Love that.

There's a lot going on in here.

Some homes I go in
and there's zero personality

This room...

they have multiple personalities.


This is not your work space.
This is a dumping ground.

What's up there, Tanny?

An empty pet cage.

-What kind of pet? More importantly...
-Definitely like a gerbil.

-We have loads of empty boxes.
-[Karamo] Wow.


I would come down,

but there's really little space,
so I'm going to stay up here.

Wait, how do y'all get out of bed?

-It's so, it's so, tight.


I'm here looking at the clothes, thinking
I have so many questions.

[Jonathan] Sayonara. I love you.

-Is there room up there to sleep?

-It is so impractical.

I'll be back.

Okay, what look do you go for?

[in Japanese]
I like schoolgirl-like clothes like this.

This look that you've got on
is not really schoolgirl.

It's quite matronly. It's a lot more
grandma than schoolgirl.


You're hot, and you're young,
and you've got this beautiful little body,

-and you're hiding it under that. Yeah.

What does your mom think of what you wear?

[in Japanese]
She simply doesn't like any of my clothes.


What made you guys want to nominate Kae?
What do we need to help with?


Be human. [chuckles]

Saying I'm busy,

I'm busy, so I can't clean up.

So we are all busy.

-[Antoni] Mmhmm.
-[Kiyoko] Mm.

Tell me about your body.

[in Japanese] Well,
I am a bit chubby.

I have large breasts
and all my clothes make me look

like a Playboy girl. [chuckles]

So I don't really want
to wear clothes that emphasize my boobs.

I also don't really know
what I like about my body.

I go through a process of elimination

when I think of what I want to wear.

I don't like fitted pants
that show my leg lines.

-You don't like super fitted pants?

They're too sexy?

-Mmm... yeah.
-You just don't like them?

You don't like your bum?

[in Japanese] No, I don't.

Is it because you think it's big?

[in Japanese] Yeah, it's big.

Did you know anywhere else in the world
people pay really good money

-to get a big bum?

Like I squat everyday to get a big bum.

You've got a wonderful figure and I don't
want you to be ashamed of your body.

I want to show you how to dress it

where you feel really good about yourself.

-Is this your natural curls?
-Yes, yes.

-Ooh... [laughs]

[smacks lips]

-So good.

-I love your haircut so much.
-I washed it.

-Oh, really.

-Touch my hair. [laughs]
-Everyone in family has such great hair.


-You know the shape is so good.

-It's so chic on you.
-[laughs] What!

So comfortable!

Look at this beautiful art. Oh, my gosh.


-Who prepares the food in this house?

-You make it?

Okay, what does Kae make?

-Uh... [laughs]

Messes, it sounds like. [laughs]

[in Japanese]
Do you think they'll know mapo tofu?

-Mapo tofu?
-She makes mapo tofu?

-And it is very popular.
-[Kiyoko] She use this.

It's very popular in Japan, right?

It's popular and
we have seasoning of this.

-So she makes the instant mix of it?

That's all.

Do you think you're a tough mom?


-[Kie] She's really tough.
-I have to be tough more. Much more.

-You think you should be even more tough?
-[laughs] Yeah.

So tell me,
how long have you been drawing?

[in Japanese]
I've been drawing since I was little.


[in Japanese]
Yes. Drawing is the only thing I have

and the only thing
that's remained consistent in my life.

So I noticed you draw a lot of girls.

-That's beautiful. Why?

[in Japanese] I have this ideal
type of girl I've wanted to be.

She has long legs like this
and a round face and long arms.

I want to be like this because

I don't believe I'm beautiful in any way.

I've never felt recognized in that way.

[melancholic music plays]

The bullying happened
during middle school

and high school and since then,

I've become scared of girls in general.

You started to draw what you wish
you were like?

Is that because you thought this girl
wouldn't get bullied?

[in Japanese] When you put it that way,
you might be right.

Have you ever drawn yourself?

[in Japanese] Sometimes. But I always draw
myself with sad expressions.

I want you to draw a self-portrait of you
being happy.

Can you do that?

[in Japanese]
[chuckling] I'll do my best.

Okay, good.

-Come on in, boo.
-Would the ideal woman wear this skirt?

-Yes! She's gorgeous!

-I found it.
-I love it.

-I hope you don't mind that I tried it on.


You guys have shared a room your whole
life, yes?

[in Japanese] Yes. With Kie.

Would you like to make this room something
that could function for more than,

just sleeping?

[in Japanese] That would be nice.

Well here, Kie uses this space.

I use this space
when I read nowadays.

I don't think I like being
in this room because it's so messy.

-Gotta take a nap, Tanny.

You gotta take a nap.

-This doesn't look clean.
-Kids gotta take a nap.

-Yes, it is.
-[weeping] No, it's not.

-You have to take a nap.

Your mom prepares most of the meals
for the family, right?

[in Japanese] I don't think my mom likes
having me cooking here.

Your mother... umm...

-when we are talking to her...

She's kind of tough.


♪ Go to sleep, go to sleep

♪ You're a little baby, Tanny ♪

-I need to be spooned.
-♪ Go to sleep, go to sleep ♪

Tell me a story, Jackie.

Well, you tell me what you want to be
when you grow up, Tanny.

-I want to be a real boy.


[in Japanese] There was one time we cooked
natto and kimchi together.

I also ruined the frying pan that time.

Since then, she hasn't trusted my cooking.

She thinks I don't take care of things

so I'm never asked to cook.

You're very hard on yourself.


I really want to create a space in here
that when you wake up in the morning,

you feel happy, you feel inspired.

Do you have a favorite movie that
inspires you with design?

[in Japanese] Yes. I would say
Grand Budapest Hotel would be one of them.

I think I really enjoy
Wes Anderson's movies.

You are a very beautiful and bright woman,

but the only way for you to see yourself
as that beautiful, strong, talented woman

is to learn how to fight against
these negative messages

that people have been telling you
and that you've been telling yourself.

[in Japanese] This moment right now is
something I would have never imagined

to happen in my life. [chuckles]

I keep thinking this is a dream,
[sobs] it can't be true.

I've never been comforted
like this before.

But, even though the Fab 5
have been through such hard times,

I think it's really cool
that they are still so bright

and can help people.

I'm just really happy
and excited about what will happen next.

You're super brave in the fact that

you told everyone of us what
you're really going through.

I promise you, every one of us is going
to do all we can to help you this week.

We'll discover Kae together. A happy Kae.

[breathes deeply]

[Karamo] It is time to sketch a new Kae,

-so we are going to get out of here
-[uplifting music plays]

-so that we can start getting it going.

-You ready?
-Kae, you're coming with us.

-Love you.
-We love you.

Ow, my back.


[cheering music plays]

Kae is ashamed of her body.

Which from me is BS.

She's got a beautiful hourglass figure.

I want to show her that
it's an asset to her

and that it's not something
she should be ashamed of.

[Antoni] It's incredibly important for Kae
to cook with her mother.

There is a lot they need to say
to each other.

What better way than cooking together?

[Bobby] I really want to show Kae
this week that

sometimes design isn't just about
changing your view within four walls.

It's about changing
your total view of life.

I want to teach Kae that
the way she does her hair and makeup

is for the reaction from herself,
not from others.

It's to make herself feel beautiful.

Look at her.

Oh, my gosh.

She is fearless.

This idea of an ideal girl is
really damaging.

My goal is to help Kae understand that
she can fight against

this negative illustration that she's
drawn of herself,

that she can sketch a new her

by just believing that who she is,
is perfectly designed.

[uplifting Japanese music plays]



We're going in here.

[music fades out]

I wanted to bring you here to

show you a different kind of shopping.

When you walking down the street,

and you're shopping,
and you see all these girls,

when you're in your mind thinking

"She looks good," what is it?

[in Japanese]
People who can show off their best assets.

I try my best to hide everything.

I think people who can show
their bodylines

look more confident.

But, at the same time,

there's a part of me
that's scared to do that.

When you dress this way, you're doing it
to hide everything about yourself.

I think that's what I want to find here
with you today

is the areas of yourself that you like.

I can make you the prettiest doll
in the world.

It doesn't matter
if you're not feeling it.

I need for you to see what we all see.

So we're going to go around the store,

you're going to pick out the things that
you would pick

if you didn't care what
other people thought.

Please, please shop.

I saw you eyeing this up.

And this. Did you like both of those, too?

[in Japanese] I don't own anything
like this. I don't wear pants in general.

I know you said that you don't wear pants
because of your bum

and I want to show you the best parts of
your body

highlighted in what I think is
a more flattering way

and see how you feel about it. Sound good?

Let's try some stuff on real quick.

I'm going to take off your jacket or
your security blanket.


I love an A-line dress.

I love a shift dress.

But I only love it if you're wearing it
for a style statement.

What's going through your mind when you
look in the mirror?

[in Japanese] I care a lot about
what my waist looks like.

But, when you held it like this,

I thought that it looked better this way.

Well, then let's see more change.

I love the color on you.

I love the skirt on you.

I know that you don't wear sweaters
usually because you're worried about

your breasts.

They look incredible. It's not vulgar.

It's just chic.

[in Japanese] I cannot tell how it fits

just by holding up clothes
in front of the mirror.

But if I actually wear these clothes,

I think it's really good.
I like this style.

-Do you feel cute?

Do you feel better about yourself?

[in Japanese] I feel like
I can approve myself. l like this.

-And you look gorgeous. Gorgeous.

-You ready?

[Kae laughs]


[breathes heavily]

-I love it. I love it. Okay.

Come stand with me.

I wanted to see what you thought of
your body in pants.

You look so cool.

You look young, but you don't look
like a schoolgirl.

You look like
a cool 20-something year old

in this,

-your body in this.

She smiles. I think she's seeing her
curves for the first time ever

outside of probably
her bathroom situation.

[in Japanese] I always thought
that a childish style

would match me better,

but I'm surprised that
with just three types of clothing,

I can change.

Looking at myself right now,
I feel very happy.

I want you to do me
one quick, quick favor.


Yes. Bam!

-Bam! [laughs]

What does this say?


-Bunka? Is bunka Japanese for culture?

-Oh! I just learned something new.

-Bunka. Come on in.
-Bunka. Wow.


-Here you go.
-Oh, thank you.

So this is actually a studio

-where they practice Judo.
-[training grunts in distance]

Have you ever done judo before?

[in Japanese] I think I've done it once
before in middle school.

Well, the thing that I love about judo

is that it's all about

the mind and body connecting,

and it's also about helping people to
understand that no matter how

weak you think you are,

you're actually so much stronger than
anything else

that's happening in your life.

I want to know specifically what are the
parts of your life you feel weak in.

[in Japanese] For instance, comments
like you're not cute

or you've gotten fatter,
I take those comments pretty seriously.

So, I think I tend to take
negatives comments like that seriously

even though I know I shouldn't.

You feel weak when people tell you that
you're not pretty.

So I have invited a friend who has
overcome those same issues

that you just said you have.

That's my friend right here.

-[in Japanese] Hello.

-[Karamo laughs]

-Come on up.

[in Japanese]
Hello, Kae. Nice to meet you.

You must've been really surprised.

[in Japanese] What a surprise! [laughs]
Oh, my god! You're so pretty.

[in Japanese] I came here to meet you.
I came to see you!


Naomi is a massive star here.

There's a confidence and a swagger
about her. She owns who she is.

And I think having Kae around Naomi
will help her to see the beauty

that she has in herself.

-Hey! [laughs]

[in Japanese] How are you?

[in Japanese]
I thought you were going to start judo.

[in Japanese] Right? Yes, I'm
a judo expert. [laughs]


You told me you don't feel attractive.

You don't like your body.

Naomi, have you ever experienced
those things?

And how did you find the strength to know
that you are actually better than that?

[in Japanese] Well, for me, I've been told
I'm not cute

or I'm really fat my whole life.

And, when I grew up
especially in my teens,

everyone's definition
of beauty meant being skinny.

I was brainwashed to think
that if you aren't skinny,

then you won't be treated
like a woman or even a person.

But then, when I entered
this world of entertainment,

I was able to see all types of people.

And there were people
who told me I'm cute or others would say,

"Damn look at that body!"
That's when I realized

that there are people out
there who like me for me.

So then I became stronger
towards negative comments.

If I'm told, "You're so fat!",

I'd say "Do you only know
that word? You must not know many words."

I became that much stronger.

But, I was able to do that

because I used
all that negativity from others,

-as fuel for my own.
-[in Japanese] That's amazing.

I gave you a homework assignment,
which was to draw of your true self.

I'm actually in the middle of drawing it.

-Can you go get it for me?

[in Japanese] Are you okay?
Are you legs numb?

[in Japanese] This leg...

[in Japanese] [chuckles]
Oh! You have the actual drawing.

[in Japanese] But, I wanted to draw
the face bigger.

[in Japanese]
It's not completely finished yet.

[in Japanese] It's cute!

Where's the rest of it?

[in Japanese] In order to break through
my insecurities about my body,

I thought drawing the focus
on the eyes would be better.

I don't think
I'll be drawing the body.

I think your illustrations are beautiful.

But I think for this homework assignment,
as you are growing and learning,

you're going to have to focus not only on
the eyes, but on the body as well.

If you hide it, you'll never focus on the
fear and the hurt and the pain

that you're having
when it comes to your body.

[in Japanese] There's always an ideal
type of body I have in my drawings.

I really scared of straying away from

and right now,
I really don't know what to do.

[in Japanese] I truly believe

that you can draw
different bodies, eyes, and expressions

other than your ideal type
and it'll show how amazing you really are.

[in Japanese] Thank you.

[in Japanese]
I really believe you can do that.

[in Japanese]
Just talking to you like this

gives me a lot of power.

I feel like you're
a power spot or something.


-Here. Handshake! Here's the power. Ah!

-[electrical buzz]



[in Japanese]
Oh my, the children too! Aw! [laughs]

[in Japanese] Everyone else, too! So many!


[in Japanese] Everyone's here.


[Naomi in Japanese] Wow!

-We're going to learn some judo!

[in Japanese]
Everyone, please take good care of us.

I've got outfits for us,
so let's go change.

[in Japanese] One, two, three, four.

[in Japanese] Two, two, three, four.

[in Japanese] Yay! We've changed now. Yay!


[in Japanese] Bow to the sensei.


[in Japanese] Please gather in a circle.

[in Japanese]
We'll start with a little warm-up.

Okay, I'll throw her to the ground.


[in Japanese] So, you only touch.
But once you've touched, say, "Hai!"


[in Japanese]
So from here, let's start. Hai! Hai!


[in Japanese] For about 20 seconds.

-[Jonathan] No.
-[Karamo] Should we do it?

[in Japanese] I see.

-[in Japanese] Already?
You're ready?

OK. We're doing this, we're doing this.

Hai! Hai!

[Naomi in Japanese] It hasn't started yet!

-[Isamo] Ready.
-[Antoni] Ready.


Hai! Hai!


[punch impact]




I'm tired.

[in Japanese] Thank you.

-[in Japanese] I'm so freaking tired.
-[in Japanese] Same.

[in Japanese]
I'll be teaching you some techniques now.

[in Japanese]
We're already learning techniques?

-[Antoni] She is adorable.
-[in Japanese] It's called osotogari.

[in Japanese] Make sure to grab from
the right handed side.

Like this and hold the sleeves
and lapel tightly.

Hold it like this, and ready?

-[Naomi in Japanese] Left foot.

[Isamu in Japanese] Two! Up and down.


[Naomi in Japanese]
Who wants to try next?

[in Japanese] I think he'll...

-[Antoni] Cute.
-[Jonathan] Kawaii.

[in Japanese] Here I go!

[in Japanese] One, two, [yells] three!


Woo! Yeah!

[in Japanese] I'm so sorry. Are you okay?


I didn't mean to put
so much power into it, sorry!

Kae should be up next, Kae!

-Kae, let's go.
-[Karamo] You can do it.

Remember no matter what you feel weak
with, you're stronger than that, OK?

-You can do it. [cheering]
-You got it. [clapping]

[in Japanese] You got this!

[Karamo] Scream it. I want to hear it.

[in Japanese] One! [chuckles]


-[all cheering] Yeah!


Yes, yes, yes.

So cool!

Sensei, arigatou.

Arigatou gozaimasu.

[uplifting music playing]

Welcome to Hair Life story,
this gorgeous salon.


-Come, come.

Isn't it gorge?

[in Japanese] Yes, it is
and it smells nice in here.


Let's start off by talking about what
we're going to do with your hair.

I just feel stunning-ass face.

You have neck. Your chin. You have eyes.

Don't even get me started
on these cheekbones, honey.

-Ah-ah, Mmm!

But I think it'd be so pretty

if we kind of take some of this length up
to like here.

[in Japanese] I'll leave it up to you.

I'm using the clippers

just because it gives it like
a really interesting texture.

[in Japanese] I see.
You are not shaving it, right?

-No, no.

[in Japanese] But, I'm really glad
you like the golden skirt.

-I love it so much.


For her ears? Oh, cute.

In America, we just wipe it off with like
a really strong, chemical.

-The American way.

Kae and I are going
to get on the one-way train

out of bad color land
into a more consistent

place where Kae can thrive

and still be experimental and fun.

[steam train whistling]

I am the mayor of color correction land.
Welcome, you have arrived.

I was so impressed with you at judo.

[in Japanese] [light chuckles]
Naomi was so much better.

Were you confident, like, doing that?

[in Japanese] The Fab 5 and Naomi rooted
for me so I was able to stay confident.

And, even before that when we talked,

they told me that

confidence isn't something
you need to have all the time.

It's something that you can
have whenever you need it.

So, at that time, I think
I was able to be confident in myself.

So my very first day of hair school,

they wrote on the whiteboard:

"Fake it until you make it,"

which basically means that if you're
learning something new,

you just kind of fake it the best you can
until you really figure it out.

[in Japanese] Do you mean you can just act
like you know?

Like you're going into a party
and you don't know anyone.

-Like that.

You know, you just kind of fake
that you're confident

until you're learning to be confident.

I feel like you have such an opportunity
to do that through your art.

Just take your life experiences
and just zhuzh it,

and make it, you know,
a great manga story.

[in Japanese] Well, there are people
out there who look at my drawings

and are able to gain something

and sometimes I get emails
from them directly.

I feel hopeful that someday
I can expand that more into a business.

I often think that
curling irons aren't good for the hair

but am I right
or does it depend on how you use it?

One hundred percent.

That foam that I put in your hair before
I started, that has heat protectant.

As long as you're doing it in moderation,
it's okay.

Okay. I'm showing you
the new and improved Kae.



Wah! [laughs]
[in Japanese] Oh, my God!

[in Japanese] I look so different!

Love. Huggies.

-Thank you for helping us on the team.

-Wait. Where is he? Where's Yuka?

[cheering] Yeah! We did it!

-It's always a glamsquad.
-Thank you.

-You look so pretty. I love you to pieces.
-Thank you.


-French artist, Henri Matisse

-Hi. [laughs]

-Come on in.
-Thank you.

-I've already started a little.

-Are you excited?

-With your beautiful hair.
-Thank you. [chuckles]

Her beloved dish is mapo tofu.

It's this spicy sort of, like, a stew-y
type situation with tofu.

Sometimes there's meat, but we going to
make a vegetarian-ish version of it.

Your mom's going to be here
in just a minute,

and she's going to be cooking with us.

[in Japanese] Oh, she's coming? [chuckles]


Have you ever grated ginger before?

[in Japanese] No. [chuckles]

-Perfect. There's a first for everything.

[Kiyoko] I think she doesn't like cooking.

Is that true?

[in Japanese] Well, I'm not good at it

and my mom has told me not to cook,

so I've never felt comfortable to.

[Antoni] I didn't necessarily cook
with my mother growing up.

I used to watch her cook

'cause she liked to do it on her own,

but we still sort of
shared that experience together.

We're going to start out with a little bit
of sesame oil.

It's going to add a really nice little
smokiness to it.

This is fermented black bean paste.

Then we have some red chili paste.

This is one of those elements that adds
that really nice heat to it.

I chopped up some garlic.

There, thank you.

Shiitake mushrooms are going to add a nice
meatiness without having to add meat.

I chopped up some bamboo,
and you can add it to your mom's mix.

-♪ Mother and daughter cooking together ♪

-♪ This is my dream ♪

-[in Japanese] It's our first time.
-[in Japanese] Yes, it is.

I bet your mom would appreciate it
if every once in a while

her lovely daughter

-would make her a little dinner

instead of the other way around, right?

-[in Japanese] I'll be waiting.

Kiyoko perceives her daughter
as being lazy

and not keeping her room clean.

She's really not understanding the pain
that she went through growing up.

So we're going to put this in very gently.

You're going to mix it around
so as not to break it apart.

We're going to treat these like little

-Baby tofu.

[Kiyoko and Kae speaking Japanese]

[Antoni] Sichuan peppercorn,
it's a Chinese pepper.

You like things spicy?

-I really like it.

Me too.

So we're going aggressive.

-It's okay. We'll all cry together.

-Arigatou gozaimasu.
-Yes. Arigatou gozaimasu.

Some of the most important talks
I ever had with my parents

were either in the kitchen

or sitting around our dining table.

It's good.

Growing up, I was a very big rebel
to my parents.

I was a complete nightmare.

It was the hardest time for me to share
what was going on with them and all that

my parents could say was,
"You're not cleaning up your room.

You're coming home late.
You're staying out all the time.

You're not talking to us." And they saw me
as just acting out when really

I was in so much pain,

[melancholic music plays]

and I didn't know how to tell them.

She's not a brat.

She's a kind,

intelligent, passionate girl,

but she's got baggage like we all do.

Things that we experience growing up,
things that weren't resolved.

Just because we don't address
it doesn't mean that it goes away,

and you are learning that now.

It's f...... hard to talk
to parents sometimes.

Do you feel like you've protected her?

From like kids that would bully her
in school?


[exhales sharply]


[in Japanese] Well... I don't know...

We didn't really talk much
during that time...

about the bullying.

It didn't seem like
anything serious to me.

I didn't see it as a big problem.

[in Japanese] I was the type to hide
what happened

when I was bullied back then.

I wasn't good at talking
about all the details.

[in Japanese] But, I also wasn't the type
to go to my parents

when I was having a tough time.

So in that sense,
I think we're very much alike.

But, maybe I still don't know what Kae

would be like when she's
really in emotional pain.

I don't have a relationship
with my mother, and...

it's something that's really difficult,

and when I think about it,
I always think that

the essence of any type of a conflict
between a parent and their kid

is usually, like, a lack of communication
or not understanding each other.

Do you love your mom?

When's the last time you told your
daughter that you loved her?


[in Japanese] In Japan, there's no culture
of saying things like

"I love you" or hugging and kissing.

I have feelings of wanting
to do such things,

but I repress them.

You repress those feelings?


[in Japanese] It's kind of embarrassing
to accept it, too.

[in Japanese] Yeah, it's embarrassing
for you, especially in public.

Everyone needs to be told that
they're special.

Everyone needs to be told
that they're loved,

at least every once in a while.

Same goes for you telling your mom
that you love her, too.

[in Japanese] I'll try from now on.

[in Japanese]
We can start with once a week.

-[in Japanese] Okay.

Mapo tofu on Saturdays.

-Sundays, I tell Mom I love her.

[in Japanese] I'll be waiting.

I love you.

-Aw! See, she loves you.

-[cheering] Yeah!

[uplifting music playing]

Arigatou gozaimasu, Junji-san.

-[Kae] I'm excited.
-[Antoni] Good, me too.

-Hello. [laughs]

-[cheering] Your hair!
-Your hair looks so great.

Now you can see her beautiful face.


We've got so much to show you.

-[Bobby] Let's get everyone in.
-[Tan] Wait, let me in, let me in.

-The rug is already...
-[in Japanese] One,

two, three...



[in Japanese] This room... Oh, my God!

Ah! It's so cute.
[screaming] Oh, my God. Amazing!

This is amazing. [sniffs]

It's like from a movie. Amazing.

It's like the Grand Budapest Hotel.


[in Japanese] Amazing. Really.

What! This! Oh, my god!

-Oh, I know.

-[in Japanese] This is amazing! [cries]

Art realness.


I created a space for all of your
manga stuff,

so paint, brushes, background stencils,

-[Kae weeps and scream]

pens, paper...


-So the staircase...
-[chuckling] Oh, wow.

-All the stairs are drawers.
-[light chuckles]

-All the way down.
-[chuckling] Wow.

Go up the stairs.

[in Japanese]
[laughing] Wait! Oh, my God, what?!

-You guys can decide who gets which bed.

-[in Japanese] I want the top.[laughs]

-Good choice, good choice.

[in Japanese] Just a change in the room
raises my spirits so much.

[crying] And just knowing
how much Fab 5 worked so hard

and thought about me
makes me so happy it makes me cry.

Thank you so much.

-[crying] You're welcome. We love you.

-[Antoni] You're welcome, baby.
-[Bobby] I'm so happy.

I'm so glad.
You deserve so much happiness.

Ready to see your closet?
I'm dying to show you.

[in Japanese] Yes. I'd like to see.

Okay, good.

I got you a bunch of skirts.

I got you some that are
a little more sporty.

[in Japanese] Heh! It's cute!

-Cute, right? I know.

[in Japanese] I wonder if you picked
checkered clothes

because I said I like schoolgirl outfits.

-Actually, yes.

I wanted to get you a more grown-up
version of it, a more chic version of it.

But I want to give you an example of how
I've taken what you ordinarily wear...

I've just made it more appropriate
for the beautiful body you have

and for the cool girl that you are.

-Ready to try on?
-[in Japanese] Yes.

-[in Japanese] Are you guys ready?

OK, Kae, won't you join me please?

-Hi! [laughs]
-Oh! [yelling]

We're doing, we're doing Japanese
street wear.

-We're doing...
-So good. Yes!

[Jonathan] Tan, you have got
to stop stealing my clothes.

[Tan] How do you feel in this?

[in Japanese] At first, when I was told
to show off my best assets,

I was only thinking
of plunging necklines and short shorts.

But, I'm thankful to be taught that

that's not the only style.

From now on, I want to wear
what I want to wear

without creating rules,
like not wearing pants.

[in English] Thank you.

Okay, Kae.

Will you join us, please, my love?

-[cheering] Oh!

-Oh, yeah. She bounded in.
-So cute.

[Karamo] Oh, my God. Beautiful.

You can see your face.
Your shoulders are back.

You look like
a completely different person.

[in Japanese] If it was me before,

I would come out
with bad posture like this.

But now, I want to walk out
with my head held high.

I really think my way
of thinking has changed a lot.

-Good. Yes. [applause]

Well, can we just see...
Just try on real quick.

You don't need to close it.
I kind of like it out.

-Every closet needs a trench.

-You look so chic.

-[cheering] Yes.
-Woo, girl.

[cheering] Yes! [clapping]

-So beautiful.

We can all see a lot of growth in you.

I gave you a homework assignment

about seeing the beauty in yourself.

-This one, the legs...
-That's a gorgeous figure skating dress.


-[speaks cheerfully] Oh, my gosh.
-This is so beautiful.

That is the most beautiful figure skating
dress ever.


Look it's her new haircut.

-This is gorgeous.
-Thank you.

[in Japanese] There's another drawing
that I wanted to draw

from my own assignment.

I wanted to express how I've changed

within the past week.

I thought that my change
was similar to

the process of cell division.

So I drew it based on that idea.

One half shows
the different cells dividing apart

and the other shows
the ending process,

where it comes into shape.

-Oh! I love that.

[Karamo] Oh!

Beautiful. This is so good!

I wanted you to get to a place where
you knew that

no matter what negative things
you are hearing

or what negative things you're
telling yourself,

that you could fight against them

and you could still see
the beauty in yourself.

[in Japanese] Thank you.

Tell us about tonight.

-What's happening?
-Are you nervous?

Are you excited?

[in Japanese] It's my first time opening
an exhibition with high hopes.

The ones I've done before
were only opened because I felt forced to.

But this time,
this exhibition will be a showcase

of what I've been building up

so I think it matches well
with my current self.

I'm really excited.



[in Japanese] I'll never forget
this moment and I know that [sniffs]

it will always make me happy.

[deep breath]

I've never felt like
I've grown as a person

or gained confidence before.

But today, this time,
having spent a week with you all

really helped me to believe in myself
[breathes deeply]

and I'm really grateful.

I think I can finally be proud of myself.

I hope that you are tremendously
proud of yourself.


It's time for us to go.

-It's time for us to go.
-Group huggies.


-[Bobby in Japanese] Thank you.
-[Kae in English] Thank you.

Just one more time for me.

[in Japanese] One, two, three!


Thank you. Arigato.





[Jonathan] Oh, my God, Antoni.

Are you guys hungry?

-[all] Yes.
-Mapo tofu?

[Kiko] Ooh!

[Antoni] I made a vegetarian version.

Here I am, and I brought a friend.


[cheering] Naomi!

Extra bowl.


-[in Japanese] This is Kiki.

This is Kiki.


-[in Japanese] How are you?
-[in Japanese] I'm good.

-[in Japanese] You're so cute as always!
-[in Japanese] Thank you.

[in Japanese] Seriously, you're so cute!

We're all here.
Let's see how Kae is doing.

[cheering] Yeah!

[Naomi] I can't wait.

[in Japanese] Aren't you happy, Kiki?

-Yes! [laughs]

-Bye, Kiki!
-[in Japanese] Bye-bye!

[Karamo] Naomi, do you wanna
do the honors?

[in Japanese]
What, really? I'd be happy to!

-[electronic buzz]

-Costume change.
-Oh, she looks so cute.


I love her necklace.

[in Japanese] I'm home.

[in Japanese] I'm home.

[Kiyoko in Japanese]
Something smells good.

-[in Japanese] Kae.
-[in Japanese] What?

-[in Japanese] You look so pretty!
-[in Japanese] Right?

-Kae! What is that outfit?

What happened! You look amazing!


There you are.

You changed, really!
You're a woman.

My posture changed.

They changed that, too?
How amazing.

I think it's a matter of feeling.

[in Japanese] Kae was already cute,
but I'm surprised how much confidence

she's gained from the inside.

[all] Yes.

She cute and she know it.

Keep walking and open your eyes.

-[laughing] Oh, my God!

-[laughing] This is crazy!

Wow! Oh, my God!

Her mom is thoroughly shocked,
like all the way shocked.


What is sugoi?


This chandelier is amazing!

[whispering] Mom is super surprised.
Will she be okay?


Alright, let's start heading
to the exhibition.


[indistinct chatter]


So many people!

Thank you very much. This is amazing.

I put my notes up at the exhibition.

Well, I've never really shown my mom
or Kie my notes before,

so I decided to exhibit them to show

the importance of keeping
records in my notes.

[all] Oh!

Karamo told me that I should
respect my body and draw it in my art.

I first felt really hesitant about it,

but once I started to draw,

this drawing really felt close to me.

I think it's really well proportioned.

-[woman in Japanese] This art was so cute.
-[in Japanese] Thank you very much.

[woman 2 in Japanese]
I immediately became a fan.

[Kae in Japanese]
That's amazing.

[in Japanese]
Do you have these exhibitions often?

[in Japanese]
No, I haven't had one for over a year.

I've never done
an exhibition with notes either.

[in Japanese] She looks kind of worried.

[in Japanese]
But she's still looking people in the eye.


[in Japanese] Thank you very much.

[in Japanese] You're so blessed to have
so many people show up.

Yeah, you're right.

Mom is happy, too.

[all] Oh!

[Jonathan] That's all she wants.

[in Japanese] The drawings I drew before
were all of girls who've been done wrong.

From now on, I may still end up drawing
such negative drawings,

but now I hope to draw such things

in a way that can be depicted as positive.

[interviewer in Japanese]
Do you know who bought it?

[in Japanese]I really don't know.

Who? Who bought it?

-His name starts with a T...

You bought it?

I purchased Kae's piece of art

during the exhibit.

She has embraced every moment of this

and she has emerged as a new woman.

That makes me so happy!

-It's so beautiful.
-[Kiko] I want it.

[Naomi in Japanese]
What... I really wanted that one.


I will gift it to you.


-[screaming] Yeah!
-Naomi is like, "Bitch."

She just said she wanted it.

She did too.

Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Naomi... I'm sorry.

[in Japanese] Let's have a judo match
and we'll see who wins it.

-[in Japanese] Okay! Let's do that!
-[all] Yeah!

-[punch swinging]
-[laughs hysterically]

[all in Japanese] One, two, three!

q*eer EYE


[in Japanese] Do you know why
Japanese people wear masks?

Because they are sick.

They don't want to be sick.

They have allergies.

They are famous and want to hide.

[camera clicks]

They want to stay warm.

For me,
I wear them when I have bad breath.

-I'm okay right now.

[in Japanese] One, two, three.

[Sensei] Say, "hai."



This is the part where you laugh!


Can I get the rules one more time please?

-[in Japanese] We are now in Harajuku!


-[chanting] Get that coin! Get that coin!

[laughs hysterically]

[in Japanese]
You always eat this don't you?



[in Japanese] No! Kiki!