01x04 - M.A.C/Viva Glam Challenge

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "RuPaul's Drag Race". Aired: February 2, 2009 – present.*
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RuPaul plays the role of host, mentor, and head judge for this series, as contestants are given different challenges each week.
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01x04 - M.A.C/Viva Glam Challenge

Post by bunniefuu »

- Previously on "rupaul's

Drag race"...

- Today in entertainment news,

Pop star britney spears...

- Was caught in an illicit

Affair with iranian president...

- Moohan ahamjibah.

- Bebe, you are the winner

Of this week's challenge.

Shannel, akashia,

The time has come to lip sync

For your life.

- ♪ They can't take

Away my dignity... ♪

♪ The greatest love of all ♪

- Shannel, shante, you stay.

Akashia, sashay away.

And tonight...

- Life is a celebration.

- [Sobbing]

- [Cawing]

- The winner

Of "rupaul's drag race"

Will receive a feature photo

Spread in "paper magazine,"

A portrait taken by renowned

Photographer greg gorman

For the la eyeworks legendary

Designer eyewear campaign,

A headline spot

On the absolut pride tour

Across the usa, plus...

A cash prize of $20,000,

Courtesy of absolut vodka

And mac cosmetics.

And may the best woman win!

- ♪ "Rupaul drag race" ♪

- ♪ Start your engines ♪

- ♪ "Rupaul drag race" ♪

- ♪ May the best woman win ♪

- ♪ "Ru-rupaul drag race" ♪

- ♪ Start your engine ♪

- "Rupaul drag race"

- ♪ May the best woman,

Best woman win ♪

- Good morning.

- Hey.

- There's no mirrors, you guys.

- Oh, shit!

- No!

- What is up with no mirrors?

- Today, when we walked

Into the work room,

I noticed that the mirrors

Were blocked out,

And it was scary.

- Now, what do you think

They're gonna make us do next?

- I don't know, but there is six

Really strong competitors left.

- And no mirror.

- And no mirror.

- We have no idea

What we look like.

[Engine revs]

- Hello, racers!

Who do you think you are?

Who do you think you are?

Who do you think you are?

And who do you think you are?!

Answer that question,

And you've got this one

In the bag, baby.

- Whoa!

- Okay?

- What does that even mean?

Who do you think you are?!

- Hello, hello, hello!

- Oh!

- Well.

Welcome to another fun-filled

Week on "rupaul's drag race."

The competition

Is gettin' ferocious.

And you guys have gotten

So much criticism...

Constructive criticism...

From me and the judges.

But we haven't heard

What you all have to say

About each other.


What would you say to shannel?

- I think that when you

Get constructive criticism,

If you start thinking

About what you're going to say

Before you even listen to it,

Obviously you've not really

Listened to it.

- Listening to the criticism

Was both frustrating

And embarrassing

For me because it really

Hit home for me.

- And, uh, bebe, what advice

Would you give to rebecca?

- I want to see more rebecca.

I feel like I'm not seeing

The rebecca I think I see.

I feel like there's a part

Of rebecca that I don't know.

Either she has a wall,

Which is not letting

Us know who she really is,

Or she is just playing the game.

I don't know if it's because you

Are trying to protect yourself,

But I would just like to see you

With more personality.

- There is no connection

Between me and the girls

And no one

Has seen my personality

Because the other girls

Won't shut up.

And people think that because

You're shy that you are a bitch

Or something. f*ck 'em.

- Nina, what advice

Would you give to jade?

- You need to learn to trust

Yourself and your instincts

And be more out there.

I think that you're too shy.

- If you thought

You were as beautiful

As we see you

As being beautiful, like,

The world is...sky is the limit.

- Jade, why do you think

That you're so guarded?

- I think I've just been

Hurt a lot,

And I just

Kinda just guard myself,

And I just don't wanna

Put myself out there

To be hurt, you know.

I just need to work on my nerve.

- Thank you all for your honesty

Because now you're gonna get

The chance to do one another.

Now, I'm not talkin' ki ki.


I'm talkin', you're gonna

Do each other's makeup.



You'll be paired with bebe.

- Uh, what was that look?

She's like..."f*ck!"

- Shannel,

You'll be teamed with ongina.

- [Screaming] yes!

- Of course, that means, jade,

You'll be teamed

With nina flowers.

Now, this is the bad news,


You'll only have 30 minutes

To do your partner's face.

You can't see your face until

The end of the mini-challenge.

That's why we've covered up

These fabulous mac mirrors.

Each of you will be judged based

On how good

Your partner's makeup looks.

- No making uglies.

- And seriously,

Girls, don't f*ck it up.

Ladies, your 30 minutes

Starts now!

- I'll fix yours.

- What's going through my mind

When rebecca is painting me was,

"How will she make me look?"

It's kind of scary.

- Okay, there you go.

- I would highly doubt

That anybody

In this entire competition

Can do makeup the way

I can do makeup.

- I'm freaking out.

There's just not enough time.

I'm just gonna

Screw everything up.

- All right, ladies, time is up.


Step away from the subject.

All right, ladies,

Switch it around.

Your 30 minutes starts now.

- Oh, my god!

You're doin' the crylon thing?

- It takes me about a good hour

To put makeup on,

So being that I had half the

Time was nerve-wracking.

- You're fine.

- Sitting there in the chair,

Actually, I have, you know,

No control whatsoever

Over what's happening,

So that was weird.

- Okay, okay!

Time is up.

Line up.

Let me see your faces.


- Different. Nice.

- Uh, just a little pale.

You're still gorgeous.

I love the lipstick.

Nina flowers.


I think

It's actually quite good.

I love the color combination.

All right. Shannel!

Your face for the world to see!

- [Laughs]

Wow. Okay.


I've never seen myself

With two sets of eyebrows,

So that's kind of different.

- Ongina, are you ready

For your face?

- Yes.

- Pow!

- Ah! You're so good!

- It looks good. It looks

Really...really gorgeous.

She contoured that nose down.

- I would go out like this.

- All right.

Rebecca glasscock.

- Yes.

- Pow!

- Ah! When I saw my face

For the first time,

It was a shocker

Because I'm not used

To seeing myself like that.

Period. It's not something

That I would try.

- Wow. Okay.

- Nevertheless...

- I like.

- Bebe benet.

- The swan.

- Your face for the world

To see!

- It's...it's not

How I would do my face.

- If you had to do it,

It would work.

All right.

I think the person who did

The best makeup is... Jade.

- Thank you.

- Congratulations.


- I won my first challenge,

Which I'm really excited about,

Especially, you know,

Having such a rough week

Last week,

Being able to come in this week

And start with a clean slate,

I'm really happy.

- I should have won.

I should have won

This challenge.

I deserved to win

This challenge.

- Now, I was fortunate enough

To be the first face

Of mac cosmetics viva glam.

See it there?

Over the years, this campaign

Has included great beauties,

Like pamela anderson,

Linda evangelista,

Christina aguilera.

So now,

I want to see your viva glam.

So your challenge this week is

To star in your own screen test

Entitled, "I am a mac viva

Glam woman because."

We'll provide you

With the studio and the props.

You'll each have 10 minutes

For your viva glam screen test.

And, jade,

You'll have 15 minutes.

I want to introduce you

To mac's vice president

Of makeup artistry,

Gordon espinet.

Welcome, gordon.

Good to see you.

- Good to see you.

Now, you guys,

When you put together

Your viva glam campaign,

Really give

Us your signature look.

We want to see

That you have a desire to do

Good for the mac aids fund.

- Mac donates 100%

Of the sales of this product

To help people

Living with hiv and aids.

Don't forget, the judges will be

Looking for your charisma,


Nerve and talent.

Gentlemen, start your engines.

And may the best woman win.

- Can we take off this face?

- I thought you said you

Like it.

- No, I like it, but I don't

Want to do a photo sh**t.

- Mm-hmm.

- That might be misconstrued as,

"Ugh, she's a bitch,"

But, I mean, honestly.

Mamita, excuse me.

I don't think you want to do it

With that nose either.

- Don't put words

In my mouth, girl.

You're the one

Complaining, not me.

- I was very surprised

By how rebecca gave me attitude.

- Someone is always

Going to say, "ugh, I hate her.

She's so pretty." Or,

"She does this better than me."

It's not something

That I'm not used to.

- The challenge is that all

Of us have to prepare a campaign

For viva glam.

- I know that, in my heart,

I am a viva glam girl.

Now, what's going

Through my mind

Is how am I gonna deliver this?

What is it that I'm gonna wear?

How am I gonna be able

To talk and just kind of break

Out of the shell

That they've been wanting me to?

- You know,

I'm just going to go out there,

And I'm...honestly,

I'm just going to be me.

I'm not even really

Gonna be shannel.

I'll be shannel visually,

But I'm gonna, I think,

Just be bryan.

And I'm gonna talk

From the heart.

When I was first introduced

To the viva glam challenge,

I was excited.

I grew up in the philippines.

So I never thought that I

Would actually get a chance

To do this in my life.

- This is not just makeup

Or lipstick.

This is makeup with a purpose,

And that's

When it really hit me.

It wasn't a challenge.

It was personal.

- Where I come from,

In cameroon,

Hiv/aids is such

A big issue.

And I have been a witness to it,

And I'm a very spiritual person.

And, to me, this was just a way

To really,

Really create an awareness.

- How long exactly do we

Have from right now?

- What time is it, boo?

- Because we're supposed to be

On stage in an hour and a half?

- Come on.

- Being able to win extra time

Really helps me out a lot

And, you know,

Actually calms me down because,

I hate to admit,

I'm a really nervous person,

And I let my nerves get to me.

And I really

Have to control my nerve

And use it to my advantage.

- Thanks. Who's first?

- I'm first.

- Oh. Okay.

- I face a little bit

Of challenge

Because I think in spanish,

And sometimes there's a lot

Of words that I don't know

How to translate.

So it's an issue for me.

I mean, it's not

That I'm making an excuse.

It's a real issue, you know?

It's a reality.

Let's do it.

- All right. Nina flowers.

- Hello.

- This is your mac viva glam

Screen test.

You have 10 minutes

For this challenge

To show us your viva glam.

Because, you know what?

I'm telling, you look fantastic.

- Thank you very much, ru.

- You can use the furniture,

Or you don't have

To use the furniture.

- Let's do the furniture.

- Okay, wonderful.

Thank you, kenyan.

Now, you can also use the guys.

- Yes.

I would love both of them.

- All right. Nina flowers.

Viva glam screen test.

Ten minutes, start now.

- Okay.

I am...

I am a mac viva glam glamorous

Diva because I am beautiful.

But also because I care.

Mac cosmetic created...

- Two minutes and 10 seconds.

- Oh, my god! Wouldn't you like

To be part of this great cause?

- You still have a minute

And a half left.

- Let's model.

- Yeah! Whoo! Get it, girl.

Viva glam.

Nina flowers.


She's a daisy.

Whoo! She's a rose.

Whoo! Use the boys.

They're men.

You gon' get serve.

- Work it!

- Yeah! Nina flowers!


- Thank you, boys.

It's very unpredictable to say

If I will win this challenge

Because there's

Very good competition.

- Waiting in the work room,

The more time I had on my hands,

The more time

I had to just think.

Thinking is...phew, my...

I think, my worst enemy.

- Rebecca glasscock.

Ready for her viva glam.

Come on in, mami.

- I wanted to keep

My pitch very light

And I definitely wanted to have

Some kind of a pace.

- You ready? Start the clock?

- Yes.

- Okay.

Ten minutes on the clock.

And action.

- I am viva glam because I want

To make a difference.

I want a life with purpose.

Here I am talking

About what mac aids fund does

And I started thinking

Of my best friend,


You know, um,

Has, you know, aids hiv.


Can you...can you put a price

On life?

This is my best friend,

You know?

He's my sister, you know,

And he's gonna die.

I let my emotions control me.

I'm done.

- You could start again.

You have time.

You have time, honey.

Rebecca, if you can...if that...

- I lost control.


I can't talk right now.

This is so hard.


One of my best friends,

He has aids

And...and he's dying, you know?

I would have never

Expected anything like this.


I need to be alone right now.

It was hard,

And I f*cked it all up.

This has to be, like,

The hardest challenge.

- She is either putting a front

Just so that she doesn't really

Show the real rebecca out there,

Or she's trying to play the game

Just to make it to the top.

I wouldn't say 100%

That's what's happening,

But I never go wrong

With my instincts.

- Jade is in the house.

- Hey.

- Ooh, you look hot.

You have 15 minutes.

That's a long time.

- Okay.

Hi. I'm jade.

And let me tell you,

It's not easy being a queen.

Juggling from photo sh**t,

To dance rehearsals,

And even tv ex... Appearances.

Ugh. I gotta do that again.

I was nervous, but then I said,

Okay. Calm down.

Just, you know, breathe and just

Do this the way you wanna do it.

But what makes me a true queen

Is that I know that beauty

Doesn't only come

From the exterior.

But it's also comes in from...


So I make sure that I f...

Make time...okay. Yeah.

So I make sure that I make time

To spread awareness on

Different epidemics and stigmas

That are affecting

Our community.

That's what makes me viva glam.

[Whip cracks]

Modeling and dancing, you know,

I didn't have to second think

That at all, so it was fun.

I think my outcome

Was pretty good,

And I gave them enough material

To make an awesome commercial.

I really did a good job.

- Hi bebe.


- The way I was dressed

Is how the women

From where I come from

Would dress to celebrate.

Hello there.

My name is bebe zahara benet,

And I stand in front of you as

A spokesmodel for mac viva glam.

Mac viva glam gives 100%

Of these proceeds

To benefit hiv/aids.

I come from a faraway place,

A place

Where hiv/aids is very rampant.

That place, my home,

Is called africa.

Let us lend a helping hand.

Mac viva glam is doing it.

I am doing it.

Can you do it?

- Okay. You have 7 minutes

And 30 seconds left.

- I'm very comfy

With what I did.

I think I had said

What I wanted to say,

And I feel if I changed it,

It would not have been coming

From where it was supposed

To come from.

- Okay. Perfect.

Bebe's a wrap.


Let's do 10 minutes

Starting now.

- I'm a mac viva glam woman


Like you and many others,

I care.

Okay, but I'll try it again.


I'm a mac viva glam woman


Like you and many others,

I care.

Mac donates 100%

Of the viva glam proceeds

To the aids and hiv fund.

Educate, donate and celebrate.

So, I go to this.

Ugh! Hold that.

With your bicepness.

And can you kneel please?

I went for the route

Of celebrating life

And making sure that you

Always think positively,

No matter

What life throws at you.

You have to appreciate

What life has to offer.

I mean, it's a really big deal,

But you can't let

That be a downer in your life.

- Okay, great.

Thank you, ongina!

- My emotional state

Actually is very emotional.

This is truly from the heart,

This challenge.

I want to be able to spread

Awareness to all of humanity,

And...it's not about looking

In the mirror

And putting on a face

Of complete and utter glamour,

With rhinestones

And being over the top.

It's about the humanity

Inside that is taking over

Who I typically am onstage.

- Shannel!

- What's up, baby?

- Are you ready

For your viva glam screen test?

You know? I really believe I am.

- Okay. And 10 minutes

On the clock for shannel.

- Hi there.

Good evening, and welcome.

I am your mac viva glam diva.

We all know that mac

Has revolutionized

The cosmetic industry,

With cutting edge tools to make

Every diva feel her very best.

In fact, in 1994,

Mac revolutionized

The cosmetic industry once again

By creating...in 1998,

My best friend patricia

And I decided that we were gonna

Go to the mac store.

When we were at the mac store,

We were greeted by a beauty...

For two years,

Patricia wore that lipstick.

It made her feel beautiful...

Her mother called me

And wanted me to help her sort

Out some of those special things

That made patricia who she was.

It was, in fact,

That tube of lipstick

That helped me get

Through her demise, her passing.

Every time

You pass by a mac store and you

Pick up a tube of lipstick,

Every cent of every dollar...

We want everybody to be able

To come together and to...

- Okay. Stop the clock, please.

If you can do it so that we

Could fit it into 30 seconds.

- You know, I just, I

Interpreted the whole thing

Differently, I guess.

So now I'm just...i'm sorry.

I was stopped because they said

That i, you know,


Wasn't doing it correctly.

So I don't...i guess

I shouldn't really tell a story

Or anything here, then.

I got very confused, because I

Had prepared everything

Differently in my mind.

There is no cure,

And it is with your help,

And me, all of us together

And joining together

That will help to create...

- Time is up!

- I'm sorry. I...

- Thank you very much, shannel.

- I feel stupid.

I would not at all be surprised

If I was sent home.

- Hey, how are you? I'm good.

- Today is

Elimination day,

And I knew I fumbled

Through my viva glam challenge


So I figured, you know, this is

The last day I'm gonna be here.

I'm leaving.

- You guys, seriously,

Somebody's gonna get red,

And somebody's gonna

Be sent home.

And that's sad

Because we've gotten so close.

- Girl, thank you

For reminding us.

- I'm pretty sure I'm gonna

End up in the bottom two

Just because I let my emotions

Get the best a me,

And so that's gonna cost me.

Just trying to give the judges

Something different.

One a their comments is,

"Oh, you look pretty,

But we want to see more."

So I was bored

And I decided to take a risk.

Hopefully that doesn't come back

To bite me in the ass.

- ♪ Cover girl,

Put the base in your walk ♪

♪ Head to toe,

Let your whole body talk ♪

♪ Walk, now walk ♪

♪ Walk, now walk,

Walk ♪

- And what?

- Good evening,

And welcome to the main stage

Of "rupaul's drag race."

As always, I'd like to

Say hello to my fabulous judges.

First, fashion journalist

And bestselling author,

Merle ginsberg.

And hello to my pal,

The shamelessly outspoken


Who's no stranger

To the runway...santino!

Our guest judge this week

Is mac's vp of makeup artistry,

Gordon espinet.

Our extra special guest judge

This week is supermodel

And actress jenny shimizu.

Gentlemen, start your engines.

And may the best woman win!

- I'm definitely

Feeling good for runway.

Got this dominatrix look goin'.

I put the red ruby woo lipstick.

- Looks like a lady matrix.

- Mm-hm! I love a good goth.

- Cameroon!

- Ooh!

- Okay.

- Wow!

- Bebe benet.

- I wanted something

A little bit glamour,

But a little bit edgier.

And quite different

From the whole african look.

- This is what josephine baker

Would look like today.

That is way too much.

Kiss army.


- I felt comfortable

With what I was wearing,

And I felt good with the makeup

That I was wearing.

- Detroit rock city.

There's gonna be a jailbreak,



And it looks like she's worked

On her runway, hasn't she?

- Oh, this is ongina goes yoji.

- Yes.

- Is it yoji?

Or is it sonia rykiel?

It's a little bit of both.

- My philosophy

For dressing for the runway is

That I want to give high glam,

Kind of over the top,

But still keeping

It true to ongina.

- Nina flowers.

Serving drama.

Caw! Caw!

- If I like what I see,

It doesn't matter

What anybody else has to say.

If doesn't matter

If the judges don't like it.

It doesn't matter, because I

Feel good about myself.

And I love what I see.

- Oh!

Now, that never happens to nina.

I'm speechless.

Shannel! Girl!

Ah! Oh, wow!

- Wow!

- Ooh! Oh my god!

- The juggling never ends.

- The girl knows

How to juggle everything!

- Yes. Wow.

Look at that body.

- If I'm gonna leave,

I'm gonna go out with a bang,

And I'm also gonna juggle.


- Welcome, ladies.

Following in my footsteps,

You were asked

To show us your viva glam,

And to flaunt

Your unique glamour spirit.

The girl who wins this challenge

Will become

A viva glam spokesperson.

Okay, girls, let's begin.

Jade, come on down.

Now, I did notice back there

That you were adjusting

Your junk a little bit.

- I just wanted to make sure

That I was presentable.

- Is it okay...can we see?

Oh, okay. I have a feeling

That there's no way

You can really make it that...

That tight of a tuck.

Am I correct in assuming that?


Jenny, what'd you think?

- Well, jade,

I felt like you were a little

Timid with that outfit.

Since you were this dominatrix

Type, I wanted more.

I wanted you

To be more sexually revealing.

- Let's take a look

At your viva glam screen test.

- Hi. I'm jade.

And let me tell you,

It's not easy being a queen.

[Whip cracks]

Juggling from photo sh**t

To dance rehearsals,

And even tv appearances.

But I make sure I make time

To spread awareness on

Different epidemics and stigmas

That are affecting

Our community.

That's what makes me viva glam.

- I'm not so sure it really

Was as effective

As your idea for it.

- There wasn't enough viva

In it. You know?

There wasn't enough, uh, energy.

- Jade. I'm seeing

Less and less of a star.

I'm looking

At a really beautiful woman

That's also not living up

To her potential,

And not evolving.

And I think

That there's a uniqueness

That some of your competition

Has that you either need

To step up or check out.

- Thank you, jade.

Rebecca glasscock.

This is kiss army

Meets rizzo in grease.


- I don't love your outfit,

And, um, you looked kind of

Like a raccoon with the makeup.

- Oh, my goodness.

All right.

Let's take a look

At your viva glam screen test.

- There are millions

Of people dying each day

Due to hiv and aids.

But what can I do?

I can help save someone's life,

Doing something

That comes so natural to me.

Buying lipstick.

Of these mac lipsticks

Goes to help raise awareness.

I'm rebecca glasscock,

And I'm gonna help save lives.

- After your screen test,

You were asked to do a little

Modeling for us on the set,

But you walked off the set.

- You know,

It hit close to home for me,

And, you know,

I let my emotions take over.

- Well, just a little advice.

Um, seize every moment.

You could have given us more

To work with in the screen test.

Thank you, rebecca.


Jenny, what do you think of

Ongina's presentation tonight?

- I love the name ongina.

I am often ongina, too.

- Oh! Oh, okay.

- When you came walking

Down the runway,

I had the same feeling

When I first saw naomi campbell

Walking down the runway,

And it was

Like a savage beast.

- The makeup,

A little bit kitchen sink.

You're too pretty.

You don't need that much makeup.

- Let's look

At your viva glam screen test.

- I'm a mac viva glam woman


Like you and many others,

I care.

Mac donates 100% of viva glam

Proceeds to aids and hiv fund.

Educate, donate, and celebrate.

Because life is a celebration!


- You know,

At the end of the day, yes,

It's a serious issue,

But we have to always

Try to look

At the brighter side of life,

And I think you did a great job

Of it.

- Ongina, thank you.


- I'm on the fence

Of whether you're competing

To be the next great drag

Queen performer,

Or, like, the next

Great circus ringmaster.

- Let's look at your

Viva glam screen test.

- I am your mac viva glam diva!

Every time

You pass by a mac store

And you pick up a tube

Of lipstick,

Every cent of every dollar


Uh, will be spent

On that tube of lipstick

Will be put

Towards helping to find a cure.

Join us in helping

To fight for the cure.

- I didn't find

It glamorous at all.

The wardrobe was almost, like,

Church lady, sally jesse raphael

Or something.

- And you did run out of time.

Each girl was given 10 minutes.

And there was no modeling.

It could have been better.

Thank you, shannel.

- Thank you.

- Nina flowers.

- It looks like someone took

The head of a beautiful doll

And put it on a man's body.

- Your arms give away the man.

The chest gives away the man.

And I'm not reading any woman

At all.

- Um,

I really like the gauntlets.

Can you fly with them?

- [Cawing]

- That's what you needed

To do right there.

- That was fabulous!

- Let's look

At your screen test.

- I am a mac viva glam

Glamorous diva.

Papi. Turn the fan on!

Mac has collected $150 million

To help people

With hiv and aids.

Be a part of viva glam.

- Wow.

That was fantastic.

- I did see viva glam there.

- I really saw that unique,

Twisted glamour

That you can bring to something.

- Thank you, nina flowers.


Please step forward.

- Salud.

- Jenny?

- Um, yeah.

I was speechless.

And I would be completely

Doing coke with you

If this were the nineties.


- Let's look

At your viva glam screen test.

- Hello there.

My name is bebe zahara benet.

I come from a faraway place,

A place

Where hiv/aids is very rampant.

Let us lend a helping hand.

Mac viva glam is doing it.

I am doing it.

Can you do this?

- Wow!

Your whole presentation

Was really powerful.

Dressing in that beautiful


- Yeah. You look so regal there,

And you don't come off as if

You're talking down to people.

- Thank you, bebe.

- Well, girls, now while you

Wait in the interior

Illusions lounge, the judges

And I will deliberate.

Thank you.

- All right.

Just between us, goils...

Let's start with rebecca.

- She got a little lost

In that personal experience,

And she stopped being glamorous.

- You can't do a makeup screen

Test and make makeup look bad.

- But she was also

Not high energy.

Not selling it.

And so it just didn't work

On a variety of levels.

- Well, let's move onto ongina.

I thought her screen test

Was absolutely fabulous.

- Yeah. That was

My favorite screen test.

- Really?

- Yeah. She's very viva glam.

- You know,

She could very easily go

And represent viva glam,

And answer questions.

- No, she's quick. She's got

A quick answer for everything.

But she also

Has the right answer.

- Shannel.

- I applaud her showmanship,

But it's getting

A little circusy in here.

With shannel,

I always see a lot of this,

But what I want to see is this.

And this. Listening.

And it's weird,

Because in the challenge, she

Wore this conservative outfit,

Which was basically what we

Wanted her to wear last week

In the oprah challenge.

You know,

What she wore last week may have

Worked better this week.

- It would have.

- Okay. Miss nina flowers.

No one liked her outfit.

- Ugh! God.

- It was a pantsuit.

- It was just a pantsuit.

- Now, what about her viva glam?

I loved it. I loved it.

I love the whole mohawk thing

Goin' on.

Because such a, like,

Amazingly kind of beautiful,

Yet scary woman.

And then when the mouth opens up

And the voice comes out,

It's so charming.

- Jade.

There's still a lot of snakes

On this mother f*ckin' plate.

- Yeah. I don't have a problem

With her tuck really.

It's really just about

Her personal style,

And evolving, and doing

Something new and fresh.

It just looks mediocre

At this point.

- She can't own the room.

You know, a lot of these girls

Could walk into any room

And own it.

And I just don't think

She can do that.

- Let's talk

About miss bebe benet.

- Yeah.

She has an incredible presence.

And she brought

All these weird fashion...

Which I usually think

Are bad fashion,

But together in such an artistic

Way, it looked great.

- Yes. What'd you think

Of her screen test?

- Her screen test was great.

The whole fact that

She's african,

She can speak right

From the heart of, like, livin'

It, seein' it, bein' it.

- This is gonna be

A really hard one to pick.

- Well, I'm glad it's up to you.


- Welcome back, girls.

Nina flowers.


You're still in the race.


You had immunity this week,

And you didn't even need it.



You're known for your beauty.

But we didn't see your best look

This week.

You're in the bottom two.

- I can't go home now.

I mean, this is...

This is not happening.

- Ongina.

Another impressive week.

The judges love your style.

And your screen test

Was very viva glam.

- Thank you.

- Ongina, you're the winner

Of this challenge.


- Don't cry.

Don't cry.

- Thank you so much.

- Congratulations, girl.

- [Sobs] I just wanted to say,

And I've been always so

Afraid to say it,

That I have been living with hiv

For the last two years

Of my life,

And this means so much to me.

[Sobs] I didn't want

To say it on national tv

Because my parents doesn't know.

Oh my god.


You have to celebrate life.

You keep going.

And I keep going.

- Ongina,

You are an inspiration.

- Thank you.

- You're a survivor.

And baby,

You are still in the race.

- Thank you.

- I love you, sweetheart.

You may join the others.


- Ongina has balls to admit

To the world her situation,

And that was a very moving


- You all are sisters.

We are all family.

And if one of us is in pain,

We are all in pain.

We are all in trouble.

So let's be joyous

So that we can all be joyous.

That's what viva glam

Is really all about.


Stay open to criticism,

And you could be

The next drag superstar.

You're safe.



- I was completely blown away

Because so much

Of what comes back to me

From the judges is so negative.

- So we're down to two queens.

Jade, I feel

Like you're a little stuck.

Your personal style is not

Evolving from week to week,

And we're running out of time.

Rebecca, you're so young,

So beautiful.

So full of potential.

But to be the next drag


You've got to do the job

In front of you

And not let your emotions

Get the better of you.

This is your last chance

To impress me and save

Yourself from elimination.

The time has come for you

To lip sync for your life.

Good luck.

Don't f*ck it up.

- My area of expertise is dance.

Just like rebecca's area

Of expertise is sewing.

I feel that I have a lot

To offer,

And I'm out to get that.

So, you know,

I feel like I'm gonna win this.

- ♪ Would I lie to you?

Oh, yeah ♪

♪ Would I lie to you, honey? ♪

- ♪ Oh, no, no, no ♪

- ♪ Now, would I say something

That wasn't true? ♪

♪ I'm asking you, sugar,

Would I lie to you? ♪

♪ Tell you straight,

No intervention ♪

♪ To your face, no deception ♪

♪ You're the biggest fake,

That much is true ♪

♪ Had all I can take

Now I'm leaving you, you, you ♪

♪ You, you, you... ♪

[Engine revs]

- It's toe to toe.

It's me and jade, and I'm sorry,

But hey, I don't want to go.

- ♪ Walking,

Walking, walking, walking ♪

♪ Would I lie to you?

Woo woo woo woo ♪


- I have made my decision.


Shante, you stay.

- Thank you.

- This is f*cking bullshit.

- Jade.

My baby, you're still growing.

You're still finding your voice.

And when you do,

There'll be no stopping you.

But for tonight...

Sashay away.

- Thank you.

I'll see you.

I could have easily gone home

Losing to any of the other girls

Except for rebecca.

She lacks professionalism.

She lacks talent.

And she lacks personality,

Because she is fake.

Rebecca is the fakest bitch

I've ever met in my life.

She has a strategy,

And she's just going with it.

And you know what?

It worked for her.

It is what it is.

I strive to continue

Going towards my goals,

Because I know

I'm closer and closer every day.

- Congratulations.

I'll see you dolls next week.

And remember,

If you can't love yourself,

How in the hell you gon'

Love somebody else?

Can I get a amen up in here?

- Amen!

- All right now.

Let the music play.

- ♪ Cover girl,

Put the base in your walk ♪

♪ Head to toe,

Let your whole body talk ♪

- ♪ Cover girl,

Put the base in your walk ♪


♪ And what? ♪
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