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01x07 - Duty and Honor

Posted: 03/15/13 10:31
by bunniefuu
Previously on "the Americans..."

Philip, I'd like you to meet Elizabeth...

There is so much to talk about.

Philip and Elizabeth's lives.

Not the other ones... those should never be discussed.

I need you to photograph documents from the Rezidentura.

Nina: There's no way I can sneak them out.

You won't have to. you reported several times over the years about Philip.

Can we trust him?

I'm not a spy.

[ Grunting ]

We'll die before we'll talk.

Grannie: I'm sorry. We had to know if you were the mole, if we could... Trust you.

I'm gonna k*ll you, you stupid bitch!

Tell whoever approved this that your face is a present from me to them!

You told them I considered defecting.

That's why this is happening.

What did you tell them?

I told them that you liked it here too much.

Male reporter: Thousands of protesters are demonstrating across Poland today...

Paige: Why not?

You do not need more leg warmers, Paige.


People in China are starving, but if Paige gets leg warmers, it's gonna start a famine.

Paige, you have 16 pairs.

That's a gross exaggeration!

Henry, what are you doing? Get over here and eat, please.

I'm looking for the remote.

I hid it.

Former Polish communist hero Andrzej Bielawski, an outspoken critic of Soviet interference in Polish affairs, arrived in New York City this morning.

Can we please watch something else?

It's so boring!

You know there's no TV on during the day unless it's boring.

[ Groans ] Who's this Polish guy, anyway?

You're incorrigible!

Nice word!

Silence, sl*ve.

Despite Soviet opposition, he is scheduled to address the general assembly later today.

[ Engine shuts off ]

You want to talk about it?

Talk about what... the fact that our own people tortured us because they don't trust us or that we don't trust each other?

I am trying to open up a... what? You're trying to what?

[ Sighs ] I'll be at The Carnegie Hotel.

Yeah, have a good time.

It's a mission, not a getaway.

The centre gives orders, not explanations.

You're so sorry to go.

I haven't seen her in 20 years.

Do you have everything that you need? - No.

[ Car door slams ]

[ Engine turns over ]

Man: Here you are, sir. Have a nice trip.

[ Laughter, indistinct conversations ]

Man #2: Sometimes they can drive you crazy.

Man #3: So then... so then, she's sitting there.

And she says to me, "you better put it down!"

[ Laughter ]

[ Bell clanging ]

[ Man speaking in Russian over P.A system ]

[ whistle blowing ]

[ Horns honking, indistinct conversations ]

Enjoy your stay, Mr. Jennings.

Thank you.

Hi, there. I have a reservation.

Yes, ma'am.

[ Telephone ringing, indistinct conversations ]

[ Elevator bell dings ]

Man: Mr. Bielawski, is this the beginning of the end of communism in the eastern bloc?

You are a decorated hero of the Soviet Republic yet you're committed to its overthrow.

How do you explain your conversion?

[ Russian accent ] Communism, as it is practiced today in my country, is a soul-k*lling, gutless abomination, as you yourself know too well, Charles.

I was an ardent communist, but my conversion was godless and bloodless.

Yours has come at a very high price.

You were married, happily, by all accounts.

Losing my wife and my family was the most painful thing I have ever experienced.

I would have been lost without my faith.

What are you gonna say to the general assembly?

I will tell them that freedom is alive in Poland.

Thousands of courageous men and women are risking their lives every day to throw off the yoke of the Soviet oppression.

And after your address at the U.N.?

I will go back to Paris, and I will form a government in exile in direct opposition to moscow.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Dealer: What will it be?

Dealer #2: And dealer has 20. Pay 21. [ Sighs ]

Save my place.

[ Door closes ]

♪ Let me out ♪

[ Scoffs ]

We don't have a lot of time, Sandford, so I'm gonna get straight to the point.

Who the hell are you?

A friend of Adam Dorwin, who recruited you and to whom you've reported for the past year and a half.

Adam's dead.

He was unstable. We had to eliminate him.

You k*lled him?

I was very fond of Adam.

I can't say the same about you, Sandford, since we've only just met, which would, however, make it easier for me to eliminate you.

[ Chuckles nervously ]

Did I say something funny?

I-I don't give a rat's ass what you do to me, lady KGB.

Put me out of my misery, please.

I'm dead already.

[ Indistinct conversations ]


Thank you. Enjoy.

Falls Church? Where the hell's that?

Uh, Virginia, just outside D.C.

Oh, you must get a ton of lobbyists and politicians.

Not really.

[ Chuckles ] Well, you're missing the boat, Phil.

These government guys are pigs at the trough.

You get your teeth into them, you're gonna be rolling in dough.

Thanks for the advice...

Jerry from Boston.

You know, we have a lot in common, you and me, Phil. How so?

We're both riding the revolutionary soul train...

Faneuil hall, Paul Revere's ride.


The white house, the Jefferson memorial, et cetera, et cetera.

What say you and I start a patriot's tour, cook up a little star-spangled business?

Great. Thank you.

Jerry: Las Vegas!

Scotch... rocks.

I'll have the same.



You're from Virginia.

Yes. You?


Ever been to Canada?


You'd like it.

Cold, trees, Miles and Miles of virgin forest.

Woman: Excuse me, everyone.

Fredericka Starling will be speaking in the Alpaca room in 10 minutes.

I've been looking forward to this for a long time.

So have I.

Bonjour, Montreal.

[ Laughs ]

You think I owe you an apology.

I think you owe me more than an apology.

We had to find the mole. You know the drill.

I was following orders, dear, same as you.

Nevertheless, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry I didn't k*ll you.

That's my apology.

Better luck next time.

Bad things happen, not only in literature.

Is that a threat?

Only if you're serious about k*lling me, Nadezhda.

Don't call me that.

It upsets you?

It confuses me.

I like to keep my wits when I'm handling snakes.

[ Laughs ]

Very well, Elizabeth.

[ Sniffles ] Did you meet Prince?

I did. And?

He's a degenerate gambler.

We all have our issues.

He's gonna lose his kneecaps or worse.

How much?

20 grand.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

[ Philip speaking Russian ]

[ laughs ]

[ thunder rumbling ]

[ Piano playing ]

[ Indistinct conversations ]

[ Sighs ]

So if Bielawski's such a critical threat, why doesn't the Soviet union just k*ll him?

It's a catch-22.

Bielawski's the fuse that ignites the Polish street.

Without him, the forces that are gaining momentum to fight for Polish independence from moscow wither and die, but Bielawski has to live to maintain the fiction of Polish independence.

You're as handsome as ever.

You, as well.

Your life in America... is it a full life?


You're married.



Two... a boy and a girl.


I was married.


He died.



A son.

Thank you.

I have to go. [ Sighs ]

Good luck.

And to you.

Oh, hi! Hi! Come in. Come in.

We brought dessert. Oh, thank you! It's beautiful.

Is it... blackout cake... Stan's favorite. Good.

Did you bake it yourself?

I bought it with my own two hands.

[ Laughs ] [ Chuckles ]

So when does Philip get home?

Um, tomorrow.

Henry: Can I watch TV?

Yeah, no, of course.

Um, I also have Foosball in the basement.

Cool! Oh. Where's Matthew?

Oh, he's actually upstairs finishing his homework.

You ready to lose to me in a game of Foosball?

Like that's ever gonna happen.

Um, I hope you're not starving because, you know, Stan said that he would be home any minute, but, um...

We're fine. We're fine.

Sorry I'm late.

Oh, not a problem, my dear.



Jerry: Virginia!

I'm gonna buy you a drink.

You know what? I have a meeting with a client.

One drink.

Santa claus does not take no for an answer.

Why not?

There you go.

[ Telephone rings, elevator dings ]

[ Laughs ]

Uh, another bottle of the Latour?

No more, Charles, please. I beg you, no more.

[ Chuckling ] No more. [ Laughs ]

The priest doth protest too much, methinks.

I-I thought the two of you should meet.

I was born in Poland.

Do you speak Polish?

[ Speaks Polish ]

[ Laughs ] Well, I don't understand a word-ski of the blood-ski language.

Pardon me. There's a phone call for you, Mr. Duluth.

Save the juicy stuff for when I get back, and some of the Latour.

It costs a bloody fortune.

What took you so long?

I got distracted.

Yeah, you and Andrzej both.

How's it going?

She's got him dangling from the tip of her lovely little finger.

And you?

I don't make vows I can't keep.

[ Laughs ] Yeah, I will do that.

I have to leave... an emergency at work.

No, no, no. Please, please, sit.

Finish your dinner. Finish the Latour.

I insist.

Bye, Charles.

[ Telephone ringing ]


It's dad!

I'm coming. [ Clears throat ]

[ Clears throat ]


Stan: Hey.

Um, I'm not gonna be able to make dinner tonight.

Oh. I'm sorry.

I'm just... Swamped.

No, it's fine.

I will leave something on the stove for when you come home.

Okay. Thanks.

[ Clears throat ]

Stan apologizes and said to start without him.

What else is new?

Matthew, your father is doing some extremely important work.

Mom, dad hasn't been home for dinner in a week.

The president of the United States eats dinner with his family occasionally.

Is he more important than the president?


Are you sure he still even lives here, mom?

In '38, they fled to Canada, where my father drove a taxi and my mother cleaned houses, but they never, not for one day, regretted leaving Poland.

They were grateful they made it out alive.

Hmm. [ Chuckles ]

My journey was an internal one.

I had a comfortable life. Yeah.

I was celebrated by the Russians... a hero... had a wife, children...

A mistress.

[ Chuckles softly ]

And now?

Oh, now I live a life of faith and purpose.

Reagan: When 19th-century Polish patriots rose against foreign oppressors, their rallying cry was, "for our freedom and yours."

Well, that motto still rings true in our time.

There is a spirit of solidarity abroad in the world tonight that no physical force can crush.

It crosses national boundaries and enters into the hearts of men and women everywhere.

We, the people of the free world, stand as one with our Polish brothers and sisters.

Are you always accompanied by chaperones?

It's for my own protection.

There are people who would be happy to see me dead.

I'll keep you safe.

[ Both chuckle ]

Excuse me, guys.

Give me a break... five minutes. Come on.

All right.

Where are you staying?

The Carnegie Hotel.

Me too!

Oh, what a charming coincidence.

Or fate.

Such a lovely evening, and I've had far too much to drink, so I'll keep walking.

It's not far.

[ Laughs ] What's so funny?

I've just... I've never been on a date with a priest before.

No! Aah! Give me the purse! Give me the purse!

[ Grunting ] Get off of me!

[ Indistinct yelling ]

Man: Come back here!

You go left. I'll cut him off on the right.

Over there! Hey!

[ Panting ]

[ Gasping ]

Are you all right?

I think so.

[ Breathing shakily ] Your hand!

Man: West 59th street.
Hey. I'm gonna hit the bar, see if I can get into some trouble.

Want to come?

Um, I'm not a bar guy.

What's a bar guy?

Someone who goes home when the bars close.

You know, I smell your farts in the car, Stanley, and it ain't potpourri, so be a pal, do your partner a solid, and let him buy you a drink.

The Russkies will still be here in the morning.

One drink... One.

[ Laughing ] Okay. You're a prince.

[ Laughs ]

You know, Stan... he works really hard, really hard.

He's doing very important work.

Yeah, I know.

I mean, he can't talk about what he's doing.

You know, it's a national-security thing, but, I don't know, I just...

I miss talking.

I mean, I understand the crazy hours, and national security... it's not like [Chuckles] you can just turn it on and off.

Stan punches a clock, but the clock never stops ticking, never.

Marriage is hard.

[ Scoffs ] Well, it's not for sissies, that is for sure.

[ Laughs ]

[ Laughs ] But at the end of the day, you just...

Choose to keep going, or you don't.

You think it's that simple?

[ Sighs ] Simple? No. [ Laughs ]

I don't know, you know, we've been married for 20 years.

That's a lifetime.


It's got to count for something, right?


You know, I envy you?

You envy me? I do. [ Chuckles ]

I mean, I know you can't judge a book by its cover, but you can judge a cover by its cover, and you and Philip... you just... you work together, you're partners, you're a team.

[ Chuckles ]

I just... don't think I could ever see Stan and I doing that.


Hurt? Just a bit.

Oh, I-I got blood on the bed sheet.

I'm sorry.

That's the beautiful thing about hotels... housekeeping. [ Chuckles ]

[ Laughs ]

I want you, but I cannot have you.

You're climbing the ladder of success faster than a rhesus monkey, Stan.

What does that mean?

It means I've been in C.I for five years.

You've been here, what, a couple of months?

Gaad looks at you for answers before he even knows the g*dd*mn question.

Is that a problem?

For some guys, maybe, but not for me, but the thing is... and you can bite my head off if you want to... the higher you go up, the crappier you look.

Is that right?

Sometimes you walk around with this face like you want to put someone's head through a wall.

What's up with that?

I got things on my mind.

You know what you need... some strange.

I'm married with a kid, Chris.

I'm short and I'm bald. It doesn't stop me.

Now, look, you see the Contessa down the bar there?

She's been looking at you the whole night.

She's not my type.

What are you looking for, a blood donor?

Go over there, chat her up, show her your piece.

Yeah, I don't think so.

Why not? I got nothing to say to her.

Oh, my God! Say anything.

This is a bar.

Nobody listens to what anyone says in a bar.

Oh, yeah? Yeah.


You go up to her, and you say, "hi."

Can I buy you a drink?"

She's thinking, "I wonder if he'll go down on me" even if I don't take a shower."

Unleash your python on that lovely lady.

I will see you tomorrow.

Big dogs got to hunt.

[ Knock on door ]

May I?

I am so sorry.

It's nothing.


Do you remember the last time we saw each other?

Of course I do. I told you that... that you were ending the relationship because I was going away, and you've met someone else.

That's my son... our son.

When you were admitted to the academy, I was pregnant.

Why didn't you tell me?

Because you never would have left.

You would have been true to me and the baby, and you wouldn't have followed your dream... our dream.

He's a good boy.

He's going into the army before the university.

He wants to serve.

[ Sighs ]

I cried...

For a long time after you left.

I prayed that one day we'd be together.

I didn't believe in God, but I prayed.

I'm ready now, mischa.

[ Groans ]

Nina: What's wrong?

What do you mean?

You said you had to see me.

I did.


[ Sighing ] I...

That's a good question.

Are you drunk?

Maybe. A little.


[ Clears throat ]


[ Telephone ringing ]

Philip: Hello?

Elizabeth: Oh, did I wake you?

Are... are the kids okay?

Yeah, yeah. No, they're... everyone's fine.

We had dinner at the Beeman's.

Stan never showed up.

I-I think they're having some problems... you know, some personal problems.

I've been... I've been thinking about you... about us.

I miss you.

Are you there?

[ Sighs ]

Yeah, yeah, I'm still here.

Come home.

[ Sighs deeply ]

[ Dial tone ]

[ Sighs ]

You don't have to worry.

What happened happened.

I wanted you.

It never has to happen again.

I'm not going to hurt you or use it against you, so smile.

It's okay.

You Americans think everything is white and black.

For us, everything is gray.

[ Pounding on door ]

Man: Andrzej! Duluth: Andrzej!

Mr. Bielawski!

Open, open.

Excuse me.

Bielawski: Charles?

Duluth: What have you done?

Do you have any idea of the damage you've done?

I drank too much. I made a fool of myself.

You've done more than that.

You jeopardized the entire movement for a free and independent Eastern Europe.

Where did you get these?

What did you think? Were you thinking?!

I don't remember.

Anne called me from the police station last night.

You're lucky that I had contacts in the police department.

I don't understand.

What, that you were drunk, that you look like shit... that you r*ped her?!

Charles, this is a lie. This is a lie!

Anne is in the hospital!

Any moment, the police are gonna come scouring your room for evidence.

Evidence? What the... blood on the sheets!

Blood from bruising...

Like the bruises on your hand?!

Charles... help me.

Charles, help me, please.

Andrzej is a good man, and we destroyed him.

I can't do it anymore... I can't.

I want to live like a normal human being.


No, I-I'll disappear.

I have passports. I have money.

Come with me, mischa.

We'll disappear together, and they will never find us.

Elizabeth: May I have a word with you, Mr. Fucci?

Uh, talk to someone up front about scheduling a move.

Oh, yeah, no, I'm not moving.

I mean, I'm not moving-moving.

I just need a minute of your time.

It's about a friend of mine, Sandford Prince.

He doesn't have friends.

He has one... me.

Well, your friend is into me for 20 grand.


It's all there.

He's not for sale. Why not?

Because he's a clit, and I prefer my pound of flesh.


Well, the thing is, um...

I'm not asking.


Mm, no.


[ Screams, grunts ]

I'm telling you how it's gonna be.

[ Groaning ]

There's $20,000 cash in an envelope.

It is yours. In return, I get Prince.

He is mine.

[ Groaning ]

[ Coughs ]

[ Grunts ]


[ Telephone ringing ]

What's up?

When is the right time to exfiltrate a source?


There's no gold watch in this business.

I've given my source at the Rezidentura assurances.

You told her what you had to tell her.

Anyway, the Russians think they've found their mole.

She's safe.

Well, for now.

She's not an ingenue, Beeman.

She's a spy.

She could have you and me for breakfast.

Has she had you for breakfast, Stan?

She has held up her end of the bargain.

We cannot just feed her to the wolves.

Okay. I get it.

You're worried about her safety.

I'll think about it.

Bielawski: I'm stepping aside from the Polish liberation movement to tend to my personal and spiritual life.

I will no longer attempt to form a government in exile.

Female reporter: What does this mean for the democracy movement?

Male reporter: Who will take your place?

I have nothing further to say, please.

What about the Polish worker?

I was afraid you wouldn't come.

I'm not going with you.

Did you tell them? Is it over for me?


Run, Irina. Disappear.

Go where they'll never find you.

Come with me, mischa.

I can't.

They don't care about you.

They don't care what happens to any of us.

I have a wife, family.

Why are you here, then?

The boy... is he real?

Only duty and honor are real, mischa.

Isn't that what we were told?

Man: Attention, passengers.

The 11:00 train to Montreal is now boarding on track 16.

Track 16... the 11:00 train to Montreal.

[ Bell clanging ]

[ Bird cawing ]

I paid your debt, Sandford, which means you're mine now.

Are we all right with that?

Do I have a choice?


Oh, come on. It's not so bad.

I'm not your wicked stepmother.

What do you have for me?

There's a team at livermore labs, works with lasers, X-ray physics.

Yeah, they've been working in m*ssile defense for years with very little success.

Until now.

They've had a breakthrough.

It's only a matter of time.

It's all in there.

[ Bird cawing ]


[ Engine turns over ]

Anyone home?

Henry: In here.

Where's mom?

Anyone miss me?

You're so funny sometimes, dad.

How was New York?

It was fine.

Did you see any hobos or drug dealers?

A few.



Your move.

[ Sighs ]

[ Dog barking in distance ]

How'd it go?

Bielawski's finished.

The Reagan administration doesn't want a r*pist leading the movement to push the Soviets out of Poland.

Right, they're afraid if the KGB found out, they'd use it against them.



When they tortured us, I blamed you for what happened...

To me, to us.

It wasn't your fault.

I'm sorry.

I missed you.

I didn't want to.

[ Sighs ]

I want us to be able to say what's true.

I want us... it to be...

[ Sighs deeply ]


I want it to be... real.

Do you think that... we could do that?

I don't know.

I would try.

Will you try?



I have to ask you something.

Just promise you'll tell me the truth.

Of course.

Did something happen between you and Irina?

[ Sighs ]

Do you still love her?

Nothing happened.

There's only you.

It has always been you.